Antivirus for Windows 10 Mobile and Windows Background - is there such a thing and is it even needed on Microsoft phones, Nokia Lumia and other Windows phones?

These and other security-related questions have plagued many users of Microsoft's mobile OS since the release of Windows Phone. The developers' answer to all this is the system does not need additional protection, since it has a closed system code, and those that are downloaded from the Windows Store are thoroughly scanned for viruses.

You won't find any official or unofficial mobile antivirus for Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and . There is one security solution, but more on it below.

So, if you are the owner of a Windows smartphone and once again type into the search bar the phrase “How to download an antivirus program for a mobile phone Nokia Lumia Microsoft Lumia, etc. for free, without registration,” then I hasten to disappoint you - you won't find anything like it, but you can only get a couple of Trojans on your computer.

Viruses from PC

But what about viruses that can be transferred to the phone along with files from the computer, you ask. Closed system code and a ban on installing third-party, unlicensed applications are the reasons why you don’t need to install an antivirus on your Windows phone.

In addition, when connecting the phone to a PC, it is identified as a removable storage device. And even if some kind of computer infection got on it, it won’t be able to do anything in the mobile OS, since the executable files in the systems are different.

Well, if you have unlocked your smartphone and install third-party games and applications not from the Marketplace, then the responsibility for the penetration of Trojans from “illegal software” lies entirely with you. Therefore, by the way, the main rule of the site is no third-party, pirated, or hacked applications. All software is only from the Windows Store.

What solutions are there to protect Windows 10 Mobile from viruses?

Once upon a time, AVG Mobilation antivirus was distributed on the Marketplace. But it was difficult to call it a full-fledged antivirus, since it only scanned images and audio files. That is why this application lasted only a couple of months in the store, after which it was removed. In addition, Microsoft stated that this program collected and sent user personal data to AVG servers.

Many users often ask the question: how is it that there is an operating system, so there must be viruses for it and an antivirus? Be that as it may, Microsoft has officially announced - devices onWindowsPhone andWindows 10Mobile (Nokia Lumia, Microsoft Lumia and others) do not need additional protection.

Secure browser for Winphones

However, there is one solution in the Windows Store - secure internet browser Kaspersky Safe Browser for safe browsing on the Internet.

While online, the application's web filter blocks malicious and phishing websites that are designed to steal user personal data, for example, passwords to electronic wallets, payment systems, and bank cards.

The bottom line is that before loading a website, Kaspersky Safe Browser checks it on the antivirus servers and then either blocks or allows further loading of the page. In the settings you can also set web filters for various categories of sites, so this browser can become optimal solution for your child's smartphone.

How to download, install and configure

Installation actually couldn’t be simpler - download, launch the application, accept the terms and conditions and the browser is ready to work.

In the settings you can select a search engine and clear your browsing history. Otherwise, Kaspersky Safe Browser is no different from a regular mobile browser.

In fact, viruses can only penetrate a Microsoft mobile system via the Internet, so you can install Dual Sim, 640, 520, 535, 550, 650, 435 Dual Sim, 525, 730, 430, 930, 800, 720 on your Lumiya 630, 520, 535, 550, 650, 435 , 920, 820, 925, 540, 1020, 900, 610 or another Winphone, this browser is for safe surfing.

If you have anything to add, write below in the comments.

Since Microsoft introduced the Windows Phone mobile platform in 2010, users have been tormented by questions about how to protect their gadget from viruses and unwanted software. Whatever you say, this problem is gaining momentum every year. Where can I download Windows Phone systems for my phone? good antivirus? And is it really necessary?

Developers' opinion

In response to such questions, Microsoft representatives proudly declare that Cell phones Windows Phone versions 7 and 8 are 100% protected from viruses and do not need antivirus. This is explained by the fact that internal system on such devices is closed to third-party applications. In particular, downloading software developments and their updates for Windows Phone 8 is allowed only from the Windows Phone Store (previously Marketplace), a verified source of applications from Microsoft.

At the same time, the developers of the mobile platform conduct timely monitoring of all programs downloaded on the Windows Phone Store in order to protect devices from possible damage to the operating system.

Microsoft's opinion seems clear: an antivirus is not needed, period. However, a new question arises: why then did messages about virus attacks on mobile devices based on Windows Phone 8 begin to appear more and more often on computer forums? Or are users simply making mistakes?

Users' opinions

No matter how much Microsoft boasts of its achievements in Windows protection Phone from viruses, more and more often users notice manifestations of active virus activity on their gadgets, albeit not as often as, for example, when working with Android. So, for some happy owners of Windows Phone 8, music files begin to multiply exponentially, for others the video disappears, for others there are problems loading the Internet, and so on ad infinitum.

How can this be, you ask? After all, the developers claim that an antivirus for Windows Phone is not needed! No matter how it is. The problem is that viruses do not sleep and are specially created for such a mobile platform.

However, they can only get to the device after unlocking the phone through an official Microsoft service called ChevronWP Labs. This application allows you to download and install any software from the Internet on Windows Phone 8, bypassing the Windows Phone Store portal. As a result, along with new, but untested software, Trojans and other “suggestions” that are unsuitable for the system’s operation end up on the mobile device. In this case, an antivirus is needed more than ever. But does he exist?

A Look at Antivirus Programs

Considering Microsoft's opinion about Windows Phone, it is easy to understand that there is currently no recognized antivirus for this mobile platform. At one time, the anti-virus utility AVG Mobilation was posted on the marketplace, which supposedly protected phones from virus attacks. However, not even a couple of months passed before it was removed from the store.

Microsoft explained this by saying that such an antivirus is useless in its functions, since it only checked audio files and images for lice. At the same time, it was found that AVG Mobilation collects the user’s personal data and sends it to the official website of the program.

What happens, there are viruses on Windows Phone 8, but there is no antivirus? From Microsoft's point of view, this is true. However, it is worth recognizing that today there are 2 antivirus tools that have not yet earned official status.

One of them is Kaspersky Security, and the second is AVG Security Suite.

It is worth recognizing that the effectiveness of these antiviruses is still being tested in practice. Nevertheless, looking closely at the functionality of AVG Security Suite, one cannot help but notice how accurately this program copies its predecessor. At the same time, Kaspersky Security's set of functions resembles an antivirus created for Android.

What can we say in the end? If you want to protect your device from viruses, install only verified software! IN otherwise

You will have to test the effectiveness of the developed antiviruses on yourself. Decide for yourself which is easier for you!

Finding an antivirus designed for Windows Phone is not so easy: there is not a single similar application in the Windows Store. Do you even need an antivirus for the mobile version of Windows?

Owners of gadgets running Android OS are familiar with security programs firsthand, because the Google Play service is literally filled to capacity with them. However, in the case of Windows Phone, everything is different: there are no antiviruses for this operating system, because they are actually not needed. Unlike Android, the Windows Phone operating system (and its next version, Windows Mobile) was developed by Microsoft with an eye toward closedness: that is, the OS source code is protected from access by both the user and the programs being executed. Therefore, the virus will not be able to harm the system.

However, there is still one loophole for malicious programs. There is a way to unlock a Windows Phone device called Chevron WP Labs, through which you can install applications from non-Windows Store on your smartphone. By using this method, the user can theoretically expose his device to a virus attack with all the attendant consequences. The conclusion suggests itself: there is no need to unlock your gadget, especially since it does not bring anything useful to the average person.

Viruses nowadays, unfortunately, have become a threat not only to desktop operating systems, but also to mobile devices. Malicious programs damage data, send SMS messages to paid numbers, steal logins and passwords for various services and PIN codes for bank cards. Therefore, if you still want to get maximum confidence in the security of your smartphone and install a reliable and free antivirus for Windows Phone, then you should pay attention to the following application:

Developer: Kaspersky Laboratory

Price: unknown

Internet browser for Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile. It allows smartphone users to access the Internet safely and securely, protect themselves from phishing websites, and protect themselves from inappropriate content.

Distribution model: Free

Also in the near future, an antivirus from AVAST Software is expected to be released for Windows 10 Mobile: according to company representatives, it will help protect users from theft of personal data and the imposition of advertising. However, specific release dates for the application are not reported, nor is there any real justification for installing it on devices with a mobile version of Windows.

Hello blog readers.

Microsoft first presented its own mobile platform back in 2010. And since then, users have begun to think about whether it is worth protecting gadgets from malware and how best to do it. And every year the activity of unwanted programs is constantly growing. In the article below, we will look at different opinions regarding whether an antivirus is needed for Windows background, and which one is better to choose.


The first people to whom users began to turn with the questions described above were, of course, developers. Microsoft representatives proudly respond to this that smartphones that use their software are completely protected from the actions of unwanted programs.

This confidence is due to the closed system for third-party applications. For example, you can install or update any applications only from the official store. At the same time, the creators of the mobile platform constantly monitor all offered software in Windows Phone Store in order to protect mobile devices from the possible effects of viruses in a timely manner.

Thus, the corporation's employees are confident that there is no need to install programs that combat malicious applications on their devices.


Despite the above, you can increasingly find messages on the Internet that Windows users Phone with OS version 8.1 and newer ones, the actions of viruses are more often noticed. Of course, this does not happen as often as with owners of Android smartphones.

For example, some Lumia 630 owners may experience an increase in the number of music files on their own, others may experience video footage disappearing, and others may complain about problems with the Internet.

As you can see, malware can also get onto Lumia and other devices. True, this can only be done after unlocking the smartphone. This is done through the official service Chevron WP Labs. The program makes it possible to download and place it on Lumiya 520 and other models running Windows Phone, any programs, bypassing the official source.

As a result, a variety of viruses can easily get onto your equipment, including Trojans, worms and others.

What to do in such situations?


Today, the official store contains a lot of applications that protect mobile platforms from unwanted software. Some of them can be downloaded for free, others for minimal money.

Thus, one of the first Marketplace AVG appeared, which supposedly protected the device from attacks. As it turns out, the app was actually useless as it only checked pictures and music, which was never a problem in general. In addition, the program collected personal data of each user and sent it to the developers’ servers. The only positive point is that it was offered in Russian. And that is all.

Since the release of the Windows Phone platform, there have been endless debates about the need antivirus for Lumia. The developers unanimously proudly declare that the system is almost 110% protected.

How is this possible?

It's just that Windows Phone, unlike Android, has a closed system code, and applications run in a sandbox, therefore, they do not have access to system files. Plus, installation of third-party applications is prohibited. All these factors lead to the opinion that an antivirus for Nokia Lumia 630, Lumia 535, and any other Windows Phone is not very necessary.

However, the debate is becoming increasingly heated as users notice strange activity that can only be described as viral. Files are deleted or, conversely, multiplied exponentially. We tend to believe that if there is an operating system, then there will be a virus for it. Apparently, the developers of the popular AVG antivirus thought in the same spirit and, quickly making a fuss, released a version of the program for Windows Phone.

But it only checks media files - music and photos and, among other things, collects personal data about the owner of the phone, and then sends it to the company’s server.

Is there any benefit from such an antivirus and is it necessary? After all, Microsoft's protection is really good.

It’s another matter if you have unlocked your phone, which allows you to install third-party, non-market applications, bypassing the system, officially unverified and, possibly, stuffed with all sorts of Trojans. Then the need for an antivirus is obvious, but the problem is that there is still no official antivirus for Windows Phone.

However, you can still download antivirus for Nokia Lumia. There are two such tools, the aforementioned AVG Serucity Suite, which you can download for free, and Kaspersky Safe Browser, which you can download.

Whether you need an antivirus is up to you to decide, but if you install applications only from the trusted Windows Phone Store, then you can do without it, since the probability of getting a virus there is zero. Think before you unlock your Lumia, this will save your phone and your nerves.

What do you think - is an antivirus needed for Windows Phone or not? Join the discussion on VKontakte or share your opinion in the comments.