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Section 1. General provisions
Section 2. Elements of landscaping
2.1. Elements of engineering preparation and territory protection
2.2. landscaping
2.3. Types of coatings
2.4. Surface Mates
2.5. fences
2.6. Small architectural forms
2.7. Play and sports equipment
2.8. Lighting and lighting equipment
2.9. Means of outdoor advertising and information
2.10. Non-capital non-stationary structures
2.11. Design and equipment of buildings and structures
2.12. Venues
2.13. Pedestrian communications
2.14. Transport passages
Section 3. Landscaping in public areas
3.1. General provisions
3.2. public spaces
3.3. Plots and specialized zones of public development
Section 4. Landscaping in residential areas
4.1. General provisions
4.2. public spaces
4.3. Residential plots
4.4. Sites of kindergartens and schools
4.5. Areas for long-term and short-term storage of vehicles
Section 5. Landscaping in the territories of recreational purposes
5.1. General provisions
5.2. Recreation areas
5.3. parks
5.4. Gardens
5.5. Boulevards, squares
Section 6. Landscaping in the territories of industrial purpose
6.1. General provisions
6.2. Green areas of sanitary protection zones
Section 7
7.1. General provisions
7.2. Streets and roads
7.3. squares
7.4. Pedestrian crossings
7.5. Technical zones of transport, engineering communications, water protection zones
Section 8. Operation of landscaping facilities
8.1. General provisions
8.2. Territory cleaning
8.3. Features of cleaning the territory in the spring and summer
8.4. Features of cleaning the territory in the autumn-winter period
8.5. The order of the maintenance of the elements of improvement
8.6. Landscaping works and maintenance of green spaces
8.7. Maintenance and operation of roads
8.8. Territory lighting municipalities
8.9. Carrying out works during the construction, repair, reconstruction of communications
8.10. Keeping animals in the municipality
8.11. Special requirements for the accessibility of the urban environment
8.12. Festive decoration of the territory
Section 9. Control over compliance with the norms and rules of improvement
Appendix No. 1. Basic terms and definitions
Annex No. 2. Recommended parameters
Appendix No. 3. Recommended calculation of the width of pedestrian communications
Appendix No. 4. Soil cover
Appendix No. 5. Landscaping techniques in recreational areas
Appendix No. 6. Landscaping techniques in industrial areas
Appendix No. 7. Types of coverage of transport and pedestrian communications

Active Edition from 27.12.2011

Document typeorders, recommendations
Host bodyMinistry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
Document Number613
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date27.12.2011
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published



2.1. Elements of engineering preparation and territory protection

2.1.1. Elements of engineering preparation and protection of the territory ensure the safety and convenience of using the territory, its protection from adverse natural and man-made impacts in connection with new construction or reconstruction. The design of elements of engineering preparation and protection of the territory is carried out as part of measures to organize the relief and runoff of surface waters.

2.1.2. The tasks of organizing the relief in the design of landscaping should be determined depending on the functional purpose of the territory and the goals of its transformation and reconstruction. The organization of the relief of the reconstructed territory, as a rule, should be focused on the maximum preservation of the relief, soil cover, existing green spaces, the conditions of the existing surface drainage, the use of displaced soils at the construction site.

2.1.3. When organizing the relief, it is recommended to provide for the removal of a fertile soil layer 150–200 mm thick and the arrangement of a place for its temporary storage, and if it is confirmed that it does not contain any types of excess pollution of any kind, measures to protect it from pollution. When carrying out soil filling on the territory, it is allowed to use only mineral soils and upper fertile soil layers.

2.1.5. It is recommended to strengthen the slopes. The choice of material and reinforcement technology depends on the location of the slope in the city, the expected level of mechanical loads on the slope, the steepness of the slope and the environment being formed. In the areas of specially protected areas natural areas to strengthen the slopes of open channels of reservoirs, it is recommended to use materials and techniques that preserve the natural appearance of the banks: gabion structures or "Reno matting", non-woven synthetic materials, "honeycomb" type coating, turf, woven wooden bank protection, natural stone, sand, boulders, planting plants and so on. In urban development, the slopes of open channels should be strengthened using materials and techniques that prevent unorganized ingress of surface runoff into a reservoir and destruction of banks under conditions of a high level of mechanical loads: the formation of embankments using retaining walls, wall blocks, cladding with slabs and monolithic seams, i.e. P.

2.1.6. Retaining walls should be designed taking into account the height difference of the adjacent terraces. Relief difference less than 0.4 m is recommended to be decorated with side stone or laying out natural stone. With relief differences of more than 0.4 m, it is recommended to design retaining walls as an engineering structure, ensuring the stability of the upper terrace with gravity (monolithic, massive masonry) or piled (thin anchor, pile grillage) types of retaining walls.

2.1.7. Fencing of retaining walls and upper edges of slopes should be provided for when transport communications are placed on them in accordance with GOST R 52289, GOST 26804. Fencing of footpaths placed along these structures should also be provided for with a retaining wall height of more than 1.0 m, and a slope of more than 2 m. The height of the fences is recommended to be set at least 0.9 m.

2.1.8. Artificial relief elements (retaining walls, earth embankments, excavations) located along the main streets can be used as noise barriers.

2.1.9. When designing surface water runoff, SNiP 2.04.03 should be followed. When organizing the flow, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive solution to the issues of organizing the relief and installing an open or closed system of drainage devices: downpipes (drains), trays, cuvettes, fast currents, storm water wells. The design of surface drainage is recommended to be carried out with a minimum amount of excavation and providing for the flow of water at speeds that exclude the possibility of soil erosion.

2.1.10. The use of open drainage devices is allowed within the boundaries of parks and forest parks. Open trays (ditches, ditches) along the bottom or along the entire perimeter should be strengthened (sodding, stone paving, monolithic concrete, precast concrete, ceramics, etc.), it is recommended to take the slope angle of the ditches depending on the types of soil.

2.1.11. The minimum and maximum slopes should be assigned taking into account the non-erosive water velocities, which are accepted depending on the type of coating of the drainage elements. In areas of relief where the flow rates of rainwater are higher than the maximum allowable, fast currents (step drops) should be provided.

2.1.12. On the territories of recreational facilities, drainage trays can provide pairing of pedestrian communication coverage with the lawn, they are recommended to be made of paving elements (flat cobblestone, chipped or sawn paving stones, stone tiles, etc.), joints can be monolithic with a solution of high-quality clay.

2.1.13. Rainwater wells are elements of a closed system of rain (storm) sewerage, installed in places where the design relief is lowered: at the entrances and exits from blocks, in front of intersections from the side of the inflow of water to the pedestrian crossing zone, in the trays of the carriageways of streets and driveways, depending on the longitudinal slope of the streets (Appendices N 2 to these Guidelines). In the territory locality the device of absorbing wells and evaporation platforms is not recommended.

2.1.14. When arranging gratings that cover drainage trays on pedestrian communications, it is not recommended to place the grating ribs along the direction of pedestrian traffic, and the width of the holes between the ribs should be no more than 15 mm.

2.1.15. With a street width in red lines of more than 30 m and slopes of more than 30 ppm<*>the distance between the storm water wells is recommended to be set no more than 60 m. For the streets intra-block passages, paths, boulevards, squares traced on watersheds, it is possible to double the distance between storm water wells. When a significant volume of runoff is formed within the intra-quarter territories, it should be provided for the introduction of rainwater sewerage into its boundaries, which must be justified by calculation.

<*>A unit of measure equal to 0.1%.

2.2. landscaping

2.2.1. Landscaping is an element of improvement and landscape organization of the territory, which ensures the formation of the environment of the municipality with the active use of plant components, as well as the maintenance of the previously created or initially existing natural environment on the territory of the municipality.

2.2.2. The main types of plantings and landscaping can be: arrays, groups, tapeworms, hedges, backstage, bosquets, trellises, lawns, flower beds, different kinds landings (alley, ordinary, bouquet, etc.). Depending on the choice of types of plantings, the volume-spatial structure is determined<*>plantings and provides visual-compositional and functional connections of green areas between themselves and with the development of the settlement.

2.2.3. On the territory of the municipality, two types of landscaping can be used: stationary - planting plants in the ground and mobile - planting plants in special mobile containers (containers, flowerpots, etc.). Stationary and mobile gardening is usually used to create architectural and landscape objects (lawns, gardens, flower beds, areas with bushes and trees, etc.) on natural and artificial relief elements, roofs (roof gardening), facades (vertical gardening) of buildings and structures.

2.2.4. When designing landscaping, one should take into account: the minimum distances for planting trees and shrubs to engineering networks, buildings and structures, the size of lumps, pits and trenches for planting plantings (Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines). It is recommended to observe the maximum number of plantings in different areas of the settlement (Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines), the approximate percentage of green areas in areas of various functional purposes, parameters and requirements for sorting planting material (tables - Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines).

2.2.5. The design of landscaping and the formation of a system of green spaces on the territory of the municipality should be carried out taking into account the factors of loss (to one degree or another) of the ability of urban ecosystems to self-regulate. To ensure the viability of plantations and landscaped areas of a settlement, it is usually necessary:

To carry out the improvement of the territory in the zones of specially protected natural areas in accordance with the established regimes of economic activity and the value of the normatively permissible recreational load (tables, Appendix No. 2 to these Methodological Recommendations);

Take into account the degree of man-made loads from adjacent territories;

To carry out the selection of adapted species of planting material for planting, taking into account the characteristics of their resistance to the impact of anthropogenic factors.

2.2.6. On the territory of the municipality, it is necessary to conduct studies of the composition of the soil (soils) for physical-chemical, sanitary-epidemiological and radiological safety, to provide for its reclamation in case of exceeding allowed parameters pollution. When designing landscaping in areas with a soil cover disturbed by anthropogenic activities, it is recommended to take into account these Guidelines.

2.2.7. When landscaping the territory of public spaces and recreation facilities, including using roof and vertical gardening, lawns, automatic watering and irrigation systems (Appendices No. 2 to these Guidelines), flower decoration (Appendices No. 2 to these Guidelines) should be provided . Mandatory flower decoration should be introduced only under the condition of a comprehensive assessment of the territory of a particular object, taking into account its location, recreational load, the presence of other nearby landscaping and flower decoration facilities. In territories with large area paved surfaces, high building density and underground utilities of other administrative districts for the purpose of landscaping, it is necessary to use the blind areas of buildings, the surfaces of facades and roofs, and mobile gardening.

2.2.8. When planting trees in the areas of operation of heating mains, it is recommended to take into account the factor of soil heating in both directions from the axis of the heating main at a distance: intensive warming - up to 2 m, medium - 2 - 6 m, weak - 6 - 10 m. maple, lilac, honeysuckle - closer than 2 m, poplar, hawthorn, cotoneaster, derain, larch, birch - closer than 3 - 4 m.

2.2.9. Under the influence of unfavorable technogenic and climatic factors on various territories of the settlement, it is recommended to form protective plantings; under the influence of several factors, it is recommended to choose the leader in terms of intensity and (or) the most significant for the functional purpose of the territory. Noise-protective plantings are recommended to be designed in the form of single-row or multi-row row plantings of at least 7 m, providing in a row the distances between the trunks of mature trees of 8-10 m (with a wide crown), 5-6 m (with an average crown), 3-4 m (with narrow crown), the undercrown space should be filled with rows of shrubs. The expected level of noise reduction is specified in Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines. In conditions of a high level of air pollution, it is recommended to form multi-row tree and shrub plantings: with a good ventilation mode - closed type (closing of crowns), with poor ventilation - an open, filtering type (non-closing of crowns).

Roof and vertical gardening

2.2.10. Stationary roof gardening can be provided for when designing new, reconstructing and overhauling existing buildings and structures that have an unused roof with a slope of no more than 45 degrees. Preference should be given to buildings and structures with a horizontal or low-slope (slope no more than 3%) roof.

Mobile or mixed (stationary and mobile) roof gardening can be provided for when designing new, reconstructing and overhauling existing buildings and structures for any purpose that have an exploitable roof with architectural and landscape objects.

2.2.11. When reconstructing and overhauling buildings and structures, it is recommended to determine the possibility of roof gardening by calculating the strength, stability and deformability of existing load-bearing structures.

With insufficient bearing capacity structures of a reconstructed or overhauled object may be provided for their strengthening, the feasibility of which should be confirmed by a feasibility study.

2.2.12. The design load from the landscaping system should be determined taking into account the weight of plants, soil substrate, drainage, root protection of the roof, rain or irrigation water soaked into the ground and other elements of the coating.

The weight of maintenance-free roof landscaping is recommended not to exceed 70 kg/sq. m, and landscaping with constant care - 800 kg / sq. m.

2.2.13. Stationary, mobile and mixed vertical gardening can be envisaged during the development of construction, reconstruction and overhaul buildings and structures for any purpose, their fragments, if these buildings and structures have facades or wide (at least 5 m wide) planes of external walls without openings. The height of vertical gardening is recommended to be limited to three floors.

2.2.14. When designing the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures with horizontal or low-slope roofs in the territories of a settlement with an established high-density development, a mandatory arrangement of roof and vertical gardening may be provided.

2.2.15. Roof and vertical gardening, as a rule, should not be of a compensatory nature. An exception may be roof gardening of underground structures, the roof of which is located at the level of the site, as well as shrubs and trees planted in the wells of buildings or structures with a depth of development of the root system of the plant of at least 3 m.

2.2.16. The area of ​​roof gardening should not be included in the indicator of the territory of green spaces when calculating the balance of the territory of the site of the projected facility.

The area of ​​the external surfaces of buildings and structures prepared for vertical gardening should be indicated in the "Improvement" section of projects for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures, as well as projects for the improvement of sites of buildings and structures.

2.2.17. When designing roof and vertical gardening, provision should be made to ensure the safety of fastening and use of ground cover, containers, flowerpots, etc., drainage in the warm season, hydro and vapor barrier of structures and premises, heat-shielding qualities of external fences of a building or structure on which these types are located. landscaping.

2.2.18. In order to prevent damage by plants to the decoration of the facades of buildings and structures during their vertical gardening, structures in the form of lattices, systems of vertical rods or cables, point consoles-supports for planters, etc. should be securely fixed on the facade surfaces.

When placing such structures, it is necessary to take into account the provision of an air gap between the plants and the facade. The value of the air gap is recommended to be set, depending on the type of plants used, at least 20 cm.

2.2.19. The installation of roof and vertical gardening on buildings and structures, as a rule, should not lead to a violation of the fire safety requirements imposed on them.

Stationary landscaping on non-exploited roofs can be provided for on buildings and structures whose roof elevation does not exceed the blind area by more than 65 m. In practice, landscaping of non-exploited roofs is recommended in cases where their elevation does not exceed the blind area by more than 18 meters.

When designing landscaping for operated roofs, their elevation above the blind area of ​​a building or structure is not regulated. In practice, it is recommended that architectural and landscape objects on an exploited roof be located at a height of no more than 50 m above the territory adjacent to a building or structure.

2.2.20. It should be borne in mind that the installation of landscaped and landscaped facilities on the roofs of warehouse and industrial buildings with rooms of category "A" and "B" for explosion and fire hazard, as well as on buildings with rooftop boilers is not allowed.

Architectural and landscape objects and buildings, on the roofs of which they are located, should be equipped with automatic fire protection.

2.2.21. Structures used for vertical gardening are recommended to be made of durable and fire-resistant materials. If wood is used in them, it is recommended to pre-impregnate it with flame retardants. In places where the structure is attached to the facade, the safety of the external fences of the planted object should be ensured.

2.2.22. It is recommended to drain excess rainwater and irrigation water on green roofs using a drain provided in the building or structure. Roof sections where excess water is drained are recommended to be performed with a slope to drainage devices of at least 2%.

2.2.23. When placing landscaped recreational areas, gardens, cafes and other landscape and architectural objects on the roof of a building or structure, the distance between them and ventilation outlets that do not have filters for exhaust air purification is recommended to be set at least 15 m. or a reinforced concrete parapet with a height of at least 1 m. It is recommended to install a mesh metal fence on metal parapets.

2.2.24. When arranging stationary lawn gardening (rolled or sown into the soil substrate) on the roofs of stylobates, the difference between the marks of the top of the lawn and the bottom of the windows of the main building facing the stylobate is recommended to be set at least 1 m. the roof of the stylobate can be indented at least 1 m wide from the outer wall of the building.

2.3. Types of coatings

2.3.1. Surface coatings provide conditions for safe and comfortable movement on the territory of the municipality, and also form the architectural and artistic appearance of the environment. For the purposes of landscaping, it is recommended to determine the following types of coatings:

Solid (capital) - monolithic or prefabricated, made of asphalt concrete, cement concrete, natural stone, etc. materials;

Soft (non-capital) - made from natural or artificial bulk materials (sand, crushed stone, granite screenings, expanded clay, rubber crumb, etc.) in their natural state, dry mixes, compacted or reinforced with binders;

Lawn, performed using special technologies for the preparation and planting of grass cover;

Combined, representing combinations of the coatings indicated above (for example, tiles recessed into the lawn, etc.).

2.3.2. On the territory of the municipality, it is not recommended to allow the presence of soil areas without the listed types of coatings, with the exception of the road and footpath network in specially protected areas of specially protected natural areas and areas of the territory in the process of reconstruction and construction.

2.3.3. The type of coating used in the project is recommended to be installed durable, maintainable, environmentally friendly, non-slip. The choice of types of coating should be taken in accordance with their intended purpose: solid - taking into account possible ultimate loads, the nature and composition of traffic, fire safety requirements in force at the time of design; soft - taking into account their specific properties in the improvement of certain types of territories (children's, sports grounds, dog walking areas, walking paths, etc. objects); lawn and combined, as the most environmentally friendly.

2.3.4. Hard types of coatings are recommended to be installed with a rough surface with a coefficient of adhesion in a dry state of at least 0.6, in a wet state - at least 0.4. It should not be allowed to use tiled, metlakh tiles, smooth or polished slabs of artificial and natural stone as a coating on the territory of pedestrian communications, in ground and underground passages, on the steps of stairs, on the platforms of the porches of the entrance groups of buildings.

2.3.5. The slope of the surface of solid types of coating should be provided for, ensuring the removal of surface water - on watersheds, if there is a rainwater drainage system, it should be assigned at least 4 ppm; in the absence of a rain sewer system - at least 5 ppm. Maximum slopes should be assigned depending on the conditions of traffic and pedestrians.

2.3.6. On the territory of public spaces of the municipality, all obstacles (ledges, steps, ramps, trees, lighting, information and street technical equipment, as well as the edge of the sidewalk in the stop zones public transport and street crossings) should be marked with strips of tactile coverage. Tactile coverage is recommended to start at a distance of at least 0.8 m from the obstacle, the edge of the street, the beginning of the dangerous section, change of direction, etc. If the tactile surface has longitudinal grooves with a width of more than 15 mm and a depth of more than 6 mm, it is not recommended to place them along the direction of movement.

2.3.7. For trees located in paving, in the absence of other types of protection (trellises, curbs, perimeter benches, etc.), it is recommended to provide for the implementation of protective types of coatings within a radius of at least 1.5 m from the trunk: crushed stone, pebble, "honeycombs" with sowing lawn. The protective coating can be made at the same level or above the coverage of pedestrian communications.

2.3.8. The coloristic solution of the applied type of coating is recommended to be carried out taking into account color solution the formed environment, and in the territories of public spaces of the settlement - the corresponding concept of the color scheme of these territories.

2.4. Surface Mates

2.4.1. Surface mating elements usually include various types of side stones, ramps, steps, stairs.

side stones

2.4.2. At the junction of the sidewalk and the carriageway, as a rule, road side stones should be installed. Side stones are recommended to be installed with a normative excess above the level of the carriageway of at least 150 mm, which should be maintained in case of repair of coating surfaces. To prevent vehicles from colliding with the lawn at the intersection of the roadway with the lawn, it is recommended to use increased side stone on the streets of citywide and regional significance, as well as parking lots at large service facilities.

2.4.3. When pairing the covering of pedestrian communications with the lawn, it is possible to install a garden edge that gives an excess above the lawn level of at least 50 mm at a distance of at least 0.5 m, which protects the lawn and prevents dirt and plant debris from entering the covering, increasing its service life. In the territory pedestrian zones it is possible to use natural materials (brick, wood, boulders, ceramic board, etc.) to design the adjoining various types coatings.

Steps, stairs, ramps

2.4.4. With slopes of pedestrian communications of more than 60 ppm, stairs should be provided. On the main pedestrian communications in the locations of health facilities and other public facilities, homes for the disabled and the elderly, steps and stairs should be provided with slopes of more than 50 ppm, be sure to accompany them with a ramp. When crossing the main pedestrian communications with driveways or in other cases specified in the design assignment, a curb ramp should be provided to ensure a descent from the pavement to the level of the road surface.

2.4.5. When designing open stairs on relief differences, it is recommended that the height of the steps be no more than 120 mm, the width - no less than 400 mm and the slope of 10 - 20 ppm towards the overlying step. After every 10 - 12 steps, it is recommended to arrange platforms with a length of at least 1.5 m. The edge of the first steps of the stairs during the descent and ascent is recommended to be highlighted with stripes of bright contrasting color. All steps of external stairs within the same march should be installed the same in width and height of steps. When designing stairs in the conditions of reconstruction of the existing territories of the settlement, the height of the steps can be increased to 150 mm, and the width of the steps and the length of the platform can be reduced to 300 mm and 1.0 m, respectively.

2.4.6. The ramp is usually made of non-slip material with a rough surface texture without horizontal grooves. In the absence of ramp-enclosing structures, a fencing collar with a height of at least 75 mm and handrails should be provided. The dependence of the slope of the ramp on the height of the rise is recommended to be taken according to Table 12 of Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines. The slope of the curb ramp should, as a rule, be taken as 1:12.

2.4.7. When turning the ramp or its length more than 9 m, at least every 9 m, it is recommended to provide horizontal platforms measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m. On horizontal platforms, at the end of the descent, drainage devices should be designed. Horizontal sections of the path at the beginning and end of the ramp should be made with a different texture and color from the surrounding surfaces.

2.4.8. On both sides of the stairs or ramp, it is recommended to provide handrails at a height of 800 - 920 mm round or rectangular section, convenient for grasping by hand and spaced from the wall by 40 mm. With a width of stairs of 2.5 m or more, dividing handrails should be provided. The length of the handrails should be set more than the length of the ramp or stairs on each side by at least 0.3 m, with rounded and smooth ends of the handrails. When designing, it is recommended to provide handrail structures that exclude contact of the hand with metal.

2.4.9. It is recommended to carry out activities in accordance with these Methodological Recommendations in areas where earthen (including grassy) slopes interface with stairs, ramps, retaining walls, and other technical engineering structures.

2.5. fences

2.5.1. For the purpose of improvement on the territory of the municipality, it is recommended to provide for the use of various types of fences, which differ: by purpose (decorative, protective, their combination), height (low - 0.3 - 1.0 m, medium - 1.1 - 1.7 m, high - 1.8 - 3.0 m), the type of material (metal, reinforced concrete, etc.), the degree of permeability to the eye (transparent, deaf), the degree of stationarity (permanent, temporary, mobile). Fences of highways and transport facilities of the city are recommended to be designed in accordance with GOST R 52289, GOST 26804, upper edges of slopes and terraces - in accordance with these Guidelines. The fencing of territories of monuments of historical and cultural heritage is recommended to be carried out in accordance with the regulations established for these territories. On the territories of public, residential, recreational purposes, it is recommended to prohibit the design of deaf and reinforced concrete fences. Use of decorative metal protections is recommended.

2.5.3. It is recommended to provide for the placement of protective metal fences with a height of at least 0.5 m at the junction of lawns to driveways, parking lots, in places where cars can run over the lawn and trample paths through the lawn. Fences are recommended to be placed on the territory of the lawn with an indent from the junction border of about 0.2 - 0.3 m.

2.5.4. When designing medium and high types of fencing at intersections with underground structures, it is recommended to provide fencing structures that allow for repair or construction work.

2.5.5. In the case of trees growing in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic or in areas of construction and reconstruction work, in the absence of other types of protection, protective fences near the trunks with a height of 0.9 m or more, a diameter of 0.8 m or more should be provided, depending on age, tree species and other characteristics.

2.6. Small architectural forms

2.6.1. Small architectural forms (SAF) include: elements of monumental and decorative design, devices for designing mobile and vertical gardening, water devices, urban furniture, household and technical equipment on the territory of the municipality. When designing and choosing small architectural forms, it is recommended to use catalogs of certified products. For areas of historical buildings, urban multifunctional centers and zones, small architectural forms are recommended to be designed on the basis of individual design developments.

Devices for landscaping

2.6.2. For the design of mobile and vertical gardening, it is recommended to use the following types of devices: trellises, trellises, pergolas, flowerpots, flowerpots. Truss and trellis - light wooden or metal structures in the form of a lattice for landscaping with climbing or leaning plants, can be used to organize quiet rest areas, shelter from the sun, fencing sites, technical devices and structures. Pergola - a light lattice structure made of wood or metal in the form of a gazebo, gallery or canopy, used as a "green tunnel", a transition between sites or architectural objects. Flower girls, flowerpots - small containers with vegetable soil in which flower plants are planted.

water devices

2.6.3. Water devices include fountains, drinking fountains, pump rooms, springs, decorative ponds. Water devices perform a decorative and aesthetic function, improve the microclimate, air and acoustic environment. Water devices of all kinds should be provided with drain pipes that drain excess water into the drainage network and storm sewers. Drinking fountains can be both standard and made according to a specially designed project, they should be placed in recreation areas and it is recommended - on sports grounds. The location of the drinking fountain and the approach to it are recommended to be equipped with a hard type of coating, the height should be no more than 90 cm for adults and no more than 70 cm for children. It should be borne in mind that springs on the territory of the municipality must comply with the quality of water in accordance with the requirements of SanPiNov and have a positive conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities; environment. Springs are recommended to be equipped with an approach and a platform with a hard surface, a device for supplying spring water (gutter, pipe, other type of watercourse), a catchment basin, and a drainage system. Decorative ponds are recommended to be built using relief or on a flat surface in combination with a lawn, tiled flooring, flower beds, tree and shrub plantings. The bottom of the reservoir is recommended to be made smooth, convenient for cleaning. The use of color and lighting design techniques is recommended.

Municipal unit furniture

2.6.4. The furniture of the municipality includes: various types of rest benches placed on the territory of public spaces, recreations and yards; benches and tables - on the grounds for board games, summer cafes, etc. The installation of benches is recommended to be provided on solid types of coating or foundation. In recreation areas, forest parks, playgrounds, it may be allowed to install benches on soft surfaces. If there is a foundation, its parts are recommended not to protrude above the ground. The height of the bench for resting an adult from the level of the cover to the plane of the seat is recommended to be taken within 420 - 480 mm. The surfaces of the rest bench are recommended to be made of wood, with various types of waterproof treatment (preferably impregnated). On the territory of specially protected natural areas, it is possible to make benches and tables from wood stumps, logs and planks that do not have chips and sharp corners. The number of placed furniture of the municipality is recommended to be set depending on the functional purpose of the territory and the number of visitors in this territory.

Outdoor utility equipment

2.6.5. Street household equipment is usually represented by various types of waste containers - containers and bins. The main requirements when choosing one or another type of household equipment may be: environmental friendliness, safety (no sharp corners), ease of use, ease of cleaning, attractive appearance. To collect household waste on streets, squares, recreation facilities, it is recommended to use small-sized (small) containers (less than 0.5 cubic meters) and (or) bins, installing them at the entrances: to trade and Catering, other public institutions, underground passages, residential buildings and transport facilities (railway stations, metro stations and commuter trains). The interval for arranging small containers and bins (excluding the mandatory placement at the above objects) can be: on the main pedestrian communications - no more than 60 m, on other territories of the municipality - no more than 100 m. On the territory of recreation facilities, the placement of small containers and bins should be provided at benches, non-permanent non-stationary structures and street technical equipment oriented to the sale of food products. In addition, trash cans should be installed at public transport stops. In all cases, a layout should be provided that does not interfere with the movement of pedestrians, the passage of wheelchairs and prams.

Outdoor technical equipment

2.6.6. Street technical equipment includes: payphone shelters, mailboxes, water vending machines, etc., trade tents, elements of engineering equipment (elevating platforms for wheelchairs, inspection hatches, grids of storm water wells, ventilation shafts of underground utilities, telephone cabinets, etc.). Installation of outdoor technical equipment should provide a convenient approach to the equipment and comply with Section 3 of SNiP 35-01. When installing payphones in public, residential, recreational areas, it is recommended to provide for their electric lighting. It is recommended to design the locations of payphones as close as possible to the places of connection of the embedded devices of the channel (pipe) of the telephone sewer and the channel (pipe) for electric lighting. In addition, it is recommended to install at least one of the payphones (or one in each row) at such a height that the level of the coin acceptor slot from the cover is 1.3 m; the level of the receiving opening of the mailbox is recommended to be located from the level of the coating at a height of 1.3 m.

2.6.7. It is recommended to carry out the design of elements of engineering equipment that does not violate the level of improvement of the formed environment, worsens the conditions of movement, contrary to technical specifications, including:

Manhole covers of manholes located on the territory of pedestrian communications (including street crossings) should be designed, as a rule, at the same level as the coating of the adjacent surface, otherwise the elevation difference does not exceed 20 mm, and the gaps between the edge of the hatch and sidewalk pavement - no more than 15 mm;

Equip ventilation shafts with gratings.

2.7. Play and sports equipment

2.7.1. Gaming and sports equipment on the territory of the municipality is represented by gaming, sports and recreational devices, facilities and (or) their complexes. When choosing the composition of play and sports equipment for children and adolescents, it is recommended to ensure that the equipment complies with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of different age groups (Appendix N 2 to these Guidelines).

Play equipment

2.7.2. It should be borne in mind that gaming equipment must comply with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards, protect the life and health of the child, be comfortable in technical operation, aesthetically appealing. It is recommended to use modular equipment that provides variability in combinations of elements.

Wooden equipment made of hardwood with a special treatment that prevents rotting, drying out, fire, chipping; polished, sharp corners are rounded;

Metal should be used primarily for the supporting structures of equipment, have reliable connections and appropriate processing (moisture-resistant painting, anti-corrosion coating); it is recommended to use metal-plastic (does not injure, does not rust, frost-resistant);

Concrete and reinforced concrete elements of equipment should be made of concrete of a grade of at least 300, frost resistance of at least 150, and have smooth surfaces;

Equipment made of plastic and polymers should be made with a smooth surface and bright, clean colors color that does not fade from exposure to climatic factors.

2.7.4. In the requirements for the design of gaming equipment, it is recommended to exclude sharp corners, sticking of parts of the child's body, their falling under the elements of equipment in a state of motion; the handrails of the equipment must be completely covered by the child’s hand; to provide emergency assistance to children in playground equipment complexes with an internal space depth of more than 2 m, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of access inside in the form of holes (at least two) with a diameter of at least 500 mm.

2.7.5. When placing gaming equipment on children's playgrounds, it is recommended to observe the minimum safety distances in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines. Within the specified distances, it is not allowed to place other types of gaming equipment, benches, urns, side stones and hard surfaces, as well as branches, trunks, tree roots on the areas of the site. Requirements for the parameters of gaming equipment and its individual parts are recommended to be adopted in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines.

Sport equipment

2.7.6. Sports equipment is intended for all age groups of the population, is placed on sports, physical culture grounds, or on specially equipped pedestrian communications (health trails) as part of recreations. Sports equipment in the form of special physical training equipment and simulators can be either factory-made or made of logs and beams with a specially treated surface that prevents injury (no cracks, chips, etc.). When placing, you should be guided by the catalogs of certified equipment.

2.8. Lighting and lighting equipment

2.8.1. In various urban planning conditions, it is recommended to provide functional, architectural and informational lighting in order to solve utilitarian, light planning and light composition tasks, incl. if necessary, light-color zoning of the territories of the municipality and the formation of a system of light-spatial ensembles.

2.8.2. When designing each of the three main groups of lighting installations (functional, architectural lighting, lighting information), it is recommended to provide:

Quantitative and qualitative indicators provided for by the current regulations artificial lighting residential areas and outdoor architectural lighting (SNiP 23-05);

Reliability of installations in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), safety of the population, maintenance personnel and, in necessary cases, protection from vandalism;

Cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency of the applied installations, rational distribution and use of electricity;

Aesthetics of the elements of lighting installations, their design, the quality of materials and products, taking into account the perception in the daytime and at night;

Convenience of service and management at different operating modes of installations.

Functional lighting

2.8.3. Functional lighting (FO) is carried out by stationary lighting installations for road surfaces and spaces in transport and pedestrian areas. FD installations, as a rule, are divided into conventional, high-mast, parapet, lawn and built-in. In conventional installations, luminaires are recommended to be placed on supports (crowning, cantilevered), suspensions or facades (sconces, ceiling lamps) at a height of 3 to 15 m. They are recommended to be used in transport and pedestrian areas as the most traditional ones. In high-mast installations, lighting devices (spotlights or lamps) are recommended to be placed on supports at a height of 20 meters or more. These installations are recommended to be used for illumination of vast areas, transport interchanges and highways, open parking lots. In parapet installations, luminaires are recommended to be built in with a line or dotted line into a parapet up to 1.2 meters high, enclosing carriageway overpasses, bridges, flyovers, ramps, interchanges, as well as sidewalks and platforms. Their use is recommended to be substantiated by technical, economic and (or) artistic arguments. Lawn lamps are usually used to illuminate lawns, flower beds, walkways and playgrounds. They can be provided in the territories of public spaces and recreation facilities in zones of minimal vandalism. Luminaires built into steps, retaining walls, fences, plinths of buildings and structures, MAF are recommended to be used to illuminate pedestrian areas of public areas.

architectural lighting

2.8.4. Architectural lighting (AO) is recommended to be used to form an artistically expressive visual environment in the evening city, to reveal from the darkness and figurative interpretation of monuments of architecture, history and culture, engineering and monumental art, IAF, dominant and landmark objects, landscape compositions, creation of light ensembles. It is usually carried out by stationary or temporary lighting installations of objects, mainly outdoor lighting of their facade surfaces. Temporary AO installations include festive illumination: light garlands, grids, contour coverings, light-graphic elements, panels and three-dimensional compositions from incandescent lamps, discharge lamps, LEDs, light guides, light projections, laser drawings, etc.

2.8.5. For the purpose of architectural lighting, FO installations can also be used - for mounting spotlights aimed at the facades of buildings, structures, green spaces, for illumination, light information and advertising, the elements of which can be mounted on the supports of street lamps.

light information

2.8.6. Light information (SI), including illuminated advertising, as a rule, should help the orientation of pedestrians and drivers of vehicles in the urban space and participate in solving light composition problems. It is recommended to take into account the placement, dimensions, shapes and light and color parameters of the elements of such information, which ensure clarity of perception from the calculated distances and the harmony of the light ensemble, which does not contradict the current rules of the road, does not violate the comfort of the population.

Sources of light

2.8.7. It is recommended to use energy-efficient light sources, efficient lighting devices and systems, products and materials of high quality in terms of design and performance characteristics in stationary installations of FDs and AOs: supports, brackets, protective grilles, screens and structural elements that meet the requirements of current national standards.

2.8.9. In AO and SI installations, it is recommended to use sources of white or colored light, taking into account the formed conditions of light and color adaptation and the total visual effect created by the combined action of lighting installations of all groups, especially with chromatic light, functioning in a specific space of a settlement or a light ensemble.

Lighting of transport and pedestrian areas

2.8.10. In installations of the FD of transport and pedestrian zones, it is recommended to use lighting devices directed to the lower hemisphere of direct, diffused or reflected light. The use of luminaires with unlimited light distribution (such as balls made of transparent or light-diffusing material) is allowed in installations: lawns, on facades (such as sconces and ceiling lamps) and on supports with crowning and cantilever fixtures. The installation of the latter is recommended in landscaped areas or against the background of illuminated facades of buildings, structures, and slopes of the relief.

2.8.11. To illuminate the carriageway of the streets and the sidewalks accompanying them, it is recommended to use two-cantilever poles with lamps at different heights, equipped with multispectral light sources in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic.

2.8.12. The choice of the type, location and method of installation of luminaires for transport and pedestrian zones is recommended to be carried out taking into account the formed scale of light spaces. Above the carriageway of streets, roads and squares, it is recommended to install luminaires on poles at a height of at least 8 m. sconces, plafonds) for lighting driveways, sidewalks and areas located near buildings, it is recommended to install at a height of at least 3 m.

2.8.13. Supports of street lamps for lighting the carriageway of main streets (citywide and regional) can be located at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the front face of the side stone to the base of the support; on a local street network, this distance can be reduced to 0.3 m, provided there is no bus or trolleybus traffic, as well as the regular movement of trucks. It should be borne in mind that the support should not be located between the fire hydrant and the carriageway of streets and roads.

2.8.14. Supports at the intersections of main streets and roads, as a rule, are installed before the curvature of the sidewalks and no closer than 1.5 m from various types of entrances, without violating the uniform line of their installation.

Operating modes of lighting installations

2.8.15. When designing all three groups of lighting installations (FO, AO, SI) in order to rational use electricity and ensure the visual diversity of the environment of the settlement in the dark, it is recommended to provide for the following modes of their operation:

Evening weekday mode, when all stationary installations of the FD, AO and SI are in operation, with the exception of holiday lighting systems;

Night standby mode, when part of the lighting devices can be turned off in the FD, AO and SI installations, which is allowed by lighting standards and orders of the city administration;

Holiday mode, when all stationary and temporary lighting installations of three groups operate during the hours of the day and days of the week, determined by the administration of the settlement;

Seasonal regime, provided mainly in recreational areas for stationary and temporary installations of FDs and AOs at certain times (in winter, autumn).

2.8.16. The inclusion of all groups of lighting installations, regardless of their departmental affiliation, can be done in the evening with a decrease in the level of natural light to 20 lux. Shutdown is recommended:

FD settings - in the morning with an increase in illumination up to 10 lux; the time for the possible shutdown of some street lamps when switching from evening to night mode is set by the administration of the settlement;

AO installations - in accordance with the decision of the city administration, which for most of the illuminated objects appoints evening mode in the winter and summer half-years until midnight and until one in the morning, respectively, and on a number of objects (railway stations, urban dominants, entrances to the city, etc.) AO installations can operate from dusk to dawn;

SI installations - by decision of the relevant departments or owners.

2.9. Means of outdoor advertising and information 2.10. Non-capital non-stationary structures

2.10.1. Non-capital non-stationary are usually structures made of lightweight structures that do not provide for the installation of deep foundations and underground structures - these are objects of small retail trade, associated consumer services and catering, stopping pavilions, ground toilet cabins, box garages, other non-capital facilities. It should be borne in mind that Decoration Materials structures must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety standards, architectural and artistic requirements of urban design and lighting, the nature of the existing environment of the settlement and the conditions of long-term operation. When glazing showcases, it is recommended to use non-shattering, shock-resistant materials, safe reinforcing multilayer film coatings, polycarbonate glasses. When designing mini-markets, mini-markets, shopping arcades, it is recommended to use pre-fabricated modular complexes made of lightweight structures.

2.10.2. The placement of non-permanent non-stationary structures on the territories of the municipality, as a rule, should not interfere with pedestrian traffic, violate fire safety requirements, insolation conditions of the territory and premises next to which they are located, worsen the visual perception of the environment of the settlement and the improvement of the territory and buildings. When placing structures within the boundaries of the buffer zones of registered monuments of cultural heritage (nature) and in zones of specially protected natural areas, the parameters of structures (height, width, length), functional purpose and other conditions for their placement are recommended to be coordinated with the authorized bodies for the protection of monuments, nature management and environmental protection . It should be borne in mind that it is not allowed to place non-permanent non-stationary structures under the canopies of lobbies and metro stations, in the arches of buildings, on lawns, playgrounds (children's, recreation, sports, transport parking), boarding areas for urban passenger transport, in the security zone of water supply and sewer networks, pipelines, as well as closer than 10 m from stop pavilions and technical structures of the subway, 25 m - from ventilation shafts, 20 m - from windows of residential premises, in front of shop windows of trade enterprises, 3 m - from a tree trunk. It is possible to place structures on sidewalks with a width of more than 4.5 m (citywide streets) and more than 3 m (regional and local streets), provided that the actual intensity of pedestrian traffic during rush hour in two directions does not exceed 700 pedestrians per hour per lane, equal to 0.75 m.

2.10.3. It is recommended to place the facilities of small retail trade enterprises, consumer services and catering in the territories of pedestrian zones, in parks, gardens, on the boulevards of the settlement. Structures are recommended to be installed on hard surfaces, equipped with lighting equipment, trash cans and small containers for garbage, food facilities - with toilet cabins (in the absence of public toilets in the adjacent territory within an access zone of 200 m).

2.10.4. The placement of stopping pavilions is recommended to be provided at the stops of ground passenger transport. For the installation of the pavilion, it is recommended to provide a platform with hard surface types of 2.0 x 5.0 m or more. The distance from the edge of the carriageway to the nearest structure of the pavilion is recommended to be set at least 3.0 m, the distance from the side structures of the pavilion to the tree trunk is at least 2.0 m for trees with a compact crown. When designing stopping points and placing fences of stopping areas, it is recommended to be guided by the relevant GOST and SNiP.

2.10.5. The placement of toilet cabins is recommended to be provided for in actively visited areas of the settlement in the absence or insufficient capacity of public toilets: in places of mass events, at large trade and service facilities, on the territory of recreation facilities (parks, gardens), in places where city gas stations are installed, on parking lots, as well as - with non-capital non-stationary power facilities. It should be borne in mind that it is not allowed to place toilet cabins on adjoining territory, while the distance to residential and public buildings must be at least 20 m. The toilet cabin must be installed on hard types of coating.

2.11. Design and equipment of buildings and structures

2.11.1. Designing the design and equipment of buildings and structures usually includes: coloristic solution of the outer surfaces of the walls, roof finishing, some issues of equipping the structural elements of the building (entrance groups, plinths, etc.), placement of antennas, downpipes, blind areas, house signs, protective nets, etc. .P.

2.11.2. The color scheme of buildings and structures is recommended to be designed taking into account the concept of the general color scheme for the development of streets and territories of the municipality. The possibility of glazing loggias and balconies, replacing frames, painting walls in the historical centers of settlements is recommended to be established as part of the urban planning regulations. The placement of outdoor air conditioners and dish antennas on buildings located along the main streets of the settlement is recommended to be provided from the courtyard facades.

2.11.3. It is recommended to provide for the placement of the following house signs on the buildings and structures of the settlement: a street, square, avenue name indicator, a house and building number indicator, an entrance and apartment number indicator, an international symbol of the object’s accessibility for the disabled, flag holders, commemorative plaques, a polygonometric sign, a firefighter’s indicator hydrant, index of soil geodetic signs, indexes of chambers of the highway and wells of the water supply network, index of city sewerage, index of underground gas pipeline structures. The composition of house signs on a particular building and the conditions for their placement are recommended to be determined by the functional purpose and location of buildings relative to the road network.

2.11.4. To ensure surface drainage from buildings and structures along their perimeter, it is recommended to provide a blind area with reliable waterproofing. The slope of the blind area is recommended to be taken at least 10 ppm away from the building. The width of the blind area for buildings and structures is recommended to be 0.8 - 1.2 m, in difficult geological conditions (soils with karsts) - 1.5 - 3 m. coatings.

2.11.5. When organizing the flow of water from pitched roofs through drainpipes it is recommended:

Do not violate the plasticity of the facades when placing pipes on the walls of the building, ensure the tightness of the butt joints and the required throughput, based on the estimated volumes of water flow;

Do not allow the height of free fall of water from the outlet of the pipe to be more than 200 mm;

Provide in places where water drains from the pipe to the main pedestrian communications, the presence of a hard coating with a slope of at least 5 ppm in the direction of the drainage trays, or - the installation of trays in the coating (closed or covered with gratings in accordance with these Guidelines);

Provide for a drainage device in places where water flows from a pipe onto a lawn or other soft types of coverage.

2.11.6. Entrance groups of residential and public buildings are recommended to be equipped with lighting equipment, a canopy (canopy), surface interface elements (steps, etc.), devices and devices for moving people with disabilities and people with limited mobility (ramps, railings, etc.). It is recommended to provide areas with hard surfaces and various landscaping methods at the entrance groups. The organization of sites at the entrances can be provided both within the boundaries of the territory of the site, and on those adjacent to the entrance groups public areas locality. It is possible to allow the use of a part of the site at the entrance groups for temporary parking of passenger vehicles, if this ensures the width of the passage necessary to pass the pedestrian flow, which is recommended to be confirmed by calculation (to these Guidelines). In this case, the presence of separating elements (stationary or portable fences), container gardening should be provided. In the case of placing entrance groups in the area of ​​sidewalks of the road network with a minimum standard width of the sidewalk, it is recommended that the elements of the entrance group (steps, ramps, porch, landscaping) be placed on the adjacent sidewalk no more than 0.5 m.

2.11.7. To protect pedestrians and protruding glass showcases from falling snow flooring and icicles from the edge of the roof, as well as falling cladding tiles from the walls of individual buildings built up to the 1970s, it is recommended to provide for the installation of special protective nets at the level of the second floor. To prevent the formation of icicles, the use of an electrical circuit around the outer perimeter of the roof is recommended.

2.12. Venues

2.12.1. On the territory of the settlement, it is recommended to design the following types of playgrounds: for children to play, for adults to relax, for sports, for installing garbage bins, for walking and training dogs, for parking lots. The placement of sites within the boundaries of the buffer zones of registered cultural heritage sites and zones of specially protected natural areas is recommended to be coordinated with the authorized bodies for the protection of monuments, nature management and environmental protection.


2.12.2. Playgrounds are usually designed for games and outdoor activities for children. different ages: pre-preschool (up to 3 years old), preschool (up to 7 years old), junior and secondary school age(7 - 12 years). Playgrounds can be organized as separate playgrounds for different age groups or as complex playgrounds with zoning according to age interests. For children and adolescents (12 - 16 years old), it is recommended to organize sports and play complexes (micro climbing walls, velodromes, etc.) and equip special places for riding scooters, skateboards and skates.

2.12.3. Distance from the windows of residential buildings and public buildings to the boundaries of playgrounds preschool age it is recommended to take at least 10 m, primary and secondary school age - at least 20 m, complex playgrounds - at least 40 m, sports and game complexes - at least 100 m. Playgrounds for preschool and pre-preschool age are recommended to be placed on a residential area , playgrounds for primary and secondary school age, complex playgrounds are recommended to be placed in green areas of a group or microdistrict, sports and gaming complexes and places for skiing - in parks residential area.

2.12.4. Playgrounds for children in residential areas are recommended to be designed at the rate of 0.5 - 0.7 square meters. m per 1 inhabitant. It is recommended to design the sizes and placement conditions of the playgrounds depending on the age groups of children and the location of residential buildings in the city. Playgrounds for preschool children can be of small size (50 - 75 sq. m), placed separately or combined with playgrounds for quiet rest of adults - in this case total area sites are recommended to be installed at least 80 square meters. m. Optimal size playgrounds are recommended to be installed for preschool children - 70 - 150 sq. m, school age - 100 - 300 sq. m, complex playgrounds - 900 - 1600 sq. m. At the same time, it is possible to combine playgrounds of preschool age with recreational sites for adults (the size of the site is at least 150 sq. m). Neighboring children's and adult playgrounds are recommended to be separated by dense green plantings and (or) decorative walls. In the conditions of historical or high-density development, the size of the sites can be taken depending on the available territorial possibilities with compensation for standard indicators in the adjacent territories of the municipality or as part of the development in accordance with these Guidelines.

2.12.5. Playgrounds are recommended to be isolated from transit pedestrian traffic, driveways, turnarounds, guest parking, areas for the installation of garbage collectors, areas for permanent and temporary storage of vehicles. Approaches to playgrounds should not be organized from driveways and streets. Provided that children's playgrounds are isolated with green spaces (trees, shrubs), it is recommended to take the minimum distance from the boundaries of playgrounds to guest parking lots and areas for permanent and temporary storage of vehicles in accordance with SanPiN, garbage collection sites - 15 m, settling and turning areas at the final stops of urban passenger routes. transport - at least 50 m.

2.12.6. When reconstructing playgrounds, in order to avoid injuries, it is recommended to prevent the presence of protruding roots or overhanging low branches on the territory of the playground, the remains of old, cut equipment (racks, foundations) located above the ground, metal jumpers not buried in the ground (as a rule, near horizontal bars and swings) . During the reconstruction of adjacent territories, playgrounds should be isolated from the places of work and storage of building materials.

2.12.7. The mandatory list of elements of landscaping on the playground usually includes: soft types of coverage, elements of interface between the surface of the playground and the lawn, landscaping, playground equipment, benches and urns, lighting equipment. Soft types of coverage (sand, compacted sand on a soil base or gravel, soft rubber or soft synthetic) are recommended to be provided on the playground at the location of playground equipment and others associated with the possibility of children falling. It is recommended that bench installation sites be equipped with solid types of coating or foundation in accordance with these Guidelines. When the grounds are covered with grass, it is recommended to provide walkways to equipment with hard, soft or combined types of coverage. To interface the surfaces of the site and the lawn, it is recommended to use garden side stones with beveled or rounded edges. Playgrounds are recommended to be planted with trees and shrubs, taking into account their insolation during 5 hours of daylight hours. Trees from the east and north side sites should be planted no closer than 3 m, and from the south and west - no closer than 1 m from the edge of the site to the axis of the tree. On playgrounds of preschool age, it is recommended not to allow the use of plant species with thorns. On all types of playgrounds, it is recommended not to allow the use of plants with poisonous fruits. The placement of gaming equipment should be designed taking into account the regulatory safety parameters presented in Appendix No. 2 to these Guidelines. The playgrounds of sports and gaming complexes are recommended to be equipped with a stand with the rules of conduct on the site and the use of sports and gaming equipment. Lighting equipment should usually operate in the mode of illumination of the territory on which the site is located. It is recommended not to place lighting equipment at a height of less than 2.5 m.

Recreation areas

2.12.8. Recreational areas are usually intended for quiet rest and board games of the adult population, they should be placed in residential areas, it is recommended in green areas of a residential group and microdistrict, in parks and forest parks. Recreational areas are recommended to be installed as walkways, adjoining driveways, landing sites for stops, turnaround areas - between them and the recreation area it is recommended to provide a green strip (bushes, trees) of at least 3 m. .1/, settling and turning areas at the final stops of urban passenger transport routes - at least 50 m. The distance from the windows of residential buildings to the boundaries of quiet recreation areas should be set at least 10 m, and noisy board games - at least 25 m .

2.12.9. Recreation areas for residential areas should be designed at the rate of 0.1 - 0.2 sq. m per inhabitant. The optimal size of the site is 50 - 100 sq. m, the minimum size of the recreation area is not less than 15 - 20 sq. m. It is allowed to combine quiet recreation areas with playgrounds in accordance with these Guidelines. It is not recommended to combine quiet rest and noisy board games on the same site. On the territory of parks, it is recommended to organize lawn areas for relaxing on the grass.

2.12.10. The mandatory list of landscaping elements at the recreation area usually includes: hard surfaces, elements of interface between the surface of the site and the lawn, landscaping, benches for rest, benches and tables, bins (at least one for each bench), lighting equipment. It is recommended to use perimeter gardening, single plantings of trees and shrubs, flower beds, vertical and mobile gardening. Lawn areas should be surrounded by groups of trees and shrubs, covered with trampling-resistant grass species. Insolation and shading of recreation areas are recommended to be provided in accordance with these Guidelines. Plants with poisonous fruits are not allowed. The operation of lighting equipment is recommended to be provided in the lighting mode of the area where the site is located. Minimum size areas with the installation of one table with benches for board games are recommended to be installed within 12 - 15 square meters. m.

Sports grounds

2.12.11. Sports grounds are intended for physical education and sports of all age groups of the population, it is recommended to design them as part of residential and recreational areas, areas of sports facilities, areas general education schools. The design of sports grounds is recommended depending on the type of specialization of the site. The distance from the site boundary to the car storage areas should be taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/

2.12.12. It is recommended to place and design the beautification of the sports core on the territory of the general education school sites taking into account the maintenance of the population of the adjacent residential area. The minimum distance from the boundaries of sports grounds to the windows of residential buildings is recommended to be from 20 to 40 m, depending on the noise characteristics of the site. Complex physical culture and sports grounds for preschool children (for 75 children) are recommended to be installed with an area of ​​at least 150 square meters. m, school age (100 children) - at least 250 sq. m.

2.12.13. As a rule, the mandatory list of elements of landscaping on the sports ground includes: soft or lawn types of coverage, sports equipment. Landscaping and site fencing is recommended. Landscaping is recommended to be placed along the perimeter of the site, planting fast-growing trees at a distance of at least 2 m from the edge of the site. It is not recommended to use trees and shrubs with shiny leaves that give a large number of flying seeds, abundantly fruiting and dropping leaves early. It is possible to use vertical landscaping to fence the site.

Sites for the installation of garbage collectors

2.12.14. Sites for the installation of garbage collectors are specially equipped places intended for the collection of municipal solid waste (MSW). It is recommended to provide for the presence of such sites in the composition of territories and sites of any functional purpose where MSW can accumulate.

2.12.15. Playgrounds should be located at a distance of not less than 20 m from the windows of residential buildings, the boundaries of areas of children's institutions, recreation areas, and at residential areas - no further than 100 m from the entrances, counting from footpaths from the far entrance, while the territory of the site should be adjacent to the driveways, but not interfere with the passage of vehicles. When the site is located separately (away from driveways), it is recommended to provide for the possibility of convenient transport access for cleaning containers and the availability of turnaround areas (12 m x 12 m). It is recommended to design the placement of sites out of sight from transit transport and pedestrian communications, away from the street facades of buildings. The territory of the site is recommended to be located in the shading zone (adjacent buildings, canopies or plantings of green spaces).

2.12.16. The size of the site for one container is recommended to be taken - 2 - 3 square meters. m. Between the container and the edge of the site, the size of the passage is recommended to be set at least 1.0 m, between containers - at least 0.35 m. It is recommended to design sites at the rate of 0.03 sq. m. m per 1 inhabitant or 1 site for 6 - 8 entrances of residential buildings with garbage chutes; if there are fewer entrances - one platform for each house.

2.12.17. As a rule, the mandatory list of landscaping elements at the site for the installation of garbage containers includes: hard types of coating, elements of interface of the site surface with adjacent territories, containers for collecting solid waste, lighting equipment. It is recommended to design site landscaping. The coverage of the site should be installed similar to the coverage of transport passages. It is recommended to set the slope of the site cover to be 5 - 10% towards the carriageway in order to prevent water stagnation and container rolling. The connection of the site with the adjacent driveway, as a rule, is carried out on the same level, without laying a curb stone, with a lawn - a garden border or a decorative wall 1.0 - 1.2 m high. The operation of lighting equipment is recommended to be installed in the lighting mode of the adjacent territory with a support height of at least 3 m. Landscaping is recommended to be done with trees with a high degree of phytoncidity, dense and dense crown. Height free space it is recommended to provide at least 3.0 m above the coverage level of the site to the crown. It is allowed to use decorative walls, trellises or perimeter hedges in the form of tall shrubs without fruits and berries for visual isolation of sites.

Dog walking areas

2.12.18. Dog walking areas are recommended to be placed in the common areas of the microdistrict and residential area, free from green spaces, in the technical areas of metro lines and citywide highways of the 1st class, under power lines with a voltage of no more than 110 kW, outside sanitary zone sources of water supply of the first and second belts. The placement of the site in the territories of the natural complex is recommended to be coordinated with the authorities of nature management and environmental protection.

2.12.19. The dimensions of dog walking areas located in residential areas are recommended to be 400 - 600 square meters. m, in other territories - up to 800 sq. m, in the conditions of the existing development, it can take a reduced size of the sites, based on the available territorial capabilities. The accessibility of sites is recommended to be no more than 400 m. On the territory and microdistricts with dense residential development - no more than 600 m. The distance from the site boundary to the windows of residential and public buildings is recommended to be at least 25 m, sports grounds, recreation areas - at least 40 m.

2.12.20. The list of landscaping elements on the territory of the dog walking area includes: various types of coverage, fencing, bench (at least), urn (at least), lighting and information equipment. It is recommended to provide perimeter landscaping. To cover the surface of the area intended for walking dogs, it is recommended to provide a leveled surface that provides good drainage, does not injure the limbs of animals (lawn, sand, sand and earth), as well as convenience for regular cleaning and updating. The surface of the part of the site intended for dog owners is recommended to be designed with a solid or combined type of coating (tiles recessed into the lawn, etc.). The approach to the site is recommended to be equipped with a hard type of coating. The fence of the site, as a rule, should be made of a light metal mesh with a height of at least 1.5 m. It is recommended to take into account that the distance between the elements and sections of the fence, its lower edge and the ground should not allow the animal to leave the site or injure itself.

Dog training grounds

2.12.21. Dog training sites are recommended to be located at a distance of at least 50 m from residential and public buildings. It is recommended that the site placement on the territories of the natural complex be coordinated with the authorized bodies for nature management and environmental protection. The size of the site is recommended to take about 2000 square meters. m.

2.12.22. As a rule, the mandatory list of landscaping elements at the dog training site includes: soft or lawn types of coverage, fencing, benches and urns (at least 2 per site), information stand, lighting equipment, special training equipment. It is recommended that the site cover be provided with a flat surface that provides good drainage, does not injure the limbs of animals (lawn, sand, sand and earth), and is also convenient for regular cleaning and updating. The fence, as a rule, should be represented by a fence (metal mesh) with a height of at least 2.0 m. It is recommended to provide a distance between the elements and sections of the fence, its lower edge and the ground, which does not allow the animal to leave the area or injure itself. Dog training grounds are recommended to be equipped with educational, training, sports equipment and facilities, a rain canopy, an insulated household room for storing inventory, equipment and recreation for instructors.

parking areas

2.12.23. On the territory of the municipality, it is recommended to provide the following types of parking lots: short-term and long-term storage of cars, street (in the form of parking lots on the roadway, marked with markings), off-street (in the form of "pockets" and indents from the roadway), guest (on a residential development site) , for the storage of cars of the population (microdistrict, district), on-site (near an object or group of objects), others (cargo, intercepting, etc.).

2.12.24. It should be borne in mind that the distance from the boundaries of parking lots to the windows of residential and public assignments is taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 / At the sites of on-site parking, it is recommended to design the share of places for cars with disabilities in accordance with SNiP 35-01, to block two or more places without volume separators, but only with the marking of the passage boundary using bright yellow markings.

2.12.25. It should be borne in mind that it is not allowed to design the placement of parking lots in the area of ​​stops of urban passenger transport, the organization of arrivals at parking lots should be provided no closer than 15 m from the end or beginning of the landing site.

2.12.26. As a rule, the mandatory list of elements of landscaping at parking lots includes: solid types of coating, surface interface elements, separating elements, lighting and information equipment. Sites for long-term storage of vehicles can be equipped with sheds, light boxes, and viewing platforms. It is recommended to connect the surface of the site with the passage at the same level without laying the side stone, with the lawn - in accordance with these Guidelines. Dividing elements on the sites can be made in the form of markings (white stripes), landscaped strips (lawns), container gardening.

2.13. Pedestrian communications

2.13.1. Pedestrian communications provide pedestrian communications and movement on the territory of the municipality. Pedestrian communications include: sidewalks, alleys, paths, paths. When designing pedestrian communications on the territory of a settlement, it is recommended to ensure: the minimum number of intersections with transport communications, the continuity of the pedestrian communications system, the possibility of safe, unhindered and convenient movement of people, including the disabled and people with limited mobility. In the system of pedestrian communications, it is recommended to single out the main and secondary pedestrian communications.

2.13.2. When designing pedestrian communications, it is recommended to take a longitudinal slope of no more than 60 ppm, a transverse slope (single or double slope) - optimal 20 ppm, minimum - 5 ppm, maximum - 30 ppm. Pedestrian communications slopes, taking into account the movement of wheelchairs, are recommended not to exceed: longitudinal - 50 ppm, transverse - 20 ppm. On pedestrian communications with slopes of 30-60 ppm, it is recommended to arrange horizontal sections at least 5 m long at least every 100 m. In cases where it is impossible to provide the above slopes due to the terrain conditions, it is recommended to provide stairs and ramps.

2.13.3. If it is necessary to expand the sidewalks, it is possible to arrange pedestrian galleries as part of the adjacent buildings.

Main pedestrian communications

2.13.4. The main pedestrian communications ensure the connection of residential, public, industrial and other buildings with public transport stops, institutions of cultural and community services, recreational areas, as well as the connection between the main points of gravity in the composition public areas and recreation facilities.

2.13.5. Tracing of the main pedestrian communications can be carried out along streets and roads (sidewalks) or independently of them. The width of the main pedestrian communications is recommended to be calculated depending on the intensity of pedestrian traffic during peak hours and the capacity of one lane in accordance with these Guidelines. It is recommended to route pedestrian communications (with the exception of recreational paths) in the shortest directions between gravity points or at an angle of about 30 ° to this direction.

2.13.6. In all cases of intersection of the main pedestrian communications with traffic lanes, it is recommended to install curb ramps. When arranging stairs, ramps, bridges on pedestrian communications, it is recommended to ensure the creation of an equal throughput of these elements. It is not allowed to use existing pedestrian communications and adjacent lawns for stopping and parking vehicles.

2.13.7. It is recommended to provide that plantings, buildings, protruding elements of buildings and technical devices located along the main pedestrian communications should not reduce the width of the paths, as well as the minimum height of free space above the level of the pavement equal to 2 m. With a width of the main pedestrian communications of 1.5 m every 30 m, it is recommended to provide widenings (passenger platforms) to ensure the movement of disabled people in wheelchairs in opposite directions.

2.13.8. The total width of the pedestrian communication in the case of placement of non-permanent non-stationary structures on it, as a rule, consists of the width of the pedestrian part, the width of the site allocated for the placement of the structure, and the width of the buffer zone (at least 0.75 m) intended for visitors and buyers. The width of pedestrian communications in areas of possible oncoming traffic of disabled people in wheelchairs is not recommended to be set less than 1.8 m.

2.13.9. The main pedestrian communications as part of recreation facilities with a recreational load of more than 100 people / ha are recommended to be equipped with sites for installing benches and urns, placing them at least every 100 m. The site, as a rule, should be adjacent to the pedestrian paths, have a depth of at least 120 cm, the distance from the outer edge of the seat of the bench to the pedestrian path is at least 60 cm. space at least 85 cm wide next to the bench).

2.13.10. As a rule, the mandatory list of landscaping elements on the territory of the main pedestrian communications includes: hard surfaces, surface interface elements, bins or small garbage containers, lighting equipment, benches (on the territory of recreation). It is recommended that the requirements for coatings and structures of the main pedestrian communications be established with the possibility of their all-season operation, and with a width of 2.25 m or more - with the possibility of occasional passage of specialized vehicles. It is recommended to provide paving with tiles. The design of pedestrian communications fencing located on the upper edges of slopes and terraces is recommended to be carried out in accordance with these Guidelines. It is possible to place non-capital non-stationary structures.

Secondary pedestrian communications

2.13.11. Secondary pedestrian communications, as a rule, provide a connection between the building and landscaping elements (sites) within the territory, as well as movement on the territory of recreation facilities (square, boulevard, park, forest park). The width of secondary pedestrian communications is usually taken on the order of 1.0 - 1.5 m.

2.13.12. The mandatory list of landscaping elements on the territory of secondary pedestrian communications usually includes various types of coverage. On the paths of squares, boulevards, gardens of a settlement, it is recommended to provide hard types of coverage with interface elements. Tiling is recommended. On the paths of large recreational facilities (parks, forest parks), it is recommended to provide various types of soft or combined surfaces, hiking trails with natural dirt.

2.14. Transport passages

2.14.1. Transport passages - elements of the transport communications system that provide transport links between buildings and sites within the territories of quarters, large recreational facilities, industrial and public areas, as well as communication with the road network of the settlement.

2.14.2. The design of transport passages should be carried out taking into account SNiP 2.05.02. When designing driveways, it is necessary to ensure the preservation or improvement of the landscape and the ecological state of adjacent territories.

2.14.3. The obligatory list of elements of the integrated improvement of bike paths includes: a hard type of coating, elements of pairing the surface of the bike path with the adjacent territories. On bicycle paths located along streets and roads, it is necessary to provide lighting, in recreational areas - landscaping along the bicycle paths. Planting along the paths should not lead to a reduction in the dimensions of the path, the height of the free space above the level of the pavement of the path should be at least 2.5 m.