24 Mar 0 4327

Tatyana Dzutseva: Spring has begun, we increasingly go to the mirror, look critically at ourselves, and understand that from Monday it’s time to finish all sweets and baked goods. But some people forget about it right away, others, perhaps, start « new life» , but it also ends quickly.

I have written more than once in the section "Beauty and health" that last year I lost two sizes in weight with the help of proper nutrition. The basis of my diet was vegetables and proteins, as well as vegetable oils, grains, cottage cheese and dried fruits. And at the same time - refusal of all harmful products. Just recently I received this letter: Tanya, once again I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you and your blog. After all, thanks to your advice (Category “Beauty and Health”), I reduced my weight by 9 kg in a month and a half. I propose today to continue the conversation about healthy eating.

Talk about:

  • What foods are harmful?
  • How are they harmful?
  • Why is it so difficult to give them up?

When I decided to start eating right “on Monday,” wild resistance had already begun three days before that very Monday. My mood began to deteriorate.

There was a thought in my head all the time: - Well, what kind of life will this be? Without your favorite unhealthy foods. Sometimes I ate cake and coffee for breakfast and lunch, and something tasty and fatty for dinner later. And of course any snacks at any time: chocolate, sweets, cakes, cookies, seeds.

I was not ready for a schedule and eating according to the clock, as I was used to indulging myself in everything. The first two weeks were the most difficult, because I didn’t see any results.

Naturally, I was tormented by doubts - you limit yourself in everything, but the centimeters do not go away. Only in the third week did the hips begin to shrink by half a centimeter every three days. Since I sew a lot, it’s not the weight that matters to me, but the size.

It is important to measure yourself or weigh yourself only in the morning.

Don't do this all the time, especially in the evening, at least for the first two weeks. The weight will hang on and your motivation will drop.

I was on a strict healthy diet for 1.5 months. The result is minus two sizes. I lost weight from 48 to 44. I was so pleased with the results, to be honest, I didn’t expect it, so I slowly started eating a lot of unnecessary things again. Over the course of a year I have gained a little weight. And since all the summer dresses were made to fit size 44, I decided to switch to a slim diet again this year.

And what I want to tell you is that the inclusion was without resistance, without sabotage and without bad mood. I realized that this is a purely psychological aspect.

I don’t feel any hunger this year, but last year I couldn’t wait for the next meal. A year ago, this diet even irritated me a little, but today I feel like I’m in charge of the situation.

I realized that I colored my life with all these tastes. Not just talk to a friend, but also eat a lot of sweets. Don’t just watch TV, but drink tea with condensed milk, cake, cookies and chocolate, plus nibble on some sunflower seeds.

There are some foods that are very difficult to give up.

My top bad foods:

1) Sweets, chocolates, cakes, candies.

2) Cookies, bread, baguettes, pies. You can only leave whole grain bread. The only negative is that it is difficult to buy, so you can do without it. For example, eating cereals and sprouted wheat.

3) Coffee, coffee with sugar, coffee with cream. It's a myth that coffee invigorates you. The vigor does not last long. Coffee is a very big psychological habit that increases problems. A cold breakfast is invigorating. For example, a salad of raw carrots and raw beets with sesame seeds, naturally without sugar, plus low-fat cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt. Also sugar free.

This breakfast does not look as luxurious as COFFEE and ham with different cheeses. But it’s worth a try, and you will feel lightness, mobility, and your whole body will welcome and thank you after such a breakfast.

4) Fried food

5) The meat is red and sausages, ham.

6) All products with “E”: ketchups, mayonnaise, canned food, chips, crackers

7) Alcohol. All the talk about the benefits of red wine is just talk. This is the same addiction only to red wine.

With the help of all this junk food, we do not nourish ourselves, but calm ourselves down., we support good mood. We eat up the lack of close relationships, the feeling of anxiety, the feeling of insecurity, loneliness, our unfulfillment, and we sweeten our lives. But is it possible to change your life with the help of junk food? Make it high quality, protected, realized, bright? Hardly.

Without realizing it, we become addicted to bright tastes and foods, getting a temporary effect, and we get used to eating away our feelings and problems and not noticing them. As a result, these products become unsafe not only for health, but also for the psyche. We get used to solving our problems in this way, or rather forgetting about them for a while.

And we get reverse effect: By eating and drinking, we forget about our problems, but then they are revealed with renewed vigor. And we sit down again to eat “delicious food”.

If you really want to consciously start eating healthy foods, then you need to ask yourself:

  • What do you need?
  • What are you missing?
  • What frustrates and stresses you?

And understand that food is not a solution to problems, but an escape. And you, adult woman, are able to pull themselves together and not be led by self-pity.

For example, sweet foods are quickly digested, raising blood glucose levels, but these levels also fall just as quickly. And again the problem appears, a bad mood. And then excess weight and dissatisfaction with oneself.

“Refined sugar is not a food, but a drug. It has no nutritional value, just empty calories. It can dangerously alter brain chemistry and becomes a drug of abuse for many people.” Robin Norwood.

And from a purely practical point of view, 100 g. sugar contains 400 calories. For comparison, 100 gr. cucumbers contain 15 calories.

Some nutritionists advise replacing sweets with fruits, bananas, apples, honey or fructose. Suggest snacks between meals. Do you believe that you can eat half a banana (by the way, this fruit has a high glycemic index) and forget about food? Me not. It becomes a new habit of chewing something.

Or a spoonful of honey a day. When I replaced sweets with honey, I ate honey in jars. And what happens is that, while you are replacing, you still continue to depend. Only from fruits, eating away your problems with them. Although fruits don't cope well with this.

Therefore, if you decide to lose weight now, then no snacks, honey, or fruits. And if you do eat fruit, then only as a separate meal. When fruits become a separate meal, and not snacks, then the need for them disappears altogether.

No one can save you better than water during an attack of psychological hunger., between meals and the desire to grab something. But this habit of drinking water instead of having something to eat takes a long time to develop. You need to be aware and have a little patience and even force yourself.

And when you start eating proper and healthy foods, the craving for harmful things gradually goes away.

The worst sweet tooths can afford dark dark chocolate. Just bitter or dark chocolate will not work. The bar should say 75% cocoa. Or higher. But 75% is enough. Once I bought myself 98% cocoa, it was impossible to eat, just compressed cocoa. After lunch and dinner you can eat one slice. Then you will understand what it means to have fun.

Sometimes, to start changing her life, all a woman needs to do is give up jeans and black and switch to feminine dresses and skirts.

Avoiding unhealthy, depressing foods will also help increase happiness and joy in your life. New opportunities and new channels for obtaining pleasure not only from food will open up. Change your diet and you will change your life!

  • Proper nutrition will help you avoid unpleasant strict diets And gym, if you don't like this kind of activity.
  • You will be able to maintain weight at a certain level, without subsequent rapid gain.
  • You will learn to hear the needs of your body, its desires, and not close its mouth by excessively absorbing unnecessary food.
  • You will never experience unpleasant discomfort and heaviness in your stomach after eating.
  • You will become more conscious, salad from fresh vegetables It’s not interesting to eat in front of the computer and TV. It should be eaten on a beautiful plate, preferably with a knife and fork.
  • Learn not to eat problems, but to enjoy food.
  • Your sense of smell will sharpen and your taste habits will diversify.
  • If you learn to eat right, you will control your intake of unhealthy foods, not them over you.
  • You will be pleased to look at yourself in the mirror. I will never believe that you can accept and love yourself with 2-5 extra SIZES. Rather, you can give up on yourself, but not fall in love. Love begins with a conscious attitude towards your body.
  • You will get rid of your addiction to junk food, which means you will become free and happy, regardless of the circumstances. It depends on whether there is something “delicious” for the evening or not.

Last year, before agreeing to proper nutrition I scoured the entire Internet, read a sea of ​​books, Russian and foreign nutritionists. Something about Mantignac and something about Dukan caught my attention. But most of all, Tatyana Malakhova convinced me. Many thanks to her for this.


Vegetarian diet and refusal of meat. R vegetarian ration

Girls, I want to go to vegetarian food. Avoid meat completely meat products. Please give me advice on how to do this correctly so as not to harm the body.

I haven’t eaten meat or fish for a year! I lost a lot of weight, it was easy and I had a lot of energy. I ate vegetables in any form, cheese, I also ate eggs, I had milk (cottage cheese and fermented baked milk), but I craved chicken, then eventually I started eating meat again. And immediately the weight went up, now I only eat a piece of chicken for lunch and that’s it, I don’t eat animal meat.

I personally gave up everything at once, meat and fish. Health is in perfect order. But the main thing is more legumes.

They have a lot of protein.

It’s better not to, you can get fat without animal protein specifically. Meat contains amino acids and vitamins.

Amino acids, vitamins. Have you ever seen how livestock is kept, what they are fed with, and how the meat of this livestock is then processed and sold?

Vegetable protein is poorly absorbed by the body; it can make you swell in seconds.

Vegetables and fruits, by the way, make you feel better, especially if they have been subjected to heat treatment. For example, fresh carrots have a glycemic index of 35, and stewed carrots have a glycemic index of 85. Simple carbohydrates. I sat on vegetables and fruits (raw) for 3 days, the result was plus 2 kg.

It is very expensive. Will you pull it? Or you will indulge yourself with the illusion of “proper” nutrition.

Of course, it is better to kill with the first shot when hunting, so that the animal does not have fear. But this is not always possible. I prefer turkey. It is impossible to stuff it with rubbish, like chickens.

Legumes contain a lot of protein, that is, you simply replace animal protein with vegetable protein, it’s even better, and not as heavy as meat in your diet.

I lost 20 kilos by eating meat; I eat 30 kg of meat a month.

Anything is possible, I am a technologist and I know this whole kitchen. You are beautiful, smart, I don’t think that such a girl can console herself with such disadvantaged illusions.

Illusions that you can live healthy life I didn’t even think about treating myself without meat.

Vegetarianism is not just about nutrition. This is, first of all, an image and lifestyle. Vegetarians don't ask for advice on how to do it right. The body itself refuses to eat meat because of the person’s thinking and beliefs. If you wear a fur coat and leather shoes and want to become a vegetarian, this is show-off and pop.

I practically don’t eat meat; I can eat it several times a month, because I hate meat; by the way, I also hate fish. My main diet is cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs and dairy products. I’ve been eating this way for several years now, my health is fine, tests, blood pressure and well-being are like an astronaut’s. I take vitamins sometimes, mostly in winter and spring. I am actively involved in sports.

Maybe if there are many medications, iron-containing, for example. But I don't like pharmacies.

Sorry to interrupt, but don’t you assume that not everyone eats only store-bought meat?

The best meat is harvested with your own hands. But... This is luxury.

I guess 90% eat store-bought and 10% their own.

Giving up meat is already harmful to the body. Chasing fashion, or what?

Can you afford it?

Meat is protein. I don’t like pork or beef, but I can’t live without chicken! I eat it in any form! And the fish? Fried salmon with lemon juice. But it doesn’t matter at all, at least eat the soil, for your health.

No, but I allow myself to buy meat at an expensive price. So that there is no bullshit there.

Vegetarians come up with whole formulas, how and with what products, combinations, to compensate for animal amino acids, to get all the vitamins. They take various natural dietary supplements and try their best in the gym. Search and read the experiences of vegetarians with at least a year of experience.

People can live without meat protein, some even become prettier.

Before this, you need to pass all the tests and know your blood type.

The transition should be gradual; a complete transition to veganism will take about 2 years.

The body needs meat! Don’t be stupid, if you have problems with your figure, it’s better to give up flour and go to the gym. Stop doing nonsense.

Why then are all vegans thin and healthy?

I just love to eat meat, I don’t want any other concept of nutrition to take away my appetite, in general, pitiful videos can be created about carrots.

Read Bragg, where he writes excellently about natural and plant-based foods, he does not encourage everyone to become vegetarians, but he clearly explains that plant-based foods are intended for us by nature itself!

There is no science that would exclude meat from the diet, all these are teachings, pseudosciences, etc.

Keyword: giving up meat - slowly and gradually. The main thing is to monitor the completeness of your diet.

Vegans may be thin, but their skin deteriorates greatly and ages due to excess glucose. One of the main reasons for the appearance of early wrinkles is what? Sucrose, fructose, etc. are all simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are flour, sweets, vegetables and fruits. A friend of mine had cellulite from fruits, but when she gave them up, everything returned to normal. Luckily I got a good nutritionist.

It's like I saw a film with my sister-in-law from Dr. Proctologist about how to “materialize sensual ideas.” In other words, don't work and live well. No apartment, no education, proud poverty, three snotty children. To my silent question: how and why? You are a fool, so work! We don't communicate

Im watching a video. I eat very limitedly myself. No surrogate. Extremely healthy fats, long lasting carbohydrates and meat protein! The protein is usually turkey fillet.

If you are going to pay tribute to fashion by refusing meat, then don’t.

And if this is your conscious desire, then try to gradually reduce the amount of meat products you consume.

If at the same time your body does not malfunction and you have no desire to return to your previous diet, then you can completely remove meat from your diet.

Just replace animal protein with plant protein so that your body gets everything necessary elements. Good luck.

As far as I know, the vegan diet is predominantly vegetables, not fruits. And in general, everything is good in moderation. One apple will not cause cellulite, but if you eat kilos of them, then.

You have forgotten the facts. This is blood biochemistry. If ketone bodies are not normal, stop.

A person will die without meat, it has long been proven that vegans lie and eat on the sly.

Boiled and stewed vegetables definitely have a higher glycemic index than cheese; it’s better to eat them raw.

Not all vegetables are equally healthy raw.

It has been proven that plants feel pain.

It won't either, it's coarse fiber.

Have you eaten fruit? Berries.

I also don’t eat red meat, I don’t eat small birds, bones, or wings. I use an egg when preparing dishes, but I can make do without it.

Read better information on the forums. They won't help you here. And on the forum you can even find a daily diet.

If the question is for me, then of course I ate fruits and berries! It’s very tasty to add raspberries to fermented baked milk and you can use a little sweetener, it turns out to be an excellent dessert.

What sweetener? Aspartame? Stevia?

You take it and stop eating meat. All.

It is better to eat boiled or steamed chicken and fish; fried and fatty meat is very harmful.

It's better than giving up meat altogether.

The same thing, in general, meat-free is fine for me. Potatoes with a bang with mushrooms! Vegetables with cheeses, bread can be spread with cottage cheese, sprinkled with salt and a sprig of parsley, and if you also add garlic and tomato, then this is absolutely space! You can have hard pasta with cheese and herbs! Consolidation! Yes, there are plenty of great dishes without meat, I don’t understand why everyone is so attached to meat.


You can write that it’s “crap” and get away with it, but who knows, who knows?

Like there is no protein in mushrooms and legumes?

Which ones are not useful?

But without animal fats I will have a hard time. I can exclude butter, milk, but cottage cheese and kefir, I don’t know.

And there is vegetable fat.

I just took it one day and stopped, my body was not harmed in any way.

A year later I started eating fish and seafood again, and I realized that it made me more comfortable.

Somehow I started eating meat at the same time, although I used to love it.

I won’t argue; I didn’t take into account the individual data of each person.

Just sharing my own experience.

To be continued.

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I will consider giving up the habit of eating unhealthy foods in detail. Currently, among the food supply, there are food products that are definitely harmful to consume, if not at all, then in large quantities. Every person should understand that by consuming such food, one can provoke the development of various pathological processes in organism. As a result, performance will decrease, weight will increase, life expectancy will decrease, and so on.

It is known that habit is second nature, so eating habits can tell a lot about a person. How to refuse unhealthy diet and addictions in the food sector and accustom yourself to a proper diet?

Whatever you say, sweet foods are the best antidepressant, literally leading to euphoria. But the price to pay for this is severe. Those with a sweet tooth should look for the so-called alternative sources, which will replace glucose, for example, these can be berries and fruits, dried fruits, you can replace cakes with marshmallows. Instead of sugar, it is advisable to use honey, but in small quantities.

Fizzy carbonated drinks contain a huge amount of calories, and if sugar is replaced with sweeteners, for example, aspartame, there is nothing good in this either, since such a liquid does not quench your thirst, you want to wash down such a drink, therefore, you need to give them up. Instead, you can give preference to berry fruit drinks or make dried fruit compote, as they are healthy and tasty.

It is also important to avoid chips and fatty crackers, as they contain so-called trans fats, which are harmful to the body. You should discard them, and instead you can prepare homemade crackers without oil, which are lightly dried in a frying pan.

For many people, the real problem is craving fatty foods. To begin with, you should replace heavy foods with lighter ones, for example, instead of fried pork, you can bake turkey, and instead pasta cook green beans. Give preference to those dishes that will be cooked in the oven, as well as in a slow cooker. Minimize your consumption of mayonnaise.

Another bad food habit is excessive salt consumption. It is impossible to live without salt at all, but its moderate consumption will be optimal. First, remove the salt shaker from the table. Buy sea ​​salt. You can add it to food instead soy sauce, it will give the food more refined notes. Use more spices: lemon juice, aromatic herbs, garlic, horseradish, and also mustard.


The sooner a person gives up bad eating habits, the greater his chances of living a healthy, fulfilling life. Refusal to eat anything harmful is the key to health. You need to understand this. It is important to follow a competent, balanced diet, which a nutritionist will help you create.

I am writing this article at the request of one of my readers, because I think that the topic of switching to a diet, at least “giving up meat,” is very important and pressing!

This is the first part where I write about our most important musts. In the second part I will talk about the transition itself and various useful features.

Why do I consider giving up meat obvious??

In principle, I have an excellent article on this topic from the series, what will happen to you if you, but I want to add the following to it:

In fact, the list is not complete, but, in my opinion, I wrote the main thing.

So, what should we do to ensure that the transition to plant-based and whole grain foods goes smoothly, and that we don’t lose hair, nails, or acquire a wonderful earthy complexion along the way:(:

      1. Make this decision with all your heart! If you feel good during Orthodox or any other fasts, you feel incredible lightness in your body, your intestines begin to work like clockwork, and life takes on colors, then try fasting for a few more months and watch your body carefully. And if you feel good, then it’s yours.
      2. Vegetarian nutrition is, of course, the food of the future and the nutrition of people with more “subtle” vibrations, frequencies, etc., which will soon be characteristic of many, simply due to progress and historical development. That is, as soon as you start meditating more, praying, being in nature and immersing yourself in Unity, doing yoga or any other types of energy practices, then, believe me, the transition and abandonment of meat will be completely painless and obvious. When you engage in energy practices*, you don’t want meat, it’s true.
      3. Your rule N1: Plant protein + plant protein + plant protein :))). I want to say that this is the most important thing, memorize all the sources of vegetable protein and how much to eat per day in grams: lentils, mung bean peas, chickpeas, tofu, black beans, quinoa, amaranth, soy milk (!), green pea, artichokes, hemp seeds, oatmeal and pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, edamame beans, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, green beans ( green beans) etc. I’ll make a separate article and tell you “how much weight there is in grams” :). I just make myself bean soups, cutlets, and salads every day.
      4. Your rule N2: ZINC. It is found in meat and is a very important nutrient for blood sugar, skin, digestion and the immune system. Balances hormones, promotes growth muscle mass body and healthy hormone levels in general. However, not all herbal options will provide you with high doses. But some nuts, seeds and grains, specifically almonds, hemp, chia, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans, oats and quinoa, contain sufficient amounts of zinc. Eat some (or all) of them daily, simply toss them into salads, desserts, or snack on them (!) at all your meals. Of course, you can try dietary supplements with zinc.
      5. Rule N3: IRON. This mineral is also found :))): in chia, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds, along with spinach, kale and spirulina. Iron promotes the body's red blood cell formation, energy, healthy metabolism, and good mood. Although meat is the main source of heme iron (a form that is easier to absorb), there are other plant sources that are just as good: oats and pseudograins such as quinoa, teff and amaranth, as well as pumpkin and cocoa beans (15-30% in 2 tbsp.). Beans and legumes are also good sources of iron: lentils, black beans, soybeans, tofu and tempeh are some of the best!
      6. Rule N 4: GROUP B VITAMINS. I call them anti-stress vitamins (about this). By the way, read about how to properly take supplements or eat foods with vitamins. The meat also contains a large number of B vitamins, but there are also plant products that are not inferior to it. Nutritional yeast, spirulina and other blue-green algae contain vitamin B12 (although it is still advisable to take supplements even if you eat meat to provide your body with this magical vitamin, in Bali every vegetarian takes it periodically :)). Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 are found in abundance in plant foods and contribute to healthy skin, hair, energy levels, stress management and brain health. Best sources: again chia, spinach, bananas, almonds, beans, beans, oats, nutritional yeast, seaweed, raisins, figs and hemp seeds.

These are the basic rules, I will describe other tips and useful tricks in the next article!

Beauty, Radiance and Love to everyone!

Always in a hurry, don't have time to eat in the morning? Or you only have time to grab a sandwich and coffee. After a night's sleep, the body needs energy to wake up and start the process of brain activity (attention, thinking, memory), and digestion. No food, no energy, you feel like your strength is leaving you, there is no strength to survive until lunch. A popular proverb teaches: Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy. Refusal of breakfast due to lack of time, or simple reluctance to eat food leads in the future, slowly and surely, to an abyss and a series of diseases. And then questions arise about where diseases come from if everything was in order. We bring ourselves to the point of exhaustion in order to get everything done in a day.

How skipping breakfast can harm your body

Scientists from the University of Tasmania confirm and confirm that lack of food in the morning reduces life expectancy by half, causes problems with the heart and blood vessels, contributes to the development of diabetes, and the appearance of obesity. According to the results of a study in which 10 thousand Australian citizens took part, 2 thousand people who went without breakfast for 20 years experienced the above diseases. In addition to these diseases, cholesterol increased in 2 thousand citizens, and the normal level of insulin was disrupted in one direction or another.

Besides, digestive system cannot work normally, because at first it works “idle”, and then food piles up at lunchtime, and it is difficult to cope with this flow normally. Skipping breakfast has a negative impact on brain function, because the feeling of hunger will prevent you from thinking and concentrating normally. And chocolate or sweets will not help you get enough and satisfy your hunger, but will only irritate your body. After all, every day in the morning we program the metabolism in the body in order to tune in to effective functioning. Remind yourself of useful and delicious products first thing in the morning to lift your spirits and provide strength for a successful day. Then the metabolism will be normal, and the weight will not jump.

3 reasons to eat breakfast and not give up food:

  1. If you refuse breakfast in the morning in favor of a lunch meal, you will definitely not be able to lose weight, but on the contrary, it will help you gain extra pounds. The body will gradually get used to the fact that food is not supplied in the morning, so the brain will give a signal to accumulate fat so that in the morning it can restore energy reserves for the whole day.
  2. Not eating in the morning can cause problems with your work gastrointestinal tract. Too much time passes between dinner and lunch the next day. When the body wakes up in the morning and requires food, gastric juice is produced, and if there is no material for work in the stomach, then this juice will begin to corrode the walls of the stomach. And we all understand what this can lead to: gastritis and, as a result, an ulcer.
  3. A person constantly wants to eat in the morning, cannot concentrate, and refusing breakfast will lead to problems at work and worsening well-being. To ensure normal brain function, it is necessary not only to breathe deeply and saturate the body with oxygen, but also to provide food for the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

What is the best food to eat in the morning?

The foods we eat in the morning have the best effect on the body if they are healthy. Avoid breakfast that is fried or too salty. For breakfast, prepare healthy and light dishes. It could be: oatmeal with apple or honey boiled egg and a small piece of brisket with toast. It is also useful to drink juice or fruit - banana, tangerine, grapefruit, kiwi.

In the morning, it is useful to eat fermented milk products rich in lactobacilli and prebiotics, calcium and protein. This is not only cottage cheese or yogurt, but also cheese or milk. It is also useful to consume honey with porridge in the morning; this miraculous remedy will enrich the body with vitamins and protect against colds in winter, strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Be careful with honey; do not add it to hot food (porridge or tea), because honey loses its medicinal properties. Fruits are not always available in winter, so you can replace them with dried fruits: prunes or dried apricots, raisins, figs.