All educational institutions in the region are now actively preparing for the start of the new academic year: renovation work is underway in buildings, classrooms, catering units, new fences are being installed, the territory is being landscaped, new documentation is being developed, local regulations are being checkedthe state of the fund of textbooks and scientific-pedagogical literature, it is being updated. It will be important at this time not to ignore any of the areas of the institution’s activities. We offer managers educational institutions use a special “cheat sheet” to organize the systematic preparation of institutions for the new academic year.

Initiates the development of an internal audit system and conducts audits. He controls, researches, analyzes, evaluates the children's activities and develops the results. Draws up, changes, terminates employment contracts with employees. Initiates the preparation of employee jobs and approves them, develops internal rules of procedure, organizes review of the project and submits them with the approval of the school council.

He or she must prepare the rules kindergarten and their amendments and submit them to the kindergarten Council. Establishes employee rates, vacation schedules and approves them in the prescribed manner. Controls that there is no smoking in the institution, that they are used alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; promotes healthy image life, prevents crime, maintains contacts with Child Protective Services, develops relationships with children's parents.

, deputy head of department-chief

Directorate for Supervision and Control in Education

The readiness of educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions) for the beginning of the academic year is checked annually by a special commission. This process is legally defined at the federal level and departmental regulatory documents, according to which such powers are vested in the founder of the state (municipal) educational institution - the administration of a municipal district, city district or body executive power subject of the Russian Federation to which the institution is directly subordinate. Responsibility for creation necessary conditions for the study, work and rest of students (training of the educational institution) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation) and the charter of the educational institution are carried out by its officials.

Initiates work with socially neglected, supported children, ensures the organization of free meals in the prescribed manner. Approves the Commission for the Protection of Children, takes care of the provision of special pedagogical psychological assistance children.

Ensures the functioning of the institute, preparation for the new academic year, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Responsible for work and civil safety, initiates employee awareness of labor safety rules, monitors their implementation, guarantees the safety of children and employees.

The readiness of an educational institution for the new academic year is checked, as a rule, from August 1 to August 25. Early inspection is also permitted.


To conduct the inspection, the Founder forms an interdepartmental commission. Its members include representatives of the founder, the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation, Gospozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, Rostechnadzor, the internal affairs body, as well as the body that manages the field of education. At the discretion of the founder, it is possible to attract other organizations.

Represents the kindergarten in other institutions, takes care of international relations. Timely and high-quality executed orders from the head of the education department, instructions and orders, decisions of the kindergarten Council, which do not contradict the documents regulating the activities.

Initiates the upbringing of children. Initiates on-call time, approves call time, schedules. Responsible for the use of budgetary, special and net funds in the manner prescribed by law. Deputy Director for Education Yanina Lukshiene.

Subject of inspection

The subject of the inspection is the state of the educational institution, its readiness for the new academic year and activities in the autumn-winter period:

    availability of documentation; condition of the building and territory; readiness of classrooms and libraries for educational process; the condition of the catering unit and utility rooms for storing food; sanitary condition; condition of the medical center; condition of classrooms physical culture; fire safety and anti-terrorist protection; staffing level with teaching staff.

Other issues may be included at the discretion of the founder.

Buria's teams lead the development and implementation of the strategic plan; Preparation and implementation of the annual work program using the audit results. Organizes the preparation of the kindergarten activity program; Setting schedules educational activities, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions.

Organizes the implementation of preschool and preschool education, develops the traditions of kindergartens. Coordinates activities methodological group teachers, conducts a methodological council for teachers and improves teacher qualifications. Prepare a discussion of educational tools, new forms of teaching and methods in creative groups.

The task of the director is to qualitatively prepare the educational institution for the beginning of the academic year in all areas and submit it to the commission on the first presentation. Preparation must begin in advance and be carried out according to a plan approved by order of the head of the educational institution, which lists specific types works, deadlines and performers. The preparation period is from January to August. It is recommended to create your own school acceptance committee, which will accept objects as they are ready.

Study and analysis of children's knowledge, skills, assessment of learning outcomes, children's progress. Provides assistance to teachers and other specialists, monitors the implementation of documents regulating the activities of the kindergarten. Coordinates the activities of all teaching staff, improves qualifications and certification, evaluates teacher certification documents, and manages the accreditation commission.

Organizes and coordinates the acquisition, distribution, use and maintenance of teaching and learning tools. Organizes and coordinates the work of internal audit and takes it into account. Organizes a children's or pedagogical research work in case of accidents, is responsible for the timely submission of the dossier.

When preparing the OU for presentation admissions committee Please note the following.


Availability of documents: charter of the educational institution; license for the right to conduct educational activities; certificate of state accreditation; local acts; job descriptions; plans for the institution’s work for the academic year, preparation for the new academic year and work in the autumn-winter period; educational institution development program; educational program of the educational institution; student movement books; order books; plan for advanced training of teaching staff; work books; logs of instructions on labor protection, fire safety and technical operation buildings, inspection log. All these documents must comply with current legislation.

Fills out teachers' salaries, processes statistical reports. Database administration for children, teachers, administrators. He supervises the work of teachers and prepares draft orders. Organizes pedagogical education for parents of children. He monitors the learning process, is responsible for the regularity of the dossier and evaluates the learning results.

Makes proposals to the Director regarding the promotion of teaching staff and disciplinary measures. Initiates and coordinates the implementation of institution projects. Coordinates and strengthens contacts with social partners. Organization of additional educational institutions, signing documents and contracts with service providers is responsible for creating healthy and safe working conditions during additional educational events. Provides additional training sessions and ensures completion.

2. State of artificial and natural light. Replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving lighting devices. The main premises of the OS must have natural light.

3. Storage of faulty and burnt-out mercury-containing lamps, procedure for organizing their removal from the OS building.

4. Condition of heating, equipping heating devices with adjustable taps. Availability of accounting systems, reduction of heat loss.

Responsible for the work of the Commission for the Welfare of Children, coordinates its activities, initiates the provision of support to children and families. Coordinates website activities and updates relevant information. In the absence of the director, he is responsible for the director.

Take care of material resources kindergartens, preparation for work, sanitation and hygiene, is responsible for organizing work safety in the institution, for the prevention of injuries and occupational diseases. Organizes garden maintenance activities. Measures are taken to protect childcare centres, equipment and facilities and ensure their proper use.

In the absence of centralized heating, the OS's supply of fuel (as a percentage of annual demand) and its storage conditions are checked.

In accordance with established requirements, hot and cold water supply must be provided in the catering unit (buffet), medical center, showers, primary school classrooms, physics, chemistry, drawing and painting classrooms, toilets for children and staff, and educational workshops.

Responsible for and organizes inventory of primary and other kindergartens. Organizes the work of maintenance personnel and takes care of the safety of this personnel. Fills out maintenance staff worksheets, schedules, and submits them to the manager for approval.

Prepares documentation for civil protection, fire safety and emergency situations, conducts training, organizes exercises. Conducts government procurement and is responsible for the correct handling of documents. Makes proposals to the Director regarding promotion of technical personnel and disciplinary action.

7. Availability of backup sources of hot water supply in the premises of the catering department (buffet), medical center and toilets, which are operated in the absence of a centralized hot water supply during the period of preventive work in boiler rooms and on engineering networks centralized hot water supply.

8. Provision of mechanized water supply to the catering unit (buffet), medical center, toilets in the absence of centralized (cold and hot) water supply.

9. The condition of the centralized sewerage system, and in its absence, the autonomous sewerage system of the building, cesspools or local treatment facilities.

10. Availability of a log of the technical operation of the building (general and technical condition of the building), acts of checking the readiness of classrooms for the new academic year, as well as acts of pressure testing of the heating system, checking of mercury-containing and ionizing devices located on the premises of the institution.

Condition of the territory

Pay attention to:

1. Availability of working fencing of the institution along the entire perimeter of the territory. Compliance with the requirements for landscaping.

The territory of a general education institution must have serviceable fencing and be landscaped. Landscaping is provided for at least 50% of the area of ​​its territory. Trees are planted at a distance of at least 15 m, and shrubs at least 5 m from the building. When landscaping the area, do not use trees and shrubs with poisonous fruits(see SanPiN).

2. Availability and condition of external electric lighting in the territory of the institution.

3. Condition of the training and experimental zone and its area.

4. Availability of updated traffic signs at the entrance to the institution.

5. The condition of the physical culture and recreation area and compliance with the requirements for its location (see SanPin).

7. Availability of a waste collection site and an agreement with specialized organizations on waste removal, the condition of garbage bins, compliance with the requirement for the location of the waste collection site at a distance of at least 25 m from the windows and from the entrance to the dining room (see SanPin).

Study rooms and library

1. Readiness of classrooms, their sanitary and technical condition, provision of furniture, its condition and labeling.

2. Readiness of training workshops, their sanitary and technical condition, provision of serviceable equipment and tools.

3. Availability of audiovisual technical teaching aids and their condition.

4. Availability of the complex didactic materials, standard tasks and tests.

5. Compliance with aesthetic requirements for design study room(availability of permanent and replaceable educational and information stands, educational and methodological literature).

2. Availability and condition of marking of kitchen utensils and cookware for raw and cooked food products.

3. The presence and condition of separate cutting tables, knives and boards made of hardwood (without cracks or gaps) for cutting raw and finished products (it is not allowed to use cutting boards made of plastic and pressed plywood).

4. Availability and condition of stainless steel utensils for preparing compotes and jelly.

5. Availability and condition of separate vessels for boiling milk.

6. The condition of the tableware and the correspondence of the number of tableware and cutlery used at the same time to the list of children. Condition of the dining room, provision of furniture.

7. Condition of the cooking stove, presence of emergency titanium.

8. Availability dishwashers or dishwashing tubs, their condition and quantity.

9. Availability and condition of markings of cleaning equipment, detergents, special rags, washcloths and brushes for washing dishes.

10. The condition of refrigeration chambers or refrigerators for perishable food products, the presence of special shelves in them that are easy to clean, as well as containers with a lid for storing sour cream and cottage cheese, the presence of containers for storing cereals, flour, pasta and containers for transporting products, racks and cabinets for storing rye and wheat bread.

11. The condition of dark rooms for storing potatoes and root vegetables, the presence of separate racks for storing cabbage, chests for storing pickled and salted vegetables, boxes for storing fruits and herbs, conditions for storing products that have a specific smell (spices, herring);

12. Availability of reports on the conduct of electrical measuring work (checking the condition of grounding and insulation of electrical networks, electrical equipment, testing and measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wires), as well as the readiness of the catering unit equipment for the new academic year.

Sanitary condition of the OS

1. Medical station:

    availability of medical premises in accordance with the requirements, including a room for a sick child; availability of necessary medical equipment and its condition; storage conditions for perishables medicines; established procedure for disinfection of reusable medical instruments; timeliness of personnel undergoing medical examinations; availability of necessary documentation: medical books, sanitary register, operating instructions medical equipment, physical therapy equipment inspection report, preventive action plan, etc.

In a medical office, in addition to disinfecting the room and furnishings, it is necessary to disinfect medical instruments in accordance with the instructions for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical products. Preference should be given to sterile disposable medical devices. P. 12.10. SanPiN

2. The condition of cleaning equipment, disinfectant solutions and detergents (including the presence of labeling indicating the name of the disinfectant, its concentration, purpose, date of preparation) and the conditions of their storage.

3. Established procedure for carrying out wet cleaning classrooms and catering unit.

4. Planning activities in case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

5. Provision of workers with special clothing, availability of places for its storage.

Facilities for physical education

1. The sanitary and technical condition of the gym, outdoor sports fields, sports equipment and equipment.

2. Availability of locker rooms and shower rooms and their condition.

3. Availability of test certificates for gymnastic apparatus and equipment in the gym and on the sports ground.

Fire safety

1. Condition of emergency exits.

2. Equipping the OS building with means of warning people about a fire.

3. Availability and condition of fire water supply and primary fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, hoses, ponds and reservoirs.

4. Presence of prescriptive and safety signs in corridors, lobbies, halls, staircases and doors.

5. Condition of external fire escapes, step ladders and fences on the roofs of the building, dormer windows attic spaces(they must be glazed and kept closed), window pits in basements and basements.

6. The presence and condition of electric lights in case of a power outage, automatic fire alarms, as well as contracts for its maintenance.

7. Availability of the necessary documentation: fire safety rules; an evacuation plan in the event of a fire, approved by order of the head of the institution and agreed with the fire supervision authorities; instructions defining the procedure for personnel to act in case of fire; orders on the appointment of those responsible for the state of electrical equipment and fire safety, as well as orders on measures to ensure it and on the establishment of a fire safety regime; documents confirming completion of courses under the program “Fire technical minimum for those responsible for fire safety”; fire safety training logs; acts on measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring and checking fire hydrants for water loss, etc.

Level of anti-terrorism protection

1. Availability and condition of the video surveillance system.

2. Availability of an emergency contact button with internal affairs bodies and an agreement for the provision of security services.

3. Availability of an Anti-Terrorism Action Plan.

Staffing of the institution with teaching staff personnel

1. Staffing, filling vacancies;

2. Employees undergoing a medical examination;

3. Certification results and advanced training of teaching staff;

4. Correct placement of teaching staff.


1. Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses

2. Federal Law “On Fire Safety”

3. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”

4. Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students and pupils

5. Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of minimum equipment educational process and equipment for classrooms

6. Federal requirements for equipping workplaces for disabled children and teaching staff, as well as centers distance education children with disabilities with computer, telecommunications and specialized equipment and software for organizing distance education for children with disabilities, as well as for connecting and providing Maintenance specified hardware and software

7. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions. SanPiN"

8. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. SanPiN"

9. Unified requirements for organizing inspections of educational institutions at the beginning of the school year

10. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 23.No. 000 “On the organization of planned preparation of educational institutions for the new academic year”

11. Regional and municipal regulatory documents for the preparation of educational institutions for the new academic year


Based on the results of the inspection of the educational institution, the commission draws up a report on the readiness (unpreparedness) of the institution for the new academic year, one copy of which is handed over to the head of the educational institution.

If the commission decides that the institution is not ready for the new academic year, the act indicates the violations that need to be eliminated and sets a deadline for their elimination.

After the expiration of the established period, a repeat inspection is carried out at the OS. If violations are not eliminated, the founder may decide to suspend the activities of the institution. In addition, for violation of fire safety and sanitary standards, the head of the educational institution may be subject to prosecution.


The new school year in kindergarten is an event that is very important for both teachers and students. In accordance with regulatory documents, the academic year in preschool institutions runs from September to May. Here, of course, there are no lessons like in school, but since kindergarten is an educational institution, therefore, classes are held systematically and systematically in various areas and disciplines with the goal of the harmonious development of children. Preparation for the new academic year in preschool educational institutions begins during the summer holidays. What needs to be done during this time?

First of all, the preschool educational institution needs to prepare for acceptance, which will be carried out by regulatory authorities. This is a responsible task, the solution of which involves the entire teaching staff of the kindergarten. It is necessary to carry out cosmetic repairs, check the compliance with the markings SES requirements, settle issues with the fire department. Despite the apparent formality, passing and accepting an educational institution primarily ensures the safety of children staying there. And this is very serious.

In addition, educators, under the guidance of a methodologist, update educational and didactic material, create a card index of educational games and aids, draw up educational programs for classes next year, determine the necessary list of stationery and Supplies, which parents will be asked to purchase for each child.

If this year there is a need for advanced training or certification of specific teaching staff, the head of the kindergarten will familiarize these employees with the requirements and the necessary list of regulatory documentation that will need to be prepared for submission to the Department of Education. Experience shows that summer is the most suitable time for this type of work. Current medical examinations, in accordance with the schedule, are also conveniently planned for the summer period. This work is carried out by a nurse of an educational institution, promptly informing employees about the need and procedure for taking tests and undergoing a medical examination.

Where to get information about preparing for the new school year at preschool educational institutions

Timely information about upcoming events is necessary so that kindergarten employees do not experience irritation or dissatisfaction. The kindergarten methodologist must conduct strict planning of all upcoming events, familiarizing the employees with signature. In addition, a special section is prepared in the methodological office, which contains all the information necessary for preparing for and passing recertification. The methodologist monitors updates and promptly enters them into the file cabinet.

Additional information information regarding the organization of activities of preschool educational institutions can be obtained in specialized magazines, for example, “Preschool Education”, supplements to the newspaper “September 1” and other teaching aids. You can select the necessary literature on online store sites such as (), where the assortment is constantly updated.

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