Year of the Blue Water Rooster

Element: Water

Blue color

Pride, assertiveness and determination are your main character traits. You do not like to be outside of events; you need meetings, impressions and communication with others like air. For the sake of friends, you are ready to move mountains and even sacrifice your interests, but in love you are jealous and often overestimate the shortcomings of your other half.

You reach heights in what you love, but you don’t always know how to enjoy the fruits of your achievements. But where assertiveness, passion and leadership skills are required, you can achieve success and maintain a leadership role for a long time.

Character traits

  • Cold;
  • Calm;
  • Force;
  • Restraint.

Distinctive features

Big and strong hands, very thick lips and curly hair.

Suitable areas of activity

  • Teaching activities;
  • Policy;
  • Management;
  • Show Business;
  • Advertising.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

🐀 🐂 🐅 🐇 🐉 🐍 🐎 🐐 🐒 🐓 🐕 🐗

Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But achieving harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise relationships are very easy to destroy. Be considerate of each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of a relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this sounds like you, then you have every chance of creating a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. Family relationships These people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to maintain peace. For the relationship to be long-lasting and useful, both you and your partner need to put in a lot of effort, constantly adapting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can survive difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.

1993 who? 1993 is the year of which animal? — According to the Chinese horoscope, 1873, 1933, 1993 belonged to the years of the Black Water Rooster. The element of this sign is water, other similar signs are the wooden rooster, fire rooster, earthen rooster, metal rooster. People born under this sign can be called real dreamers, but within reason.

In addition, they are sociable and honest, so their arguments in any dispute are always quite weighty, and their statements about people are sometimes too straightforward. As a result, such individuals are big fans of arguing and discussing “world” topics. The love of participating in discussions is characteristic not only of the black rooster, but also of many other water signs.

Main positive qualities People born in 1993 are determined and hardworking. These character traits make them excellent leaders. In addition, they make successful journalists and businessmen - people for whom perseverance and constant contribution to work are important. Such natures are good at convincing partners and have large reserves of energy, which is very important for building a career.

Those born in 1993, like many water signs, love to show off. Very often their love for exhibiting their best qualities and even exaggerating them leads to disastrous consequences. Largely because of this quality and temper, such natures are often lonely.

A good property of this sign is the ability to put oneself in the place of another, in other words, empathy. This allows them to be more flexible in communication and smooth out their straightforwardness. Also, in many situations, they are saved by a good sense of humor and a realistic view of situations.

TO negative traits The character of those born in 1993 can be attributed to excessive honesty and at the same time harshness towards other people, which complicates their relationships and leads to conflicts. Also, not the most positive thing, both for other roosters and for the water rooster, is their desire for the ideal. Such signs do not admit defeat and must be successful in all areas, be it work, study or personal life. They experience any loss very painfully. In addition, people of this sign, as a rule, do not talk about their problems and keep everything to themselves, so it is quite difficult to help them.

In 1873, 1933, 1993, such famous personalities as the Spanish opera singer Montserrat Caballe, the Soviet actor Vasily Lanovoy, the Russian writer Boris Strugatsky, the famous Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov, the American actress Alyson Stoner and others were born.

What is interesting about the eastern calendar? In that it differs from Gregorian, where New Year comes January 1, and it is cyclical, consisting of sixty-year repetitions. The Wood Rat (02/02/1984) begins the cycle, and the Water Pig (01/29/2044) ends it. Twelve animals, changing each other, pass through the four elements for 60 years. 1993 was ruled by the Rooster.

New Year celebration date

The day and month of the beginning of the year in the eastern calendar are tied to the lunar cycle. The first new moon falling on the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar indicates the start date of the Eastern calendar year. It turns out that the Eastern New Year comes on some day between January 21 and February 21. In China, the Year of the Rooster began on January 23 in 1993.

The Chinese came up with a cyclic astrological system called Jikan Danshi, literally translated as a ten-barrel system with twelve branches. The 10 trunks are the personification of the yin-yang principles and the vital elements: water, wood, fire, metal, and the 12 branches are the 12 earthly animals. The eastern chronology was formed thanks to the development of astronomy and is based on lunar calendar. January 23, 1993 marked the year 4691. People born on the days between January 23, 1993 and February 9, 1994 belong to the Water Rooster sign according to the Eastern Calendar.

Celebration traditions

New Year in Eastern countries is called Chun Jie or translated as “spring festival”. It is the longest of all celebrations. Previously, it was celebrated for a whole month, but currently it ends on the fifteenth day. Usually the last one is the festival Chinese lanterns. Business life also comes to a standstill during this period. There is a good tradition in China: to be with your family during the New Year celebrations. A beautiful name is given to the family holiday - “Family Reunion Day”. Traditionally, the souls of deceased people are present at the New Year's table, as is customary in China. This is their holiday too.

Traditionally, Chinese people clean their homes to allow favorable energy circulation. Unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year are thrown away. Chinese holiday treats are dumplings. Houses are decorated not with spruce trees, as is customary in European countries, but with trays of tangerines and oranges. And the people themselves, dressed in elegant clothes, the color of which is red, gold or green, participate in folk festivities, masquerade processions, and fairs.

Gifts for the New Year

During the New Year celebrations, people go to visit, delivering gifts in red envelopes as a sign of wealth. This is done on the first five days of the New Year. Gifts must be paired and also have a meaningful nature. Depending on what year 1993 was according to the eastern calendar, a gift is necessarily associated with the iconic patron of this year. These can be souvenirs, amulets and amulets with the image of the symbol of the coming year. When giving a gift, as mentioned above, one condition is mandatory - pairing. For example, when you come to visit, the owner is given 2 tangerines, if there is a red envelope with money, there should be 2 bills, if it is a picture, something paired should be drawn on it. Gifts are given in private and given with both hands. This is the tradition!

Symbol of the year

The eastern calendar has its own animal patron in each year, which is a symbol of the year. And he, in turn, is endowed with color and element. One patron of the year comes to replace another. And so once every 12 years. The elements and colors of the year change on a ten-year cycle. So the Water Monkey was replaced by the Black Water Rooster in 1993. This year was the second under the elements It was on January 23 that the Water Monkey handed over the reins of the sixty-year cycle to the Water Rooster. By the way, this is one of the most interesting characters eastern calendar. According to the calendar, the element and color of the animal influence the events that occur this year for each person. So, if we talk about the varieties of the patron sign, then the Rooster, like any other animal, goes through the following elements: metal, wood, fire, earth.


As one of the heroes of the film “Hot Desert Sun” said: “The East is a delicate matter,” and he was right. Eastern countries not only observe traditions, but follow beliefs. Moreover, this does not depend on the fact that 1993 is the year of the Rooster, and before that it was the year of the Monkey. The Chinese do not wash or wash anything for the first two days of the year. It is also not recommended to do needlework or any work with threads, so as not to confuse the lines of fate in the New Year (threads represent them).

Superstitions include a ban on bad words (death, insult, funeral...) that have a negative connotation; it is not recommended to shop for shoes or cut hair before the New Year, as this can bring misfortune. And an equally interesting belief is to not sleep at night before the New Year, thereby protecting yourself from troubles next year.

Characteristics of 1993

The strengths of a person born in the year of the Rooster according to the Eastern calendar are: strong-willed character, responsibility, accuracy and integrity. They do not succumb to other people's mergers and defend their point of view. They do not tolerate injustice, they do not pretend to belong to others. The main feature of people born under the sign of the year of the Rooster is nobility.

There is no person without weaknesses, since in nature everything should be harmonious and balanced. The weaknesses of people born in the year of the Rooster include a lack of tact and poor diplomacy. People who are precise and principled, who set their goal to get results, are stubborn by nature and sometimes commit rash acts, going ahead. As a result, if something does not work out, they may become angry. People of the Year of the Rooster are not happy with their temper; sometimes this trait leads to discord in relationships.

According to the horoscope

The astrological meaning of such concepts as “Rooster” and “money” is identical. Roosters have a flair for business people and know how to be prudent with their income by stocking up. Sometimes they violate the articles family budget, demonstrating wastefulness. But this applies to Roosters male, more susceptible to waste. Women born under this sign tend to bring money into the house. According to Eastern astrology, the rooster belongs to feminine sign Yin, therefore, no matter what profession is chosen, the work activity that is characterized by a feminine character will be the most successful and profitable.


People are always interested in their future. Usually, before the onset of the New Year, the desire to look into the future, read horoscopes and predictions of magicians and astrologers intensifies. 1993 was no exception. What is the sign according to the horoscope and what does it portend, as always, interested people, and especially those who were born in the year of the Rooster.

Among the predictions one could find that the Year of the Rooster always brings with it changes. Nature endowed those born in 1993 with a quick temper and a tendency to worry about little things. Therefore, people who were born in the year of the Rooster were able to appreciate moments of true happiness in 1993, thanks to the difficulties that befell them. Great success should have been achieved by people who were able to learn to work with their weaknesses and manage themselves. Recommendations included wearing a talisman for the year of the Rooster, made of topaz or ruby.

It is worth treating with respect the animal of the Eastern horoscope, whose year has not yet ended. It is worth remembering that the Gregorian New Year is in no way connected with the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, which comes only at the end of January. Don't forget that "The East is a delicate matter."

Those born in the year of the Water Rooster are the most interesting people in terms of the manifestation of sharply opposite characteristics. What year is 1992 according to the horoscope? Frank, but often on his own mind. Soulful, but with flashes of aggression. A dreamer and visionary on the one hand and an inveterate philosopher on the other. He knows how much you need to work to earn money and the master spends it in a matter of hours.

1993 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Water Rooster

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1993 according to the Eastern calendar?

The sign of the Water Rooster ranks tenth in the eastern horoscope. This year's Water Rooster corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Of course, the color Metal also corresponds to the energy of the water element.

This year's lucky color is yellow.

The Year of the Water Rooster is very good for establishing contacts. Dictates that success will be achieved by deeds and activities carried out together. But for this you will have to work day and night, tirelessly.

This year's mood is as colorful as the tail feathers of a rooster - from bright red to blue-black.

Features of the Water Rooster sign according to the Chinese calendar

Those who were lucky enough to be born in the Year of the Water Rooster are excellent dreamers and visionaries. But, even in their flights, they take themselves, their loved ones, very seriously, with a fair amount of trepidation. He really likes to be noticed: his behavior, ability to speak, move, dress, his professional successes. The eccentricity of people born under the sign of the Water Rooster is only a myth. They have quite a lot of ostentatious stuff. Although, this can often be due to lack of self-confidence. When the Water Rooster is sincere with himself, he is a deeply conservative type.

In reality they gladly accept flattery, although they often guess what it costs. The Water Rooster always says out loud what he thinks about. The reaction and point of view of others to the situation and words are of little concern to him. Often, the ideas that these people voice are grandiose, and in some cases even absurd. Even the Water Rooster himself does not always have hope for their real embodiment. That’s why those around you often perceive this as just another adventure.

IN life situations These people are full of courage and courage, bordering on recklessness. These qualities gladly attract other people into his circle and company.

Such a community can exist indefinitely if the Water Rooster does not go too far with boasting. He feels more confident in a large company—you can get lost in the crowd and not show off yourself—than in an intimate setting. There is no audience for which he plays.

He can very quickly acquire a reputation as a great worker, because he is constantly busy with something. Moreover, he does not shy away from either small or global tasks. He takes on everything and may not calculate his strength. Everything happens this way because for people born in the year of the Water Rooster, money does not fall from the sky - it needs to be earned! It is characteristic that, thanks to his irrepressible energy, he can find days in the most incredible places. But he loses them quite quickly, because saving is not his plan.

It is possible that in emergency situations can easily become a wandering philosopher. His contacts with nature and other people bring the Rooster a lot of pleasure. But in love relationships not very active – doesn’t like to make an effort. Waiting for someone to pay attention to him.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Rooster

  • The ability to win over others and be frank with them is one of the advantages that allows you to achieve what you want. The high performance of the Water Rooster always ultimately gives positive result. Another thing is how people of this sign will dispose of it.
  • There are disadvantages, like all signs: they can show uncontrollable outbursts of aggression, which lead to undesirable consequences, loss of friends and like-minded people. What is not on the Water Rooster’s side is his self-confidence and the belief that he always knows better than anyone: where, how and why.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

The patron of 1993 is the Water Rooster. This year, very interesting people were born who have a number of characteristics. This outspoken personalities, but thoughts often lurk in their heads that no one knows about. They are quite calm, but it is better not to anger them, because they can be scary when angry. They love to daydream in their free time. They understand very well that they need to put in a lot of effort to earn money, but they very quickly spend it out of necessity and just like that.

The Water Rooster is in tenth position eastern horoscope. If we correlate it with the zodiac signs, then this is Virgo. This Rooster naturally belongs to the water element.

In the year of the Water Rooster, it is recommended to engage in networking. Most likely, things that are done together with someone will be successful. But to achieve success, you will need to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time on it. However, the result will definitely please the whole team.

Those born this year are real dreamers and visionaries. But what is considered interesting is that they take their person very seriously and in some cases even with special trepidation. To the person who born 1993, I really like it when people pay attention to him in absolutely everything:

  • behavior;
  • ability to communicate;
  • tastes in clothing;
  • professional achievements.

Such people very often simply work for the public. It's hard to say why this is happening, but most likely the problem is lack of self-confidence. Such a person will gladly accept flattery from you, even if he knows that not everything said is true. But he himself always speaks the truth and will never remain silent if he doesn’t like something. In such situations, he is practically not worried about what people will think or feel after what they hear.

Any idea this person has is often grandiose, but there are cases when it is considered absurd. In any life situations they show courage and determination. Many even consider their actions to be reckless. It is these qualities that attract people around him and gather a large company around him. Such companies have a right to exist, unless the Rooster himself spoils everything with his excessive boasting. But he strives to flaunt himself in a more intimate setting, and in large crowds of people he prefers to simply get lost in the crowd.

People notice that he works a lot and often earns a reputation as a workaholic. This person can take on absolutely any business. He is not afraid of hard work, and there is nothing to say about small assignments. But due to the fact that he grabs onto everything indiscriminately, he cannot calculate his strength. Such situations happen due to the fact that the Rooster does not wait for the money to fall on him, but strives to earn it himself through hard work.

It is interesting that he finds work for himself and strives to get money where it would seem completely impossible. However, the earned capital is not kept by the Rooster for too long. This is due to the fact that saving is not his priority at all.

Characteristics of a Rooster man

Roosters are very conscientious about all the tasks assigned to them by their superiors at work. However, their character is complex in such a way that they themselves often occupy a leadership position. Often the Rooster's problem is that he cannot set one life goal and follow her. Because of this, losses and falls often occur in his life.

He must have very smart woman, who could think ahead and guide her chosen one. Only if such a girl appears in the Rooster’s life will he be able to properly realize his energy. If a person born in 1993 of the Rooster takes a leadership position, then indeed right decisions he will begin to accept when he is absolutely sure that he is firmly in the director’s chair.

Quite often, Rooster men disappear into the world of their fantasies. They make plans for the future, fantasize and completely forget about reality. He equally enjoys traveling and spending time with his family near warm fireplace. But in the struggle of such conflicting hobbies, love for home and family wins.

Unfortunately, when it comes to their personal lives, these men are fickle. Today he can assure you of eternal love, and sometimes he himself is sure that this is forever. And tomorrow he will forget your name and all the promises that were made during the last meeting. These very passionate men, in general, the Rooster is one of the most best lovers. But his feelings cool down as quickly as they flare up.

Family life with such a man can hardly be called easy. He often becomes irritable and angry, and at such moments a wise woman should avoid not only conflicts, but also any other contact. In addition, he is very jealous, which means that his wife must be a very calm and wise woman. IN otherwise their living together will turn into hell. In the family, the Rooster should occupy an exclusively leading position. His family life simply cannot develop any other way.

Characteristics of the Rooster woman

A woman born in the year of the Rooster perfectly combines work and home and copes well with her responsibilities in both areas of life. She has a masculine character and mentality. She will never allow a man to dominate her. All her life she will strive for financial and physical independence from the stronger sex.

She does a great job with your household responsibilities. There is always order in her house, every thing knows its place. This woman is serious about family life and is responsible for his household. But she demands gratitude for all her efforts. All family members must fulfill their responsibilities and be responsible for their actions. Her children are always fed and cleanly dressed. Such a mother always knows what her child wants.

As for the relationship with her husband, the Rooster woman is very jealous, and often this feeling goes beyond all boundaries and turns into real aggression. It cannot be said that this jealousy is not has reasons. It so happens that the husbands of girls born this year love to spend time with other representatives of the fair sex. Very often in families where the wife was born in the year of the Rooster, scandals and clarification of relationships occur in a raised voice.

She herself is to blame for many problems. After all, you cannot completely subjugate a man and control his every action. No member of the stronger sex will like this. This girl really loves noisy companies and feels relaxed there. She tells different stories, jokes a lot and enjoys being around people.

Frequently makes changes in his appearance. But he does many things in his life not because there is a need for it, but simply for the public. And this applies not only to her appearance.

Compatibility with eastern horoscope signs

Union of Roosters with other signs Chinese horoscope has its own characteristics:

The influence of the zodiac sign on character

The character of the Rooster is influenced not only by the year of birth, but also by the month and date. Therefore, some character traits are laid depending on, under what zodiac sign the person was born:

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