SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions"

The optimal age for starting school is not earlier than 7 years. Children of the 8th or 7th year of life are admitted to the 1st grade. Reception of children of the 7th year of life is carried out when they reach by September 1 school year age at least 6 years 6 months.
The class capacity, with the exception of compensatory education classes, should not exceed 25 people.
Education of children under the age of 6 years 6 months by the beginning of the school year should be carried out in a preschool educational institution or in a general educational institution in compliance with all hygienic requirements for conditions and organization educational process for children up to school age.
To prevent overwork of students in the annual calendar curriculum, it is recommended to provide for an even distribution of periods of study time and holidays.
Classes should start no earlier than 8:00. Zero lessons are not allowed.
In institutions with in-depth study individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.
In institutions that work in two shifts, education of 1st, 5th, graduating 9th and 11th grades and classes of compensatory education should be organized in the first shift.
Education in 3 shifts in general educational institutions is not allowed.
The number of hours allotted for students to master the curriculum of a general education institution, which consists of a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process, should not exceed the total weekly educational load.
The value of the weekly educational load (number of training sessions), implemented through classroom and extracurricular activities, is determined in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3Hygienic requirements for the maximum values ​​of the weekly educational load


Maximum allowable weekly workload in academic hours

At 6-day week, no more

With a 5-day week, no more




The organization of specialized education in grades 10-11 should not lead to an increase in the educational load. The choice of a training profile should be preceded by career guidance work.
The educational weekly load must be evenly distributed during the school week, while the volume of the maximum allowable load during the day should be:
- for students of the 1st grade - should not exceed 4 lessons and 1 day a week - no more than 5 lessons, at the expense of a physical education lesson;
- for students of grades 2-4 - no more than 5 lessons, and once a week 6 lessons at the expense of a physical education lesson with a 6-day school week;
- for students in grades 5-6 - no more than 6 lessons;
- for students in grades 7-11 - no more than 7 lessons.
The schedule of lessons is compiled separately for compulsory and optional classes. Extracurricular activities should be scheduled on the days with the fewest compulsory lessons. Between the start of extracurricular activities and the last lesson, it is recommended to arrange a break of at least 45 minutes.
The schedule of lessons is made up taking into account the daily and weekly mental performance of students and the scale of the difficulty of educational subjects.
There are no double lessons in the elementary grades.
During the school day, you should not conduct more than one control work. Tests are recommended to be carried out at 2-4 lessons.
The duration of a lesson (academic hour) in all classes should not exceed 45 minutes, with the exception of grade 1 and compensatory class, the duration of a lesson in which should not exceed 40 minutes.
Education in the 1st grade is carried out in compliance with the following additional requirements: - training sessions are held on a 5-day academic week and only in the first shift;
- the use of a "stepped" training mode in the first half of the year (in September, October - 3 lessons per day for 35 minutes each, in November-December - 4 lessons for 35 minutes each; January - May - 4 lessons for 45 minutes each );
- it is recommended to organize a dynamic pause in the middle of the school day for at least 40 minutes;
- for those attending an extended day group, it is necessary to organize daytime sleep (at least 1 hour), 3 meals a day and walks;
- training is conducted without scoring the knowledge of students and homework;

Additional weekly vacation in the middle of the third quarter in the traditional mode of study
To prevent overwork and maintain an optimal level of performance during the week, students should have an easy school day on Thursday or Friday.
The duration of breaks between lessons is at least 10 minutes, big change(after 2 or 3 lessons) - 20-30 minutes. Instead of one big break, it is allowed to set two breaks of 20 minutes each after 2 and 3 lessons.
It is recommended to organize changes in the open air. To this end, when conducting a daily dynamic pause, it is recommended to increase the duration of a long break to 45 minutes, of which at least 30 minutes are allocated to the organization of motor-active activities for students on the sports ground of the institution, in the gym or in recreation.
The break between shifts should be at least 30 minutes for wet cleaning in the premises and their ventilation, in case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation for disinfection treatment, the break is increased to 60 minutes.
Use in educational process innovative educational programs and technologies, class schedules, training modes is possible in the absence of their adverse impact on the functional state and health of students.
In order to prevent fatigue, violations of posture and vision of students in the classroom, physical education and gymnastics for the eyes should be carried out.
Need to alternate during the lesson different kinds learning activities(excluding tests). The average continuous duration of various types of educational activities of students (reading from paper, writing, listening, questioning, etc.) in grades 1-4 should not exceed 7-10 minutes, in grades 5-11 - 10-15 minutes. The distance from the eyes to the notebook or book should be at least 25-35 cm for students in grades 1-4 and at least 30-45 cm for students in grades 5-11.
The duration of continuous use of technical teaching aids in the educational process is set according to Table 5.

Table 5The duration of the continuous use of technical teaching aids in the classroom


Continuous duration (min.), no more

Viewing static images on whiteboards and reflection screens

TV viewing

Viewing dynamic images on whiteboards and reflection screens

Working with an image on an individual computer monitor and keyboard

Listening to an audio recording

Listening to audio with headphones





After using technical training aids associated with visual load, it is necessary to carry out a set of exercises to prevent eye fatigue, and at the end of the lesson - physical exercises to prevent general fatigue.
The mode of training and organizing the work of classrooms using computer technology must comply with hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and the organization of work on them.
To meet the biological need for movement, regardless of the age of students, it is recommended to conduct at least 3 physical education lessons per week, provided for in the volume of the maximum allowable weekly load. It is not allowed to replace physical education lessons with other subjects.
To increase the motor activity of students, it is recommended to include subjects of a motor-active nature in the curricula for students (choreography, rhythm, modern and ballroom dancing, teaching traditional and national sports games).
The motor activity of students, in addition to physical education lessons, in the educational process can be provided through:
- physical education minutes in accordance with the recommended set of exercises;
- organized outdoor games during breaks;
- a sports hour for children attending an extended day group;
- extra-curricular sports activities and competitions, school-wide sports events, health days,
- self-study physical culture in sections and clubs.
Sports loads at physical culture classes, competitions, extracurricular sports activities, during a dynamic or sports hour should correspond to the age, state of health and physical fitness of students, as well as weather conditions (if they are organized outdoors).
The distribution of students into the main, preparatory and special groups, for participation in physical culture and recreation and sports events, is carried out by the doctor, taking into account their state of health (or on the basis of certificates of their health). Students of the main physical culture group are allowed to participate in all sports and recreation activities in accordance with their age. With students of preparatory and special groups, physical culture and health work should be carried out taking into account the conclusion of a doctor.
Students assigned to the preparatory and special groups for health reasons are engaged in physical culture with a decrease in physical activity.
It is advisable to conduct physical education lessons outdoors. The possibility of conducting physical education classes in the open air, as well as outdoor games, is determined by the totality of weather conditions (temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) in climatic zones.
On rainy, windy and frosty days, physical education classes are held in the hall.
The motor density of physical culture lessons should be at least 70%.
Students are allowed to test physical fitness, participate in competitions and hikes with the permission of a medical worker. His presence on sports competitions and in the classroom in swimming pools is a must.
In the labor classes provided for by the educational program, one should alternate tasks of a different nature. You should not perform one type of activity in the lesson throughout the entire time of independent work.
All work in workshops and home economics classrooms is performed by students in special clothes (robe, apron, beret, scarf). Protective goggles must be worn when performing work that poses a risk of injury to the eyes.
When organizing practice and socially useful work of students, provided for by the educational program, associated with heavy physical exertion (carrying and moving heavy loads), it is necessary to be guided by sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the safety of working conditions for workers under 18 years of age.
It is not allowed to involve students in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of labor is prohibited, persons under 18 years of age, as well as in cleaning sanitary facilities and common areas, washing windows and lamps, removing snow from roofs and other similar work.
For agricultural work (practice) in regions of the II climatic zone, the first half of the day should be allocated, and in the regions of the III climatic zone - the second half of the day (16-17 hours) and the hours with the least insolation. Agricultural equipment used for work must be appropriate for the height and age of students. The permissible duration of work for students aged 12-13 is 2 hours; for teenagers 14 years and older - 3 hours. Every 45 minutes of work, it is necessary to arrange regulated 15-minute breaks for rest. Work on sites and in premises treated with pesticides and agrochemicals is allowed within the time limits established by the State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals.
The volume of homework (in all subjects) should be such that the time spent on its completion does not exceed (in astronomical hours): in grades 2-3 - 1.5 hours, in grades 4-5 - 2 hours, in grades 6-8 classes - 2.5 hours, in grades 9-11 - up to 3.5 hours.
When conducting final certification no more than one examination per day is allowed. The break between exams must be at least 2 days. With the duration of the exam 4 or more hours, it is necessary to organize meals for students.
The weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, in grades 3-4 - more than 2 kg; - 5-6th - more than 2.5 kg, 7-8th - more than 3.5 kg, 9-11th - more than 4.0 kg.
In order to prevent violations of posture, students are recommended to have two sets of textbooks for primary school: one for use in lessons in a general education institution, the second for homework.


O hygiene requirements to the maximum load on children
preschool age in organized forms of education

Ministry of Education Russian Federation sends an instructive-methodical letter "On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education" for use in work before the introduction of the state educational standard preschool education. This letter was developed by the Department of Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education of Russia together with the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children's Health Russian Academy medical sciences.

First Deputy Minister
A.F. Kiselev

Application. Instructional-methodical letter "On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education"

to the letter of the Russian Ministry of Education
dated 14.03.2000 N 65/23-16

The state of health of the younger generation is currently of particular concern in the state and society. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, for recent times the number of healthy preschool children has decreased by 5 times and is only about 10% among the contingent of children entering school.

The results of various studies indicate that state of the art health of children of preschool and primary school age is characterized by the following trends: the prevalence of functional abnormalities reaches more than 70%; chronic diseases- 50%, physiological immaturity - 60%. More than 20% of children are underweight. In children with morphofunctional deviations, the leading ones are disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive organs, and allergic manifestations. Among the chronic pathology of preschool children, diseases of the musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems, as well as allergic skin diseases are the most common. 60-70% of children of preschool and school age have dental caries. Every third child entering school has reduced visual acuity.

The health-improving direction of the work of Russian kindergartens has always been one of the most strengths their activities. On the present stage In the development of the system of preschool education, this direction is becoming more and more significant: programs for frequently and long-term ill children are being further disseminated, the range of health-improving and hardening measures is being enriched, as well as preventive procedures that help reduce the incidence of children, developing programs for physical education of a new generation are emerging.

However, the Ministry of Education of Russia pays special attention to the fact that along with these positive processes in a number of preschool educational institutions there is a negative practice of unlawful increase in the mental and physical load of pupils. Such phenomena cause overwork, neuroticism in children, affect their health and emotional well-being, subsequently being the cause of school maladaptation.

In this case, the overload of children is determined content of education, forms of organization of education, as well as regime stay of pupils in kindergarten, inadequate to their age characteristics.

In some cases the selection of the content of preschool education programs is carried out on the basis of "school logic"- the logic of future subjects. There is a substitution of the goals and objectives of the development of the child at preschool age with the goals and objectives of school education. This approach is based on the false idea of ​​parents and some teachers that if a child already in kindergarten masters reading, writing, arithmetic, etc., then this supposedly will ensure his success in schooling. In a number of cases, the situation is aggravated by the negative practice of selecting children for the first grade on the basis of teachers' unreasonable demands on the amount of knowledge a child has when he or she enters school. Kindergarten teachers, responding to the relevant requests of parents and teachers, strive to give their pupils as much knowledge as possible, which is often borrowed from the school curriculum.

Another problem is orientation of the content of educational programs of preschool education mainly on mental (intellectual) development of children, which often leaves the physical and social and personal development of the child beyond the scope of the interests of teachers. This also leads to a study load that is inadequate to the age capabilities of children, which in turn causes serious damage to both their personal development as well as health status.

Concerning organization of the educational process, in the practice of preschool educational institutions, there are often cases of application class-lesson system of classes with children of senior preschool age according to the type of school lesson. By overloading children with similar forms of organizing learning, the educator infringes on their right to play.

Of particular concern is the excess of the number of classes during the day and their duration without taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. The educational process of many preschool educational institutions is overloaded with additional classes ( foreign language learning to read, write, etc.). In some cases, up to four lessons are held with pupils of preparatory groups in the first half of the day, 20-25 minutes each. There is a practice of even greater overload of children - holding five or six classes for pupils of senior and preparatory groups during the day (three classes in the first half of the day and two in the second or four classes in the first and one in the afternoon, etc. .).

Such a study load leads to a sharp decrease in the performance of most children. The restoration of their working capacity in this case does not occur even after daytime sleep, while on the days of two or three classes after a walk and a day's rest, working capacity, as a rule, is restored to the initial indicators.

In addition, such a load leads not only to pronounced fatigue of children, but also to serious violations in the daily routine: a reduction in walking, daytime sleep, time for independent play activities, which in turn adversely affects the health of children.

It should be recognized that this issue is not being carried out effectively enough. work with parents(persons replacing them). As the observations of researchers from the Research Institute of Hygiene and Protection of Children and Adolescents show, in the leisure time of young children, watching TV shows is taking up more and more time, especially on weekends. At the same time, parents (persons replacing them) are far from always aware of the negative consequences of a child watching TV shows for a long time, often addressed to adults. In addition, some parents seek to provide their children with additional education - visiting music school, mug or section after being in kindergarten or on weekends. This, unfortunately, is not taken into account by teachers of preschool educational institutions either in the organization of the educational process or in their interaction with the parents (persons replacing them) of pupils.

These data indicate that the provision of optimal hygienic foundations for the educational process in kindergartens currently requires the close attention of all workers in the preschool education system. At the same time, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", "the maximum amount of teaching load for students" (Article 7, Clause 1) should be established by the state educational standard. Before the introduction of the state educational standard for preschool education in the Russian Federation, there are Temporary (exemplary) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Temporary Requirements), approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 22, 1996 N 448.

Before the introduction of the state standard for preschool education, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommends the following.

1. When building the educational process, set the teaching load, guided by the following guidelines:

- The maximum allowable number of training sessions in the morning in the junior and middle groups should not exceed two classes, and in the senior and preparatory groups ah three.

- Their duration in the younger and middle groups - no more than 10-15 minutes, in the older - no more than 20-25 minutes, and in the preparatory - 25-30 minutes.

- In the middle of classes, it is necessary to conduct a physical education session.

- Breaks between classes should be at least 10 minutes.

- Classes for older preschool children in the afternoon can be held after daytime sleep, but not more than two or three times a week.

- The duration of these classes is no more than 30 minutes, and if they are static in nature, a physical education session should be held in the middle of the lesson. It is recommended to conduct such classes on days with the highest working capacity of children (Tuesday, Wednesday).

- Classes for additional education(studios, circles, sections) it is unacceptable to spend at the expense of the time allotted for a walk and daytime sleep; their number per week should not exceed two. The duration of these classes should not exceed 20-25 minutes, the participation of the child in more than two additional classes is not advisable.

2. When organizing the regime of stay of children in kindergarten, it is unacceptable use classes as the predominant form of organization of learning. During the day, it is necessary to provide for a balanced alternation of specially organized classes, unregulated activities, free time and rest for children. Do not allow tension, "hurrying" children during meals, waking up, performing any tasks by them.

3. It is necessary to ensure a balance of different types of children's activities during the day- mental, physical, as well as various types of children's activities, among which the game is predominant. At the same time, among the total time of classes, 50% should be devoted to classes that require mental stress from children, the remaining 50% should be aesthetic and physical education classes. Among the latter, preference should be given to motor forms of children's activity. Classes in the most difficult subjects that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress (mathematics, speech development, a foreign language, etc.) should be carried out only in the first half of the day. To prevent fatigue in children, these activities must be combined with physical education, music, rhythm, etc.

4. It is advisable to use the advantage of integrated classes, which allow you to flexibly implement various types of children's activities in the daily routine, as well as reduce the number of classes in general and their total duration.

5. The organization of classes using computers requires special attention.

Classes using computers for children 5-6 years old should not be held more than twice a week. Duration of continuous work with the computer - no more than 10 minutes. To reduce fatigue under the influence of computer classes, a hygienically rational organization of the workplace at the computer is extremely important: furniture matching to the height of the child, optimal lighting, electromagnetic safety. Computer equipment that is used in a preschool educational institution (DOE) must necessarily have a hygienic conclusion (certificate) confirming its safety for children.
Sanitary standards and regulation "Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization". Approved by the Decree of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia on 14.07.96 N 14.

According to scientific research data, in the initial period of children's interaction with a computer (6 weeks), it is advisable to conduct special classes aimed at developing accuracy and coordination of movements (including fine movements of the hand), as well as developing memory and attention (physical exercises, moving and board games). Such classes increase the effectiveness of the formation of computer skills in children, reduce the time of their development.

However, the development of the basics of computer literacy by children at the stage of preschool education should not be considered as an end in itself, but should be used as one of the components of the educational process, integrating into activities specific to preschool children. At the same time, the computer becomes only an element of the child's development environment when organizing a computer-game complex, which is fundamentally different from a computer class at school.

6. It is necessary to establish interaction between employees of preschool educational institutions with parents (persons replacing them).

The administration, pedagogical and medical workers of the preschool educational institution should explain to parents (persons replacing them) that attending additional classes (on the basis of a preschool educational institution or other institution) can be a risk factor for the health of their child, especially if he suffers from any chronic diseases.

Parents (persons replacing them) should also be informed about how to select TV programs for the child according to the content and regulate the duration of their viewing. At the same time, the employees of the preschool educational institution themselves - educators, methodologists, medical personnel - must understand that watching TV shows for a child is not only a big visual, but also a psycho-emotional load. The visual load of this kind is associated with the tension of the accommodation of the eye, and it must be regulated as follows. On the days of visiting preschool educational institutions, TV viewing for children should be limited to 15 minutes, and on weekends - up to half an hour. Longer views overload nervous system child, prevent him from falling asleep.

Viewing conditions are also important. Children often like to be close to the screen. The optimal distance for vision is 2.0-5.5 m from the screen. Children should not sit on the side, but directly in front of the screen. Lighting can be both natural and artificial. However, the light must not enter the eyes, and the light sources must not be reflected on the TV screen.

7. When regulating the load on a child, it is necessary to take into account his individual characteristics. The implementation of an individual approach to children in this area of ​​activity of the preschool educational institution should be based on systematic observations, primarily on identifying signs of fatigue in a particular child. An indispensable condition for this is the observance of the norms for the occupancy of groups in accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution. At the same time, preference should be given to organizing work in subgroups, especially in cases of overstaffing of groups and during the most difficult classes for children.

8. When conducting a self-examination and the work of an expert commission in the process of attesting preschool educational institutions, one should be guided by this instructional and methodological letter, as well as the points of the Temporary Requirements for Optimizing the Hygienic Foundations of the Organization of the Educational Process.

Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution (extracts)

B - Interaction of employees with children

AT 7. When interacting with children, employees take into account their age and individual characteristics.

Q7.5. Provide children with the opportunity to choose an activity according to their interests (during a walk, in unregulated activities, in their free time).

I - Development of gaming activities

I1. Employees create conditions for the emergence and deployment of children's play.

I1.4. Keep a balance between the game and other activities in the pedagogical process: protect the time intended for the game, not replacing it with classes; provide a smooth transition from the game to classes, regime moments.

I1.5. They provide a balance between different types of games (mobile and calm, individual and joint, didactic and role-playing, etc.).

I6. Teachers use games to different types activities and during the performance of regime moments.

F - Physical development and health

F2. In organizing physical education classes and outdoor games, teachers implement an individual approach to children.

F2.1. Subgroups of children are formed based on the state of their health and the pace of physical development, their functional state in accordance with medical indications.

F2.2. They carefully monitor the well-being of each child in the classroom, his reaction to the load, to new exercises (they take into account the color of the skin of the face, sweating, the frequency and depth of breathing, etc.; timekeeping is used to determine the characteristics of the motor activity of children, etc.).

F2.3. The load and content of classes are varied in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child (they use physical exercises in various variants and combinations, various starting positions - sitting, standing, lying, etc.).

The text of the document is verified by:
"Official documents
in education",
No. 12, 2000

Text Search


SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours in health institutions with daytime stay of children during the holidays"

Document's name: SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours in health institutions with daytime stay of children during the holidays"
Document Number:
Type of document: SanPiN

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation

Host body: Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
Status: current
Published: Russian newspaper, N 124, 06/09/2010
Acceptance date: April 19, 2010
Effective start date: 09 June 2010
Revision date: March 22, 2017

On approval of SanPiN



On approval of SanPiN

Document as amended by:
Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2017 N 38 (Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 04/12/2017, N 0001201704120020).

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, art. 1650; 2002, N 1 (part 1), art. 2; 2003, N 2, item 167; 2003, N 27 (part 1), item 2700; 2004, N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 19, item 1752; 2006, N 1, item 10; 2006, N 52 (part 1) art. 5498; 2007 N 1 (part 1) art. 21; 2007, N 1 (part 1) art. 29; 2007, N 27, art. 3213; 2007, N 46, article 5554; 2007, N 49, article 6070; 2008, N 24, article 2801; 2008, N 29 (part 1), article 3418; 2008, N 30 (part 2), art. 3616; 2008, N 44, art. 4984; 2008, N 52 (part 1), art. 6223; 2009, N 1, art. State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004, N 8, Art. 663; 2004, N 47, Art. 4666; 2005 , N 39, art. 3953)

I decide:

1. Approve the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours in health-improving institutions with daytime stay of children during the holidays" (Appendix).

2. Enact these sanitary rules from the moment of official publication.

G. Onishchenko

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
May 26, 2010
registration N 17378

Application. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours in health institutions with daytime stay of children during the holidays"


decision of the Chief
state sanitary
doctor of the Russian Federation
dated April 19, 2010 N 25

Hygienic requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the regime in health-improving institutions with daytime stay of children during the holidays

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


These Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations take into account:

Changes of March 22, 2017 (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2017 N 38) (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2017 N 46337).

I. General provisions and scope

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours of health-improving institutions with daytime stay of children, organized on the basis of functioning general education institutions, preschool educational institutions, institutions of additional education, sports facilities, social rehabilitation centers, and are aimed at improving the health of children and adolescents during the holidays.

1.2. Sanitary rules apply to all types of recreational institutions with day stay of children and adolescents, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership and are binding on all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of children's recreation during the holidays.

Monitoring compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements of these sanitary regulations carried out by bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.3. Health-improving institutions with day stay of children (hereinafter referred to as health-improving institutions) are organized for students of educational institutions during the summer, autumn, winter and spring holidays.

Health-improving institutions are staffed from among students of one or more general education, sports, art schools and other institutions for children and adolescents, divided into groups of no more than 25 people for students in grades 1-4 and no more than 30 people for other students.

1.4. The founder of a health-improving institution with daytime stay of children must, at least 2 months before the start of the health-improving season, notify the body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the planned opening dates of the health-improving institution, the working hours, the number of health-improving shifts and the number of children being cured and not later than 30 days before the start of the work of the health-improving institution, provide documents in accordance with Appendix 1 of these sanitary rules.

1.5. The duration of a shift in a health-improving institution is determined by the duration of the holidays and is at least 21 calendar days during the summer holidays; autumn, winter and spring at least 5 working days. Break between shifts summer time for general cleaning and sanitization of the institution is at least 2 days.

1.6. The activity of health-improving institutions is carried out subject to their compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules, as well as in the presence of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the activities carried out by the organization of children's recreation and their rehabilitation with sanitary-epidemiological requirements.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 23, 2017 by the Amendments of March 22, 2017.

1.7. Persons who have undergone professional hygienic training, certification and medical examination in accordance with the established procedure are allowed to work in health-improving institutions (Appendix 2). Professional hygienic training and certification is carried out at least once every two years. Employees of health-improving institutions must be vaccinated in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, as well as according to epidemiological indications.

1.8. Each employee must have a personal medical book of the established form, which contains the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about past infectious diseases, preventive vaccinations, marks on professional hygiene training and certification.

1.9. In all cases of group infectious diseases, emergencies in the operation of water supply, sewerage, technological and refrigeration equipment, as well as other identified violations of sanitary rules that pose a threat of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and mass poisoning, the head of the health institution is obliged to immediately (within 1 hour) to inform the body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision for taking measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Hygienic requirements for the daily routine

2.1. The organization of the work of health-improving institutions with day stay is carried out in the modes of stay of children:

- from 8.30 to 14.30, with the organization of 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch);

- from 8.30 to 18.00, with the obligatory organization of daytime sleep for children under the age of 10 and 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea). The organization of daytime sleep is also recommended for other age groups of children and adolescents.

2.2. The daily routine provides for the maximum stay of children in the fresh air, holding recreational, sports, cultural events, organizing excursions, hiking, games; regular 2 or 3 meals a day and daytime sleep for children.

In wellness institutions, the following daily routine is recommended:

Elements of the daily routine

Children's stay

from 8.30 to 14.30 hours

from 8.30 to 18 hours

Collection of children, exercises

morning ruler

Work according to the plan of detachments, socially useful work, the work of circles and sections

Wellness treatments

Free time

leaving home

daytime sleep

Work according to the plan of detachments, the work of circles and sections

leaving home

2.3. Club activities with limited physical activity (artistic activities, modeling, chess, needlework and other similar activities) should be alternated with outdoor activities and sporting events.

2.4. The organization and mode of classes using computer technology are carried out in rooms equipped in accordance with sanitary rules that impose hygienic requirements on personal electronic computers and the organization of work.

2.5. The duration of classes and sports sections is allowed no more than 35 minutes for children 7 years old and no more than 45 minutes for children over 7 years old.

For certain types of circles (tourism, young naturalists, local history, etc.), the duration of classes is up to 1.5 hours.

2.6. The optimal occupancy of groups when organizing classes in circles, sections and clubs is no more than 15 people, the allowable one is 20 people (with the exception of choral, dance, orchestral and other classes).

III. Hygienic requirements for the organization of physical education of children and recreational activities

3.1. Physical education activities are organized in accordance with the age of children, their state of health, the level of physical development and physical fitness.

3.2. Physical culture and health-improving work provides for the following activities:

- morning exercises;

- physical education classes in circles, sections, swimming training;

- walks, excursions and hikes with games on the ground;

- sports competitions and holidays;

- training sessions.

3.3. Sports and recreational activities can be held on the basis of the stadium and sports hall of a school or boarding school, sports facilities of district, local or city significance, sports schools and other facilities allocated for a recreational institution.

3.4. The distribution of children and adolescents into the main, preparatory and special groups for participation in physical culture and recreation and sports events is carried out by a doctor, taking into account their state of health (or on the basis of certificates of their health). Children of the main physical culture group are allowed to participate in all sports and recreation activities in accordance with their age. With children of preparatory and special groups, physical culture and health work should be carried out taking into account the conclusion of a doctor. If possible, physical therapy classes are organized.

3.5. Hardening procedures (water, air and sun baths) should be supervised by medical personnel. Hardening begins after the adaptation of children in a health institution, carried out systematically, gradually increasing the strength of the hardening factor.

3.6. Water procedures after morning exercises (rubbing, dousing) are carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Bathing is carried out daily in the first half of the day until 11-12 o'clock; on hot days, re-swimming is allowed in the afternoon, after 16:00. It is recommended to start swimming on sunny and calm days at an air temperature of at least 23 ° C and a water temperature of at least 20 ° C for children of the main and preparatory groups, for children of a special group - with the permission of a doctor, the water and air temperature should be 2 ° higher . After a week of regular bathing, the water temperature may drop to 18°C ​​for the main and preparatory groups. The duration of bathing in the first days of the beginning of the swimming season is 2-5 minutes, with a gradual increase to 10-15 minutes.

Swimming is not allowed immediately after eating and exercise with a heavy load.

3.7. The use of an open water body for bathing children is allowed only if there is a document confirming its compliance with sanitary rules that impose hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters and (or) impose sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the protection of coastal waters of the seas from pollution in places of water use of the population, issued by the authority, authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

When using swimming pools for children, the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, operation and water quality of swimming pools must be observed.

3.8. Air baths begin from the first days of stay in an institution for children of the main group at an air temperature of at least 18 ° C, for children of a special group - at least 22 ° C. The duration of the first procedures is 15-20 minutes.

Reception of air baths is recommended to be combined with walking, outdoor games, physical exercises.

3.9. Sunbathing is carried out in the morning or evening hours on the beach, special areas (solariums), protected from the wind, an hour and a half after eating, at an air temperature of 18-25 ° C. In II and III climatic regions, sunbathing is carried out in the afternoon. Children of the main and preparatory groups should start sunbathing from 2-3 minutes for the younger ones and from 5 minutes for the older ones, gradually increasing the procedure to 30-50 minutes. Sunbathing is carried out at an air temperature of 19-25°C.

Children of a special group take sun baths on the recommendation of a doctor.

3.10. Outdoor games should occupy children of the main and preparatory groups in the daily routine: 40-60 minutes for younger children (6-11 years old) and 1.5 hours for older children (from 12 years old).

3.11. Children who have had acute illnesses during their holidays or shortly before arrival may be exempted by a doctor from physical education and sports.

IV. Requirements for the territory of a health institution

4.1. At least 3 zones are allocated on the territory of a health-improving institution: a recreation area, a sports and economic area.

4.2. The equipment of the physical culture and sports zone should provide conditions for the implementation of the physical education program, as well as for conducting sectional sports and recreational activities. Sports and playgrounds must have a hard surface, a football field - a grass cover. Synthetic and polymer coatings for outdoor sports grounds must be safe, waterproof, frost-resistant and equipped with drains. Classes on damp areas with bumps and potholes are not held.

4.3. If there is no recreation area and (or) physical culture and sports zone on the territory of the health institution, it is recommended to use parks of culture and recreation, green areas, sports facilities, including swimming pools, located near the health institution for the implementation of health programs for physical education.

4.4. The utility zone should be located on the side of the entrance to the production premises of the canteen and have an independent entrance from the street.

4.5. To collect garbage and food waste on the territory of the economic zone, at a distance of at least 25 m from the building, a platform with a waterproof hard surface should be provided, the dimensions of which exceed the base area of ​​the containers by 1 m along the perimeter in all directions. The site is equipped with a windproof fence on three sides with a height exceeding the height of the garbage containers.

V. Requirements for the building, premises and equipment

5.2. The set of premises of a health-improving institution should include: game rooms, rooms for classes, sleeping rooms, medical facilities, a gym, a dining room, a room for drying clothes and shoes, a locker room for outerwear, a storage room for sports equipment, games and club equipment, toilets, a room for storage, processing of cleaning equipment and preparation of disinfection solutions.

For carrying out water hardening procedures, washing feet before going to bed, it is recommended to provide conditions for their organization, including the use of existing showers or specially adapted rooms (sites).

5.3. Sleeping quarters are equipped at the rate of at least 3 sq.m per 1 person, but not more than 15 people in 1 room.

Sleeping quarters for boys and girls are arranged separately, regardless of the age of the children.

Bedrooms are equipped with fixed beds (cots) and bedside chairs (according to the number of beds). Stationary 2- and 3-tier beds are not used.

Each bed is provided with a set of bedding (mattress with mattress topper, pillow, blanket) and at least 1 set of bed linen (pillowcase, sheet, duvet cover, 2 towels). Bed linen is changed as it gets dirty, but at least once every 7 days; it is allowed to wash bed linen by parents individually for each child.

5.4. Premises for circle classes and their equipment must comply with the sanitary rules for institutions of additional education. Dressing rooms are equipped with hangers or wardrobes for children's outerwear.

5.5. To watch television programs, it is possible to install a TV set with rows of chairs in the games room. The distance from the TV screen to the first rows of chairs must be at least 2 meters.

5.6. Catering for children in recreational institutions with day stay is provided on the basis of various public catering establishments, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering students in educational institutions, primary and secondary institutions vocational education, and these sanitary rules.

5.7. For the organization of medical care in a health-improving institution, a medical center or a medical office, an isolation room for patients, equipped with sinks for washing hands, with cold and hot water supply with a mixer, the necessary inventory and equipment, must be provided.

The medical office is equipped desk, chairs, a screen, a couch, office and pharmacy cabinets, a medical table, a refrigerator, a bucket with a pedal lid, as well as tools and devices necessary for medical activities.

The insulator is equipped with beds (folding beds) - at least 2, a table and chairs. For temporary isolation of sick children, the use of a medical and (or) treatment room is allowed.

It is not allowed to use upholstered furniture (sofas, armchairs, upholstered chairs) as chairs and couches.

In the absence of a medical office, it is allowed to organize medical care in polyclinics, outpatient clinics and feldsher-obstetric stations serving the children's population.

5.8. Toilets for boys and girls should be separate and equipped with cubicles with doors without locks. The number of sanitary appliances is determined at the rate of 1 toilet bowl for 20 girls, 1 wash basin for 30 girls, 1 toilet bowl, 1 urinal and 1 wash basin for 30 boys. There is a separate toilet for staff.

Toilets are equipped with pedal buckets, toilet paper holders, soap, electric or paper towels. Soap, toilet paper and towels should be available at all times. Sanitary equipment must be in good working order, free of chips, cracks and other defects. Toilet bowls are provided with seats that allow their daily wet cleaning with the use of detergents and disinfectants (according to epidemiological indicators).

5.9. To comply with the rules of personal hygiene, children, adolescents and staff are equipped with washbasins in front of the dining room at the rate of 1 washbasin for 20 seats. Each washbasin is provided with soap, electric towels or paper rolls, or individual towels.

5.10. For storage and processing of cleaning equipment, preparation of disinfectant solutions, it is provided separate room equipped with a tray and cold and hot water supply with a mixer.

5.11. During the period of operation of the health-improving institution, it is not allowed to carry out all types of repair work in the base institution.

5.12. Equivalent noise levels in the premises of a health facility should not exceed 40 dBA.

VI. Air-thermal requirements

6.1. The air temperature in the premises of a health-improving institution should not be below 18°C, the relative humidity of the air should be within 40-60%.

6.2. In game rooms, rooms of circles, bedrooms, the ventilation regime should be observed. For these purposes, at least 50% of windows must open and (or) have vents (transoms) with equipped fanlights. On opening windows, transoms, vents in the summer, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a mesh from the influx of blood-sucking insects.

Airing of premises is carried out in the absence of children.

6.3. To limit the excessive thermal impact of insolation on the premises of a health-improving institution during the hot season, windows with southern, south-western and western orientations must be provided with sun protection devices or curtains.

Measures to limit the excessive thermal effects of insolation should not lead to violation of the norms natural light premises.

6.4. The concentration of harmful substances in the air of all premises of health-improving institutions should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations and approximate safe levels impacts (MAC and SHEL) for atmospheric air in populated areas.

VII. Requirements for natural and artificial lighting

7.1. All main premises of the health institution should have natural lighting.

7.2. The windows of the gaming and club rooms should be oriented to the south, southeast and east sides horizon.

7.3. In all premises of a health-improving institution, standardized levels of illumination are provided in accordance with sanitary rules that impose requirements for natural, artificial, combined lighting of residential and public buildings.

VIII. Requirements for water supply, sewerage and organization of drinking regime

8.1. Buildings of health-improving institutions must be equipped with systems of domestic and drinking water supply, sewerage and drains in accordance with the requirements for public buildings and structures in terms of domestic and drinking water supply and sanitation; provided with centralized water supply and sewerage.

8.2. If there is no centralized water supply in the settlement, the health-improving institution should be provided with uninterrupted water supply to the premises of the catering unit and sanitary facilities.

8.3. In non-sewered areas, health-improving institutions are equipped with internal sewerage, subject to the installation of local treatment facilities. It is allowed to equip institutions with backlash closets (with the organization of waste disposal), outdoor toilets.

8.4. Health facilities are provided with water that meets the safety requirements for drinking water.

8.5. The drinking regime in a health institution can be organized in the following forms: stationary drinking fountains; bottled drinking water packaged in containers.

Children and adolescents should be provided with free access to drinking water during the entire time of their stay in a health institution.

8.6. The design solutions of stationary drinking fountains should provide for a restrictive ring around a vertical water jet, the height of which should be at least 10 cm.

8.7. When organizing a drinking regimen using bottled drinking water a health-improving institution should be provided with a sufficient amount of clean dishes (glass, earthenware - in the dining room; disposable cups - in playrooms, educational and sleeping rooms), as well as separate marked trays for clean and used glass or earthenware; containers - for collecting used disposable tableware.

8.8. When using installations with metered bottling of drinking water packaged in containers, it is planned to replace the container as needed, but at least once a week.

8.9. Bottled water supplied to health facilities must have documents confirming its origin, quality and safety.

IX. Requirements for the organization of a healthy diet and the formation of an approximate menu

9.1. To provide children and teenagers healthy eating, the components of which are the optimal quantitative and qualitative nutritional structure, guaranteed safety, physiologically technological and culinary processing of products and dishes, a physiologically based diet, a diet should be developed (an approximate 7-day menu for spring, autumn, winter holidays and 10- or 14(18)-day menu for summer holidays).

9.2. The diet provides for the formation of a set of products intended for feeding children during the day, based on the physiological needs for nutrients (Table 1 of Annex 3) and the recommended set of products depending on the age of children (Table 2 of Annex 3) of these sanitary rules.

9.3. Based on the formed diet, a menu is developed, including the distribution of a list of dishes, culinary, flour, confectionery and bakery products for individual meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea).

9.4. To ensure healthy nutrition, an exemplary menu for a wellness shift is drawn up in accordance with the recommended form (Appendix 4 of these sanitary rules), as well as a layout menu containing quantitative data on the recipe of dishes.

9.5. A sample menu is being developed legal entity providing meals in a health facility, and is agreed by the head of the health facility.

9.6. In an exemplary menu, the requirements of these sanitary rules for the mass of portions of dishes (Appendix 5 of these sanitary rules), their nutritional and energy value, daily requirement for vitamins (Appendices 3 and 6 of these sanitary rules) must be observed.

9.7. An exemplary menu should contain information on the quantitative composition of dishes, the energy and nutritional value of each dish. References to the recipes of the dishes and culinary products used in accordance with the collections of recipes must be provided. The names of dishes and culinary products indicated in the sample menu must correspond to their names indicated in the recipe books used.

9.8. The production of ready meals is carried out in accordance with technological maps, which should reflect the recipe and technology of prepared dishes and culinary products.

9.9. When developing a menu, preference should be given to freshly prepared dishes that are not subjected to repeated heat treatment, including reheating frozen dishes.

9.10. In the sample menu, the repetition of the same dishes or culinary products on the same day or the next 2-3 days is not allowed.

9.11. An exemplary menu should take into account the rational distribution of energy value for individual meals. The distribution of calories by meals as a percentage of the daily diet should be: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 15%.

During the day, deviations from the caloric content norms for individual meals within +/- 5% are allowed, provided that the average percentage of nutritional value for the wellness shift meets the above requirements for each meal.

9.12. In the daily diet, the optimal ratio of nutrients, proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

9.13. The nutrition of children and adolescents must comply with the principles of sparing nutrition, which include the use of certain methods of cooking, such as boiling, steaming, stewing, baking, and excluding foods with irritating properties.

9.14. Breakfast should consist of an appetizer, a hot dish and a hot drink. It is recommended to include vegetables and fruits.

9.15. Lunch should include an appetizer, first, second and sweet dishes. As an appetizer, you should use a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh or sauerkraut, carrots, beets, etc. with the addition of fresh herbs; portioned vegetables are allowed. The second hot dish should be meat, fish or poultry with a side dish.

9.17. The actual diet must comply with the approved sample menu. In exceptional cases, in the absence of the necessary food products, it is allowed to replace them with other products that are equivalent in chemical composition (nutrition value) in accordance with the food replacement table (Appendix 7 of these Sanitary Rules), which must be confirmed by the necessary calculations.

9.18. A menu is posted daily in the dining room, which includes information about the volume of dishes and the names of culinary products.

9.19. To prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning) and in accordance with the principles of sparing nutrition, it is not allowed to use food products and prepare dishes specified in Appendix 8 of these sanitary rules.

9.20. The acceptance of food products and food raw materials in a public catering organization serving health-improving institutions should be carried out with the availability of documents guaranteeing the quality and safety of food products. Documentation certifying the quality and safety of products must be kept until the end of the use of products.

9.21. In the nutrition of students, it is allowed to use food raw materials of plant origin grown in agricultural organizations, in educational and experimental and garden plots, in greenhouses of educational institutions, if there are results of laboratory and instrumental studies of these products, confirming their quality and safety.

9.22. Vegetables harvested last year (cabbage, carrots) in the period after March 1 can only be used after heat treatment.

9.23. Delivery of food products is carried out by specialized transport, which has a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure.

9.24. For the purpose of production control over the good quality and safety of cooked food, compliance with storage conditions and shelf life of food products, assessment of the quality of prepared dishes at the food unit of a health institution, logs must be filled out daily in accordance with the recommended forms (Appendix 9 of these sanitary rules), and daily allowances must be selected. samples from each batch of cooked dishes.

Daily sampling is carried out by a medical worker or, under his supervision, by a cook in accordance with the recommendations of Annex 10 of these sanitary rules.

In the event of cases of food poisoning or infectious diseases, daily samples of prepared meals, as well as samples of other suspected food products, are provided at the request of the authorities authorized to exercise sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) for laboratory research.

X. Requirements for the conditions for the manufacture of culinary products, fortification of ready meals

10.1. The processing of food raw materials and the implementation of all production processes for the preparation of culinary products, which includes a set of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products, must be carried out in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering students in general education institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

10.2. When compiling a sample menu, vitamins and mineral salts should be supplied with diets in the quantities regulated by these sanitary rules.

10.3. To ensure the physiological need for vitamins, C-vitaminization of the third courses of the lunch diet is mandatory. Vitaminization is carried out in accordance with the instructions (Appendix 6). The use of premixes is allowed; instant vitamin drinks are prepared in accordance with the attached instructions immediately before distribution.

10.4. Fortification of dishes is carried out under the supervision of a medical worker (in his absence, another responsible person).

10.5. Replacing the fortification of meals with the issuance of multivitamin preparations in the form of dragees, tablets, lozenges and other forms is not allowed.

10.6. For additional enrichment of the diet with micronutrients, specialized foods enriched with micronutrients can be used in the menu.

10.7. The administration of the educational institution must inform the parents of children and adolescents about the measures taken in the institution to prevent vitamin and microelement deficiencies.

XI. Requirements for the sanitary maintenance of the territory, premises and washing dishes

11.1. The territory of the health facility must be kept clean. Cleaning of the territory is carried out daily before the children leave the site. In summer, in dry weather, it is recommended to water the surfaces of the playgrounds and grass cover 20 minutes before the start of sports activities. In winter, grounds and footpaths should be cleared of snow and ice.

Garbage is collected in waste bins, which must have tight-fitting lids, and when 2/3 of their volume is filled, they are taken to municipal solid waste landfills in accordance with a contract for the removal of domestic waste. After being emptied, the containers (garbage bins) must be cleaned and treated with agents permitted in the prescribed manner, in accordance with the guidelines for the fight against flies. It is not allowed to burn garbage on the territory of the institution, including in garbage bins.

11.2. All premises of the health institution are subject to daily wet cleaning with the use of detergents. Cleaning of the premises is carried out with open windows and transoms in the summer and open windows and transoms in other seasons.

11.3. Cleaning of the sleeping quarters should be carried out after a daytime sleep, the dining room - after each meal, the gym - after each lesson, the rest of the premises - at the end of the day.

11.4. In health-improving institutions for cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment, detergents, cleaners and disinfectants are used that are approved for use in the prescribed manner. When using detergents and disinfectants, follow the instructions for their use.

11.5. All types of disinfection work are carried out in the absence of children. Disinfectants and detergents are stored in accordance with the instructions in places inaccessible to children.

11.6. In the event of a threat of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning), additional anti-epidemic measures are taken in the institution as prescribed by officials exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

11.7. Cleaning of the premises is carried out by the technical staff (without involving children).

11.8. Common areas (toilets, canteen, canteen and medical office) are cleaned daily with detergents and disinfectants and kept clean.

11.9. Sanitary equipment is subject to daily disinfection: sinks for washing hands and toilet bowls are cleaned with ruffs or brushes using cleaners and disinfectants. Wash cistern handles and door handles with warm soapy water.

11.10. Cleaning equipment for cleaning sanitary facilities (buckets, basins, mops, rags) must have signal markings (red), be used for their intended purpose and stored separately from other cleaning equipment.

11.11. Dining rooms should be cleaned after every meal. Dining tables are washed with hot water with the addition of detergents, using specially allocated rags and labeled containers for clean and used rags.

Rags at the end of work are soaked in water at a temperature not lower than 45 ° C with the addition of detergents, disinfected or boiled, rinsed, dried and stored in a container for clean rags.

11.12. Equipment, inventory, utensils, containers must be made of materials approved for contact with food in the prescribed manner and comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

Washing of kitchen and tableware, cutting equipment, technological equipment, kitchen tables, cabinets and containers should be carried out in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

11.13. Food waste is stored in containers with lids in a specially designated place. The containers are released as they are filled with no more than 2/3 of the volume, washed with a detergent solution.

11.14. Storage of cleaning equipment industrial premises canteen is not allowed.

11.15. At the end of cleaning, all cleaning equipment should be washed with detergents and disinfectants, dried and stored clean.

11.16. When medical waste is generated, which, according to the degree of their epidemiological hazard, are classified as potentially hazardous (risk) waste, they are neutralized and disposed of in accordance with the requirements established by sanitary rules for the collection, storage, processing, neutralization and disposal of all types of waste from medical institutions.

11.17. If there is a swimming pool, the operation mode and quality of the pool water, as well as cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment, is carried out in accordance with the established sanitary and epidemiological requirements for swimming pools.

11.18. Sports equipment must be treated with detergents daily.

11.19. Carpets are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner daily, and after each shift they are dried and knocked out on the street.

11.20. To prevent the entry of insects, window and door openings in the dining room should be screened.

11.21. Carrying out measures to combat insects and rodents should be carried out by specialized organizations in accordance with the hygienic requirements for deratization and pest control.

In order to prevent tick-borne encephalitis in epidemiologically disadvantaged areas for this disease, it is necessary to organize anti-tick treatment in places where children are planned to stay (parks, forest parks and other green areas).

11.22. Before the start of the wellness season and at the end of the wellness shift, general cleaning all premises of the health institution, equipment and inventory with their subsequent disinfection.

XII. Personal hygiene requirements

12.1. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases among children and adolescents of health-improving institutions, the following measures must be taken:

a) in the dining room, conditions must be created for the staff to observe the rules of personal hygiene;

b) for washing hands, all production workshops should be equipped with washbasins with hot and cold water supply to them with mixers, equipped with a device for placing soap and individual or disposable towels. Washing hands in industrial baths is not allowed;

c) personnel must be provided with special sanitary clothing (dressing gown or jacket, trousers, headdress in the form of a scarf or cap) in the amount of at least three sets per employee for the purpose of its regular replacement, light non-slip work shoes;

d) in basic catering organizations, it is necessary to organize a centralized washing of special sanitary clothing for staff.

12.2. Canteen workers are required to:

a) come to work in clean clothes and shoes;

b) leave outerwear, headgear, personal belongings in the household room;

c) wash hands thoroughly with soap before starting work, after using the toilet, and before each change of activity;

d) cut your nails short;

e) when preparing dishes, culinary and confectionery products, remove jewelry, watches and other breakable objects, cut nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten overalls with pins;

g) work in special clean sanitary clothing, change it as it gets dirty; clean hair under a cap or scarf;

h) do not go out and do not go to the toilet in special sanitary clothing;

i) Do not eat or smoke in the workplace.

12.3. In dressing rooms, personal belongings and footwear of personnel should be stored separately from sanitary clothing (in different cabinets).

12.4. After handling the eggs, before breaking them, the handlers should wear clean sanitary clothing, wash their hands with soap and water and disinfect them with an approved disinfectant solution.

12.5. When symptoms appear colds or gastrointestinal upset, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, the employee is obliged to inform the administration about this and seek medical help, as well as about all cases of intestinal infections in his family.

Persons with intestinal infections, pustular skin diseases, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, burns or cuts are temporarily suspended from work. They can only be allowed to work after recovery, medical examination and a doctor's opinion.

XIII. Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules

13.1. The head of a recreational institution and legal entities, regardless of organizational legal forms, and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization of summer recreation, are responsible for the organization and completeness of the implementation of these sanitary rules, including ensuring:

a) the presence in the institution of these sanitary rules and sanitary rules that impose requirements on the organization of meals for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, and bringing their content to the staff of the institution;

b) compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules by all employees of the institution;

c) the necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary rules;

d) employment of persons with a permit for health reasons, who have undergone professional hygienic training and certification;

e) the availability of personal medical books for each employee and the timely passage of periodic medical examinations, as well as compliance with the frequency of vaccination in accordance with the national vaccination schedule;

f) organization of measures for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization;

g) availability of first aid kits and their timely replenishment.

13.2. Production control over the quality and safety of food for children is carried out by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur providing food in an educational institution.

13.3. To determine the nutritional value in food products (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, minerals and vitamins), and to confirm the safety of prepared dishes for compliance with their hygienic requirements for food products, as well as to confirm the safety of objects in the production environment that come into contact with food, laboratory and instrumental studies should be carried out.

The procedure and scope of laboratory and instrumental studies conducted is established by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur providing and (or) organizing meals, regardless of ownership, production profile in accordance with the recommended nomenclature, volume and frequency of laboratory and instrumental studies (Appendix 11 of these sanitary rules ).

13.4. Medical personnel carry out daily monitoring of compliance with the requirements of sanitary rules, organize preventive work with children and staff to prevent infectious and non-communicable diseases, conduct daily examinations of children upon admission to a health facility (including examination for pediculosis), keep a record of morbidity and evaluate morbidity rates and effectiveness health care for children and adolescents.

13.5. Employees of a health-improving institution must ensure the implementation of these sanitary rules.

13.6. For violation of sanitary legislation, the head and responsible persons in accordance with job descriptions(regulations) are liable in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Annex 1. Documents required for opening a children's health institution during the holidays

Attachment 1
to SanPiN

- sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the educational institution, on the basis of which the health-improving institution is organized;

- a copy of the order on the organization of a recreational institution with a day stay for children, indicating the timing of each shift;

- approved staffing and list of employees;

- personal medical books of employees according to the payroll (with data on passing a medical examination, fluorography, preventive vaccinations, hygiene training);

- sample menu;

- daily regime;

- lists of suppliers of food products, bottled (packaged in containers) drinking water;

- the results of a study of laboratory and instrumental control of the water of a swimming pool, if there is a pool in an educational institution;

- a program of production control over the quality and safety of prepared dishes, approved by public catering organizations that carry out activities for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products and their sale, and organize meals for children in health facilities.

Annex 2

Annex 2
to SanPiN


* When enrolling employees in a health-improving institution in their specialty, if their work has not been interrupted, the data of existing medical examinations entered in the medical book are taken into account, if the established period has not passed since the moment of their passage.

The nature of the work performed

Participation of medical specialists, frequency of examinations. The nature of laboratory and functional studies.

Employees of children's health institutions

Therapist - once a year.

Dermatovenereologist - when applying for a job.

Large-frame fluorography - 1 time per year.

Blood for syphilis, smears for gonorrhea, a test for helminths - upon admission to work.

Research on causative agents of intestinal infections and serological examination for typhoid fever- upon admission and according to epidemiological indications.

Annex 3

to SanPiN

Table 1. Daily requirement for nutrients and energy of children in health-improving institutions, taking into account their age

Table 1

The name of the food

Average nutrient requirements for children in age groups:

from 7 to 10 years old

from 11 years and older

Carbs (g)

(allowed 335 at the expense of fruit)

(allowed 383 at the expense of fruit)

Energy value - calories (kcal) *

(2359 with increased carbs)

(2720 with increased carbs)

Table 2. Recommended average daily sets of food products, including those used for preparing meals and drinks, for children and adolescents in health-improving institutions

The number of products depending on the age of students

Name of products

in g, ml, gross

in g, ml, net

11 years and older

11 years and older

Rye bread (rye-wheat)

wheat bread

Wheat flour

Cereals, legumes




* Gross weight is based on a waste rate of 25%.

Fresh vegetables, herbs

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Sports activities not only allow you to keep your muscles in good shape, they improve appearance, but also help to keep the brain healthy until old age, without losing cognitive abilities.

Training makes the brain work at optimal power, promotes the regeneration of its cells, protects them from damage, and strengthens neural connections.

The result that provides exercise stress, is manifested through neurotrophin (BDNF), which activates stem cells, which contributes to the emergence of new neurons. The protective effect is also visible due to other positive changes:

  • reduces the risk of heart disease;
  • increases the survival of neurons;
  • neuroprotective compounds are produced that prevent the development of diseases such as dementia.

The effect of a 20-minute workout on the body

Sports loads contribute to the production of a number of neurotransmitters - endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, glutamate. Their role in controlling mood and emotional state is known. Therefore, exercise is an indispensable component of a strategy aimed at treating and preventing depression.

Neurotrophic factor and endorphins, which are released by movement, make us feel good, improve cognitive functions, and strengthen memory.

So that the feeling of happiness does not leave, the mood is positive, and the efficiency has increased, It is enough to give sports some 20 minutes a day. Brain activity even after a short walk at a calm pace increases dramatically. The main thing is that the load is not interrupted. Daily classes (even if short) are much more effective than long ones, but with long breaks.

At the same time, all these health benefits quickly disappear if you start to ignore the exercises. So how long does it take for the body to lose all the bonuses received and lose the skills that sport has endowed?

2 week break

Muscles will be the first to respond to the cessation of exercise - their tone will decrease significantly in the first week of ignoring exercise.

The brain will also react sensitively to the lack of movement - the blood flow in the hippocampus slows down already after 10 days without sports, the work of the departments responsible for memories and emotions will worsen.

By the end of the second week, endurance will noticeably decrease. This indicator is affected by the value of VO2 max - it can be used to determine how much oxygen (maximum) the body can use within a minute, provided that training is carried out with an extremely high load.

The result that a person who has not trained for half a month will show will be 10% worse than usual. In a month, the indicator will decrease by another 15%, in two - by 20%.

The absence of sports loads also affects the digestibility of glucose, pressure indicators.

4-8 weeks without exercise

Changes in physical form will already be visible to the naked eye. Even if the diet is followed, the muscles (primarily biceps and triceps) will lose their tone, the contours of the body will become blurry.

If the nutrition during training was quite high-calorie, and the diet did not change when the sport was abandoned, the set excess weight inevitable.

Endurance continues to decline. At the same time, every day it will be more difficult to get back in shape, even if you resume classes (especially in old age).

How much time does the body need to rest between classes

Do I need to rest between workouts? Undoubtedly yes. Exercising too often without allowing the muscles, tissues and joints to recover is also extreme. Influences the length of the recovery period and the degree of preparation, and age, and the nature of the loads.

Generally, the more intense the workout, the more time you need to rest. Beginners are not recommended to expose the body to intense exercise more than three times a week. interval training. With an increase in strength and endurance, the number and intensity of classes can be increased, gradually reaching its maximum.

What kind of break should be between workouts, at first, the coach will help determine. In the future, the body itself will tell you how long the pauses should be.

At the same time, "weekends" should not pass passively. Light aerobic exercise (walking, jogging), stretching exercises, and flexibility are not forbidden. This will make it possible to comprehensively develop the body, and not some specific muscle group.

When is skipping training justified?

Sometimes a break in sports is forced. If laziness and procrastination do not interfere with the process, good reasons for not exercising can be:


Cough, pain in the chest, muscles, overwhelming fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps - symptoms requiring medical attention and employees good reason skip a workout.

If the temperature is slightly elevated (a degree and a half above normal), no severe fatigue, light load is not prohibited, on the contrary, exercises will help to sweat and remove viruses and toxins from the body.


Regular exercises will help to avoid many injuries, develop dexterity, concentration. But it happens that due to inexperience, incorrect calculation of the allowable load, equipment malfunction (the human factor is not excluded) you can get injured.

In this case, loads are not prohibited if they do not affect the damaged area. For example, with a shoulder injury (if a part of the body is securely fixed), you can work out the lower part of the body and vice versa. The main thing is not to aggravate the condition of the injured area.

Avoid activities that cause pain. It is best to coordinate the training plan with a physiotherapist, the specialist will select not only non-hazardous, but also types of exercises that accelerate recovery.

severe fatigue

For example, after a sleepless night, loading the body with jogging or high-intensity training is not only undesirable, but also dangerous to health.

You can not abandon the lesson plan, but you need to train at a calm pace so that the pulse does not exceed 120-130 beats.

If the situation with lack of sleep repeats, it is necessary to solve this problem first of all, otherwise the fatigue will become chronic, which will make it impossible to fully engage.


Chasing for a day or two after a workout, krepatura is normal. Muscle pain is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. The less prepared the body, the stronger pain. This is not a reason to cancel training, over time the body will respond more calmly to the load, and the pain will decrease.

Another thing is when a person, being a fairly experienced athlete, nevertheless subjected his body to too much stress. At the same time, severe pain pursues, making it impossible to continue classes.

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of injury, possibly undergo physiotherapy. They will help relieve pain and special means (ointments, gels).

Participation in a marathon

Give up on the day of the competition from additional load (especially intense). It will be enough to warm up and exercise to help get in shape before the start.


If skipping workouts has become the norm, analyze what is happening to get to the bottom of the true reason. It's commonplace laziness, disorganization or, indeed, poor health?

Exercising makes you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. They relieve stress and reduce the risk of chronic ailments. Such an effect is worth the time and labor costs, strong-willed efforts that are required to maintain a sports regimen.

Find the right conditions for you: a sport, individual or group lessons, time, take care of a comfortable and beautiful form - do everything to make sports enjoyable, and you won’t even have the slightest desire to miss a workout.