Cadastral registration of premises in a building or cadastral registration of part of a building is a procedure through which many objects undergo real estate. If you are planning to register any object, part of it, or even separate room, you absolutely need to know that in order to complete all the paperwork correctly, you will have to carefully delve into the essence of the issue. This legal procedure, like any other, can go quickly and relatively easily (this requires experience, knowledge of the legal framework and mechanisms of functioning of organizations), or it can drag on due to incorrect registration, errors, or incorrect submission of documents. In the latter version, the procedure will definitely bring a large number of problems. In the article below we have collected information about the registration mechanism and the necessary manipulations that need to be performed with the object.

Cadastral registration of part of the building. Cadastral registration of premises in a building- Total information

Cadastral registration of premises in a building or cadastral registration of part of a building is part of what happens to real estate. Even if part of the building or premises ceases to exist (due to reconstruction or redevelopment), these manipulations must be recorded and reflected in papers. Modification of external and internal parameters, features and other characteristics should also be reflected in the records. These manipulations (as well as those left behind the scenes) will require different packages of documents and have their own characteristics. The best solution for most transactions with cadastral registration There will be delegation of work with the object to specialists.

Cadastral registration of part of the building. Cadastral registration of premises in a building - registration

Cadastral registration of premises in a building or cadastral registration of part of a building includes registration. This manipulation is within the jurisdiction of the Federal Cadastral Chamber. An object or part of it that has not yet been put into operation must be properly registered and a package of documents must be received for it, and the necessary operations must be performed. Conventionally, objects subject to accounting (this includes premises and parts of buildings) can be divided into two categories:

Already registered. These objects have a number and inventories have been generated on them.

Newly created or newly formed. The ownership of such objects was not registered and this procedure must be completed from scratch. If we talk about a room or part of a building, they could arise during reconstruction or redevelopment.

An important point is that since 2013, it is impossible to register ownership of a property that is not included in the register. This means that even apartments in a new building must be placed on cadastral registration. Only after this procedure will the owner be able to receive a passport, which records all the parameters of the object or part of it.

Cadastral registration of part of the building. Cadastral registration of premises in a building - deregistration

Cadastral registration of premises in a building or cadastral registration of a part of a building also includes deregistration. This is true for those objects that cease to exist, or undergo a radical restructuring or modification. When preparing the withdrawal, you need to prepare a package of documents that will confirm the fact of the termination of the existence of a building or other object. Collecting such a package may take a while, but an experienced specialist can complete all the paperwork in one day.

Cadastral registration of part of the building. Cadastral registration of premises in a building - recording changes

Even the smallest changes basic characteristics parts of the building or premises must be fixed. As a result correct design the owner will receive a statement containing updated information about the property.

Cadastral registration of part of the building. Cadastral registration of premises in a building - where should you turn for help?

Current Solutions Company. Our specialists are ready to provide all the necessary assistance in registering real estate at any stage. Registration and deregistration, registration of changes and other manipulations - we are ready to assist in everything. It is almost impossible to complete documentation quickly without the necessary theoretical and practical preparation. If you want to get a package of documents at your disposal without errors and overlaps, you simply need the help of a professional.

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You can always get more detailed advice on tel. 8 910 480 -65-33

Owners of non-residential premises are often faced with situations in which it is necessary to register part of the property with the cadastral register. At the same time, divide it into parts in the order established general rules, they don't want to. According to general requirements, non-isolated parts of objects are not subject to inclusion in the cadastre, but a procedure is provided for entering information about part of the object.Education of the premises- this is a method that allows you to enter information about part of the original object into the cadastre without dividing it. This approach allows you to resolve issues related, for example, to renting part of the premises. This type of non-residential real estate transactions is very common and in demand, since most entrepreneurs prefer to rent business premises rather than purchase them.Formation of part of the roomhelps resolve issues related to the rental of retail space in a large mall. Moreover, according to the requirements, renting a non-isolated premises is possible if it has certain boundaries. In order to register part of the premises with cadastral registration, the presence of walls, ceilings and other necessary structures is required.The formation of a part of the premises with the receipt of an entry in the cadastral passport of the object about part of a certain area allows you to easily register the lease of the non-isolated part.

Procedure for forming part of a room

First of all, to allocate part of a certain area, it is necessary to prepare technical plan to account for changes in the original premises. The formation of part of the room is the purpose of this work. A lease agreement is attached to the finished technical plan. There are options here. This may be a direct agreement that describes the premises to be rented. It is possible to use an agreement of intent to enter into a lease agreement.

The next step is to record changes. As a rule, in order to ensure that the cadastral registration of part of the premises does not become a sufficiently serious obstacle to achieving the final goal, the owners of non-residential premises engage professional performers to perform the above work. Preparation of the technical plan is carried out cadastral engineers having required level qualifications and access to work of this type. With a professional approach, registering part of the premises will not cause any difficulties.

As a result of the above work, the owner non-residential premises receives a cadastral passport with the formed part, after which he can register the lease of this part in the prescribed manner.

Well executed technical plan of part of the premises is of great importance for the procedure for forming part or several parts of the room. Errors made during its development can cause quite serious problems, including suspension of registration.

Features of the formation of part of the premises in the housing stock

This issue is relevant for cadastral registration of rooms in communal apartment. In this case, a technical plan of part of the premises is also required, which indicates how the living space is divided between the owners, and the common areas remain undivided. What should be done in such a situation? Let us immediately note that dividing apartments into rooms is not required. Specialists create independent types of real estate, namely rooms that are designated as part of the apartment. The state cadastre contains information about the apartment and the rooms that are located in it.

In accordance with Art. 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, ownership and other rights to immovable property are subject to mandatory state registration in the Office of Rosreestr.

Lease agreements concluded for a period of 1 year or more are also subject to state registration.

Despite the mandatory provisions of the law, the process of registration and registration of rights to real estate is constantly being improved and, as a result, undergoes various changes.

The latest changes in the procedure for registering rights to real estate are caused by the end of the transition period for the application of the Federal Law "On state cadastre Real Estate" dated July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ.

Until January 1, 2013 cadastral activities was not carried out in relation to buildings, structures, premises, objects of unfinished construction.

After January 1, 2013, in order to register the right to a property, it is necessary to initially register such a property with the state cadastral register.

According to Art. 26 Federal Law “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It”, if premises (or parts of premises) are leased, with a real estate lease agreement that is submitted for state registration, cadastral passports of the building/premises indicating the size must also be submitted rented area.

It should be noted that previously cadastral passports required for registering a lease agreement could be ordered at the territorial bureau technical inventory(TBTI), since January 1, 2013, the Cadastral Chamber has been issuing cadastral passports for registration of real estate transactions.

In order for the cadastral chamber to be able to issue a cadastral passport for a real estate property, such an object must be registered in the cadastral register.

Thus, to obtain cadastral passport required for registration of a lease agreement, it is necessary to register the leased premises, which are the subject of the lease agreement, with a temporary cadastral register.

It is necessary to pay attention if the subject of the lease agreement is several premises (rooms) belonging to the same owner, although located separately from each other - for example, on different floors building, at different ends of the same corridor or floor, such a property is recognized as a single property and is not divided in the State Real Estate Cadastre.

An important point is that in order for the Cadastral Chamber to register a property for state cadastral registration, it is necessary to submit a technical plan to the cadastral chamber.

The technical plan is complex technical document, which displays certain information included in the state real estate cadastre. The technical plan contains the information about the building/premises, or part of such premises, that is necessary for registering the property with the state cadastral register. The technical plan also includes new information about the object, without which registration with the state cadastral register is impossible.

Thus, having a technical passport of the building in hand will not be enough and you will have to obtain a technical plan for the premises in any case.

That is, for each premises or part of such premises rented out, it is required to obtain a technical plan with the assignment of a separate cadastral number. The production time for one technical plan is 1 month.

At the same time, the cost of producing a technical plan for a property is several times higher than the cost of production technical passport building, which explains the increase in costs when registering a lease agreement.

In order to register a transaction with a real estate property, including when registering a lease agreement for part of the premises, both the building in which the rented premises is located and the rented premises itself must be registered with the state cadastral register.

Thus, if the building has not previously been registered with the state cadastral register and is not considered a previously registered property in accordance with the Federal Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”, then before submitting the lease agreement for registration to the Rosreestr Office, the building is required to be registered in the cadastral register and cadastral registration of rented premises with preliminary preparation of technical plans for each property.

The period for registering one property for cadastral registration is 1 month.

The procedure for registering a lease agreement itself takes from 12 to 20 calendar days.

Thus, at the present time, the procedure for registering a lease agreement for a small premises takes on average 3 months. Due to the increased number of submitted documents, the cadastral registration process incurs additional costs for the parties to the agreement, mostly for the tenant, since, as a rule, it is the tenant who needs to register the agreement, and the parties also bear the costs of such registration on the tenant.

The requirements of the Cadastral Chamber are constantly changing, even during these few months of new rules.

According to recent consultations at the Cadastral Chamber, the cadastral registration of real estate has a number of features.

One of these is the requirement to provide a power of attorney for a representative from the owner (and not the tenant), and to provide the original certificate of state registration of rights to the property for verification.

Such requirements are completely illogical and impractical due to the fact that registration of buildings or premises with the state cadastral register does not entail any legal consequences for the owner, except for the opportunity to register the lease agreement in the proper manner, and the provision of a power of attorney from the lessor and the original certificate of ownership often makes it impossible to register the agreement rent due to the reluctance of the owners to participate in this.

But, unfortunately, the situation has not changed yet and the requirements of the Cadastral Chamber are as follows.

Starting from January 1, 2013, the procedure for registering lease agreements for a building (or part thereof) has become more complex, time-consuming, energy-consuming, and also more “expensive.”

To register the lease of part of the premises, the parties to the agreement must go through a number of successive stages in various government agencies, having spent not a single month of work on this.

If previously, when registering a lease agreement, it was necessary to pay a state fee in the amount of 1,000 rubles for individuals / 15,000 rubles for legal entities, then now the costs of fees and duties established by the state may increase by an amount from 6,000 rubles to 55,000 rubles in addition to the previously paid fees (depending on the required documents). The actual registration of the object for cadastral registration is carried out cadastral chamber free of charge.

Our company’s specialists, who are qualified in the field of cadastral registration of real estate, as well as support of registration of rights and contracts, will help you get everything efficiently Required documents on time and reduce the time for registration.