In accordance with Russian legislation, all residential and non-residential real estate objects must have a cadastral and technical passport, as well as a plan. These documents are important when making real estate transactions, and, contrary to the erroneous opinion of some citizens, they are not the same thing. Without them, it is impossible to formalize and register ownership of an apartment, house, or any other building; you cannot sell any premises, exchange it, donate it or bequeath it.

And yet, each passport, as well as the plan, has its own purpose. For example, as you know, technical documents are not needed for all transactions, and for some, a cadastral passport and a plan for an apartment or house are not enough, since certain information is missing. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between these documents.

And the first thing worth noting is that the cadastral passport and plan represent systematic information about real estate, especially taking into account the region of its location, which is very important for state accounting. The technical passport and plan are actually focused on the very condition of the property.

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The essence of the difference

The main difference between one passport and plan and another is the information contained in these documents. Technical papers provide much more information, including the date when the building was put into operation, the materials from which load-bearing walls, ceilings, as well as the house and other premises were made. Cadastral papers do not contain such information, although they also contain information about the special characteristics of real estate, as well as its cadastral value, which affects the amount of the established tax. The Bureau is responsible for processing and issuing the above documentation. technical inventory and Rosreestr respectively.

It can be noted that the technical passport and plan are drawn up immediately after the house or other building has been put into operation, exactly the same as when making resale transactions, as well as during various redevelopments. Here the construction side of the property plays a major role, including the actual address of the location, the total area of ​​the premises and each room in it, a listing of all available communications, the date of the last overhaul. Without the above technical documents it is impossible to establish a plan, after which only a plan is possible. This mention alone shows the importance of such documents. The information in them is less detailed, and total area indicated with rounding of values, without maintaining maximum accuracy.

Cadastral aspects

As mentioned earlier, get cadastral document impossible without completing construction papers. The passport itself is an actual extract made from the state registry database. It contains the most important data about real estate from an accounting point of view. These include:

  • total area;
  • effective area;
  • the floor on which the premises are located;
  • the presence of a balcony, loggia, storage room.

This information is entered into the text part of the passport, on which the registration number is affixed. This number is very important for the owner or other interested party to obtain any information about the property. The number is assigned once and does not change until the end of the building’s existence. As for the cadastral plan, it contains a sketch of the premises, indicating the area, as well as information about the redevelopment, what was changed and how.

Cadastral documentation, including a plan, is required in the following cases:

Technical side

Technical passport for the apartment

The technical passport, in turn, is a kind of detailed plan and description of each parameter of the property. The construction material, finishing characteristics, including information about the balcony, loggia and other additional premises are described. Such documents are issued immediately during the initial inventory, when, for example, an apartment or house is registered with the Bureau of Technical Inventory. All changes that were made to these real estate objects are also recorded there. Graphically, these changes are necessarily reflected in the plan drawings, which rarely remain the same throughout the entire existence of the building.

In addition to the fact that a technical passport and plan is a mandatory document when receiving register documents, it is also required when applying for a mortgage, as well as when obtaining permission for redevelopment, declaring the premises unsafe, for entering into an inheritance.

In charge of design and updating technical document owner, submitting a corresponding application to the Bureau of Technical Inventory. Their services require mandatory payment state duty, but it is not so high as to hinder even low-income citizens.

Why are they needed?

To better understand the difference between a cadastral and a house, you should pay attention to the purpose of each of them.

For example, a technical plan and a passport do more for the personal purposes of the property owner, including for providing a bank, when applying for a loan, a subsidy, for guardianship authorities, in legal proceedings, as well as for the privatization of housing. Cadastral documents are of greater interest to the state and are important for the calculation of houses and other buildings.

The cadastre also determines the value of the property, although previously, at one time, the price was influenced by the inventory assessment, as well as the tax.

But one document in no way replaces another. The inventory passport contains confirmation that the owner actually has real estate with the characteristics that he voices, and the cadastral document confirms that the owner is in fact the owner, whether he is one or several.

You can also notice that technical documentation indicates the condition of the premises or building, while cadastral documentation is more important for assessing property and protecting property rights. And also, cadastral papers are mandatory for absolutely all transactions with real estate, at a time when in most cases technical ones can be dispensed with.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only.
We recommend that you contact our lawyer.

The issues of registering real estate objects with cadastral registration are very complex for a non-professional. Therefore the question " How does a technical passport differ from a technical plan?"is one of the most popular among clients of Cadastral Center LLC. In fact, by turning to our services, you don’t have to go into details and are guaranteed to get the desired result, but it’s worth understanding a little of the terminology.

So, ? This question has become relevant in last years, when the next changes were made to the accounting system for capital construction projects. Now, in order to register real estate in the cadastral register, a technical plan is needed, while the technical passport has taken a back seat. This is primarily due to the fact that the technical plan contains coordinates of turning points of objects on the ground, while the technical passport does not provide such information. The technical passport is the result of a technical inventory and contains a description of the building and its parts.

The technical plan also includes all the same information that is contained in the technical passport. However, the plus is that it fixes the construction object in specific coordinates land plot. Accordingly, the main thing is How does a technical passport differ from a technical plan?- his ability to determine the location of an object. Therefore, in contrast to the technical passport, the technical plan in its graphic part will contain a drawing that includes the numbering of turning points, as well as documents defining the location of the object within the boundaries of the land plot.

Since 2012, the technical plan has been a mandatory document provided upon cadastral registration. Compilation work in progress technical plan must be licensed cadastral engineers. LLC "Cadastral Center" provides residents of Mordovia with its services for quickly drawing up a technical plan that will comply with all regulations and will contribute to the speedy registration of your property with cadastral registration.

January 1, 2013 into the system cadastral registration changes were made to capital construction projects. If previously a technical passport was provided for accounting, now only a technical plan is required.

Until October 1, 2013, it was possible to provide any of these documents. After October 1, 2013, only the technical plan is adopted.

What is the difference between a technical plan and a passport

What is the main difference between these documents? Technical plan, as opposed to technical passport, provides for pairing the turning points of a building or structure on the ground with the location of the apartment on the floor of the building. This procedure for maintaining documentation was approved in Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 577 dated October 14, 2011.

The technical plan allows you to quickly determine the location of a residential property.

The technical plan includes the following information:

  • a drawing with all turning points and the location of a specific building on the land;
  • information about the contractor and customer of the work;
  • characteristics of the object (address, location);
  • purpose of the object;
  • what materials are the walls made of?
  • object area.

This document also contains other data - an extract for the land plot, a list of documents for ownership, consent to put the building into operation.

In this case, the technical passport is an important application of the technical plan. If you, as the owner, want to make a redevelopment, sell the apartment or register another person in it, contact the BTI or PIB for a registration certificate.

The first abbreviation stands for Technical Inventory Bureau, and the second is Design and Inventory Bureau.

This document may also be required by a banking institution in order to assess the real value of the apartment. A technical passport is also required when you want to obtain a cadastral passport for an apartment.

The registration certificate for the apartment is an unlimited document. However, according to the law, once every 5 years it is necessary to carry out an inventory related to obtaining a new passport. But in practice no one does this.

The technical plan is generated not only in printed, but also in electronic version - it is necessary for registering an object. The electronic version is a file in xml format located in the database of the cadastral registration authority.

The technical plan is formed exclusively for structures being put into operation for the purpose of their further registration. If you have lived in your apartment for many years, then it is already in the cadastre. If you have not remodeled your living space or divided the apartment into parts, then you can easily obtain a cadastral passport for your living space.

It is the cadastral passport for the construction site that will be necessary to register the right to property.

The cost of obtaining a new document depends on many factors - the type of object (individual construction, apartment house), the need for an engineer to go to the site to measure coordinates, etc.

Deadlines for preparing documents for registration

The legislative change indicated at the beginning of our article has led to an increase in the time it takes to prepare all the necessary papers for registration.

If previously a person could register his property rights in a month and a half, now the duration of this procedure has doubled.

The whole process can be divided into three stages. First, engineers come to the work site, take measurements and make a technical plan. The customer receives this document in 3 weeks. After receiving the technical plan, you need to take it to the cadastral authority, where a cadastral passport will be made on its basis. This will take up to 18 more days. Next, the cadastral passport must be transferred to the Rosreestr Office and wait another month. Thus, everything takes 3 months. Consequently, the reform did not bring any improvements for the population.

Good afternoon, we recently started preparing documents for an apartment and, to our surprise, discovered that we cannot fully understand some of them. Tell me, are the technical passport and the technical plan for the apartment the same thing or not, if">

Good afternoon, we recently started preparing documents for an apartment and, to our surprise, discovered that we cannot fully understand some of them. Tell me, are a technical passport and a technical plan for an apartment the same thing or not, if not, then what is the difference between them?

In technical terms, the initial data about the property must also be indicated. The technical plan of the property must include satellite photography and a description of the structure, building and structure within the boundaries of the land plot. The technical plan is being drawn up cadastral engineers with special certification and qualifications.

In turn, is only annex to the technical plan. To obtain a technical plan, you must first obtain a technical passport from the BTI, which contains all the information necessary for drawing up a technical plan.

Today it is issued only for completed construction projects that are just being put into operation. This document is necessary for listing the property. It turns out that the technical plan once, it has unlimited validity. For all other actions and transactions with apartments and buildings, you only need a technical passport.

We will help you with obtaining a technical passport from 1 week and technical plan from 3 hours.

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A/N Istrariel

Certified specialist of the Forensic Expertise Board for property valuation. Member of the unions "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Istrinsky District", NP "Guild of Realtors of the Moscow Region", NP "Russian Guild of Realtors". Insurance policy r/n 0080406-0277626/16 OR/1, certificate 61 No. 007493395, r/n 312617431700027.

Inventory of apartments and houses / BTI services in the Istra region. Legal support of real estate transactions in Istra, Krasnogorsk and Naro-Fominsk.

Our awards and achievements

Quick receipt of a technical passport for an apartment

Registration of property in Istra: What is needed for state registration ownership rights and cadastral registration of the apartment, registration of the house (cottage)