

The adverbial phrases “by measure + noun” can be distinguished by punctuation marks (commas). For more information about the factors influencing the placement of punctuation marks, see Appendix 1. ()

As approaching they entered into battle. L. Brezhnev, Malaya Zemlya.As As we approached the university, the street, which ran downhill, became more and more crooked and narrowed. B. Pasternak, Safe-conduct. Everyone turned to Erast Petrovich, looking at him seriously for the first time. He's the last few minutes, as increasing chances, I was thinking more and more feverishly about what to do in case of success. B. Akunin, Azazel.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


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31.01.2018 - 10:55

The territory of the Donetsk People's Republic not controlled by Kyiv has remained without mobile communications since mid-January of this year, when the telephone cable was cut as a result of shelling.

A correspondent for spoke with the Minister of Communications of the DPR, Viktor Yatsenko, about when communications could be established.

The OSCE and other international organizations called on the warring parties to restore communication, but this never happened. People cannot contact their relatives on the territory of Ukraine and Russia; pensioners are deprived of communication and the ability to promptly call ambulance. The situation is serious and requires resolution.

- You said that the broken communication line is located on territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and repairmen of the DPR Ministry of Communications do not have access to it. But in Lugansk there is a connection, but not here. Why?

It's not that we don't have access to impulse. There are a lot of gusts. The Donetsk People's Republic and Ukraine were connected by at least eight cross-border cable crossings. And in fact, one was restored on the territory of the LPR, and all other impulses are located on the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In order to analyze the current state of affairs in our republic, I would like to roll back and describe the chronology of how the situation around ensuring communications in the DPR developed.

In October, all main channels and the Internet in Ukraine are turned off. It was all in the media and in social networks, we remember this blackout, which led to a sharp decrease in Internet traffic. And the problem at that time was very simple: the highways that we built did not allow us to meet the explosive demand for the Russian Internet.

For two and a half years, we have methodically informed all market participants that sooner or later the X hour will come and we need to solve problems in full accordance with the ultimate goal of our movement.

Where are we going? We are moving to Russia - there is no conspiracy theory here, this is our official vector. You see billboards on the streets of Donetsk with the words of Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko “Our Motherland is Russia.”

When the blackout occurred, we began in an emergency mode, and by no means at a waltz pace, without any pauses or rest, to simulate those measures that ultimately made it possible to localize the problem.

We have localized it by 90 percent, but by 10 percent it has not been resolved to this day. I plan to close this topic completely by the end of the first quarter.

Next, we were able to find a guaranteed equipment supplier, thanks to which we had an understanding and vision of how we would fundamentally modernize the network, how we would import new base stations, and how we would expand the capacity of our network. And, giving a report on all this in People's Council, I made a promise that we will definitely launch the 3G format in 2017. And we did it.

Today we have 17 thousand online subscribers using the 3G service in the test. Moreover, there are no restrictions. The only problem is that there is no voice communication on the SIM card that provides the Internet. We will deal with this in February.

And now we come to January 11 - the Ukrainian side disconnects us, and then they raise communications in Lugansk, restoring the crossing there. But a cable is not a plumbing system: they twisted the pipe, soldered it, and water flowed through the system. This is a complex process that requires a number of adjustments. This is not a trivial task.

On the third day, we understand that we cannot launch a connection using a signal from Lugansk, and we post a press release on our website asking Vodafone to send specialists and conduct an audit. We suggest checking the functionality of the equipment.

- And how did Vodafone respond to your request?

We ask you to come, to which the official representative of the Vodafone-Ukraine press service Ruban states that they do not consider this appeal official and therefore they will not respond to it, and in general any appeal from the DPR to their company will not be registered by them.

At the same time, for three and a half years they do not pay for anything, they do not fix anything, and when asked: “Why are you raising the tariff in this case?”, they answer: “We must cover our costs.”

Question: what are the costs? There are no costs on our territory. The network lives the way it lives. And even moreover, throughout the entire period we are the only ones who support her. All repairs are carried out by us.

And if we return to the history of the explosion near Elenovka, we indicated the exact location of the explosion, made infographics, took measurements, the OSCE confirmed that it was from the designated point that the bus was fired upon, when the driver was killed.

Yes, we cannot cope without technical support, yes, there is an unsolvable problem on the Ukrainian side, and at the press conference I made another proposal to the Vodafone-Ukraine company: why don’t they rent transport for voice communication services to the city of Rostov-on-Don? on-Don, located in the Russian Federation.

If they cannot have any legal relations with the Donetsk People's Republic, let them connect a third party, and we, in turn, will take the signal from Rostov. And at the same time there will be a guarantee that in the future there will be no issues with impulses on the demarcation line.

- Does Russia somehow express its interest in resolving the communication problem?

We know about official statement Vladislav Surkov following a meeting with Kurt Volker about the need to give people a connection. And Volker agreed with this.

We need to sit down at the negotiating table and discuss measures to overcome the crisis in a civilized manner.

There are a million subscribers here, and they say: “We don’t know how our cards get to you.” Let's be honest: “You have a business here, treat the consumers of your services with respect.”

Get technical support here, start paying for electricity, which is by no means free with us.

Otherwise they say: “We are working for humanitarian purposes.” It is not true. 25 percent of the profits received in Ukraine come from the Donbass. They are not running a charity event here, but a highly profitable business.

- What is the likelihood of Russian telecom operators appearing in the DPR?

They will never appear. Still not in Crimea. Roaming, from a technical point of view, is not a problem. There are such prospects. Sberbank began opening accounts using DPR passports. There was political will for this. And this is a much more complex infrastructure and legislative process than organizing roaming.

This does not require presidential instructions. It is enough to carry out a series of approvals at the government level. This would solve a colossal number of problems and would greatly improve the communication skills of the republic and its inhabitants.

© RIA Novosti, Igor Maslov

- When will you be able to bring the local operator “Phoenix” to such a level that you don’t have to dial a number many times to get through? And what about the SIM cards that people stand in long queues for?

On January 16, I made a promise that in a month we would solve all the problems. So it will be. We have already normalized communications under conditions of enormous load. Every week we deliver 100 thousand cards to DPR post offices.

Are the statements true?
A) The term “intensification” was introduced by American anthropologists H. Chapel and T. Kuhn to designate a set of rituals various types: crisis, calendar and others, carried out in order to counter the imbalance of group life caused either by internal or external reasons, intensify interaction between group members and generally increase the degree of group cohesion
C) According to their content and social function, kinship rituals are distinguished, and they relate not to kinship by blood or marriage, but to kinship relationships formed on the basis of functional relationships
(*answer*) A - yes, B - yes
A - no, B - no
A - yes, B - no
A - no, A - yes
Are the statements true?
A) Traditionally, political nationalism is considered the highest form of nationalism
C) The mythological approach allows us to detect organic communities, since it is in organic communities that myth becomes a means of social integration and identification
(*answer*) A - yes, B - yes
A - no, B - no
A - yes, B - no
A - no, A - yes
Are the statements true?
A) The philosophers Fr. Schleiermacher, W. Dilthey, and then M. Heidegger called hermeneutics the philosophical method they developed for man to understand his own being and his own spiritual existence
C) Sociology, according to O. Comte, being the science of society, crowned the classification pyramid of the natural sciences, following astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology. He never tired of repeating that human society is, first of all, a community of spirit
(*answer*) A - yes, B - yes
A - no, B - no
A - yes, B - no
A - no, A - yes
Are the statements true?
A) Values ​​are the values ​​of phenomena preferred by an individual or group
C) Norms are forms of regulation of behavior in a social system (expectations that define the range of acceptable actions)
(*answer*) A - yes, B - yes
A - yes, B - no
A - no, B - yes
A - no, B - no
Are the statements true?
A) Ethnocentrism and relativism are extreme points of view in the study of the diversity of cultural forms
C) Sociology of culture is an independent discipline of a social nature, which to date has a number of unresolved theoretical, methodological and practical problems
(*answer*) A - yes, B - yes
A - yes, B - no
A - no, B - yes
A - no, B - no
_ type of social action is used by M. Weber as a pure “ideal type” to identify the causes and factors of various deviations in the real behavior of people from a speculatively constructed behavioral standard
(*answer*) Affective
_ believed that society does not have consciousness, unlike individuals, therefore the content of society can only be revealed through “ideal types”
(*answer*) M. Weber
E. Durkheim
P. Bourdieu
_ rituals pursue immediate, immediate goals and, what is very important, they are the work of individuals, and the entire society (clan, tribe) is usually interested in the results of religious rituals and therefore, as a rule, the entire society (or key groups, or symbolic public figures ) participate in their implementation
(*answer*) Magical
_ rituals are performed regularly as predictable, repetitive natural phenomena, such as the change of seasons, the change of phases of the moon, the ripening of crops, etc.
(*answer*) Calendar

A person is never present where he actually is. He is always delving into the past or looking into the future, but simply being calm in the present is such a rarity.

The past is what has passed. And if the past is still in the present, then you will need strength and courage to let it go or return it.

All the difficulties that happen to you are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.

The burden of the future, added to the burden of the past, which you shoulder in the present, makes even the strongest stumble on the path.

Difficulties are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.

A person grows as his goals grow.

You can see by your actions how much you are valued, by your calls - how much you are needed, and only over time you can see who cares about you.

Tanya loved cats. And not so much boys, because of their redundancy. At least she never brought a boy into the house with a broken leg, sore eyes and other cute health problems.