Designing modern multi-storey buildings requires considerable professionalism of designers and excellent knowledge of their field. In the relatively recent past, the implementation of such projects could only lead to the appearance of faceless gray buildings in cities standard layout. Nowadays, architects also rely on the comfort of living, the versatility of such structures, as well as on the construction of certain infrastructure around them. Such architectural solutions are quite bright and non-standard.

Design of multi-storey residential buildings and features of this process

It is necessary to understand that the design of multi-storey buildings has its own specifics, namely:

  1. Designing multi-apartment residential buildings is a rather complicated process that requires taking into account many important requirements. In this matter, it is important to ensure comprehensive safety for all construction participants. It is also necessary to provide for duplication of existing communications, provide evacuation routes, control the installation of engineering equipment, properly manage its functioning, and much more.
  2. Structural system in the design process multi-storey building will be determined by the planned height of this house. For example, when constructing a building up to four floors, it is best to choose a frame-frame system.
  3. An important point when designing such buildings it is right choice fire protection systems. For example, an apartment building, the height of which is approximately one hundred meters, must have the first degree of fire resistance. It will be subject to special requirements for compliance with established fire resistance limits.
  4. A modern multi-storey building is a multifunctional complex, providing not only residential apartments, but also office premises, parking lots, restaurants, cafes, shopping areas, playgrounds and much more.

Design of multi-storey brick residential buildings

Brick can be considered one of the most traditional and proven materials, which has long been used by people in the construction of buildings. If we talk about its main advantages, then these include excellent heat-retaining properties and high environmental friendliness.

As for the disadvantages, there is only one - this is the rather high cost of both the material itself and the process of constructing a building from it. For construction brickwork the construction of a multi-storey building will take a lot of time, and will also require serious labor costs from the builders themselves.

And it is also worth considering that the thickness of the masonry of the external walls of the house should be 1.5 or preferably 2 bricks thick.

On the other hand, such costs are completely justified. After all, apartments in brick buildings are always extremely comfortable and warm, and they are also environmentally friendly. Such a house can stand without overhaul more than a dozen years. Buying an apartment in a brick building can easily be called a successful and prestigious acquisition.

Design of monolithic apartment buildings

Monolithic construction of multi-storey buildings is currently developing at a rapid pace, and this is not surprising. This method allows you to erect a building of any number of storeys at a rapid pace, even with its most complex shape. This is very convenient and cost-effective in the context of a constant global housing shortage in modern densely populated cities.

The basis of such a building is structures made of concrete, as well as its varieties - foam concrete and steel fiber concrete. This approach to construction allows you to design and build a strong and durable structure in a short time (the main thing is to strictly comply with all norms and technological requirements).

Monolithic multi-story construction- this is an excellent way to build houses of any size and shape, create all kinds of arches, build rounded walls, etc. As for the layout of apartments in such houses, it can be anything - all the customer’s wishes are taken into account, which are easily and quickly brought to life .

One of important features monolithic houses- this is the absence of assembly seams in it. Thanks to this, buildings are highly stable, the penetration of extraneous noise into them is reduced, and heat loss is significantly reduced. As for the exterior finishing, it can be done using facade tiles, bricks or any other finishing materials.

Designing multi-storey buildings - the importance of the process

Design and construction of multi-storey buildings can be called one of essential elements harmonious development of the infrastructure of any city. Modern megacities are in need of large quantities high-quality and comfortable multi-apartment residential buildings.

The customers for their construction are not only government agencies, but also many private companies.

When designing such buildings, architects take into account many factors: the properties and quality of both building and finishing materials, appearance future home, energy efficiency, sanitary and environmental standards, prospects for future development of the area and much more. Multi-storey building should not only serve people, but also fit harmoniously into the existing architectural landscape and, if possible, be a real decoration of the urban landscape.

The design of residential buildings is a complex multi-stage process that requires not only high-quality development of technical solutions, but also a creative approach. Most modern developers offer projects of multifunctional complexes with original architecture, which seriously compete with monotonous standard buildings.

Designing high-rise housing begins with choosing its class:

  • Economy implies the use of standard construction solutions. Houses in most cases are built using panel technology, and apartments have a small area.
  • Comfort features a wide variety of layouts and architectural solutions. The apartments have convenient storage rooms and spacious balconies. Projects of high-rise multi-storey residential buildings of this class often include high ceilings.
  • Business housing has an improved layout; it can be equipped with a large kitchen and several bathrooms. Houses of this class in Moscow often include two-level apartments and penthouses. Typically they are equipped autonomous heating And supply and exhaust ventilation. The territory is under 24-hour security.
  • Elite complexes are being built according to individual projects. They are distinguished by the maximum level of comfort and original architecture. Their infrastructure includes many retail and service facilities. Exclusive materials are used for finishing. Projects of elite class multi-storey buildings in Moscow require a high level of improvement of the pre-house area. Usually, walking alleys, recreation areas, playgrounds, etc. are organized on it.

Features of the design of high-rise buildings

The design of multi-storey residential buildings has many specific features. The main ones include:

  • The use of high-strength structural systems designed for buildings up to 40 floors, for example, frame and frame-frame.
  • Increased fire safety measures. Projects of residential buildings up to 100 m include the use of materials of the 1st degree of fire resistance.
  • Integration modern systems management of engineering equipment and duplication of its functions.

You can order the design of high-rise buildings in Moscow and other cities from the TraDis workshop. Our specialists have extensive experience

The pre-project stage contains two parts: collection of information and its methodological processing (analysis). Pre-design analysis is the phase of formulating the design target. Any external information collected before design is analyzed and evaluated from the point of view of the project topic.

Collection of information at the pre-design stage during the creation of an individual residential building project includes the following forms: – drawing up a design program; – conversation with the customer (consumer); – familiarization with the design site; – excursion to the most interesting residential buildings; w study of normative and methodological literature; – study of specialized literature.

The fundamental orientation of the pre-project analysis is determined by the methodological approach. Methodological analysis is the development of a certain view of the design object from the point of view of the author’s worldview. The methodological stage stimulates creative initiative and creates conditions for the formation of a plan, idea, basic concept or target setting, and helps determine the direction of creative search.

The sketch stage (stage of creative search) is the central link of a single process architectural design, at the draft stage the emergence and formation of a design idea occurs. The final result of the sketch stage is the approved (final) sketch, idea and concept of the design solution.

Stage creative development project - a long stage of the design itself, the transition from sketch to project. At this stage creative work over the deepening and development of the compositional concept leads to the goal - the project. During the development of a design model of an object, the main thing becomes the ability to achieve internal consistency and interconnectedness of the parties to the solution. At this stage, a comprehensive architectural design method is used, systems approach with the simultaneous development of all aspects of design: urban. construction, functional planning, constructive, economic and architectural and artistic.

In housing, the role of technical and economic indicators is great, and the task of designing residential buildings according to given economic criteria is of great importance. At the stage of quantitative assessment of the project, the optimal design method is used, which is based on the development of quantitative models.

Design logic. The process of developing a space-planning solution for a residential building begins with the “idea of ​​the object” - the main thought of the author. It is based on artistic images reflecting social and cosmic ideas. The idea of ​​a building must be thought out to the smallest detail and ultimately contain an algorithm (code, rule) for constructing an architectural form.

They start designing with a spatial interpretation of the functional diagram. During the design, all rooms specified in the program are divided into groups. The correct placement of groups of rooms in a building vertically, as seen on sections of the building, and horizontally, as shown on building plans, is determined depending on their functional connections. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the social and functional connections of the building with the surrounding space. The building plan, grouping scheme and placement of premises are determined, first of all, by the type of residential building. The composition of the plan must have a clear organization. The most important rooms in terms of purpose and size should form the core of the composition. The plan diagram is drawn in one line and is based on identifying the core and structural nodes with the corresponding grouping, commensurate with the core for the unity of the composition. As a result of fulfilling the functional requirements, we will obtain a three-dimensional building structure suitable for use by people according to its purpose. However, it should be remembered that there are two more levels of design - engineering-constructive and architectural-artistic.

The spatially manifested social organism of the building must acquire physical body- engineering and constructive basis. Sketches in line with the distribution of functions in the space of the building are ordered (structured). The layout must meet the requirements of public and fire safety (reliable structures, fire-resistant, firewalls, appropriate solutions for escape routes, etc.). Depending on the selected structures of the supporting frame, the pitch, span, and floor heights are taken. The layout of the building is also in relation to the one adopted in the project
a system of load-bearing, enclosing and insulating structures based on a modular system, typification, unification and standardization of building elements. As a result, an internal structure arises - the architectural and spatial form of a residential building.

Architectural and artistic processing of the resulting volumetric-spatial solution imparts tectonicity to the structural forms and artistry to the spatial forms. All rooms that are significant in shape and size should be actively used to create the artistic qualities of the composition. At this level, the building manifests an artistic image that influences the subtle (astral) body of a person through perception; it evokes the feelings and emotions necessary for the author. After working at these levels, the building has its final external form - exterior and interior (appearance). Using mathematical laws, the architect creates harmony in forms that have a specific, sometimes complex structural structure and functional purpose. Coordination of the geometric dimensions of the parts of a residential building is necessary; without it, a work of architecture will not arise.

The result of the architect's work is the design of a residential building as an element of the living environment, which fully corresponds to the lifestyle and value systems of the customer. The main task of architectural design remains the search artistic images, corresponding to ideas about Harmony, about the future human environment.

As a result, the architect denotes his attitude to the artistic form of a residential building. There are two possible here principled approach: – selection of existing styles; the form is built according to canons and rules in isolation from the content (formalism); the approach is characteristic of academicism (and traditionalism); – invention of a new form, resulting in the creation of a new style; organic, truthful architecture, the form is built in accordance with the needs of society; the approach underlies innovation (avant-garde).

The architect brings into his creation something from his worldview, his thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the building acquires an aesthetic quality and a modern sound. Each person creates a residential building in his own image and likeness.

To build a house, a competent architect must think at least five years ahead, imagine what will happen to this house and to the customer in these next five years. Having built a house, the customer must be sure that he will always be able to sell the house for the same money that he spent:

The composition of the project depends on the design stage. Large individual houses are designed in two stages: a “sketch” for approval by the customer and local architectural authorities and departments of planning, engineering, structural and architectural and artistic solutions, and a “detailed design” for the subsequent construction of a residential building. At the “sketch” stage, the project is developed by an architect; engineers participate in the implementation of the detailed design: designers, specialists in heating and ventilation, water supply and sewerage, electricians and others. Simple residential buildings are designed in one stage - a “detailed design”, which is developed first by an architect, then by engineers, and first of all, by designers. A two-stage project development option is possible: first of all, the “project” stage is developed, then the “ working documentation" In this case, the first stage is carried out by all specialists under the guidance of the architect, determining the fundamental design decisions necessary for approval. At the “detailed documentation” stage, the project is developed by working drawings.

A residential building project consists of three parts: an album with drawings and specifications, an explanatory note and estimates. The graphic part of the project includes the following drawings: general plan(scale 1:500, i.e. 1 cm in the drawing corresponds to 500 cm or 5 m in reality) with a situation plan, plans of all floors, facades, section, floor plans with furniture arrangement on a scale of 1:100, roof plan.

The project is a fairly expensive component of construction; it ranges from 1 to 10% of the cost of construction and installation work, depending on the stage and design conditions.

Stages of designing a residential building