At the moment, the market for building and facing materials offers a fairly large assortment ceramic tiles. It may differ not only in parameters and design, but also in companies and manufacturing countries.

From the entire range provided, it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to make his choice. And in this case, you should study popular countries that produce tiles and choose for yourself best option. The list is provided based on statistics of key queries of Internet visitors.

Spanish manufacturers of bathroom tiles

This country is famous for the highest quality ceramic tiles, which are imported all over the world. It is manufactured using only environmentally friendly components. The market for cladding materials includes a large number of manufacturers, the most popular are the following companies:

  • Aparisi;
  • Pamesa;
  • Novogres;
  • Ceramica.

Tiles made in Spain are not only the highest quality, but also the most expensive.

Polish manufacturers of bathroom tiles

Polish products are produced on modern equipment from Italy using raw materials extracted within the country. Its assortment is regularly updated with new collections, which are made in various styles, including those with Slavic motifs.

The cost of products is in the middle price segment, it is cheaper than that of Italy and Spain, but the quality remains at a high level.

Popular manufacturing companies include:

  • Cersanit;
  • Cerroll;
  • Polcolorit.

Opoczno products have a characteristic feature - they are a more elongated shape of ceramic tiles.

Russian manufacturers of bathroom tiles

A large number of companies have been opened in this country that specialize in the production of tiles intended for bathrooms and other premises. But at the same time, not all of them work with high-quality products, have modern facilities and the latest technologies.

The cheapest products cannot boast of decent quality, do not offer a wide range of styles and color range, but at the same time finds its consumers.

If companies purchase higher quality raw materials and use new equipment, the resulting product will be competitive with foreign analogues.

The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Sokol plant;
  • Kerabud;
  • Shakhty tiles.

Italian manufacturers of bathroom tiles

The range of Italian tiles is quite diverse. The companies produce high-quality and at the same time affordable products, which are made from a white variety of clay. It is purchased in Ukraine.

Popular brands:

  • Saloni;
  • Valverde;
  • Tilegres.

These products are famous and in demand not only due to their high quality, but also amazing property. It consists of imitation various materials. There are even tiles available that look like aged tiles.

Ukrainian manufacturers of bathroom tiles

The country is famous for its large reserves of white clay, which is used not only within the country, but is also imported to many manufacturers of global importance. High-quality environmentally friendly raw materials are processed using the latest equipment. And since the latest technologies are used to reduce costs, the finished products are sold at a very affordable price.

Popular brands include:

  • Note Ceramics;
  • Golden Tile.

Belarusian manufacturers of bathroom tiles

Manufacturers from this country are increasingly gaining a foothold in the market. In the process of manufacturing this material for cladding, they use modern equipment, produced in leading European countries. The result is high-quality and affordable tiles.

The main companies include:

  • Keramin;
  • Birch ceramics.

Turkish bathroom tile manufacturers

Turkish tiles are famous for their high quality and affordable cost. For its production, high-quality white clay mined in Ukraine is used. About half of all products are manufactured by Kalebodur.

Chinese bathroom tile manufacturers

Chinese tiles are quickly becoming established in the corresponding market segment. In the process of its production, modern facilities and high quality materials, mined within the country. The finished products are not only of high quality, but also affordable, as well as modern design.

Major brands include:

  • Cimic;
  • Hitom;
  • Omica.

Czech Republic manufacturers of bathroom tiles

Czech tiles have modern style And good quality. It successfully competes with similar products produced by leading countries of the world. The largest company is Rako.

The modern market is saturated with products from major global manufacturers, but there will always be high demand for domestic tiles, which is explained by the affordable price.

Everyone wants to live in a beautiful and comfortable home so that the completed repair pleases not only with the beauty of its newness, but also with its practicality and durability. Therefore, when it comes to choosing facing tiles, it is necessary to take into account various indicators.

First, we determine where exactly the tiles are intended: in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway, living room, steps, etc. Here it will be necessary to take into account the wear resistance and abrasion of the tiles. We cover the floor or walls. Depending on the purpose, the tiles are subject to certain operational requirements. Usually all the necessary information about the tile is printed on the packaging. There is a specific marking for this:
  • foot on a black background - floor tiles;
  • image of a hand - wall tiles;
  • snowflake - frost-resistant tiles;
  • foot on a shaded background - increased wear resistance;
  • Repeated application of the same design on packaging is a high level of this indicator.
If the tiles are intended for the bathroom, then the main requirements will be: water resistance, increased chemical characteristics, low porosity, good acid resistance and resistance to bases, since the tiles in the bathroom are constantly in contact with chemicals (cosmetics, soaps, detergents and cleaners). For walls, tiles with a glossy, smooth surface (glazed) are selected; for bathroom floors, tiles should be textured or at least matte so that the room is not slippery.

If we cover the floor in the hallway or corridor with tiles private apartment, the main requirement is wear resistance. Floor tiles must have surface mechanical and chemical characteristics, so it is best to choose durable and low-porosity tiles that are resistant to surface abrasion.

If the tile is intended for the kitchen, then the main requirements for it will be: high mechanical and chemical characteristics, significant wear resistance. It must be durable and shock-resistant, resistant to water and chemicals, not afraid of exposure to steam and hot fat, and not deteriorate when exposed to hot objects. Tiles for the kitchen should match the color of the future furniture; this nuance also needs to be thought out in advance.

When choosing ceramic tiles, you should think in advance color scheme for the room being renovated. We think about the color compatibility and size of the tiles. Keep in mind that light shades will make the room visually larger, while dark shades will make the room smaller. It is inappropriate to decorate a small room with large tiles, such as 100/100 or 50/50 cm; small tiles or mosaics will look more beautiful. To visually increase the height of the ceiling, you can lay rectangular tiles (20/30 cm) in a vertical position. And if it’s horizontal, the ceiling will seem lower. Decide whether the tiles will be a plain color or with a pattern, which saturation of the pattern is preferable, whether you want to place it on all walls or just one. Keep in mind that different colors evoke different emotions. Do not neglect decors, friezes, borders. They make the interior richer, richer and divide the room into zones.

Already in the store, when purchasing, we look to see if there are any chips or cracks, and whether the tiles are uniformly colored (should be free of streaks and stains). All edges must be smooth. If the tiles are of high quality, then when two fragments are folded, the gap between them is no more than 0.5 mm. We also check for integrity from the inside out. It’s good if the back side is corrugated - this ensures better adhesion of the tiles. As a rule, tiles for one room are selected from the same manufacturer - both for the floor and for the walls.

When choosing ceramic tiles, saving is completely inappropriate, because the stingy pays twice! It is very important to choose high-quality tiles from well-established manufacturers! It’s also important to think about appearance rooms, it would be good to consult with the designer. Such repairs are done for many years, and it depends on you whether it will please you for a long time.

Bathroom design, like any other design, must first and foremost be functional. This applies to load-bearing structures that are installed on the floor, walls and ceiling. And, of course, it is imperative to choose high-quality materials for finishing the room. What is she like? best tiles For bathroom? What should you consider when choosing a material for finishing a room in which almost everything lives with water?

Successful bathroom design

What is so good about ceramic tiles?

The bathroom has an extremely unique microclimate - moisture and water are everywhere. Of course, a wooden floor won’t fit here, and the wallpaper on the walls won’t last even a year.

Ceramic tiles have been and remain the most the best way bathroom cladding. It has not only a beautiful modern design, but also good performance properties.

The best tiles for the bathroom are certainly ceramic. And that's why:

  • She's hygienic. Ceramics are easy to wash and wipe without problems - that’s why cleaning the bathroom will be quick and easy;
  • Ceramics are moisture resistant. Nice tile for the bathroom will never let water and moisture in, so your bearing structures on the walls, etc. will always be securely fastened;
  • Ceramic tiles are durable and reliable. Regardless of which tile is best for the bathroom, it is still difficult to damage such tiles accidentally;
  • It is fireproof. Ceramics is one of the most fire-resistant facing materials, so it is not afraid of fire (but should not be abused);
  • When dry, ceramic tiles do not conduct electric current, however, this property should not be tested here either;
  • Which tile is best for the bathroom - it will be difficult to answer this question, because today there are many varieties of ceramics, which allows you to choose almost any design.

But still, even the best bathroom tiles are not perfect. And the following disadvantages of ceramics await you:

  • If the tile is subjected to shock loads, it will show all its fragility.
  • The cost of ceramic tiles, especially if they are exclusive, will hit your pocket.
  • Another property is the complexity of installation. You will definitely need a good master, otherwise the best tile on the wall will turn into a “pumpkin”.

Choosing a tile

Performance characteristics:

  • Moisture resistance of tiles. Tiles are laid not only in the bathroom, that’s why they are produced in various variations. If you are still asking – can we recommend bathroom tiles, we can answer that you need to look at their resistance to moisture. There are 8 categories of tiles - and for bathrooms you need to take 1, 2, 3 groups. Such tiles do not absorb water, so they will be a reliable tile for the bathroom.

  • Resistance to abrasion, in other words, to depreciation. This property applies to floor tiles. There are 5 classes of tiles according to this criterion. The first group is the softest; such tiles, as reviews say, are suitable for walls and ceilings. As for the floor, you need to take stronger tiles. It is worth remembering that 5th grade is, of course, good, but for an apartment it will be too much - and in terms of financial costs as well.
  • Which bathroom tile is best for certain surfaces will be clear when you look at it. But you still need to choose the tiles more carefully. There are special designations for this, which the seller will tell you about.
  • The most popular bathroom tiles are glossy. But you should know that it is not suitable for the floor. After all, it will simply be slippery and dangerous! And if water gets in there too...

Of course, you can look for an answer and wait for responses to the request “recommend tiles for the bathroom.” But it will be easier to study a few nuances and figure out what’s what on your own. And our materials will help you with this!