The Chinese people have always been famous for their superstition and serious relationship to legends and generally accepted traditions. This is especially true for the magic of numbers, which has been respected and even slightly feared since ancient times, because it can control people’s lives. The number 4 in China is considered the most terrible. Thanks to this attitude of the Chinese, even a special term “teraphobia” arose - fear of the number 4.

What is the reason for such fear? It's simple. The point is that the number 4 in China sounds approximately the same as the word “death”. Four is 四 Sì, death is 死亡 Sǐwáng.

Even different spellings and tone of pronunciation could not save the number from such a sad fate.

To make it more clear, for the Chinese, four means the same thing as the number 13 for us. This is a devilish number that brings continuous troubles and misfortunes. By the way, in China they do not believe in the bad meaning of the number 13, however, as a sign of solidarity with European tourists, the Chinese also try not to use this number often.

The panic and fear that the presence of the number 4 in China spreads among the local population led to the fact that the Government of the country had to resort to removing this number from general circulation. Arriving in China and checking into a hotel, you will not be able to find either a floor or a room marked with the number four. Most often, staff use the replacement letter F, or simply sign the floor or number that comes fourth in order as the fifth. Signature 3 “a” is also used.

Of course, not everyone does this, there are elevators with the number 4, and floors and house numbers, but the most superstitious still try to remember the meaning of the number 4. Just recently, in one of the hotels in China, I had to walk a very long corridor three times, looking for my number with the number "2034". It simply wasn’t there; 2036 was immediately after 2032 (even side).

Many people know the story that the existing hospital number 4 almost ceased operations because patients refused to undergo treatment there, explaining their position by saying that by agreeing to cross the threshold of the hospital with a “dangerous” number, they were knowingly dooming themselves to death . In this regard, the hospital had to be urgently renamed.

The unfortunate number 4 in China ultimately led to the country banning the issuance of license plates containing this magic number. The fact is that almost all motorists who were “lucky enough” to receive a registration number with a four refused to receive it, scared that they might best case scenario get into an accident with such a vehicle or even die. Even despite all the paperwork, revision of paperwork, confusion in registration services and huge queues there, the number 4 has become prohibited in China.

By the way, the fate of the “unfortunate” and “avoided” number overtook not only the four, but also all the other complex numbers that contain it. For example, 14, 24, 54, 742, etc.

Be that as it may, no matter how many people don’t want to believe in Chinese ancient superstitions, you can’t fool the statistics. And she says that most deaths in China occur on the fourth. Such data is provided by American sociologists after analyzing data on the mortality of Chinese living in the United States. Is this superstition or fiction? The question remains open, but statistics is an exact science, so it is very possible to understand the Chinese, who treat the number 4 with fear.

Although even despite such sad data, many modern Chinese remain cold-blooded towards the magical four. Even taking into account the fact that Chinese numerology is based on Taoism, a time-tested tradition.

I will also add that the number 4 in China can also have positive value. For example, the literal translation of the number 48 sounds like “deadly money”, but it means “immense wealth”, which is earned by honest hard work.

Whether you believe in this superstition or not is up to you personally; I will add on my own that this phenomenon cannot be explained in any way by science.

If you want to know more about the traditions and culture of China, life and superstitions, and at the same time study Chinese (or even get higher education), we invite you to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of obtaining long-term language courses, bachelor's and master's degrees.

The meaning of number 4 in Numerology

4 is ruled by Mercury. The entire foundation, the foundation of the world, is built on this number, which is why four is an important number in the physical world. Symbolizes reliability, stability, down-to-earthness, rationalization, and the implementation of plans and ideas. People born with a 4 in the numerological horoscope are endowed with such qualities as creativity, pragmatism, a sober mind, and the ability for analytical and mental work.

These people are difficult to deceive or deceive, because they look at the very root, sweeping away the husks. It is difficult to fool them, to drag them into scams, and they usually see right through people. All information of the Four is systematized, processed and synthesized. They try to benefit from everything, to turn any circumstances to their advantage. For the Four, the material world is of great importance, and as a result, its fruits in the form of money, luxury items, real estate, and so on. They try to make their life stable and rarely take risks. When making decisions, they calculate all possible benefits, and only then choose the most reliable option. They do not like loneliness, but at the same time they are very selective when choosing their social circle.

Positive traits of number 4

These are good organizers who can show their skills in any activity. best qualities. Sociability and high intelligence allow them to fly high. And even if the Four does not take the director’s chair, it means that they have decided to temporarily be an eminence grise for their own benefit.

In these people’s lives, everything is sorted out. They do not allow themselves to be confused, do not tolerate fuss or disorder in business, personal life, at home or at work. They put it in front of themselves high goals, and are ready to achieve them for years, without deviating from the chosen path. They can work a lot and persistently. For people under the control of the Four, work related to the organization of any processes, production, or events is well suited. There are many of them in science, the IT community, and analytical circles. Fours work in real estate, financial institutions, and the government vertical. Having chosen their path in early youth, they usually remain faithful to it until the end. And they are able to work in one field all their lives, becoming highly qualified and irreplaceable workers.

In their personal lives, Fours act in the same way as in their professional lives. They choose their person long and carefully, checking them from all sides. Since 4 are mercantile, they will also pay attention to the material wealth of their other half. People who are impractical, prone to extravagance or revelry will never interest a person-four. The same applies to low-income or unpromising partners. In marriage they remain faithful, and they demand the same from their wife/husband. They can flirt, but nothing more.

Negative traits of number 4

It is very difficult for Fours to relax and forget. Even while on vacation, they try to control the state of affairs at work or in the office, not letting go of the problem even mentally. Worried about their “bright” future, Fours may become despondent or depressed if the forecasts are unfavorable. In order for these people to be happy, they need stability, and if not wealth now, then at least good prospects in the future.

Difficult to communicate, prone to pettiness, and can complicate things. They are subject to suspicions about their close circle, but they still don’t trust those around them. They try to control everything and everyone, so it’s better not to choose them as partners strong people. At home and at work, Fours should slow down their control, otherwise there is a great risk of slipping into despotism.

People around them usually consider Fours to be closed, callous, pedants and bores. However, Fours usually don’t care much about other people’s opinions, especially if those they consider inferior to themselves express them.

The number 4 is a mystical number symbolizing absolute omnipotence. Power over space and time. The number of land, justice, order.

We meet fours almost everywhere: 4 cardinal directions, 4 weeks of the month, 4 ages. Four not only creates, it can also destroy.

Number 4 feels confident in any plans and endeavors - from spiritual to material. This is the basis for the existence of all things. He knows how to give raw material a finished form, similar to perfection.

People number 4

Number 4 individuals have a peculiar character. They are always looking for a point of view opposite to the majority. This means that in disputes they will take the side of the opposition, the minority. Although they do not like to get into disputes and conflicts, this character trait brings them many enemies and ill-wishers.

These are rebels who are capable of rebelling against the legal system. Eliminating the old, they created the new, their own system and laws.

Numerology describes such people as pessimists, with an unlimited mind. These individuals can make a dizzying career. Observation and learning ability will help them with this.

Practical Fours often achieve success

These people are good workers, but still do not put all the effort into their work. What would happen if they gave 100 percent? They are methodical and systematic in their work. They do not like conflicts and are characterized by increased wastefulness.

These individuals become attached to their chosen one, trying to maintain loyalty to their life partner. They have good sexual compatibility, and therefore they have no problems finding a partner. These people need a loved one who can support them in difficult times.

Positive qualities: practicality, determination and focus.

Negative qualities: stubbornness, weak imagination and fear of change.

Favorable colors: burgundy, coffee, blue, silver, green and indigo.

Talents number 4

Mechanics is their calling. Numerology recommends any areas with complex mechanisms, as well as the manufacture of mechanisms.

Fate will turn out well if these individuals go into science. Will also excel in areas of law and order.

A love of nature will help in gardening or agriculture. Particular attention can be paid to construction.

Economics, banking, accounting - here they will feel like fish in water. Because innate caution can help you make a career in these areas. It’s easier to buy and sell for them than to learn to drive a car.

Religious activities may also be considered by these individuals.

A good warrior, an excellent commander. Military service may be suitable, because among the four, discipline is not an empty phrase. There are talents for practical jokes, which can also be successfully used in life.

The meaning of four in relationships with other people and society

The Four can be seen as an individual who can be completely trusted. Numerology characterizes a person who wants recognition in society and achieves goals.

Activity in any public organizations, political or religious, brings the four into what is called a state of being in the flow, receiving the meaning of life and pleasure from the work done.

He loves his loved ones and makes many friends. Knows how to appreciate life and receive all the joys from the minutes lived. Such people often go out of their way to meet their family or close friends.

Number 4 loves reliability and security. Appreciates family comfort. Number 4 is ready to sacrifice a lot for these values.

She does not like orders very much, she is more inclined to be affectionate towards her. Can be aggressive and stubborn.

Fours are peaceful but firm.

Although she has a weak imagination, this does not prevent her from achieving financial success. In other cases, she surpasses people who shine with imagination, but in the material side they compromise on this number. What is the use of such fantasy if it does not bring material reward?

Four in Chinese Numerology

In Chinese numerology, each number refers to Yin or Yang. Four refers to Yang, here it means death. This is if you believe folk legends and beliefs. Official numerology does not recognize such statements and equates the number with a symbol of success. Numerology gives the number the meaning: success in love, material affairs, luck in trading. Also, the number 4 can be seen as progress, albeit slow, but still steady progress.

The symbol of the number 4 in various teachings
  • In numerology, wealth is stable material success.
  • In Christianity, the number four is associated with the cross. The number 3 denotes everything divine, and the number four human;
  • IN Ancient Greece is a symbol of justice. Because it is easy to divide into equal parts. The Greeks loved this number, and therefore tried to solve important matters on Thursday, April, and the fourth of every month;
  • In China, this is a terrible number, which they avoided and tried to skip when numbering houses, queues or other numberings. A similar fate befell the number 13 - because it adds up to four;
  • In Hinduism, four has the meaning of divine perfection. Brahma has four faces, which are facing different parts of the world;
  • In Kabbalah, this is the unpronounceable name of God, consisting of four letters;
  • In Buddhism, four means the Tree of Life. This Tree has 4 branches, and 4 sacred rivers originate from the roots.

Compatibility of the number with other numbers

4 and 1 – poor compatibility in love relationships. Different rhythms of life, different views. The unit is active, combat, capable of instantly catching fire. Four doesn't like this, she doesn't like the rapid change of events. Favorable compatibility in business relationships.

4 and 2 - everything can work out, you need to take a step towards it. Question: who will make it? Twos need love, and Fours need devotion in a relationship. It could be a good union.

4 and 3 – difficult compatibility due to their dissimilarity to each other. This means that the four interferes with the activity of the three. Three is spontaneous and proactive, and four is balanced and cautious.

4 and 4 – two words: stability and reliability. But it happens, in rare cases, that two fours create a pair that is motionless. Sometimes it is difficult for them to move forward in life together.

4 and 5 are completely different, dissimilar characters. The A is for change, the four does not like change. This can lead to misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts.

4 and 6 – excellent compatibility. Here are the main advantages of the union: harmony in love, mutual understanding and positive emotions. In marriage, happiness is possible until the last minutes of life, as well as many children.

4 and 7 – a common feature is restraint. Two numbers that can find understanding, agreement and calm. Minus - there is no passion in the couple. Overall - excellent compatibility.

4 and 8 – these people will easily find mutual language. They have a lot in common and enjoy communicating on fascinating topics. They are for stability and material success, and together they easily achieve wealth. It is worth considering that in a pair you need to choose one leader in order to eliminate misunderstandings. Here, one partner must completely trust the other - the leader in their common union.

4 and 9 are a rather strange compatibility. On the one hand, they can converge so that they never diverge. Alternatively, break up after a couple of minutes. The Four is more of a disciplined materialist, and the Nine is a dreamer and idealist. Although they get close quite often.

These are the mysterious four. In general, a positive number, even despite Chinese folk numerology. Always look for the positives, erasing negative moments from your memory and, if possible, from life.

What does the number 4 mean, what influence does it have on a person’s character and destiny? Numerology helps people answer many important questions and understand their purpose in life. Let's talk about the meaning of the number 4 in a person's life, about its positive and negative sides, as well as the impact on the life path of its owner.

Positive and negative qualities

To find out which number you are under, you need to add up all the numbers included in your date of birth. The total results in a number that predetermines your character traits, interests, and inclinations. The number 4 symbolizes unshakable stability, loyalty, and devotion to life principles.

A person whose number is four prefers a calm, measured, stable lifestyle. He doesn't seek adventure. His priority is a strong family and strong friendship. Among such people there are few careerists who are capable of harming others in order to achieve their goal.

Throughout their lives, the “four” fight for their place in the sun. Thanks to her determination, patience and self-confidence, she is able to achieve incredible heights. These people are often an authority for others, but there are also those who envy them. On the path of such natures there are ill-wishers, but there are still significantly fewer of them than devoted and sincerely loving people.

“Fours” make decisions slowly, thinking through every step. They must overcome laziness and stubbornness, using all their strong qualities, otherwise the goal may not be achieved.

The meaning of the number 4 in a person’s life is varied. The positive qualities of such people include hard work, endurance, confidence in the future, integrity, cheerfulness, and calmness. They are quite firm in their convictions and self-confident. They prefer to achieve everything on their own, walking through life with their heads held high. Any reward for them must be deserved.

Such individuals are highly respected, people are always drawn to them. They plan their activities so competently that they almost always achieve their plans. These people value friendship, love, devotion and always return kindness for kindness. They do not have such traits as envy and hatred. They know how to forgive and compromise.

Their negative qualities include stubbornness, laziness, and tediousness. Often people with number 4 tend to tell the same story several times. They can discuss the same problem for a long time. It happens that such communication tires and even irritates the interlocutor. When “fours” notice that the interlocutor is not interested in them, they feel offended.

“Fours” do not like having their shortcomings pointed out to them. They perceive any remark painfully. People who are protected by the number 4, with all their prudence, sometimes make rash decisions and draw hasty conclusions. This leads to problems that the “four” have to get out of on their own. But such individuals are very good at getting out of difficult situations.

By proving that they are right, “fours” can undeservedly offend their interlocutor. Sometimes, in a fit of emotion, they make promises that they cannot keep in the future. Such individuals tend to succumb to emotions from time to time. I'm with early age you need to work on yourself, learn to manage your feelings.

The Four avoid noisy companies and parties. It is more pleasant for her to be in the company of loved ones with whom she can calmly talk over a cup of coffee. If such a person finds himself in a noisy company, he feels discomfort and wants to leave as soon as possible. As a rule, over time they stop inviting him to such celebrations, considering him uninteresting, unsociable, and gloomy.

Impact on karma

A person’s destiny number in numerology is determined by their birthday. If a person was born on the 4th, then four is the number of his destiny. What does the number 4 mean? What meaning does it bring to a person’s life? Holders of such a fate code should not expect that anything will be decided for them. Everything that comes to them, they achieve themselves, with their own work. The fate of such people is quite difficult. But thanks to optimism and love for life, they help them achieve their goals.

Number 4 indicates that a person should choose a profession that is close to him in spirit. It is vital for the “Four” to love their work, devoting themselves completely to it. You should not choose a specialty at the request of your parents or because of its prestige. If the “four” doesn’t like her work enough, this can lead to disappointment in life and a feeling of worthlessness.

The influence of number 4 on personal life is very great. Such people are incorrigible romantics. They are waiting true love which will make them happy. Finding such relationships in life is very difficult for them. “Fours” often encounter dishonest individuals who seek to take advantage of their purity and openness. But if a person whose number is 4 meets the love of his life and the lovers decide to tie their lives by marriage, then this union will be strong, reliable, long-term.

Those born on the 4th are able to love selflessly. And they expect reciprocity from their partner. It is very important for such people to find a “soul mate” who will have the same attitude towards life and family as they do.

People who understand numerology often turn to it for advice, try to use it to unravel a sign, attract good luck or avoid a problem. Such people meticulously choose a number for their car or phone. Many avoid the number four, believing that this number can slow down the implementation of important things. Some, on the contrary, think that the number 4 will attract success and give good luck in love affairs.

If this number comes up often on your way, then be sure to pay attention to it. This coincidence is clearly not in vain. Maybe, higher power want to inform you that some difficulties may arise in your affairs and important meetings and decision-making should be postponed for a while.

Write your opinion

The number 4 symbolizes the planet Uranus, associated with the Sun and the number 1, and in occultism is written as 4–1.

Number 4 people have a peculiar character; they look at everything from the opposite point of view. In all disputes and discussions they take the opposite position. And although they do not want to become argumentative, they still cause opposition and at the same time create many hidden enemies for themselves who constantly work against them. They instinctively rebel against rules and customs. And if they manage to insist on their own, then they change the order of things, even in society and government. They often rebel against constitutional authority and create new rules. They are attracted to social issues and reforms of all kinds and are very stubborn in their opinions.

The main characteristics of these people are intelligence and pessimism. These people usually have a brilliant academic career. They have very keen powers of observation and good receptivity to learning. They are very efficient and good workers, but without trying too hard. Their innate intelligence helps them do their work systematically and methodically, without hesitation. They are not quick-tempered and very rarely quarrel. They are wasteful. Money leaves them as quickly as it comes.

Emotional Features. Number 4 doesn't get carried away easily, but if he gets carried away, he will be for life. Such people are faithful not out of obligation, but because it is very difficult for them to love. They have an average sexual appetite, but they can by no means be called weak. They are sexually moderate and do not experience great difficulties in finding a partner. At the same time, they are born pessimists and live in constant sadness. This is very difficult for those around you because it is very difficult to be around pessimists and insecure people. These two traits lead to a very unpleasant emotion - the green-eyed monster - jealousy. Not having much faith in themselves, they need constant approval, and if they do not receive it, they become prickly and hot-tempered. With all this, they feel good if there is someone nearby who supports them.

Negative traits. Despite many positive traits, number 4 rarely achieves great success in life due to everything that crosses out pessimism. Due to their tendency to always see the dark side and lack of confidence, they often miss out on good opportunities. Instead of trying their best and taking advantage of opportunities, they do nothing at all, believing that nothing will work out anyway. They lack the strength to deal with failures, and in order not to suffer defeat, they prefer not to do anything.

Number 4 – embezzler. They do not know how to save at all, and in times of need they are extremely depressed if they cannot find funds for their expenses. This, in turn, makes them even more frustrated and their insecurities increase.

Harmonious relationships. Number 4's partners and friends should encourage them, and they should always have someone to lean on. Without support, they become lost and sink deeper into a sea of ​​uncertainty of their own making. Everyone around you should be the embodiment of patience and strength, because it is very difficult to live with a person who constantly needs moral support. But in return, you can receive impeccable devotion, because such people do not easily become attached, but, having become attached, they keep it forever and do not leave their partner.

Related numbers – 1, 10, 15, 28; 4, 8, 17, 26.

Hostile numbers – 3, 12, 21, 30.

Bad months- January.

Happy dates – 4, 13, 22, 31.

Happy Days– Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

Lucky colors– light blue or white. All light colors, electric and grey.

Lucky stones– aquamarine (white and dark sapphires that should be worn on the body).

Diseases– kidneys, back pain and headaches. You need to beware of spicy foods.