In front of you detailed map Baden-Württemberg with names of cities and settlements in Russian. Move the map while holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale on the right side of the map or turning the mouse wheel.

What country is Baden-Württemberg in?

Baden-Württemberg is located in Germany. This is wonderful a nice place, with its own history and traditions. Coordinates of Baden-Württemberg: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

The “man” figurine above the scale will help you take a virtual walk through the cities of Baden-Württemberg. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while inscriptions with the approximate address of the area will appear in the upper left corner. Select the direction of movement by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen. The “Satellite” option at the top left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. In the "Map" mode you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself in detail with

highways Baden-Württemberg and its main attractions. Baden-Württemberg(German)


) - land of Germany. The capital is the city of Stuttgart. Formed on April 25, 1952 by the union of the federal states of Württemberg-Baden, South Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern.


This land consists of the union of several historical states of the German region of Swabia: Baden, Hohenzollern, the Kingdom of Württemberg. After World War II, the Allies created three states: Württemberg-Hohenzollern, South Baden (both occupied by France), and Württemberg-Baden (occupied by the United States). In 1949, these three states became part of the Federal Republic of Germany. Article 118 of the German constitution allowed these three regions to unite. Following a plebiscite on December 9, 1951, these regions were united on April 25, 1952 to form Baden-Württemberg. Policy Legislative body - Landtag of Baden-Württemberg ( Landtag von Baden-Württemberg), elected by the population, executive agency- State Government of Baden-Württemberg ( Landesregierung von Baden-Württemberg) and the ministers of the state of Baden-Württemberg, the constitutional oversight body is the State Court of Justice of the State of Baden-Württemberg ( Staatsgerichtshof für das Land Baden-Württemberg), the highest courts are the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe ( Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe) and the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart ( Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart), the highest court of administrative justice is the Administrative Court of Justice of Baden-Württemberg ( Verwaltungsgerichtshof Baden-Württemberg).

Since 10 February 2010, the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg has been Stefan Mappus (CDU), who heads a coalition government consisting of representatives of the CDU and the FDP/DPP. However, as a result of the 2011 elections, the ruling coalition lost its majority and a coalition of the Greens and the SPD was formed, led by Winfried Kretschmann. He became the first Green Party representative to be elected prime minister of a federal state.


The majority of believers are Catholics (36.9%) and Protestants (33.3%), the latter predominant in northern and most of central Württemberg.

The science

9 universities, 39 specialized universities, about 130 research institutions. The universities of Heidelberg and Tübingen are among the oldest in Europe.

European metropolitan regions

German Europäische Metropolregionen

  • Rhine-Neckar region, Germany. Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar- located partly in Baden-Württemberg
  • Region Stuttgart, Germany Metropolregion Stuttgart
08 Jul

Baden-Württemberg — Baden-Württemberg

In this article you will learn:

Baden-Württemberg is a German state that was created in 1952 by connecting Württemberg-Baden with South Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern. On its territory there is the largest Lake Constance, the largest European botanical garden, the most famous Christian temple, the Cathedral in Ulm and the most popular resort of Baden-Baden. It is the birthplace of Johannes Kepler and Georg Hegel.

Baden-Wurttemberg Map

History of origin

Baden-Württemberg is located in territories that formerly belonged to the Grand Duchy of Constance. There have been numerous changes of power here, which explains the diversity of cultural and religious movements on this land. The most famous are two noble families that had an important impact on the culture and general development country and the European part of the world as a whole. From these families came the greatest and most enlightened rulers of Germany. The Hohenstaufen dynasty (Swabians) ruled the country from 1138 to 1254 (Frederick I and Frederick II). Subsequently, rule passed to the Hohenzollern family, which included the Dukes of Brandenburg, Prussian kings and German emperors.

Baden-Württemberg has preserved small towns and villages that were founded during the Roman era. In them you can hear many ancient stories and legends from local residents. The Brothers Grimm were looking for plots for their fairy tales here. These places, just like in ancient times, are famous for their excellent wines.

Today, Baden-Württemberg is no less famous than it was many centuries ago. In addition to the excellent tourism industry, historical attractions and famous resorts, world-famous companies such as Porsche and Bosch operate here.

Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg


In the territory of Baden-Württemterg, the majority of believers (about 40 percent) are Catholics, thirty percent of the population are considered Protestants, and the remainder profess a variety of religions.


The capital of Baden-Württemberg is considered to be the administrative, economic and cultural center of the state. Among the historical cities, Heidelberg is interesting with its medieval castles and bridges. Mannheim, whose construction was organized by Elector Frederick of the Palatinate at the beginning of the seventeenth century, is known as the square city. To designate houses, they used only letters and numbers. It is impossible not to mention Karlsruhe, built in 1715, in which more than thirty ancient streets are located like a fan from the ancient palace. Freiburg became famous for its university, which has been operating since 1457, and its beautiful ancient city gates. Ulm is located Cathedral with the tallest bell tower in the country.

City of Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)

Popular tourist destinations

Baden-Württemberg is home to the most famous resorts in Germany. Baden-Baden is not only a place of relaxation and recreation, thanks to its fabulous landscape, it is a center where major international festivals are held. It has its own specific atmosphere and way of life.

City of Baden-Baden

Badenweiler, located near Freiburg, is a resort built on the site where the ancient Romans built swimming pools and hospitals. It is interesting for its unusual architecture, as well as for its unique range of services offered. These resorts are located near underground springs with healing waters.

For those tourists who are interested in history and architecture there will be interesting visit ruins of a monastery located in Hirsau. In the museum under open air In Vogtsbauernhof you can get acquainted with ancient houses, utensils and tools that are more than four centuries old.