Not many housewives cook peas because they sometimes burn, remain tough and soggy, and they also take a long time to cook. For these reasons, is it worth giving up a rich source of protein, vitamins and microelements, which serves as the basis for delicious dishes?

How long to cook peas so that they are soft and tasty in different dishes.

How to cook peas.

Peas belong to the legume family, and all members of this family do not cook quickly, so they must be soaked before cooking. Varieties such as “Oregon” and “Idaho” are cooked without soaking, for a side dish and in soup - on average 35 minutes, for puree - for an hour. To cook other varieties without soaking, you need to thoroughly rinse the grains, put them in cold water, and put them on high heat. After the liquid boils, remove the pan, drain the hot water, rinse the beans, pour in cold water, and put it back on the stove. Do this three times, and then leave on the stove until it begins to boil. How long should you cook peas without soaking if you don’t have time for it? Dry grains can be cooked in an hour and a half.

Tip: Do not add salt while cooking legume dishes, otherwise the grains will not soften. Salt is added before removing the pan from the stove.

What are split peas?

Split peas are those that are split into two halves. It is ideal for making porridge, mashed potatoes and cutlets, while the whole one is indispensable in soup. How long to cook peas for puree? The longer the better, the main thing is to cook the split peas over low heat and preferably in a heavy, thick-walled container.

How to prepare pea puree?

Place the soaked beans in a saucepan, rinse and add water (1 part beans to 3 parts liquid), then put on low heat and boil without a lid, avoiding the formation of foam. When the liquid boils, remove the lid and cook the pea puree until tender, until the grains begin to soften. If necessary, you can use a blender for chopping.

Pea puree using kitchen devices.

In order to prepare the puree, you need to cook peas in a slow cooker in two stages - place the soaked and washed grains in a bowl, add water 1 to 3, and set the “stewing” program for 2 hours. At the end of the program, add oil and seasonings, and set the same program for 10 minutes.

To prepare pea puree in a pressure cooker, you will need soaked peas, water, oil and salt. The grains must be simmered at minimum power for about an hour, then turn off the pressure cooker and do not open the lid for another 10 minutes, then grind the boiled peas in a blender with the addition of oil and spices, and leave for 5 minutes for the mixture to infuse.

How to cook pea soup?

Pea soup is an excellent lunch option, especially if the legumes were cooked together with smoked meats. Making this soup is very simple, and the result will exceed all expectations if you stick to the recipe. There are a lot of recipes for this soup of varying complexity.

How to cook pea soup? First of all, rinse the grains, soak them for 40 minutes and cook over low heat at the same time as the meat ingredients. While the base is cooking, chop the vegetables and add them to the boiling broth. For puree soup, frozen green peas are most suitable, which need to be crushed in a food processor to a pulp consistency, then poured with hot meat broth with seasonings and oil.

How long to cook peas in soup? Dry grains are about an hour and a half, soaked - 40 minutes.

Pea porridge is an excellent winter dish

Any porridge is healthy, but pea porridge in particular, because peas are a vegetable analogue of meat in terms of protein content. Any peas are suitable for porridge, but it depends on them how long to cook the pea porridge.

To make the porridge tasty and uniform in consistency, whole or crushed vegetables must be soaked overnight in ice water, and in the morning, rinse and cook over low heat for an hour and a half. It will take 20 minutes to cook frozen peas for porridge.

Tip: To freeze peas yourself, you need to remove the beans from the pods, put them in containers and put them in the freezer. The result is a stock of tasty and healthy side dishes for the winter.

To give pea dishes a special taste, they are seasoned with turmeric, fennel, coriander and garlic. They also add mushrooms, fried bacon, garlic, onions or mushrooms.

It is recommended to soak the peas in water for several hours before cooking. On average, this process takes 6-10 hours. An important nuance in this case is to fill the peas only with cold water and place the workpiece away from a gas stove or other sources of potential heat. If you keep peas in water, they may begin to ferment.

The process of cooking peas in a regular saucepan:

  • Before cooking, peas must be thoroughly washed several times and sorted if necessary;
  • in a saucepan, peas are filled with liquid in a ratio of 1:4 (there should be four times more water);
  • if you pour cold water over the peas and put them on fire, their cooking time will be longer (to speed up this process, it is better to put the peas in boiling water);
  • butter or vegetable oil will make the peas softer and speed up the cooking process a little (you need to add one of the listed ingredients);
  • during the cooking process of peas, foam may form (this is not a deviation, but it is better to remove the foam with a slotted spoon or a spoon);
  • cook the peas over low or medium heat, and cover the container with a lid;
  • if the water boils away during the cooking process, it must be added;
  • It is not recommended to cook peas in salt water (salt can make the kernels harder even though they are ready);
  • You can check the readiness of peas by taste and by changes in the structure of the kernels.

You need to salt the peas at the end of cooking. You can avoid soaking by using soda by adding ¼ of a teaspoon at the moment the water boils. You can cook peas without pre-soaking, but the cooking time in this case may increase significantly. This method is best used only in case of emergency, and if you have diseases of the digestive system, it should be abandoned.

The duration of cooking and the process of preparing peas may vary depending on the planned dish. If the ingredient is being prepared for porridge, then before cooking it can be ground in a blender and only then cooked. To make the peas softer, you can boil them by increasing the cooking time.

The nuances of cooking peas in a pressure cooker:

  • Before cooking peas in a pressure cooker, you can soak them for just two hours;
  • You need to cook the peas in this way for 20 minutes, and then leave them to simmer for some more time.

The nuances of cooking peas in a slow cooker:

  • before cooking in a slow cooker, peas are also soaked for 1.5-2 hours;
  • peas are cooked in a slow cooker in the “Stew” mode with the timer set for 1.5 hours;
  • You can cook peas in a slow cooker in the “Soup” mode in one hour.

You can also cook fresh peas. It is recommended to put it in boiling water or 10 minutes before the main dish is ready. On average, such peas are cooked for no more than 15 minutes, depending on the size of the kernels and their degree of maturity. It is better to cook young peas for no more than 10 minutes. After cooking, it is recommended to rinse the kernels with cold water so that they do not lose their shape.

For some dishes, green peas are used in the form of boiled pods. In this case, the ingredient must first be soaked in water for one hour and then boiled for several minutes. Readiness can be determined by the softness of the pods and a slight change in their color.

How long to cook peas

On average, the cooking time for peas is 45-60 minutes. If the peas are whole, then they can be ready within 1.5 hours, and separated peas cook faster. The type of pea and the degree of dryness play a significant role. Shelf life

Cooking times for peas using different methods:

  • regular saucepan (1.5 or 2 hours);
  • multicooker (1.5 hours);
  • pressure cooker (20 minutes and subsequent simmering will add 10 minutes).

These figures refer to whole peas and are average. If the kernels are too dry and old, then their cooking time may increase, and crushed or split peas are cooked 15 minutes earlier in each of these cases.

I love pea dishes. But most of all I love pea porridge. Cooking it in a pressure cooker is a pleasure. You don't even need to pre-soak the peas. Pea porridge is very good in the cold season, when the body expends a lot of energy and you want to eat something tasty and very filling. If you are into skiing or snowboarding, or generally like active winter recreation and often go outdoors in winter, you won’t find a better snack. I cook porridge in a slow cooker, put it hot in a special thermos for dinners with a wide neck and in nature - having been tired and hungry - we all take turns scooping hot, aromatic porridge directly from the thermos.


  • Dry peas – 250-300 gr.
  • Broth - beef or chicken / water - 600-700 ml.
  • Bacon – 200 gr.
  • Onion – 1 pc. – 100 gr.
  • Spices – salt, pepper
  • Oil for frying – 2 tbsp.
  • Cream 25% fat/butter – 60 g.

Method for preparing pea porridge in a multicooker-pressure cooker

Please note - this recipe is for a pressure cooker, for pressure cooking. If you have a regular multicooker, then the amount of liquid must be increased, since some of it will evaporate during cooking.

After purchasing a multi-pressure cooker, I was faced with the fact that I began to get more broth than I had expected. But I valiantly solved this problem - now I cook all the side dishes in broth, it turns out very tasty. By the way, this is a real opportunity to rehabilitate a side dish that “didn’t work” in your family, just cook it not in water, but in broth - you will see how the taste changes.

Pea porridge is no exception. So, I wash the peas (I have them split into halves, this one boils faster). You need to rinse well so that as much starch is removed as possible and the water stops becoming cloudy. For the pressure cooker, there is no need to pre-soak the peas; they boil perfectly. Pour broth over the peas and set to “Stew” for 1 hour. I like the texture of the porridge to be tender and smooth, like puree. If you want small flecks of half-cooked peas, 40 minutes will be enough. At the end of cooking, I release the steam and add spices - mix the puree, add 25 percent cream or butter as a dressing and let it brew a little.

Meanwhile, I cut the bacon into small strips, grate or finely chop the onion (if desired, you can add carrots, but not necessarily) and fry in a frying pan. I put the finished porridge into deep bowls, and season it with fried bacon and onions on top. Croutons or fried bread are perfect for porridge.

Pea porridge is cooked in an Oursson multi-pressure cooker.

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Pea porridge in a slow cooker and pressure cooker

You are here: Home » Cooking » In a slow cooker » Pea porridge in a slow cooker and pressure cooker

Every housewife knows how healthy and satisfying pea porridge is. But most women do not like to cook this dish, since the peas take a very long time to boil, and if certain rules are not followed, they can turn out soggy. In fact, there are countless recipes for making pea porridge. It can serve as an excellent side dish for any meat dish. The easiest way to prepare pea porridge is in a slow cooker.

You will learn about the secrets of preparing a delicious side dish in this article.

How to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker: basic aspects

A multicooker is an indispensable assistant for every housewife. Dishes are prepared in it without much effort. You only need to prepare all the necessary ingredients, put them in a bowl and set the desired program. Experienced chefs and housewives share their secrets of cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker:

  • You can soak the peas first. It is best to do this at night. In this case, the porridge will cook faster.
  • If you don’t like the smell of peas, then you definitely need to soak them, this way the film peels off, from which a specific smell emanates.
  • The peas need to be washed thoroughly so that the water is clear.
  • Classic pea porridge is prepared with butter, but sunflower oil reduces the calorie and fat content of the dish.
  • To prepare a dish in a multicooker, you need to select the “Stew” or “Grains” mode.
  • Pea porridge in the Redmond multicooker is prepared using the “Rice-Grains” program.
  • Porridge needs to be salted at the end of cooking, since salt affects the elasticity of pea grains. If you add salt to the dish at the beginning, it will take longer to cook.
  • Pea porridge can be cooked with meat, vegetables or herbs.
  • Water should be poured into the cereal in a ratio of 2:1. If you plan to eat porridge the next day, you can add more water. The porridge will swell even more after standing.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker: recipe

Cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker is quite simple. To speed up the process, it can be cooked in a pressure cooker. Porridge cooks under pressure much faster and without pre-soaking - the whole process takes no more than half an hour. To measure the required amount of ingredients, you can use a regular or measuring cup that comes with the multicooker.


  • peas (can be whole or half) – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • sunflower or butter;
  • salt and spices.


Pea porridge with meat in a slow cooker: a recipe for a delicious second course

A recipe for pea porridge with meat in a slow cooker will help you significantly reduce the time it takes to prepare a tasty and satisfying dinner. All ingredients will need to be pre-prepared; accordingly, you will have to spend a little more of your time than when preparing porridge in a multicooker in its pure form. This dish will certainly please your household.


  • peas (half is best) – 0.5 kg;
  • carrot;
  • chicken breast – 0.5 kg;
  • onions;
  • sunflower oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, mixture of peppers and spices;
  • water – 3 tbsp.


Pea porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker: an original recipe for a healthy dish

To make pea porridge not only satisfying, but also very healthy, it can be prepared with vegetables.


  • peas – 250 g;
  • sunflower oil;
  • bell pepper;
  • onions;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • carrot;
  • green;
  • salt, spices, pepper.


  1. Peel the onions, bell peppers and carrots.
  2. Cut the onion and pepper into cubes, and grate the carrots.
  3. Pour sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl and place the prepared vegetables there.
  4. Set the “Frying” or “Baking” program (in some multicooker models) and fry the vegetables for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then add peas to the fried vegetables and fill everything with water.
  6. Set the “Stew” program and cook pea porridge with vegetables for 2 hours.
  7. The finished dish can be seasoned with butter and decorated with herbs.

Pea porridge cannot be classified as a dietary dish. It is high in calories, filling and very hard on the stomach. However, this particular porridge is very healthy because it is rich in trace elements and minerals. There are a huge number of recipes for its preparation. And if many housewives used to be reluctant to cook pea porridge, today they do it with great pleasure, since preparing it in a slow cooker does not take much time and effort. Add new ingredients, bring your ideas to life and create culinary masterpieces. Bon appetit!

Pea porridge in a slow cooker

Before cooking, peas must be soaked in water for 1 hour. These peas cook better.

Peel the onion and chop finely.

Turn on the “Warming” mode on the multicooker. Pour some sunflower oil into the bowl.

Add water and peas to the multicooker bowl.

Close the lid of the pressure cooker and turn on the “Porridge” mode for 30 minutes.

After the multicooker signals the end of cooking with a sound signal, carefully release the steam as described in the instructions and open the lid.

Add butter, salt and stir the pea porridge.

Pea porridge with mushrooms

Friends, today let’s pay tribute to Russian cuisine and cook pea porridge with mushrooms in a pressure cooker.

“Shchi and porridge are our food,” they have said in Rus' since ancient times. Why? Yes, because from time immemorial, porridge occupied second place of honor after cabbage soup. And the variety of grains growing in Rus' made it possible to prepare many different porridges. One of the favorites for our great-great-great-grandparents was pea or, as it is also called, pea. Goroshnitsa has more than one option, including both lean and fast versions of the dish.

Pea porridge with mushrooms, cooked in a pressure cooker, is a lean food. Nevertheless, it is quite a satisfying meal. Therefore, despite the fact that the porridge is delicious, I advise you not to overeat, especially at night.

The Redmond RMC-PM380 cooks split pea porridge very quickly. Split peas cook wonderfully; you don’t even have to mash them into puree. The combination of peas and mushrooms is very favorable. Whether during Lent or not, the dish is served as an independent dish and does not require any additions.

Ingredients for pea porridge with mushrooms

  1. Peas (dry split) - 2 multi-cups
  2. Water - 4 multi-cups
  3. Mushrooms (white, boletus, chanterelles) - 400 gr
  4. Onions - 1-2 heads
  5. Vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons
  6. Salt - to taste

How to cook pea porridge with mushrooms in a pressure cooker

1. Prepare dry split peas - two measuring cups from a multicooker, frozen or fresh mushrooms - porcini, boletus, chanterelles, but you can also use other “noble” ones, one or two heads of onions, salt, vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive) for frying and slightly hot boiled water. Thaw frozen mushrooms (it is not necessary to defrost completely). Fresh - sort, peel, wash and cut. Peel the onions and chop clean onions. Since we will cook in a pressure cooker and also use split peas, we will not soak them in advance. But before cooking, rinse very thoroughly so that the last water does not contain a drop of foam (if the foam is poorly rinsed, the steam valve of the pressure cooker may clog during cooking).

2. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker-pressure cooker and turn on “Frying/Deep-frying”. Set it to 25 minutes, since then it will be easier to turn off the mode than to add time if it suddenly isn’t enough. The heated appliance will beep, add the onion and fry for several minutes until lightly golden.

3. Add mushrooms to the onions. Fry everything together until the moisture evaporates and the mushrooms begin to fry.

The pressure cooker is one of the most useful inventions of man. Thanks to the tightness and the valve that regulates pressure and temperature, the cooking speed in a pressure cooker, in relation to conventional cookware, increases several times. Cooking pea dishes in a pressure cooker usually takes from ten to fifteen minutes, and in a regular saucepan from one to one and a half hours. To evaluate the effectiveness of cooking peas in a pressure cooker, it will be useful for you to read the following recipes:

At the very beginning of preparing pea puree soup with bacon, you need to soak one glass of dry whole peas in boiling water for half an hour, after which you must rinse them. Next, fry the required number of bacon slices, along with the chopped onion and half the grated carrots, directly in the pressure cooker. Pour the washed peas without water into the pressure cooker after soaking, and then pour one and a half liters of boiling water into it. After this, all this needs to be peppered and salted to taste. You can also add one bouillon cube and a couple of bay leaves to the pressure cooker for flavor.

After the manipulations have been completed, close the pressure cooker and place on the fire. After waiting for the start of hissing, reduce the heat, remember the time that the clock shows, and after fifteen minutes remove the pan from the heat. The puree soup is ready.

A striking example of how to cook peas in a pressure cooker is cooking peas the peasant way. Melt fifty grams of butter in a pressure cooker, then add two kilograms of fresh green peas, ten small chopped onions, four grated carrots, one tablespoon of flour and half a teaspoon of sugar. Also, don’t forget to put one bunch of chopped parsley there. Salt and pepper are added to taste. After this, mix all the ingredients, add water and put on fire. Cook the dish for ten minutes after it starts boiling.

It is very clear how long to cook peas in a pressure cooker when preparing ordinary pea porridge. Soak a cup of dry split peas in cold water for six hours. Drain off all the soaking water and place the peas in the pressure cooker. Add one or two chopped garlic cloves to the peas and place the pan on the fire. After boiling, cook the peas for ten minutes. Using the free time while the peas are cooking, cut one hundred grams of smoked brisket into small pieces. Next, after ten minutes, remove the pressure cooker from the heat and, releasing the pressure with the valve, open it. Add tomato paste, chopped brisket, butter, black pepper and salt to the peas. Everything needs to be mixed, covered and cooked again for half an hour. After this, the porridge will be ready.

Currently, pressure cookers have been replaced by multicookers with the same operating principle. Their difference lies mainly in the fact that they operate from the electrical network and have a built-in simple timer. Multicookers also come with various insert bowls adapted for preparing certain dishes, which makes their use much more convenient.