Excerpt from source:

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for schools
Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions”.

Published March 16, 2011
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 3, 2011.
Registration N 19993

VII. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting

7.1. Daylight.

7.1.1. All classrooms must have natural light in accordance with hygiene requirements to natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.
7.1.2. Without natural light it is allowed to design: shell, washrooms, showers, toilets at the gym; showers and toilets for staff; storerooms and warehouses, radio nodes; film and photo laboratories; book depositories; boiler, pump water supply and sewerage; ventilation and air conditioning chambers; control units and other premises for installation and control of engineering and technological equipment of buildings; storage facilities for disinfectants.
7.1.3. In classrooms, side natural left-hand lighting should be designed. At depth classrooms more than 6 m, a right-sided lighting device is required, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor. The direction of the main light flux in front and behind the students is not allowed.
7.1.4. In workshops for labor training, assembly and sports halls, two-sided lateral natural lighting can be used.
7.1.5. indoors educational institutions normalized values ​​of the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO) are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.
7.1.6. In classrooms with one-sided lateral natural lighting, KEO on the working surface of the desks at the point of the room furthest from the windows should be at least 1.5%. With two-sided lateral natural lighting, the KEO indicator is calculated on the middle rows and should be 1.5%.
The luminous coefficient (SC - the ratio of the glazed surface area to the floor area) must be at least 1:6.
7.1.7. The windows of the classrooms should be oriented to the south, southeast and east sides horizon. On the northern sides The horizon can be oriented to the windows of drawing rooms, drawing rooms, as well as the kitchen room. The orientation of the informatics classrooms is to the north, northeast.
7.1.8. The light openings of the classrooms, depending on the climatic zone, are equipped with adjustable sun protection devices (lifting and turning blinds, fabric curtains) with a length not lower than the level of the window sill.
It is recommended to use curtains made of light-colored fabrics that have a sufficient degree of light transmission, good light-scattering properties, which should not reduce the level of natural light. The use of curtains (curtains), including curtains with lambrequins, made of PVC film and other curtains or devices that limit natural light is not allowed. In the non-working state, the curtains must be placed in the piers between the windows.
7.1.9. For rational use daylight and uniform lighting of classrooms should:
- do not paint over window panes;
- do not place flowers on the windowsills, they are placed in portable flower beds 65 - 70 cm high from the floor or hanging planters in the piers between the windows;
- cleaning and washing of glasses should be carried out as they get dirty, but at least 2 times a year (in autumn and spring).
The duration of insolation in classrooms and classrooms should be continuous, in duration not less than:
- 2.5 hours in the northern zone (to the north of 58 degrees north latitude);
- 2.0 hours in the central zone (58 - 48 degrees north latitude);
- 1.5 hours in the southern zone (south of 48 degrees north latitude).
The absence of insolation is allowed in classrooms computer science, physics, chemistry, drawing and drafting, sports and gyms, catering facilities, assembly hall, administrative and utility rooms.

7.2. artificial lighting

7.2.1. In all premises of a general educational institution, levels of artificial illumination are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.
7.2.2. In the classrooms, a general lighting system is provided ceiling lights. Fluorescent lighting is provided using lamps according to the color emission spectrum: white, warm white, natural white. Luminaires used for artificial lighting of classrooms should provide a favorable distribution of brightness in the field of view, which is limited by the discomfort index (Mt). The indicator of discomfort of the lighting installation of general lighting for any workplace in the class should not exceed 40 units.
7.2.3. Do not use fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps for general lighting in the same room.
7.2.4. In classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, illumination levels must comply with the following standards: on desktops - 300 - 500 lux, in technical drawing and drawing rooms - 500 lux, in computer science classrooms on tables - 300 - 500 lux, on chalkboard- 300 - 500 lux, in assembly and sports halls (on the floor) - 200 lux, in recreations (on the floor) - 150 lux. Using computer technology and the need to combine the perception of information from the screen and keeping records in a notebook, the illumination on the tables of students should be at least 300 lux.
7.2.5. In classrooms, a general lighting system should be used. Luminaires with fluorescent lamps are located parallel to the light-bearing wall at a distance of 1.2 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the inner one.
7.2.6. A blackboard that does not have its own glow is equipped with local lighting - spotlights designed to illuminate blackboards. It is recommended to place the luminaires 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board.
7.2.7. When designing an artificial lighting system for classrooms, it is necessary to provide for separate switching on of lighting lines.
7.2.8. For the rational use of artificial light and uniform illumination of classrooms, it is necessary to use Decoration Materials and paints that create a matte surface with reflection coefficients: for the ceiling - 0.7 - 0.9; for walls - 0.5 - 0.7; for the floor - 0.4 - 0.5; for furniture and desks - 0.45; for blackboards - 0.1 - 0.2. It is recommended to use the following paint colors: for ceilings - white, for walls of classrooms - light colors of yellow, beige, pink, green, blue; for furniture (cabinets, desks) - color natural wood or light green; for chalkboards - dark green, dark brown; for doors, window frames - white.
7.2.9. It is necessary to clean the lighting fixtures of luminaires as they get dirty, but at least 2 times a year and replace burned-out lamps in a timely manner.
7.2.10. Faulty, burnt-out fluorescent lamps are collected in a container in a specially designated room and sent for recycling in accordance with applicable regulations.

→ Public buildings

Planning requirements, composition of indoor schools

The composition of the premises of school buildings is adopted in accordance with the specifics of the content of education, capacity and requirements for the organization of the educational process.

All groups of premises should be located in the building as isolated from each other as possible, but at the same time conveniently interconnected by horizontal and vertical communications.

Educational premises include classrooms, classrooms with laboratory assistants, laboratories with laboratory assistants, an office for technical teaching aids (TCO), an office for basic military training.

Classrooms, offices and laboratories should be combined into educational sections, which include 3 ... 4 (up to 6 are allowed) classrooms or classrooms and laboratories (determined depending on the number of flows), recreation and sanitary facilities (it is allowed to combine sanitary facilities for two educational sections) (IV ... X classes).

Sections form blocks for junior, middle and senior students school age. Recreational facilities intended for one group should not be passable for students of other groups. Educational sections for preparatory and I-III grades should be separate.

Classrooms and classrooms are the main premises of the school building, which largely determine its quality. The classroom in a general education school is designed to accommodate 40 students on single or double desks and a teacher's workplace. The class area is taken based on the norm of 1.25 m2 per student, the area of ​​a specialized classroom, based on the norm of 1.5 m2 per place.

At present, three types are used in domestic design practice. classrooms: longitudinal class 9X6 in size with continuous strip glazing along the outer wall, made in any design;

Cross class size 6X9 with continuous glazing along the outer wall and additional lighting, used only for construction with transverse load-bearing walls;

A square classroom, the side dimensions of which range from 7.2 to 8.0 m, with continuous glazing and additional lighting from the recreation side, is used for the construction of school buildings of a frame structure or with transverse load-bearing walls (Fig. 1).

The use of a transverse class is justified when the class is less occupied, when the working area is a square of 6X6 m. If 40 students are placed in the class, unfavorable conditions are created for the perception of the blackboard from the first extreme desks.

In all types of classes, windows should be located to the left of seated students, the window area should be at least 25% of the floor area. The presence of windows or upper transoms in opposite walls, even if these windows go into recreation, or additional lighting from above contributes to a more uniform natural light, increases its intensity, and allows better ventilation of the room.

The entrance to the classroom should be located on the side of the board near the teacher's chair. The number of classrooms with an entrance from the back desks (“reverse classroom”) should not exceed 25% of the total number of classrooms.

In classrooms, it is necessary to have the following furniture and equipment: double or single desks or tables according to the number of students, a teacher's table, built-in cabinets for storing teaching aids, books and notebooks, a hanging blackboard.

Modern classrooms and offices are equipped with a stand for a slide and film projector at the back of the classroom and a TV is installed. It is possible that the TV and part of the cabinets are located behind the blackboard, which is solved as a cabinet door.

Rice. 1. Types of classrooms:
a - longitudinal; b - transverse; c - square

The complication of curricula, the intensification of the educational process will require special conditions to organize the space of classrooms and classrooms. Gradually, they will be modernized and improved.

Laboratories of physics and electrical engineering, chemistry, biology should have an area of ​​66...72 m2. They are equipped with special student laboratory tables, a demonstration table-lectern and built-in wardrobes.

Laboratory rooms (with an area of ​​18 m2) are located adjacent to the corresponding laboratories from the side of the demonstration table and are connected to them by doors. From the chemical laboratory, it is necessary to arrange a second exit to the corridor, stairs or other adjoining room. Fume hoods should be arranged between laboratories and laboratory assistants in physics and chemistry.

Rice. 2. arrangement of equipment in the physics laboratory:
1 - laboratory tables; 2 - demonstration table; 3 - sectional cabinets; 4 - platform; 5 - blackboard; 6 - table for the projector; 7 - teacher's table; 8 - laboratory assistant's table; 9 - electrical switchboard; 10 - desktop; 11 - umformer

Recreational facilities are an essential element of the training section. Here students rest during breaks; in extended day schools, recreation, in addition, serve for extracurricular activities (circles, games, etc.).

In terms of form, recreational premises can be of corridor and hall types. The latter is more convenient. Corridor-type recreation must have a width of at least 2.8 m. In hall-type recreations with edge lighting, the depth must not exceed three of its heights. One recreation serves 2...6 classrooms and is accepted with an area of ​​24 m2 per classroom.

The optimal recreational system for our secondary schools is a developed system in which autonomous recreational spaces are connected to the main school-wide recreational space.

Sanitary units are made for each or two adjacent sections separately for boys and girls; it is convenient to place them near the stairs, however, it is forbidden to arrange entrances to the latrines and washrooms from the stairwells. Entrances to the bathrooms must be made from recreations.

Sanitary units are designed on the basis of: for boys - one toilet bowl and one urinal for 40 people and one washbasin for 60 people; for girls - one toilet for 30 people and one washbasin for 60 people. Their total area is taken at the rate of 0.1 m2 per student place. Toilets should be placed in open cabins measuring 0.8 x 1.0 m, separated by screen partitions 1.75 m high.

The information technology center of the school is a center for the supply of information and management educational process. It includes a radio center, a photo lab, an inventory room for storing technical training aids (TCO) and equipment. Among the new premises associated with TCO are classrooms for technical teaching aids (CTSO), classrooms with teaching machines, language laboratories. The traditional library will enter it as one of the constituent elements. In addition to reading books stored in the book depository in the school library, it is necessary to ensure that the student can work with other means of storing information - tapes, microfilms, slides, etc. It is likely that the proportion of these materials will increase over time, as will the role of information technical center.

Premises for labor training are educational workshops for boys of IV ... VIII classes in the processing of metal and wood with a tool room for them, an office for girls of IV ... VIII classes for the study of textile processing and cooking, a workshop for a workshop of IX ... X classes from laboratory. These premises should be located on the ground floor (placement in ground floor with natural light). In the woodworking workshop, it is necessary to provide an additional exit directly to the outside or through a corridor into which there is no exit from the classrooms.

Training and sports facilities - a gym, locker rooms, showers and latrines - are divided for boys and girls, an instructor's room and a gym for storing sports equipment.

The size and number of sports halls are determined by the capacity of the schools. For schools with a capacity of up to 18 classes, a hall measuring 9X18 m is accepted; 18...33 classes-12X24 m; for 44 classes - two sports halls measuring 12X12 and 12X24 m; for 66 classes - 12X 12 and 15X30 m.

Sports halls should be located in isolation from the educational sections in a convenient connection with the sports core located on the school site.

The project room is placed in direct connection with the hall, between the project room and the hall a door or opening is arranged with a width of at least 2 m and a height of at least 2.2 m. Dressing rooms should be connected to the hall directly or through an impassable corridor. Each cloakroom should have a shower with two arms and a lavatory with one toilet bowl and a washbasin in the gateway.

Premises for cultural purposes are a universal hall for kids and an assembly hall. Given the differentiation of students into age groups in large schools, it becomes necessary to arrange a separate multifunctional hall for younger students, which could serve for physical education, meetings, amateur art activities, games, etc. The site of such a hall should be 12X12 m in size. At the hall, rooms are needed for storing inventory, dressing rooms (possibly a film room).

The assembly hall - a cinema audience during school hours is used to demonstrate educational films, conduct lectures, and singing lessons; after-hours - for various meetings, showings of amateur performances and films, for holding gala evenings. The number of seats in the hall is determined at the rate of 20 ... 25% of the total number of student seats, and the area is 0.6 m per seat. The assembly hall should be provided with a stage, a cinema room for two projectors, a radio center, a lavatory and a washroom.

In large schools, sports and assembly halls are recommended to be allocated in a separate block with a vestibule with a wardrobe. At the same time, the block of halls should be conveniently connected with the main premises of the school.

The canteen is designed in schools for 360 students and more. In schools with fewer students, buffets are arranged.

The catering unit includes the following premises: a dining room, a kitchen, a vegetable and meat and fish workshops, a washing, a refrigerated chamber, a pantry of vegetables and dry products, a loading and packing room, a dressing room, a linen room, a shower room and a staff sanitary unit.

The dining hall is designed with the calculation of the nutrition of all students in four landings (shifts), i.e. two landings during two changes. At the same time, the area of ​​the hall is determined according to the norm of 0.65 m2 per seat. In front of the dining room, it is necessary to provide wash basins (one for 20 seats in the hall).

The catering unit is recommended to be located on the ground floor with a convenient access to the loading and packaging from the side household yard. Placement in the basement floor is allowed with a depth of no more than 1.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

Warehouse and utility rooms for personnel may be located on the basement floor with a mandatory arrangement of a separate exit to the outside.

Ancillary facilities - lobbies and wardrobes - are designed in different ways: a single lobby for the entire school with an offensive wardrobe; separate lobbies with their own wardrobes for different age groups, dispersed wardrobes for different classes, located on the ground floor or on floors in recreation areas.

The area of ​​the lobby with a self-service wardrobe is taken at the rate of 0.25 m2 per student. Of these, 0.1 m2 for the lobby, 0.15 m2 for the wardrobe. In the presence of service personnel, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dressing room is calculated according to the general norm.

The choice of the layout of vestibules and cloakrooms depends on the capacity of the school, its type, and the climatic conditions of construction. So, in a small school, it is rational to arrange one vestibule with a wardrobe, in a large school, separate vestibules and wardrobes for younger and older students should be arranged. In areas with a warm climate, it is possible to arrange wardrobes directly in recreation areas, which creates favorable conditions for walking during breaks.

Wardrobes for teachers stand out from total area wardrobes. Their capacity is determined on the basis of two places per classroom.

Vestibules are designed in the lobbies: in the coldest climatic sub-regions IA, 1B and 1G with three doors; in I (except for the above subdistricts), II and III climatic regions - with two doors, in IV with one.

The director's office and the office must be located adjacent to and near the main entrance to the school building. The teacher's room should be conveniently connected to the classrooms. In large schools, it is allowed to design several rooms for teachers, related to the age groups of students. The office of the head of the educational department is conveniently located next to the teacher's room.

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RESOLUTION of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 189 ON THE APPROVAL OF SANPIN 2-4-2-2821-10 ... Relevant in 2017

V. Requirements for premises and equipment of educational institutions

5.1. The number of jobs for students should not exceed the capacity of the educational institution provided for by the project according to which the building was built (reconstructed).

Each student is provided with a workplace (at a desk or table, game modules and others) in accordance with his height.

5.2. Depending on the purpose of the training rooms, they can be used different kinds student furniture: school desks, student tables (single and double), classroom, drawing or laboratory tables complete with chairs, desks and others. Stools or benches are not used instead of chairs.

Student furniture must be made of materials that are harmless to the health of children, and must comply with the growth and age characteristics of children and ergonomic requirements.

5.3. The main type of student furniture for students of the 1st stage of education should be a school desk, provided with a tilt regulator for the surface of the working plane. During the teaching of writing and reading, the slope of the working surface of the plane of the school desk should be 7 - 15 °. The front edge of the seat surface should go beyond the front edge of the working plane of the desk by 4 cm at the desks of the 1st number, by 5 - 6 cm - at the 2nd and 3rd numbers and by 7 - 8 cm at the desks of the 4th number.

The dimensions of the educational furniture, depending on the height of the students, must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table 1.

Table 1

Furniture dimensions and markings

Furniture numbers according to GOST 11015-93 11016-93Height group (in mm)Height above the floor of the cover of the edge of the table facing the student, according to GOST 11015-93 (in mm)Marking colorHeight above the floor of the front edge of the seat according to GOST 11016-93 (in mm)
1 1000 - 1150 460 Orange260
2 1150 - 1300 520 Violet300
3 1300 - 1450 580 Yellow340
4 1450 - 1600 640 Red380
5 1600 - 1750 700 Green420
6 Over 1750760 Blue460

Combined use allowed different types student furniture (desks, desks).

Depending on the height group, the height above the floor of the front edge of the desk top facing the student should have the following values: with a body length of 1150 - 1300 mm - 750 mm, 1300 - 1450 mm - 850 mm and 1450 - 1600 mm - 950 mm. The tilt angle of the tabletop is 15 - 17°.

The duration of continuous work at the desk for students of the 1st stage of education should not exceed 7 - 10 minutes, and for students of the 2nd - 3rd stage of education - 15 minutes.

5.4. For the selection of educational furniture according to the growth of students, its color marking is made, which is applied to the visible side outer surface of the table and chair in the form of a circle or stripes.

5.5. Desks (tables) are placed in classrooms by numbers: smaller ones are closer to the blackboard, larger ones are farther away. For children with hearing impairments, desks should be placed in the front row.

Children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, colds, should be seated further from the outer wall.

At least twice per academic year students sitting on the outer rows, rows 1 and 3 (with a three-row arrangement of desks), change places without violating the correspondence of the furniture to their height.

In order to prevent violations of posture, it is necessary to educate the correct working posture for students from the first days of attending classes in accordance with the recommendations of Appendix 1 of these sanitary rules.

5.6. When equipping classrooms, the following dimensions of aisles and distances in centimeters are observed:

Between the rows of double tables - at least 60;

Between a row of tables and an outer longitudinal wall - at least 50 - 70;

Between a row of tables and an internal longitudinal wall (partition) or cabinets along this wall - at least 50;

From the last tables to the wall (partition) opposite the blackboard - at least 70, from back wall, which is external, - 100;

From the demonstration table to the training board - at least 100;

From the first desk to the training board - at least 240;

The greatest distance of the last place of the student from the educational board - 860;

The height of the lower edge of the training board above the floor is 70 - 90;

The distance from the blackboard to the first row of tables in square or transverse cabinets with a four-row arrangement of furniture is at least 300.

The angle of visibility of the board from the edge of the board 3.0 m long to the middle of the extreme place of the student at the front table must be at least 35 degrees for students of the II-III levels of education and at least 45 degrees for students of the I level of education.

The most distant place of employment from the windows should not be more than 6.0 m.

In educational institutions of the first climatic region, the distance of tables (desks) from the outer wall must be at least 1.0 m.

When installing desks in addition to the main student furniture, they are placed behind the last row of tables or the first row from the wall opposite the light-bearing one, in compliance with the requirements for the size of the passages and the distances between the equipment.

This arrangement of furniture does not apply to classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards.

In newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of educational institutions, it is necessary to provide for a rectangular configuration of classrooms and classrooms with student tables located along the windows and left-hand natural lighting.

5.7. Chalkboards (using chalk) should be made of materials that adhere well to writing materials, clean well with a damp sponge, be durable, dark green in color and anti-reflective.

Blackboards should have trays for holding chalk dust, storing chalk, rags, and a holder for drawing supplies.

When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark tones blue and green).

It is allowed to equip classrooms and classrooms with interactive whiteboards that meet hygienic requirements. When using an interactive whiteboard and a projection screen, it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of bright spots of light.

5.8. Physics and chemistry classrooms should be equipped with special demonstration tables. To ensure better visibility of educational visual aids, the demonstration table is installed on the podium. Student and demonstration tables must have a coating that is resistant to aggressive chemicals and protective edges along the outer edge of the table.

The chemistry cabinet and the laboratory assistant are equipped with fume hoods.

5.9. The equipment of informatics classrooms must comply with hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and the organization of work.

5.10. Workshops for labor training should have an area of ​​6.0 m2 per 1 workplace. Placement in the workshops of equipment is carried out taking into account the creation favorable conditions for visual work and maintaining the correct working posture.

Carpentry workshops are equipped with workbenches placed either at an angle of 45 ° to the window, or in 3 rows perpendicular to the light-bearing wall so that the light falls from the left. The distance between the workbenches must be at least 0.8 m in the front-rear direction.

In locksmith workshops, both left-handed and right-handed lighting is allowed with a perpendicular arrangement of workbenches to the light-bearing wall. The distance between the rows of single workbenches should be at least 1.0 m, double - 1.5 m. The vise is attached to the workbenches at a distance of 0.9 m between their axes. Locksmith workbenches must be equipped with a safety net 0.65 - 0.7 m high.

Drilling, grinding and other machines should be installed on a special foundation and equipped with safety nets, glass and local lighting.

Carpentry and locksmith workbenches should be appropriate for the height of students and equipped with footrests.

The dimensions of the tools used for carpentry and metalwork must correspond to the age and height of the students (Appendix 2 of these sanitary rules).

Locksmith and carpentry workshops and service work rooms are equipped with washbasins with cold and hot water supply, electric towels or paper towels.

5.11. In newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of educational institutions in the classrooms of home economics, it is necessary to provide for the presence of at least two rooms: for teaching cooking skills and for cutting and sewing.

5.12. In the home economics classroom used for teaching cooking skills, it is planned to install two-slot sinks with cold and hot water supply with a mixer, at least 2 tables with hygienic coating, a refrigerator, an electric stove and a cupboard for storing dishes. Approved detergents for washing tableware must be provided near sinks.

5.13. The home economics cabinet, used for cutting and sewing, is equipped with tables for drawing patterns and cutting, sewing machines.

Sewing machines are installed along windows to provide left-sided natural light on work surface sewing machine or in front of a window for direct (front) natural light on the work surface.

5.14. In the existing buildings of educational institutions, in the presence of one home economics cabinet, a separate place is provided for placing an electric stove, cutting tables, a sink for dishes and a washbasin.

5.15. Labor training workshops and a home economics office, gyms should be equipped with first aid kits.

5.16. The equipment of classrooms intended for artistic creativity, choreography and music must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions additional education children.

5.17. In the playrooms, furniture, play and sports equipment should correspond to the growth data of students. Furniture should be placed around the perimeter game room, thereby freeing up the maximum part of the area for outdoor games.

When using upholstered furniture, it is necessary to have removable covers (at least two), with their obligatory replacement at least once a month and as they get dirty. Special cabinets are installed for storing toys and manuals.

Televisions are installed on special cabinets at a height of 1.0 - 1.3 m from the floor. When watching TV programs, the placement of spectator seats should ensure a distance of at least 2 m from the screen to the eyes of students.

5.18. Bedrooms for first-graders attending an extended day group should be separate for boys and girls. They are equipped with teenage (size 1600 x 700 mm) or built-in single-tier beds. The beds in the bedrooms are arranged in compliance with the minimum gaps: from the outer walls - at least 0.6 m, from the heaters - 0.2 m, the width of the passage between the beds - at least 1.1 m, between the headboards of two beds - 0.3 - 0.4 m.

2.6.1. Daylight. The classrooms must have natural light. Without natural lighting, it is allowed to design: shell, washrooms, showers, latrines at the gym; showers and restrooms for staff; storerooms and storage rooms (except for rooms for storing flammable liquids), radio centers; film and photo laboratories; book depositories; boiler, pump water supply and sewerage; ventilation and air conditioning chambers; control units and other premises for installation and control of engineering and technological equipment of buildings; facilities for storage of disinfectants.

In classrooms, lateral left-hand lighting should be designed. With two-sided lighting, which is designed with a depth of more than 6 m in classrooms, a right-sided lighting device is required, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the ceiling. At the same time, the direction of the main light flux in front and behind the students should not be allowed.

In workshops for labor training, assembly and sports halls, two-sided lateral natural lighting and combined (top and side) can also be used. In the premises of educational institutions, normalized values ​​​​of the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO) are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural and artificial lighting.

In classrooms with one-sided lateral natural lighting, KEO should be 1.5% (at a distance of 1 m from the wall opposite to the light openings). The unevenness of natural lighting in rooms intended for students' classes should not exceed 3:1. The orientation of the windows of the classrooms should be on the southern, southeastern and eastern sides of the horizon. The windows of the drafting and drawing rooms, as well as the kitchen room, can be oriented to the northern sides of the horizon, the orientation of the computer science cabinet is to the north, northeast.

The light openings of the classrooms are equipped with: adjustable sun-protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains in light colors that match the color of the walls and furniture. Curtains made of PVC film are not used. In the non-working state, the curtains must be placed in the piers between the windows. For the decoration of classrooms, finishing materials and paints are used that create a matte surface with reflection coefficients: for the ceiling - 0.7 - 0.8; for walls - 0.5 - 0.6; for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5.

The following paint colors should be used:

  • for the walls of classrooms - light colors of yellow, beige, pink, green, blue;
  • for furniture (desks, tables, cabinets) - natural wood colors or light green;
  • for chalkboards - dark green, dark brown;
  • for doors, window frames - white.

To maximize the use of daylight and uniform illumination of classrooms, you should:

  • plant trees no closer than 15 m, shrubs - no closer than 5 m from the building;
  • do not paint over window panes;
  • do not place flowers on the windowsills. They are placed in portable flower beds 65-70 cm high from the floor or hanging planters in the window piers;
  • Cleaning and washing of glasses should be carried out 2 times a year (in autumn and spring).

2.6.2. artificial lighting. In the classrooms, standardized levels of illumination and indicators of the quality of illumination (an indicator of discomfort and a pulsation coefficient of illumination) are provided in accordance with the hygienic requirements for natural and artificial lighting. In the classrooms, predominantly fluorescent lighting is provided using lamps: LB, LHB, LEC. The use of incandescent lamps is allowed (in this case, the illumination standards are reduced by 2 steps of the illumination scale). Fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps should not be used in the same room. The use of new types of lamps and fixtures is coordinated with the territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

In classrooms, a general lighting system should be used. Luminaires with fluorescent lamps are located parallel to the light-bearing wall at a distance of 1.2 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the inner one. For general lighting of classrooms and training workshops, fluorescent lamps of the following types should be used: LS002-2x40, LP028-2x40, LP0022x40, LP034-4x36, TsSP-5-2x40. Other luminaires of the type given with similar lighting characteristics and design can also be used. The blackboard is equipped with spotlights and illuminated by two mirror lamps of the LPO-30-40-122 (125) type installed parallel to it. These lamps are placed 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board.

When designing an artificial lighting system for classrooms, it is necessary to provide for separate switching on of lighting lines. In classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, illumination levels must comply with the following standards: on desktops - 300 lux, on a blackboard - 500 lux, in technical drawing and drawing rooms - 500 lux, in computer science classrooms on tables - 300 - 500 lux, in assembly and sports halls (on the floor) - 200 lux, in recreations (on the floor) - 150 lux. When using TCO and the need to combine the perception of information from the screen and keeping records in a notebook, the illumination on the students' tables should be 300 lux.

When using slide and film projectors, the illumination on the tables of students should be 500 lux. In this case, either only one local lighting should be used, or a system of "functional" artificial lighting should be created with a "dark corridor" in front of the screen.

It is necessary to clean the lighting fittings of luminaires at least 2 times a year and replace burned-out lamps in a timely manner. Students should not be involved in this work. Faulty, burnt-out fluorescent lamps are collected and removed from the building of the educational institution. In order to prevent the occurrence of mass non-communicable diseases (poisoning), their storage in unsuitable premises of educational institutions is prohibited (Article 29, clause 1 of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ).

Preventive ultraviolet irradiation of children should be carried out in areas north of 57.5 degrees north latitude. and in polluted areas. To do this, it is recommended to use long-term or short-term irradiation installations (photoria) in accordance with the recommendations for preventive ultraviolet irradiation of people using ultraviolet radiation sources.



A very free arrangement of SanPiN and SNiP, which can be misleading, and in some places lead to gross errors: the height of the right-hand illumination in the offices is more than 6 m deep - 2.2 m from the floor, and not from the ceiling. There is not a word in the article about the duration of insolation in the cabinets, there is no list of cabinets in which insolation is not standardized, because the orientation of the cabinets is not yet a guarantee of insolation

03/25/2015 09:47:30, Alina Cheboksary

Comment on the article "Lighting requirements"

Requirements: Requirements for the applicant: The presence of a PC, the Internet, Skype in the public domain, knowledge of office programs, responsibility, communication skills, competent written and oral speech. Information about the company and vacancies: Responsibilities: working with the media, organizing an advertising company, editing advertising, negotiating, monitoring the execution of contracts, consulting, preparing proposals. Conditions: official employment, career growth, friendly...

Less than a month had passed since Muscovites began bombarding all instances with tons of letters demanding to comply with the law and not to remove leaves from the lawns, when the head of the Department of Natural Resources realized that Muscovites were probably right: the law must be observed, the leaves on the lawns must leave. True, in many parks and squares, contractors have already managed to clear the ground of leaves, and it is not known how the trees will survive the winter and what they will eat in the spring - but this is not the main thing, the main thing is to write ...

Requirements for children's furniture, as you know, are much more diverse than for "adult" furniture, and this is understandable. In the article of the furniture blog Dnepropetrovsk one of the views on the choice of furniture for a child.

It often happens like this: a marriageable girl is smart, beautiful, a hostess, but completely alone. And the age is already passing, and there is no desire to get married anymore. What causes the "old maid" syndrome? There are certain psychological blocks that prevent getting married: 1. Education. Often, puritanical upbringing and disapproval of gentlemen by parents leads to the fact that women cannot make a choice and continue to live in the parental nest into adulthood. Parents wanting the best for their...

However, the lack of uniform requirements for it in federal legislation and the optional wearing of it hinder the effective solution of problems ...


This is a bill.

1.1 Registration in UDIO
24.04.2013 10:42
registered and sent to the Chairman of the State Duma
1.2 Referral to the relevant committee
25.04.2013 16:10
sent to the State Duma Committee on Education
0.2 Registration of letters
addition of the composition of the initiators of the bill (I.Yu.Drozdov)

Even in the first reading, it has not yet been considered

to the draft federal law
“On Amendments to Article 63 of the Federal Law
"On education in Russian Federation»

The draft federal law was developed in order to establish a mandatory form of clothing for students of general education organizations.
Until 1992, the introduction of a school uniform was regulated by the Charter of a secondary school, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 09/08/1970 No. 749.
According to paragraph 23 of the said decree for students general education schools uniform was established, approved by the Council of Ministers of the Union Republic.
The negative attitude towards the ideologization of the Soviet school and the limited opportunities for children's initiative in the early 1990s was one of the reasons for the rejection of the school uniform of a single sample.
Now the trend is just the opposite: the majority of Russian citizens have a positive attitude towards the re-introduction of school uniforms.
In 2012, VTsIOM published the results of an all-Russian public opinion poll on this issue.
77% of respondents believe that uniforms should be introduced in schools. Opponents of such a decision are only 8% of the respondents.
The advantages of school uniforms include smoothing out visible signs of social inequality among children and adolescents, strengthening discipline and increasing students' motivation to learn, building a sense of belonging to the school and cohesion with the class, unconditional health safety.
At present, the issue of introducing a school uniform can be decided at the level of each individual educational institution.
According to clause 18 of part 3 of article 28 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the competence educational organization in the established field of activity include the establishment of requirements for the clothes of students, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law or the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
According to the position of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, set out in letter No. 22-06-1203 of November 14, 2000 “On the introduction of school uniforms for students”, the final decision can be made by agreement of all parents of students or the majority, but subject to the identification of sources of additional funding for students from low-income families and making appropriate additions or changes to the charter of the school.
The letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 28, 2013 No. DL-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students' clothing” contains recommendations on choosing the general appearance, color, and style of a school uniform.
However, the lack of uniform requirements for it in federal legislation and the optionality of wearing it hinder the effective solution of problems associated with the free style of clothing for schoolchildren.
At the moment, there are two main approaches to solving this issue: to assign the authority to introduce school uniforms to the federal state authorities or to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
It seems that the establishment of the right of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to independently determine the description of students' uniforms can lead to conflict situations similar to the conflict that occurred between the parents of several students and the director high school in the village of Kara-Tyube, Neftekumsky district, Stavropol Territory.
Since the Russian Federation is not only a multi-confessional, but also a multinational state, the cause of disagreement may no longer be hijabs, but national elements of school uniforms, the decision to establish which, it is possible, will be taken by state authorities in many regions of Russia.
Meanwhile, it was the situation in the village of Kara-Tube that provoked a new wave of discussions in society on the issue of legislative regulation of the issue of the admissibility of wearing certain elements of clothing by students of educational institutions.
Therefore, all necessary measures should be taken to avoid the emergence of such conflicts on interethnic grounds.
Another argument for establishing a description of the uniform at the federal level is the prevention of additional costs for the families of students due to their moving to a permanent place of residence in another subject of the Russian Federation. Since the description of the uniform, in accordance with the version used in the USSR, can vary greatly in different regions, such parents will need to purchase a school uniform of a different design.
The relative majority of Russian citizens are also in favor of legal regulation of this issue at the federal level.
The results of the aforementioned VTsIOM sociological survey indicate that 54% of respondents believe that a government decision should be made to introduce school uniforms in all schools in Russia. 8% of the respondents attributed the adoption of such a decision to the prerogative of the director of a general education institution, and 14% - to the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Thus, only a combined approach, expressed in the legislative consolidation of the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation to approve the description and rules for wearing the uniform of students of general educational organizations, will ensure the realization of all the benefits and prevent possible problems associated with making such a decision.
Taking into account the peculiarities of the climate in different parts of Russia, it is necessary to develop several acceptable samples, from which the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be able to choose the appropriate version of the uniform for students in their region.

What size should be the photo for the Greek visa. The website of the visa application center provides a link to the photo quality requirements.

Such a phenomenon as chronic fatigue, today you will hardly surprise anyone. The intense rhythm of life wears out the body of most people. And the main load we get, of course, at the workplace. American scientists have shown that female body stress and fatigue are especially dangerous. After studying the lives of more than twenty-two thousand representatives of the weaker sex, the researchers confidently stated that work stress inevitably causes heart disease in women. Scientists have divided the types of labor into ...

Parents and children often have difficult relationships with the school. But parents understand that their detachment from school leads to bad consequences for three parties, and especially for the child, who is the object of a dispute between two social institutions - the school and the family. The school cannot always meet the needs of parents. In most cases, the conditions at the school are far from ideal and leave much to be desired, while the level of salaries in the education system often does not allow conscious ...

The photographs of these men resemble ID photos. The image is clear, the angle is straight, postures and facial expressions are static, there are no unnecessary details in the frame. They look like esoteric acquaintances neatly and seriously. They hardly accept newfangled trends, because their image evokes some nostalgia in the retro style. They are convinced that marriage is an extremely serious matter, therefore they take filling out the questionnaire very seriously. They don't have almost a single blank column, the answers are short, stingy and...

Modern system ventilation of premises is a complex engineering equipment, the selection and installation of which should be carried out by specialists. The selection of a ventilation system always begins with the development of technical specifications, according to which the project is then carried out. Ideally, the ventilation system should be designed, if necessary, approved by the SES and fire supervision before the construction of the building begins. Installing a ventilation system is much easier and cheaper at the construction stage. Then...

Every day, nannies come to me for interviews, and every day I get calls from moms asking me to find a nanny. In most cases, both of them have experience of interacting with each other. But what do I hear from moms? - “My nanny constantly walks on the playground with the nannies of the oligarchs and the salary does not suit her anymore. But I pay her almost as much as I get myself. The nannies are also outraged: “All my colleagues in the district laugh at me that I work for a penny.” At the same time, "penny" can ...

The requirements for adoptive parents in terms of living conditions are established by clause 1, article 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which was amended by Federal Law No. 183.




Standards and decoding of the requirements for adoptive parents and partially for guardians, educators of foster families, foster caregivers.

Part 2. Housing and household standards and requirements.

(to Articles 127, 146, 153 of the Family Code)

This part underwent significant changes at the beginning of 2005 due to the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2004 No. 185 and the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation from March 1, 2005.

The requirements for adoptive parents in terms of living conditions are established by clause 1, article 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which was amended by Federal Law No. 183. If earlier paragraph 8 of Article 127 of the RF IC, the paragraph forbade the adoption of those persons who did not have a permanent place of residence, and at the same time living quarters that meet the established sanitary and technical requirements, then now this paragraph is divided into two and reads as follows: “adoptive parents can be adults of both sexes, with the exception of: ...

Persons who do not have a permanent place of residence,

Persons living in residential premises that do not meet sanitary and technical rules and norms…”

On March 1, 2005, instead of the previously existing Housing Code of the RSFSR, Federal Law No. 189-FZ introduced a new Housing Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF). This code is significantly different from the previous one. It does not contain articles similar to articles: 40 ZhK RSFSR, which established General requirements on the improvement of housing, and Article 41, which prohibited the occupation of one room by persons of different sexes older than nine years, except for spouses. As a result, the previous requirements no longer apply.

The new code also does not contain the general concept of “living space norm” and establishes instead of it in paragraph 1 of Article 50 only the “norm for the provision of living space” and only in the case of social hiring. The establishment of the amount of the norm of provision by paragraph 2 of the same article is assigned to the jurisdiction of local self-government bodies.

Thus, there are no federal restrictions on the size and quality of housing for adoptive parents, and guardianship authorities are required to be guided by the norms of local legislation. Regions have the right to set their own rules. In the absence of such norms, the court, taking into account the recommendations of the guardianship authorities, has the right to independently decide whether the condition of the applicants' housing complies with the sanitary and technical requirements for adoption.

Which means that now it is enough for the future adoptive parent to have a permanent registration, anywhere and a place to live that meets sanitary standards. Such a system legalizes the practice of guardianship and guardianship authorities issuing positive conclusions to adoptive parents who do not have enough housing for adoption at the place of permanent registration, but there is an opportunity for long-term rental housing or living with relatives.

In cases where, according to regional standards, the size of the housing is insufficient for a family or there are deviations from sanitary requirements, Federal Law No. 185 of December 24, 2004 granted the court the right, based on the interests of the child living in the family, to decide on adoption.

It should be taken into account that in individual cases it may be necessary to provide the child with a separate room, regardless of the availability of the required footage. Such requirements arise when adopting, establishing guardianship or creating a foster family:

disabled child,

HIV infected child.

The calculation of the per capita footage is carried out by dividing the footage belonging to the adoptive family by the number of people registered on this area, including the unborn child.

Checking living conditions is carried out on formal grounds and actual condition.

To clarify the formal data, the adoptive parents provide:

Extract from the house book

A copy of the financial and personal account, certificates or other documents confirming the ownership of housing, which indicate the main parameters of the apartment / house,

The number of people registered in the property and who owns what share of the property or is the responsible tenant.

The actual part of the verification of living conditions is carried out during the examination of the living conditions of candidates by the body of guardianship and guardianship. Since those wishing to adopt a child in a family are not required to provide any other certificates other than those indicated above, the examination is the main element of the verification. The survey should reveal the actual condition of the housing, the number of people living in it, the financial situation of the family, the sanitary condition, the availability of a place to accommodate the child - a place to study, sleep, play, assess the readiness of future parents to create normal conditions for the child to live and develop. Specialists of the guardianship authorities, or a social teacher of the school, a public inspector - these persons can conduct an examination on behalf of the PLO - are obliged to inspect the housing and assess its suitability for the child to live. In the event of disputes or identified serious non-compliance with sanitary standards or poor technical condition, the PEP have the right to engage special services for additional examination of the condition of the dwelling: Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (SES), Bureau of Technical Expertise (BTI), Gostekhnadzor, Gosstroynadzor at their own expense and on their own. They do not have the right to demand presentation of certificates from these organizations from adoptive parents.

I dream of changing jobs. And then I accidentally saw an ad in a newspaper. The position offered is better and higher than I have now. I went with a summary to the personnel department and, you know, talked so well with the personnel officer, met me like my own. On Monday I meet with the director. 90 percent of what they will take. I'm just in shock, I can't even believe that it's so easy to find a new decent job. Do you believe in such luck?


Interesting, in what area? it’s just that now there is almost no shortage anywhere, there are 21 candidates for one place

certainly! the main thing is to know how to behave correctly. look how the girl is being interviewed here .... ohhh ... she seems to be experienced, but she has so many ambitions! although without them, too, nowhere;)
By the way, congratulations to you!!

Does your company have the same requirements for employees? Rules established in our Company 1. Coming to the office at 9:00:01 is already late...


this is some nonsense! And people work for such ... mmmm, as it were, softer ?? But in general, I thought that slavery had already been abolished !!!

rules of course tin, but in principle normal. I was confused by point 2, namely, that the employer forces you to stay late at work to receive wages. they have no right to do so.

Never dealt with MTS. Before NG comes 3 letters demanding to repay the debt on 3 different personal accounts. Approximately 12 thousand.


I had the same situation with Megafon, although the amount was much less. With such amounts, it is necessary to write an application. They torture you with letters, then they transfer it to a collection office - they will start sending horror stories that you will be blacklisted by all operators, banks, etc.. Of course, this is all nonsense until there is a court decision ... But with such amounts, they will definitely sue and will have to go and prove it already in the courts.
Surely the application can be written at any branch of MTS closest to you. Ask for a copy of the application for yourself and have them provide the date and registration number of your application. Write that if your application is ignored, you will contact the prosecutor's office for fraud and misuse of your personal data by the operator's representatives. Theoretically, you can send a statement by registered mail with an acknowledgment of receipt, and duplicate a copy of it on the site (there is probably a feedback section there).
But it's better to go in person.

Well, if the directors didn’t have paws in the departments and if the school says state, it would have been like that, there would be no requirements, no fees. And so it is difficult to find justice in our schools, so they do what they want. Apparently the directors who work from the heart a little, the rest are looking for ways to make money.


I would try to concentrate on teaching the child. The programs are not really that different. The main thing is the volume and quality of knowledge. If there is a normal English school nearby, then I would teach there, and not take it far. And at home I would teach Russian (I teach myself, but you can also hire a tutor). According to the experience of acquaintances: in more or less lower grades (somewhere up to 6) they take them to the most decent schools without any problems. We agreed with the director, the teachers at the school themselves tested the children (not captiously, without requiring "registration" and other rubbish; no one missed a year). Before testing for 1-2 months, they themselves or with a teacher looked through textbooks for previous years. And in older classes, you can go to a private school or to an external student, and having received grades for the first quarter, you can already be transferred to the state, if you want.

01/24/2007 10:19:18 PM, irina.

I used to really like the site, which has now become much worse, but there is with every plant that can grow to suit. light mention of it. Look at http://www.flowers.corbina.net
saintpaulias grow well in many people in purely fluorescent light, BUT with a distance of ~30 cm from the lamps. In the pavilion at the Air Force, where the last exhibition of saintpaulias was, there is a kiosk with such racks and there is someone to talk to. As for phytoluminescent lamps, I haven’t figured it out yet, but the xenon that they have is clearly good with a fraction of ultraviolet in the spectrum. Another thing is that ultraviolet is not useful for SD drives, if it's about office.
The syngonium and birches, at least the green ones, are extremely hardy and can live with a claim. light. If you don’t want to, then the point is not that the light is artificial, but that it is weak.
From your list, aloe, kalanchoe, crassula (crassula), ceropegia and hoya want good, better than crazy light (a south window with direct sun is ideal). It is hardly worth trying to create something similar in the office. Yes, there are amateur collectors, with cactus racks with artificial light. The question is what kind of light. I have a 2000W arc xenon at work. There, the spectrum is like that of the sun, the main problem is not to burn your eyes with ultraviolet radiation.
Balsam, geranium, fuchsia, clivia are quite photophilous, they are unlikely to want to bloom where there is little light for the syngonium.
The most shade-tolerant are: sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue), cissus (birch), hedera (ivy), chlorophytum, scindapsus, green tradescantia, part of philodendrons, non-flowering begonias.
With asparagus, zebrina, saxifrage, codiaum, the question is more complicated, they are in the middle between the last and penultimate groups of the above.