To have good health and excellent well-being, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This fact is undeniable. What does the concept of “healthy lifestyle” include? Refusal bad habits? Yes. Regular exercise? That's also correct. But another important link in this logical chain is proper nutrition. It is this concept that we will talk about in this article. From it the reader can learn how to correctly create a balanced menu and recipes healthy eating for all family members. The information presented will help you make your diet not only tasty, but also as beneficial as possible for the body.

Where to start with healthy eating?

Menu (recipes) for the week is the first step in switching to healthy food. It must be compiled for each week. The seven-day diet should include all the elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. For convenience, keep a notebook where you can write down all the necessary information: daily diet, healthy food recipes, a list of necessary products and a table of their calorie content.

The right menu: what is it?

A tasty and healthy diet (recipes will be presented below) usually consists of five meals a day. During breakfast, the body should be saturated, which will provide energy for the entire working day. This could be a piece of gray bread with butter, porridge, tea with honey. Second breakfast (snack) is the time to take fresh fruit or vegetable salad. Lunch should be hearty, but not heavy. At this time of day you need to eat proteins, as well as a little fat and carbohydrates. The menu may include broth, or compote cutlets or unsweetened tea. In the afternoon (afternoon snack), it is recommended to take dairy products or fruits. Dinner should not overload the stomach with heavy food. At this time of day it is necessary to consume a small amount of vegetable fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The diet may consist of boiled fish, steamed meat, and fruit compote. We will look at healthy food recipes for the week in more detail in the next part of the article.


Oatmeal porridge with dried fruits

100 g oatmeal pour two glasses of water and set to cook. Boil the preparation for about 10 minutes. Pre-soak a handful of different dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) in hot water. Drain the liquid from them and add them to the porridge at the final stage of cooking. Cool the dish. Add a little honey to the treat before eating.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

Rinse half a glass of buckwheat and add 200 grams of water. Bring it to a boil, and then simmer under the lid closed for about 15 minutes. Next, pour 1 large glass of milk into the preparation. Boil the dish for another 5 minutes and turn off. Let the porridge brew. Add 1 small spoon of sugar and a piece of butter to it.

Omelette with vegetables

Onion, Bell pepper, zucchini, peel tomato
and remove the seeds. Cut all vegetables into small pieces. Fry them in vegetable oil. First brown the onion, then add the zucchini and pepper. Add the tomato last. Simmer the preparation for about 10 minutes. Beat chicken eggs with salt and pour on top of vegetables. Fry the omelette over low heat on one side and then turn it over to the other. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh parsley and dill.

Fish baked in tomato puree

Salt and lightly pepper the pieces of catfish, tilapia or cod. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry tomato slices in it. Place the tomatoes in a single layer in the oven dish and season with salt. Place fish pieces on top. Sprinkle them with chopped parsley. Place the remaining tomatoes on the fish. Brush the top with sour cream and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Salt and pepper the dish. Place the mold in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the fish for 40 minutes.

Pumpkin porridge with millet

Wash 200 g of millet and pour into a saucepan. Peel the pumpkin (300 g) and remove the seeds. Cut the vegetable pulp into small pieces and add to the millet. Pour 200 grams of food hot water, salt and put on fire. After the dish boils, remove the foam from it and cover with a lid. Evaporate the water over low heat. Then pour hot milk into the pan. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes and turn off. Sprinkle the porridge with sugar before eating.

Cottage cheese casserole

Healthy food recipes must include dishes based on cottage cheese. We will learn from the description how to prepare a healthy and tasty casserole from it. In a bowl, mix fresh cottage cheese or curd mass (400 g) with semolina (2 large spoons) and sugar (3 large spoons). Add 1 egg to these products. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Process the bottom of the mold butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the food mixture into it and smooth it out. Lubricate the workpiece with sour cream on top. Bake the casserole in the oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Sandwiches with meat, vegetables and cottage cheese

Lightly toast the bread pieces in the toaster. In a bowl, mix (200 g) with sea ​​salt. Place previously defrosted and boiled corn and green peas here. Chop the greens and pour into the curd and vegetable mixture. Cut boiled chicken and turkey meat into small slices. Mix all ingredients. Spread the pate onto the pieces of bread.

All these dishes fall under the "Healthy Eating" category. Breakfast, the recipes for which you have viewed, will be delicious and useful start day for both adult family members and children.

Second breakfast: vitamin snacks

In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to replenish its energy reserves by consuming healthy products at approximately 10 o'clock in the afternoon. What can serve as a snack during this time? Let's consider seven options for possible second breakfasts:

First course options

Lenten cabbage soup

700 g sauerkraut, 2 tbsp. l. Mix vegetable oil and 100 g of water in a cast iron pot. Place it in the oven and simmer for 2 hours at 130 degrees. Boil the mushrooms and strain. Fry the onions and carrots, and then add the champignons to them. Simmer the vegetables and mushrooms for a quarter of an hour and pour the mixture into the cast iron pot with the cabbage. Mix all ingredients and leave to brew. Boil mushroom broth. Place the vegetable stock into it. Salt and pepper the dish to taste. Cook the cabbage soup for another half hour over low heat. Sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Cream of mushroom soup

Fry the onion and champignon pieces in sunflower oil. Boil potatoes in chicken broth. Add mushrooms and onions to the soup. Cook the dish for 10-15 minutes. Drain off some of the liquid and grind the product mixture in a blender. Add more broth if necessary. Salt the soup to taste, sprinkle with herbs.

Vegetable soup

Looking for information on the topic "Healthy eating for children"? The first course recipes presented below will suit you perfectly. Soups prepared using them turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, thanks to the colorful vegetables they contain.

Boil chicken bouillon. Place diced potatoes in it. Fry onions, bell peppers and carrots in oil. When the potatoes are cooked, add fresh green peas and vegetables from the pan to the soup. Bring the dish to a boil and turn off. Sprinkle the soup with herbs and salt to taste.

No healthy food recipes can do without such a valuable product as fish. We invite you to prepare delicious and healthy fish soup.

Boil 1 kg of washed, gutted fish of low-fat varieties (ruff, perch, burbot) until tender. Then remove it from the broth. Strain the liquid and put it on the fire again. Add potatoes, onions and carrots to it. When the vegetables boil, add a handful of washed millet. Boil the soup until done. Remove the fish from the bones and place in the broth. Boil the soup and turn it off. Serve the dish with herbs.


Place beets, cut into strips, and potatoes into cubes into the boiling broth. Fry tomato dressing from onions, carrots and tomatoes in sunflower oil. When the vegetables in the pan are almost ready, add shredded cabbage to them. Cook the borscht for another 10 minutes. Finally, add the dressing and herbs. Serve the dish with sour cream.

Lentil soup

Place the washed and pre-soaked lentils into boiling water or broth. Cook it for about half an hour. Then add the potatoes to the pan. Separately fry the carrots and onions. When the potatoes are cooked, pour the vegetables from the pan into the broth. Boil the soup and remove from heat. Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Cauliflower soup

Fry the onion in a deep cast iron skillet. Add cauliflower and half a glass of water to it. Simmer for a quarter of an hour. Next, add turmeric and add water if necessary. Simmer the dish for another 10 minutes. Next, grind the entire product mass with a blender.

Second courses

Healthy food recipes should consist of protein foods - meat or fish. This can be a piece of either boiled or steamed product. You can make preparations from it in the form of cutlets or meatballs. Meat should be of low-fat varieties: chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit. For fish, give preference to pike perch, pelengas, perch, and ruff.

Afternoon snack

In the afternoon, when dinner is still far away, you need to have a small snack. It may consist of following products(one of them):

  1. Kefir, yogurt.
  2. Vegetable salad.
  3. Citrus.
  4. Fruit salad.
  5. Dried fruits.
  6. Bun.
  7. Milkshake.

Healthy eating: dinner (recipes)

Seven options for a light, yet nutritious dinner are presented below.


The recipes presented in the article will help make your diet both healthy and tasty. These meal options are a sample weekly menu. You can change it at your discretion. The main thing is to adhere to the cooking technology and consume only And then you and all your household members will be healthy, energetic and cheerful.

Eating healthy food is one of the main foundations on which human health is built. Proper nutrition prevents the development of many diseases, strengthens the immune system, maintains functionality internal organs, prolongs youth, promotes weight loss and even restores health. Therefore, it is extremely important to eat right. And what should it be? healthy diet we'll talk about it in this article.

Most people know that eating well and being physically active can help maintain a healthy weight. But the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight, there are many more. Proper nutrition helps:

  • Reduce your risk of certain diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis.
  • Reduce high blood pressure.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Improve your well-being.
  • Improve your ability to fight illnesses and colds.
  • Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury.
  • Increase energy level.

Healthy eating rules

There are myths and misconceptions when it comes to healthy eating. New, often conflicting, diet advice appears every day. But the basics of proper nutrition don't really change.

Eat a balanced diet

Maintain the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Their percentage depends on your goal: maintain normal weight, lose weight or gain weight muscle mass. Consider the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates depending on your goal.

Maintain normal weight:

  • carbohydrates - 70-150 grams, that is, on an inactive day - no more than 100, on an active day (sports, physical work) - up to 150 grams;

Lose weight:

  • carbohydrates - 50-70 grams, on an active day (sports, physical work) - no more than 100;
  • proteins - 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight, but not more than 90 grams;
  • fats - equal to your desired weight (for example, if you want to weigh 50 kg, consume 50 grams of fat).

Build muscle mass:

  • carbohydrates - 70-150 depending on activity;
  • proteins - 100-120 grams;
  • fats - 1-1.3 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

Sugar intake per day:

  • Up to 30 years - up to 30 grams;
  • After 30 years - 10-20 grams;
  • For some diseases - 0-10 grams.

Cellulose - from 20 grams.

The most convenient way to keep track of dietary fat, sugar and fiber is in the FatSecret app on your phone.

Calories should be reduced gradually, otherwise the body will become stressed. You should eat 3 times a day, without snacks.

It is important to know! Proper nutrition is characterized by the following distribution of calories: breakfast - 45% of the total daily diet, lunch - 30%, and dinner - 25%.

Pay special attention to breakfast

You've heard it before, and it's true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast is absolutely essential to help fire up your metabolism, improve cognitive function, and help balance your nutrition throughout the day. A proper breakfast includes protein, healthy fat, and some complex carbohydrates.

Eat a large green salad with every meal. And with breakfast too.

Don't snack

According to recent studies, snacking leads to insulin resistance, which can develop into type 2 diabetes.

Don't eat 2 hours before bedtime

If you want to eat something before going to bed, then drink a glass clean water. This technique will help get rid of the feeling of hunger.

Drink more water

Avoid eating flour and sweets

With a healthy diet, you need to completely eliminate the use of cookies, buns, sweets and other similar products in your menu. If you want something sweet, then eat some fruit.

Don't starve

The fasting strategy is not only unhealthy, it almost always causes unpleasant consequences. If you don't eat enough calories during the day, you'll be more likely to overeat in the evenings. And instead of sitting down to a healthy dinner, you'll likely reward yourself with a calorie bomb—a big scoop of ice cream or a slice of hearty pie. Eat when your body needs fuel and stop when you've filled the tank.

Ask questions when you eat at a restaurant

Menus can be very deceiving and even healthy dishes are loaded with oil or heavy sauce. Don't be afraid to ask for details about the preparation of the dishes.

Make a plan before going to the store

Going to the store when you're hungry is a bad idea. However, the biggest mistake you can make is not knowing what to buy, instead browsing through all the shelves for inspiration. This leads to the purchase of unnecessary and harmful products. Make a list based on the recipes you plan to cook that week, and concentrate your purchases in the fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat and fish sections of the store.

Limit sodium and sugar

Reducing the amount of salt in dishes, tea and coffee without sugar is the right step. Sodium and sugar are found in most processed foods. Check the ingredients on packages of ready-made breakfast formulas; they usually contain up to 20 grams of sugar per serving.

To maintain health and youth, you should consume no more than 20 grams of sugar per day.

Give up alcohol

No one is forcing you to say no alcoholic drinks forever. When you want to drink a cocktail or wine, remember the fact that they contain a huge amount of sugar, which will negatively affect your health and figure.

Avoid products with ingredients

Buy only whole foods in the store, and leave those with ingredients on the shelves.

Switch to whole grains

When it comes to carbohydrates, Brown color better. Whole grain products, such as whole wheat, brown rice and oatmeal contain more nutrients and fiber than their processed white cousins. Higher fiber intake also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. So instead of avoiding carbs in an attempt to lose weight, start by swapping whites for whole grains.

Enjoy your food

Many people believe that healthy eating and enjoyment are mutually exclusive. Work towards a lifestyle based on healthy choices. To achieve this goal, find nutritious foods that you enjoy.

Change your menu regularly

Don't stop at one selection of dishes for a long time, try to find new recipes and mix healthy foods in a different way. If today you ate porridge with water for breakfast, tomorrow start with salad and boiled chicken.

Among the useful products are:

  • Light carbohydrates: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain pasta, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas.
  • Proteins: poultry, seafood, eggs, fish, lean meat, dairy products.
  • Fats: nuts, seeds, unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Fiber: cabbage, beets, celery, horseradish, radishes, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus.

Unwanted Products

Undesirable products that should be avoided or reduced to a minimum include flour and confectionery products, chocolate, sausages, smoked meats, fast food, snacks, packaged juices and other store-bought products that have a composition. Salt and sugar should be limited.

Nutrition for 7 days for a woman

To maintain health, lose weight and achieve a comfortable state, women should take into account the following dietary pattern.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in water, lettuce and egg.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup, chicken breast, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: tuna, buckwheat, cucumber salad.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese up to 5% fat, cabbage salad, 1 slice of whole grain bread.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, steam cutlet with brown rice, vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled turkey, cabbage salad.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat, fish.
  • Lunch: pea soup, boiled chicken fillet, vegetable stew.
  • Dinner: tuna salad.
  • Breakfast: salad, tuna, rice or buckwheat bread (2-3 pieces).
  • Lunch: borscht, plate of beans, boiled beef, salad.
  • Dinner: baked chicken breast, salad.
  • Breakfast: brown rice, egg, salad.
  • Dinner: chicken soup with vermicelli, boiled egg, salad.
  • Dinner: stewed beans with salad.
  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: buckwheat soup, beef stew, salad.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet, vegetables.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal, scrambled eggs.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, oven-baked meat or fish, vegetables.
  • Dinner: chicken breast, salad.

No need to eat carbohydrates for dinner! We eat only proteins and fiber. Salad dressing is best olive oil(no more than 1 tablespoon). The fruit can be eaten for lunch (100-200 grams).

Recipes for proper nutrition (video)

In this video you will see recipes for healthy meals for another 3 days.

Eating right is not so difficult if you prepare the menu and necessary ingredients in advance. A balanced regimen involves patience and awareness. It will help you stay healthy and beautiful girl, get your figure in order and enjoy good health. Don't forget to pay attention to your lifestyle - give up bad habits and increase physical activity. Proper nutrition combined with activity will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure!

The key to a fit, athletic figure is proper nutrition. Those who do not want to lose weight, but want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, definitely need to eat right. We will share useful menu for every day and consider a dozen recipes that nutritionists recommend getting acquainted with for those who are just starting their journey to nutrition (proper nutrition).

Video recipe for a healthy lifestyle:

What is proper nutrition

Before you switch to the payment system, learn what it is. The main advantage is that everyone can afford to eat healthy.

If there are abnormalities in the functioning of some organs, talk to your doctor about your diet. Even completely healthy men and women adhere to this system.

P/p – balance between natural and high-quality products.

The set should fully satisfy the needs of the body, improving the functioning of organs and, first of all, the digestive system.

The proteins from these products are very easily absorbed by the body.

With proper nutrition, the menu for every day for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss should be selected carefully and be varied!

According to the food system, food is a necessity for the body. Satisfaction of personal taste preferences is relegated to the background.

Another advantage of avoiding harmful foods is prolonging youth and maintaining natural beauty.

You will have to give up many foods, including sweets. But there is a reason to learn how to perfectly prepare low-calorie desserts from natural products.

If the dish really turns out delicious, even the members of the household will not be able to refuse it, provided that they do not adhere to the rules.

You will have to give up fried and smoked foods in favor of boiled, steamed, and stewed foods.

You should not trust unverified sources of information about payments. With development social networks In each of them, blogs of men and women appeared promoting proper nutrition and menus for every day for a healthy lifestyle. They are ready to give free recommendations to those who are just starting this path.

Others run paid marathons where those interested can lose weight in 2-3 weeks and learn to eat healthy.

Not all marathon organizers really understand balanced meals. For those who decide to bounce back in this way, I would like to recommend contacting only professionals.

Debutants are unlikely to be able to provide a little more information than can be found on the Internet.

Analysis of reviews and the results of the work of a “specialist” will protect you from scammers involved in pumping money out of unsuspecting people.

Basics of the Food Pyramid

The food pyramid is the basis of the food pyramid; its founders are specialists from the Harvard School.

The pyramid is based not only on natural products, but also on physical activity.

P/P and physical activity are the key to your excellent health

It is very important to be sure to drink enough water. The norm is 1.5-2 liters per day for an adult. Depending on health indicators, the amount may vary.

The bottom layer of the pyramid consists of the following products:

  1. Whole wheat bread.
  2. Oatmeal.
  3. Pasta.

These products contain maximum energy. If you do not add oil and sauces to them, they will not lead to weight gain.

The body receives energy from carbohydrates in their composition.

The next layer in the daily menu for proper nutrition is vegetables. They contain protein and virtually no fat. The most nutritious vegetables are flowers:

  1. Orange.
  2. Green.
  3. Yellow.

You don't have to eat vegetables all the time pure form, you can give preference to juices.

However, it is important that the juices from natural vegetables are freshly squeezed. It is better to prepare them at home immediately before consumption.

Fruits can be consumed in almost any form.

The only exceptions may be sweet syrups and nectars, which should be consumed in limited quantities and in the first half of the day.

The next layer is meat and fish. Also worth including here:

  1. Beans.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Nuts.

The listed products are rich in microelements, vitamins and protein and are easily absorbed by the body.

The next layer is dairy products, they contain a lot of calcium, and protein is easily absorbed by the body.

In light of the latest scientific developments on dietary nutrition, it is important to eat not only exclusively low-fat foods.

The smallest layer in the pyramid is oils and sweets, they are nutritious but high in calories. Consume no more than a tablespoon of oil per day.

The menu for proper nutrition for every day does not differ from gender. A girl and a guy can eat the same; for a healthy lifestyle it is enough to know the basics.

An adult without losing weight needs to consume from 1700 to 2000 kilocalories. To lose weight, eat 300-400 kilocalories less.

How to create a weekly food menu

Eating requires those losing weight to adopt a clear daily routine; they will have to eat strictly by the hour. This applies to the first weeks on proper nutrition. Later the body will get used to this system. He himself will remind the person of the need to eat something.

A person is required to create a menu for every day for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. When and what to eat depends on your usual daily routine; to do this, you need to decide which group you belong to, a “lark” or a “night owl.”

Those who get up at 6 am have breakfast an hour after waking up. There is such a thing as second breakfast; it should be scheduled for 10 am. Lunch 3 hours after second breakfast. Afternoon tea at 4 pm. Dinner is in another 3 hours – at 7 pm. You can also introduce a second dinner into your diet; usually a person drinks a glass of kefir or other low-fat fermented milk drink.

Right choice it's not difficult to do

Remember, meals, provided you maintain a proper nutrition system, are calculated every three hours. At first, you will have to carry a container of food with you if you cannot have a snack or a hearty lunch/dinner at home. But it is important to follow the menu for every day without getting lost!

For those losing weight with the night owl type, a different eating routine will be required. Rise is scheduled for 9 am. In an hour, first breakfast. Lunch - at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Set lunch for 3 pm. After 2 hours - afternoon snack. Dinner is at 8 pm.

No matter who you are, drink 250 milliliters of still water every morning. It is better to drink boiled water. In glasses it is 1.5-2 glasses. Wait at least half an hour before eating.

You should not eat later than 2 hours before bedtime. Lying down on a full stomach is harmful to both your figure and your health. If you really want to eat, drink a glass of water.

Avoiding too many treats at night is easy. To do this, go to bed as early as possible (based on your routine). The later you go to bed, the more you want to eat.

Sports menu for Monday

Don't wait until next Monday. Create a menu for proper nutrition for every day now. The recipes are simple. They are suitable for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing weight.

  1. In the morning, eat 100 grams of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey.
  2. For second breakfast, eat a fruit containing fast carbohydrates. It could be a banana.
  3. Prepare a portion for lunch chicken breast and vegetable salad.
  4. For dinner – cottage cheese (150 grams) and an orange.
  5. In the evening, drink a glass or two of kefir.

Weight loss dishes for Tuesday

  1. Start your morning with buckwheat porridge and vegetables.
  2. For second breakfast, eat 2 large apples.
  3. For lunch - a portion of boiled beef and a vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner – a portion of sea fish and grapefruit.
  5. Before bed - cottage cheese.

Sports diet for Wednesday

  1. In the morning, eat a portion of rice with vegetables.
  2. Snack – 50 grams of walnuts and a tablespoon of honey.
  3. For lunch, a portion of veal (200 grams) and a vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner - boiled eggs(3 pieces) and tomatoes (2 pieces).
  5. At night, drink a glass of yogurt.

Diet menu for Thursday

  1. A serving of pasta (200 grams and cottage cheese) – breakfast.
  2. After that - an apple and a banana.
  3. For lunch - a portion of beef and boiled salad.
  4. For dinner – 200 grams of seafood.
  5. At night - an apple.

Low calorie diet for Friday

  1. For breakfast – 100 grams of rice and 100 grams of fish.
  2. Second breakfast – tea and 2 tablespoons of honey.
  3. Lunch – chicken soup and vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner – a portion of chicken fillet and fresh cucumbers.
  5. At night – boiled eggs (3 pieces).

Delicious and healthy dishes for Saturday

  1. In the morning, eat 200 grams of boiled beans and vegetables.
  2. Second breakfast – vegetables (200 grams) and honey.
  3. Lunch – boiled veal and vegetables.
  4. For dinner – 150 grams of hard cheese and vegetables of your choice.
  5. At night - a glass of kefir.

Sports nutrition for Sunday

  1. Morning – 150 grams of boiled potatoes and vegetable salad.
  2. Before lunch – 200 grams of fruit.
  3. Lunch – veal (200 grams) and citrus fruits.
  4. For dinner - cottage cheese (150 grams).
  5. Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.

What products are needed to comply with the rules: top 25

What must be included in proper nutrition and every day menu for a healthy lifestyle?

Among the most useful products for those who adhere to p/p:

  • Beans (calorie content - from 93 kcal).

Acts as an appetite suppressant.

  • Oats (calorie content - 389 kcal).

A nourishing product that gives energy.

  • Avocado (calorie content – ​​223 kcal).

Contains the “right” fats necessary for the body.

  • Chicken breast (calorie content – ​​110 kcal).

A product rich in protein – a building element.

  • Salmon (calorie content – ​​208 kcal).

Salmon is a source of heart-healthy elements.

  • Broccoli (calorie content – ​​25 kcal).

Does not promote weight gain. Satisfies hunger.

  • Pears (calorie content – ​​57 kcal).
  • Cottage cheese (calorie content – ​​71 kk).

Includes a building block for bones and teeth. Rich in protein.

  • Brown rice (calorie content – ​​111 kcal).

Rich in thiamine and fiber.

  • Banana (calorie content – ​​89 kcal).

Covers daily norm vitamin B6.

  • Lentils (calorie content – ​​116 kcal).

Saturates the body with nutritious protein.

  • Green tea (calorie content - up to 60 kcal with sugar).

Removes toxins from the body.

  • Kefir (calorie content - up to 56 kk).

Positively affects intestinal function.

  • Almonds (calorie content - 576 kcal).

Cleanses blood vessels and normalizes metabolic processes.

  • Dark chocolate (calorie content – ​​539 kcal).

Improves brain function and increases performance.

  • Eggs (calorie content – ​​155 kcal).

Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body.

  • Oranges (calorie content – ​​70 kcal).

Gives a feeling of satiety.

  • Goat cheese (calorie content - 168 kcal).

Positively affects teeth, bones, blood pressure.

  • Pearl barley (calorie content – ​​324 kcal).

Improves metabolism.

  • Low-fat broth (calorie content - 30 kcal).

Satisfies appetite, promotes weight loss.

Positively affects intestinal function and the cardiovascular system.

  • Apples (calorie content – ​​45 kcal).

Quench thirst and promote weight loss.

  • Eggplant (calorie content – ​​40 kcal).

Contains vitamins C, B and proteins.

  • Bell pepper (calorie content – ​​40 kcal).

The benefit lies in the high content of vitamin C, E, B.

  • Cucumbers (calorie content – ​​15 kcal).

Contains vitamin C and iodine.

And here they are delicious, but healthy recipes with proper nutrition and a menu for every day for a healthy lifestyle!

Stew fish in sour cream

Let's look at examples of recipes for dishes from the menu for proper nutrition of the menu for every day. Knowing them will help you lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain your weight to stay slim.

A fish day should be varied with tasty and healthy fish. Most often it is stewed in sour cream. Per 100 grams of food – only 91 kilocalories. A hearty and healthy dinner is guaranteed.

From the ingredients:

  • Olive oil.
  • Spices.
  • Onions (2 pieces).
  • Sour cream (400 grams).
  • Pike perch (half a kilo).

Sour cream is replaced with yogurt or kefir. If you use yogurt, buy the product without additives. Natural yogurt does not contain additional ingredients such as fruits or berries. Kefir and sour cream are used exclusively low-calorie. For kefir, the recommended fat content is 1%.

Cooking technique:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings.
  2. Slice the pike perch.
  3. Fry the onion with butter.
  4. Add fish and fry on each side for 5 minutes.
  5. Add sour cream.
  6. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. Add your preferred spices.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with fresh or frozen herbs.

Protein salad with fish and beans

Another recipe for those who often use fish dishes.

From the ingredients:

  • Beans (half a can).
  • Tuna (1 can).
  • Cucumber (1 piece).
  • Lettuce (leaves).


  1. Remove the tuna from the can. Transfer to a bowl. Mash with a fork.
  2. Drain the beans.
  3. Add to tuna.
  4. Cut the cucumber into cubes.
  5. Add some salt.
  6. Leave for 5 minutes.
  7. Chop the leaves.
  8. Mix the ingredients.

Before serving, add fresh chopped herbs if desired.

Casserole with vegetables and cheese

Casserole with vegetables is an important recipe for the menu for every day with proper nutrition! Not many people like broccoli in its pure form. But it goes well in food in the form of casseroles. To make the dish hearty, add chicken and cheese.

From the ingredients:

  • Eggs (4 pieces).
  • Brocolli (300 grams).
  • Chicken (150 grams. Fillet).
  • Cheese (150 grams).
  • Green onions.
  • Spices.

Cooking technique:

  1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  2. Boil broccoli in boiling water.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Slice the chicken fillet.
  5. Chop the green onions.
  6. Place broccoli, fillet, cheese and onion in the pan.
  7. Beat the eggs.
  8. Add spices and herbs to them.
  9. Pour the dressing over the casserole.
  10. Bake for no more than 40 minutes until crispy.

Instead of broccoli, use cauliflower if desired.

Liver with cheese for lunch

Chicken liver should definitely be included in the menu for every day with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is good for the body. Other advantages include reasonable cost and low calorie content.

From the ingredients:

  • Liver (half a kilo).
  • Spices.
  • Greenery.
  • Processed cheese (150 grams).
  • Whole grain flour (tablespoon).
  • Onion (1 piece).
  • Carrot (1 piece).


  1. Chop and grate (carrots) vegetables.
  2. Rinse the liver and remove the film. Cut the liver into pieces.
  3. Fry vegetables and liver over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Add spices, flour and a glass of water.
  5. When the water boils, throw in the processed cheese, cut into pieces.
  6. Wait for the cheese to dissolve.

The liver is delicious hot or cold; 100 grams of the dish contains only 139 kilocalories.

Cottage cheese and chicken cutlets

Cottage cheese and chicken cutlets

Chicken is a product without which it is impossible to imagine any business. Usually, the daily menu for a healthy lifestyle includes exclusively fillet. It is used for cooking soups, making casseroles and salads. Fillet also makes excellent cutlets if you add cottage cheese to it.

From the ingredients:

  • Fillet (700 grams).
  • Cottage cheese (100 grams).
  • Onion (half).
  • Proteins (2 pieces).
  • Spices.


  1. Cut the fillet into pieces.
  2. Pass it through a meat grinder.
  3. Pass the onion through a meat grinder.
  4. Beat the whites.
  5. Add to fillet and cottage cheese.
  6. Add spices.
  7. Form into cutlets.
  8. Bake in the oven until done.

In the absence of an oven, a slow cooker is quite suitable for preparing this healthy dish.

Vegetable frittata: the perfect breakfast

An unusual name for an ordinary breakfast. A dish from the menu for every day of proper nutrition is prepared quickly, the vegetables are seasonal. If you want something tasty for lunch, a frittata is perfect for this purpose.

From the ingredients:

  • Zucchini (300 grams).
  • Spices.
  • Hard cheese (50 grams).
  • Eggs (5 pieces).
  • Tomatoes (2 pieces).


  1. Rinse the vegetables. Peel the skin from the zucchini.
  2. Cut tomatoes and zucchini into slices.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Fry the zucchini in oil until the moisture evaporates.
  5. Beat eggs and spices.
  6. Pour them over the zucchini.
  7. Fry until done.
  8. 5 minutes before readiness, add tomato and cheese.

Serve breakfast hot, we guarantee that even those who can’t decide to start new life, using the following rules, you will be pleasantly surprised by the delicious dish.

Carrot dessert - a healthy recipe

If you eat right, you don’t have to deny yourself desserts. An important point is that they must be natural and low-calorie. It’s easy to prepare a casserole at home if you have an oven or multicooker.

From the ingredients:

  • Carrots (kilogram).
  • Eggs (4 pieces).
  • Vegetable oil (teaspoon).
  • Cottage cheese (300 grams).
  • Sesame (30 grams).
  • Salt.


  1. Peel and grate the carrots.
  2. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks.
  3. Beat them separately.
  4. Add cottage cheese to the yolks and stir.
  5. Add carrots. Stir.
  6. Pour in the whites. Stir.
  7. Grease the mold with oil and pour the workpiece.
  8. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  9. Cook for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

If you feel that the taste of this dish lacks sweetness, you can add myt, a small amount of honey or a sweetener.

Fish dinner in proper nutrition: pike perch with tomatoes

Pike perch with tomatoes

Pike perch is the most suitable type of fish in the diet of a nutritionally conscious person. This is a dietary and healthy product. It is easy to prepare many different dishes for the menu for every day with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

From the ingredients:

  • Fish (kilogram).
  • Tomatoes (2 pieces).
  • Spices.
  • Greens (bunch).
  • Mustard with grains (3 tablespoons).
  • Cheese (150 grams).
  • Lemon juice (2 tablespoons).

Cooking technique:

  1. Cut the fish.
  2. Remove the bones and unfold the pike perch like a book.
  3. Rub with spices. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into slices.
  5. Grate the cheese.
  6. Place the fillets in a baking dish. Place remaining ingredients on top. Sprinkle with cheese.
  7. Wrap in foil.
  8. Simmer in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

No-bake cottage cheese cake

Another recipe that will please those with a sweet tooth, but can also be on the menu for every day for proper nutrition. One of the advantages is that it does not need to be baked. The cake can be prepared without heat treatment.

From the ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese (half a kilo).
  • Sweetener.
  • Yogurt (300 grams).
  • Water (glass).
  • Kiwi (3 pieces).
  • Gelatin (30 grams).

Use natural yogurt and low-calorie cottage cheese.


  1. Mix cottage cheese and yogurt.
  2. Cut the kiwi into rings.
  3. Add sweetener to cottage cheese and yogurt.
  4. Pour gelatin with water and let it brew.
  5. Boil the gelatin for up to 5 minutes without boiling.
  6. Pour into cottage cheese and yogurt.
  7. Beat the curd mass.
  8. Place kiwi on the bottom of the mold.
  9. Partially fill with cottage cheese mixture.
  10. Repeat layers until you run out of ingredients.
  11. Leave for 2 hours.

The cake will be a pleasant addition to breakfast or a light dinner.

This tale is about how to create a healthy nutrition menu that is suitable not only for losing weight, but also for improving well-being, toning up and Have a good mood. How to provide recipes for each snack so that you eat only healthy foods? Is it possible to make proper nutrition so attractive that we no longer return to fast food and “goodies”, because of which we accumulate fat under the skin and cholesterol in our blood vessels?

Hello friends! We all know that our body needs different ratios of ingredients at different stages of life. How can you avoid standing too long in the kitchen, but at the same time provide for the needs of everyone, from kids to grandparents? What can you do to make food healthy for the whole family? At first glance, the task seems difficult. But is it? It's time to figure out the proper nutrition menu.

Let's understand the concepts

Nutrition menu

Healthy and unhealthy types of food

Judging by the speeds at big cities New fast food chains are emerging, we have not yet sufficiently realized the harm that these establishments cause to our health. And we are not just talking about the problem of excess weight. By eating incorrectly, you can upset your digestion and develop problems with your liver, heart, kidneys and other organs. Fast food factories (all those McDonald's and Burger Kings) pose the greatest danger to children. Everything is so delicious and beautiful! How can a child not be tempted?

A proper nutrition menu should not be less attractive. It simply must remain tasty and healthy at the same time! But it is better to exclude a number of products. I will give a small table of the most common healthy and harmful products, without touching on exotic and expensive ingredients.

Table of products and dishes.

Many things can be easily and safely prepared at home from available products. For example, everyone's favorite mayonnaise. Here is the simplest recipe:

  • egg or egg yolk;
  • 70-100 g of vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • spices to taste and as desired.

Place a raw egg, sugar, salt in a container and add oil. Grind with a blender. Add lemon juice and spices (eg mustard powder, pepper) and grind some more. If the mayonnaise turns out liquid, it means there is not enough oil.

You yourself understand that a proper nutrition menu for a woman or a man, a child or a grandmother does not mean that you sit on it for 30 days or six months and then start eating whatever you like. You need to create a diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life without burdening yourself with unnecessary restrictions.

As budget option You can choose recipes in which expensive products are replaced with cheaper ones. The most important thing is that the food remains varied and contains all the necessary and beneficial substances.

Another tip: try not to eat yesterday's reheated food. If there is anything left, it’s better to make a cold dish from yesterday. Better yet, prepare it for the day.

By following simple recommendations, you can get rid of old ailments and bring your weight back to normal. If you are still in doubt, come to our Online Healthy Body Academy

  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
  • How to stop visiting gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?
  • That's all for today.
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    And let's move on!

    Have you ever heard the expression that humanity is digging its own grave with a spoon and fork? No matter how gloomy it sounds, statistics from recent decades indicate that approximately a third of the world's population is obese, and 45% of modern people have high cholesterol levels in their blood.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, hormonal metabolism disorders, kidney and liver function - all these are consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition.

    The most common mistakes in the eating behavior of our contemporaries are:

    1. Refusal of breakfast.
    2. The habit of snacking on the go.
    3. Dry food.
    4. Eating fast food.
    5. Use of harmful additives.
    6. Refusal of water.
    7. Voluntary fasting (fraught with breakdowns).
    8. “Eating” a bad mood.

    Look video - proper nutrition, the worst mistakes: 403 Forbidden

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    In order to correct the situation, it is never too late to change your eating habits and switch to proper nutrition.

    What kind of nutrition can be considered correct?

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    What principles should proper nutrition follow?

    In addition to lunch, breakfast and dinner, it is advisable to include two intermediate meals in your diet: second breakfast and afternoon snack.

    • For second breakfast, fermented milk products are suitable: yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir, as well as light vegetable salads. You can eat a handful of dried fruits, a small amount of nuts, or snack on fresh fruit.
    • A good option for lunch would be a combination of proteins (in the form of meat, poultry or fish), vegetables and complex carbohydrates.
    • For the afternoon snack, you can use the same products as for the first snack. You can drink a glass of tea with a sandwich or a cup of cocoa with a couple of pancakes.

    In the dinner menu, it is best to include dishes containing a large amount of proteins that can break down fats, so preference can be given to cottage cheese, fish and lean meats.

    Proper nutrition should be combined with a drinking regime, according to which you should drink at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water daily.

    • In the morning, it is very useful to drink 200 ml of water on an empty stomach: this will prepare the intestines for the coming day.
    • Intermediate meals should be healthy: instead of a high-calorie bun, it is better to eat a couple of whole grain breads, and instead of sweets, a handful of dried fruits.
    • A balanced menu should take into account the age and physiological needs of a person.

    Nutritionists advise planning your menu in advance for the week ahead, as this allows you not only to adhere to proper nutrition, but also helps to achieve significant savings in time and material resources.

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    Sample healthy nutrition menu for a week for a teenager

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    The body of adolescents (boys or girls aged 12 to 17 years) is in a state of active formation and development, so strict diets can cause irreparable harm to their health. Also unacceptable fasting days. How can you help teenagers experiencing problems with excess weight?

    Principles of proper nutrition for teenagers:

    • If there is a tendency towards obesity, a proper teenage nutrition menu should include dishes with a reduced calorie content, due to which the resulting food will be completely processed into energy, without being deposited in problem areas in the form of excess fat. The reduction in the total calorie intake of an overweight teenager can be no more than 20%.

    When drawing up a menu for the week, it should be taken into account that carbohydrates should account for approximately half of the total calorie intake. The remaining half is divided equally between fats and proteins.

    • A complete breakfast for a teenager should consist of a protein or carbohydrate product with a side dish of fresh fruits or vegetables and a hot drink. Since the metabolism is activated during breakfast, the calories received during it are completely used up during the day.
    • If porridge is served for breakfast for a teenager, it is most beneficial to prepare it either with water or with milk diluted half with water. Instead of sugar, you can use dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit. The most useful are buckwheat and oatmeal.
    • The main meal of the day is always lunch. It must certainly be freshly prepared and consist of two dishes, since soups are a very important and mandatory component of the teenage diet.
    • As an afternoon snack, a teenager can be offered a fermented milk drink with a bun, fruit, a light salad, or a glass of fruit juice.
    • It is preferable to make dinner light by including a dish consisting of vegetable side dish and a protein product (fish or meat).

    The daily caloric intake of teenage girls should be within 2500 calories, while teenage boys need 2700 calories. The nutritional value of meals for children actively involved in sports should be increased by 20%.

    • The teenage menu for the week should include dishes prepared by boiling, stewing and baking.
    • When planning a teenager's diet for the week, it is worth considering that teenagers experiencing weight problems should give up regular bread, replacing it with protein or bran bread.

    And now it’s time to move from talking about the principles of rational nutrition to a balanced diet menu for teenagers with unstable weight for a week.


    • Breakfast: a small portion of 5% cottage cheese with pieces of fruit, a protein omelette (with ham, salmon or cheese), a glass of tea with milk. Serving size – 100-150 g.
    • Dinner: vegetable soup with broccoli, chicken fillet cutlet (weighing 150 g), 200 ml vegetable juice.
    • Afternoon snack: 250 ml fruit juice, sandwich with low-fat cheese.
    • Dinner: vegetable salad (green onions, fresh cucumbers and sweet corn, dressed with olive oil) with a piece of boiled fish, green tea.


    • Breakfast: 150 g beef goulash, side dish of buckwheat, glass of herbal tea.
    • Dinner: vegetarian soup, stewed vegetables, one fresh cucumber, 250 ml of dried fruit compote.
    • Afternoon snack: salad of your favorite fruits with yogurt dressing.
    • Dinner: 200 g of oatmeal, cooked in diluted milk, a glass of black tea.


    • Breakfast: a couple of sandwiches with pieces of boiled meat and lettuce, two fresh tomatoes, a glass of green tea.
    • Dinner: chicken noodle soup, boiled chicken leg, white cabbage and carrot salad, 200 ml vegetable juice.
    • Afternoon snack: hard-boiled eggs (two pieces), a glass of black tea, sweetened with honey.
    • Dinner: cottage cheese and pear casserole, a glass of milk.


    • Breakfast: stewed vegetables with a piece of boiled chicken breast, coffee drink with milk.
    • Dinner: fresh mushroom soup, mashed potatoes, a glass of tomato juice.
    • Afternoon snack: 200 ml of drinking yoghurt with a bun.
    • Dinner: milk buckwheat porridge, a piece of cheese, toast, black tea.


    • Breakfast: cottage cheese and fruit casserole, a glass of kefir.
    • Dinner: Kharcho soup, a piece of boiled fish, 200 ml of carrot juice.
    • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a sandwich with a piece of cheese.
    • Dinner: 200 g of milk oatmeal, black tea with honey.


    • Afternoon snack: 150 g 5% cottage cheese.
    • Dinner: soft-boiled egg, fresh tomato and canned corn salad, herbal tea.


    • Breakfast: a piece of stewed chicken breast with a side dish of vegetables, coffee with milk.
    • Dinner: mushroom soup, mashed potatoes, a glass of tomato juice.
    • Afternoon snack: 200 ml drinking yoghurt, bran flour bun.
    • Dinner: milk buckwheat porridge, toast with a slice of cheese, black tea.

    This weekly diet will help teenagers not only get rid of several kilograms of excess weight, but will also allow them not to experience a painful feeling of hunger, since in addition to four meals a day, it allows for the possibility of snacking on fruit (only bananas and grapes are not welcome).

    Sample healthy nutrition menu for a week for the whole family

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    Why do you need to create a menu for the week?

    1. By clearly planning our diet by day of the week, we make it easier for ourselves to prepare dishes by choosing them from a compiled list.
    2. A pre-compiled menu allows us to choose days when the hostess has the opportunity to prepare the necessary dish.
    3. Another advantage of the weekly menu is saving money, since we purchase only the necessary products, and in the quantities we need, while simultaneously providing for the purchase of alternative healthy products used for snacking (dried fruits, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits).

    Let's take a look at the healthy nutrition menu for the week.

    This diet is designed for one person with five meals a day. In accordance with the number of family members, this layout is multiplied by the required number of servings.



    • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with nuts and raisins, cooked in milk.
    • Second breakfast: a few slices of cheese, fresh pear.
    • Lunch: a portion of boiled chicken breast with stewed vegetables, fresh tomato, a glass of drinking water.
    • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad of olives and sweet peppers, dressed with olive oil.
    • Dinner: fresh cucumber salad, grilled fish with a side dish of stewed beans, bran flour bun.


    • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, bran bun, natural honey, glass of green tea.
    • Second breakfast: a handful of almonds and raisins.
    • Lunch: fresh radish salad, a piece of boiled beef with a side dish of green beans, a glass of water.
    • Afternoon snack: a small portion of cottage cheese with pieces of fresh fruit and berries.
    • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, grilled turkey breast, side dish of baked potatoes.



    • Breakfast: a serving of cereal with milk, a banana, a glass of green tea.
    • Second afternoon snack: a piece of low-fat cheese, grapes.
    • Lunch: light vegetable salad, chicken breast (grilled) with a side dish of broccoli, drinking water.
    • Afternoon snack: 200 ml of natural yoghurt with fresh berries.
    • Dinner: grilled chicken breast with a complex side dish of rice and stewed vegetables.



    • Breakfast: a serving of omelette with bell pepper, a glass of skim milk.
    • Second breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese, fresh apple.
    • Lunch: sandwich with slices of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
    • Afternoon snack: fresh fruit (apple and a couple of tangerines).
    • Dinner: a piece of boiled beef, green pea, side dish of baked potatoes, glass of water.

    Many nutritionists argue that a healthy nutrition menu must contain a hot first course.

    We offer another menu option for the week, in which this condition is met.


    • Breakfast: 3 cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream and fruit syrup.
    • Second breakfast: 250 ml of drinking yoghurt, a small banana.
    • Lunch: borscht with bone broth, mashed potatoes, stewed fish.
    • Afternoon snack: 200 ml black coffee, 50 g dark chocolate.
    • Dinner: light fruit salad dressed with yogurt, 3 steamed fish fillet cutlets.



    • Breakfast: a piece of boiled chicken breast with a side dish of steamed buckwheat, a tablespoon of 20% sour cream or soy sauce, cocoa with milk.
    • Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), seasoned with a teaspoon of fruit syrup, a couple of teaspoons of sour cream and a small amount of raisins.
    • Lunch: fish soup, vinaigrette, stewed fish with a complex side dish of stewed vegetables and brown rice, fresh apple compote.
    • Afternoon snack: banana milkshake (homemade, blended in a blender).
    • Dinner: boiled chicken with a side dish of poached cauliflower and soy sauce dressing.


    • Breakfast: sauerkraut salad, a couple of eggs omelet, whole grain bread, a glass of tea.
    • Second breakfast: bran bun with a piece of low-fat cheese and tomato slices.
    • Lunch: cucumber and tomato salad, chicken soup with rice, beef goulash, stewed buckwheat, compote.
    • Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits, unsweetened green tea.
    • Dinner: fish stew, pasta, tea.



    • Breakfast: milk rice porrige, a handful of dried fruits, coffee.
    • Second breakfast: 200 ml of kefir with a handful of fresh berries.
    • Lunch: “curly” fish soup, stewed fish with vegetables, boiled rice, a glass of green tea.
    • Afternoon snack: a bun, a glass of grapefruit juice.
    • Dinner: poultry or veal kebab, baked vegetables, vegetable juice.

    The daily calorie intake for women is 2500 calories, for men – 3500 calories. Nutritional value of the diet of pregnant women and men engaged in heavy labor physical activity, increases by another 1000 calories and is equal to 3500 and 4500 kilocalories, respectively.


    • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk, a cup of coffee.
    • Second afternoon snack: fruit and berry salad.
    • Lunch: salad of fresh vegetables, chicken broth, fried meat, pasta (made from durum wheat), vegetable juice.
    • Afternoon snack: bread from corn flour, A glass of tomato juice.
    • Dinner: vegetable salad, pilaf, 200 ml of green tea.

    Shopping list for proper nutrition for the week

    In order to create a proper family meal menu for the week, you need to devote an hour of free time to this, meeting to discuss it with all household members. The result of this discussion should be detailed list purchases that:

    1. Provides for the purchase of the most useful products necessary for preparing the dishes included in the weekly menu.
    2. It will significantly save your time by eliminating the need to visit the grocery store every day. You will only have to go to the supermarket for bread and perishable dairy products.
    3. Won't allow it harmful products get a family menu, since in a well-thought-out healthy diet for a week there is hardly a place for scrambled eggs with sausage or fried potatoes.

    How much provisions do you need to purchase to implement a weekly family menu? We offer a sample list of the most useful products:

    Fresh vegetables and fruits

    • Bell pepper – 0.5 kg.
    • Forks of white cabbage (2 kg).
    • Cauliflower – 0.5 kg (or frozen bag).
    • The same amount of broccoli.
    • A bag of fresh frozen green beans (400 g).
    • Onions – 0.5 kg (or 6 medium onions).
    • Carrots – 7 pieces (about 600 g).
    • 2 heads of garlic.
    • Potatoes – 2 kg.
    • 3 small zucchini.
    • Eggplants – 2 pieces.
    • Tomatoes – 1.5 kg.
    • Cucumbers – 1.5 kg.
    • Radish – 300 g.
    • Spinach – 0.5 kg.
    • Celery (root) – 1 pc.
    • A bunch of basil, a bunch of parsley and dill.
    • Oranges – 1.5 kg.
    • Apples – 1.5 kg.
    • Bananas – 2 kg.
    • Fresh berries – 0.5 kg.
    • Tangerines – 1 kg.
    • Grapes – 600 g.
    • Avocado – 4 pcs.

    Dried fruits

    • Raisins – 200 g.
    • Dried apricots – 200 g.
    • Prunes – 200 g.
    • Almonds – 200 g.

    Meat, poultry, fish, eggs

    • Chicken breast – 4 pcs.
    • Turkey breast – 4 pcs.
    • Beef tenderloin – 1.5 kg.
    • Minced chicken - 0.5 kg.
    • Fillet of salmon or any red fish – 1 kg.
    • White fish fillet (any) – 1.5 kg.
    • Eggs – 30 pcs.


    • Milk – 3 l.
    • Hard cheese – 200 g.
    • 5% cottage cheese – 1.5 kg.
    • Kefir – 3 l.
    • Sour cream – 0.5 kg.
    • Yogurt – 3 l.
    • Butter – 0.5 kg.


    • Breakfast cereals – 2 packs of 400 g each.
    • Oatmeal "Hercules" - 0.5 kg.
    • Buckwheat – 0.5 kg.
    • Spaghetti – 400 g.
    • Granulated sugar – 300 g.
    • Mayonnaise – 240 g.
    • Vegetable oil – 200 g.
    • Canned olives – 1 jar.
    • Fruit jam – 200 g.