This is a unique union, which in rare cases is able to overcome all the surprises and vicissitudes prepared by life. Purely theoretically equal to zero. A strong long-term relationship between them is simply impossible. These are absolute opposites in everything.

The first meetings are shrouded in an aura of mystery. Signs are a mystery to each other. They are interested in the extraordinary (atypical) behavior of the other half; they want to understand new relationships. In principle, they do not find in themselves those character traits that would be difficult to get along with. The sociable Gemini and the sensible Virgo completely found mutual language. Everything is fine. Therefore, the first months and even years of this union can be called ordinary, “like everyone else.”

Gemini man - Virgo woman: compatibility

When the first love passes, the scales fall from her eyes, life has made its own adjustments to everyday life, Virgo little by little begins to realize that her Gemini man continues to remain the same frivolous, impulsive bachelor who loves a vibrant life and constant changes. Air is Gemini's element, frivolity is a significant character trait. Earth is the element of Virgo, practicality, prudence, rationality are life priorities. Which Compatibility of Gemini and Virgo signs can create two completely different elements? Zero.

But there are exceptions to any rule. Sometimes polar signs, “+” “-” attract. Do not forget that a person’s destiny is influenced by the movement of the planets, the date and time of birth, and symbols. That is why, when reading horoscopes, some character traits are close to us (as they wrote about me), but we don’t seem to have others.

Gemini is endowed with those traits that can make him a good family man. The only question is whether Virgo has the strength and patience to curb her chaotic and illogical partner.

Having decided to throw in your lot with this sign, do not hope that after marriage he will change his habits. At heart, your man will remain the same bachelor, and will always glance at the door, towards freedom. Don't be afraid to let him go. Geminis are not prone to cheating. If a woman can forgive her husband’s petty antics and love of freedom, then the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Virgo, despite all the prohibitions, can give a positive result.

Gemini woman - Virgo man: compatibility

A woman who has never lacked male attention will look for a partner who matches her spirit. She won't pay attention to just anyone. Knowing her brightness and attractiveness, a woman will more than use them in her relationship with her man, and therefore will easily be able to find a common language with him.

But! This will continue as long as she is interested. The characters of the two signs are diametrically opposed. It is not easy to say that the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Virgo is ideal. Being near each other, they will walk along the edge all their lives, risking one day going in different directions. However, practice shows, be that as it may, they walk together all their lives and separate only in exceptional cases.

Virgo rarely demonstrates her superiority or pride. His ability to rationally and soberly assess the situation gives a woman that unique feeling of “like being behind a stone wall.” Well, is it possible to leave such a man?

Visible discord does happen. Virgos are able to react to them intelligently, and therefore you will not find silences lasting a month in this family. The capricious emotional companion quickly moves away. In principle, if you look closely at the disagreements of this couple, you will notice the obvious: there is complete mutual understanding, loyalty and love.

It would be wrong to focus on the fact that the entire union, or rather its well-being, rests on the correct worldview of the partner. Good compatibility of the signs Gemini and Virgo is also achieved by the unconscious behavior of the partner. Common sense, logic and a firm word are the three pillars on which the character of women of the Gemini sign is built. She is used to shining in society not only with her appearance, but also with her wit and intelligence. So, why not use such a powerful weapon to ensure the well-being of your own family.

The Gemini woman probably knows where to reproach her husband and where it is better to bite her tongue. She, as a competent strategist, will tactfully lead a man to the action that she needs. He, in turn, if the matter is not important, will allow her to “manipulate” himself in this way. This leads to the conclusion Compatibility of Gemini and Virgo signs such that it can cause both the envy of others and be equal to zero. Everything is in the hands of the spouses.

The union of these signs is practically impossible, but, oddly enough, it occurs quite often these days. As an experiment, compatibility between a Virgo man and a Gemini woman is possible very often in young years, when both partners are looking for thrills and want to test their capabilities, but more on that a little later.

Virgo Man

A real pedant, he has everything organized on shelves, both things in the apartment and thoughts in his head. The house is in perfect order; this is not a bachelor pad, but a comfortable home for an advanced and interesting man, who is not alien to the sense of beauty. Often occupying leadership positions in a company, Virgos harass their subordinates with strict demands: everything must be completed within a strictly designated time frame; no other option is possible. But while finding fault with others and setting somewhat exaggerated demands, they do not forget about themselves, constantly improving in the professional field and devoting most of their time to work.

Possessing special punctuality, such men strictly fulfill the promises they have ever made. Promise, but not come or not call back? This is definitely not about them.

He does not look for casual connections, he has no use for them, but he also does not strive to ring himself ahead of time. When choosing a lady of the heart, he is guided primarily by logic, and only then allows feelings to come into play. But if a woman has received the attention of a Virgo man, then she definitely deserves it and he certainly will not give up on his intended goal of conquering the beauty.

Gemini Woman

To list all the advantages of a Gemini woman, not even the fingers of both hands are enough, but in order to understand who you are dealing with, just two are enough - unpredictability and inconstancy. Today she is here and ready to listen to you and help you with advice, and tomorrow she is already on the other side of the world, helping hungry children in Africa or going on a hiking trip in the Altai mountains. Incredibly easy-going, whatever this lady undertakes, she does everything with great enthusiasm, not being afraid of anything new.

What may seem like an advantage of a twin girl often turns out to be a serious disadvantage, because it turns out to be terribly difficult to concentrate on one thing, and this is precisely what is sometimes not enough to complete the work. The duality of character haunts the fidgety Gemini both at work and at home; by grasping at everything at once, she risks not finishing a single task.

As for their personal life, basking in the attention of the opposite sex, women of this sign are in no hurry to tie the knot; they are much closer to friendly relationships in which their love of freedom will be appreciated. But despite their frivolity, having found their chosen one, they will be faithful to him forever, well, in any case, until he is the first to undermine their trust.


A serious and truly earthly Virgo man is clearly not delighted with the need to wander after the restless Gemini woman, for whom standing still is the worst thing in the world. But being paired with a Twin you have to put up with a lot. The ease with which the other half makes acquaintances and regular guests in their home will always confuse the slightly unsociable Virgo.

Despite all the disadvantages present in this union, the man of this couple will fight to the last for peace and tranquility in their marriage, which becomes his goal to preserve.
But don't think that this relationship is doomed to failure from the very beginning, positive sides Still, there are and there are not a few of them. The Gemini woman, charming at first sight, gives the rational grumbler Virgo adventures and bursts of positive emotions, which he so lacks.

Representatives of these zodiac signs can get along with each other, but their relationship will never be cloudless. They are too different people. Let's take a closer look at the models of their relationships.

GEMINI man and VIRGO woman

The woman in this pair is more down-to-earth and practical, and this is logical, Virgo is a sign of the earthly element. The air sign of Gemini is more inclined to live for pleasure, often without worrying about tomorrow. Friendly relationships between them are possible only if they do not begin to zealously remake each other. A Gemini man is able to refrain from caustic comments, he is less picky about people, but a Virgo will definitely voice complaints out loud, even if this threatens their relationship.

♊ + ♍: In love

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Most likely, mutual curiosity played a decisive role in the beginning of this relationship. A Gemini guy for a Virgo is an amazing person who does not burden himself with routine and walks through life with an easy gait. A girl born under the Virgo constellation is sweet and feminine, and a Gemini guy enjoys the company of such women. Thus, a romantic relationship begins between them, which will suit both of them, but only at first.

As soon as the veil of admiration for each other falls from their eyes, a difficult period will begin. Virgo will begin to remake her lover to suit herself, the freedom-loving Gemini guy will resist, and quite successfully. Virgo will not back down and will stick to her line until the union falls apart. Patience could save this relationship, but neither Gemini nor Virgo have it.

♊ + ♍: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- This marriage is a real miracle. The closest circle of this couple is in complete confusion. If they got married, there were serious reasons: either they had a strong mutual love, or the second option is a marriage of convenience.

Spouses have radically different views on everything; only similar things can unite them life situations. The Virgo woman wants to completely possess her husband, to be with him continuously. The Gemini man loves freedom and is not inclined to obey. In everyday life they will not have agreement, the Virgo woman is a real pedant, she can find fault with her husband, for example, because of an unwashed cup, while the twins do not understand at all how this little thing could be noticed. They also manage finances differently. Virgo clearly controls expenses, and this has its advantages - the family will always be well-fed and well dressed. A Gemini man can use his last money to throw a fun party, or spend the money on other pleasures. There will be heated quarrels in the family over this.

IN intimate life They are also different, but at the same time they are happy with each other. The Virgo's sensuality is attractive to Gemini, and she is pleased with his ingenuity in sex.

Once the sexual attraction between spouses disappears, they are unlikely to have any reason to be together. Usually such marriages do not last long.

♊ + ♍: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY“They won’t be best friends, but they are quite capable of maintaining friendly relations in a campaign of mutual friends.” The Gemini guy is more inclined to socialize; usually it is from him that the initiative to spend leisure time together comes. The Virgo girl will be captivated by his stories and will receive a positive charge from communicating with him, but long-term communication will become tiring for this couple.

VIRGO man and GEMINI woman

If there are no mutual obligations between the partners of this couple, perhaps they will find a common language, but only with a tolerant attitude towards each other. Let us consider in more detail the models of their relationships.

♍ + ♊: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- A Gemini girl will attract a Virgo guy with her brightness and unpredictability, and then with these same qualities she will push him away. At first she will be interested in the guy for his reliability and prudence, but soon she will begin to get bored in his campaign. The Virgo man is a jealous person; he will simply torment his sociable companion with constant suspicions, which, with such an approach on his part, will one day find a basis. The girl will decide that even if she listens to reproaches, she will at least get to the point, and without parting with the jealous person, she will quickly find a replacement for him. It will be a shock for him, but it will be impossible to change anything.

♍ + ♊: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— When entering into marriage, a Virgo man is committed to building strong relationships; he will be happy to spend weekends at home and devote himself entirely to his family. Looking at the behavior of his energetic and sociable wife, he will at first think that she simply has not yet gotten used to the role of a wife, but he will soon realize that the Gemini woman simply does not know how to live differently. At this point, it would be logical to accept the spouse’s characteristics as something inevitable, or to dissolve the marriage. But the Virgo man firmly believes that anyone can be remade, and he begins to re-educate his wife. The Gemini woman perceives what is happening as tediousness on his part. At the beginning, she simply brushes off her husband’s attempts to change her lifestyle, but when the virgin’s moralizing becomes completely unbearable, discord begins in the family.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the Virgo man is dissatisfied with the way his Gemini wife manages money. In his opinion, she is a spender and does not think about her family at all. The Gemini woman does not consider herself such, and as a result, there is no one willing to make concessions in this couple.

As a rule, this marriage has one basis - passion. A Virgo man can provide his wife with quality sex, and a Gemini woman surprises him with her unpredictability in bed. After the flame of passion between them fades away, most likely, this marriage will fall apart.

♍ + ♊: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The Virgo guy prefers to communicate with people equal to him in temperament; he himself is calm and reliable. A Gemini girl may briefly attract him as an interesting conversationalist; she is cheerful and easy to be with. Maybe this couple will briefly have the feeling that they understand each other, but with closer communication, the Gemini girl will get bored, and the Virgo guy will begin to suspect her of insincerity. Superficial communication is possible in a campaign of mutual friends, but nothing more.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

“Love will unexpectedly appear when you don’t expect it at all...” But in addition to the surprise of its visit, love also brings faith in fate. It is during falling in love that we so want to make sure that our beloved has made the right choice.

To make sure that our heart’s intuition is correct, we compare the line of our loved one’s destiny with ours, hoping that they can coincide perfectly. Zodiac signs will help you solve the mysteries of fate.

Gemini Woman. Brightness, unusualness, originality, frivolity - these are the traits inherent in twins. They are capable of lightning-fast mood changes due to their “duality” of character. This means that one minute their decision is one, and the next – another. Representatives of this sign have very gentle and romantic natures, they are very easy to offend. All these qualities also apply to twin girls. They fully correspond in character to the patron element – ​​Air. Girls of this sign are in constant search of their ideal. They are amorous, but their lovers need to constantly develop in order to keep the twins. After all, all people of this sign are ready to part ways if their loved one gets bored. And immediately forget about the past.

Female Geminis are like butterflies, they cannot be tied to anything, they will immediately fly away from those who try. Even when Geminis have a family, they will still strive for new dreams. And of course, Gemini girls are very gentle, affectionate and romantic, so their chosen one will be surrounded by care and warmth. But a man will have to be very careful in his words - a small offense, and Gemini will be blown away by the wind.

Virgo Man. Virgo is an Earth sign. Earth and Air are two opposite elements. This already characterizes the representatives of this sign. They are the complete opposite of Gemini. They are modest, slow, quiet, love solitude, cannot be idle, and their love is like an invisible thread that binds lovers. All of the above is also suitable for male Virgos. Men born under this sign are cold, calculating, a little boring, a little cynic, but still very gentle, affectionate and kind. For them The word “honor” is of great importance, so they always keep their promises. Such a man will be a reliable support; he will always take care of the woman.

Virgos of this sex often remain lonely, their demands on their chosen ones are too high, because the men themselves try to be ideal companions. Virgos are almost impossible to piss off. But because of their pedantry, they themselves are often the cause of conflicts. But in fact, Virgos are very peaceful and do not like quarrels.

Opposites attract. This is probably the only way to explain to yourself the pair of Virgo-man and Gemini-woman. Absolutely different, with dissimilar views on life, on the world, on love. Geminis are frivolous, Virgos are faithful monogamous people. The fact that they ended up next to each other is either a mistake or fate. However, both of these signs are very smart, educated and ironic. They will surely find a common language and common topics. Such relationships are so vibrant and stormy that it is better for all relatives and friends to step aside so as not to get caught up in the flow. If a Virgo man has chosen his Gemini, it means he is completely confident in his choice and is ready for possible problems. The girl is pleased that such a man fell in love with her. She will finally find the reliability and support in search of which she so often changed her lovers.

Virgos are jealous, but if the couple has complete trust, then such a feeling will not interfere with the relationship. Gemini brings brightness and lightness to the calm and monotonous life of Virgos, so that they can finally take a little rest from all their affairs. The girl will be pleased with the care, tenderness and attention of her lover, and the man will be glad to see such a beautiful creature as the Gemini girl nearby.

Of course, there will be quarrels and scandals in a couple. Due to perfectionism and a certain bias of Virgos, but girls do not need to try to correct them, as this is absolutely useless.

Virgos will never change, and you like them exactly the way they are. But a man needs to become more open; there is no need to withdraw into himself if there are problems. Virgo’s protective “shell” greatly interferes with relationships. They should let their beloved into their world so that Gemini can illuminate it.

The man is the head of this couple, but it is the woman who can create a happy future. She should be soft but persistent. And she must definitely show the man that he can open his soul to her and completely trust her. And Virgos need to be more restrained. Constantly criticizing your loved ones will only upset both of them. Geminis are very vulnerable, but determined. They can leave forever, and then both lovers will be unhappy. What if it was fate that brought them together?

Couple in bed

Perfect for each other. Yes Yes exactly. These two signs in bed - perfect combination. Tenderness, passion, play, perseverance, experimentation and a lot of fun.

During the time he was looking for his one and only, the Virgo man learned to give real pleasure. A true skilled lover.

He understands without words what his partner wants, and in the next moment he does what his beloved just thought about. Gemini woman diversifies sex life, will give your lover an unforgettable experience.

These two may eventually lose their love, but remain true friends and good spouses. Their children will be surrounded by care and love. Dad will be responsible for discipline, and mom will teach pranks. They will not have strong disagreements on the issue of education.

The lovers in this pair can complement each other perfectly. Their opposing characters can create a unified whole. But both will definitely need to sacrifice themselves, make concessions and avoid petty quarrels and troubles. And then there will be peace, tranquility and harmony between Virgo and Gemini.

Compatibility in friendship

Friends forever - that's what this couple is like. Both Virgos and Geminis are very smart and love to chat, they will always find common topics and they have such a similar sense of humor.

Virgo woman and Gemini man

Love compatibility

Some life partners are sent to reconsider their views or to undergo a necessary reassessment of values. You need to be honest with your inner voice, which sends a signal to people in love about their partners - compatibility where there is a Gemini man and a Virgo woman, you can wait in vain. Naturally, a certain assimilation will affect both the fundamental nature of the autumn sign and the categorical nature of the air Zodiac. But this couple is unlikely to influence the evolution of characters.

Virgo will continue to assert herself in her practicality, in a fit of anger that reaches the point of selfishness. Geminis are also in no hurry to lose face, so they will behave freely as usual, perhaps even impudently. Here we observe a situation where the relationship between two opposites confirms, figuratively speaking, that a shoe and a sneaker are not a pair. Everything will be difficult for these people. Virgo cannot imagine herself without a home and life, and Gemini needs it to the extent that... The windy dual Zodiac enjoys not thinking about tomorrow, and Virgo will not be able to sleep without a sedative until she is convinced of a well-thought-out future.

But there are exceptions when such a couple can distinguish themselves and go on a long road together. This is great love, in which a man will invite his companion beyond the boldest horizons; she will see the world in all the abundance of its tastes, colors and smells. Your married life partner will be pleased that it was his practical girlfriend who saw his creative potential. She will help him find strength and make a big leap forward.

Well, if the first option with love does not inspire confidence, then there remains one more, according to which even unlikely compatibility does not scare them. This is inner excitement and an insane desire to break out of the usual boring circle. There is no other way to describe such mental self-torture than a surface-to-air missile. However, the stars do not rule out the possibility of creating a strong couple until each partner understands that his astrological temperament and outlook on life need to be rethought.

Sexual compatibility

For some reason, many people believe that since a Gemini man is a dreamer and an experimenter, since a Virgo woman is necessarily a puritan. But the compatibility in bed between Virgo and Gemini is so ideal and harmonious that you might think they were made for each other.

She knows very well that it clearly does not pass through the stomach. Only she may lack the fiery passion of Gemini. Although... Today the Gemini man is an excellent student, performer and uncomplaining servant, and tomorrow he is a fearless Warrior and Commander. The main thing is that the desires of the partners in this delicate area coincide, they will find an opportunity. Virgo will take care of this!

At work and at home

Here it is! A good start for the development of friendship, or even Love (!), can be general activities. The Gemini man can take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to demonstrate all his organization and care for his Virgo colleague.

Geminis are more comfortable doing things that require creativity and logical conclusions, surprise and constant communication. In a word, everything that can even infuriate an excellent Virgo employee! Such a union is capable of perfectly solving any given problem. Hurray, at least in this case the compatibility of Virgo and Gemini is clearly and optimistically observed!