In this article:

Strong magic will help you forget your love. The reasons are different for everyone, but one thing unites people - the inability to be with their loved one. To release your feelings and heal your heart, try cold weather. They can be done at home, these are short rituals and conspiracies. A strong cooling on yourself removes all the painful consequences of destroyed love, and you will breathe deeply. Life is much easier this way. Be prepared - there is no going back. There is no way to return the feelings. You can heal from love on your own, but you won’t be able to return to it. This method is suitable for those who are absolutely sure that they will never be together with their loved ones. Why suffer and suffer if you can start life anew - cooling down will do its job.

If there is no way to be together

All sorts of things happen in life. Not everything ends well - loved ones are together after long troubles. It often happens that it is impossible to return to each other. When cooling helps:

  • if your loved one cannot be with you for any reason, it is forever;
  • you are in love with a person who refused you, you are married to someone else, and you do not want to ruin their marriage;
  • The guy is no longer alive.

To avoid tormenting your heart, try making it cool. You will not harm yourself or your lover. This is the magic of nature. She will gently take love from your heart and help it heal after your separation. Many have already performed similar rituals and the feedback is always positive. On the first morning after cooling, you will feel much better. A person sees the world as it is, without the prism of suffering. A broken heart and lost love can last a lifetime. You can't build it that way new life, get married, have children. The woman herself does not allow herself to forget, and thus places the Crown of Celibacy on her head. This severe damage, which you can inflict on yourself if you suffer for a long time due to impossible love.

Think before you make a drink

There is one “but” in all this. If:

  • your decision is a consequence of a quarrel that can be forgotten;
  • you made a hasty decision;
  • There is a way out, you just don’t look for it.

These situations can still be corrected. Make peace after a quarrel or think things over. This is very important to know so as not to regret later. Cooling it down will help you forget, remove feelings. It will be impossible to return them back - it’s like a vaccine against a disease. You won't be able to fall in love with the same person next time. Don’t ruin your life because of a momentary decision under the influence of resentment or stress. The consequences are clear - the person disappears from your heart and life. This is forever, it is no longer possible to redo everything “the way it was.” There are several rituals that allow you to get rid of the cold, but they are difficult to perform if you are not yet a professional. The price is high for changing destinies for the second time: yours, your man’s, your children’s, their children’s children.

You can help your heart - a simple ritual

Forgetting your loved one, getting rid of the guy you can’t be with from your head - all this will help you breathe deeply. To prevent the burden of past relationships from interfering with your life, cross out this past once and for all. It’s easier this way, because you can focus on studying, work, and improving your personal life. Some rituals use runes - Scandinavian magic is very powerful. It is not difficult to perform such a ritual if you have a photo or personal item of the person you want to forget. All of them are performed at home under certain conditions:

  • Moon phase: waning;
  • day Monday - Thursday, Saturday;
  • any numbers except 4, 24.

Everything else can be found at your home, in a church shop or in a regular store. There is nothing complicated in these rituals; you can do it even if this is your first magical ritual.

All these methods are time-tested. Some of them relate to old village magic. In past centuries, men went to war and did not return. The woman did not want to torture herself all her life, perform such a ritual. To improve your life after a loss or a painful breakup, try cooling down. It will not harm you, and it will be easier to live and breathe.

In other cases, melancholy eats up a woman so much that she cannot cope without special means.

Cool on candles and water

An old way to forget strong love. If the guy is not with you and can no longer be, then you need to do this ritual.
Bring two candles from church. Write your name on one and the name of the guy you want to forget on the second. You need to light the candles with matches. Place a glass of holy water between them. Remember all the good things that happened in your relationship: love, recognition, joy, common travel. It will hurt, you will want to cry. This is important because now you will burn all your feelings. Look at the candles, go through your memories.
When you finish, quickly extinguish both candles from the water, say:

“Thank you for everything that happened. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy. Now I thank you for the sadness of love. What happened passed without a trace, all the feelings that I experienced will be washed off with water and gone away. Thank you for the love, happiness and joy. I let go and burn, let the fire burn all my feelings for (name), and the water cool the Key, the lock, the tongue. Amen".

So your love burned out and went out. It will be easier with every new day.

Cool off to the wind

This is one of the most simple options, does not require a ritual for itself. You need to do it in a field on a windy day. Choose an open space, a square if you live in a city. Walk against the wind and say as loudly as possible three times:

“Heart serpent - come out, go away. Let your will scatter in the wind. The heart will stop tormenting, and the soul will stop grieving for the person (his full name) with fire. Green snake, crawl into your lair, you just have to be there and live there.
And I (my name), a person (his full name), will never love, wait, desire, know, neither in my heart, nor in my thoughts, nor in spirit, nor in hearing. The snake is the snake, and I (my name) have my own side. Amen".

Wind is a powerful force of nature. She will pick up your plot and spread it around the world. There is no longer a place where your love can hide and torment you. You will feel much better. You need to walk or run without stopping until you feel lightness throughout your body. These feelings are leaving you.

Ritual for water

It is done next to the river. Water is the second powerful force of nature. You will need to follow the flow of the river. You need to prepare for the ritual.
Take one of your things that your loved one gave you. Take one of his things. They need to be burned together and all the ashes collected.

If you are sad now, then cry, let these ashes absorb your tears. When everything is ready, come to the river bank. All the ashes will need to be poured out in handfuls downstream, saying:

“In the blue ocean, on a distant island, a large beautiful oak tree grows. There is a huge stone lying near the oak tree, and a pike is lying on the stone. She eats, eats the sadness of the servant of God (your name) for the servant of God (name of the man). So that she would not have a dull, insurmountable melancholy, a burning pain neither in her head, nor in her heart, nor in her soul. My word is strong. My word is strong. No one can remove it. May it be so forever and ever!”

It's easy to do, and you'll love the effect. It works for everyone. You burn all possible connections with a person, you give your tears to water. The water will carry it all far away, spreading it all over the world. There will be no more room for your sadness.

Holy water ritual

For this ritual you will need holy water. To collect it, go to the monastery. You will need about a liter. If possible, ask a priest to bless your water. You won't do anything bad, just improve your life.
Bring the water home and immediately put it in the refrigerator. It should cool down and be cold. Pour half a glass at a time and say about the water:

“I don’t want this heavy love anymore
I don't want any more sleepless nights
I'll be free now
I will be free forever
And if I want, then I’ll decide who to love.
And I’ll calm my own heart
The Lord God and Jesus Christ are my witness of this! Amen!"

After this, drink the charmed water in small sips. The ritual is repeated for 5 days.

The colder the water, the better

With every sip you will feel the cold spreading through your body. This is a pleasant feeling, it takes all sorrows with it. When the water runs out, go to Church on the 5th day. Light the candles and pray. You will leave the Church as a completely different person.

Conspiracy for heart pain

If you no longer have the strength to endure heart pain, then you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, you can do a ritual that any woman can do. To make it work, meditate a little. You need to completely let go of your consciousness and accept the situation.
Sit quietly on the floor, back straight. Close your eyes. Try to look at the whole situation with different eyes, from the outside. Your breakup, what led to it, was there an opportunity to fix something. Don't torment yourself, just remember.

“Stop tormenting and tormenting your heart. Don't worry about the fear, the fuss, the empty commotion, the heavy sighs. Don't tear your zealous heart in half. Everything is empty. Sadness go far away. Don’t prick, don’t chip, don’t tear – let go. Everything is empty. To the forest, to the wind, to the chimney, to the dry grass. Just as smoke disperses and melts in the wind, let the longing leave your heart forever. Amen".

Carry out this ritual for 2-3 days in a row. It will significantly ease the suffering.

Cool water from the well

For this ritual you will need to find a well. Buy a church candle, the thinnest one. Write your lover's name on it with a new knife. To forget about him, light this candle at midnight and say:

“Mother water, sister of the well. Everyone who comes here will drink some cold water. In the steam bath they douse themselves with you, the dead wash themselves with you. Oh, you are mother water, your icy shores, cool the slave (your name) so that it cools down for the slave (his name).
I didn’t know any sadness for him, I didn’t undermine my heart anymore. If she didn't love him, he would hate her. Let her close her doors from him, let him not let his feet on her threshold, and let her not run to see him.
Mother well water, icy shores, I bow to you slave (my name) to the ground, cool my heart. My pure word to the Lord God rise, the deed on the heart of the slave (your name) descend. I close my plot with 3 locks, I close my business forever with 3 keys. Amen".

As soon as you say the text 3 times, throw the candle into the well. It will go out there in its cold waters, and you will feel noticeably better. After this, you need to leave the well and never drink its water, otherwise it will be very difficult and bad for you. Water will remember your emotions and keep them forever. The ritual helps those who suffer for a long time and gives relief after the ritual itself. You will feel noticeably better, and the feelings will begin to fade away very quickly. For everything to go well, don’t tell anyone about this ritual or what you did to cool down.

Runic chills

Strong colds exist in the Icelandic and Scandinavian magical traditions. This magic appeals to the very essence of the Universe. Runes help everyone who turns to them. You need to behave respectfully with them, because these signs are sacred. For them, you will need a photo of the person you want to forget, your photo. You can use personal items, but it is harder to write runes on them. These rituals must be performed at night, by candlelight.

Runic formula “Ice of relationships”

Formula Gebo-Thurisaz-Isa

Gebo, Turisaz, Isa

Gebo is a symbol of relationships.
Thurisaz is a rune that shows a waning effect on you.
Isa is the rune of ice. It will freeze all feelings and emotions, cool the heart, and bring relief.

These runes must be applied to any item that you can carry with you. You need to do this for a whole month without taking it out. It is very convenient to apply to a wooden talisman or amulet and wear it around the neck. To make everything work, apply them with a black marker or felt-tip pen to your photo together. You need to turn to the runes, accurately formulating your desire. Ask them to take away all the mental pain, suffering, and worries that you have because of a certain person. May your heart never ache for him again. This formula freezes your relationship. not allowing them to develop any more at all.

Runic formula “Magic patch”


Mannaz, Gebo, Kenaz, Nautiz, Vunyo

Mannaz is the person in question.
Gebo - your relationship.
Kenaz - in this formula it has a burning effect, burns out all feelings and emotions about your relationship.
Nautiz is the rune of destruction. She completely destroys everything that was between you.
Vunyo is the rune of joy. May your soul feel joyful and at ease after this impact.

Apply to the left hand. You need to update these runes every day, they will work well. When you feel ready to let go, just don’t apply them anymore. They will be like a magic patch for you, which is a way to relieve pain. broken heart. After 1-2 weeks, everything will be forgotten, and it will be easy for you to live in the world and get up in the morning.

Runic formula “Protection from love”


Very strong and cruel runes. They give the fastest effect of all. But, this will mean that love for a certain person will be torn out of the heart. You may feel discomfort for the first 2-3 days, the temperature may rise, and pain in the heart area may occur. You need to endure this so that after the pain comes complete indifference to the situation. Now you will be free.

Algiz is a very strong protective rune. It will protect you from any pain associated with a breakup.
Gebo - your relationship.
Isa - additional freezing of all senses, anesthesia.

Apply to left wrist or shoulder. It is best to use a marker that is difficult to wash off. You need to carry it for 3 days. Runes helped to forget, let go and move on.

Complete collection and description: prayer to cool feelings for a man for the spiritual life of a believer.

When the spouse's feelings cool

The tape must be placed under the sheet on the marital bed before going to bed. The next morning you need to wake up very early and carefully remove the tape. The edge of the tape must be passed over the husband's lips in such a way as not to wake him up and he does not suspect anything.

Then you need to go to another room and weave the ribbon into your hair and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God, (my name) will wake up early in the morning and go to a clean field to look for my beloved. I look in all four directions - I don’t see anyone! I will turn my heartfelt words to the wind walking across the wide field, I will ask it to call my beloved to me. And then I will return home and see my beloved there. He will sit in the hallway, saddened, and yearn without me, the Servant of God (his name). I will gladly hug him and accept him. My words are strong and strong. That's what will happen. Amen".

After this, the tape must be removed and hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it. After such a ritual, your husband’s former passion for you will very quickly awaken in his soul and the relationship will improve.

Cold spell - when to read and how to avoid consequences for yourself

Cold conspiracies are part of lapel love magic. Cooling is a magical effect aimed at cooling feelings and getting rid of love addiction. Such rituals are used in several cases:

  • to eliminate a rival (rival) and return a loved one;
  • to get rid of an annoying fan;
  • to cool your own feelings for a person.
  • your love for a person is more like obsession and madness;
  • love ended a long time ago, and only habit connects you with your partner;
  • your loved one turned out to be a scoundrel, and communication with him may be dangerous for you;
  • you broke up with your loved one, but your feelings for him have not gone away;
  • you have become a victim of magical influence (for example, a love spell);

Cooling down in this case will help get rid of witchcraft influence.

The principle of action and consequences of cooling yourself

Any conspiracy to cool down implies a severance of love ties as a result of a cooling of feelings. Severe coldness can lead to hatred towards the person who once seemed most loved.

The effect of the cold spell begins almost instantly. The first sign is a slight discomfort towards the person, from which it is necessary to cool down. Over time, discomfort turns into indifference and hostility.

In order for the cold spell to work correctly, you need to know the basic requirements for its implementation:

  • the ritual is performed during the waning phase of the moon;
  • the best day for the ceremony is Tuesday; days not suitable for a cold spell are Friday and Sunday;
  • strict adherence to the instructions of the ritual;
  • It is also advisable to make the ransom specified in the instructions for the ritual. If this item is not in it, just go to church and put a candle in front of any icon that you like.

If you are making a cooling off for yourself, take into account men's and women's days. A girl (woman) should read the plot on women's days, a man - on men's days. I would like to draw your attention to one more condition: read the cooling spell only in case of urgent need.

This ritual cannot be classified as harmless: by abusing it, you can cool down not only towards a specific person, but also towards everyone around you. You don’t want to become callous and indifferent to all living things, do you?

Spell to cool down at home - rituals for self-performance

Cool on nails and water - for yourself

This ritual will help you remove melancholy and cool your feelings for the person with whom your relationship has ended. The ritual is performed late at night in the light two church candles, using nail And glasses of cold water. Procedure:

  1. Sit at the table and light the candles with a match.
  2. Start meditating: imagine yourself and your loved one happy and joyful, but separately. Dedicate at least 10 minutes to visualization.
  3. Take a nail and start heating its sharp tip on a candle flame until it becomes red hot.
  4. Dip the nail into the glass and read the spell 3 times: “Water-water, cool my passion and longing for God’s servant (name of loved one) . As quickly as iron cools, let me also free myself from the torment.”
  5. After pronouncing the spell, throw the nails in a deserted place, pour out the water away from your home and silently go to sleep. Do not bother yourself with thoughts about the ritual performed.

Don't tell anyone about the ritual. The results should appear very soon.

A strong cold spell to the wind to expel love's melancholy

The ritual is very ancient. It was used by wives whose husbands went to war and died there. The ritual helps to recover from lovesickness, heal emotional wounds, gives strength and a feeling of renewal after unhappy love.

The plot is read in windy weather, in a deserted place. It will be best if you go outside the city, into nature. If you do the ritual in the summer, you can take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet on the ground, feel its warmth and energy. Stand facing the wind, say the cooling spell loudly and clearly, 3 times:

“Serpent of heart, come out and coil yourself! Let your will scatter to the wind. The heart will stop tormenting, and the soul - according to the person (name of your loved one) grieve and burn with fire. Green snake, crawl into your lair, only there you can be, only there you can live. For me, (your name) , person(the name of your loved one) never love, never know, never desire, never wait - neither in thoughts, nor in heart, nor in hearing, nor in spirit. A snake is a snake, but for me (my name) - your side. Amen!"

After pronouncing the spell, leave the place without looking back.

Poppy conspiracy to cool off from a rival

Cooling down on a rival is intended to help wives whose husbands have acquired mistresses on the side. The wife should buy poppy seeds and speak them in the evening, Tuesday, fixing her gaze on the Moon. The husband should not know anything about the ritual. If he is not at home that evening, the plot will work much more effectively. Conspiracy text:

“33 crows fly, 33 stones are carried. Poppy on my doorstep will be pecked, my rival (the name of the mistress) will curse with their beaks. This poppy will never sprout: it will guard me and my home, protect me from rivals and family happiness keep. The crows threw 33 stones on my doorstep. Whoever wants to destroy my happiness will take all the stones. So be it! Amen – 3 times ”.

Poppy seeds need to be scattered beyond the threshold of your home. The ritual must be performed every Tuesday (the phase of the moon does not play a significant role here, but perform the very first ritual during the waning of the night luminary). The spouse must leave his mistress and return to the family within a month.

For another cold ritual to stop loving forever, watch the video:

I had to cool it down. I loved one guy, then we broke up on his initiative. It turned out I found another one. Less than six months later, he married her. And I suffered for a long time, I couldn’t forget him, I couldn’t build a relationship with anyone. They advised me to cool it down. And you know it helped. It was as if I was breathing again after this ritual. Now I’m happy, everything is fine, I have a loved one, my wedding is coming soon.

And I decided to cool off my husband from his mistress. He managed to go on a spree in his fifties. All the neighbors are already whispering behind our backs and discussing us. I know his mistress well and he doesn’t really hide this connection. I'm ashamed in front of people, there are no words. I hope the conspiracy will help bring him to his senses.

The process of attenuation of feelings is, indeed, quite long and painful. This conspiracy is intended to speed up the process, but whether such acceleration will be of any use is a question... A person must himself realize the situation and get out of it on his own, without the use of dark conspiracies

Yes, I agree that it happens that the relationship no longer exists, but the feelings still burn. But don’t rush to use incomprehensible rituals. Take the course sedatives, find a hobby you like, just switch your thoughts to something else, and everything will gradually pass. Time heals, and in this case it’s true...

Galina, you can’t interfere with a person’s feelings, even if it’s your husband, everyone has the right to think and think, you probably wouldn’t like it if someone turned you around at their own discretion

I also read it a couple of years ago. My beloved began to “take a walk.” I immediately suspected it and read it when it cooled down. He no longer walked to the left.

To be honest, love also passes after suffering and feelings cool down.

It is best not to do these rituals to avoid trouble.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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A conspiracy to forget love and cool feelings

Love is an important component of the life of any person. We strive to get it in family, friends, pets and so dream of finding a soul mate. But in addition to happiness, it also gives pain and disappointment. After a breakup, echoes of all those feelings and a strong burden often remain. It is no longer possible to make peace and get back together. Then the person suffers, tries in every way to get out of this abyss of despair and forget about love. To help you move forward without wasting time on depression, to help you meet a new guy or girl with an open heart, a magic spell and prayer to forget a person will help.

Conspiracies to forget former love

To stop loving someone forever, you need to do the following:

  • Find lemon balm and pick the leaves from it. Keep one half of which for yourself, and take the other half to a clean reservoir.
  • If possible, find out if there is an unusual source nearby. For example, someone who would be said to have healing properties or some unusual story. If this is not the case, then clean drinking water will do.
  • You should be alone near the water. Feel the whole situation, your inner mood and all emotions, you need to think about your beloved man. Imagine that the petals absorb all this and throw them into the water.
  • Stay by the pond until you feel changes inside, how you feel better. Then scoop up water with your palm and sprinkle it on the left, where the heart is, as if cleansing it. Then fill a bottle or other container and take it home.
  • Fill a glass with water taken from the source where you were, add the other half of lemon balm into it, and leave it near your bed for three days. Then, before and after sleep, wash the heart area with this water, remembering the feelings of cleansing and relief that you previously experienced. Then you should take a sip.
  • After the end of three days, you must pour the remaining water into the source where you collected it. At the same time, visualize that these are the remnants of your feelings.

If the ritual does not help, does not cleanse the soul completely, repeat it seven days later. Indeed, in occultism, lemon balm means enlightenment and purification, and among the people it is also called heartfelt joy.

There is another small ritual.

In magic, poppy is used to create amulets; it absorbs energy well. Therefore, it will come in handy here:
  • During the waning moon, pour two handfuls of poppy seeds into a bowl and then fill it with hot water.
  • At this time, say to yourself that boiling water represents feelings for a man, you need to think about him and say that as the water cools, so do your feelings.
  • Then place the plate near open window and wait until the water and contents cool down.
  • Then everything from the plate should be poured under a street tree, preferably near an intersection. Then repeat to yourself five times that your burning feelings have cooled down, that you have walked many roads, yearning for love, and then an Angel descended from heaven and extinguished your feelings, broken into poppy grains. Everything turned to dust and flew far away. Now you don’t know troubles and sorrow, there is no love, no melancholy, no memories.

How to forget the person you love?

To forget and not think about the man or guy who broke your heart, you can also use psychological techniques:
  • Your relationship is over - it's a fait accompli. Don't try to always return in your mind to the guy you loved. This will only keep you stuck in a traumatic situation.
  • Don't remind yourself. Eat good phrase that when leaving a person should close all doors behind him. After all, even such little things are an attempt to return everything. A broken vase can be glued back together, but it still won’t be whole. It’s so easy to start daydreaming again after seeing his new photos.
  • Life didn't end there. It's time for you to move forward, where you will take into account all the mistakes and take into account the invaluable experience. Look around, maybe an acquaintance or friend is already ready to go on a date with you? Or new love is waiting for you somewhere nearby?

Using psychological techniques, do not forget that magic is a conversation with the universe through conspiracies, rituals and other magical actions. But the universe understands everything through its signs and the power of thought.

In the Tarot there is Major Arcana 13 Death. For you, such a card is scary, dark, oppressive. But for the world, death is the dying away of the old in order to create a new one on its ashes. By letting go of dead relationships from yourself, from your soul, you give a signal that you are ready to build new ones. If you cannot cope with this on your own, contact the powerful Universe with the help of special signals, with all your soul and strength of desire. Then she will come to your aid.

Prayer to forget a loved one

Prayer is a strong and reliable way for a person to ask God to forget sad episodes in life. When starting such a spiritual path, cleanse yourself of the sins that pollute your soul. Go to confession, take communion. Light a candle in good health for your family and friends, for yourself and even for ex-lover. After all, such a gesture is forgiveness of the person who brought you offense by leaving, or for your painful separation. The Church always calls for forgiveness of your enemies, and even more so for the person you once loved.

It is worth noting that prayers to forget the pain of love and a loved one do not exist as such. But in Christianity there are Saints who are worth turning to even for such sensitive questions. After all, their life was full of different events, and they focused on a variety of things. For example, refer to the patron saints of lovers:

  • Saints Peter and Fevronia - it is about them that we can say that they loved each other and died on the same day. They help lovers; a huge number of people who are in relationships come to visit their relics.
  • Martyr Adrian and Natalya - his wife supported her husband until his martyrdom and death, and did not enter into new alliances after that.
  • Matrona of Moscow - helps with all requests and any pleas. It is very revered and attracts crowds of pilgrims.
  • Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv are the patrons of women; people turn to them when problems arise and there is a strong discord with their husband.

Why should you turn to the patrons of love and lovers if the problem is related to separation? Because you need to forgive and leave the past, thank you for all the good things that happened and ask to bring you together with the new, worthy person. Lead you along this path and give you strength.

A conspiracy to forget a person

For the plot to be truly effective, use the time of sunrise. When all living things gain strength and begin their daily journey. Try to do this in nature, feel all its life-giving power and the magic of what is happening.

Say that in the morning after waking up you cleanse yourself and wash with water, dry yourself and leave the door. There you go through the field and come to a river where there is a board, and under it is your melancholy. That it oppresses you, takes away life and sadness floods the white light. Say that the water is sanctified by the Mother of God herself, it washes away the evil from you and cleanses your soul. Let it continue to wash the Servant of God (name) further than you. Let it carry away all the grievances with a strong stream and bury them at the bottom, so that no one else will find or miss it. Everything is locked with a castle and hidden in all corners of the world.

After this, you should bow to all four cardinal directions.

A conspiracy to fall out of love

Cooling down is good for falling out of love. This is a conspiracy that helps to forget a person and cool all previous feelings. It can also be used against rivals in relationships. But you still have to pay for this, because you are interfering with someone else’s life and destiny, and for this there is always retribution. Therefore, the best way out is to cool yourself and your feelings.

On the waning moon:
  • two church candles, on one your name, on the other - your former lover;
  • place holy water between them and light them with matches;
  • now bring up from your memory the entire history of the relationship, all the bright and good moments, it will be difficult, but everything will be treated through an exacerbation;
  • extinguish them in the water and say that you are grateful for all the joyful moments and for all the bitterness, that you are letting go and burning the past, and the water extinguishes your feelings. Amen.

Conspiracies to avoid thinking about a person

A powerful spell to get rid of thoughts about your ex and get rid of memories.

Take a photo of a person and place it upside down on a table or other flat surface. Place a glass of water next to it, and a piece of black bread on it. The conspiracy is spoken three times a day for a week. Every day you need to put out a fresh piece of bread, and give the previous one to the birds.

Then the conspiracy. Say that you will never mention your ex again with love, let him remain in his place, just as you forgot your first step, so you will forget him. Amen.

Let everything go well in your life, whether magic, prayer, a conspiracy to forget a person or something else will be an assistant, be happy - it’s all in your hands.

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The cooling lapel is a magical effect that is aimed at cooling feelings between people or one person towards another. Most often, this method is used to get rid of one’s own feelings for a person who does not reciprocate. This is an effective way to eliminate suffering from unrequited love. Also, a cool-off lapel can be applied to another person when one’s own feelings for him have cooled.

Cooling lapel to cool your own feelings

All rituals aimed at cooling the senses should be carried out during the waning moon. If a ritual is performed by a woman with the goal of falling out of love, then preference should be given Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

You can get rid of love addiction with the help of a ritual that involves using the natural properties of water. The ceremony should be carried out in a separate room, isolated as much as possible from external noise, that is, doors and windows must be tightly closed. Cold water is used for the ritual. It can be collected from the tap, but it is better to use spring or well water. For best effect, it is recommended to pre-cool the water in the refrigerator.

The following magic words are pronounced three times over water poured into a glass:

“In the blue and deep sea-ocean, on a green island, a huge red oak tree grows. Next to him lies a large stone, and on it is a pike. She eats up my melancholy, and I, the Servant of God (proper name), stop grieving for the Servant of God (name) from now on. The insurmountable grief goes away, and with it the pain leaves my heart. My soul is freed for other bright feelings. My word is strong and molding, no one will be able to remove it. All come true".

Immediately after reading the plot, you need to drink half of the water, and rinse your face with the rest and sprinkle it around yourself. The ritual is simple, but very effective. When you wake up the next morning, you will immediately notice that the world around you seems to have changed.

A popular cooling lapel is a ritual with a nail, candles and water. As in the previous case, the ceremony is carried out in complete privacy. You need to sit down at the table and concentrate on thoughts about the person you need to get rid of longing for.

Then you need to light the candles and hold the tip of the nail over the flame of one of them until it becomes hot.

After this, the nail should be placed in a glass of cold water and said:

“Natural water will cool my longing for God’s servant (name of the man). As the iron cools, so does my viscous torment disappear.”

After the ceremony, you should immediately go to bed and not think about anything. If everything was done correctly, relief will come very quickly.

In love, things rarely go according to the ideal scenario. It often happens that love ends, leaving behind bitterness and suffering. There is unrequited love when the loved one does not reciprocate. Any of these situations darkens life and deprives you of the opportunity to breathe deeply. And in any situation, magic can provide help, offering a lapel love ritual, called self-restraint.

In the cases mentioned above, as a rule, a cold spell is performed on oneself - a ritual that allows you to cool down your feelings in case of unrequited love or to alleviate mental suffering after the departure of a loved one. This ritual is very ancient, so a considerable number of ways to carry it out have been preserved. The principle of cooling is based on getting rid of love addiction; The ritual helps to achieve what you want in a fairly short time.

Like any magical interaction, cooling yourself requires careful handling. The ritual should be used only when absolutely necessary. Cooling down is an insidious phenomenon: doing it too often can cool you down not only towards a specific person, but also towards all the people around you. Indifference, indifference and callousness - these are the qualities that you can develop as a result of abuse of the cold ritual.

In addition to caution, cooling must be done in compliance with certain conditions:

  • The period suitable for the ritual is a waning month (so that feelings decrease along with the moon).
  • A suitable day of the week is Tuesday, but on Friday (the day of family love magic) and on Sunday you cannot do cold weather.
  • All instructions given in the ritual instructions must be followed in the exact sequence, nothing should be omitted and nothing should be added on one’s own.
  • You can’t tell anyone about your actions - magic doesn’t like publicity.

How to make cooling for yourself?

Cool ritual with candles

Prepare for the ceremony 2 red candles. They will represent you and the person you recently broke up with. Carve names on the candles, or braid them with hair (yours and your loved one's). The ritual does not require recitation.

Start cooling on the first day of the waning month, in the evening. Place candles with names (or hair) next to each other on the table, light them and let them burn for a while. Extinguish and leave until the next evening. The next evening, move the candles a little away from each other, light them and imagine that as the candles burn, your feelings for the person fade away.

Repeat the ritual for a week (7 days), without interruption. Each subsequent evening, move them further and further away. On the last, 7th day, let them burn out. Throw away the cinders, or better yet, bury them. Soon the feelings tormenting the soul should pass. If the ritual does not work completely the first time, repeat it next month. Alternatively, you can ask a professional magician for help.

Cool for yourself - for bread

Prepare photograph of a person whom you want to stop loving and forget, glass of water And slice of black bread.

Place the photograph on the table upside down. Place a glass of water in front of it and cover it with a slice of black bread. Say the spell:

“Slave (the name of the person from the photo), as you stand, stand still. I will remember you, slave (person’s name), not with love, but with cold blood. Just as I (my name) completely forgot, how I took the first step in childhood, how my first tooth grew, so I will forget you, slave (person’s name), from now on and forever. Amen".

The text is spoken 3 times.

After the spell, pour the water out of the window or over the threshold, and feed the birds with bread. Repeat the ritual for a week (7 days in a row), without interruption. Take fresh water and a fresh piece of bread every time.

Cooling to get rid of longing for a person

If you cannot leave the longing for the person you had to part with, perform this ritual. Take out some item that belonged to the deceased person and burn it. Wait until the flame flares up strongly and say the following spell:

“Get away, my melancholy, from every hair, from my eyes, from my brain, from my hands and from my scarlet lips. So that my lips no longer whisper my name, my brain does not clog, my heart does not suffer, and my soul does not know memory. Just as stone never grieves for stone, the sun does not yearn for the moon, so I, slave (my name), do not hear, I don’t know, I don’t breathe, I don’t cry - quiet or loud - I don’t roar. May the Lord God help me, and soon everything will pass. Amen".

Cool water spell

Speak cold (preferably well) water. Take 3 sips and use the rest to wash your face (all in one go). The text of the conspiracy goes like this:

“Mother water, well sister, everyone who comes here will drink some cold water. They douse themselves with you in the steam bath, and the dead wash themselves with you. Oh, mother water, your cold shores, cool the slave (your name), so that she cools down towards the slave (the name of the one from whom you need to cool). I didn’t know bitter sadness for him, I didn’t undermine my heart anymore. If she didn't love him, he would hate her. Let her close her doors from him, not let him set foot on her threshold, and not run to see him. Mother well water, your icy shores, I bow before you, slave (my name) to the ground, cool my heart. My pure word, rise to the Lord God, descend in deed on the heart of the slave (your name). With three locks I close my conspiracy, with three keys I close my business forever. Amen".

For another powerful way to cool down, watch the video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Cooling down on yourself, done independently, will help in the event of a breakdown in relationships. If you suffer unbearably, the suffering can be alleviated with the help of magic.

If you have irretrievably lost a person, taking it easy on yourself will help you not go crazy from melancholy. Cooling down will also help in the event of the death of a loved one - not only a sexual partner (husband, boyfriend, lover), but also just a loved one (child, parent, relative).

If you fell in love with married man and you want him to love only you, then take advantage of the husband’s coldness from his wife.

Ritual of cooling yourself

You need two red candles - symbols of you and the person you have decided to stop loving. It is necessary (to enhance the effect) to carve your names on them. The ritual must begin in the evening, always on the waning moon. The candles are placed nearby, lit and burn down a quarter.

The next evening, candles standing on the same table, but a little further apart from each other, should burn again, but not for such a long time. In this way, you should act for seven evenings (burn candles for this period). Every evening, candles should be placed further and further away as a symbol of cooling of feelings. On the last evening, let the candles burn to the end - your feelings will melt with them.

You can cool yourself down in other ways, for example, you can turn yourself away from the person whose love has begun to bring you more problems than joy, you can use a simple knitting needle.

After sunset, heat it in a candle flame and place it in a glass of cold water. Afterwards, touch your forehead with the knitting needle, saying “Just as the metal was hot and cooled down, so the heart of the slave “name” will cool down.”

Consequences of cold weather

The Internet and popular literature are replete with conspiracies and descriptions of cooling rituals, and some of them can even be effective. But when performing the ritual, certain rules must be followed. They will not destroy the consequences of the ritual, but will help to minimize it. Keep in mind: when practicing magic, you take on a huge responsibility. By cooling yourself, you are unlikely to harm other people, but you also need to keep yourself calm and clean.

Independent witchcraft can be dangerous if you do not know how to do protection. If you make a mistake in the ritual, or start cooling without sufficient moral strength, the retribution will be quick, and, most likely, very cruel.

Magic requires at least minimal professionalism - in the old days, village grandmothers cast magic without parapsychological knowledge, but the years of atheism and materialism of the Soviet era did not pass without a trace.

It was destroyed a large number of ancient and powerful institutions of magic, and the chain of transmission of information, important sacred knowledge, was mutilated beyond recognition.

If you are thinking about using cold water, you are clearly in the grip of confusion. First, think again whether you can do without using magic. But if you decide to use a ritual, choose it carefully, carefully read the recommendations and annotations to it. Do not chase the power of ritual - choose light white magic rituals; do not try to attract black magic to help without long-term special training.

If you are sure for some reason that a weak ritual will not help you, seek help from a professional who can easily operate various complex magical instruments. Do not take on anything that could cause you enormous, irreparable harm.