And, apparently, the documents are absolutely genuine medical: medical history, anamnesis, and so on. Photocopies, they are on the Internet, although they immediately persuaded the site, but they have already sold out, there is no escape. This is a clinic in Mount Kisco 70 kilometers away - that's 45 miles - near New York, where one of Hillary Clinton's attending physicians, Lisa Bardack, who indicates her number, gives out everything on this sheet, writes: here is the medical history that in December 12, Hillary Clinton fell and hit her head; As a result of this, certain injuries, difficulties, brain contusion. Well, further, how can I say - I’m not a doctor - a stroke, not a stroke, a concussion, not a concussion, but in general the consequences are very serious, because they say in dia!

gnosis that there is a weakening of memory - all this was shown by MRI; there is Binswanger's disease - a few words about Binswanger's disease a little later - well, this is a thing with which presidents? What are you talking about!

Also, forgive these memory lapses, these certain imbalances. There was an absolutely terrible scene in Las Vegas, when at some point Hillary Clinton, suddenly staring somewhere to the side, turning her head slightly, completely froze for a second, a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth... Then a large, plump African-American man approached her, he put his arm around her shoulders, said something in her ear, didn’t even shake her a little, but kind of moved her - and she turned on, and she turned on in some kind of strange, very rude voice, much rougher than hers usually. And when they started watching the films, this man was constantly next to her, he had a syringe in his hand all the time, a close-up of the syringe - this is an army disposable syringe tube, a means for relieving convulsions and improving breathing, and the like.

Listen, in general, it turns out that this is not a very healthy person. I won’t tell you now everything that is written there on the Internet, but the result is absolutely monstrous. It just turns out that this is epilepsy, because these are seizures of the epileptic type. This is called thrombosis of the venous sinus, that is, the venous network through which blood drains from the brain - there is a huge blood clot - this is a blockage of blood vessels in the brain. This is an element of autism with a tendency towards psychopathy. This is a cognitive impairment and a personality disorder, that is, at certain moments she simply has difficulty understanding where she is and what is happening. Well, goiter and allergies are all nonsense, for those who don’t have it.

But then there is that same subcortical encephalopathy, that is, this is a disease of the subcortex of the brain, this is a progressive lesion of the white matter of the brain against the background arterial hypertension, that is, increased pressure in the arteries often leads to this. And this is dementia, that is, the destruction of personality. My dears, such a person belongs in the clinic. There is no place for such a person in the presidential chair. This person is essentially incompetent.

And they note that in mildly stressful situations, say, when three journalists suddenly interrupting each other ask a question at the same time, Hillary Clinton does not know who to answer first; She's having that same collision in her head. She freezes, and now she needs to be brought to her senses. Which president? That is, all this is an incredible scam, not a scam - a powerful operation of the Democratic Party, but in fact of the ruling elite, the political establishment of the United States in order to push their screen into the presidential chair. And then let the screen already lie in the chair, and we ourselves will steer. That is, this is not an election - this is something monstrous. Elections like this have never happened in the history of the United States.

And as a follow-up to all of this, over the last weekend, a man named Vincent Fleck, who is the father of Dr. Daniel Fleck, and Daniel Fleck is one of her treating doctors, Hillary Clinton, was found murdered. It seems that the leak occurred through him, through his computer with a note that “I hate doing such things, that is, violation of ethics and whatever, but you should know how it all really happens.” And that same psychomotor epilepsy, that same subcortical vascular dementia is completely impossible. Why was he found dead?

This, let’s say, is not one hundred percent confirmed information, but the frantic steps taken to conceal it are completely indisputable. A group, either from the CIA, or from the special services, or from somewhere else, very quickly arrived at the scene of this murder, requested access to his computer at the clinic, after which this information began to be removed from somewhere, but it had already popped up.

And this mysterious death is only one of about 50 deaths of people who, one way or another, were connected with the Clintons, knew something about them, were partners or were security guards, or were simply carriers of information. But I will tell you about this in the next program, if the Lord wills. The most impatient and curious can surf the Internet now - there is a lot there.

But, in principle, one gets the impression that, in general, of course, this person belongs in a prison hospital bed, and not in the presidential race. Moreover, judging by how she suddenly goes to the toilet at various performances, and very often - it’s all there, it’s all leading to the same symptoms. This is all, you know, an absolutely unprecedented scam. Now the main question there should be whether she will endure these psychological stresses, this stressful state until Election Day. Because if she doesn’t pull it off, she will need to be replaced somehow by someone - it will be an absolutely terrible scandal. So, of course, there is panic. At first they didn’t expect Bernie Sanders to be so popular, then they didn’t expect Donald Trump to do this, then they didn’t expect all sorts of incriminating evidence to come out. The calculation was absolutely correct. Barack Obama, in general, is a front for that very group, because without massive support he, of course, would never have become president. You were the candidate!

Bran is absolutely correct: he is quite young, energetic, he speaks well, he is very charming, he is charismatic, and he is finally African-American; It seems we have reached a time when this will be very beneficial. Now, since there are so many dissatisfied with the Democratic Party, we need a candidate who will be different in some way, we need some kind of bauble. This bauble is a woman. Because there was an African American, and now there will be a woman. Here's the one for you suitable woman

16.08.2016 20:00

. That is, when they say: a liar, deceitful, crafty... This is a person without any principles at all. That's all she says - this is what she considers necessary to say now in order to make the impression that she wants to make. In general, of course, I was surprised when I dug into what kind of monster it was, you know. A huge scandal erupted in the US Democratic Party due to the publication of documents stolen by hackers from the computers of this very party by WIKILEAKS. So huge that the chairman National Committee

Lovely things, I'll tell you, this party does. In a good way, under conditions of fair play, this scandal is enough for any presidential candidate from this party to obviously fail. Because the same is not possible! Although, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can.

What happened next? Documents surfaced and, apparently, they were genuine medical documents: medical history, anamnesis, and so on. A clinic in Mount Kisco, 70 kilometers from New York, where one of Hillary Clinton's attending physicians, Lisa Bardak, reveals all the secrets.

In her medical history, she writes that as a result of Hillary Clinton falling and hitting her head in December 2012, Complications arose, including brain contusion.

Well, further - I’m not a doctor, so I can’t say with confidence: a stroke is not a stroke, a concussion is not a concussion, but the consequences are very serious. All this was shown by MRI. The diagnosis says that there is a weakening of memory, there is Binswanger's disease. This is something that cannot be used for any presidency!

A person lives on anticoagulants because blood clotting is high, because there is a blood clot in the venous system of the meninges, between the brain and the skull. And (there are, - ed.) all the symptoms that are now collected in a heap on the Internet - unexpected coughing attacks that come from nowhere, something like convulsions, when she starts shaking her head uncontrollably and cannot stop, pathological irritability, which is noted people who are close to her. One of the president's security guards when Hillary was first lady says that sometimes she would go into fits of rage. One day she hit him on the back of the head with a huge Bible because she was irritated about something.

In addition, there are memory lapses and some balance problems. There was a scene in Las Vegas when at some point Hillary Clinton, staring somewhere to the side, completely froze for a second, a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth... Then a large African American man came up to her, put his arm around her shoulders, something... he said in her ear, didn’t even shake her, but sort of moved her, and she turned on. Moreover, she turned on in a voice that was not her own, very rude, much ruder than usual.

When we started looking at the recordings, we saw that the man who was constantly next to her always had a syringe in his hand. This is an army disposable syringe tube, a means for relieving cramps and improving breathing.

It turns out that this is not a very healthy person. I won’t retell everything that is written on the Internet, but the result is absolutely monstrous. It turns out that there is epilepsy, there is thrombosis of the venous sinus, that is, the venous network through which blood drains from the brain - there is a huge blood clot and blockage of blood vessels in the brain. There is an element of autism with a tendency towards psychopathy. There is a cognitive impairment and a personality disorder, that is, at certain moments she simply has trouble understanding where she is and what is happening. More “little things” - goiter, allergies.

Then there is subcortical encephalopathy, that is, a disease of the subcortex of the brain, progressive damage to the brain substance against the background of arterial hypertension (this is often caused by increased pressure in the arteries).

The result of all this is dementia, that is, the destruction of personality. Such a person belongs in a clinic and not in the presidential chair. This person is essentially incompetent.

Observers note that in low-stress situations, say, when three journalists interrupt each other and ask Hillary Clinton a question at the same time, she does not know who to answer first. She freezes and needs to be brought to her senses. Which one is the president?

Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy looks like an incredible scam. Maybe not a scam, but a mighty operation of the Democratic Party, the ruling elite, and the political establishment of the United States in order to push their screen into the presidency. And then let the screen lie in the chair, and they themselves will steer. This is not an election, this is something monstrous. Elections like this have never happened in the history of the United States.

Fox News is discussing Hillary Clinton's health. In the video of the speech, the candidate shakes his head strangely

In principle, one gets the impression that such a person – Hillary Clinton – belongs in a prison hospital bed, and not in the presidential race.

Now the main question for everyone in the United States should be whether she will endure this psychological burden, this stressful state until Election Day. If she doesn’t pull it off, she will need to be replaced somehow by someone, and it will be a complete scandal. So those who put it forward are panicking. At first they didn’t expect Bernie Sanders to be so popular, then they didn’t expect Donald Trump to be so popular, then they didn’t expect all sorts of incriminating evidence to come out.

Their calculations were absolutely correct both times and the candidates were chosen absolutely correctly. Barack Obama is a front for the same group - young, energetic, well-spoken, very charming, charismatic. And he's African American. Now, since so many Americans are dissatisfied with the Democratic Party today, there needs to be a candidate who is something different; I need some kind of “bauble”. And this “bauble” is that the candidate is a woman. There was an African American, and now there will be a woman.

First of all, why did I become attached to the poor old lady? It’s cruel and bad to laugh at sick people and look at their symptoms with a magnifying glass. I'll explain why.

Of course, I feel humanly sorry for the elderly woman, on whose fragile shoulders the incredible stress of the election campaign fell. She shakes, glitches and wobbles; she is choked by coughing fits, her brain actually shuts down interesting place, she falls into a stupor; often loses balance and falls. A thick layer of makeup can no longer disguise the network of aging wrinkles.

Hillary is sick and old, and it is increasingly difficult for her to pretend to be a woman of indeterminate age. But in this case, pity is secondary, since the fate of the entire planet is at stake. The most important world events are now taking place in America. Whether they choose or not choose Clinton is how ALL OF US live or not live. Hillary is a terrible creature, with her unblinking, chilling gaze, wooden laugh and complete absence human emotions. The militant witch hardly hides the fact that she is going to start a war somewhere far from America, preferably with Russia, because without much nuclear war with the participation of Europe, Russia and China, the American elite will not survive. The country is in debt like silk. The machine prints empty green pieces of paper without stopping, but this cannot continue indefinitely. War and the subsequent reset of everything, including American debts, is the only way out of the situation.

Hillary is an incarnation of hell, the worst thing a woman can become. Her election campaign is rolling like a tank, crushing her opponents and fabricating statistics from opinion polls. There is no doubt that the voting figures will also be falsified. The elite is firmly dragging the evil grandmother to the presidency, and it seems that nothing can stop the catastrophe.

And this is where divine guidance comes into play. Hilary suddenly begins to crumble before our eyes.

One thing the elite did not take into account was the physical condition of the old woman. Clinton is an old darned rag doll stuffed with sawdust. No matter how much you inject her with hormones, dietary supplements, no matter how much you pour liters of vitamins into her (or even something worse), but the years and the stroke she suffered take their toll. Finding herself under hundreds of cameras during her speeches and public appearances, Hillary exhibits strange, disgusting symptoms of unknown diseases. Believers see clear signs of possession. And of course, not the slightest detail escapes the attention of her opponents. There is only one verdict - the patient needs peace, a hospital, a bed in a mental hospital, but not like the presidential chair.

It's not just old age. It seems that only a shell of her is alive, and her mind is inserted from the side. It's like she's under hypnosis. She is led, controlled, manipulated, processed. Just to drag the old trough to the White House, just to hold out for another three months without attacks of epilepsy in front of voters. And then it won’t matter anymore.

So, let's look at the symptoms.


People are already making fun of

A fall. Loss of balance. In 2012, she had a stroke, but it is unclear whether the stroke occurred and she fell, or whether she fell and this triggered the stroke.

Sudden convulsions. At first it looked like a joke, and Hillary smiled like a crazy clown. But she was asked serious questions. There was no point in shaking your head comically. At the end of the attack, Hillary, regardless of the topic of conversation, suddenly said: “Guys, you should definitely try this iced tea. So tasty!" And she went

Just the other day, hearing the screams of Protestants, Hillary suddenly fell into a stupor, fixing her gaze on one point. Immediately a mysterious black man (personal doctor? manipulator? psychologist?) jumped up to her. He mumbled monotonously in his ear: “Keep talking... You can handle it... We’re not going anywhere...” She woke up as if from the touch of a magic wand and began to scream in her rough voice, “Okay! Let's move on!! Ha ha ha!” and echoed the words of the command: “We will continue to talk!”

Nobody knows who this man is, but he is not an intelligence agent or a bodyguard. He accompanies Hillary everywhere, and even carries a special syringe ready to inject her with whatever she needs in case of a seizure.

The closer the elections are, the more Hillary Clinton is losing ground. Another seizure on the air of a seventy-year-old candidate disheartens a sane voter. Trump is worried about the nuclear button.

The election campaign in the United States is so fun and energetic that it has turned into a show on a global scale, watched by all of humanity. But how can one not sympathize for the future leader of America if too much in this world depends on these movements, contentment or discontent.

In the final fight, the nearly seventy-year-old former first lady, with poor health and wounded pride, and the scandalous media mogul, who celebrated his seventieth anniversary in June, and who was also called “Putin’s friend,” Donald Trump, came together in a tough clinch.

The parties do not hesitate to lay out incriminating evidence against each other and are almost unlimited in their expressions. IN last days the parties actively tried to play Russian map in the election race, Clinton traditionally promised a tough line towards Moscow, although she mentioned the need to find common ground, and Trump traditionally hinted that this “sick” should not be given the nuclear button in her hands.

Clinton's health problems were once again discussed after the not entirely adequate behavior of the first woman candidate for the post of president in the history of the United States. While talking to the press, Clinton suddenly began to make head movements very similar to an epileptic attack, but very quickly coped with the seizure (or a parody of a seizure) and, as if nothing had happened, smiling, continued her communication with the press, reports

Trump supporters immediately declared that Clinton was suffering from epilepsy, which is the name given to the neuropsychiatric disease epilepsy. Although it is worth noting that epilepsy has been called “epileptic” since ancient times in Rus', this is its historically Russian name.

Independent American journalists, having conducted an investigation, discovered that the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suffers from a serious brain disease and, in fact, she is a mentally unstable person who requires immediate medical attention.

A sensational video by American reporter Paul Joseph Watson under the provocative title “The Truth About Hillary Clinton’s Crazy Behavior” is gaining popularity online. It scrupulously examines and analyzes all the actions and behavior in public of the ex-Secretary of State for last years. It turns out that the former first Delhi, vying for a seat in the White House, is not just inadequate, but seriously ill. Her brain has practically crossed the borderline state from normality to madness. Seizures, convulsions, panic attacks and unmotivated aggression accompany her appearances in public more and more often. According to doctors, she has long been on the verge of a so-called “mental breakdown”, the consequences of which may be irreversible. And this man aspires to take the helm of a nuclear power.

At the same time, the journalist assures that the forces that are moving Clinton to power will spare no expense to push her into power. The White house, despite the fact that she belongs in a hospital. “Hillary is a fiend, the worst thing a woman can become. Her election campaign is rolling like a tank, crushing her opponents and fabricating statistics from opinion polls. There is no doubt that the voting figures will also be falsified. The elite is firmly dragging the evil grandmother to the presidency, and it seems that nothing can stop the disaster,” says the reporter. In his opinion, only a blind person could not see how she is crumbling before her eyes, having been in a parallel world for a long time, far from reality, and she is trying to drag all of America into this “madness”.

Clinton's mental health symptoms began shortly after she fainted and hit her head in 2012. The concussion, and possibly the subsequent stroke, which resulted in blockage of the blood vessels in the brain, caused reactions that could no longer be controlled with medications. According to neurologist Daniel Cassigi, Hillary has a pronounced syndrome of “intolerance to stressful situations,” which is evident in many meetings with the press, when she is unable to answer several at the same time questions asked and falls into a state of passion, laughs hysterically, shakes his head and, in fact, is on the verge of a seizure similar to an epileptic one. This is also confirmed by the fact that after her speeches, her team practically carries her out, since the candidate herself is completely deprived of strength.

In the preface to his investigation, Watson says: “The question is not whether Clinton will be elected or not, the question is whether we should all live or not live. Hillary is a terrible creature, with her unblinking, soul-chilling gaze, wooden laugh and complete lack of human emotions. The militant witch hardly hides the fact that she is going to start a war somewhere far from America, preferably with Russia, because without a major nuclear war involving Europe, Russia and China, the American elite cannot survive.”

According to Clinton’s opponents, the “shadow States” need her to unleash a large-scale war that will write off the entire astronomical $20 trillion US national debt to the whole world.

After this, Clinton tried to turn everything into a joke and hastily pretended that this was intended, but from the reaction of journalists it is clear that the joke was not a success...

Hillary Clinton

Born in 1947 in Chicago, she received a law degree and in 1975 married the future US President Bill Clinton. She worked at the University of Arkansas Law School, in a law firm. In 1978, then US President Jimmy Carter appointed Hillary Clinton to the board of the Legal Services Corporation, the same year her husband was elected governor of Arkansas. As the "First Lady of the State" for twelve years, Hillary was actively involved in public life, in areas such as education, health and children's rights. Her income all this time was several times higher than her husband’s salary.

After Bill Clinton was elected president in 1992, she chaired the Task Force on Health Care Reform for a year, but the Democratic Party's attempt to make health care accessible and affordable for all Americans ended in failure. Hillary had an active influence on her husband’s decisions, for which their couple was sometimes jokingly called “Billary” and they said that the President of the United States was a “double” person with that name. In any case, she was the most influential “First Lady” in US history. During the sex scandal involving Monica Lewinsky in 1998, she supported her husband, who found himself in an awkward situation (Bill Clinton was then even threatened with impeachment for perjury).

In the 2000s, she was a senator from the state of New York (2001-2009), ran for the 2008 US presidential election, but lost the primaries to Obama, who eventually won the presidential election itself. In 2009-2013, she worked in his administration as Secretary of State (Minister of Foreign Affairs). For the 2016 elections, she again nominated herself for the presidency of the United States and remains the leader of the election race among supporters of the Democratic Party. Bill and Hillary Clinton have a daughter, Chelsea.

Trump posted a video... It’s not clear what’s wrong with Hillary? But it looks scary. I personally think it's a nervous tic. From overexertion and age. It’s time for her to grow cabbage, but it’s prohibited in the USA. So everything is getting into power... So how can we entrust her with the main button?..

It is possible that the presidential candidate suffers from some kind of illness, which, in principle, could explain why she finds it funny to scare people with pseudo-seizures. And what we see in the video does not look like a classic attack. Unless Hillary got so used to them that she learned to stop them at will.

The lady standing behind Clinton looks even stranger: during the “fit,” she calmly watches the journalists, glances briefly at Hillary, but shows no signs of shock or surprise.

This is from the comment under the video:

A friend of mine had similar attacks of epilepsy. He considered such attacks, when he could cope on his own, to be mild, but there were attacks that were more serious, when he fell and convulsed.