
A CNC machine operator (computer numerical control) is a fairly in-demand and well-paid profession. People with a specialty as an operator operator are needed in machine-building factories and factories that use modern machines. As more and more equipment is being automated, the demand for this profession is growing.

Brief description of the machines

CNC machines operate from a control computer. It forces the device to perform certain functions that are prescribed in the program code. With the help of such a system, all kinds of operations on processing materials (mainly metals) are carried out automatically. CNC can be installed on turning, bending, milling, drilling and other equipment. Before the invention of computer numerical control, almost all machine work was done by hand.

A CNC machine can have turning cutters, cutters, drills, pressing molds and even a laser in its arsenal. Using them, you can make the most precise and complex parts: from car engines to spare parts for rockets. Such units are controlled by an adjuster and operator of computer-controlled machines. The profession is named according to the machine at which the master works. If his specialty is bending machine, then the job title sounds like CNC bending machine operator. carried out by a person with the profession “operator” lathe

with CNC".

Operator Responsibilities

  • The responsibilities of a CNC operator typically include:
  • setting up and servicing equipment (entering a program, installing and removing tools and workpieces);
  • control of the processing process;
  • checking finished parts;

elimination of minor problems, adjustments and mechanisms. The specific type of occupation is determined according to the category. All employees are required to maintain workplace

clean and tidy. In addition, the operator is engaged in turning tools. The operator's manual is the Job description of the operator of computer-controlled machines. This instruction is compiled for everyone specific enterprise

. There is also a standard professional profile that describes the norms and requirements for a given profession. How many machines can one person operate? An experienced CNC operator usually operates several machines at the same time, depending on the complexity of the job. For example, two lathes cutting relatively simple products from, and one milling, with a more difficult task. The main thing is to be able to carefully plan your actions so that the machines do not stand idle.

Position of the adjuster, his responsibilities

It is considered a separate position, but, as a rule, operators are also service technicians. Of course, people with multiple specialties are valued more and receive higher salaries. The responsibilities of a CNC adjuster include (CP) for the manufacture of parts with certain characteristics and, in fact, adjustment.

Important! Before applying for a vacancy, a person must definitely study the job description so that no questions arise later.


At the beginning, the CNC machine tool operator or operator reviews the drawings and establishes the sequence of instructions that the machine will need to carry out. Using them, the adjuster makes NC in a numerical code.


Next, the operator/setter of CNC machines must do adjustments, that is, configure the machine for a specific action (via the remote control or using punched tape). In addition, setup involves the installation and adjustment of cutting and auxiliary tools, clamping device and workpiece. The description and characteristics of these tools, as well as the necessary instructions, are in the technological task and the setup sheet.

Interesting fact! Many new computer-controlled machines are fairly easy to use, using clear graphical user interfaces that instead of long lines of numeric code are just a matter of clicking a button with a corresponding picture. Thanks to this, even a novice operator of computer-controlled machine tools can work with CNC.


During a test run of a new circuit, the operator of computer-controlled machines carefully monitors that there are no problems, such as: vibration of the workpiece, breakdown cutting tools or deviations in the dimensions of the finished part. If errors are found, the CNC machine tool operator must modify and test the program again until the problems are resolved.

This requires responsible performance of job duties, as incorrect actions and software errors can damage expensive machines and equipment, as well as waste valuable time and materials.

Once the PM is completed, the task can move from this experienced installer to a lower-level skilled worker. If he encounters a problem that requires modification of the program, he turns to a 4th or 5th category specialist for help. Many people start working as operators with a low qualification level, and over time they learn and perform tasks of a higher category.

Working environment and safety rules

This profession has its pros and cons. Most modern machines are partially or completely enclosed, minimizing workers' exposure to noise, debris and grease. The adjusters who service CNC machines register smaller quantity injuries than most other blue-collar occupations.

However, working on machines can be noisy and present certain dangers. All beginners need to understand how important it is to follow safety rules. For example, you should be careful around moving machinery and wear safety glasses and earplugs while working.

The operator of CNC machines must exercise caution when handling hazardous coolants and lubricants. Working as a CNC machine tool operator requires stamina because most of the day is spent on your feet and sometimes you have to lift relatively heavy workpieces to the machines you service.

Typically, a CNC lathe operator (or other machine tools) works in shifts on a day-night-48 schedule. The advantage of this position is the high salary, but at the same time, sometimes adjusters have to work overtime.

Specialty training

You can master a specialty for working on a numerically controlled machine if you undergo training in “Mechanical Engineering Technology” at a technical school or in courses. Both men and women can become operators. The qualification has 5 categories. Rank increases as you gain experience.

For example, a 2nd grade CNC lathe operator can only make simple parts, but after being assigned 3rd and 4th grades, he is already trusted more complex tasks, with a large number of devices and number of transitions. With the assignment of the 5th category, the machine operator is able to perform processing, during which it is necessary to perform combined fastening and reinstall the manufactured product.

Necessary knowledge and skills to obtain qualifications

To perform the duties of an operator efficiently, a person must know and understand:

  • structure and specifications machines (milling, turning, rotary, drilling, boring, bending);
  • parts processing technology;
  • properties of processed materials;
  • CNC programming options;
  • principles of working with technical specifications and setup map;
  • signs of malfunction;
  • rules for the use of measuring and cutting tools, as well as devices.

The specialty “operator of computer-controlled machines” requires knowledge of mechanical engineering, drawing, CAD, mathematics, mechanics, and electrical engineering. Also, the profession of a CNC machine operator implies the presence of the following personal qualities and skills:

  • attention to detail;
  • analytical thinking;
  • accuracy and clear coordination of movements;
  • good vision and hearing;
  • ability to respond quickly in the event of an emergency.

Note: the listed skills are taken from the professional chart for CNC operators.

The CNC operator needs to be serious and always act in accordance with job description. The employee must know the equipment and safety rules (including fire and sanitary), as well as the requirements for finished products. Of course, mastering a profession will take time and practice, because no one immediately becomes a specialist!


For friends!


Instrumentation and automation adjuster - specialist in installation of instruments and electrical circuits various systems automation. Starting up any facility requires a lot of effort from the operating personnel of the instrumentation and control systems. It is necessary to study the technological diagram of the new facility, the equipment with which you will have to work, alarm and interlock schemes, and safety precautions. Most of these functions (checking, installation, adjustment and testing of devices, circuits, systems used in equipment for monitoring, regulating and controlling automated processes) are performed by instrumentation and automation adjusters. Their high qualifications are evidenced by the fact that in the system of continuous vocational education The profession of an instrumentation and control equipment operator begins with the 4th category, and not with the 2nd, like that of an instrumentation mechanic or instrument operator.

Description of activity

Mostly, an instrumentation and automation engineer works in factories and in production, where he sets up automatic lines, instruments that regulate production processes, dispatch communications and other automation. Testing and commissioning of equipment is also within the competence of the installer.


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The professional responsibilities of an adjuster of instrumentation and automation depend on his qualification level (from 4 to 8). An instrumentation and automation engineer installs instruments and electrical circuits of various automation systems; carries out adjustment of electrical circuits and testing of electronic devices with taking characteristics; studies the principles and mode of operation of electronic equipment; masters the technology of assembling equipment units of any complexity, methods for calculating various elements, control devices; studies and applies technical, technological and operational documentation in practice.

The growing demands for more products in all areas of light and heavy industry have led to almost universal automation of production processes. For maintenance and repair modern equipment Specialist engineers are required.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

My specialty is an engineer for adjustment and repair of electrical equipment and automation. The place of work is a large metallurgical enterprise that widely uses automated process control systems.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

The responsibilities of the installation engineer include setting up the elements of the automated system and maintaining it in working condition. The essence of the work is to diagnose and maintain power converter equipment - thyristor converters of direct and alternating current. Since in the process of work you have to deal with the latest equipment and software, then the requirements for personnel are high.

3. What education is required to obtain your position?

The engineering workers in my specialty are people with higher technical education who graduated from the university and received specialist diplomas in the specialties “electronic systems” and “electromechanical automation systems and electric drives.”

4. Describe your work day.

The working day of a commissioning engineer has a fairly busy schedule. The day begins with familiarization with the entries made in the duty logs. Next - walking around and inspecting the equipment, performing routine repairs of the equipment. Then a break for lunch, usually half an hour. After lunch – diagnostics of equipment.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

Since my job is at a metallurgical enterprise, the conditions are appropriate. Directly when working with converter technology, you have to tinker with dust and dirt. When performing diagnostics, the work is more intelligent and, accordingly, cleaner.

6. What do you like most about your business?

The most pleasant moments in work can be considered the moments when the configured equipment begins to work correctly. It's nice to see the results of your work.

7. What do you dislike most about your business?

I don’t like the urgent rush with which it is necessary to repair suddenly broken equipment.

8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

Although the salary cannot be called small, you still always want more.

9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

The main value of this work is the team. We can proudly say that our young team is highly professional.

10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business?

Professionalism and mutual assistance are the main qualities that people working in such serious enterprises should have.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here is everything that work gives you besides money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

This work provides an opportunity not only to communicate with interesting people, but also to visit countries that produce the supplied equipment. This is possible during periods of updating enterprise equipment. The youth organization allows you to participate in public life enterprises.

12. You have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

On a five-point scale, I would give it 4.5. Because here you really have to work, and not sit still.

13. Why did you choose this job?

It's because you do something tangible that I like this job. That's why I chose it.

Installer; adjuster, adjuster, subadjuster Dictionary of Russian synonyms. installer noun, number of synonyms: 8 installer (20) ... Synonym dictionary

FIXER, huh, husband. Specialist in setting up, setting up (see setting up 2 to 3 values) of machines and mechanisms. Mastern. | wives adjuster, s. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

service technician- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics of energy in general EN adjusteradjmaintenance mansetup manstart up man … Technical Translator's Guide

Serviceman- 6. Engineer is a specialized organization (enterprise or association) that carries out commissioning work and participates, together with the general contractor and developer, in conducting acceptance tests of the system and transferring it to permanent... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

A; m. Worker, setup specialist. Machine setter. Fitter service technician. ◁ Adjuster, s; and … encyclopedic Dictionary

service technician- A; m. see also. adjuster Worker, adjuster. Machine setter. Fitter adjuster... Dictionary of many expressions

service technician- ADJUSTER, a, m Specialist in setting up, configuring something. (machines, mechanisms, etc.), a worker who regulates something, making it suitable for use. // f adjuster, s. Master adjuster... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

M. Worker for setting up machines, machine tools, mechanisms. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Adjuster, adjusters, adjuster, adjusters, adjuster, adjusters, adjuster, adjusters, adjuster, adjusters, adjuster, adjusters (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

service technician- nal adchik, and... Russian spelling dictionary


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  • Fundamentals of Materials Science Textbook, Cherepakhin A.. The textbook is written in accordance with the requirement of the state educational standard for teaching the general professional discipline “Fundamentals of Materials Science”, and is intended for preparation…

The need to adjust electrical equipment is not as obvious as, say, the need to install it. And the results of adjustment are not as real and tangible as during installation. It would seem that nothing could be simpler: apply voltage to the mounted electrical equipment and, by pressing a button, put it into operation.

This, however, can only be done in the simplest cases, for example, when turning on the lighting residential buildings; In the vast majority of electrical circuits, they are subject to adjustment after installation.

First of all, the electrical equipment must be checked. This is explained by the fact that during the manufacture, transportation and installation of equipment and equipment, damage, deviations from the design, hidden defects and, finally, simply errors are possible, especially when making connections in complex circuits. If you neglect the check, the result will most likely be a failure or a serious accident.

Study of design and technical documentation

In setup, the sequence of operations is of great importance. First, they study the design and technical documentation for the electrical equipment of the launch complex, which is usually submitted by the capital construction department of the customer enterprise. Then they check the completeness of the equipment delivery and its compliance with the design. At the same time, adjusters not only get acquainted with design solutions, but also identify shortcomings and errors in circuit diagrams and correct them.

The manufacturer's documentation contains passports of electrical equipment, which provide nominal data, design parameters, instructions for switching on and operating, and in some cases a description of testing methods and devices.

Visual inspection

An external inspection of the equipment is carried out with the recording of basic passport data, defects and shortcomings are identified. All comments on design materials and equipment are reported to the customer. As a rule, the elimination of equipment defects or its replacement is carried out by the customer, and the necessary changes and installation corrections are carried out by the personnel of the electrical installation organization.

Checking the correct electrical connections

The correctness of the electrical connections is checked by dialing. This somewhat slang term owes its origin to the electric bell, which was used to detect the presence of electrical connection. And although the bell was subsequently replaced by a flashlight bulb, the name of the operation remained the same. A device for dialing is usually called a “probe”.

Usually, the correctness of the connections is checked using the schematic diagram, since errors can creep into the wiring diagram during design.

It is convenient to check relay contact control circuits for alarms using functional chains that circuit diagrams are located parallel to each other. Note that dialing does not need to be done if the circuit is simple and there is reason to hope that the installation will be correct. In these cases, the circuit will be immediately tested under voltage, having first made sure that there are no short circuits or ground. Disconnect the main (otherwise primary) circuits, i.e. power cables and buses supplying electric shock motors, converters and other electrical installations.

The control, signaling and protection circuits (these are secondary circuits) are supplied with operational voltage through fuses or other protective devices.

In each parallel chain, “its own” electromagnetic device should turn on (or a light bulb in the alarm circuit should light up) if all contacts that are indicated as broken in the diagram are closed; they are called normally open (NO) contacts. If this does not happen, then either the device itself is faulty (broken winding, mechanical damage), or there is a break in the circuit due to improper installation, broken wire, lack of contact in a set of clamps, etc.

The location of the break can be determined using a portable voltmeter: here it will show the full supply voltage of the circuit.

Interruption of each of the normally closed (normally closed) contacts connected in series should lead to the disconnection of the device in its circuit.

Measurement electrical parameters electrical equipment

The task of testing electrical equipment also includes measuring various electrical parameters. Many measurements are typical: they are performed in electrical installations for a wide variety of purposes.

TO typical parameters can include voltage, current, power, frequency and phase of alternating current, time, electrical resistance.

Some parameters are specific only to certain type electrical installations, and the issues of their measurements are presented together with the adjustment of these installations: for example, measuring the rotation speed, resistance of grounding devices, oscillography, etc.

High voltage insulation test

So, the electrical equipment and installation have been checked for compliance with the design, and errors, if any, have been corrected. Is it possible to turn on the electrical installation at operating voltage and put it into operation? No, not until the electrical equipment has been tested. The scope and types of tests are regulated by the rules, but common to all electrical installations is the high voltage insulation test.

Wires and cables are covered with a layer of electrical insulating material that prevents the creation of electrical contact between the conductor and other conductors or metal structures (with the body, with the “ground”). The same function is performed by insulators on which non-insulated current-carrying busbars are mounted.

The insulation is selected for the operating voltage of the electrical installation “with a reserve”; it should serve for a long time. Therefore, before switching on, the insulation is briefly exposed to a voltage several times higher than its operating voltage: this makes it easier to identify hidden insulation defects that could appear later.

DC insulation resistance measurement

Some idea of ​​the quality of the insulation can be given by its direct current resistance, measured using a special device - a megohmmeter. The higher , the better it is, of course, in the absence of hidden defects. The small current that flows through the insulation under the influence of a voltage (operating or test) applied to it is called leakage current.

When tests are carried out on alternating voltage, a component due to the capacitance of the tested object is added to the leakage current caused by the direct current resistance and characterizing the insulation strength.

Not only does this distort information about the quality of insulation: an increase in current also requires a corresponding increase in the power of the testing facility, which is not at all desirable. Therefore, extended objects, for example cables, which have a significant capacitance relative to the ground, are tested on direct, or more precisely, rectified current.

Leaking through the insulation D.C. charges the capacity and does not reach the steady-state value immediately: with dry insulation a few tens of seconds after switching on, with wet insulation much faster.

The insulation resistance is accepted 15 and 60 s after the application of voltage, and the degree of its moisture content is characterized by the so-called absorption coefficient (absorption - here: absorption of moisture by the entire volume of insulation material).

The insulation is considered to have passed the test if: there is no breakdown or overlap of the insulation (strong discharges, release of gas or smoke, etc.), no strong heating of the insulation is noticed; The leakage current (or insulation resistance) is within acceptable limits.

Identifying Cable Damage Locations

If due to any reasons (mechanical damage, dampness, aging) the electrical strength of the insulation decreases, the defective areas are damaged during high voltage tests. What then? The porcelain insulators on which the tires are mounted cannot be repaired and must be replaced. Another thing is cables: replacing a power cable with a voltage above 1 kV is completely difficult and expensive, so the damaged section is cut out and the ends are spliced.

But first it is necessary to detect the location of cable damage with sufficient accuracy. There are various methods and instruments that allow you to measure the distance to the damage site or indicate it directly. Some methods require that there be relatively little damage at the site. To fulfill this condition, it is often necessary to additionally “burn” the cable using special settings.

When testing and checking control, protection and alarm circuits, it should be borne in mind that the insulation resistance of all circuit elements is connected in parallel. Therefore, even with a sufficiently high insulation resistance of individual elements, the overall insulation resistance of the circuit as a whole may be small.

If the total insulation resistance of the circuit is below 0.5 - 1 MOhm, it is recommended to disassemble the circuit, that is, disconnect the windings of electromagnetic devices, instruments, instrument transformers, etc., and then measure the insulation resistance of each device and wires and identify elements with reduced insulation .

Adjustment of relay contactor equipment

The relay-contactor equipment of the circuits is tested in action at rated and reduced voltage of the operating current. In case of failures, the voltage (current) of the devices is checked, defects in their assembly and adjustment are found and eliminated.

Setting up grounding devices

One of essential elements electrical installation is a grounding device, the purpose of which is to reduce the risk of electric shock to people if the insulation is damaged. The grounding device consists of grounding conductors and grounding conductors.

Grounding electrodes are conductors in contact with the ground. By means of grounding conductors, grounded parts of electrical equipment, for example metal cases, are connected to them.

First of all, they strive to use natural grounding (reinforced concrete foundations, metal constructions and so on.). Steel rods or angle steel are used as artificial grounding conductors. Hammered into the ground at some distance from each other and connected by a steel strip, they form a grounding loop in electrical installations up to 1 kV with a solidly grounded neutral of the electrical equipment housing connected to the neutral of the supply transformer.

When a network phase is shorted to the housing, a single-phase short circuit is formed (the so-called phase-zero circuit): transformer phase - phase wire - neutral wire - transformer neutral.

Under the influence of a short circuit current, the electrical receiver must be quickly disconnected from the network by the nearest protection device - circuit breaker or fuse. The higher the fault current, i.e., the lower the zero-phase resistance of the circuit, the higher the reliability and speed of operation of the device.

During setup, the reliability of the connections to the grounding conductors is checked, the resistance of the grounding device, and the resistance of the phase-to-zero circuit are measured.

Primary current test

Tests common to various electrical installations include testing with primary current. These tests are carried out to check secondary current circuits and devices maximum protection, disconnecting the electrical installation in the event of an accident, at currents much higher than the operating values.

Primary circuits have very little resistance, so the load devices used to supply test current to these circuits can be designed for a small output voltage of the order of a few volts and, therefore, for a relatively small power. Typically, step-down transformers with a high transformation ratio are used for this purpose, which make it possible to obtain load currents of up to several thousand amperes.

Setting up electrical equipment

Finally, setting up electrical equipment and hardware. This is perhaps the most difficult, and sometimes the most time-consuming part of the adjustment technology. Its purpose is to ensure correct interaction and reliable operation of production equipment.

It is necessary to carefully configure the equipment and elements of control circuits in operating modes, ensure right action interlocks and sensors of electrical and technological parameters, as well as reliable joint functioning of centralized and local systems automation.

Accidents in electrical installations are fraught with serious consequences not only for the electrical equipment itself, but also for production, and most importantly, for people. Prevent an accident or at least minimize it possible consequences— this task is performed by protective electrical equipment.

To successfully complete this task, protection must be configured correctly. This means that the protective device must operate reliably at the exact value of the parameter that is typical for this type of accident: for example, when short circuit at the motor terminals, it must be disconnected by the nearest maximum protection device, which, at the same time, should not be triggered by the starting currents of the motor.

After the electrical equipment has been checked, tested and adjusted, it can be energized, but it is too early to put it into operation: electrical installations must be tested under load. Indeed, during preliminary tests, some modes had to be imitated or created artificially, while others can only be tested using a working diagram. At this stage, a comprehensive testing of electrical equipment is carried out and, finally, delivery to the customer.