This page presents only a small part of our work, which reflects different types house reconstruction. We deliberately do not post all photographs of objects, so as not to overload the page with “lining walls with siding” and similar examples.

Here are presented the most interesting and varied examples of the reconstruction of a house or cottage made by specialists from the Dom Vsedya company. Opposite each object are indicated the timing of the work and the estimated cost of work and materials. To calculate the cost of your property, you just need to call the numbers listed above or write us an email This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. Drawing up an estimate is free and does not oblige you to anything; visits to your home to clarify the estimate are also free.

Complete reconstruction of the cottage. Ivanteevka


The house is located on Yaroslavskoye Highway. It was a log house lined with bricks. The task was as follows: it was necessary to expand the living room on the ground floor and create 5 bedrooms. During the design, together with the customer, it was decided to “extend” the outline of the house by 3 meters (make a 3*11 extension on 3 floors), completely disassemble old roof and build a new full second floor, and the resulting attic space insulate the third floor and make an attic floor.

Duration of work: 6 months.

House in the village of Semkhoz


In microdistrict Semkhoz (Sergiev Posad) there was a need to reconstruct an old log house. The log house with a veranda did not have a 2nd floor. During the reconstruction process, we completely dismantled the veranda and old roof, a 3*7 m pile-grillage reinforced concrete foundation was built and an extension made of gas silicate blocks was erected on it; subsequently, the 350 mm thick gas block was insulated with 50 mm mineral wool. We built an insulated attic floor above the resulting premises. with total area 65 sq.m. Having insulated the log house and extension, the outer façade was covered with Mitten siding (made in Canada) from the Oregon Pride collection. To save money for the Customer, the soffits were lined with plastic perforated Docke panels (they are manufactured in Russia using German technology).

As a result of reconstruction, the house became suitable for year-round accommodation. A small problem in the form of a cold floor in the old part of the house was solved by insulating it with mineral wool without resorting to bulkheading the ceiling.

Completion period: 2 months.

Reconstruction of a country house. Shishkin forest


This was a rather extensive reconstruction project, it all started with an extension, and in the end, having redesigned the premises in the existing house, the customers left only 3 walls and a basement from the old house.

This project interestingly combines basement siding on the façade of the house on the 1st floor and, through a neat ebb, regular slatted siding is installed on the 2nd floor produced by Docke.

Also in this project, for the first time, we used aerial photography of the house reconstruction process from a quadcopter. Now you have the opportunity to view the house construction process from an unusual angle, and the Customer will have good photographs as a keepsake.

Rebuilding a brick house. Leonikha


An old brick building in the village of Leonikha on Shchelkovskoye Highway.

The task was to increase the space of the residential building, and given the location of the house on the site, it was possible to expand only on two sides. As a result, having prepared a reconstruction project, we began construction. On each side of the house, 2 extensions with a width of 3 m were erected. In one extension there were Technical buildings: boiler room, bathroom, hallway, and in the second - a winter garden and a relaxation room. This room has frame windows that open completely without leaving an impost in the middle of the window.

The foundation for the construction of the extensions was chosen taking into account the properties of the sandy soil in this part of the Moscow region - a shallow reinforced concrete strip. The second floor and roof of the existing house had to be dismantled (usually old roofs do not meet modern standards) in order to build a semi-attic floor over the entire house along with extensions. The very next year we insulated the facade and covered it with facing bricks.

Reconstruction of the cottage. Bakhchivandzhi


In the same village of Leonikha as the previous facility, we were offered to rebuild country house. Its peculiarity is that a basement floor was made under the old house, and the Customer wanted to also make a basement floor in the attached room and combine them.

We were able to insulate the roof of the house without dismantling the rafter part; we increased the rafters with timber up to 200 mm, and long distance between the rafters they compensated with double lathing.

Considering the cramped nature of the site, we were only able to obtain photographs of the house reconstruction process thanks to our own aerial photography.

Construction of a house according to the “Canadian-3” project. Zhilino


The customer contacted our company to rebuild an old house, however, as a result of negotiations, I decided to build a new one and then destroy the old one. He turned to a well-known company and received a turnkey estimate for 2.5 million, but it’s good that he decided to consult with our specialists before concluding the contract. We pointed out some items in the specification that should be replaced with normal ones, for example, “I-beams” consisting of three boards nailed together on a beam with a cross-section of 200x150 mm, increase the cross-section of the rafters, and as a result, the thickness of the insulation in the roof to 200 mm, replace roll insulation on basalt slabs, etc. And a miracle happened, the estimated cost increased to 4.5 million rubles.

As a result, we built a house according to the “Canadian-3” project, while slightly increasing the area of ​​​​the premises and replacing questionable materials with building materials of better quality.

By the way, taking into account the discount, the cost of construction was slightly lower than in the well-known company.

Reconstruction of a house for 2 families. Klyazma


In the village of Klyazma it was necessary to increase the living space of a house divided into 2 families. There were no plans to add premises, but the second floor had not been used before and was a cold attic.

We inspected the foundation under the veranda, it turned out to be in good condition, so after breaking down the old frame one-story building, we built the walls of the 1st floor, although during the reconstruction process the Customer wanted to make a larger glazing area, and therefore the initially proposed gas block had to be replaced with solid brick.

Taking into account the large family of the Customer, it was decided to make the second floor not an attic, but the so-called “half-attic”, that is, raise the walls of the second floor by 1.5 meters and cover mansard roof. Thus, we got rid of unused “pockets” mansard roof and increased the area of ​​the second floor.

Reconstruction of an old house. Basement siding on the facade. Mikhnevo


Here is an atypical version of the reconstruction of the house; an extension was made from a gas silicate block of 2 floors, and a full-fledged frame second floor was built above the main house. Also, during the construction process, it was necessary to strengthen the foundation of the old load-bearing wall; it turned out to be made of screw piles to a depth of less than 1 m.

Considering the shape of the house, we refused gable roof and they made insulation over the whole house attic floor, and then a cold hip roof was erected. The ventilated insulated facade was made from basement facade panels from Docke (usually called basement siding).

The next step, in order not to take up space in the house, was to add a one-story boiler room, in which they placed a container for diesel fuel, and a Buderus boiler equipped with a diesel burner. fuel. There is no possibility of connecting main gas on the site.

The inside of the house was finished with imitation timber and clapboard, and a heating system, water supply from a well and a sewage system based on a Topas septic tank were installed.

Reconstruction of a log house. Dolgoprudny


The log house and the foundation underneath were perfectly preserved, so we dismantled all the frame extensions and the old roof, and built a room along the entire length of the house that housed the so-called “wet zones”: the kitchen, hallway and bathroom. The floor structure in this part of the house is insulated monolithic reinforced concrete slab. There are two rooms left in the log house: a spacious living room combined with a new kitchen, and a guest bedroom.

On the second attic floor We made three bedrooms and a small bathroom with a shower.

Insulation and finishing of the facade in the “Fachwerk” style. Forest glades


One of our old works. Insulation of a log house with 100 mm mineral wool, installation of a ventilated facade, reconstruction of the roof with replacement roofing on metal tiles. We subsequently rebuilt this house into a cottage of 400 m2; it is also presented in the “Our Works” section.

The project is interesting in that instead of classic siding or a block house, aceid panels are used on the facade, and given that this material has a large linear expansion, the joints between the sheets are 7-10 mm, they are sealed, and to give an imitation of the half-timbered style (German: Fachwerk , from German Fach - panel, section, and German Werk - structure) the joints are covered with planed boards painted in a contrasting rosewood color.

Rebuilding a brick house. Monino


In a dacha cooperative near the town of Monino, it was decided to complete the construction of an old brick house. We dismantled the old veranda and built a 4*10 m extension. Previously, the house had a cold attic, but due to the fact that it was built a long time ago, when there were no technologies and materials in Russia, the decision was made to completely replace the roof. And given the size of the resulting house, 10*11, the third floor turned out to be quite spacious, so after insulating the roof, the customer received a warm, spacious attic floor.

There are a few interesting features this reconstruction:

entrance group, due to the fact that the extension was designed 2 meters wider than the main house, it was decided to support the roof overhang on two pillars 6 meters high, the pillars were made of a 120*120 profile pipe and lined with facing bricks; the chimney is made as part of the outer wall of the house, insulated from the outside and lined with plinth panels; The customer was lucky with the soil on the site, it is the purest sand, because of this the foundation design is made in the form of a shallowly buried strip 40 cm deep. Yes, yes, this whole “colossus” stands on a reinforced concrete strip 40 cm deep, thereby we saved a lot of money from the client.

Completion period: 4 months.

Construction of the second floor and veranda. Eldigino

Reconstruction of the house. Facade panels. Kaluga. w.

Construction of the foundation in winter


Construction of the foundation in winter

In the Losinoostrovskie Usadby cottage village, for the construction of an individual cottage, it was decided to build the foundation in winter. The project is complex, multi-stage, the total volume of concrete was about 120 m3. Ingoda, concreting took place at a temperature of -15 C. Heating of the concrete was provided by hot houses and gas guns. Already in early spring a technical underground and a floor slab for the first floor were built. The floor slab includes thermal inserts made of polystyrene foam, and the entire foundation is insulated and waterproofed. Penetrating additives were also used in the preparation of concrete. At the beginning of summer we started building the walls of the house, but that’s another story...

Completion period: 6 months.

Reconstruction of a house of 110 m2 into a cottage of 400 m2. Forest glades


Yaroslavskoe highway, village Lesnye Polyany, Pushkinsky district

Finishing a timber house. Noginsk


Timber house 10x10 m, located on Gorkovsky highway. near Noginsk.

As in all houses of a similar design (timber or log house), after the construction and “defending” of the house, the need arises for the production of the so-called “second stage”. Here, imaginary cheapness and ecology timber house is fading away. In fact, the walls of a timber house or log house are just a load-bearing frame, like brick walls in brick house. Then they need to be insulated with mineral wool and finished, usually using the technology of a suspended ventilated facade.

In this case, the walls were insulated with 100 mm Rockwool mineral wool with overlapping seams, Tyvek Housewrap wind protection and Juta vapor barrier were used. The roof and ceilings were also insulated with mineral wool 200 mm thick.

Siding for cladding was used by Mitten from the Sentry Mitten collection (this is the so-called “designer” siding, it has richer and more interesting colors, but is also higher in price), Annapolis Blue color. The siding was installed using the “overlapping” method, i.e. without a connecting profile, which creates visible integrity of the wall.

We also added a spacious entrance area - a porch and a balcony made of 150x150 mm timber. Interior decoration made with lining, at the customer’s request, visible beams were planed and painted in contrasting dark color. In the attic pockets we made cabinets and storage spaces and convenient doors with magnets from clapboard and plywood.

Completion period: 2 months.

And alterations can be very different - from ordinary repairs or redevelopment of premises to major transformations of the entire house. How to increase the usable area, restore the foundation, bring beauty outside and inside - everything about reconstruction is in the topic of this week.


Despite the many advantages, wooden houses are an expensive pleasure, so not everyone can build or buy such a nest. However, a house with “experience” can be inherited or purchased much cheaper, although its condition will most likely be far from satisfactory. Reconstruction wooden house will make it suitable for comfortable living and return it to its former appearance. And where to start, how to continue and how to finish, FORUMHOUSE users who have experience working with wood and are engaged in the reconstruction of their own households will tell you.

New lighting fixtures in modern and classic styles, interesting tiles and frost-resistant skylights, effective insulation and adhesive for blocks. As well as radiators and thermostats, wood restoration products and decorative wood panels, adhesive roofing systems and solid fuel boilers - everything that is useful for modernizing your home.

Siding, wet facade, brick, wood. You can restore your home to its former attractiveness and at the same time insulate it different ways. We consider the features of popular solutions for facade finishing.

Sometimes, to make it practically new house, you need to buy an old one and completely remake it for yourself. In the right hands, reconstruction can work wonders.

Many city dwellers, tired of the daily hustle and bustle, are thinking about moving from noisy cities to nature. However, buy land for individual housing construction near the city and build on it big house Not everyone can afford it. In this case, an old dacha may be the solution. We'll tell you how to convert it into a full-fledged country house.

One of the advantages of private home ownership is the ability, if necessary, to increase the usable area by adding an additional one to the main structure. In this way, residential or utility rooms are obtained for whom some functionality is no longer enough. Let's figure out how to properly attach to a house, based on generally accepted techniques and FORUMHOUSE user experience.

Lack of desirable ones square meters typical not only for city apartments standard layout. A large number of dachas were also built not for reasons of comfort, but for the modest material resources of the owners. Therefore, a small kitchen is a problem that worries many. How to turn a “closet” into a comfortable one as a result of the next renovation? functional room with an interesting design, how to use all the advantages available and minimize the disadvantages - FORUMOUSE users will share their experience.


Simple and tasteful. DIY country house design. How to reconstruct country house into a full-fledged cozy home and make an unusual, bright design while spending a minimum of money - forum member Zoya Daykhovskaya shares her experience.

Reconstruction of a village house. Alignment. Personal experience of a city woman. Reconstruct an old log house or build a new one instead: which is better, easier, faster and more profitable? One part of the developers believes that there is no point in getting involved with an old house at all. Just demolish it! The arguments of opponents also deserve attention. Their opinion: they don’t build things like they used to anymore. Therefore, everything that can be saved must be saved. This is history, quality, and a unique rustic flavor. The heroes of this story belong to the second category of developers. We talk about their construction.

Moving a house to replace the foundation. The problem with the foundation sometimes seems insoluble. And the only way out is to destroy the house. But as it turned out, this is not necessary. You can simply move the house and then put it on a new, reliable foundation.

Restoration of unfinished brick. Basement, walls, roof. This is part of the unusual story of restoration of an old unfinished brick building. Details of the fortification and reconstruction of the huge ground floor, strengthening the collapsing walls of the house and erecting a second floor.

Reconstruction of an old house. With my own hands. Someone demolishes an old house and builds a new one in its place, and Evgeny Boldovsky decided to keep his grandmother’s old house, but at the same time make major renovation buildings and build new premises in place of the old courtyard. To do this, we had to change the foundation of the house, raise it and solve the problem with differences in the area where the extension was supposed to be built.

Rebuilding a country house. Using the example of an ordinary 3x5 m dacha with a small attic, designer Alexey Korovin tells how to independently and without making mistakes, rebuild your modest house and make it more spacious, beautiful and comfortable for living. Single strip foundation, several rooms instead of one, a wide comfortable staircase instead of a steep one in the middle of the room, modified and decorated bearing structures, which cannot be abandoned, strengthening rafter system- this is not the entire list of transformations made by the owners in the process of reconstructing the house.

How to convert a frame dacha into permanent residence. Personal experience . Thinking about permanent residence outside the city, our forum member Mikhail Yakushkin decided that it was not worth demolishing a small country house. He renovated it, made an extension and supplied the house with the necessary communications.

Forum thread:

It’s one thing to decide whether or not to live in an old house you bought; it’s another thing to restore one you built with your own hands. What to do first in case of fire, which house is more reliable, what the new housing is like, read in this topic.

In my topic Fad shares his experience in choosing a house in the village, purchasing it and renovating it: the ultimate goal is “to create a base for active recreation of family and friends, hunting, fishing, mushroom picking, snowmobiling, etc.”

. “Everyone can do expensive and good things (if they have money), but only a wise and patient person can do inexpensive and good things,” says a forum member. s_e_s_h. He offers his story of rebuilding an old house and believes that it will be interesting for those who like to build inexpensively and well with their own hands.

. Dollis owns half of an old house: the foundation is sagging, there are cracks in the walls. The owner of the second half of the building is not going to do any repairs. Where to start repairs and how to protect yourself from possible claims from a neighbor?

Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and photo reports tell and inspire more than extensive descriptions. Subject VARYAG about expanding the house with a beautiful and cozy extension with a veranda - just one of those.