Growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse has a number of features, without knowledge of which it is difficult to obtain healthy and strong seedlings. In this article I share my experience of caring for cabbage seedlings grown in greenhouse conditions.

How and when to sow cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings

The time for sowing cabbage seeds is different for each region. It is determined so that by the time of planting the plants have reached the age of 60-65 days. I live in Kaliningrad and sow cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings in the second half of March. And I plant it somewhere in mid-May.

In a greenhouse, cabbage seedlings are grown in two ways: by sowing seeds in containers or directly into greenhouse soil.

In the first case, the substrate is prepared from two parts of humus, one part of good garden soil and one part of sand. I recommend adding a glass of wood ash to a 10-liter bucket of mixture.

In the second option, a mini-bed is formed in the greenhouse. Then 130-150 grams or 200-250 grams of lime, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 45 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium sulfate per square meter of sown area are added to the soil.

For a box 35 centimeters wide and 50 centimeters long, you will need about 3 grams of cabbage seeds, and 10-14 grams per square meter of greenhouse.

When growing cabbage without picking, the seeds are sown in rows located at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. And between individual seeds leave 2-3 centimeters.

To ensure that the seeds germinate quickly, cover the greenhouse soil with film and wrap the containers in plastic bags.

Conditions for growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

At a temperature of +18...20 degrees, cabbage hatches within 3-4 days. For the full development of seedlings, the temperature on a sunny day should be +15...17 degrees, on a cloudy day - +13...15 degrees, and at night - +7...9 degrees.

When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, the plants require hardening. To do this, after full germination, the air temperature in the room is reduced to +8...10 degrees.

The temperature optimum for the roots is lower than for the above-ground parts. Therefore, the cool microclimate in the greenhouse helps to obtain super high-quality seedlings.

On a gloomy, cloudy day, photosynthesis in plant tissues is sluggish. In such weather, it is recommended to keep the temperature 2-4 degrees lower than on a clear day.

Also make sure that the greenhouse is colder at night than during the day. Excessive night heating leads to pampering of cabbage seedlings.

Picking and thinning cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Blackleg often affects cabbage seedlings when overwatered.

As soon as the cabbage plants have their first true leaf, they are planted in cups with a diameter of 6x6 or 8x8 centimeters. If you are growing seedlings in greenhouse soil, remove excess seedlings - increase the distance between seedlings in rows to 5 centimeters.

To prepare the soil mixture, I take three parts peat and one part humus. An alternative option is one part garden soil to 3-8 parts humus. I add 20 grams of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 50 grams of superphosphate to a bucket of substrate.

Before cabbage seedlings are watered abundantly.

Carry it out like this:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the box.
  2. For better development of lateral roots, the tap root is slightly trimmed.
  3. The seedling is immersed in a hole 2-3 centimeters deep in the center of the pot.
  4. The substrate is lightly crushed in the area of ​​the roots and subcotyledon.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all cabbages and lightly water the soil mixture in the pots.

For 2-3 days, the seedlings are placed in a semi-shaded and warm place.

Caring for cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Cabbage seedlings are also convenient to grow in a warm garden bed.

When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, they need rare but generous watering. Plants are watered once every 7-10 days in the morning. After which the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent air humidity from rising above 60-70%. Damp air is the main cause of seedlings being affected by fungal diseases.

The first time the picked seedlings are fertilized when they have 2-3 true leaves. To do this, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Each seedling is given 2-3 tablespoons of fertilizer.

The second feeding is done 10-15 days after the first. The rate of ammonium nitrate is increased to 30 grams, superphosphate - to 60 grams, and potassium sulfate - to 20 grams. Apply 100-150 milliliters of fertilizer to each plant.

Cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse need pre-planting hardening. It is designed to accustom pampered plants to the harsh realities of open ground.

Hardening procedures begin 14 days before the planned planting. For the first 3-5 days, the greenhouse is intensively ventilated. And 10 days before planting the seedlings in the garden, the frames on the greenhouses are removed or the roofing on the greenhouses is partially removed.

Kohlrabi cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

It is advisable that the plants are regularly exposed to direct sunlight. But you need to make sure that they are not exposed to rain - a week before planting, the amount of watering is sharply reduced.

To mitigate the stress experienced by seedlings during transplantation and immediately after it, the day before work, cabbage is fed with mineral fertilizers with a high potassium content. To do this, 60 grams of potassium sulfate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of ammonium nitrate are added to 10 liters of water and 100-150 milliliters of solution are consumed per plant.

Growing white cabbage seedlings in an optimal greenhouse is quite simple, since it tolerates rapid temperature changes more easily than other plants. When growing high-quality cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, the main thing is not to forget to promptly combat cruciferous flea beetles, which can cause significant damage to plants. For growing high-quality seedlings, a greenhouse is the most optimal place, since it creates good microclimatic indicators. Any gardener can grow cabbage seedlings. At the same time, in a good greenhouse you can grow seedlings not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors. In this way, costs will be minimized as much as possible. To do this, you need to know how to properly grow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse.

Stages of growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Obtaining high-quality seedlings in a greenhouse has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account, taking into account the main stages of growing these plants:

Careful selection of cabbage varieties and hybrids

Not every variety or hybrid can produce good seedlings in a greenhouse, so you need to choose only those varieties that are specially bred for growing in such places. You need to select:

  • high-quality seeds (varieties rather than hybrids are better suited for growing seedlings in a greenhouse);
  • seeds of early, middle and late varieties.

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

For growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, ordinary fertile soil is quite suitable, but it is better to mix it with peat and ash in the calculation:

Listen to the radio broadcast:

Chinese and Beijing cabbage. (Mikhail VOROBYEV)

  • 4 parts fertile soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 kilogram of wood ash, for the entire area allocated for a greenhouse.

Choosing the optimal timing for sowing cabbage seeds

For cabbage with different ripening periods, different seed sowing times are needed:

  • seeds of early varieties can be sown from the end of March to mid-April;
  • seeds of medium varieties of cabbage can be sown from the beginning of April until the end of the month;
  • seeds of late varieties of cabbage can be sown from early April to early May.

Sowing cabbage seeds

Cabbage seeds must be dry before sowing in a greenhouse. Cabbage seeds should be sown in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to make the required number of lines, the distance between which should be from 15 to 20 centimeters, and the depth should not be more than 3-5 centimeters.
  2. After this, the lines must be watered abundantly.
  3. High-quality seeds should be sown sparingly (there should be 3-5 per 1 centimeter square).
  4. After sowing, the rows need to be sprinkled with soil, only so that the seeds are immersed to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters and no less than 1 centimeter.
  5. Each line with a new variety must be marked with a flank with the appropriate inscription.

Caring for cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

After germination, young seedlings need careful care:

  1. The greenhouse must be tightly insulated to ensure optimal temperature both during the day (16-20) and at night (10-12).
  2. Seedlings need to be watered in a timely manner so that the soil does not dry out.
  3. When the first true leaves appear (earlier if necessary), you need to treat the cabbage seedlings with an insecticide against cruciferous flea beetles.
  4. When the seedlings have 4 true leaves, you need to add a 3-5 centimeter layer of soil, sand, peat or fine sawdust to the greenhouse. This is done so that the seedlings form an even stem.
  5. If the seedlings in the greenhouse are too dense, they need to be thinned out. To do this, poorly developed seedlings are pulled out or cut off at the root. After thinning, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly.
  6. If necessary, you can spray the seedlings after 1-2 weeks with a solution of biofertilizers. This way the seedlings will develop better and faster.

Hardening off cabbage seedlings

Hardening is vital for cabbage seedlings grown in a greenhouse. It is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. The first stage begins when the daily temperature is above 15 degrees. Then, on sunny days, the seedlings should be opened first for 15 minutes, and then every week the time should be increased by 10-15 minutes, depending on the weather.
  2. The second stage begins when, even at night, the temperature does not drop below 8 degrees. Then you need to leave a small window in the greenhouse all day and night for constant air ventilation. In addition, the seedlings need to be opened completely for 1-2 hours.
  3. The third stage begins 1-2 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground. Then The seedlings should be completely open most of the day.

Planting cabbage seedlings in open ground

Growing seedlings in a greenhouse ends with planting them in open ground. This must be done following the rules:

  1. Pull out seedlings only when the rows are watered abundantly.
  2. It is advisable to transplant cabbage seedlings on a cloudy day or in the second half of the day, when the sun is already close to sunset.
  3. For better survival, it is advisable to treat the roots of seedlings with growth stimulants.
  4. The holes need to be watered generously.
  5. It is advisable to mulch the soil of the seedlings so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly.

As some experience of gardeners shows, it is easier to get high-quality white cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, even with minimal care and expense. N At the same time, in no case should we forget about pests such as cruciferous flea beetles. It is imperative to protect the seedlings from them in a timely manner so that it is not too late, otherwise these pests can destroy young seedlings in a few days. All other procedures for growing cabbage seedlings are similar to growing any other seedlings.

Unique information about cabbage. Read

In the greenhouse, too much more convenient for the same reason. During a certain period of growth, it needs different temperature conditions, which is very difficult to provide at home. And high-quality seedlings are the key to a good harvest. Let's look at how cabbage is grown further.

Find out about which can be grown in a greenhouse on our website.

Cabbage varieties

By all accounts, in the greenhouse It is better to grow early varieties cabbage They can be used not only in salads and cooking, but also fermented. The earliest ripening white cabbage is “Ditmar Early”. It produces its first harvest 50-70 days after the seedlings are planted.

A round, slightly flattened head of cabbage can weigh up to 1.5 kg. You can remove up to 40 kg from 10 sq. m. The variety most commonly found in gardeners' greenhouses.

The variety “Golden Hectare 1432” does not crack and is very tasty. Ripens within 105-130 days after the first shoots appear. Kochany are white and grow up to 3 kg. Suitable for salads, hot cooking and pickling.

The variety “Number One K-206” produces a good harvest; it is ready for harvest 100-120 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Productivity up to 40 kg/10 sq. m, heads of cabbage weighing up to 2 kg. You can also choose early hybrid varieties of cabbage, bred by foreign breeders - Dutch, French, Polish, etc.

Planting and care

Grow cabbage in a greenhouse even a beginner can do it vegetable grower. The technology for growing early cabbage in a greenhouse is not complicated. It is enough to follow the rules and know some of the subtleties of caring for it. When to plant cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse?

The seeds are sown in February, in a greenhouse seedlings are planted in mid-April. Some, the most daring specialists, sow seeds in December, illuminating the seedlings with phytolamps, and receive a harvest in early June.


Even in a greenhouse cabbage is grown only from seedlings. How to grow early cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse? To get strong seedlings, you need to choose and plant the seeds correctly. You should choose the largest and darkest ones.

Before planting, they must be treated - first 20 minutes in hot water (up to 50°C), then dipped in cold water for several minutes and dried. As a preventive measure for fungal diseases, they can be treat with nitrophoska solution.

Planting seeds

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings in steam beds or greenhouses. When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, biofuel is most often used. To prepare a steam bed, you need in the ground dig a trench up to 30 cm deep and 100-120 cm wide. Biofuel is placed at the bottom and covered with earth on top. For seedlings, the most suitable substrate is made from equal parts of turf soil, peat and sand.

Seedling care

How to grow cabbage seedlings in an unheated greenhouse or under film? Seeds are planted in soil heated to 20°C to a depth of 1 cm. A frame with a film at least 30 cm high is installed on top. The first shoots hatch within 4 days, this means that you can open the greenhouse during the daytime to harden the seedlings. Watering the seedlings is not yet recommended. After the first leaf appears, the temperature should be raised by 2-3°C until it reaches 10-12°C.

When the first 1-2 leaves appear, seedlings needs to be thinned out and begin active watering and fertilizing of seedlings. During her growth feed 3 times.

The first time they are fed with a mixture of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, the second time - only nitrogen, and the third time - before planting the seedlings in the greenhouse - they are again fed with a nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus mixture. Watering is carried out daily in the morning.

Transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse

The most important thing is that you have already grown the seedlings. There is very little left, the main troubles are behind us. Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, the soil is prepared. In addition, the greenhouse must be equipped with lamps for additional illumination.

Growing cabbage seedlings, proven method to create optimal conditions, which is increasingly gaining popularity among gardeners and summer residents.

The soil

Cabbage is a plant that loves a lot of water, so the soil for it should be dense and retain moisture well. It’s better to start preparing it in the fall - dig it up properly, no less than a spade’s length, and at the same time apply fertilizer. This can be compost humus or manure and mineral fertilizers. Cabbage does not like acidic soils, therefore, if necessary, liming should be carried out in the fall.

You cannot plant cabbage on the same land year after year. Crop rotation must be observed, otherwise you won’t get a good harvest.

The best predecessors for it are cucumbers, potatoes, onions or legumes; after them, many useful substances remain in the ground.


Transplantation into the greenhouse is done when the sprouts have formed 4 leaves, it looks strong and has green-purple color. If the sprouts are light green, this indicates their weakness and unreadiness for transplantation.

A few days before landing the seedlings need to be hardened off a little. To do this, the daytime temperature in the greenhouse is reduced to 16-18°C, and the night temperature to 12°C. It is also regularly ventilated. It is better to survive seedlings by transshipment, without shaking off the earthen lump from the roots, so as not to damage them. A hole is made in the ground, watered with water and fertilizer.

A seedling is lowered into the hole, the earth around it is compacted tightly, which ensures maximum contact of roots with soil. There should be a distance of at least 30 cm between seedlings. Watering cabbage should begin a week after planting, when the seedlings have taken root well.


Caring for cabbage in a greenhouse consists of regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and maintaining temperature and light conditions. Cabbage is very light-loving, daylight hours for her should be 14-17 hours. If necessary, it must be additionally illuminated.

The temperature for normal growth and maturation is maintained at 16-20°C. Cabbage once every 2 weeks fed with manure dissolved in water. The required humidity is 70-80%, watering should be regular and plentiful.

Types of cabbage

Although white cabbage holds the lead, it is still not the only one. Now in vegetable gardens you can often see beds with broccoli, Chinese cabbage and cauliflower. Them too can be successfully grown in a greenhouse.


Wonderful slaw - Beijing- precocious, her can be collected in 40-80 days after emergence. The conditions for growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse are temperature 16-18°C, loose fertile soil.

Shoots appear at a temperature of 20°C, then it is reduced to 10°C. Seedlings grow for 20 days at a daytime temperature of 22°C and a nighttime temperature of 16°C. 20-day-old seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse.

Chinese cabbage needs frequent watering, optimal humidity is 70-80%. Planting is carried out according to the 20x20 pattern. Fertilize with superphosphates, humus, ammonia fertilizers and potassium chloride three times from planting seedlings to harvesting.

It is often planted in a greenhouse along with cucumbers and tomatoes as a “sealant”. A head of cabbage of medium density weighing 300 g is considered ripe. With proper care you can collect up to 8 kg from 1 sq. m.


Recently, nutritionists strongly advise including broccoli in your diet. Some they call it a “rejuvenating” vegetable for the content of methionine and choline in it, which prevent the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body. The richest set of microelements and vitamins makes it an invaluable product on our table.

The process of growing broccoli in a greenhouse is no more difficult than growing regular cabbage. It can be sown as seeds in a greenhouse as early as March (it is quite frost-resistant). Seeds germinate fairly quickly, and after 10-12 days the seedlings already have 3-4 leaves.

Temperature range: 18°C ​​during the day and 12°C at night. The soil is prepared in the fall - it is dug up and fertilized with superphosphate, organic matter, ammonium nitrate and potassium salts, and limed if necessary.

Further care consists of loosening, weeding and deep watering (at least 40 cm). Before the flowers bloom it is necessary to cut off the central heads, which grew to 10-12 cm in diameter, while taking 10 cm of the stem.

The heads and stem are quite edible, but if they grow further, they will become loose and tasteless. Pruning will give the children the opportunity to grow - small offspring up to 6 cm.


This the most demanding species cabbage But it is easier to grow it in a greenhouse than in open ground, because you can create optimal temperature and humidity conditions. The soil and air temperature should not exceed 16-18°C, and humidity should be high. If these conditions are not met, its head of cabbage will lose density and begin to crumble. The greenhouse must be ventilated regularly.

Eat features in feeding cauliflower. Cauliflower in a greenhouse does not tolerate nitrogen and potassium fertilizers well. A good composition would be mullein infusion with the addition of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea. For the second feeding this composition is required add ammonium molybdate and boric acid.

Molybdenum is necessary cauliflower, otherwise its head will be rougher and change color to yellow-green or even yellow-blue. A ripe healthy head of cabbage weighs about 400-500 g.

Some may think that too much trouble and effort needs to be put in to grow a good harvest of cabbage in a greenhouse. But you must agree that growing costs early cabbage in the greenhouse worth it so that already in the first months of summer your plate will have fresh, full of vitamins, delicious cabbage. Good luck to everyone and bon appetit!

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Today there are a great many types and varieties of cabbage - white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, Peking cabbage, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli. The crops are unpretentious, are not afraid of cold weather and tolerate frosts down to minus 2-3 degrees. One of their main differences is the growing season - the time from germination to harvest. The choice of species or variety for growing cabbage in a greenhouse depends on this criterion. Plants with a minimal growing season are cultivated in closed ground structures.

Cabbage bed in a greenhouse

If you follow simple rules of agricultural technology, you can grow any variety of the species you like in a greenhouse. However, it is not advisable to plant plants of late varieties in closed ground - it is better to cultivate them in open beds so as not to occupy useful space. The following types of cabbage are well suited for greenhouse cultivation:

  • Beijing;
  • early varieties of white cabbage;
  • early varieties of color;
  • leafy;
  • Brussels sprouts

Beijing cabbage is most often cultivated in a greenhouse. This species has a minimum growing season - 40-50 days pass from germination to harvest. In well-equipped winter facilities, Chinese cabbage can be cultivated all year round.

Chinese cabbage harvest

The growing season of early varieties of white cabbage averages 100-110 days. Suitable varieties for greenhouse cultivation are: Iyunskaya, Vesnyanka, Ditmarscher Frewer, Dymerskaya, Oracle, Parel F1, Kazachok F1.

The harvest of early white cabbage is not suitable for long-term storage, so it is grown in large volumes exclusively for commercial purposes.

Cauliflower is more demanding on growing conditions, white cabbage varieties. To obtain stable high yields, you need to maintain a moderate temperature (16-18 degrees) and not allow the beds to be illuminated too brightly, since heat and sunlight can lead to the formation of small heads.

Brussels sprouts have a long growing season (about 150 days), and the plants develop slowly. In the southern regions, Brussels sprouts are grown in open ground during the warm season, but in the northern regions without greenhouses, it is very problematic to obtain a harvest of this crop.

Brussels sprouts are a valuable food product

Kale is distinguished by its unpretentiousness - its varieties tolerate both decent frosts (down to minus 15 degrees) and heat and drought. It can be grown by seedlings, as well as by sowing seeds directly into the ground in a permanent place. The growing season of this plant is, depending on the variety, from 120 to 150 days. Three crops can be harvested in year-round greenhouses per year.

Harvest success starts with seedlings

The process of cultivating any type of cabbage in a greenhouse begins with growing seedlings. This is a very important and responsible period, because the quantity and quality of the harvest directly depends on the quality of seedlings.

Selecting quality seeds

Now we should say a few words about the correct choice of seeds. When purchasing seed, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • quality - buy seeds exclusively in specialized stores;
  • pay attention not only to the colorful picture, but also to the quality of the paper from which the packaging is made and its tightness;
  • Each bag must have clear information about the manufacturer and a printed expiration date;
  • varieties should be selected not by the picture, but by the description, which indicates the growing season, growing conditions, etc.

Treatment of cabbage seeds before planting

This procedure will help improve germination and prevent the development of dangerous diseases. First, the seeds are calibrated by placing them in a three percent solution of table salt for 5 minutes. In this case, the floating seeds are drained, and those that have sunk to the bottom are washed and dried.

Preparation of a solution of potassium permanganate

To improve germination, disinfected seed material is soaked in warm water (20-22 degrees) for 12 hours. In this case, you can and should add wood ash to the water (two tablespoons per liter).

The last stage is hardening; the seeds are kept for a day in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, after which they are dried and sown in prepared beds or containers.

Preparation of nutrient soil mixture

Cabbage “loves” fertile soil, so to grow seedlings, the soil mixture must be prepared correctly. Its main ingredients are as follows:

  • turf land - one part;
  • humus - one part
  • ash - 10 tablespoons for every 10 kg of soil.

Sapling ready for planting

In this case, ash is not only a source of macro- and microelements, but also an effective antiseptic that prevents seedlings from becoming infected with such a dangerous disease as blackleg. You can also buy suitable ready-made soil at a gardening store.

Proper care of seedlings

Before planting, the soil mixture is well moistened. After the seedlings appear, the plantings are thinned out, leaving a feeding area of ​​about 2x2 cm for each sprout. When the third leaf appears (after about two weeks), the seedlings are planted in cassettes or separate pots - the feeding area required for the normal development of seedlings is 5x5 cm.

Healthy, strong seedlings can only be obtained under the following conditions:

  • air temperature for seed germination – 20-22 degrees;
  • temperature after emergence during the day – 10-15 degrees, at night – 7-9 degrees;
  • daylight hours for 12-15 hours - additional lighting is necessary in winter;
  • timely watering - the soil should never dry out.

Seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 55-65 days. The exception is cauliflower, the optimal age of seedlings of which should be 40-45 days. It is very important not to let the seedlings outgrow - they will not tolerate transplantation well.

Planting cabbage seedlings

Some experts practice a seedless method of growing cabbage in a greenhouse - the seeds are sown immediately in a permanent place. This method is ideal for cultivating Chinese cabbage, the seedlings of which do not take root well when transplanted. Often the seedless method is also used when growing leafy varieties.

Agricultural technology of cabbage in a greenhouse

Despite its unpretentiousness, any type of cabbage requires certain conditions for normal development. This concerns nutritional properties, soil acidity and moisture, and its oxygen saturation. It is mandatory to maintain a certain, not very high air temperature and ensure optimal lighting of the beds.

Preparing the soil before planting

In greenhouses, as well as in open ground, it is very important to observe crop rotation. This will help avoid problems with diseases and pests. You should ensure that the cabbage does not return to its original place earlier than after 4 years. The best predecessors for it are onions, cucumbers, potatoes, beans, beans, and peas.

For cabbage, soil with neutral acidity is ideal - pH 5.5-7. You can achieve the required indicators on acidic soils by adding lime at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​per 10 square meters. In addition, this procedure is an excellent prevention of many diseases.

Organic fertilizers - compost and well-rotted manure - will help increase fertility and improve structure. They are applied two months before planting seedlings when digging the beds - 10-12 buckets of fertilizer will be needed per 10 square meters.

Scheme of planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Necessary microclimate indicators

Cabbage grown in a greenhouse will develop well only if certain conditions are met:

  1. The required air temperature is plus 16-18 degrees. At levels above plus 25, growth slows down, heads of cabbage form very slowly, the lower leaves fall off, which affects the quality and quantity of the harvest.
  2. Optimal humidity, not only of the soil, but also of the air - the most suitable method is sprinkling. Ideal indicators in this case would be: soil moisture – 80 percent, air humidity – 80-90 percent. Moreover, watering should be uniform; the soil should not be allowed to dry out or, conversely, be moistened excessively frequently - this can cause either a delay in development or cracking of the head of cabbage.
  3. Normal lighting is one of the main elements of success. You won't be able to get a rich harvest in the shade. The exception is cauliflower, which needs to be protected from bright sunlight during the development of inflorescences. Other species develop slowly when there is a lack of light in the greenhouse; the optimal light regime for them is considered to be 15-16 hours of daylight. Therefore, when growing crops in year-round greenhouses in early spring or late autumn, additional lighting will be required.
  4. Regular feeding - at least three to four times during the growing season. For this you can use mineral fertilizers in the following proportions: per liter of water 1 gram of potassium chloride + 4 grams of superphosphate + 2.5 grams of ammonium nitrate. 1 liter of the prepared solution is poured under each plant. Moreover, fertilizing should be done at regular intervals.

Sprinkler irrigation in a greenhouse

Possible problems during cultivation

Growing cabbage in a greenhouse while maintaining an optimal microclimate is a relatively simple matter. However, from time to time, for various reasons, plants can be affected by diseases and pests. To successfully combat them, you need to clearly know the signs of infection in order to quickly take measures to eliminate the problem.

Typical diseases of cabbage

Diseases are the main problem of greenhouse cultivation. The most dangerous diseases include:

  • clubroot;
  • blackleg;
  • fusarium wilt (yellowness).

Clubroot is the most dangerous disease of this culture. Most often it affects white cabbage and cauliflower. Signs of infection: slow growth, wilting and yellowing of leaves. On the roots of plants, growths of various shapes are noticeable - vesicular, spindle-shaped, spherical.

Kila is a fungus whose spores can be brought into a greenhouse from open ground or when planting seedlings purchased from unscrupulous sellers. The disease develops especially actively on waterlogged, infertile soils with high acidity. The main prevention is maintaining the above-described indicators of the microclimate, soil acidity, and careful attention to the disinfection of seeds before planting them for seedlings.

This is what clubroot looks like on its roots

Blackleg– a seedling disease that affects sprouts and seedlings at a young age. The main signs are blackening and thinning of the base of the stem, accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic constriction. In this case, the stem rots and the sprout is easily pulled out of the soil. The disease actively develops in dense plantings, sharp temperature fluctuations, and poor ventilation. If infected seedlings are found, they should be removed immediately.

Fusarium wilt - rapid death

Fusarium wilt is a harmful disease that most often affects white cabbage and cauliflower. The causative agent of the disease is a soil microorganism that enters the greenhouse from open ground through garden tools and shoes. It affects the system that controls the movement of water from the roots to the ground part - as a result, the plant withers.

The main sign of Fusarium wilt is that the leaves become yellow-green in color and lose turgor. Diseased leaves fall off, and the growth of the plant as a whole is greatly slowed down. The disease is especially dangerous at elevated temperatures; all plants can die.

The main methods of preventing the above diseases are:

  • thorough pre-sowing preparation of seeds;
  • maintaining optimal conditions for growing cabbage in a greenhouse;
  • use of a separate tool for work in closed ground.

Healthy kale

Head crop pests

For greenhouse cultivation of cabbage, pests are not as dangerous as for open beds. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor the plantings, preventing insects from entering the premises. The greatest danger to cabbage is:

  • cruciferous flea beetles - black small bugs (size up to 3 mm) with rear jumping legs;
  • cruciferous bugs are brightly colored insects with yellow, red or white stripes, dashes or spots on their backs.
  • cabbage fly is a pest similar to an ordinary fly; the danger is posed by the larvae that it lays at the base of the stem.

Cruciferous flea beetle on cabbage

Bugs and fleas suck the juices from the leaves, and cabbage fly larvae gnaw at the base of the stem. These harmful insects enter the greenhouse through doors and ventilation vents. You can fight them using various products sold in specialized stores.

Cabbage is a healthy and easy to grow crop. You can get a good harvest in open ground, but cultivation in greenhouses will allow you to grow cabbage not only for your own needs, but also open the way to developing a profitable business.

Growing cauliflower is becoming more popular every year. This vegetable crop, widespread in our country, is very often grown by gardeners in the country and is one of the varieties belonging to the type Cabbage or the Botrytis group. Caring for this plant has some features. In addition, you can plant cauliflower not only in garden beds, but also in a greenhouse or hothouse.

In the “growing greenhouse cauliflower” category, many experienced gardeners share not only the secrets of growing high-quality cauliflower seedlings in the country, but also photos of the varieties most suitable for cultivation in protected soil. If we grow productive cauliflower, then we should become familiar with the biological characteristics of this vegetable crop.

General information

To understand how to properly grow cauliflower and get maximum yield, you should take into account that this plant has an annual development cycle, in which the formation of a food organ in the form of a head occurs in one season.

The growth of the head contributes to the formation of elongated seed shoots united in brushes. With further growth, the development of pods and seeds is observed.

For gardeners involved in growing cauliflower, it should be remembered that this vegetable crop is characterized by an extended period of entry into the stage of technical ripeness. Compared to white cabbage, the duration of the ripened harvest is two weeks, for cauliflower this period extends to a month. This feature requires paying attention to high-quality plant care. In addition, an important factor is the proper planting of cauliflower.

Description of varieties

In the conditions of central Russia, we can recommend several varieties that are perfect for growing in greenhouse conditions, and caring for such a vegetable crop is not difficult. It should be remembered that cauliflower varieties have differences in leaf shape, size, density and color of the vegetable head, as well as the duration of the growing season. The duration of the growing season allows us to divide all existing varieties and hybrids of this vegetable crop into several groups and make the right choice of this vegetable crop:

  • early cauliflower ripens in two months;
  • mid-season cauliflower, including mid-early, mid-season and mid-late varieties and hybrids, ripens in three months;
  • Late ripening cauliflower reaches the stage of technical ripeness in five months.

You can choose which variety of cauliflower should be planted in each specific case after reading the photo of this vegetable crop and in accordance with the reviews of more experienced gardeners. The following varieties are most in demand for cultivation in a greenhouse:

  • early variety "White Castle";
  • early variety "Alpha";
  • early variety "Movir-74";
  • early variety "Express";
  • mid-late variety "Yako";
  • mid-late variety "Domestic";
  • late variety "Regent";
  • late variety "Autumn Giant".

The choice of a particular variety should be made after familiarizing yourself with its characteristics and growing habits.

Shading cauliflower (video)

Planting methods

High-quality preparation of seed material consists of several steps:
  • performing calibration and sorting of seed material by size (only the largest seeds can be planted);
  • disinfection of seed material with non-toxic substances, including garlic infusion and heating in warm water;
  • performing soaking of seed material in solutions with microelements.

Spring planting involves growing seedlings in heated film greenhouses using peat-humus pots or cups. Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than five millimeters. It is not advisable to do deeper sowing, since the period of growing seedlings may be significantly delayed.

After sowing, the soil should be mulched with dry sand, followed by abundant irrigation. Ten days after the appearance of mass shoots, cabbage seedlings should be picked. During the entire period of growing seedlings, two root feedings are required. Two weeks after picking, the vegetable crop needs to be fertilized with nitrophoska.

To transplant plants to a permanent place in the greenhouse, you should dig holes measuring 70 x 30 centimeters. Wood ash, humus and complex fertilizer such as “Kemira” should be added to the holes.

Features of care

Proper care of greenhouse cauliflower includes timely watering, high-quality weeding, regular loosening of the soil and proper fertilizing.

Watering cauliflower

Not only the quality and quantity of the crop, but also the health of the grown vegetable crop depends on soil moisture indicators. The soil in the greenhouse should be regularly moistened, especially during the formation of the cabbage head. Insufficient humidity significantly extends the harvest time and reduces the quality of the fruit.

Feeding cauliflower

The main feeding of cauliflower is done after the formation of four true leaves. A solution of nitrophoska is used for feeding. The third stage of fertilization is carried out ten days later using ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate-4 and ordinary boric acid, with the addition of copper sulfate and manganese sulfate. Stimulation of growth and development is achieved by using foliar feeding using a solution of boric acid and molybdenum ammonium.

In addition, caring for cauliflower requires compliance with certain microclimatic requirements.

Thermal and water regimes

All phases of development depend on optimal temperature conditions, and any deviations can have a negative impact on plant growth and provoke the formation of small or coarse heads. The optimal temperature parameters at the stages of germination of sown seeds and the formation of cabbage heads are about eighteen degrees. The culture is moisture-loving and grows well at humidity levels of eighty percent.

Plant lighting

At all stages of development, maximum illumination must be maintained. It should be remembered that long daylight hours cause the formation of heads that break up into peduncle shoots. Shortened daylight hours, on the contrary, contribute to the formation of the largest and densest heads. Shading is unfavorable for cauliflower and causes the plants to stretch and weaken their resistance to diseases or pests.

Diseases and pests

Improper or inadequate care for cauliflower can cause damage to this vegetable crop by the following diseases or pests:

  • mucous bacteriosis;
  • blackleg;
  • viral mosaic;
  • fungal alternaria;
  • cabbage clubroot;
  • fungal pernospora or downy mildew;
  • cruciferous flea beetles;
  • cabbage flies and aphids;
  • stem stalker;
  • butterflies such as cabbage cutter, moths and white moths.