Majority summer cottages They are not large in size, and therefore it is quite difficult for many to design them correctly. However, if you know the rules and stick to them, landscape design small plot It will turn out magnificent, attracting attention. Moreover, all the work will not take you much time, and the result will be excellent.

1 Landscape design of a small plot - advice from professionals

Many people think that doing all the work is quite simple. However, this is not entirely true, because with a small area, all compositions in the garden should be made as compact as possible, combining them correctly with each other. Any mistake you make will be immediately noticeable. When you are about to start creating a design, you just need to follow a few important rules:

  • Tall shrubs and trees cannot be planted. Is the plot size no more than 10 acres? In this case, tall plants are contraindicated for him. And all because as they grow older, they will fill the area, reducing the free space. To avoid this, be sure to plant low-growing tree types. Also, do not forget about compact planting - plant them in groups, not individually.
  • A blank fence can also ruin the design. And all because it will create the impression of being in a closed box, which will not bring any comfort and coziness. It is best to use an openwork metal gate and fence, decorating them with flowering vines. This is what will significantly expand the site.
  • It is best to remove bulky buildings from the site. Of course, in a dacha it’s quite difficult to do without them, but a huge building and a small garden do not correspond to each other. It is best to make buildings one-story, visually “airy” and compact. You can intelligently distribute them throughout the garden, decorating neat buildings with the help of shrubs and flowering plants.

2 Site design - options and their application

In order for your site to look great, you need to properly decorate it with flowers, plants and shrubs. There are several types of design, b thanks to whom landscape design small area will strike you too and your neighbors with its beauty and originality.

  • Flower garden. When planning to organize a small flower bed, place it either at the entrance or in front of the house. In all these cases, you can use old tires or flowerpots filled with soil. More than one can be placed in the center tall plant, around - a little less, then they will look harmonious.
  • A secluded corner for relaxation can be created in the smallest area. For this you can use climbing roses or other types of climbing plants. We will need to fence off literally 5 meters of area, which will not be difficult. You should select a distant and inconspicuous corner, after which we mark its boundaries and place columns around the perimeter. Next, we stretch the wire and plant roses, wild grapes, and you can also install a bench for relaxation.

3 Visual expansion of the area - simple and fast

The main task of any designer is visual increase area, for which there are rules and tricks. The main emphasis is on the use of semicircular smooth lines and shapes. Sharp corners, clear geometric shapes - all this will make the landscape design of a small area dull and inconspicuous. Thanks to curving garden paths and barely visible outlines of flower beds, you can significantly expand the space on your site. Don't forget about the columns, small terraces and flower arrangements.

You can completely copy the idea from magazines or the Internet, or, knowing the rules, develop the design yourself, showing a little imagination.

It is worth paying special attention to flowers and shrubs. There should not be many of them in a small area, but it is better to choose those that delight us with flowers all year round. Lilac, jasmine and rosehip are unpretentious and elegant shrubs that do not take up much space. Honeysuckle, sweet peas and grapes can be used to create a hedge. You can also decorate your site with the help of decorative and pine trees. And you can complete the composition with the help of a small pond.

Landscape design will transform a small plot of land near the house into a small masterpiece. And we will do it with our own hands. It is assumed that caring for such a garden will be simple and not require much effort.

On a small strip of land in front of the house we will add a rock garden, a small fountain, a dry stream, place a recreation area between the house and the fence, and garden lamps will add a special charm to our garden.

Just before the entrance to the site, next to the car entrance (on the left), we will place our rock garden. We will create the contours of the garden from red border bricks, giving it an elegant curved shape. In the rock garden we will beautifully lay colored pebbles and plant unpretentious plants, for example.

We are planning to create a small fountain near the fence, etc. Since our area is small, our fountain will be a semicircle.

The central composition of our landscape design in this part of the site will be a garden figurine of an elephant, from which water will flow into a fountain.

In order for our fountain to be less boring, we will add pots with aquatic plants to the elephant. We will decorate the outer part of the fountain with colored pebbles - it is these little things that create a holistic and beautiful landscape design.

In the far corner of our site we will make a dry stream. This is an excellent landscaping element for those parts of your garden where the soil is poor or clogged, or watering is inconvenient. But we are making this stream in order to interestingly place garden lamps that will illuminate this far corner of our site in the evening.

We fence the sand cushion under the dry stream with a curb stone, arrange garden figurines, lamps and mark out a place for it.

We can already admire the beautiful results of the work we did to improve the site with our own hands.

Let's use our imagination - after all, we are doing landscape design for ourselves! We made a small wooden patio, covered part of the fence with stone tiles, added garden lamps and some decorative elements.

In the evening after a hot day, our relaxation area seems like a magical paradise, although it consists of a plastic table, chairs and an umbrella. How great is the power of successful garden lighting!

In good landscape design, every corner of the garden is not a terrible “viper”, but a small pearl. Between the house and the driveway for the car, we have a small area on the right.

Here we will plant unpretentious decorative perennials, decorate our flowerbed with pebbles, garden figurines and wooden sections.

Our task was to create a cozy corner that would not require special care, looked beautiful both from the side of the house and from the street, it was beautiful both during the day and in the evening. And although this article provides an example of work landscape designers in Singapore, but the general approach and design techniques will benefit us all. I hope you enjoyed this article!

After acquiring a summer cottage, many ideas immediately arise for its transformation: I want to lay out a garden, plant flowers, arrange a pond or a dry stream; It is impossible to imagine a dacha without a relaxation corner. But here’s the problem: the site is small and the prospects for its expansion are zero.

Is it possible to realize your desires in such a small area? Of course, this is possible if you use some techniques from landscape design specialists when designing it. To begin with, you can look through photos of landscape designs for a summer cottage to evaluate how everything will look in the end, and then adjust the proposed options or come up with your own.

Let's start with the fence

It is clear that it will not be possible to really increase the area of ​​the site; you will have to create an optical illusion of a large space. And the first rule is to exclude high blank fences, which give the feeling of an enclosed limited space and clearly demonstrate the boundaries of a small area. Use openwork fences or mesh fences braided with climbing plants, which will become an excellent camouflage.

If a solid fence has already been erected, then the situation can be improved with the help of low-growing trees and shrubs planted along the fence. But it is better to place them multi-level: taller trees are planted near the fence, lower vegetation in front of them, and bright spots of flowers will look great at the foot of this composition.

Some summer residents prefer a solid fence, because while the plants grow, the fence will look too permeable

Changing geometric shapes to curvilinear ones

Rule two - no strict lines. This applies to paths, lawns, flower beds and other design elements. An area evenly divided into zones immediately makes all boundaries visible, and the territory of the dacha is visible from all points. While winding paths optically lengthen the distance; It takes longer to walk along such a path and the area looks much larger. They also add some mystery and intrigue to the garden.

The paths leading to nowhere are especially impressive; it seems that the garden continues outside the site. It is also good to “expand” the territory and paths that do not carry a functional load, for example, around flower beds or decorative flowerpots.

Distracting elements of landscape design

Distract attention from actual sizes The site has small but interesting thematic corners, for example, a dry stream or an alpine slide, a compact pond or a fountain. A small fountain can be placed against the wall of a house or near a fence, but it is better to choose a semicircular shape for it.

It is better to build a pond on several levels: it will take up little space, but the effect is impressive. In addition, it will become a good corner for relaxation. Using climbing plants and climbing roses, you can create secluded green gazebos for relaxation. Rockeries and alpine slides are not only fashionable design elements - they imitate natural reliefs, only in reduced sizes.

Flower beds can also not only decorate a dacha, but also visually enlarge the area. You can plant a tall and powerful flower, for example, a peony, in the middle of an oval flowerbed, plant medium-sized flowers around it, and make the edging of the flowerbed from low-growing border plants. If you plant flowers in flowerpots, then it is enough to place a large perennial in each.

Landscaping principles

In a small area (6-8 acres) it is not recommended to plant large trees; it is better to give preference ornamental shrubs. You cannot do without fruit trees in the garden; it is better to plant them grafted onto dwarf varieties, then it will be easier to correct their growth. For a small garden, three apple trees of different ripening periods, two pears, one plum and a couple of cherries are enough.

In the flower garden, you can plant vegetables along with flowers, for example, make a border of curly parsley or plant a flowerbed-vegetable garden, in the middle of which place sunflowers and corn, and at the edges combine calendula, chamomile, bellflower and marigolds with perennial onions, parsnips and dill .

In the presence of compost heap You can plant cucumbers or pumpkins along its edge - they will be provided with excellent conditions for growth, and at the same time they will decorate an unsightly area. As for the lawn, if you narrow it towards the end of the area or lay a garden path so that it touches its side borders with its bends, then the impression of depth of the area is created.

Actively use climbing and hanging plants. Vertical gardening is most often used in small areas; fences, facades, gazebos, arches, etc. can be made green.

Usage artificial lighting Although it will require financial investments, playing with the color and brightness of lighting allows you to easily change the size of the area.

Even the small territory of a summer cottage does not limit the possibilities of decorating it; creating an original, beautiful and cozy mini garden is a very real and doable task.

Video: Small summer cottage. Landscape tricks

Dreams of perfection summer cottage Everyone has their own, and often even within the same family they differ greatly. One wants to plant the entire area with beds, another wants to organize a beautiful flower garden, and for a third it is important that there is a separate place for a barbecue on the site, and if there are children in the family, then the task becomes more complicated, because children also need their own corner. What to do in this case, since the area is not rubber? At proper planning and use of some visual tricks in a small area you can place everything you need and even visually make the area larger. We reveal the secrets of professionals, with the help of which you can independently develop the ideal landscape design of a small plot.

No. 1. Functional zoning

Planning the future design of the site, like, begins with clear planning. You need to arm yourself with a sheet of paper with a pen or a special program, clarify the size of the territory and begin creating a plan. This is necessary for the proper organization of a territory of any size, but is especially important for small areas. By the way, the border that separates a small area from a large one is very arbitrary. Small areas are usually called small area from 1 to 6 acres, which are fully visible from any point. Sometimes territories with a larger area seem small, especially when there is a disproportionate amount of space on the site big house. These are precisely planning problems. Proper organization of the site and design tricks will not be able to expand its boundaries physically, but will allow you to change the perception beyond recognition.

When drawing up a site plan it is important:

The smaller the site, the more accurate and thoughtful the planning work must be - the result that will ultimately be obtained largely depends on this.

No. 2. The basis of a small area is a lawn

No matter how tiny the area, designers recommend leaving room for a lawn, and place it in the “front” part of the garden, i.e. where the eye immediately falls. This principle is somewhat similar to the Soviet recommendation to place furniture along the walls in small apartments. Although this principle is used less and less for residential premises, it remains relevant for small areas.

The central part of the garden should not be burdened with various plantings and buildings– this will create a feeling of clutter and make it seem like the area is even smaller than it is. The best option for the view part of the site - a neat lawn, on the periphery of which there will be beds. Free space will give the feeling of a large territory. However, this recommendation does not exclude the possibility of location on the lawn beautiful flower beds or shrubs– they will become its bright decoration. Hydrangea, lilac and jasmine are excellent in this case - they are compact and variegated.

A lawn in a small area will obviously also serve for movement, since it is impossible and unnecessary to organize an extensive network of garden paths in a tiny area. Therefore, choose grass varieties that are as resistant to trampling as possible.

No. 3. What should the fence be like?

Of course, it’s not easy to fit everything you need into a small, limited space, but everything advantages of a small plot can be felt after work on its improvement. And on a plot of 2-3 acres there is always something to do, but imagine what it’s like for the owners of a territory tens of times larger than yours.