Heroes of the Storm requires a lot of computer resources to run properly. Its graphics are at a normal level, but you can only enjoy it if you have a good video card from the Nvidia GeForce 7600GT category or stronger. You can find information about the video card if you use the context menu on the desktop in the “Settings” tab, or it is better to open the computer’s system settings and look in the “Display” tab.

In addition to the video card, the computer must have Direct X version 10 or higher. Windows XP does not support versions higher than 9.0, which means that for Windows 7 or Vista you will have to install more advanced versions of Direct X on your computer. You can download Direct X from the official website, where you can select the current version that suits your operating system.

The game is compatible with Windows XP/Vista operating systems. The game will not work on older versions, and on newer versions it will not work correctly.

RAM is an important part of hardware. The game requires about 2 GB. You will need about 10 GB of hard drive memory to install the application. You can find out whether there is enough memory on your hard drive using the context menu that is called up when you click on the local drive in the “My Computer” window.

An Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or stronger processor is capable of adequately processing data from the “Heroes of the Storm” game and not being overloaded.

Ways to check system requirements

1. You can find out your computer’s system parameters using the Win+R key combination, after which you must enter dxdiag and press Enter.

2. On the desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties in the window that opens.

If your computer starts to perform poorly while the application is running, you can reduce the settings to the minimum levels, which will increase performance at the expense of worse graphics. If this option does not fix the problem, then you can check out other similar games on the site that will meet the system requirements of your PC.

Heroes Of The Storm- one of the most anticipated games of 2015, joining the ranks of MOBA games that are becoming increasingly popular in Lately. Published by Blizzard, it brings together in one universe the characters that gamers remember from their favorite game series from this developer. What makes it different from other similar games? First of all, the needs, yes, yes, are unique in their own way!

It should be noted that the toy is available for free download on the official website. But, in order not to waste time, first make sure that on your “machine” the game will run without lags, or at least it will run at all! In this case, three groups of system requirements can be distinguished:

  • minimal;
  • recommended;
  • are common.
  • Heroes of the Storm Minimum Requirements

    Ensure the game starts and works correctly on low graphics settings:
    • operating system: at least Windows XP, all subsequent versions, of course, are also suitable;
    • video card: Radeon HD 2600 XT from ATI, GeForce 7600 GT from NVIDIA, HD Graphics from Intel is also suitable. The game is not demanding on graphics, so these cards can handle minimal special effects;
    • processor: Athlon 64 X2 5600+ or ​​Intel Core™ 2 Duo;
    • RAM: 2 GB. The game is not very demanding on memory, so one bar for 2 “hectares” will be enough!
    Most preferred Heroes of the Storm system requirements:
    • Operating system: Windows 7 and 8 are, of course, the most preferred. But, it should be noted that “ten” is still not supported by the game;
    • video card: Radeon HD 7790 from ATI or GeForce GTX 650 from NVIDIA. Newer video cards will, of course, also work;
    • processor: both AMD FX Series and Intel Core i5 are suitable;
    • RAM: 4 GB or more.

    General technical requirements

    1. Minimum amount of free hard disk space: 10 GB.
    2. The Internet connection must be broadband.
    3. Required devices: keyboard and mouse.
    4. Screen resolution: from 1024X768.

    The popularity of strategies in the RPG genre is growing rapidly, and all well-known companies are trying to release their own analogue of Dota. Blizzard could not stand aside and also presented its strategy.

    "Heroes of the Storm"

    The release of the long-awaited new product took place in 2015, namely on June 2. Most users expected this to be an attempt to copy Dota 2. However, the game turned out to be more similar to LoL and even partially surpassed it.

    It is worth noting that the game is freely available, but after installation it turns out that not everything is so simple. Many heroes will be closed to the player, and access can only be obtained using the game’s internal currency. A similar method is used in many games and is already quite familiar to everyone.

    Don't despair that the chance to play other characters for free will disappear. Currency is given for conducting battles, and each player can eventually buy the character they like for their collection.

    In addition to currency, there is another opportunity to try out new heroes. The list of characters available to the player will change absolutely every week, thus the game creates a variety of heroes.

    The essence of the game

    To the great delight of players, the battle locations are constantly changing. And not only does the landscape change, but the goal of the game also changes with it. Users will fight for control points, summon spiders to reinforce them, and get pirate treasures. Each battle is not just sequential tactical actions, but also exciting action.

    Battles happen quickly, allowing you to spend no more than half an hour on one battle. This situation arose due to the lack of items for purchase. Actually, the heroes do not need to waste time accumulating money and all the time can be spent on battles.

    In addition to the exciting process, gamers will also be pleased with the not particularly high demands of Heroes of the Storm. Minimum system requirements will allow owners of weak devices to also enjoy the gameplay. Unfortunately, in this case you won’t be able to enjoy the beautiful graphics and a lot of interesting little things.

    Minimum Requirements

    Heroes of the Storm system requirements are suitable for many low-power devices. The game runs on most common Windows systems, as well as Mac. From Windows, the seventh and eighth versions will be optimal for running the game, but regular XP will cope with the task.

    Required two gigabytes for random access memory are presented as the lowest system requirements. Heroes of the Storm is quite capable of running on one gigabyte, however, with this parameter, unpleasant game freezes will occur.

    The game will take approximately five to ten gigabytes of disk space; these system requirements should be taken into account before installation. For Heroes of the Storm, hots in short, you may need more free space depending on the number of updates.

    The required processor for the game should have from 2.5 to 3.0 gigahertz. With 2.4 or less gigahertz, there will be slowdowns and problems with the game.

    For optimal performance, Heroes of the Storm system requirements require a 512 MB video card. In addition to the video card, it is important to install Directx at least version 9.0c.

    For optimal performance, it is important to meet the game's system requirements. Heroes of the Storm does not need the most advanced, but still powerful parameters.

    For high-quality graphics settings, it is important to have a video card starting from a gigabyte or two, using Radeon.

    The processor should have approximately 3.4 or 3.8 GHz. In this case, the player will receive the best performance results.

    Heroes of the Storm system requirements are best implemented on Windows 7 or 8. It is also advisable to install Directx version 10 or 11. Recommended RAM parameters start from 2 gigabytes.

    Best results can be achieved on devices that exceed the Heroes of the Storm system requirements.


    For stable operation, it is very important to have parameters that meet or exceed the requirements of the game. Only on suitable devices the game will be able to reveal all its advantages to the user. Although the minimum requirements are quite high, a game like this is really worth it. The minimum parameters will not be able to convey all the beauty of the graphics and ensure the proper level of play.

    The system requirements for Heroes of the Storm as of 2015 look impressive. Blizzard took care of the picture quality, although the emphasis was mostly on the gameplay. The project turned out to be really great, but for a comfortable game you will have to prepare your system for impact. Many users will need to replace some computer parts in order to truly enjoy what is happening on the screen.

    Why high requirements?

    Many users are wondering why the Heroes of the Storm system requirements look so impressive. The answer lies in the new core of the project, which the developers created specifically for this game. Heroes like the Lich King, Illidan Stormrage, Uther, Jaina and many others deserve to be shown on screen only in at its best. Even at the time of the announcement of this project, people already knew that the requirements would be truly amazing, and this happened. Those whose computer corresponds to the average parameters of last year will not have any problems, but owners of old PCs and laptops will have to look for a way out of the situation.

    General Required Parameters

    As with any other game, Heroes of the Storm system requirements are divided into minimum, recommended and general. The last point includes secondary system parameters. The list begins with the operating system, where, to the surprise of the community, the developers still left Windows XP with the third addition (the first two are not supported). For old-school fans, this decision by the developers was a real treat, because they didn’t have to update the system. On your hard drive, the full client with all the extras will currently take up fifteen gigabytes of digital space. It is also worth considering constant patches from the authors, which will increase file sizes. To launch the game, you must have a broadband Internet connection and regular communication, otherwise the user will be instantly disconnected. The screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels is considered the minimum, otherwise the image will blur or not be displayed at all. These parameters always remain the same in Heroes of the Storm. The 2016 system requirements have not undergone any changes in this regard, and no changes are envisaged in the near future.

    Minimum set of characteristics

    Already by the standard of the digital entertainment industry, the system requirements of Heroes of the Storm are reduced to three main parameters, if you do not take into account the operating system. Here the developers still recommend Windows 7 rather than XP, which performs worse in terms of performance. The list is traditionally topped by the central processor. The developers pointed out that as of 2015, the models from Intel and AMD were not the strongest. The popular Core 2 (dual-core) Duo or similar Athlon 64 (X2) 5600 were installed in all laptops. The clock speed is not specified, but in practice such processors perform very poorly in the game. The number of FPS more than ten does not appear, which means that instead of comfort there is a slide show. A powerful video card can correct the situation. The authors wrote that you need to have a GeForce 7600 GT, HD 2600 XT or HD Graphics 3000. They are all equal in parameters, but the amount of allocated memory also plays a role. If it is a gigabyte, then the equipment will be able to cover the shortcomings of the processor, but with 256 or even 512 megabytes problems may arise. The last parameter included in the minimum system requirements for Heroes of the Storm is RAM. Two gigabytes are clearly indicated here, and practice shows that this will be enough.

    There is a huge difference between the minimum game parameters and the recommendations for normal display. For example, the Intel Core with the now fashionable label i5 and the similar AMD FX Series generation are several generations ahead of the models from the previous paragraph. Here the clock frequency really doesn’t play a role, because the power is provided by the production series itself. The situation is the same with the video card, where the GeForce GTX 650 and Radeon HD 7790 models are written. They are several stages ahead of their predecessors in technical development. If you have such hardware in the system, then the amount of RAM will no longer play any role. Although in the presence of such a filling it is difficult to imagine smaller quantity installed platters than four gigabytes in demand.

    Increasing frames per second

    System requirements Heroes games of the Storm are amazing in terms of recommended characteristics and technical models. Not every gamer can afford such a hardware upgrade, which was considered cutting-edge just a year and a half ago. If the number of frames does not suit you, then you can try to increase it. In manual mode or using special utilities, you need to get rid of unnecessary processes that slow down gameplay. First defragment the hard drive where the game client is located. This will help put together all the files located on the surface of the device. If you have the necessary knowledge, you can try to overclock the GPU and central processor, but this is a dangerous process that can ruin the entire computer. It is not recommended for beginners to do this on their own.

    Moba games are extremely popular these days. All this thanks to such pioneers of the genre as Dota and LoL. HotS (hereinafter referred to as HotS) is a game from the Blizzard studio, which gave us such games as Warcraft, Starcraft, World of Warcraft. In this article, we will discuss in detail all the nuances of this game, its similarities and differences from its competitors.

    Gameplay Basics

    As in other games of this genre, the games take place 5 on 5. The game distribution system is Free to Play, which means that heroes are distributed to all players for free access for 1 week. The rest of the heroes should be purchased with the gold you earn. Heroes are divided into several classes, each of which is designed for a specific task. Among them you will find an assassin, fighter, support and specialist.

    • Murderer specializes in the destruction of heroes. Their feature is a large number of damage in the late game and very low survivability.
    • Fighters These are melee heroes who can go both as damage dealers and as survivable tanks.
    • Support- These are classically supports, whose goal is to prevent the death of their comrades.
    • Specialists that's a few unusual class. They specialize in destroying buildings and pushing lines.

    Hero Abilities

    Since there are no items in the game, with each level we can choose a certain talent for ourselves, which will either improve one of the sides/abilities of our hero, or give a new ability. As for ultimate abilities, here you will have the opportunity to choose from two abilities with different effects and properties. We get the remaining 2 abilities from the first level.

    Without money and items

    The main feature of the game is the lack of money and the items themselves. Instead, each player's actions grant experience to the entire team evenly. This means that team play is important here more than in any similar game. There will be no such thing here that one single hero will be able to carry out the entire game. This is both a plus and a minus.


    Another feature of the game is the variety of maps, or rather modes. Each of them has additional goals, the completion of which will give you an advantage for the entire team. For example, on one of the maps there are mines that open several times during the game. When they open, both teams must go down into them and collect as many skulls as possible. Each skull gives power to your team's golem. After collecting skulls, golems appear on the map and begin to destroy enemy buildings. Golems, like all similar creatures, have a large supply of health and a powerful attack, as well as special abilities.

    Bottom line

    HotS is a very unusual and at the same time refreshing MOBA, for those who are quite tired of games of this genre. It brings quite a lot of new things to the genre, and overall it’s just fun to play.

    Minimum System Requirements

    • Operating system: Windows® XP / Windows Vista® with latest service pack
    • Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 5600+
    • RAM: 2 GB
    • Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 7600 GT, ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 XT, or Intel® HD Graphics 3000
    • Hard disk space: 10 GB
    • Operating system: Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10 64-bit with latest service pack
    • Processor: Intel® Core™ i5 or AMD™ FX Series Processor or better
    • RAM: 4 GB
    • Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 or AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 or better
    • Hard disk space: 10 GB