Now you and I will be together... forever...

Imperior. August 2000.

Soft captivity

Title: Soft captivity

She led me to a huge bed that took up most of the bedroom. The bed was covered with a soft, fluffy, long-pile blanket. On top of it lay countless velvet pillows of all shapes and sizes and two huge pillows of fine brown fur. The hostess took out large women's trousers from the closet, made of surprisingly soft and delicate fabric, and began to put them on me. When she pulled the pantaloon legs over my legs, I noticed that they were not simple. A soft pad in the form of a pocket was sewn inside at the level of the penis. The hostess exposed the head of my penis and carefully put the entire penis into the pocket of my trousers so that it was sandwiched between two pads. The delicate fabric gently hugged the head and penis, leading me into slight excitement. Just below the pad of the trousers there was a thin pink ribbon sticking out. The hostess pulled on it. The fabric at the bottom of the trousers began to gather into an accordion, forming something in the form of a bag. Before I knew it, my balls were in soft captivity. Having pulled my pantaloons all the way down, my tormentor remained satisfied.

“Climb onto the bed and lie down on one of the large pillows,” said the hostess, and, going to the door, she called someone.

A young girl of pleasant appearance entered the room. She was dressed, just like the hostess, in a thick, long and soft apricot-colored robe. She had soft white socks on her feet.

This is my assistant, we’ll call her Lily today,” the hostess introduced the girl who came in, “and we hope she had some fun with your help.”

Lily placed a second fur pillow just below the first, and the mistress ordered me to lie face down on them, so that my head was located on the first, and my hips and my balls and penis, which were in soft captivity, should be placed on the second. I lay down as they told me. Delicate fur hugged my face.

There was a slight smell of urine coming from the pillow. I took a deep breath and felt dizzy from the smell. The penis began to fill with blood and enlarge. It became tight and hot in my pantaloons, or rather in the pocket where my penis was. The soft fabric hugged the head more tightly, enhancing the pleasant sensations.

Lily, who had already climbed onto the bed, put her hands on my butt, wrapped in thick soft pantaloons, and began to press and release it. My hips sank into the fur pillow and then rose up again. The penis in the pantaloons began to move and rub against the soft pads. My head started spinning, my breathing became deep and uneven. Lily, throwing one leg over me, sat on my butt and began to bounce on it, as if she were sitting on a penis. The pressure on my penis, pinched between the pillows, increased. The fluffy pillows and delicate fabric of the pantaloons pleasantly tickled the entire body and genitals. I was at the height of bliss.

After a two-minute ride, I felt that my rider was tired. Then the hostess rushed to help. Climbing onto the bed, she threw off her robe. She was wearing the same pantaloons, just like me. Taking them off, she lifted my head and put her pantaloons on it. The pad of my pantaloons was in front of my nose and mouth. The strong smell of female genitalia filled my nose. The hostess pressed the pantaloons tighter and began to move the pad, wet from her discharge, over my face. After a minute of fussing I started to cum.

Severe cramps shook my body. The legs tightened, and the sperm began to be thrown out into the pantaloons in powerful thrusts. I came long and violently. The women watched my orgasm with satisfaction. Finally, twitching for the last time, I froze completely exhausted.

The hostess and Lily began to take off my pantaloons. One from the head, one from the butt. Lily took the pantaloons in which I came and began to turn them inside out so that the pads covered in sperm were out. The hostess put her head on Lily's thigh, and she began to smear sperm all over her friend's face. The soft pads of my pantaloons, generously moistened with my sperm, slid over the face of a satisfied woman. It was clear that the hostess was very excited. She convulsively clenched and unclenched her thighs, breathed heavily and unevenly, and uttered some incomprehensible words. I had already come to my senses and, lounging on a soft blanket, watched the women. Lily, interrupting her work, looked at me, smiled slyly, and leaned over the hostess’s face. A large drop of saliva escaped from Lily's lips and landed on the upper lip of the mistress's half-open mouth. It can be seen that she tried to get into her mouth, but missed. Then, without thinking twice, Lily ran the pad of her pantaloons along her upper lip and directed them into the open mouth of the mistress, who moaned and moved her hips even more strongly. Lily pointed at her mistress's crotch with her eyes and asked me to help her. I immediately understood everything and, spreading my legs, lowered my head between the mistress’s thighs. The woman's perineum was clean-shaven, her vaginal lips were swollen, parted to the sides, and the purple head of the clitoris was visible between them. The vagina was all wet. I touched the clitoris with the tip of my tongue. A strong spasm squeezed the mistress’s legs so that my mouth entered the vagina, and my nose began to rub against the soft, swollen lips. The mistress did not let go of my head again until she came. She came surprisingly quietly, she simply squeezed her hips tightly, and small quiet tremors shook her body. My face became all wet from vaginal discharge. When the hostess released me, I leaned back on the pillow and began to wipe my face with the hostess's pantaloons.

My wife Lena, from the moment I met her, worked as a fashion designer. The work required the ability to tastefully and gracefully select clothes and underwear for women appearing on the catwalk. Everyone knows that this profession requires a special creative approach and inspiration, which Lena tried to draw from everything, including me. We loved each other and treated each other with great trepidation, but still Lena had an unusual attitude towards me. She called me “her boy,” took good care of me, did not refuse me anything, and if I was not an adult man, one could say about me “spoiled.” I didn’t work anywhere because of my wife’s high earnings and therefore I tried to help her in everything. I always did the house cleaning, cooked food, managed the apartment, it even got to the point that I ironed and washed Lenino’s linen, put things in order in her personal closet. One day she came home from work earlier than usual, with some large bags, and with an unusually excited look said: “Alexey, urgently!” You must help me with my work! - Of course, dear, I’ll help! What's happened?? - I have never seen her in such a state. - You see, tomorrow is a fashion show, and I haven’t finished working on two outfits yet. Because the girl who was supposed to be at the fitting got sick, and I simply had no one to try on the dresses on. - But how can I help? Oh, I understand.. Do you want me to find a girl who would agree to pose for you? - You don’t quite understand me... I need to get to work now, immediately, I’ve already tried to look for a girl and haven’t found anyone. Alexey, well! Do you understand what I'm getting at? - Sorry Lena... But I can’t understand something... - Oh my God! It's simple! Instead of a girl, it will be you! Nothing bad will happen to you, since you don’t work anywhere, so won’t you help me? I was in shock, all this simply did not fit into any framework - it was impossible to remain calm, knowing that I now had to wear women’s clothes. Then I was still trying to find the necessary arguments and arguments to convince my wife, but it turned out to be useless. This time she was incredibly decisive and firm. Two large bags contained mountains of all kinds of women's underwear. Lena laid out all the linen on the bed in her bedroom - the clothes were of a variety of styles and colors, mostly lace, transparent, with an erotic-feminine slant, apparently the fashion collection was appropriate. I had to get rid of all my old clothes and find myself completely naked for a while. This further increased the awkwardness and stiffness, but Lena’s attitude was unshakable: - Let’s get started... Have you never worn lingerie before? - Of course not. Do I have nothing to do? - I tried to be detached from all this, but something lit up inside me, it was like sexual arousal. - So, for the first time... Well, let's start. Raise your leg,” Lena had a white stocking in her hands, which she immediately pulled on my left leg. Then the second one was on the right. After that, she suggested that I put on white lace panties myself, which I immediately did - after all, standing naked was even worse. Soon I was already in a beautiful light pink dress, women's fishnet gloves, tied with a bow on my head. I didn’t want this to go on for too long, and at the same time I understood that Lenin’s work came first. For about 10 minutes I stood in this dress, while Lena took some measurements, writing something in her journal - obviously the dress was not yet completely ready. She also asked me if the dress fit comfortably, if it was too tight, etc. And in order to bring the fitting conditions as close as possible to the real ones, two oranges were brought from the kitchen as breast models. “You look very much like a model girl,” Lena said flatteringly, “i.e. I wanted to say that you are replacing her quite fully and the problem with the lack of examples has been solved. - Well, when will this stupid fitting end? - Alexei! We've just started, what are you talking about? I already had a lump in my throat when I realized that since I was so well suited for the role of the girl, now I couldn’t get rid of it just like that. The fitting lasted the whole evening, I put on one or another women's outfit, tried on many dresses and skirts, tights and stockings, panties and bras, various suspenders, belts, pantaloons, and bodysuits. It was really beautiful clothes, for the truly beautiful and fashionable women, but what about the fact that I’m not a woman? Every time I had to overcome myself, I tried to remain a man despite this underwear, although I was very bad at it. My wife was so carried away that she even contacted me at feminine- “turn around dear”, “smart girl”, “now you look beautiful”, etc. - which was very offensive and unpleasant for me to hear. When it was finally over, I put on my old clothes with relief and, internally promising myself never to wear women’s clothes again, left my wife’s bedroom. The next day Lena came home from work at a very good mood and didn’t even check the housework I had done that day, as she did before. - You can’t imagine how successful my collection was! And all thanks to you, what would I do without you? I was also happy about this, because I always wanted Lena to be a good and successful fashion designer, although the fact that she again returned to my dressing up yesterday, which I decided to forget about once and for all, was unpleasant. - As a thank you for your help, I bought you gifts... She took out two large boxes from her bag. From the inscriptions on them it was not very clear what was there, I was impatient and in anticipation that there was something good there, I ran with them to my room and opened one of the boxes there. What I saw plunged me into a shocked numbness - in the box there were: a package of women's tights, women's panties and something else: some kind of shirt, or nightgown. It was like a bad dream - she bought me lingerie, she bought it quite seriously, and what, I will have to wear it??? No way! I’ll refuse, I’ll refuse and that’s it! So I’ll tell her - I won’t! Don't want! I'm not a girl, I'm not a woman! What's interesting is in the other box? I opened it, it also contained women's underwear - a large pink dress with a corset waist and a bra with underwire. Lena entered the room and smiled and said: “This is for you, dear!” You looked great yesterday. I really liked the way you look in women's clothing. Much better than the men's, you know? This suits you! Besides, I want to tell you some good news. - Which one? - I still couldn’t come to my senses. - You've been hired. I agreed that you will be hired by our modeling agency, the salary is decent, and the work is very simple. - And who will I work there? - Haven’t you guessed it yet? You will try on women's outfits. Don’t be afraid of anything, it’s a purely female team, none of the men will see you, and I’ve already told my female colleagues everything about how you skillfully replaced the fitting girl yesterday. I didn’t know what to say first, expressing my surging protest, that I was ready to take on double, even triple responsibilities around the house just so as not to work as a dressmaker, or that I would seriously start looking for another job that would be higher paid than this. But if you think seriously, I would hardly have found one, and it is unlikely that my triple responsibilities around the house would have satisfied Lena. So I just said: - No! I won't! I just don’t want to, I don’t agree to dress like a woman, and in front of everyone! - Firstly, not for everyone, but only for a couple of women who will work with you. And secondly, you don’t need to worry so much - yesterday everything was wonderful, you dressed in women’s underwear and nothing bad happened to you,” Lena reassured me, “which means it won’t happen there either.” You already know everything - I taught you how to put on stockings and tights, where and what fasteners are on a dress and bra, we will also touch you up there, put on makeup, and do a lot of things to you. Everything is as it should be for girls. - No! No! Well, what are you saying, it’s unthinkable for me to still have my lips and eyelashes painted. I don't need a girl's profession! - I almost cried. The argument between us continued throughout the evening. I stubbornly tried to cling to something that would help me both give up work and maintain a relationship with Lena, but I had to choose one thing from this. Lena threatened to divorce and leave me to fend for myself alone if I did not work as she wanted. In the end, I realized that I had no way out and agreed, but inside I didn’t come to terms with it, I continued to worry and worry. My wife said that the only thing that would help me calm down and “stop whining” was to immediately put on some women’s clothes and get used to them. I didn’t agree, but Lena insisted, and in the end I allowed her to put tights on me. - Well look. What's so scary about them? We wear them all the time and you'll love them. These were the same tights that were presented to me today along with other items of women's clothing. They were flesh-colored, very thin, shiny and well-fitting. I put them on right over my family shorts, but naturally took off my socks before putting them on. I didn’t want to put on my socks again, it would mean ruining it. appearance tights that had their own “socks”. The legs seemed to have been transformed, their masculinity was no longer noticeable in the tights, even the hairs did not interfere with seeing the feminine grace and slenderness of the legs. - I like you like this, Alexey, just a sweetheart! I blushed and went to my room. Well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, trying to think less about what my legs were wearing, I spent the rest of the day doing ordinary things and didn’t even notice how my worries disappeared. The next morning we got ready to go to work together. After breakfast, when I had to start getting dressed, Lena came up to me and said that I would immediately put on something pretty from a woman’s wardrobe to impress the modeling agency workers. I was still in just shorts and socks, sleepy and inactive. Taking advantage of my passivity, Lena decided to dress me the way she wanted, and pulled out a whole mountain of underwear from the closet from which she began to select clothes for me. She quickly found the most lacy and erotic panties, with flowers and feminine patterns on them, and put them aside. Then I found a beautiful, thick bra, also put it aside, rummaged through mountains of underwear and chose the most feminine bodysuit there. I was told to take off my panties and put it all on. That's exactly what I did. I put on new panties instead of the old ones, I immediately felt shy, but didn’t stop - I quickly put my hands into the straps of the bra, which was already fastened. Before I put on the bodysuit, Lena placed pads under the bra, which expanded the breasts to their usual female sizes. Having put on the bodysuit over the bra, I felt discomfort in the area between my legs - the bodysuit, like a swimsuit, rested on this area. I thought that was all and was about to leave, when Lena stopped me and said in surprise: “And the stockings?” Do you think they will like your rough manly feet? - Well, go ahead and get dressed, just hurry up, we’re already late. The white stockings pulled on easily and did not require a belt with suspenders, since they had their own supporting elastic band. We all gathered and were ready. I put on my men's clothes over the women's clothes - trousers, jacket - so that no one could see anything underneath and we went to the agency. We came to the modeling agency when there were already a lot of people there. Lena led me along a long corridor to a room where the fitting department was located, as well as the clothing sewing department, but it had nothing to do with us. We were met by three young, beautiful, smiling girls, who first said hello to Lena, and then began to get to know me. From the way they talked to me, it seemed to me that they already knew everything about me. And indeed, soon one of them said: - Alexey will become our example, how cool... Everyone laughed, and I blushed. Lena stroked my hair, calming me down. - Don't laugh at him, he's good. I was overcome with even greater awkwardness, intensifying after I remembered that under my men's clothes there was real women's underwear. “I’m just a rag, not a man!” - thoughts came to mind. They let me fill it out juristic documents necessary for registration new job . When I filled out everything, I was told that I could start working immediately. Lena has gone somewhere. One girl in a black miniskirt took my hand and led me behind the screen. Why, I found out when we had already entered a room closed from prying eyes - she ordered us to undress. I got worried and said that maybe we should wait for Lena? - Which Lena? I say take off your clothes! From now on, I will work with you. My name is Olya, I am responsible for preparing clothes for our girl models and you will help me with this. True, now your appearance does not at all correspond to what is required, but this can be fixed. - she looked me appraisingly from head to toe, shaking her head with dissatisfaction, - quickly take all this off, I’m not used to people dressed like this in this fitting room. I took off my vest and began to slowly unbutton the buttons on my shirt, while under the shirt the bodysuit and bra I had worn that morning were already visible. He took off his shirt, throwing it straight to the floor. - So. What do we have here?... - Olya looked at the lingerie I was wearing, - okay... okay... Take off your pants. I unfastened my belt, my trousers slid down, and now Olya saw that my lower part was also dressed in women’s clothes, namely, in white fishnet stockings and panties. - Did your wife dress you? - Yes. - It can be seen. Probably in a hurry. The style is not chosen, there is no style. Take a picture and that’s all too. Don’t worry, I’m not afraid of naked men,” she grinned, “and in general, I don’t consider you a man now.” You are now the same girl as all the other dressmakers working with me. And you yourself must constantly remember this. I was very confused, I just listened to what they told me and did. Shoot, just shoot. All my clothes were taken off, and now I was standing in front of her completely naked. It was curious that Olya was not embarrassed at all, she carefully examined my body, and even wrote something down in her notebook. I looked down at her beautiful slender legs in black tights under a miniskirt and my chest involuntarily sank. - Yes, Alexey. You really have a very good figure, you seem to suit us... Wait for me, I’ll be there right now. She went somewhere and I had no choice but to just stand naked and wait. Everything seemed to be visible through the screen, so I moved a little back to the wall. Basically, all the workers were very busy and went about their business, not paying attention to me, and this made me happy. Olya returned with a large bag from which she immediately took out some dresses and women's clothes. It was clear that these clothes were made by hand and were part of some kind of fashion collection. I was told to try on one dress. I put it on myself, pushing it over my head, Olya looked at me carefully and seemed to be dissatisfied with something. - So! We'll wait for the dresses for now. You need to be properly cleaned up first. Now you will go to Zhenya, she is behind that passage, to the right through the first door. She'll put on your makeup and probably pick out a wig too. Understood? - Wait. What will I wear? - I was dressed in some ridiculous black dress and that’s it. - I’ll dress you now, don’t worry. Take off this dress. Olya gave me a set of underwear wrapped in a plastic bag and told me to put on everything that was in it, and she left again, leaving me alone. I took everything out of the bag and started getting dressed. So... That means white stockings. Okay... I pulled on one stocking, then the second. Then he put on some panties, not bad, very beautiful, white ones. Hmm.. Why do I need women's pantaloons? Well, since they gave it to me, I’ll have to put them on. The trousers were short, and just where they ended, the stockings began. Then I put on a dress - a pink dress. It was too narrow, especially at the waist. I looked at myself in the mirror hanging next to me. The dress was also too feminine - a lot of lace patterns, the top emphasized women's breasts (which I didn't have), and the bottom was very transparent. It was difficult to overcome myself for the first time and show up a large number people in the hall, like this. But there was no choice, so I went. At first it was very awkward, my heart involuntarily began to beat faster. But only a few women paid attention to me; the rest of those present were too busy. Having reached the corridor hiding me from prying eyes, I calmed down and easily found the room in which I should be painted, as Olya said. I went inside. The room looked like a beauty salon, I saw Olya there with a hairdresser I didn’t know, talking animatedly about something. Apparently they were in a good mood and when the hairdresser saw me, she said in a cheerful loud voice: “What kind of beauty has come to us?!” Well, come in, good one, now we will make a real top lady out of you!! I was confused by this attitude towards me. “Here, I’m in trouble,” a thought came to mind. Olya and the hairdresser exchanged a couple of phrases: - That’s it, I’ll leave you. Do everything to him the same way you do to girls. Okay, Tanyusha? I need girls, not men, for fitting jobs! - He will be your girlfriend, he will be!! They laughed loudly. - Okay, that's it, bye! Olya left and we were left in the room alone with the hairdresser Tanya. She sat me down in a chair opposite the mirror, near a shelf with numerous cosmetic accessories for women. She looked at my face with a professional look: - Darling, you can only work as a model with such a face! It’s nice that they speak flatteringly about me, but it’s very unpleasant that they speak about me as a woman. What did I want? Who do I look more like in this dress, in these pantaloons and stockings? Once you agreed to work here, it means it’s too late to regret anything and you have to go to the end. The procedure, which was new to me, began with refreshing my face with something aromatic, perhaps women’s perfume. Then a beautiful blush was given to the cheeks with the help of powder. I kept waiting for the turn to come to the lips, and then it happened. True, instead of lipstick, Tanya had a brush in her hand and with it she very slowly and carefully began to paint my lips pink color . When it was finished, I was instructed to press my lips together to distribute the lipstick evenly. They became so beautiful! Well, exactly like women, and the most stylish women at that. When they painted my eyelashes and eyelids, I had to close my eyes. When I opened them, I didn't recognize myself. In the mirror I saw a beautiful girl wearing makeup, but not myself. I was shocked by such a quick transformation, but Tanya only smiled affectionately. And that was not all. Tanya began to rub “female anti-aging cream” into the skin on her face, then she plugged in some kind of device and began to move it over the surface of her face. She said that it was a fibrillator(?) for removing all hairs from the skin, even small ones. - You need to remove hair from your entire body. Now I’ll just clean up your face, but Olya asked to make a woman out of you. You understand, this needs to be removed from the whole body so that it is smooth, smooth!... Look, you can see your hair even from under your stockings. Therefore, I suggest you go through the entire deflation procedure. - A.., will you have to completely undress? - Of course you have to, my dear! You're a girl now. And I'm a girl. Why are we going to be ashamed of each other? - Tanya spoke animatedly and loudly. You can, of course, agree, but then they’ll force you anyway... So I said: “Okay, okay.” Otherwise, Olya will take me here again if she remains dissatisfied with my male hair. - Well, that's a smart girl. Take off your clothes. I took off my dress, pantaloons and stockings, hung it all on the back of the chair and, at the invitation of the hairdresser, lay down on the couch. Over the next 30 minutes or so, my entire body, every area, was shaved, removing hair. I just lay there relaxing, the only time I had to start a conversation was when the hairdresser, without warning me, started shaving off my pubic hair. - No need! For what? - Calm down girl! - she said, “there won’t be a single hair on you!” You will be beautiful! I couldn't object and didn't say anything more. When the procedure came to an end, I stood up and went to the mirror. The whole body was so smooth that I wanted to stroke it, touch it, touch it. Not a single hair! And when I looked at my face in the mirror, it seemed alien, it was so femininely made up. All that was left was to pick out a wig for me. I got dressed and sat down in the same chair, and Tanya brought seven different wigs to choose from. They were all very nice and it was hard to settle on just one. - Okay, I'll take this one. What to think, I took a wig with beautiful black female hair, which looked very good. We said goodbye to Tatyana, and I went to the fitting room. Now I looked exactly like a woman and therefore I was not embarrassed by anyone - let them think that I was an ordinary woman. I passed by several close, admiring glances; it seemed that they remembered me in these women’s clothes even when I was without makeup and unshaven, and now they were amazed at the transformation that had taken place. Well, let. I reached the fitting room, went behind the screen, where Olya was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and smoking, and next to her stood some girl in a tight dress and walked in front of the mirror. Olga looked closely at how my cosmetics were done and smiled: - Excellent! They've given you the makeup you need! That's it, Alexey! Now we can work with you just like with other girls. The girl who stood in front of the mirror turned around: - What is this, a man??? - her surprise knew no bounds, - oh, my God, what did they do to you... - No, this is not a man. While he works in this agency, he will not be a man, he will be my girl's model. Same as you, Vera. When he leaves here, only then let him be whoever he wants, be it a man or a woman. Vera laughed. - Why do you call him Alexey? I would give some female name so that no one understands that he is male. - Yes, sure. I was going to do this and had already thought of a name for it. So, Alexey, while you are within the walls of this agency, your name will be Anya. Your name is Anya. Understood? “Okay,” I said. - Okay, Anya, sit down for now, Vera and I are working here. I sat on the chair for about 30 minutes, Vera and Olya were talking, laughing, arguing. Vera did not hesitate to change into different outfits in front of me - she took off everything except her white transparent panties, even her breasts were bare. And then she got dressed. She pulled on the stockings that Olya handed her, put on a bra and dress, and walked with a stylish gait along the screen, femininely swaying her hips and turning her head seductively. Olya told me to watch Vera carefully, because very soon I would have to do the same. Meanwhile, my wife, Lena, came to see us. She looked tired and didn't pay any attention to me at all. I was even surprised and said: “Lena, you’re kind of exhausted.” Immediately her eyes widened in surprise and surprise: - Alexey, is that you??? Well, well!... But I didn’t recognize you. I thought some girl was sitting there, but my Alexei was not there. We all laughed. I felt embarrassed that I had completely turned into a girl, but on the other hand, this is exactly what is needed to successfully work in an agency. - Again Gennady wants to exclude my new collection from the show. “I don’t know what to do,” Lena said, “Ol, and you have more girls today than usual, if you count Alexei.” - Lena! I already told Alexey that his name here is Anya. Try to call him that only. As for the girls, no, Tanya and Lyuba moved to another department. Therefore, right now, on the contrary, there is a small deficit; Anya will need to be well prepared, turned into a woman, so that she becomes a full-fledged replacement. “Turn it around, I don’t mind,” said Lena, “he’ll be a girl at my house now.” I will help you in this transformation. - Thank you, things would really go better for us if he were a girl all the time, and not just at work. I was very worried, afraid of big changes in my life, I was afraid that it might go too far. But I immediately caught myself thinking that I like to be dressed like a girl, it gives some kind of liberation, removes the burden of responsibility inherent in the male sex. When you are a woman, life is much easier. About 10 minutes later Lena left, and then Vera’s fitting ended and she also went to the common room. We were left alone with Olya and she immediately told me to take off everything. I took it off and found myself completely naked. Then I put on the dress she gave me - red-pink in color, with a corseted waist and a fan-shaped lower skirt. From the expression on Olya’s face, I saw that she was happy and liked the way I looked. - Probably, you’ll wear red tights too... And I’d better give you fishnet ones. She selected red fishnet tights from a pile of lingerie and handed them to me. Having already become accustomed to hosiery, I put them on without difficulty. - And also wear this. She gave me white pantaloons. - The combination of white and red is one of the trends in modern fashion. Like this... Dressed, Anya? Fine. The trousers were knee-length, very long, the patterns on them strongly emphasized femininity. I walked back and forth in this outfit, turning around as Olya told me. She raised her voice when I did something wrong, and sometimes she simply showed by her example the correct gait and movements. - You're a girl! Graceful, weak, fragile girl! Remember this! And you must show this with all your appearance, so that I can see a real model in you, so that it is immediately clear how the outfit you are wearing will look on a girl who appears on the catwalk. I had to study, perfect my movements many times, and imagine myself as a girl so that my movements would be like those of a girl. After an hour of training, I had already started to achieve some things, my gait smoothed out a little, became more feminine, I got into the role of a woman very closely. - So. Lips frown slightly. Be beautiful. Now a passionate, feminine look. Yeah, okay, okay. And bend one leg slightly to emphasize your beauty. I changed my dresses three times in that hour and was now in a snow-white one that looked like a wedding dress. There are two beautiful white stockings on my legs, they even changed my wig, especially for this dress - now I’m blonde. “That’s it, I’m taking pictures,” Olya clicked the camera. It was necessary to take photographs in order to then look at these photographs and have a visual idea of ​​a particular costume. Instead of breasts, they inserted special pads into me and it was inconvenient to remove them and then put them on every time I took off the dress. We worked for about another hour, and then there was a lunch break. I went to dinner with all the girls, there was not a single man among us. Everyone knew about me - someone told me. And so they asked me, even when we were going to the dining room, about how I felt as a woman and whether I liked it. I said that I had to look like this because of my work, and that I was not going to completely transform myself, but they didn’t really believe me, because even by my voice it was now difficult to recognize the old man. I was dressed modestly for going to the dining room - in a black dress and black tights; I also put on shoes for the first time and felt very uncomfortable in them. My heels clicked on the floor, and with every step I was afraid of losing my balance. After lunch we got back to work. I changed the women's outfits one by one, never staying in one for more than ten minutes. I wore as many pairs of stockings and tights in a day as a normal woman does not wear in the entire spring-summer season. And the number of dresses and other women's clothes tried on was incomparable even with the average wardrobe of the average woman. At the end of the working day, Lena came into my fitting room and told me to go home. Olya allowed me to wear one of the dresses I liked, gave me good flesh-colored tights, fashionable panties and a bra, and in this form I went home with Lena. I looked normal - on the street people saw me as a beautiful girl, I was dressed even more beautifully than Lena. From that day my life as a woman began. But that is another story...

I personally wear pantaloons all the time, I love the long, brushed, plain ones with elastic bands at the bottom, I feel very comfortable in them.

It's not clear why she's there summer time walks around in her pantaloons, but that is what allowed her scents to remain and be preserved inside. The smell of the liquid from her steamed juice emanated so terribly exciting that I wanted to sniff this place and even try to lick it with my tongue. On that memorable evening, I took these pantaloons to bed, sniffed and sucked everything with which they were soaked. Damn, with such a thrill I sucked and licked her discharge, as if I had never seen anything more pleasant. And here's the strangest thing.

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I won’t repeat myself about the eroticism and sexuality of pantaloons. And you can’t be happier with your man. You don’t need any more stimulants. I experienced all this very well on myself. Because since childhood I’ve been wearing pantaloons under my trousers. Good luck and warmth to you

As soon as I sniff someone’s panties, or even better, lick something off of them, I enjoy sex with her, as if I haven’t seen a living woman for several years.

Oh yeah. Women's pantaloons are a great force. For four years now, Asian women and their young daughters have been renting rooms from a friend in shifts for trading purposes. What I like most about them is that almost all of them like to walk either in tight-fitting shorts or pantaloons. They have only one trade in their minds, so they rarely wash themselves away.

He will wash everything, and as if on purpose, leave them unwashed for several days. After three years, I couldn’t help but notice that discharge and even stains from these places disappear, practically without requiring washing. At first I assumed and was ashamed, but I quickly got used to it. In addition, she treats me with some kind of coquetry, not quite like she treats her daughter’s husband.

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As soon as they leave, we fuck with a friend, sniffing all their panties. Even their secretions have different tastes, and they excite each in their own way. Unfortunately, ours rarely wear trousers.

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It's surprising that someone might not know about this. Personally, I (like any full-fledged man) smell the smell and taste of female intimate secretion, which is found on almost everyone’s panties, causing a strong, long-lasting erection of the penis! But I especially love it when I come across some pantaloons with some hostess I’m visiting. Is it my fault that female secretions excite me? I first became acquainted with this when I decided to inspect my friend’s panties on the beach when she and her wife ran off to swim. I saw wet discharge in this place, which for some reason I wanted to smell. And as soon as I smelled it, I instantly became aroused.

The friends and acquaintances we visit have a good time, since we almost don’t have to wash the most stubborn part of our underpants. After all, I usually suck everything out of this place in my underpants almost to a clean place. And most importantly, my problems of how to get aroused by my wife, sexual interest in whom had disappeared somewhere, have really disappeared.

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It probably excites her too that I sniff and lick whatever leaks out there. Otherwise, I would have washed them right away along with the rest of my laundry. No.

And so usually women come across simple triangle panties. Rarely the type of shorts, and their smell remains sharper and more pleasant. I really can’t stand thongs and anything that makes women go crazy.

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It's nice to admire the long legs, thin waists and chic hips of young models taking pictures in lingerie.

The main thing is that the pantaloons fit the female body and do not hang. Then it looks erotic and attracts male attention.

Even if they wear them for several days and don’t wash themselves, there is still not enough smell and discharge on them. But the trousers are really great. Sticking your head completely into such things guarantees exciting dreams until the morning, like in a case filled with sex. aromas.

In my opinion, such lingerie on a woman looks aesthetically beautiful, quite natural, very feminine, and erotic. It’s not for nothing that it’s been said: A man loves with his eyes. Of course, someone will say: This is already outdated and not fashionable, but this opinion only comes from the internal complexes of those who reason like that. Where out of 12 months of the year, 10 months are very cold, better and more practical underwear simply does not exist. Personal health is much more expensive than all sorts of complexes and prejudices. Since the mid-80s, under Gorbachev's democracy, priorities and tastes for women's fashion in general began to change dramatically, increasingly focusing on Western ones.

Erotic lingerie can drive any man crazy. Women who prefer to amaze and inspire love unusual panties, tights and knickers. Photos of women in pantaloons, underwear and tights highlighting the beauty of the curves of the female body are popular.

Now, after time has passed, when I have become gray-haired and wise in one bottle, I will tell you a terrible secret. The best minds on the planet have been struggling over it for thirty to forty years now.

I know who ruined Soviet Union. Or rather, WHAT destroyed it.

This is neither dissidents (too weak), nor the economy, nor the lack of sausage, nor... No, no and no..

The USSR was destroyed...women's trousers. There were some, if you remember... With a fleece. To the knees and with elastic bands. Delicate blue and pink colors.

They floated victoriously, pinned with clothespins, on ropes in courtyards, shyly turned blue and pink from balconies, smiled voluminously at each other in bathhouses and lay importantly in department store stores.

They nipped the boy's young lust in the bud.

At the age of five, in a women's bathhouse, I realized that Pinocchio lemonade was much more attractive than steamed female bodies in wonderful fleece trousers.

At the age of ten, we sang in chorus about the “hot blood chase” and averted our eyes from the tight, brushed trousers of our accordionist. Which provocatively stretched the furs and...forgetfully legs...It was then that I realized that in women's erotica I saw everything..

But it was a mistake...

At 14 I was platonically in love. To a classmate. A touching excellent student who semaphored me with a green light with her eyelashes. There was no kissing.

Because she climbed up the stairs to the attic ahead of me (never do this, young inexperienced girls!) And illuminated my love horizon with blue brushed panties...

At the age of 17, I categorically refused to lose myself in the arms of a local beauty, the dream of innovative tractor drivers. because while basking in a heap of fragrant hay, in the light of the stars I saw a whole constellation of fleece trousers hanging under the roof...

What was it like for the beauties themselves?

My classmate (who was caught) was taking off her clothes before class and carefully putting her pantaloons in her briefcase. And after classes, returning home, I put them on. So that my mother doesn’t scold me.

And how many scholarships we young men spent on wonderful German magazines with erotic content. Where strong German Frau demonstrated silk slips and lace panties... And wonderful transparent stockings with a seam at the back...

And how much creative energy was spent on these bright erotic dreams - on the alluring female world without these fleece trousers???

Just think about it here...

No, definitely, these brushed trousers are to blame for everything..

"...While my mother and I were looking for a place, some half-dressed women with loose hair, covering their faces and eyes, constantly passed by, ran, and rushed past us in such fantastic, below-the-knee, purple and blue panties with elastic bands, oh creatureswhich I simply did not suspect existed in nature.
The doors of the soap department continually swung open, and from there appeared absolutely naked, flushed, steaming creatures, whose appearance shocked me. I never thought that undressed women could be so strikingly different from dressed ones."....Osipov. V.

alb96688 wrote:

Added @ 22:04
alb96688 wrote:
I'm not a completely ordinary boy. I am a boy who, in the 3rd grade, began to show interest not only in tights but also in stockings. My sister wore stockings in the warm season.
I also developed an interest in stockings around 2nd or 1st grade. Oddly enough, this was caused by the neighbor of my friend, a classmate. In 1st grade I wore stockings. Even to school. In winter. Outside of school, I continued to wear short pants. At school they changed clothes for physical education in class. I noticed stockings on many boys. But that was par for the course. When a girl I was friends with invited me to her birthday party, one of her guests was her neighbor in the communal apartment, Edik. Edik was a year or two older than us. So that's what amazed me then - Edik was at his birthday party in SHORT PANTS!!! And besides, in stockings! It was a shock for me! A guy older than me and suddenly wearing SHORT PANTS! And even in stockings... I myself threw a whole concert for my mother so that I could go to this birthday party in trousers from my school uniform. Maman insisted that I wear short pants and, of course, stockings. Since it was already October. I considered myself big then. A schoolboy. It's not appropriate for me to wear short pants. And then suddenly Edik turned my entire worldview upside down. It turns out that older guys also wear short pants...