More than 70% of people who go to celebrate New Year with alcohol, then suffer from a hangover and overeating.

More than 70% of people who go to celebrate the New Year with alcohol suffer from overeating afterwards. How to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol and fatty foods on the body and not suffer later from a painful headache that overshadows all the joy of the celebration?

What will help prevent hangovers and overeating?

There are a lot of tricks that will help you not give up alcohol and delicious dishes at the holiday and still remain cheerful and happy the next morning. We will tell you about useful and, most importantly, proven ways to combat the green snake and calorie overdose.

The first enemies of alcohol are vitamins

If you know for sure that you have a lot of friendly parties on New Year's Day, before that, stay on the vitamin menu for at least a week. Take a complex of vitamins B6, B1, C at the pharmacy, or periodically eat oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and grapes.

Fresh citrus fruits in the morning will very well saturate your body with useful substances. And spinach for main courses will provide an invaluable service in reducing the harm of alcohol throughout the next week. In addition, this will allow you not to overeat - your stomach will be full.

Don't drink when tired or hungry

This allows alcohols and harmful aldehydes to quickly penetrate the blood and poison it with toxins. If you want to go to a party, you first need to get enough sleep and rest. Then you won’t get drunk so quickly, and the load on your body with alcohol will be significantly reduced.

To avoid overloading your gastrointestinal tract with alcohol toxins, be sure to eat before drinking. These could be sandwiches with butter, light salads and sour vegetables, such as sauerkraut. This menu will help remove alcohol from the body faster and better, and at the same time help the liver process it.

How to fight alcohol with alcohol

To prevent your body from getting too stressed from the amount of alcohol you drink, you need to drink 50 grams of alcohol 2 hours before the celebration. This will make it possible to prepare for further doses of alcohol, the liver will not receive an immediate strong blow.

In order not to overload the body with alcohol, it is advisable to drink only one type and, of course, in reasonable quantities. Everyone has their own: one person can drink 0.5 liters of vodka during the evening without any problems, while another will find 50 grams too much. It depends on the characteristics of the organism.

You should not start the holiday with sweet fortified wines and carbonated drinks such as champagne. They contain an increased amount of carbon dioxide, which means they activate the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to rapid intoxication and a severe hangover, especially if these drinks are mixed with each other.

Eat the right snack

Before you take part in drinking alcohol, be sure to create an “air cushion” for your stomach. It could be buttered toast a raw egg or a tablespoon olive oil. These foods prevent alcohol from being absorbed into your digestive tract, preventing you from getting drunk quickly.

In the intervals between drinking alcohol, it is advisable to refresh yourself with foods containing potassium. When you drink alcohol, you actively lose this trace element, which negatively affects your well-being. Bananas, which contain a record amount of potassium, will help restore it. It could also be potatoes, boiled eggs and dried apricots.

This menu will give you the opportunity to get enough of light, low-calorie food, and at the same time fight the green serpent.

How to behave correctly during a feast?

In order to get drunk less and not be poisoned by alcoholic substances, you can reduce the dose of alcohol through active communication, outdoor walks, and dancing. After all, you didn’t just come to the party to drink. These pauses will help you come to your senses during a feast, relieve you from overdoses of alcohol and high-calorie food, and save you from a hangover the next morning.

Have pity on your own body and don’t show others how “vodka doesn’t suit you at all.” If you feel that you are getting drunk or may exceed the dose of alcohol, move away from groups where toasts are being made, and do not rush to say them yourself.

Instead of a glass of wine, eat a light salad, and by doing this you will provide an invaluable service to your own liver.

Is it worth taking pills to “prevent” a hangover?

Some people consider it their duty to take a painkiller before drinking alcohol. They think that this way they will protect themselves from headaches in the morning, but this is far from true. Aspirin, paracetamol and analgin in combination with alcohol can negatively affect the kidneys and liver, causing disruptions in their functioning.

Therefore, instead of taking pills first, it is better to take reasonable measures in everything. This way you will reliably protect your body from holiday hangover and overeating.

If you know that in soon You will have to drink a lot, try to at least prepare for it.

Protection against dehydration

Main by-effect A hangover is dehydration. Before a big celebration, drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day for several days (which, strictly speaking, should be done every day in any case). This will greatly help your body. First, you will hydrate your body before the alcohol dramatically increases your fluid secretion. Secondly, it will help your body to further cleanse itself in order to more firmly withstand the onslaught of alcohol.

Liver protection

The liver itself is a cleansing organ, so in the preceding days it is especially important to pre-cleanse it, preparing it for future overloads. There are many foods that enhance liver function, all of which are described in detail in the Complete Body Cleanse Program. Include beets, black grapes, fresh garlic and garlic tablets (preferably unflavored) in your diet. Eat carrots or drink carrot juice - it can be combined with other juices, but you should definitely have a lot of carrots and/or beets in your menu. In the days leading up to the grand festival, your diet should also include decoctions of sweet dill and dandelions.

Stomach protection

The stomach can also be prepared to accept significant amounts of alcohol. You should avoid extremes and maintain stable blood sugar levels. On the day of the festival, eat a hearty meal and, in any case, do not drink on an empty stomach. Make sure your menu includes plenty of vegetables, Brown rice, salads, fruit, etc. If you don't have healthy food on hand (often at these events they offer fried food or very salty dishes to make you want to drink more), still eat at least something, since drinking on a full stomach is not so scary for him, and besides, you may drink less.

How to minimize the effects of alcohol?

During the celebration itself, you can also take certain steps to minimize damage:

1. When choosing a drink, remember that a mixture of sugar and alcohol (sweet drinks) speeds up the absorption of alcohol and makes you drunk faster. For this reason, sweet liqueurs and sparkling wines should be avoided. Plus, sugary drinks also make you drink more because your high blood sugar will soon drop and you'll be reaching for the next drink just to replenish your energy levels.

2. Maintain fluid levels in the body by drinking alcohol with an equal amount of water. This does not mean that you should dilute alcoholic drinks - just drink water immediately after alcohol. If you think your hosts will be unhappy with you drinking water, pretend to drink alcohol. Sparkling water with ice and lemon cannot be distinguished by eye from gin or vodka and tonic. No one will know the truth - the bartender will not give you away.

3. From white wine you can make a spritzer - white wine with soda; more liquid - less alcohol.

4. Don't forget about what might happen to you the next morning. If you feel like you've had enough, stop. Even at this point, you likely already have enough alcohol in your system to cause significant harm to your health. It may be too late to stop when you're already tipsy, but at least you'll be guaranteeing a fun evening and a less heavy head the next morning.

5. Drink plenty of fluids before going to bed. Add some fresh water to the water lemon juice- This promotes the formation of alkali and reduces the acid content in your stomach.

6. When you get up to go to the toilet at night, take care to replace what was lost. Place a glass of water next to your bed and take six sips before falling asleep again.

7. Sleep soundly.

The next day

Today time will pass slowly. Constantly listen to your body. Yesterday you did what you wanted, and now it is time to treat him carefully and listen to his requests. Don't do anything that requires a lot of effort. Your body is poisoned, so give it a chance to recover.

Even if you haven't adhered to the principles before healthy eating, it’s never too late to start taking care of your stomach, feeding it tasty, difficult and healthy food. This will not only improve the digestion process, but also protect against gastrointestinal diseases.

Avoiding digestive disorders is not that difficult. To do this, you need to watch what and how you eat and make a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

  1. Eat, but don't overeat.
    Eating small, frequent meals can help prevent stomach heaviness, indigestion, and sudden fluctuations in insulin levels, the hormone that controls blood sugar. In addition, large portions stretch the walls of the stomach.
  2. Find time for breakfast.
    If you don't eat breakfast, the body, immersed in a long fast (more than 12 hours), reduces the rate of burning calories throughout the day. Cereal dish, oatmeal or whole grain toast - The best way energize your body and replenish your fiber reserves.
  3. Go to bed light.
    Try not to eat three hours before bedtime so that the food you eat has time to digest. When you eat before bed, any unburned calories are then converted into fat stores. In addition, the risk of indigestion, heartburn and reflux (when acid from the stomach is thrown back into the esophagus and rises to the throat) increases.
  4. Chew slowly and savor the food.
    When you hastily chew and quickly swallow food, your saliva does not have time to produce the enzymes necessary for proper digestion. Always eat while sitting and chew each bite thoroughly.
  5. Don't exercise after eating.
    After you eat, blood rushes to the stomach, helping the digestion process. Excessive physical activity in a state of satiety “switches the clock”, and blood rushes to the heart, lungs and muscles of the arms and legs. Accordingly, the digestion process is disrupted. Light exercise, such as a leisurely walk, on the contrary, promotes digestion.
  6. Eat vegetables, more vegetables and - for variety - fruits.
    Plant food - best source fiber, vitamins, minerals and natural trace elements. They help prevent the development of heart disease and cancer. Try to include plant foods of different colors in your diet every day: salad, side dish of vegetables or vegetable soup will provide the body with the entire necessary range of necessary and beneficial substances.
  7. Once again about the benefits of fiber

    Include it in your diet and you will reduce the risk of constipation, hemorrhoids and serious intestinal diseases. Eat the “right” fiber. Soluble fiber found in beans, lentils, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, activates digestion, helps block the absorption of “bad” cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber - unpolished cereals, grain bread, pasta made from durum flour - “absorbs” water and helps prevent constipation. But don't overdo it! Because it's too a large number of“rough” foods can irritate a sensitive stomach. Normally, it is recommended to eat 20-30 g of fiber per day. To fully absorb fiber, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day; this is also good for peristalsis. Ideally, you should drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, between meals, an hour after meals and before bed.
  8. Less saturated fat!
    Animal (saturated) fats - these are found in red meat (beef and pork) and processed meats, butter, cream, cheeses, especially hard varieties, as well as high-fat dairy products and some ready-made cakes and cookies - contribute to increased cholesterol and the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Check your tolerance.
    Different spices affect everyone differently. Some may worsen symptoms of heartburn, stomach pain, or intestinal upset. At the same time, as research by experts shows, a number of spices (for example, ginger, cumin and red pepper) help improve digestion.
  10. Reduce your consumption of red meat.
    There is a lot of clear evidence that red meat and meat products (such as sausages, bacon and smoked sausage) increase the risk of developing digestive cancer. According to the World Cancer Fund, stomach and intestinal cancer is 20% more common in meat lovers than in vegetarians. If you want to stay healthy, avoid meat products with added preservatives. And if you don’t like life without them, limit your consumption of “harmful foods” to once a week.

Foods that disrupt digestion

In some cases, indigestion, bloating and pain can occur due to a lack of lactase in the body, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose) found in dairy products. It’s easy to check: eliminate dairy products from your diet for a week. If the symptoms disappear, you will have to switch to kefir and natural yoghurts. Legumes and cabbage contribute to increased gas formation. It is necessary to limit beer and sweet sodas, apple and grape juices, nuts, raisins. Sorbitol and fructose also contribute to flatulence. Tea, coffee and caffeine-containing drinks can provoke diarrhea, and concentrated juices can irritate the stomach lining, so it is better to dilute them with water. And generally clean drinking water should become the main drink during periods of exacerbation.

Three natural helpers

  1. are “good” bacteria, living microorganisms that inhabit the intestinal microflora and have a beneficial effect on human health. These are mainly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which help restore the balance of intestinal microflora. They are found in natural fermented milk products. But be careful when purchasing: the label of “correct” yogurt should indicate the content of lactic bacteria. And remember that the lifespan of yogurt cultures is no more than 30 days.
  2. Fennel helps relieve cramps and pain in the stomach and intestines. Prepare a fennel infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of seeds mixed with dried herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals. You can buy fennel in bags and brew according to the instructions.
  3. Peppermint oil helps relieve stomach or intestinal colic, moderate pain, and also reduces cramps, bloating and increased gas formation. Take 6-12 drops per day - with warm water.

Connection between the head and the stomach

We all know the feeling when your stomach feels like it’s “tied in a knot” - when you are nervous, feeling fear, severe anxiety. It is not surprising that the digestive system malfunctions from stress, because our brain is responsible for this. People call it “sensitive stomach,” and experts call it “functional dyspepsia.” Our intestines are entangled in a network of more than 100 million nerve cells that have a direct connection with the brain. Therefore, heartburn, pain and cramps in the abdomen, as well as other temporary problems do not always indicate the presence of serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This may be the influence of stress.

Risk factors


If you drink alcohol in moderation, it won't cause much harm, but at the same time, alcohol can reduce the elasticity of the “membrane” that separates the stomach from the esophagus. And this provokes indigestion and heartburn. Try to limit yourself to two glasses of wine (or beer) or two glasses of strong drink per day. And be sure to follow the “dry law” at least 2 days a week.


Without thinking, we drink several cups of tea, coffee, cola and other caffeine-containing drinks a day. And caffeine has the unpleasant property of increasing the acidity of gastric juice, and this provokes the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as stomach pain and diarrhea. In addition, caffeine inhibits the digestion of carbohydrates, which can impair digestion. If you can't give up coffee completely, limit yourself to one cup a day.


This bad habit increases the risk of peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. Cigarette smoke and tar decay products contain substances that activate the production of gastric juice, which leads to the formation of ulcers in the large intestine. In addition, carcinogenic substances released when tobacco burns are the main provocateurs of cancer.


Some medications, sold without a prescription, may cause stomach pain or digestive problems. First of all, these are those that contain aspirin or ibuprofen, a number of tranquilizers or antidepressants. Painkillers that contain codeine or its derivatives, as well as iron tablets, can cause constipation, while some antibiotics and antacids (anti-acid agents) can cause diarrhea.

If dizziness and nausea appear with a hangover, you can definitely say that the body has been poisoned by alcohol.

When vomiting is added to the symptoms, intoxication is diagnosed. A hangover and nausea are signs of an imbalance in the mechanism for breaking down harmful compounds.

That is, the liver does not synthesize enough enzymes. Consumed alcohol, passing through all stages of the gastrointestinal tract, affects the liver.

It begins to produce special enzymes that neutralize and remove elements of the breakdown of ethanol and toxins from the body.

At the same time, the membranes of the cells that make up the liver are destroyed. Therefore, after each attack of the body with alcohol, the liver copes with its functions worse, and after some time it will have to help with this.

Alcohol drunk in large quantities is converted by the liver into acetaldehyde, which poisons the body. This is one of the reasons why you feel sick with a hangover.

In case of severe poisoning and intoxication, the body turns on a protective mechanism - vomiting.

This is an unpleasant sensation, but in this way you can help your stomach get rid of toxins as quickly as possible.

Alcohol drunk on an empty stomach irritates the mucous walls of the stomach, after which nausea, vomiting and stomach pain are possible.

If alcohol was consumed after diagnosis of diseases such as acute pancreatitis or chronic gastritis, then even a minimal dose will be enough to cause discomfort and poor condition.

If you drink alcohol while taking certain antibiotics, you can expect a negative effect on the central nervous system. nervous system and liver.

Nausea may be accompanied by impaired consciousness, fainting, heart pain and mental disorders.

In addition, the state of intoxication may intensify, and the negative impact on the liver and kidneys will increase.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause many disorders in the developing body.

In addition to possible alcohol syndrome, abnormal physiological development of the fetus may begin, internal organs may subsequently become susceptible to serious illness.

No pill will help prevent negative consequences.

If you don’t want to face unpleasant situations, then you can either give up alcohol or use moderation, depending on your health condition.

How to get rid of the effects of a hangover?

During times of unpleasant sensations, the question of how to get rid of nausea during a hangover comes to mind.

I would like to get rid of a hangover as soon as possible, but, unfortunately, its effects can last for a very long time, since the alcohol has spread throughout the body. How and with what to relieve nausea?

You need to start solving the problem at home. First you need to help the body rid itself of toxins.

To do this, you need to artificially induce vomiting. You can do this by drinking two glasses of warm water and placing two fingers in your mouth.

If the water drunk is not enough for the reaction, then a weak (0.02-0.1%) solution of potassium permanganate is drunk.

The antiseptic properties of potassium permanganate will not only help rid the stomach of toxins, but also soothe it.

Toxic microorganisms can be eliminated from the stomach not only through the mouth, but also through the rectum.

If naturally This cannot be done, then additional help is activated in the form of an enema.

After thorough cleaning digestive system sorbents are used to combat the effects of alcohol. Almost every first aid kit contains black tablets of activated carbon.

In addition to its absorbent effect, charcoal has detoxifying and antidiarrheal properties.

Another strong representative is the drug Enterosgel. Thanks to its liquid structure, it is able to be absorbed and have a detoxifying effect faster.

Enterosgel does not affect the necessary beneficial enzymes secreted gastrointestinal tract when removing toxins from the body.

When nausea and discomfort in the abdominal area have subsided, you can take care of replenishing the water-salt balance. Salted mineral water and homemade brine are best suited for this.

In addition, it is necessary to restore the balance of vitamin C in the body. For this, cranberry juice or strong black tea with lemon is suitable, which is also used as a remedy to relieve nausea.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach will help to drown out kefir or fermented baked milk, which will also have a calming effect on the digestive system.

An appropriate medicine, like Tempalgin, will help relieve headaches. After all the procedures to calm the internal state of the body from a hangover, it is recommended to improve external well-being.

For this, taking a shower is ideal, after which you should lie down to rest. It will be better if you can sleep, because in sleep you recover faster.

Frequent shortcomings when dealing with a hangover

In order not to bring your body to headaches, nausea and vomiting during a hangover, you need to worry about your condition in advance.

If a feast is planned, then you should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. In this case, the body will be less protected from harmful effects.

For added safety, it is recommended to drink before drinking alcohol Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

This remedy can eliminate most of the possible negative consequences. Between drinking alcohol, you need to eat something so that alcohol-containing drinks are accepted more easily by the stomach.

But, if the necessary measures were not taken in time, and yet nausea and a hangover made themselves felt, then you need to be aware of possible mistakes when relieving symptoms.

Firstly, the prevailing opinion about relieving a hangover with alcohol is wrong.

A bottle of beer will provide only short-term relief, after which the body may become doubly worse.

If you abuse and drink alcohol to avoid vomiting from a hangover, then this can turn into vicious circle. To avoid alcoholism, you need to quench your thirst with non-alcoholic drinks.

When you feel very sick from a hangover, what is definitely not recommended to do is drink caffeinated drinks, which, in addition to the stomach, will strain the cardiovascular system.

It is strictly forbidden to drive a car while drunk or hungover, as the reaction will be slow even several hours after drinking alcohol.

At such moments, it is better to refuse any type of transport, because the dispersed vestibular apparatus will not be able to concentrate on the road and traffic, which will make the symptoms worsen and make it more difficult to relieve them.

It is not allowed to swim in pools and reservoirs while drunk - if the body suddenly cools down, convulsions will appear, which are extremely difficult to control.

In addition, this will place a greater burden on the heart. Outdoor picnics in hot weather can pose a risk of heatstroke, as the body, under the influence of alcohol, has less control over its cooling function.

If you have a hangover, you should avoid heavy physical activity, as this will put additional strain on the heart, and nausea and headache may increase.

The best alternative would be a simple walk in the fresh air, which will saturate the blood with oxygen and clear the mind.

Every time you think about what to drink, you need to first think about the upcoming consequences of drinking alcohol.

The symptoms of a hangover can suppress the desire to drink alcohol for a long time.

But if circumstances develop in such a way that you still have to drink, then you need to at least eat or drink a sorbent drug in advance. This way you can protect your stomach and the body as a whole.

Alcoholic gastritis: diagnosis and proper treatment

Alcoholic gastritis can be acute or chronic, but is always associated with the consumption of ethanol (alcohol products) and is not an inflammatory process. Gastroenterologists, according to the protocols of the World Health Association, classify this disease as alcoholic reactive gastropathy and associate it with excessive or constant consumption of alcohol-containing drinks, regardless of their strength: beer, wine, vodka, whiskey, and so on.

Alcoholic gastritis may occur if you drink too much alcohol.

Important! World statistics show that alcoholic reactive gastropathy occurs in 95 percent of cases with constant alcohol consumption.

Risks of getting sick

Alcoholic gastritis can be chronic or occur suddenly in an acute form. In the latter case, the cause may be excessive consumption of alcohol-containing drinks. For each person, the “excessive” dose is individual and depends on the tolerance of alcohol and the threshold of intoxication.

A lethal dose of alcohol is considered to be 2-6 ppm. In other words, half a liter of strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, gin) can cause death or cause severe poisoning, which often leads to acute gastritis. On the Internet and in the media in general, there is an opinion about the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. For example, there are many articles about the benefits of wine for the human cardiovascular system.

However, there are no references to blinded randomized studies on the benefits of alcohol in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In other words, alcohol in medical practice is considered absolutely harmful product in any doses.

Important! There are risks of acute and chronic alcoholic gastritis both in cases of moderate alcohol consumption and in cases of constant use.

Symptoms of the disease

Often, a drunk or constantly drinking person cannot distinguish a hangover from manifestations of gastritis. In this case, relatives and friends can come to the rescue, but only a doctor can determine the symptoms and treatment. Any doubts about the diagnosis require calling an ambulance. If you cannot adequately assess the patient's condition, be sure to seek qualified medical support. Doctors will begin to treat the patient in the first minutes.

The symptoms of the disease depend on the age of the patient, the amount of alcohol consumed and how long the person has been drinking alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms of alcoholic gastritis:

  • pain in the epigastric region, while the patient may complain of aching, pulling or sharp pain;
  • feeling of nausea before eating or in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • gagging, vomiting, which can occur spontaneously or after eating; alcohol often relieves gagging;
  • heartburn or esophageal reflux, which appears in a lying position due to the reflux of bile into the esophagus;
  • feeling of thirst, belching;
  • difficulty defecation.

Some or all of the symptoms may disappear when taking a new portion of alcohol-containing products and then reappear in the future. The diagnosis in this case can only be made in a medical institution after special examinations.

If a person drinks alcohol for a long time, the symptoms of the disease have their own specifics. Typically, alcoholics suffer from all systems of the body - from the cardiovascular to the digestive. Typically, these systemic phenomena require serious medical or surgical treatment.

  • Tachycardia. Sign: rapid pulse;
  • Peripheral polyneuropathy, in which you feel tingling in the limbs, numbness, pain in the fingers and toes, decreased sensitivity of the limbs;

Just 50 grams of pure ethyl alcohol can cause uncontrollable vomiting, withdrawal symptoms, and subsequently alcoholic gastritis.

  • Muscle atrophy, which results in weakness in the legs and arms. Muscle fibers become thinner and this leads to general weakness, muscle flaccidity and inability to perform physical activity, which reduces overall quality of life.

Alcohol leads to two types of gastritis

Alcohol intake can cause two forms of gastritis: chronic and acute. Acute alcoholic gastritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • refusal to eat;
  • constant thirst, which is often called in everyday life “dry wood”;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit with blood.

Acute gastritis can occur suddenly, even with a single drink of alcohol. Chronic gastritis is caused by constant consumption of alcohol and contains the same symptoms as acute gastritis, which are constantly present.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of the disease is alcohol consumption, but the medical community has also identified triggers for the disease. Factors that contribute to the development of gastritis include:

  • psycho-emotional state;
  • genetic factors;
  • non-compliance with diet and daily routine;
  • overweight;
  • concomitant gastritis (inflammatory forms);
  • harmful external factors (ecology, work in hazardous conditions).

Diagnosis of the disease

To begin with, the doctor will collect an anamnesis of the disease, find out about your complaints, in particular about when epigastric pain began, whether there were any urges to feel sick, and what the state of the vomit was. Typically, alcoholic gastritis can be determined in a person without special education impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The medical professional will conduct the following tests and examinations:

  1. Physical examination. When palpating the epigastric region, the doctor checks the sensitivity of the abdomen.
  2. Using percussion, a healthcare professional identifies the size of the liver and stomach.

In addition, to determine alcoholic gastritis, there are laboratory methods. For this purpose, blood is drawn from the patient. After this, the samples are sent for general and biochemical analysis. The first helps to determine moderate neutrophilic leukocytosis, the second helps to find concomitant diseases, but is usually uninformative. In addition, a breath test is performed, and the laboratory determines the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the blood.

There are also instrumental methods diagnosis of alcoholic gastritis: fibroesophagogastroduenoscopy, biopsy, radiography of the stomach, using a contrast agent.

Treatment of the disease

In this case of gastritis, the only cure is to completely stop drinking alcohol. You can receive treatment on your own (outpatient), but in case of severe alcohol addiction, you should consult a narcologist or your attending physician.

There are several types of treatment for alcoholic gastritis. Usually, in simple cases, so-called diet therapy is prescribed. In this case, the patient should eat 5-6 times a day and exclude fatty, fried and spicy foods from the diet. Do not consume canned food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks. It is advisable to drink as much as possible more water, eat salads from vegetables and fruits, chew food thoroughly, exclude fast food from the diet. It is worth consulting with your doctor about the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet.

Conservative treatment

  • Antacids are drugs that reduce acidity;
  • Gastroprotectors are medications that protect the stomach from the effects of external harmful factors;
  • Antispasmodics are drugs that help relieve pain;
  • Prokinetics - help with vomiting;
  • Infusion therapy - in case of severe dehydration of the body, intravenous or drip administration is used;
  • Vitamins.

Alcoholic gastritis is one of the few diseases that can be prevented without the efforts of doctors. All the patient needs to do is give up alcohol, and this disease will bypass him.

How does a person’s gallbladder usually hurt: symptoms

How it hurts gallbladder in a person, symptoms of what disease can manifest themselves through such pain in a person? The main function of the sac-like organ located under the liver is to store bile. Bile, passing from the liver to the gallbladder and accumulating in it, is necessary for the breakdown of fats. If necessary, it is released from the gallbladder into the intestines and is directly involved in digestion.

Due to a violation of the composition of bile, cholesterol stones can form (cholelithiasis), which can get stuck in the ducts of the gallbladder and provoke an attack of severe pain. Such attacks can last for several hours on end. Due to frequent, prolonged attacks, a disease called cholecystitis may occur, accompanied by severe pain. Characteristic signs of gallbladder disease in this case are a jaundiced tint of the skin and an increase in body temperature.

Gallbladder diseases

The importance of an organ such as the gallbladder and its symptoms cannot be overestimated, since the bile produced by the organ is an essential component of digestion. Any gallbladder disease affects the functioning of the entire body as a whole. The most common ones are:

Symptoms and treatment

Any deviation in the functioning of the gallbladder from the norm should be subject to thorough medical examination. By not paying attention to disturbing symptoms, a person is at risk of developing dangerous abnormalities that can lead to death. Summarizing the above, we can highlight the following signs of gallbladder diseases, with which a person must consult a gastroenterologist:

  • long and frequent painful sensations in the right side;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cloudy yellow urine;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • bouts of trembling accompanied by diarrhea;
  • feeling of fullness.

If there are no symptoms, but gallstones form, surgery is not required to relieve gallbladder problems. But the patient must be regularly monitored by a specialist. If the gallbladder is bothering you, symptoms, treatment may be required when the disease worsens concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure in the liver caused by alcohol abuse. Small stones can be dissolved by taking ursodeoxycholic acid preparations.

It is necessary to take into account the symptoms when drawing up a diet, during which you need to avoid spicy, fried, fatty, excessively salty or sweet foods, flour and alcohol.

It is better to prepare dishes yourself, avoiding the use of dyes and preservatives. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, giving preference to fresh and stewed vegetables, fruits, milk porridges, and steamed dishes. The diet must be strict. It is important to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, including decoctions of rose hips, mint, and chamomile that support the body.

An extreme measure used in the complex treatment of gallbladder diseases is removal of the diseased organ. Using laparoscopy, the gallbladder is removed within a few hours using four small incisions instead of one large one, as was done before. Rehabilitation of the body occurs quite quickly - after a week a person can return to normal life, there are no scars left after surgery. The laparoscopy method is also used to treat gallstone disease. Removal of stones is faster and more painless than during abdominal surgery, after which patients have to spend about two weeks in the hospital after the procedure.