I realized all this several years ago, having become acquainted with the national Georgian dish khashi. It always seemed to me, and I found a lot of confirmation in the literature, that we need to eat the food that grows and is produced in our region, where we were born and live. Our ancestors ate this food from generation to generation, so our body best perceives and assimilates the cuisine of its people.

I have never been interested in Georgian cuisine: burnt kebab for crazy money at the resort discourages any desire to try it, and I can’t have too much pepper, and they don’t put pepper in boiled eggs just yet. And I would never have known about khashi if not for a chance conversation at a holiday table, where there was an elderly Georgian - the husband of my long-time college classmate. There was a conversation about a relative who had broken her leg and the bone was not healing well. “And you give her khashi,” the Georgian suddenly said. “She’ll get back on her feet quickly.” No one at the table knew what khashi was, and he said that it was a Georgian soup made from beef bones, which is eaten if there is heavy physical work, after serious illnesses, injuries, operations, and is especially good for bone fractures. It's easy to prepare.

Buy beef bones at the market or store, at least a kilogram (otherwise there is no point in messing around), garlic and a lot of parsley or celery. Rinse the bones, place in a large saucepan, add 3-4 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for at least 3 hours. Add salt as you would a regular broth, taking into account that some of the water will boil away (add boiling water if necessary). Just before the end of cooking, add a few cloves of garlic (to taste) and more parsley. Hashi is ready.

Hashi tastes like aromatic hot liquid jellied meat. They eat it hot. The most important thing in its preparation is the cooking time. Within a few hours, a huge amount of organic calcium compounds is digested from bone tissue. Easily digestible and necessary for accelerating bone healing during fractures. Of course, I’m not a doctor, but I think that hashi contains a lot of extractive substances that somehow stimulate the functioning of different body systems. I remembered Hashi when my mother-in-law, after a fracture of the femoral neck, underwent a serious operation - a hip joint endoprosthesis was installed. She lost a lot of blood, became weak and was unable to get up, no matter how hard they tried to force her. Literally on the third day, the mother-in-law was already able to sit up on the bed and get to her feet with a walker.

Since then, if someone in the family is sick, I cook hashi and recommend it to everyone I know for fractures, after operations, and to quickly recover from some serious illness. Some, however, are indignant: how can this be done if they say that extractive substances are harmful, and then a lot of bone fat is digested, which means cholesterol... It is quite possible that eating khashi regularly is harmful for everyone. But I don’t suggest eating it every day. This is a special food, it is like medicine when the body is really having a hard time and needs help.

B.V. Romanovsky, doctor

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This dish is rightfully considered one of the masterpieces of Caucasian cuisine. But, before enjoying its taste, let's figure out whether khash is beneficial and what harm can come from consuming it. After all, it’s a rare woman who doesn’t care about her health, and therefore about hers.

How is khash useful?

In order to understand what substances are contained in this dish, you should understand what it is prepared from. To prepare khash, you should take beef legs, tripe, garlic, herbs and gelatin. These ingredients are the basis of the dish.

Much has been said about the benefits of beef; the high protein content and low fat content of this meat have made it very popular among people who care about their health. Therefore, khash is often recommended for those who do not value fatty meats too much.

But the main benefit of khash is still provided by the presence of gelatin in the dish. This component is extremely beneficial for bones. Human bone tissue and joints gradually wear out throughout life. This happens especially often in women. Gelatin contains a substance that restores the tissues of the body's musculoskeletal system.

However beneficial features Khasha is questioned by many. The thing is that there are various recipes for this dish, and some of them contain many components with high fat content. And cholesterol has never been considered healthy.

How to eat khash correctly?

If you still want to try this dish, you should know what it is served with and in what form. Khash is traditionally eaten hot; in this case, you need to add chopped herbs, such as cilantro, to the plate. Lavash will perfectly complement the taste of this soup.

But you can also eat khash cold. So it resembles one familiar to many people. It can be served with potatoes or also eaten with bread.

has the character of not just food, but a ritual character. This is probably true. This delicious Armenian dish (let’s consider khash an Armenian dish, especially since, most likely, it is) should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. I had eaten khash before, but it was in a hostel and, of course, it was impossible to talk about the correctness of its use. But today in one Armenian restaurant we did it right)

Khash is not eaten on an empty table. It must have:
Freshest greens:

Delicious cheese:


There should be vodka on the table, but we made do with excellent mineral water:

They also bring salt, because it is customary to add salt to your plate:

And broth with garlic, which everyone adds to their taste:

Finally, there should be two types of pita bread on the table: one regular, the other dried:

And here it is, in a large deep plate:

Khash is boiled from beef legs, tripe and garlic are added. It cooks for a very long time, usually all night. The aroma is indescribable)))
The legs are placed on a separate plate and covered with pita bread to cool more slowly:

But then they take dry pita bread and crumble it into the broth to make a thick mass:

Half the plate is again covered with pita bread - the broth cools quickly:

Stir the pita bread with a spoon and put the spoon aside. They eat with their hands, folding the pita bread into an envelope, they despise spoons:

It turns out very tasty and satisfying.
After khash, you need to sleep, and then immediately eat kebab. I didn’t have enough for the barbecue anymore))

Miracle Hash is a group of drugs aimed at treating diseased joints and the spine, as well as preventing such diseases.

Active components

The series is based on the action of natural ingredients; The composition includes cinquefoil, formic alcohol, collagen and chondroitin, which is necessary for joints.

Marsh cinquefoil has a decongestant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect and improves local blood flow.

Formic alcohol has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, increases blood flow, and promotes deep penetration of active components.

Collagen is necessary for the formation of connective tissues.

Chondroitin is a substance that is widely used in the treatment of joint diseases; is an extract from animal cartilage tissue.

The series includes:

  • Ca regulator;
  • gel for strengthening nails;
  • knee-elbow film;
  • non-alcoholic drinking balm;
  • bath concentrate;
  • body balm Miracle Khash.

Body balm-gel

The ointment is used as an additional remedy in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints, which are caused by the degradation of cartilage and periarticular connective tissues.

Indications for use

Among other things, the drug promotes accelerated healing of sprains, fractures and dislocations.

Functions of gel balm

  • protection of joints from destruction;
  • blocking the destruction of “aged” articular cartilage;
  • improvement of bone condition;
  • optimizes the condition of muscle fibers;
  • strengthens joint ligaments;
  • restoration of cartilage tissue of joints;
  • elimination of discomfort in the spine and joints;
  • renewal of the hyaline surface of the joint;
  • improving joint mobility;
  • increasing ligamentous and muscle elasticity;
  • strengthening joint ligaments;
  • promotes the regeneration of damaged periarticular muscle tissue;
  • eliminates small tumors, hematomas, edema in the area of ​​the periarticular muscle network.

In addition, the balm gel restores, nourishes and activates the production of synovial fluid. Synovial (interarticular) fluid provides mobility and nutrition to the joints, acts as an additional shock absorber, increases the adhesion of articular surfaces and reduces mutual friction.

Release form

The gel is available in a 70 g tube.

Directions for use and doses

Course duration: 4 weeks.

At the end of the course, take a break for 2 weeks, and then repeat the course.

Storage conditions

Best before date

The drug is valid for 2 years from the date of manufacture.


I have been playing football since early childhood, now I am 25. Six years ago I damaged my ankle ligaments and for this reason I am no longer a pro. Now I'm an amateur, I play for fun, just for myself. Periodically, the ligaments remind of their existence - they hurt. I bought all sorts of warming substances such as gels, looked for reviews on the Internet: they didn’t help, the pain quickly returned. This gel-balm will be better than its companions. When I hurt myself, the swelling goes away quickly after using the gel. But it doesn't relieve pain very well.

My knee has been hurting for a long time now. The wife has an index finger when she bends it. We bought Khash. The main advantage is the very beautiful packaging, the illustrator did his best: both the box and the tube are decorated with a wonderful picture, and the packaging includes a fairy tale about the balm (not instructions). My wife smeared my knee for all 4 weeks, as expected, but there was no effect. We also didn’t cure her finger.

I bought it by chance at some pharmacy. Well, my opinion is that it helps. My joints are not completely rotten, of course, that may be why. In general, this is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, and therefore the effect from it is appropriate, not very strong. Don't know…

I really liked the drug. Put me right on my feet, literally and figuratively. I think those who didn't find it helpful were simply using it incorrectly. Personally, I apply it 5 times a day, the effect is very noticeable, I don’t fly, of course, but it can’t be compared with what I had before. I also liked the design, it’s nice to hold it in your hands.

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Jellied meat for joints - healthy dish which will help with arthrosis. Such food is considered an excellent way to prevent such pathologies, since it restores cartilage tissue and improves the flow of synovial fluid. Thanks to this, the body better regenerates damaged cells.

What effect does jellied meat have?

Jelly is rich in proteins, and this is the main thing construction material cells in the human body. Chicken foot jellied meat also contains collagen, which is the main component of connective tissue. Joints, cartilage and ligaments consist of such a substance, so the aspic helps in the normal functioning of the human body.

For joint diseases and problems with musculoskeletal system The cartilage tissue becomes thinner, the functions of the synovial fluid are disrupted. To treat such phenomena, you should nourish your joints with the right foods. Jellied meat, containing collagen and gelatin, is able to cope with such a task.

What are the benefits and harms of such a dish? In the product a large number of vitamins, proteins, fats and microelements. When bones and cartilage are boiled for a long time, the resulting broth is saturated with many useful substances:

  • vitamins of group C, A, B;
  • aluminum;
  • rubidium;
  • boron;
  • vanadium;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus.

Thanks to such a rich composition, ligaments are strengthened, muscle tone is increased, hemoglobin production is stimulated and the nervous system is calmed.

Jellied meat is good for ligaments because it has a positive effect on the structure of cartilage. Regular use Jelly allows you to saturate the body with useful natural substances, thanks to which you can quickly eliminate the symptoms of arthrosis and other joint diseases.

Only the attending physician can tell you what the benefits and harms of jellied meat will be. But to achieve positive result you need to eat jellied dishes up to 4 times a week.

Recipes for healthy jellied meat

To treat joints, beef jelly is most often prepared. The recipe for this dish is very simple. First you need to purchase necessary products. First of all, you should buy a motorcycle leg (upper leg). It’s better to go to the market for such an ingredient, because there they can chop it up so that it fits into the pan. To prepare the dish you also need to stock up on:

  • carrots;
  • onions;
  • bay leaf;
  • salt.

When all the components are prepared, you can start preparing the jellied meat:

  1. First, you need to wash the meat along with the bones, place it in a pan and fill it with water 8–10 cm above the main product.
  2. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat. It is recommended to cook the dish for 7–8 hours, while the pan must be closed.
  3. After 5-6 hours, you need to add 2-3 carrots and onions in the peel (pre-washed) to the container. After this, you need to cook the jelly until the vegetables are ready, and then put a bay leaf and salt (according to your own taste) into the container and continue to simmer for another 15-25 minutes.
  4. When the dish is ready, remove the pan from the stove, remove the vegetables and motoliga. The bones should be separated (you can throw it away, give it to your cat or dog), and strain the broth.
  5. The carrots need to be finely chopped, and the meat must be minced, adding garlic and ground black pepper.
  6. The ingredients are placed in a special jelly dish and carefully poured into the broth. Filled containers should be placed in the refrigerator so that the contents of the plates thicken.

Beef jelly is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish that will improve joint function.

Recipe with chicken feet

For the treatment of arthrosis, jellied chicken feet are often prepared. This jellied food contains large amounts of protein and collagen. To create this dish you will need:

  • 600–700 g chicken feet;
  • 500 g drumstick or rooster fillet;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 3–4 cloves of garlic;
  • 15–20 black peppercorns;
  • 3 laurel leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Chicken feet should be placed in cold water and left for 2-3 hours. After washing the raw material, you need to scrape off the dirt and place it in a deep pan (with a capacity of at least 3 liters). Peeled and washed carrots need to be cut into 3-4 parts. The onion must be added with the peel. Place the vegetables in a container along with the fillet or drumstick, pour in 3 liters of water and put on low heat. The dish must be cooked for at least 2 hours.

After boiling, all foam and scale should be removed so that the broth turns out light and clean when poured. When the dish is ready, remove the container from the heat and strain the contents. The onion should be discarded and the carrots should be left for decoration. The paws won't be useful anymore either. The meat must be divided into fibers and the broth should be left to simmer on the stove for another 30–40 minutes.

After this, you need to add finely chopped garlic to the liquid and leave the dish to brew. When the jellied meat has cooled, it should be poured into molds, garnished with carrots, parsley and rings boiled eggs. Chicken paw jelly is most often served with mustard.

The benefits of jellied meat for joints have not been scientifically proven, but patient reviews claim that such a dish really helps in the complex treatment of the disease.

Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) with folk remedies

With such a serious disease as arthrosis of the hip joint, medications prescribed by a doctor alone are usually not enough. Therefore, pay attention to the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with means traditional medicine: among them there are folk recipes proven over centuries that can help you too.

In this article we have collected the most effective folk remedies, which help with joint pain - especially with coxarthrosis.

Folk recipe No. 1: lemon treatment

To prepare this remedy, take three medium-sized lemons. Add two hundred and fifty grams of celery roots to them, as well as one hundred and twenty grams of garlic. Grind all these ingredients first with a knife, and then pass them through a meat grinder.

Then mix these products thoroughly with each other and place in a clean three-liter jar. After this, fill the jar to the top with boiling water, close with a very tight lid and leave to steep overnight.

To release heat more slowly, wrap the jar tightly with a blanket. After this, the medicine is ready!

It should be taken 70 grams every day for three months, half an hour before meals and on an empty stomach.

Recipe No. 2: honey rub for joint pain

Making this honey rub is very simple. You will need one part each of iodine, flower honey, alcohol and glycerin. That is, all these substances must be taken in equal quantities, and then mixed thoroughly.

Then what happens must be infused for 2-3 hours, after which the drug will be ready for use.

You need to use it as follows. Soak a piece of cotton wool thoroughly in the resulting product and begin to generously wet the skin in the hip joint area, making sure that your movements are directed from bottom to top.

In order for the effect of this rubbing to be greater, it is better to lubricate not only the skin above the surface of the joint, but also the surface of the body above and below the sore spot - due to this, the blood supply to the hip joint improves, and the disease recedes.

By the way, this treatment recipe helps not only with osteoarthritis, but also with arthritis.

Healing recipe No. 3: cabbage treatment

Using cabbage, you can make a simple compress that helps reduce joint pain due to arthrosis of the hip joint.

Take a medium sized head of cabbage. In the evening, before going to bed, separate several of the largest and freshest leaves from it. Cover the inside of such a leaf with a small layer of ordinary flower honey, then apply the leaf to the joint area (honey side to the skin).

In order to warm the joint and prevent the beneficial substances from going beyond the resulting compress, wrap the joint area with plastic wrap several times, and then, to create additional heat in the thigh area, cover the compress on top with a woolen cloth, preferably a woolen scarf.

After that, go to bed. In the morning, remove the compress, rinse the skin in the joint area thoroughly to remove any remaining honey, and then apply the same cabbage compress with honey again, but with fresh leaves. This compress must be removed in the evening.

Repeat similar procedures for 30 days in a row, and the pain in the hip joint will go away.

recipe No. 4: three ointments for pain relief

We offer you three recipes effective ointments, the use of which helps with this disease.

Nettle ointment

Take unripe juniper berries and finely chopped nettle leaves in equal quantities. Mix thoroughly, and then add slightly melted fat, rendered from lard (lard). After this, stir the resulting mixture until smooth. The resulting ointment must be applied to the area of ​​the affected joint three times a day until the effect is obtained.

Honey and turnip ointment

Take one hundred grams of turnips and finely chop them and pass them through a meat grinder. Then add one hundred grams of flower honey and pour in 50 ml of vodka or alcohol. Mix the resulting product thoroughly until it becomes a homogeneous paste. The ointment is ready. It should be rubbed into the sore joint three times during the day until the pain in the joint disappears or decreases.

Peppermint ointment

You will need 50 grams of mint, which needs to be chopped very finely. After this, add to it the same amount of finely chopped eucalyptus leaves and 50 ml of aloe juice.

All these components, as in the recipes above, must be mixed very thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The resulting ointment should be used as follows: lubricate the sore joints three times a day. Soon the pain should go away or decrease.


Another method traditional treatment- drink special medicinal teas and infusions - for example, such as Altai joint Herb tea(read the link for more details).

Useful recipe No. 5: medicinal baths

In order to undergo a course of treatment for coxarthrosis with special baths, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive sanatorium or be treated in the waters abroad. There is an effective folk recipe for therapeutic baths for joint arthrosis, which is easy to make yourself.

Finely chop a few Jerusalem artichoke tubers and add them to the hot bath. Then put there several pine branches, one dessert spoon of turpentine, and a kilogram of bath salts.

Stir the water in the bath so that all the salt dissolves, and the pine and Jerusalem artichoke transfer their medicinal substances into the water. After this, take the resulting medicinal bath.

Then, when you come out of it, cover the area of ​​the sore hip joint with an iodine mesh and lightly lubricate the same area with a small amount of honey. At the end of the procedure, apply a steamed mesh of internal pork fat to the sore spot.

Hash. What is hash and how is it useful?

Wisdom, practicality, historical experience of the culinary skills of the peoples of the Caucasus are collected in this photo recipe: how to cook khash and what it is. And also how it is useful.
It’s amazing in its taste and healthy properties, although it’s fatty for the first course. This is a soup, almost like our liquid jellied meat, which is prepared from autumn to summer, and you will find out why this is so and the traditions of cooking khash later in the recipe.

The Hasheeds have this reminder: it can be eaten in those months whose names contain the letter “r”. That is, from September to April inclusive. But, given that in the Caucasus September, and sometimes October, can be hot, khash begins to be in demand in November-December.

In which exactly Caucasian republic this historical dish first appeared and became famous is difficult to answer. And khash is cooked deliciously almost everywhere in the Caucasus! Almost - because in some North Caucasian republics, for example in Chechnya and Ingushetia, this rich meat broth is not popular.

For every lover, this is not just food. This is culture, tradition, ritual. And here there are rules. For example, in Armenia they say: “Khash does not like three things: cognac, women and toast.”

  • It is popular in North Ossetia. Finding hashna in Vladikavkaz is not difficult. In some, the brew is prepared from the legs, in others - from the legs and stomach tripe. In some places it is transparent, in others not so much. Some people add onions and bay leaves during cooking, others don’t use anything else except meat and water.

  • In Dagestan, khash is more popular among the older generation; young people often don’t even know what it is. “They are probably more interested in European cuisine and sushi,” the restaurateurs suggest.
  • Armenia still has its own tradition of eating khash.
    On a plate with meat broth crumble thin Armenian lavash. It is specially prepared specifically for this soup; it should be dry and crispy. They crumble a lot of pita bread to make porridge on the plate.
    Then it is customary to cover your head with another soft pita bread. You need to cover yourself like a sheet. And in this “house” a person is left alone with his hot lunch. It is customary to eat khash with lavash with your hands.

Khash - a recipe for proper preparation at home

  • The ingredients remain unchanged: meat and water!
    Despite the fact that cooking methods may be different.

True, in the case of types of meat, one can also argue. For example, in the South Caucasus, tripe is cooked together with cow legs. In the North Caucasus, only amateurs cook with tripe.

Remember that khash cannot be rushed! Sometimes it takes up to 24 hours to prepare one pan of broth. So, when starting the process, be patient.

  • Ingredients for a 5 liter saucepan:
    beef leg, stomach tripe (offal), onion, bay leaf, garlic, salt to taste, wine vinegar - depending on taste.

Usually only the front legs of the animal are taken. The leg needs to be smoked over an open fire and scraped with a knife. Then pour cold water and soak in it for several hours (from 3 to 7).

The hoof is then cut into smaller pieces. You cannot chop so that there are no small bones in the broth. The spur growths are cut off.
Some cooks trim the fat from the hoof. It is believed that waste accumulates in them; the older the cow, the more of these fat deposits.

Place the soaked and cleaned leg in a saucepan and fill with cold water to the top. Place the pan on low heat for 7-10 hours.
If after this time the meat comes off the bone by itself, then the khash is ready. Sometimes it is left to simmer over low heat for another hour and a half.

An hour before the end of cooking, you can throw 2 bay leaves and one peeled whole onion into the pan.

  • Delicious khash recipe classic preparation, do not add salt in the pan. Salt, crushed garlic, wine vinegar are served separately and added to taste.

The tripe (about a kilogram) can be prepared separately. It is also soaked in water for several hours. Then clean and rinse under running water. Cut into small pieces, add cold water and cook until tender, usually this takes an hour and a half.

When the water boils, you can add a peeled whole onion, bay leaf, a stick of dried dill, and salt to taste.

A rich broth with meat - khash - is usually served in deep plates or bowls.
Meat (bones are removed) and garlic seasoning are served separately. If desired, add a plate of pickles to the delicious culinary composition. And without fail - flatbread and salt.

It is better to eat it in the morning and preferably on the weekend. It will bring special pleasure after a long party or New Year's table.
Even after breaking the fast properly - after Easter, you can surprise your guests and serve it on the festive table.

Shah - beneficial properties of broth - soup

According to fans of this dish, it has pronounced anti-hangover and bone-strengthening properties.

When we eat it, we add garlic to it and make sure to crumble bread into it. It is because of this that the anti-hangover effect is obtained. The headache and nausea stop. Eating bread with garlic separately will not help. Everything needs to be combined: fried flour, garlic and meat broth.

And another important thing about the benefits.

Of course, khash has a positive effect on bone density. We often prescribe it for arthrosis and osteoporosis, especially for older people. This is an environmentally friendly product, without falsehood. IN Soviet times preparations were created from animal cartilage and joints, but now all this is lost.

Caucasian khash, which turns out so deliciously at home if you take the time and put your heart into it, is in its essence the original state of the jellied meat beloved by many. A two-in-one dish.

Important experience, remember this review

I remember I once ate khash during the working day. Never - do you hear? - never do this if you want to end the day with a fresh mind. After such a dinner, I felt like this very boiled cow. What’s it like to work there, I didn’t want to think or talk. I just wanted to sleep. Which is what I did, completely forgetting about the meetings that were supposed to take place in the evening.