Most of our compatriots, if asked to present their hypothetical a private house would describe a traditional brick building. After all, they have never seen others, so the stereotype works. If you ask the same question to a European, American or Canadian, everything will be exactly the opposite, where families have been living in frame wooden houses for centuries.

The Russians are so weaned from natural materials, huddled in standard panel multi-storey "boxes", that the very idea of ​​​​permanent residence in wooden house is unnatural for them. For a summer residence still - all right, but to live in it all year round ?!. It will be cold, what if there is a fire, and if a strong wind blows it away? In general, to convince our man that modern frame houses for year-round living adapted much better than stone, not so easy. To do this, you need to debunk all the accumulated speculation and put the facts on the table.

Why are frame houses ideal for year-round living?

  • One of the main myths claims that in winter in frame house it will be cold (after all, there is no one and a half brick wall there!), And it will be hot in summer (after all, a cool stone will not cool the room). In reality, the situation is diametrically opposite. frame houses today are the most energy efficient building solution in the world. The reason is that wood conducts heat much worse than concrete or brick, not to mention the fact that the wall of a frame house is additionally filled with insulation. It has been experimentally proven that in order to achieve the same level of thermal protection, it is required to build a brick wall 2 meters thick!
  • But after all, a tree is not able to accumulate heat, that is, the house will instantly freeze if there is no one in it! And again wrong. The frame house, in fact, is an isolated object in relation to temperature environment. It practically does not radiate heat into the outer space. For example, if you leave your house empty in 30-degree frost, it will lose only 2°C every day. That is, even after a week you will return to the still warm building. But even if we assume that the house stood without heating for so long that the temperature inside fell below comfortable, it can be heated precisely because of the low heat capacity of wood in just an hour or two. If the stone house cools down, you will heat it for several days.
  • And suddenly a fire, and all around one tree! Yes, wood is a combustible material, therefore, at the factory, all load-bearing elements of walls and roofs are subjected to fire retardant treatment. Also, when installing a house, usually on top of wood paneling lay plates of non-combustible materials (DSP, KGL, etc.). Thus, the fire resistance of the structure according to the standards reaches 30-60 minutes, which is quite enough to take the necessary measures.

I hope we were able to prove to you that fitness frame houses for year-round use, at least not inferior to traditional stone buildings. If you want to see this for yourself - call the company "Dachny Sezon". We will build for you a reliable and inexpensive house that you will be proud of!

A country house for year-round living is a full-fledged housing that allows many families to fully experience comfort. Such housing not only has a number of advantages, it is also affordable. Thanks to Canadian construction technology, families with different income levels can purchase a year-round frame house.

Features of a frame year-round house

Thanks to excellent technical specifications, frame houses for permanent residence are durable and resistant to temperature extremes.

In the cottage where it is used, all conditions for a comfortable and convenient stay are created:

  • high-quality provide excellent protection of the cottage from noise, cold and moisture;
  • frame private houses have a different number of storeys and layouts, so they can be built on small and cramped existing building sites;
  • frame houses, unlike brick and log houses, have a small weight. This reduces the load on the foundations, which allows the use of less massive foundations, which reduce the cost of construction.

The RNR company proposes to build in compliance with the technical building codes. We have a variety of projects for permanent residence, differing from each other in price, number of storeys and configuration. They are thoughtfully planning solution, creating full-fledged conditions for permanent residence in private housing.

When it is not possible to follow all the stages of the construction of a wooden house, to select building materials, trust the specialists of the "RNR" company. They will help with the choice of ready-made, make adjustments to the plans and decoration of the facades of cottages, which will improve and change housing in accordance with your wishes.

Modern technologies provide not only reliability, strength and durability. Frame houses for permanent residence are always cozy and comfortable. Proper assembly ensures tightness and absence of drafts around the perimeter. Complete set - good air circulation and heat at any time of the year.

The company "Drevo" offers a large collection of frame house projects. Photos will give you an idea of ​​the exterior. Layouts of houses - about the organization of internal space. Varying prices for frame houses - choose the option that suits your needs total area, the number of floors and the size of the investments.

Frame house projects

Frame house for permanent residence: comfort inside, beauty outside

A wooden house is an indicator of well-being and a symbol of environmental cleanliness. It is resistant to weather factors, gives a special atmosphere and retains its qualities for decades.

We build economy frame houses, hand over objects ready on a turnkey basis and are responsible for their characteristics.

  • Energy efficiency. Small frame houses for year-round use are inexpensive to build and maintain. Assembly with overlapping "cold bridges" eliminates heat losses and reduces energy costs.
  • Heat. The cross section of the beam in the frame, the thickness of the floorboard and thermal insulation protect from the cold. Wood has the ability to equalize temperature.
  • Dryness. Vapor barrier and waterproofing of the floor, walls, ceiling and roof does not allow the accumulation of condensate. In a frame house, optimal humidity and good quality air in any season.
  • Safety. Frame houses are strong and stable. Fully prefabricated design and tight precise connections easily withstand heavy loads.

Construction of frame houses "turnkey" for living all year round

Readiness - the ability to call in and use it immediately after delivery. Obtaining suburban housing "from one source" - saving on the price and time of construction.

Prefabricated frame houses in winter configuration are designed for permanent residence and are adapted to local climatic conditions. Among the one-story, two-story and attic projects area from 36 to 210 sq. m there is one that will appeal to you. Assembly terms do not exceed 30 days and eliminate the long wait.