Gerard Encausse offered the world a special approach to the study of occult sciences in practice in his work Practical Magic by Papus. He outlined his thoughts on this topic in two volumes of the book “White and Black Magic”. White magic is contained in the first volume. Here, through this ancient teaching, the reader will be able to learn various special techniques for influencing the outside world. Occultism and rituals of interaction with spirits are discussed in the second volume of the same book. Papus's magic - black or white - is, in principle, available to anyone who is willing to study this topic and adhere to the tips given in the books.

Practical magic by Papus - the occult textbook of all times

It is perhaps worth saying something special about this work of the great mystic and occultist. The book “Practical Magic” deserves a special mention of it, as it is capable of revealing new knowledge not only to beginners, but also to experienced magicians. Modern psychics of all stripes even today use the knowledge of Papus, which they themselves openly declare. His books are capable of revealing the psychic potential in every person who sets a similar goal. The system outlined by Papus with all his scrupulousness as a doctor and scientist makes it possible to direct theoretical knowledge in the right direction so that it can then be applied in practice.

Practical Magic is a symbiosis of science and mystical rituals with a bias towards the development of man as an individual. The author of the book believes that our spiritual world is closely connected with the physical, and therefore it is unreasonable to consider the soul and the invisible world without knowing the structure of the world of the physical and visible body.

A person, according to Papus, consists of different types of personalities: some of them manifest themselves both during sleep and while awake, while others are visible only when they wake up from sleep (intellectual personality). The human body is closely connected with Nature and obeys the same laws as it. God manifests himself both in Nature and in man himself.

Man is the only judge and master of his actions, since the Creator granted him free will and the right to choose.

God, according to Papus, cannot be responsible for human misfortunes ,

because, as mentioned above, a person himself is responsible for them. Man, Nature and God are one, and in this unity lies great power. The mystic explains in his book that the Spirit of each individual is connected with the sensations that occur inside, therefore it is stupid and dangerous to ignore the needs of the body. Body language is pain, letting you know that not everything is okay with the body. The body can also experience physical satisfaction by transmitting similar sensations to the spirit. But the real essence of everyone is not the body, but his soul.

Papus considers the concept of God broadly: He is in everything and everyone, His will gave humanity life and the means of existence in this life.

Thus, followers of Kabbalah and other mystics call:

  1. Father - the Person responsible for the world in general and life in particular;
  2. Son - the Person under whose command the human race;
  3. Spirit - Personality who is responsible for connections with Nature.

Man also consists of three principles:

  • Macrocosm;
  • Microcosm;
  • Archetype.

And in general, any person is a smaller copy of the world. It obeys the same laws that the rest of the Universe obeys. Nature became the fulcrum and center for the manifestation of other principles. Man has certain properties due to which he is able to influence nature. He is the chain that connects creation with the Creator. With the help of reason and words, he is able to influence other people, and with the help of prayer, he is able to connect with God. For anyone who would like to understand the secrets of man and the Universe, this book is an indispensable guide. Papus talks a lot in it about the Creator of all things.

God controls the world by putting its other elements into action and connecting purpose and action into one whole and indivisible.

He also controls Providence, but does not interfere with the manifestations of other principles.

With the help of nature, everyone receives parents and relatives; with the help of society, a position in society. A person fights Fate with the help of his own Will and is able to control it, depending on the circumstances, subordinating it to one force or another. But most importantly -

a person is free to choose the side of Evil or the side of Good.

As for further, so-called ternary connections of being, then, according to the teachings of Papus:

facts - relate to the knowledge of nature;

laws - to the knowledge of man;

principles are the prerogative of God.

In addition to works of a conceptual nature, Papus also left us many works of an applied nature. And among them -

"Village Magic"

This book Ceremonial magic in its purest form. Some practical guidance in the world of magic and the occult. In it you can find recipes for potions, spells, prayers and various occult techniques. Gerard borrowed all this from practitioners: witches from the countryside, whose traditions remained untouched by time.

In witchcraft, as strange as it may sound, there is its own classification of attributes and names of objects, as well as the means used in it. Thus, in “Village Magic,” Papus offers the reader some of this information, arranged in alphabetical order, for familiarization. Here magicians will be able to find for themselves all the terminology and definitions they need in their works. And the statement that village magic is incomparable with its other movements due to its simplicity and the absence of the need to use special paraphernalia is false. Know that rituals performed according to the principles of village magic work no worse than any others!..

Banishing corruption

Papus, revealing the essence of the terminology of the magical world, in his book “Practical Magic” explains damage as a kind of dark creature, fed by the magician who called it and poisoning the life of a person (usually an enemy).

Gerard explained that a lot of diseases that appear, at first glance, seemingly out of nowhere, can be the result of ordinary damage. He also gives examples of rituals of casting the evil eye or damaging enemies.

As for the expulsion of damage, it should be carried out using white magic. The ritual of delivering a person from the damage sent to him is given in the book “Black and White Magic,” and specifically in its second volume.

Removing damage from a church

The most effective method of removing damage is to enlist the help of a priest, who, during the service and prayers, helps the person get rid of the misfortune sent to him. But this method can only be effective if a person believes in God and himself prays for the salvation of his soul and help in business. Otherwise, expelling corruption may not be successful, especially if the person is not baptized and not a believer.

How to remove damage yourself

In order to remove damage yourself, you need to know what type of damage was applied to you. Thus, Papus in the collection “Black and White Magic” describes six methods of causing damage, carried out precisely and with the help of:

  1. The waters with which the deceased was washed;
  2. Volta - a figure depicting an enemy;
  3. Using a hair (the ritual lasts 9 days);
  4. Using nails in the trail left by an ill-wisher;
  5. To the wind;
  6. For trading.

Depending on what capabilities the magician has, the ritual he chooses can be determined.

The manual for practicing magicians from Papus provides examples of how a person should deal with damage caused either to himself or to someone from his environment. But without proper preparation, you are unlikely to be able to get rid of the most powerful magical effects. And if you feel that your failures or illnesses are of a magical nature, you should go to church and tell the priest about it, asking for deliverance from illnesses and evil influences.

General interpretation of Papus's activities

This in many ways unique person, in addition to everything listed above, was also involved in the interpretation of books of occult content, interpreting their content into more understandable forms. Thus, he worked on the work “The Keys of Solomon,” which, according to researchers, opens a figurative door to comprehend mystical secrets. In his books, referring to the Keys of Solomon, the author points out rituals that allow not only to summon dark creatures (demons) from the other world, but also to use their powers for one’s own purposes, to magically influence the course of certain events.

But it is important to remember that control over higher forces requires compliance with all practical safety rules. In addition to interpretations related to the summoning of various kinds of creatures and otherworldly entities, Papus talks in his books about the production of diverse magical paraphernalia, and about performing all kinds of occult and magical rituals.

All his works are accompanied by numerous illustrations, which also greatly helps to understand the application of the rituals described. Those who long to know the mysteries of love and love witchcraft can also find in Papus a lot of advice and specific mystical practices: he also describes various kinds of love spells and all kinds of ceremonies. An undoubted advantage of his books can be considered a clear and understandable style of presentation: many things that are incomprehensible at first glance are explained and revealed here in the best possible way.

In a word, the legacy of Papus and, in general, the practice and philosophy of occultism of the great initiate - all these descriptions of spells and ceremonies, pentacles (certain symbols containing certain occult meanings), advice and much more... All this is an invaluable guide to understanding and then, perhaps, to further use. But, it must be said in this regard that before trying to embark on the path of witchcraft, a person should take care of having certain specific knowledge.

Mistakes by novice magicians usually occur due to their lack of understanding of the essence of rituals and other nuances and mystical processes. And often these mistakes can have irreversible consequences...

“Happiness for a Magician is the fruit of the science of Good and Evil, but God allows this eternal fruit to be picked by a person who has achieved self-control in order to approach it without greed...

- Papus, "Gypsy Tarot"

...On October 25, 1916, Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse Papus said something strange to his wife Mathilde: “Monsieur Philippe is calling me away,” he suddenly said, and died...

Papus's real name is Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse. He was born on July 13, 1865 in the Spanish city of La Coruca. When his son was four years old, the family moved to Paris, where Gerard received his education. In his youth, he spent a lot of time studying Kabbalah, Tarot, works on magic and alchemy at the Paris National Library. The pseudonym “Papus,” which he borrowed from Eliphas Levi’s “Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana,” meant “doctor.” This is not surprising, since Encausse studied medicine at the University of Paris, and in 1894 received the degree of Doctor of Medicine for a dissertation on anatomy.

However, Gerard Encausse became famous as the author of over 400 articles and 25 books on magic, Kabbalah and Tarot, published under the name Papus. He was considered a prominent figure in various occult organizations and Parisian spiritualist and literary circles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Back in 1887, Papus joined the French Theosophical Society, which he soon left - he was not satisfied with the fact that it focused all its attention on Eastern occultism.

In 1891, Papus created an order based on two extinct Masonic rites, which became known as the Martinist Order. In 1893, Papus was one of the first to be consecrated bishop of the Gnostic Church of France by its founder Julius Doinel, and in March of the same year he joined the Temple of Ahathor of the Order of the Golden Dawn in Paris. Papus visited Russia three times (in 1901, 1905 and 1906) to lecture on magic and the occult. It is also known that he advised the last royal couple as a physician and occult advisor. In 1907, Encausse was among the founders of the Catholic Gnostic Church, which a year later was renamed the Universal Gnostic Church. On June 24, 1908, Papus organized a congress of Freemasons and Spiritualists in Paris, called the International Masonic Conference. In 1913, after the death of the famous Freemason John Yarker, Papus was elected to succeed him as Grand Hierophant (international head) of the Ancient and Public Rites of Memphis and Misraim.

With the outbreak of World War I, Encausse joined the French Army Medical Corps. Devoting all his strength to treating the wounded, he became seriously ill and was forced to return to Paris. A few months later, on October 25, 1916, at the age of 51, he died of tuberculosis.

Of all the occult authors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Papus is the most “published.” His books such as “Practical Magic”, “Magic and Hypnotism”, “Initial Information on Occultism”, “The Science of Numbers”, “Kabbalah, or the Science of God, the Universe and Man”, “Genesis and Development” were published in Russian. Masonic symbols.

Books (17)

Astrology for the initiated

In the book “Astrology for the Initiated,” Dr. Papus talks about the traditional methods of astrology.

Papus, as a rule, did not write much about astrology, but only stipulated certain provisions of this science in his various works devoted to the occult sciences. However, since the author was still a certified doctor, he approached all questions of esotericism with strictly scientific scrupulousness.

All his works are accompanied by numerous illustrations, tables, graphs and diagrams. He chose an equally truly scientific approach in relation to astrology, which he considers in full accordance with the European tradition from Ptolemy to Eli Star.

Genesis and development of Masonic symbols

Doctor, occultist, esoteric writer, Martinist, freemason Papus (J. Encausse) sheds light on the unknown and mysterious in Freemasonry. He examines the origin of Masonic symbols, degrees and rituals, their meaning and development, the history of the formation of various Masonic lodges, and analyzes the legend of Hiram.

Hypnosis and magic

Religion, mysticism, hypnosis and magic all have their origins in the same basic feeling of the Universe: a sudden sense of meaning that a person sometimes randomly selects, just as your radio may select some unknown station.

Having mastered hypnosis, a person cut a window into the world of supersensible ideas, into the world of magic, which he previously could only dream of. In many cases to which we attach the stable label “magic” or “magic”, hypnosis takes place - sometimes even mass hypnosis.

Kabbalah, or the Science of God, the Universe and Man

Gérard Encausse, known under the pseudonym Papus, is a famous occult writer, palmist and astrologer.

Before you will rise the stern figures of Pico di Mirandola, Francesca Carzi, Paracelsus and other medieval Kabbalists, shrouded in a mystical haze, who sought in Jewish Kabbalah the truth that the science and scholasticism of that time denied them.

Village magic. Magic and hypnosis

The book includes the work “Village Magic” by Doctor of Medicine Gerard Encausse, better known under the pseudonym Papus, and his work “Magic and Hypnosis,” which explains the basics of the occult.

“Ancient Magic” is a kind of dictionary that contains recipes and secrets of White and Black Magic: inducing and removing damage, love elixirs and filters, techniques for finding sources, treasures, criminals, disappearances, etc.

Methodical guide to practical magic

The book is devoted to the practical application of magical knowledge in everyday life. In accessible language, the author talks about magical ways of influencing the world around us: rituals, spells, amulets, pentacles. Papus also touched upon such a phenomenon as hypnosis, and also described the features of human physiology from a magical point of view.

The treatise “Methodological Guide to Practical Magic” is, as it were, a refined presentation of the most significant of Papus’s main works on practical magic.

Initial information on the occult

The book is a classic work of one of the greatest magicians of the Earth, initiated into the esoteric secrets of the Universe. This book is indispensable for those who want to penetrate into the innermost essence of the art of magic.

The famous occult writer, astrologer and palmist Gerard Encausse (Papus) will tell you about the secrets of the most ancient magical rites, rituals and spells, about the mystical connections of man with the world of planets, celestial bodies, precious stones and metals.

Practical magic

Having improved his body and developed his will, as indicated in this book, a person becomes a magician, that is, he can magically (without the participation of a visible intermediary principle) influence the outside world.

The first section included consideration of the composition of the human being and its functions, as absolutely necessary for a conscious attitude to the subject.

The second section includes instructions regarding the occult development of man.

The third section contains the study of Nature and the relationship of its three principles with the same principles of man.

Practical magic

“Practical Magic” is a classic textbook on the magic of one of the most famous magicians of our century, a great initiate into the esoteric secrets of the universe, one who had control over the world of spirits and the elements of all four elements.

The book is indispensable for those who want to master the ancient art of magic. This is a reference book for any practicing healer. Read - and do magic!

Practical Magic. Volume 1

Practical Magic. Volume 2

A guide to mastering the magical arts, a classic magician's desktop textbook.

Predictive tarot or the key to all kinds of card fortune telling

A complete restoration of the 78 cards of the Egyptian Tarot and the method of their interpretation. 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana.

In addition to the text, the book contains an album of drawings of the Predictive Tarot. Reprint of the famous work of Papus from 1912. is the most complete edition of this book.

Tarot and astrology for the initiated

The book "Tarot and Astrology for the Initiated" will change the way you look at the occult sciences and arts.

Current page: 18 (book has 26 pages total) [available reading passage: 18 pages]


100% +


We have previously indicated the theory of talismans, considered as accurate representations of the creative forms of the astral plane. Familiarity with pentacles and the ability to use them, comparatively speaking, are diplomas granted by the operator to the astral forces. It's sort of like a bachelor's degree in magic.

An ignoramus who plays with a talisman and does not know its meaning and use, whether it be a Negro with his gris-gris or someone else, is like a savage who would be offered the works of Homer in the original.

The figures of pentacles have significance in the rites of magic, just as the Urim and Thumim of the Jews, which do not represent an exception to this rule, are a magical operation incomprehensible to those present as much as to the priest. Grimoires (magic books) and “Keys” contain a lot of talismans. Without going into all these details, we will present here one of the figures better known for its symbolic meaning - the “Great Talisman of Agrippa.”

The talisman constitutes the second use of the magical gesture. Here we must point out the need to sanctify every magical experience, no matter how insignificant it may be.

A magician should never use tools, burn incense, or consume water or fire if they are unconsecrated. Consecration is a kind of magnetization of objects through words and gestures.

For bad operations

The use of sprinkles in Catholic rites is closely related to this part of practical magic and is reminiscent of the use of dynamized water by the wizards of the Arabian Nights. De Rocha made a very interesting experiment, which I have tested many times.

From everything that has been said previously about the gesture, it is clear how important it is. A gesture depends on the activation of the members of the body, the organs of expression of a living being, and must establish a synthesis of actions that depend either on an impulsive being or on a person of will.

Now let's get into some details of the talismans. The making of each of them represents a small magical operation, so the beginner must practice much in this ceremony.

To compose talismans, the following tools are needed:

Firstly, the material from which the talisman is made can be metal, the skin of a virgin animal, parchment made from the same skin, or, finally, paper made by the magician himself under a favorable influence.

Secondly, the items needed for this operation: pencils, a compass, a ruler, a penknife for leather, parchment and paper, a chisel, new wax and acid for etching inscriptions and signs on metal.

Thirdly, silk shells of various colors in which the talismans are preserved.

Part three

Village magic
Recipes and secrets of white and black magic



Abracadabra. The word is of Persian origin. It was a mystical or magical term which, when written on virgin parchment, constituted an amulet worn around the neck for the cure of various diseases, especially fevers.

Rach de Bayif, according to Serenus of Samos, says that this word, written in the form of a cone, with the top down, provided that the last letters are taken away one at a time, has a healing effect against diseases of the face. The magic triangle of Christian theosophists is the famous “abracadabra”, to which they attributed extraordinary properties. This combination of letters is the key of the pentagram. The initial "a" appears 5 times here, for a total of 30 times:


The "A" particular represents the unity of the principle, that is, the intelligent or active agent. “A” in conjunction with “B” – fertilization of the biner by a unit. “P” is a Turner sign, since it represents hieroglyphically the outflow that comes from the union of two principles. 11 (the number of letters of this word) adds the initiate unit to the ten of Pythagoras, and the number 66 - the sum of all letters - forms the Kabbalistic number 12 - Turner's square and, therefore, is the mystical squaring of the circle. Let us note in passing that the author of the Apocalypse, that key of Christian Kabala, composes the number of the beast, that is, idolatry, by adding 6 to the double sener of abracadabra, which in Kabala gives 18 - the number corresponding in the Tarot to the hieroglyphic sign of "night" and "profane", "Moon" , dog, wolf and cancer" is a mysterious and dark number, of which the Kabbalistic key 9 is the number of initiation."

Diamond– irresistible. In Chaldean - khudan, that is, divine. In Arabic - elmas, in Greek - adomant, which means irresistible force.

According to Ivan the Terrible, it tames rage and voluptuousness, gives abstinence and chastity. The king paid 70,000 rubles for a staff made of a unicorn horn with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other stones. Drawing a circle for them, they placed spiders inside it, and they immediately died, and those released fled. According to the Persians and Turks, close contemplation of a diamond disperses the blues, removes a gloomy veil from the eyes, makes a person more insightful and cheerful; facilitates childbirth; removes variegated color from the face; makes him pleasing to the king, respected, memorable, and cheerful. A diamond ground on a stone and taken inside causes death.

If a diamond is tied on the left side, it will protect from the enemy, preserve the mind, and put wild and poisonous animals to flight. Very good against poisoning, madness and wandering spirits.

It is softened by goat blood, fresh and warm, after which the diamond can be broken on an anvil. Placed next to a magnet, it destroys its attractive power. Makes poisons powerless and drives away empty fears, as a result of which it is called ankhite.

Drives away bad dreams. A green diamond worn as a necklace protects pregnant women and promotes a successful pregnancy.

Amethyst(Venus stone). Prevents and heals those born in October from drunkenness. If you cut out an image of a bear from amethyst, set it in silver and tie it to your navel, this talisman will bring caution and a desire for science.

Water in which amethyst is dipped helps with infertility.


Bamboo is black. Magical plant of the Antilles. Used by black sorcerers for love flirtation. Indispensable as an “attractive plant.”

The drum is magical. Used by the Tatars in Siberia to summon the devil. This is a kind of tambourine with painted hieroglyphic images; it is called kamlat. The call is preceded by a deafening cacophony. A galloping sorcerer, gesticulating, howls to the sound of his instrument. Finally, the devil from the North appears in the guise of a monstrous bear, often to beat the sorcerer.

Barbue(demon). Alchemists of the Order of the Cross and Rose attributed their success in obtaining the philosopher's stone to the help of the demon Barbue. This demon represents the symbolic image of the World Soul (Amina mundi) and is none other than the Baphomet of the Templars. This is the nitrogen of the wise, living and born through the fertilization of Mercury of the wise with the philosophical sulfur of gold.

Bezoar. In Russia in the old days it was called bezui-stone. These are solids found in the stomachs of some animals. Ancient doctors attributed healing powers to them.

Extracted from the bile of a porcupine and the stomach of a wild goat, this stone is bluish-gray in color, greasy to the touch, and has a bitter taste when powdered. An old handwritten medical book says: “Serapion, the sage, writes: “If anyone drinks a grated bezoar stone weighing 12 grains of barley, heated in Fryazhe wine, it helps against spoilage and any disease; or putting it in a ring and sensing damage, take it into your mouth.” Nikon had a bezoar embedded in his staff, and Nikon said that he was once poisoned and barely escaped by licking a stone.”

Impotence(male impotence).

Powerlessness caused by damage.

a) According to the testimony of the ancients, the green woodpecker is an excellent remedy against “egilette,” or induced impotence of a man and, especially, a newlywed. It must be eaten on an empty stomach, with blessed salt.

b) Smell the smoke from the burnt tooth of a recently deceased person.

c) Pour mercury into an oat or wheat straw and place it under the bed.

d) Release the seed into your wedding ring, which your wife should hold. Cm. The beginning.

Impotence. CONSPIRACY:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is a holy ocean-sea, on that holy ocean-sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, a damask top. The circle of that damask oak will not be bent by the wind, nor will it be broken by a whirlwind; so would I, the Servant of God (name), have seventy veins and one strength... on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young women, on gray mares. Still under this damask oak there is a body of rage and youth, and I, the servant of God (name), will take the bonds of rage and youth, I will dissolve rage and youth on the servant of God (name) into a zealous heart, into 77 strength and a single vein of the heart and into a single strength... There is also a cheerful rooster bird sitting on the top of a damask oak tree: it gets up early, raises its head and sings cheerfully; The servant of God (name) would have the same veins and united strength, they would stand equally on the female and male sex, on young girls, on fair girls, on old women. And an evil person, a corrupt person, who thinks and thinks evil of me, hit his knees on a stone and kill him. I, the servant of God (name), would be better than the old one, braver than before, like a tight horn, like a spruce branch; so would the servant of God (name), ardent and bright for female lust, for the hollow place, forever and ever, amen” (Dokhturov).

“Arise and leap, O servant of God (name), and take him to the blue sea, to my word, Amen. Three times." Pass urine three times through the wedding ring (from Knigolyubov’s manuscript).

Insomnia. If you separate the head of a toad with one blow, then one eye will be closed and the other open; This head needs to be dried. The eye that is open should be worn by those suffering from drowsiness, and the one that is closed should be worn by those suffering from insomnia. Make a pillow from a quarter pound of hop flowers (dry) and place it under the pillow you sleep on.

Beryl. He who wears a stone, light and transparent like water, will triumph over his enemies, win trials and have no misunderstandings, will not be afraid of anyone. Makes children capable of learning. A stone engraved with the image of a frog, set in gold, brings favor to the person whom it touches; the water in which he is immersed brings sympathy to the one who drinks it.

Bechet (garnet). It burns away bad thoughts.

Turquoise(stone of happiness). According to Persian belief, they are the bones of people who died of love. The stone, shaped like a woman's breast, is highly valued in the east. Protects against falling from a horse.

Incense. According to Agrippa, incense attracts spirits like a magnet attracts iron. They are used in religious and magical operations. Pleasant incense attracts pure spirits. To summon evil spirits, sorcerers use the foul incense of Saturn.

If you smoke flaxseed, pselium, violet root, celery (the source says “wild parsley”), you will find out the future, and in order to drive away bad spirits and harmful ghosts, you need to make a smoke from stone mint, peony, mint and castor beans. By burning the throat bones of a deer, you can collect nearby snakes, and in order to drive them away, you need to light the horn of the same deer. A hoof from the right foot of a horse or mule, burned in the house, drives away mice, and a hoof from the left foot drives away flies. If you make a smoke from the bile of a cuttlefish, a rose, an aloe tree and sprinkle water with blood into it, the house will seem full of water and blood, and if you throw plowed earth on it, the earth will seem to tremble.

Blona(hippomane). An unusual growth that appears on the head of a horse, chicken, or tree. It is used in love flirting, when it is necessary to charm someone, it supposedly has strong properties. The fleshy growth that chickens have and which the chicken's mother immediately eats was called hippomania by the ancient peoples of the East. The same name was given to the herb that makes horses furious. They say that near the temple of Olympian Jupiter a mare made of bronze was installed. When approaching her, the stallions began to neigh, mistaking her for a living creature. This happened because this herb was added to the copper during casting.

Bogorodskaya grass. There is a grass called Bogorodskaya, it grows in bushes, small in size, like wild little mint, a blueberry flower. That herb is good for damage to people and livestock, it fumigates every belly (V. Guberti).

Helps not to feel pain during torture or surgery.

Diseases. There are several ways to determine whether a patient will live or die.

a) Take a branch of verbena in your left hand and, going up to the bed, ask how the patient is feeling. If he answers that he is better, he will get better; otherwise, he will die.

b) Put celandine on the patient’s head - he will sing before death and cry before recovery.

c) Place fresh nettle in the patient’s urine for a day; if it turns black, this is a sign of imminent death.

d) Rub a piece of pork on the soles of the patient and give it to the dog; if he eats it, the patient will recover.

Conspiracies for diseases. 1. “Lord God, bless. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Just as the Lord God, heaven and earth, waters and stars, and the damp mother-raw earth, firmly established and strengthened, and as on that mother-raw earth there is no disease, no bleeding, no pain, no aches, no swelling, so the Lord would have created me, the servant of God (name), firmly strengthened and firmly established my veins, and my bones, and my white body; so would I, the servant of God (name), not have on my white body, on my zealous heart, or on my bones, no illness, no blood, no wound, no pain, no aches, no swelling. One angelic key, forever and ever, amen” (Burtsov).

2. “I speak, servant of God (name), from twelve sorrowful ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from itching, from shooting, from fireworm, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness . You, evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I will curse you to tartarars; You, restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the underworld; Stop itching, or I’ll drown you in hot water; You, shooting, console yourself, otherwise I will tar you in boiling tar; You, firebrand, cool down, otherwise I’ll freeze you with Epiphany frosts; You, hunk, shrink, otherwise I will crush you against a stone; You, stabber, dull it, otherwise I’ll cut you into small pieces; You jerk, come back, otherwise I’ll dam the dam at the mill with water; You, blink, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry you in the bathhouse oven; You, blindness, cower, otherwise I will drown you in tar; You, deafness, disappear, otherwise I will tar you in a barrel and send you across the sea; You, black sickness, get rid of it, otherwise I’ll make you pound the water. Get rid of all your ailments, get rid of yourself, move away from the slave (name) to this hour, to this day, to his life, with my strong word” (Sakharov).

Warts. They are removed in the following ways.

1. Cut a fresh, good apple in half. Eat one half, rub the other half hard (with a cut) on the warts and bury it in the ground. When the apple rots, the warts will disappear (Yasyulevich).

2. Rub the warts with beef and bury it under the threshold; when it dries, the warts will disappear.

3. After boiling a piece of lard in peas, coat the warts with it, put the lard in the gutter; when the lard rots, the warts will disappear. You can also let your dog eat the lard.

4. Having placed the skin of a tree frog on the surface, they remove it after a few hours, saying: “If you, unclean one, cannot find the skin, then disappear from my hand” (Vlisloki).

Marriage.(Conspiracy.) After reading the “Lord’s Prayer,” say: “Lord, the True Savior Himself, Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God, all the holy saints of the Lord and Angels, the great Archangels and the Apostles Peter and Paul, hear my prayer and do not abandon my request, slave (name). Return the heart of the slave (name) to me, the slave (name). Lord, lead him into Your true conscience, servant (name). Lord, unite, as you united the apostles Peter and Paul forever, so unite me, the slave (name), with the slave (name) in marriage” (A.P. Verkaya).

“Lord, Heavenly King, Most Holy Theotokos, as you cover heaven and earth with your cover, so cover me, the servant of God (name), with the servant (name) in marriage” (A.P. Verkaya).

Letters. In magic, these are signs of the manifestation of words or simply exponents of ideas. Isolated, they are called a hierogram; grouped, according to mysterious laws, into a symbol - a hieroglyph. When a hieroglyph is presented in the form of a creative symbol - an image or design representing an emblem, the letters are called pentacles if they have a geometric shape (circular, triangular, star). Grimoires (magical books) are filled with strange signs representing planetary spirits and demons, seemingly completely illegible at first glance. The Rosicrucians published a book outlining a method of explaining letters; through systematic rearrangements of the original signs they form a sacred alphabet and make words from letters.

Trouble.(Conspiracy against her.) “I am conspiring, the slave (name), of my beloved young man (name), from a peasant sorcerer, from a raven, from a woman witch, from an old man and an old woman, from a hermit, a hermit. I send everyone from my dear friend to walk through the forest, take a needle case, according to his faith, and while he is alive, no one would look at him or despise him” (Sakharov).

“I speak to my slave (name), my beloved young man (name), about saving on the road firmly, firmly, forever, for the rest of my life. Whoever plucks out all the grass from a meadow and eats it, drinks all the water from the sea and does not get hungry, and he would not have prevailed over my word, and would not have broken my conspiracy. Whoever of the evil people would look at him and despise him, and bewitch him, and spoil him, then their eyes would turn out of their foreheads into the back of their heads; and to my beloved fellow (name) path and path, good health during my separation.”

White women. They have been known in Flanders since time immemorial. They lived within the hills with which this country abounds. These are evil fairies who spent their time tracking down travelers and luring them into their dungeons. Much less often they lured women and children. If anyone climbed such a hill, he would turn gray from the screams he heard.

Belmo. Film covering the pupil and white. Here's how to get rid of it.

1. Cut the liver of a live burbot into pieces, put it in a jar and fill it with river water; put it in the sun for a week. Drain the resulting fat and put it into the eye a drop per day.

2. Release the bile from a live pike and put one drop of this bile into the eye before going to bed; Despite the pain, refrain from blinking.

3. Mix the bile of a freshly killed hare with an equal amount of powdered sugar and put one drop into the eye. The same applies to partridge blood and bile.

Demons.(Conspiracy from them.) “Plakun! Plakun! You cried for a long time and a lot, but you cried little. Don’t let your tears roll across the open field, don’t let your howl spread across the blue sea, be afraid of the demons and half-demons, the old witches of Kyiv; If they don’t give you submission, drown them in tears so that they will run away from your disgrace; lock me up in the pits of hell. Be my word with you firmly and firmly forever, amen” (from the manuscript of Bogolyubov’s book).


Verbena officinalis. Planted with certain ceremonies in a field or near a house, this plant helps to increase prosperity. If you put four leaves in wine and sprinkle the room with this wine, all those feasting will be happy. If, holding these leaves in your hand, you ask the patient how he feels, and the patient answers that he is better, then he will recover; otherwise, he will die.

Verbena is a sacred herb; some call it pigeon grass. The Gauls used it to predict the future. But magicians show themselves crazy when it comes to this plant: they say, for example, that if you rub yourself with vervain, you will get everything you want. With its help, they drive away fevers, make friendships, and cure all diseases. But in order to achieve these results, one must collect the grass in the evening at dusk, “so that no one can see” (neither the Moon nor the Sun), and offer the earth, in the form of atonement, a honeycomb with honey. They add that the verbena must be outlined with an iron, pulled out with the left hand and raised into the air (Pliny).

The Druids revered verbena as well as mistletoe, which, in their opinion, healed all diseases. Filters were made from it (hence its name “Veneris vena” - vein of Venus), magical drinks and secret Kabbalah.

Venus was famous as a talisman against all diseases. The ancients attributed to her many hidden and miraculous qualities; Thus, they assured that it contributes to the spread of fictitious rumors, the strengthening of friendly alliances, the reconciliation of warring parties, etc. Among the common people, it is still considered a subject of witchcraft.

Verbena is a sacred herb used to sweep the altar of Jupiter. To drive out evil spirits, they sprinkled cleansing water with verbena. The Druids observed all rituals with particular strictness: they collected it during the holidays, at the moment when the sun was just beginning to rise. Our sorcerers follow the same rule, and demonologists say that one must be crowned with vervain in order to summon spirits.

Wolves.(A conspiracy so that stray cattle are not eaten.) So that no one sees, in the forest, in the field, draw a circle with a knife three times on the ground. While saying the spell, stab the middle of the circle with a knife: “I ask you, Yuri, Yegoriy, I ask you, as God, to calm down your field, forest and pine forest horts, clamp their teeth and lips, to your horts, so that they do not see with their eyes, with their ears.” They heard my cattle (to be named by color) in the field, in the forest and in every place, and You placed it, Lord, in such a place that my cattle (to be named by color) seemed to Your horts like a dry stump, a rotten log.” Stick the knife into the ground in the circle and leave overnight. When the cattle is found, take the knife.

Find out the thief or the perpetrator of a crime(way). To recognize a thief using a sieve, you need to place the point of completely open scissors on the outside of the center of this object on the nails of the thumbs of two people. One of them should say the following prayer: “Lord, You, Who freed blessed Susanna from unjust accusation; Lord, You, Who freed blessed Thekla from the games; Lord, You, Who freed Daniel from the lion’s mouth and brought three innocent youths out of the burning furnace - and show those who committed (the guilty).”

After this, you must very loudly call by name everyone living in the house where the theft occurred, as well as those who may be suspected of theft; and the first one asks: “In the name of St. Peter and St. Paul, did so-and-so commit this theft? (say name).” The other replies: “In the name of St. Peter and St. Paul, so-and-so did not commit this theft.”

This must be repeated three times for each, and it is possible that by calling the name of the person who committed the theft, the sieve will turn by itself so that it cannot be stopped, and thus the thief or the person who committed the crime will be revealed.

Another way. Make as many loaves of bread as you suspect, and write on them: “Oshah, Opux, Olifax.” Give them to the suspects to eat, and then, holding your thumb in your fist, tell everyone in a whisper in their ear: “If you took it, save yourself in the name of Satan, but if you didn’t take it, leave in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Say these words three times. The one who stole will immediately disappear, foaming at the mouth, and return the stolen goods.

A thief can be seen in a dream. To do this, you need to put a sunflower under your head overnight.

CONSPIRACY. “On the sea, on the Ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, and in the iron chest there are damask knives. You, damask knives, go to such and such a thief, chop his body, stab his heart, so that he, the thief, will reverse the theft of such and such, so that he does not hide a single piece of gunpowder, does not give everything away in full. Be you, thief, cursed by my strong conspiracy into the underworld, beyond the mountains of Ararat, into boiling tar, into flammable ash, into swamp mud, into a mill dam, into a bottomless house, into a bath jug, be nailed in the lintel with an aspen stake, be dried up. grass, frozen more than ice, crooked, lame, stunned, frantic, overweight, emaciated, wallow in the mud, with people and die a death not your own” (Sakharov).

When something in the house is stolen, and the thief is unknown, the following means are used to find the thief: they take the study Psalter, pinch the key between the leaves and hold it with both index fingers. Another person reads the psalm from this Psalter: “God of gods, Lord of the word, and called the earth from the east of the sun to the west.” And they assure that if a wish is made directly on the thief, then the hanging Psalter will seem to begin to spin on its own; in addition, they also use a sieve, hanging it in the same way (Abevega of Russian superstitions).

Enemies. There are remedies against them. Before mass, buy a candle for three kopecks and pull it onto your finger from the bottom with black thread so that it cuts into the wax. Light a candle to John the warrior and ask this: “John the warrior-father, you conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy (name)”; make nine bows (A.I. Verkaya).

Favorable time for spells(according to Hindu sources). Months: May is very favorable, as are October and November. April, December and June are less favorable. July, August and March are not very favorable; the rest are not at all favorable.

Days: Full moon days are good for spells: 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 13th, days of lunar crescents. The waxing period of the Moon gives material benefits, and the waning period gives spiritual benefits. Other days are not suitable.

The 6th day of each half of September, the 13th day of the dark half of October, the 9th day of the light half of November are called “sacred to the gods.” Thursday brings death, Saturday brings death, Monday is powerless in the dark crescent; the rest of the days are good.

Time for magic spells and other things.

Oeen– (start from 1 to 10°). The Moon extends a favorable influence for travelers and traders at this time. Inscriptions and talismans composed under this influence protect travelers and traders from danger and misfortune.

Middle – (11 to 20°/ The Moon promotes wealth and the discovery of treasures. A favorable moment for composing talismans and inscriptions for happiness in the game, especially if the Moon is in a good aspect with Jupiter (conjunction).

Taurus– (beginning 31 to 40°). It has an influence in the composition of inscriptions and talismans that contribute to the destruction of wells and fountains, the breaking of friendships, marriages and other similar things.

(End – 60°). 25° after leaving the sign of Taurus, the Moon influences good health and scientific abilities, and also favors the acquisition of the favor of noble persons, and if at this time it is in conjunction with Venus, talismans and other figures that are composed under this influence will inevitably be favorable for acquiring the love of the fair sex.

Twins(61–90°). Happy Hunting; luck in war. The influence of the Moon at this time makes those who wear talismans, mysterious figures or inscriptions composed under the influence of this combination irresistible.

Cancer (91-120°). Promotes cunning, brings good luck in treason, conspiracy and other evil intentions. If, however, the Moon is in a favorable relationship with Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, talismans will promote love, help in gambling and discovering treasures.

Leah(121–150°). In aspect with Saturn, it affects all unhappy enterprises at the beginning of its entry into a sign, but during its exit from this sign (141–150°) it has a beneficial effect on all well-being.

Deea(151–180°). Represents a good influence when aspected less by Saturn. Talismans and inscriptions composed under this influence are very favorable for gamblers, travelers and ambitious people.

Scales(181–210°). They favor those looking for treasures, the discovery of riches, mines and abundant springs.

Scorpion(211–240°). A sign that is very harmful for travelers getting married or forming any kind of society.

Sagittarius(241–270°). It has a good influence on ambitious people and promotes longevity.

Capricorn(270–300°). Under the favorable influence of Venus or Jupiter, love of the fair sex is good for health, so talismans and inscriptions compiled at this time prevent the bad influence caused by damage to marriage, maintain friendship and good relations between spouses.

Aquarius(301–330°). Bad influence on health and travel.

Fish(331–360°). Those wishing to compose talismans and inscriptions should be wary of the aspect with Saturn, which is under the constellation. Although the influence of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is favorable, it will still have a significant impact on gambling.

January. Very favorable for calling the spirits of Saturn.

February. A great time to invoke the spirits of Jupiter.

March. Verbena harvest time (grows in the southern provinces of Russia).

April. Good for love transactions, especially the 26th (Holy Saturday is the most auspicious day of the year).

May. The first number is favorable for love transactions.

June. Making virgin parchment. (It is made from the skins of unborn lambs, that is, those whose mother was slaughtered before they were born). Preparing talismans for travel. June 20 is a favorable day for all operations. On the eve of Midsummer (23rd) a magic wand should be made. On the same day you need to collect the herbs.

July. A great month for getting rich and finding treasures (especially on Sundays). On July 24, the frog skin is prepared for the following December. They collect magical herbs and especially heliotrope, lily and nettle.

August. A favorable time for invoking and consciously appearing spirits. The 15th is extremely favorable for making love talismans. On the 21st (next Wednesday) a mascot for the game is drawn up.

September. On the 12th, love talismans are compiled.

October. On the day and hour of Mars (Tuesday), a war talisman is drawn up.

November. Favorable for invoking the spirits of Jupiter. The 23rd is especially good for invoking the spirits of Mars, which belong to Aries, and the spirits of Sagittarius.

December. On the new moon, on the day and hour of Saturn, a very important pentacle is drawn up, which serves for the successful breeding and purchase of livestock.

Summoning Genius(guardian angel). “Almighty eternal God! Who created all creation for His glory and in His honor and for the service of man, I ask - for the sake of Your ineffable name - to appear as my Genius. Amen".

Evoking the family spirit. On Thursday, cut “35, 35, 35” on a pure gold ring and put it in the dying person’s mouth; after death, take it out and, returning home three days later, say on your knees the beginning of the 103rd Psalm, fumigate the ring with rue and curse the spirit by its godfather name so that it answers you. When he does this, ask him to leave and enter the ring: he will do this and will be in it constantly to answer your questions.

Attention! This is an introductory fragment of the book.

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Practical magic. Great Book of World Governance

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

Freemason, Rosicrucian, magician and doctor - one of the most significant figures in occultism. Biography of the master

Papus (Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse), July 13, 1865 - October 25, 1916. Famous French occultist of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, freemason, Rosicrucian, magician and doctor. Founder of the Martinist Order and member of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose and Cross. Author of more than 400 articles and 100 books on magic, Kabbalah, author of the famous Tarot card system. He was considered one of the most significant figures in various occult organizations and Parisian spiritualistic and literary circles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse appeared in the city of La Coruña (Spain) on July 13, 1865. His father was a French alchemist, his mother was a Spanish gypsy who mastered the art of fortune telling with cards. Four years later, the Encausse family moved to France, to Paris.

The future magician devoted his youth to studying works on Kabbalah, magic, alchemy, and Tarot, which he found in the Paris National Library. Under the influence of the books of famous mystics, the young man abandoned positivism and materialism and began to study the occult and alchemy.

He borrowed his pseudonym, Papus (“healer”), from the book “Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana” by the famous French occultist and tarot reader Eliphas Levi.

In 1882, Papus was initiated into the degree of S\I\, "Superieur Inconnu" (Superior Unknown), and in 1887, teaming up with initiate Pierre Auguste Chaboseau, became the founder of "l'Ordre des Superieurs Inconnus" (Order of the Supreme Unknowns), became known as the Martinist Order. This order, which united the disparate branches of the Martinists, still exists today.

A year later, Papus, the Marquis Stanislas de Guaita and the Marquis Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alvayder founded the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Cross, the main purpose of which was to fight black magicians. This order still exists today.

In 1894, Papus was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Paris for his dissertation on the “philosophy of anatomy.”

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Papus visited Russia three times, where he gave lectures on occultism and magic, founded Martinist lodges in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kyiv, and also, together with his teacher, member of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order Philippe Antelmao Nizier, initiated Russian Emperor Nicholas II into Martinism .

In 1905, Papus conducted a seance for the Emperor and Empress, invoking the spirit of Tsar Alexander III. According to some reports, the magician warned Emperor Nicholas about the death of the Romanov family and even predicted the date of death for the king. In 1909, members of the Martinist Order in St. Petersburg published the magazine “Isis” - the official printed organ of the order, publishing translations of Papus’s books and other works on the occult, magic and astrology.

At the beginning of the First World War - in 1914 - Papus volunteered to go to the front as a field hospital doctor. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the doctor worked with full dedication, easing the suffering of the wounded, regardless of their citizenship and nationality. However, after contracting tuberculosis, he was discharged and died from a serious illness on October 25, 1916. The magician’s last words were: “Monsieur Philippe is recalling me,” the teacher called his student to him. The great magician predicted the date of his death several years before the sad event.

During his life, Papus published more than 100 books on magic and esotericism, the popularity of which is still high today. It is not for nothing that his works are among the most published materials on Western magic.


What's happened

Practical Magic

We have made the following definition: Practical Magic represents the art of influencing the evolution of the living forces of Nature in the sense of its acceleration by the dynamized human will, and our whole book represents an explanation and development of this definition.

We hope that we have been able to present the theory of the human psyche, given in his time by Plato and developed in our time by Fabre d'Olivet, according to the data of modern physiology. This part of the work is a necessary foundation.

On the other hand, many chapters of this work were devoted to the study of the living forces of nature, their astral origin and their correspondence in the sublunary world.

These important questions are very often left unattended by those who begin to study Magic without knowledge of the unchanging basic principles set forth in the traditions.

This work contains both the general theory of magical operations and examples of prayers and spells; It goes without saying that when you have mastered Theoretical Magic well, then you will do just fine without these ready-made texts: your immortal spirit, manifesting itself in the voice of your conscience, will tell you expressions that are strictly suitable for each individual operation. But this is your personal business, I considered it my duty to show you the way and irrevocably remove incapable persons from it.

Prayer! Spell! Mysterious formulas!

Isn’t it funny when in the 19th century an author who pretends to be serious presents all this to the “sons of progress”, “famous children of the age of railways and telephones”, and in addition advises readers to beware of both clericalism and materialism?

Is this not enough to make the modern skeptic, vain, empty and impatient, throw this book into the fire?

In these days, when such things are becoming fashionable, when "magicians", "great initiates", "professors of occultism and witchcraft" are growing like mushrooms and besieging the publishers of books and magazines with their incomprehensible treatises, at such a time a ray of light is needed. It was necessary to give every conscientious researcher the opportunity to appreciate these “great people” at their true worth. If the proposed essay helps them in this matter in any way, we will be fully rewarded for our efforts.

As for people who are sincerely convinced of the greatness of modern faculty science and consider magical research to be empty nonsense or the play of a disordered imagination, we ask them: shouldn’t the law of evolution apply to physical forces in the same way as it applies to the rest of Nature, and Do we dare to set any boundaries for the transformation of energy in any of its forms?

Doesn’t history show us that today’s wisdom was considered madness yesterday, and can’t we conclude by analogy that what seems illogical to us is only a logical manifestation of reasons still unknown to us?

The logical action is considered to be the action of an electric machine, insulated on its glass legs, converting into electrical energy the mechanical work expended on the rotation of its glass disk, and concentrating this electrical energy on the metal balls of the conductor. But they consider it ridiculous and extravagant a priori the action of a magician, isolated within his coal circle, converting into astral energy the physical and mental work that he has done on his body during preparation, and concentrating this energy on a metal ball located at the end of his wooden wand coated with insulating varnish.

They find logical and rational the action of a lightning rod that attracts and extinguishes the electrical energy of a cloud, or a metal tip that dissipates electrical energy in a Ramsden machine.

But if a magician, armed with a metal point called a magic sword, absorbs the energy concentrated in the system of astral forces, now everyone who claims to be a man of science shouts: madness, hallucination or deception!

I repeat once again - the forces that the magician uses are of the same order as all other forces of Nature, and are subject to the same laws. Their only peculiarity is that they arise from the transformation of psychic forces in a living environment and retain traces of their psychic origin in the form of some signs of rationality.

The ignorant and fanatic sees a trait in these forces: a modern scientist, whom they will prevent from calmly raising a microbor, sees in them only the delirium of those who dare to engage in tasks that are not included in any university program.

The independent seeker of truth must be fully aware of all the smallest details of the question under investigation and must not be afraid of words, no matter where they come from.


Part one

Definition of Magic

Of course, you know the joke about the chicken egg that Christopher Columbus put on the table? I won't repeat it to you.

This anecdote proves that, generally speaking, of all the solutions to a given problem, the simplest one is the most difficult to find. Likewise, Magic seems so dark and incomprehensible to those who study it seriously, only because the student from the very beginning goes into complex details in which he becomes confused.

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

Freemason, Rosicrucian, magician and doctor - one of the most significant figures in occultism. Biography of the master

Papus (Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse), July 13, 1865 - October 25, 1916. Famous French occultist of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, freemason, Rosicrucian, magician and doctor. Founder of the Martinist Order and member of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose and Cross. Author of more than 400 articles and 100 books on magic, Kabbalah, author of the famous Tarot card system. He was considered one of the most significant figures in various occult organizations and Parisian spiritualistic and literary circles of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse appeared in the city of La Coruña (Spain) on July 13, 1865. His father was a French alchemist, his mother was a Spanish gypsy who mastered the art of fortune telling with cards. Four years later, the Encausse family moved to France, to Paris.

The future magician devoted his youth to studying works on Kabbalah, magic, alchemy, and Tarot, which he found in the Paris National Library. Under the influence of the books of famous mystics, the young man abandoned positivism and materialism and began to study the occult and alchemy.

He borrowed his pseudonym, Papus (“healer”), from the book “Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana” by the famous French occultist and tarot reader Eliphas Levi.

In 1882, Papus was initiated into the degree of S\I\, "Superieur Inconnu" (Superior Unknown), and in 1887, teaming up with initiate Pierre Auguste Chaboseau, became the founder of "l'Ordre des Superieurs Inconnus" (Order of the Supreme Unknowns), became known as the Martinist Order. This order, which united the disparate branches of the Martinists, still exists today.

A year later, Papus, the Marquis Stanislas de Guaita and the Marquis Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alvayder founded the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Cross, the main purpose of which was to fight black magicians. This order still exists today.

In 1894, Papus was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Paris for his dissertation on the “philosophy of anatomy.”

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Papus visited Russia three times, where he gave lectures on occultism and magic, founded Martinist lodges in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kyiv, and also, together with his teacher, member of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order Philippe Antelmao Nizier, initiated Russian Emperor Nicholas II into Martinism .

In 1905, Papus conducted a seance for the Emperor and Empress, invoking the spirit of Tsar Alexander III. According to some reports, the magician warned Emperor Nicholas about the death of the Romanov family and even predicted the date of death for the king. In 1909, members of the Martinist Order in St. Petersburg published the magazine “Isis” - the official printed organ of the order, publishing translations of Papus’s books and other works on the occult, magic and astrology.

At the beginning of the First World War - in 1914 - Papus volunteered to go to the front as a field hospital doctor. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the doctor worked with full dedication, easing the suffering of the wounded, regardless of their citizenship and nationality. However, after contracting tuberculosis, he was discharged and died from a serious illness on October 25, 1916. The magician’s last words were: “Monsieur Philippe is recalling me,” the teacher called his student to him. The great magician predicted the date of his death several years before the sad event.

During his life, Papus published more than 100 books on magic and esotericism, the popularity of which is still high today. It is not for nothing that his works are among the most published materials on Western magic.


What's happened
Practical Magic

We have made the following definition: Practical Magic represents the art of influencing the evolution of the living forces of Nature in the sense of its acceleration by the dynamized human will, and our whole book represents an explanation and development of this definition.

We hope that we have been able to present the theory of the human psyche, given in his time by Plato and developed in our time by Fabre d'Olivet, according to the data of modern physiology. This part of the work is a necessary foundation.

On the other hand, many chapters of this work were devoted to the study of the living forces of nature, their astral origin and their correspondence in the sublunary world.

These important questions are very often left unattended by those who begin to study Magic without knowledge of the unchanging basic principles set forth in the traditions.

This work contains both the general theory of magical operations and examples of prayers and spells; It goes without saying that when you have mastered Theoretical Magic well, then you will do just fine without these ready-made texts: your immortal spirit, manifesting itself in the voice of your conscience, will tell you expressions that are strictly suitable for each individual operation. But this is your personal business, I considered it my duty to show you the way and irrevocably remove incapable persons from it.

Prayer! Spell! Mysterious formulas!

Isn’t it funny when in the 19th century an author who pretends to be serious presents all this to the “sons of progress”, “famous children of the age of railways and telephones”, and in addition advises readers to beware of both clericalism and materialism?

Is this not enough to make the modern skeptic, vain, empty and impatient, throw this book into the fire?

In these days, when such things are becoming fashionable, when "magicians", "great initiates", "professors of occultism and witchcraft" are growing like mushrooms and besieging the publishers of books and magazines with their incomprehensible treatises, at such a time a ray of light is needed. It was necessary to give every conscientious researcher the opportunity to appreciate these “great people” at their true worth. If the proposed essay helps them in this matter in any way, we will be fully rewarded for our efforts.

As for people who are sincerely convinced of the greatness of modern faculty science and consider magical research to be empty nonsense or the play of a disordered imagination, we ask them: shouldn’t the law of evolution apply to physical forces in the same way as it applies to the rest of Nature, and Do we dare to set any boundaries for the transformation of energy in any of its forms?

Doesn’t history show us that today’s wisdom was considered madness yesterday, and can’t we conclude by analogy that what seems illogical to us is only a logical manifestation of reasons still unknown to us?

The logical action is considered to be the action of an electric machine, insulated on its glass legs, converting into electrical energy the mechanical work expended on the rotation of its glass disk, and concentrating this electrical energy on the metal balls of the conductor. But they consider it ridiculous and extravagant a priori the action of a magician, isolated within his coal circle, converting into astral energy the physical and mental work that he has done on his body during preparation, and concentrating this energy on a metal ball located at the end of his wooden wand coated with insulating varnish.

They find logical and rational the action of a lightning rod that attracts and extinguishes the electrical energy of a cloud, or a metal tip that dissipates electrical energy in a Ramsden machine.

But if a magician, armed with a metal point called a magic sword, absorbs the energy concentrated in the system of astral forces, now everyone who claims to be a man of science shouts: madness, hallucination or deception!

I repeat once again - the forces that the magician uses are of the same order as all other forces of Nature, and are subject to the same laws. Their only peculiarity is that they arise from the transformation of psychic forces in a living environment and retain traces of their psychic origin in the form of some signs of rationality.

The ignorant and fanatic sees a trait in these forces: a modern scientist, whom they will prevent from calmly raising a microbor, sees in them only the delirium of those who dare to engage in tasks that are not included in any university program.

The independent seeker of truth must be fully aware of all the smallest details of the question under investigation and must not be afraid of words, no matter where they come from.
