Ultimately, the interior of the “place of solitude” should turn out to be modern and practical, because we visit it several times during the day. We'll tell you the best way to decorate a toilet in an apartment with your own hands.

High-quality finishing of the toilet requires serious preparatory work. Firstly, it is worth insulating the water supply and riser pipes so that condensation does not accumulate under them. The easiest option is to wrap them tightly with padding polyester and secure it with tape.

Secondly, it would be useful to connect the hood. For this purpose, it is best to connect the exhaust fan wires in parallel with the toilet light wires. Then, when the electricity is turned on, the hood will start working at the same time. After all, rarely does anyone have a “room of thoughtfulness” daylight. When purchasing an exhaust fan, pay attention not only to its suitable size, but also to its noise level.

It makes sense to purchase a modern flush cistern for a regular toilet, which is built into the riser. After all the finishing work is completed, only the drain button will remain publicly accessible. Now you can proceed directly to the decorative design of surfaces.

How to decorate a toilet in an apartment? We are talking, first of all, about the finishing of walls, floors and ceilings. Much depends on the financial capabilities and preferences of the apartment owners. Well, you should start with finishing the walls.

How can you decorate the walls in the toilet? There are several options here, depending on the materials you choose:

Ceramic tiles. A practical and attractive way to decorate the walls in the toilet, however, is the most expensive and complex.
The panels are plastic. The most optimal method, which is not so expensive and easy to implement.
Wallpaper is washable. The cheapest and simplest option, but short-lived.
Combined option. The bottom is tiles, the top is wallpaper or plastic, etc. In this case, it is desirable that the border between them should not be lower than the middle height of the wall.

When choosing tiles for decorating a toilet in an apartment, it is better to give preference to light and soft colors, which can visually enlarge this very modest-sized room. Laying process ceramic tiles We won’t describe it here. This work requires certain skills and it is better to have it performed by a specialist.

But you can decorate a toilet in an apartment with plastic panels with your own hands and a non-professional. They are mounted on a wooden sheathing, which is attached to the walls of the toilet. To do this, use wooden blocks (20x30 mm), which can be placed vertically or horizontally. The easiest way to fasten the panels to the bars is with a construction stapler. For rotation, special transition corners are used.

Wallpapering the walls of the toilet does not have any special features and is done in the usual manner, as in any other room - only faster.

How to decorate the ceiling in the toilet? You can, of course, just paint it. But still, it will turn out much more attractive if you purchase a set of slatted ceilings in the size of the toilet at a construction supermarket. Its installation is carried out in approximately the same way as plastic panels. In addition, it will be possible to integrate fashionable spotlights into the ceiling.

And finally, finishing the floor in the toilet. The tile here, of course, will look as advantageous as possible. A more economical option is linoleum. At the end of the work, it is good to finish the floor in the toilet with a plastic baseboard.

Voila! The toilet turned out like new!

It is very important that the bathroom and toilet have an attractive interior. This is part of our home, where it should also be not only beautiful, but also cozy and comfortable. Everyone strives to avoid banality in renovation, having the desire to create exclusivity and chic in this small room. Many who are planning to do this are faced with a choice of how to decorate the walls in the toilet. As a rule, not only the material itself is important, but also its color and design. There are relatively few interior options for such a small room, but it’s still worth imagining.

If the toilet is combined with a bathroom, then, of course, the material must be resistant to moisture. If the toilet is located separately from the bathroom, then in this case the choice of wall coverings will be somewhat wider, since there is no copious discharge moisture. But, nevertheless, many people show a desire to buy moisture-resistant material.

Master or your own hands?

When hearing the phrase “”, many people want to call a professional rather than do it themselves. This is because we are afraid for the plumbing, especially if the renovation is being done for the first time and it needs to be installed.

Gentle bathroom renovation

Of course, it is better to call an experienced technician to install plumbing fixtures. But you can decorate the walls, floor and ceiling with your own hands. Decorating the walls in the bathroom does not require special skill; it is not at all necessary to study to be a painter in order to complete this task. All you need for this:

  • Attentiveness;
  • Good imagination;
  • A few specific skills that are easy to develop;
  • Quality materials.

The execution of repairs will also depend on the material chosen for the walls. For example, if it is tile, and you doubt that you can lay it correctly and well, then you should call a good craftsman. Remember that tile is an expensive, fragile and heavy material; you need to handle it very carefully. As for wallpaper, finishing will be much easier here, and you can definitely do it yourself.

Most often, in order for the material to fit perfectly on the wall, it needs to be leveled. For example, when installing tiles, voids may appear under the surface, which can lead to damage to the material itself. You can level the walls using putty. It fits perfectly on the surface and does not crack.

The walls can also be leveled using drywall. It has a ready-made perfectly flat surface, which attracts attention. But the downside is that when using drywall, the area of ​​the room will be slightly reduced. If this is permissible for a given room, then this minus disappears.

Finish options

There are various ones, among which it is very easy to choose the one that suits you best. They can very easily be harmonized with each other, resulting in an interesting interior. Be sure to list all available options:

  1. Ceramic tile;
  2. Plastic panels;
  3. Wallpaper;
  4. Paints;
  5. Mosaic;
  6. Tree.

The first three options are the most common; mosaics and wood are less commonly used for wall decoration. In most cases they are used as an additional material.

Combining options for wall decoration

If you are going to create harmony from several options, then you need to do it correctly. For example, ceramic tiles are easy to harmonize with mosaics, and plastic panels with wallpaper. But a combination like tiles and wood or plastic panels and wood will definitely not look good. In general, wood is a somewhat “capricious” material. It must be combined very carefully. The same applies to mosaics, but it’s a little simpler. Most often it is harmonized with ceramic tiles; you can also find a combination of mosaic and wallpaper. These two “capricious” finishing options go well together. But they must be on different walls. For example, two walls in contact with each other can be finished with wood, and the remaining two with mosaics.

Ceramic tile

Finishing toilet walls with ceramic tiles is quite painstaking work. But, nevertheless, ceramic tiles have long been the most popular material for finishing walls in the toilet. It is easy to clean and fits perfectly into the interior, thanks to its variety of shapes and colors. In addition, it lays down easily and is less susceptible to negative environmental influences.

If you correctly combine the color of the floor and walls, then this room will always delight you with its beauty and comfort. The tiles can be slightly diluted with mosaics, then the interior will be even more elegant and chic.

Bathroom interior design planning

It is important to choose the right tile adhesive; the strength of the finish will depend on this. You need to be very careful when making holes for the holders in the tiles, as they may crack. In general, holders with suction cups are most often attached to walls finished with this material; this helps to avoid cracked tiles.

We must not forget about the seams that remain between the tiles. When purchasing this material, you also need to buy special solution to seal these seams. Most often he white, but you can also find a solution of other colors.

It is also important to remember that decorating walls with ceramics requires great care and attention; the tiles must be laid very evenly. You should also make sure that the walls themselves are very smooth. If any unevenness is observed, then such walls must first be leveled.


As for paints, walls are not often decorated with them. As a rule, they are used when none of the previous options suit the design of the room. The paint must be chosen carefully; it is important that it meets certain requirements. It must be resistant to moisture, not crack or fade. Most often, colorful coatings are used in harmony with other materials.

So, for example, an interior where the lower part of the walls is tiled and the upper part is painted will look good. You should not choose light shades of paint, as they are more suitable for the bedroom, living room, but not for the toilet.

The good thing about paints is that they are easy to apply, and painting the walls yourself won’t be too difficult, which is not the case with ceramic tiles. They have a washable surface, do not crack or fade (only special paints!). The paints have a light texture, thanks to which they are applied evenly. They are also relatively inexpensive.

As for the interior using paints, here you can use putty to create some patterns on the wall, and then apply paint on top of it. It will turn out very beautiful and interesting. In general, when it comes to colors, it is important to use your imagination, then your interior will turn out very attractive.

Wall panels

Also has good popularity. The cost of this material is quite low, which is what attracts buyers. This type of finishing is also interesting because it has a wide selection of colors and designs. You can choose panels that imitate wood or stone. They look quite attractive, giving the toilet room comfort and warmth. It is worth noting that these panels are not cold like tiles. They are able to retain heat without getting too hot.

The panels are easy and quick to clean, they are not susceptible to moisture, do not crack or fade. You can easily drill holes in them for shelves and holders. In addition, the panels are quite easy to install and are light in weight. Decorating the walls with them will not be difficult even with your own hands. This material has a fairly long service life. It is also resistant to temperature changes.


How to decorate the walls in the toilet if the options listed above do not suit you? Another equally common material for wall decoration is wallpaper. Today there is a large selection of wallpaper for rooms with a high percentage of humidity. They are easy to clean and do not require any special products. The fact is that wallpaper designed specifically for bathrooms and toilets has a certain coating that protects them from negative influences.

This material is distinguished by its practicality and ease of installation. Many people will be able to hang wallpaper in the bathroom themselves. The main thing in this finishing option is to choose the right glue. For each type of wallpaper there are special types glues that have different properties.

How to decorate the walls in the toilet and bathroom cheaply and beautifully?

  1. Plastic.

One of the cheapest and simple options, because plastic panels only need to be secured to a wooden or metal frame, and there is no need to “play” with leveling. The choice of colors for lining is not as wide as for tiles, but covering a wall with plastic is several times faster and is not as labor-intensive.

Plastic is easy to care for, it is not afraid of dampness and is durable. And in order to be calm about the wooden blocks, they should be coated with an antiseptic, and only after that the walls should be covered with them. If you still choose plastic, then the ceiling should also be sheathed with this material, only in a lighter shade. With the help of lining, with proper design, a bathroom can be made quite representative and comfortable.

  1. Mosaic.

Inexpensive and effective method decorate the bathroom. There are many options for its layout - in the form of panels, gradient or monotonous design. Its advantage is resistance to moisture, durability, and resistance to fading. With its help you can veneer uneven surfaces and niches. It sticks to both cement surfaces and wood and metal surfaces.

But there are also disadvantages to using mosaic tiles - the cost of the material and the labor-intensive work of laying it.

  1. Painting.

For little money, you can plan a great design by combining several colors. The choice of paint is now wide, but do not forget that you need to buy moisture-resistant paint, and to prevent mold, you should choose one that contains fungicides.

For better adhesion to the surface, apply the coloring composition only to a dry surface after priming. Only after this can you start painting. The good thing about the paint is that it is resistant to moisture; the painted surface is easy to wash and clean.

  1. Ceramic tile.

But ceramic tiles are still considered the most popular material, despite the difficulties in installing them. If your budget and time allow it, then it’s still worth focusing on this material. It definitely won’t let you down or disappoint you, although it requires certain financial and time expenses!

The choice of tile shades on the market is very large, thanks to which you can create a unique bathroom design. The tile is placed on a flat surface. Do-it-yourself leveling is done using the usual method - with a spatula and plaster mortar. You can do the masonry in another way - mount a cement slab on the wall, the dimensions of which are 1.5 * 0.9 * 12, and thus make a base for ceramics.

Cement boards are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws, the seams between them are puttied and covered with fiberglass tape to make them waterproof. When the wall is leveled, a special adhesive solution is placed on the tiles, which is applied with a notched trowel so that the mastic will better grip and fix on the wall.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the fact that the ceramics should be in harmony with the tiles on the floor, and also that the smooth slab should be combined with the mosaic one. A sales consultant will help you answer any other questions you may have. Thin slabs are much stronger and more convenient to install, have more shades, but due to their high price they are not purchased so often.

Choose for yourself an option for decorating the walls in the bathroom and toilet, which will be cheap, beautiful, and of high quality! Before you begin the repair, determine the order in which the work will be performed. First tackle the floor, then the walls, and finally repair the ceiling. And start with the most untidy and time-consuming work: leveling the walls, painting and laying ceramic tiles. Place the tiles on the floor last. With properly planned work, the result will undoubtedly please you.