Travian is a multiplayer browser strategy that allows you to find yourself in the role of the owner of one, and later many other villages, which, as you develop, give you the opportunity to become a promising merchant who is valued everywhere, or a general who controls a huge army, or a farmer who constantly produces a huge amount of resources.

In your first village, as in all others, there are two places that need to be developed. First, these are resource fields that bring iron, clay, wood and grain, which is also used to feed the troops. Secondly, these are buildings inside the village, without which it is impossible to hire an army or trade with people, or build new villages.

During registration, you are offered a choice of 3 races, noticeably different from each other:

1. Germans. An extremely aggressive people who are famous for plundering villages, literally sweeping away all defensive troops from the path. The Germans have the cheapest army, so recruiting it is quite easy and they develop at the very beginning at the expense of other people's resources faster than others. The only problem the Germans have is their weak defense, especially given the constant wars and disagreements with the races around them. Therefore, there are frequent cases when the Germans hire the Gauls, promising them the defeat of their opponents, in exchange for allied troops.

2. Gauls. This race has the most protected army in the Travian world, moreover, only they can build traps, into which enemy troops often fall, as well as best hiding places, in which resources are hidden from enemy robbery. The attack, thanks to the fastest unit in the game - the Teutat Thunder, also remains at a high level. This race is difficult to live with at the end of the game, however, this is the most acceptable option for newcomers to the game.

3. Romans. This is the golden mean among races. The Romans can simultaneously build resource fields and buildings in the city center, other races cannot do this, so high production of all types of resources is important for them. The Romans have the best troops in the game, both attacking and defending, however, everything is very expensive, like buildings, so the development of this race without help from allies is very difficult.

Playing without an alliance is theoretically possible, but practically difficult to implement. The Alliance is a community of players working together to win in Travian. It is here that you will receive proper training from the old-timers of this game, learn many secrets and be able to successfully defend against hordes of opponents or organize operations yourself against enemy alliances.

Travian is one of the few browser games in which you can actually win, and not gain experience until a certain “ceiling”, not knowing how it will all end. At a certain point in time, when you already have several villages, you are in a good, friendly alliance and are fighting with enemy factions, or showing miracles of diplomacy, the Nathars appear. Warlike people, who store enormous wealth in their villages and the main one is the Wonder of the World. In order to get it, you need to capture a special enemy village and, fighting off hordes of opponents, with the help of an alliance, build the Miracle to the highest level. This is considered a victory in the game.

The game has various servers, which, for example, differ in the speed of buildings and the collection of resources, or in graphics and some updates.

Travian is played all over the world, so often, when playing on other servers, you can meet Americans, Germans, French and others. Various tournaments are specially held for all players, for which you can receive rewards that remain in your personal information for the rest of your gaming life.

It is very popular not only in Russian spaces, but also on foreign resources. We invite you to spend just half an hour playing the game and you will understand why the game is so popular among fans of browser-based strategies.

Design and graphics

There are a huge number of different units, mostly of course wars with their own unique skills. Some have good defense, some have good attack, there are also scouts and heroes.

IN online game Travian has many ways to develop, for example, quickly train an army and begin to terrorize your neighbors, or simply build hiding places and defend yourself from attacks. You should also prepare for the fact that you can be destroyed very quickly. That’s why it’s worth finding a good alliance right away and learning skills from already developed settlements.

By attacking other players, if successful, you will loot the village and take with you as many resources as your current army can carry. Later, siege weapons will appear in your arsenal, with which you can simply raze the cities of your enemies to the ground.

As befits a big city, you have your own ruler, the king, for whom you build palaces and residences. In general, the entire life of villages in the browser is presented very realistically and you begin to imagine yourself first as the head of a small settlement, and then as a real emperor.

Game Features:

Of course, in the vastness of online games there are many economic and strategic games, and there are also many similar to Travian. But still very different from them. Well, now let's talk about the features.

At the very beginning of the game you are offered a choice of 3 different nations: Romans, Germans, Gauls.


The Gauls have many advantages over other nations - they have the largest caches, the fastest units (including merchants), and good bonuses for defense. Def of the Gauls - phalanxes - is the cheapest and most versatile, in addition, the Gauls have a trapper who places traps around the village. At the start of the game this is quite tangible advantage– troops caught in traps do not cause any harm to the defense, and they can return to their owner only if you release them.


This race is of little use for newcomers to the Travian online game - their initial development is very slow compared to the Gauls and Germans, the Romans' merchants take a long time and wear little, the army is expensive and takes a long time to build. But Rome has the opportunity to build two buildings at once - infrastructure and resources. Protective wall The Romans have the weakest, but give the maximum bonus to the def, which is in the village. It is easy to demolish it with rams, but if only units attack, the Romans’ defensive advantage will be undeniable. Rome also has the best defensive unit - the Praetorian.


An aggressive race intended for pros with a large online presence – the Germans. Thanks to cheap clubs, they quickly develop by robbing their neighbors. Resources hidden in caches during an attack are inaccessible to the attacking Gaul or Roman, but the German will pull out up to 30% of the reserves from there. Therefore, in order not to share your resources with the attacker, at the initial stage warehouses need to be built taking into account the capacity of the cache, which should accommodate everything that is in the warehouse plus 30%.

Also, at the beginning of the online game, each player receives his own hero. The hero has his own parameters and can be upgraded through adventures and participation in battles. Thanks to the hero, you can capture oases. In general, in Travian, a hero is truly a very important unit that requires special attention.

In the browser game Travian you will operate with four main resources: wood, iron, stone and grain. The first three resources will be spent on the construction of new buildings and units. Well, grain will be needed so that all your people do not die of hunger.

In the Travian game, there are two main places for your manipulations: the village and resource fields. You saw the view of the village in the picture a little higher. And this is what resource fields look like.

There is a lot of Travian in the free online game various types troops, from simple infantry to heavy cavalry. Moreover, all troops have their own unique characteristics and you will have to train almost all types. There are also scouts, settlers, siege weapons and leaders who with one word can lure the people of another village to your side.

Separately, I would like to note the huge variety of buildings. You can build various forges in which you can improve the weapons of your troops. Of course, you should immediately calculate what exactly you will build, since the number of construction sites in the village is limited.

Of course, your kingdom is not limited to one village. Later, you can establish other settlements nearby or, for example, capture free oases that are guarded by groups of monsters.

What is equally important is the final goal, which is the construction of the “Wonder of the World”. This is Travian's most ambitious construction - the one who can do it first is declared the winner of the round. At one point, when the population level of top players is high enough, the Nathars appear in the game - a warlike tribe whose troops are pumped up to level 20. The players' task is to capture Natar villages and construction scrolls in order to build a Wonder of the World in the villages. There are several villages - the one who has enough will be able to capture a large number of offa. To build the Wonder of the World, alliances unite into coalitions, place a huge amount of defa in the captured village and supply it with the resources and grain necessary for construction.

I think it will appeal to all fans of economic and strategic online browser games.

Travian is already a classic of free strategy games and, at the same time, one of the most famous browser games of this genre in history. Set in a time when “all roads led to Rome,” players control one of 3 available tribes, evolve and compete to build a specific Wonder of the World.

Where did Asterix go?!

We go back to the times of the Roman Empire and the period of wars between the barbarians from Germany and Gaul. And the game immediately evokes slight associations with the famous cartoon about the adventures of Gallus Asterix - cartoon graphics and a slightly caricatured graphic style were not conceived here by chance. The game itself is based on the development of the city, protecting it from dangers, and caring for its inhabitants. We are constructing various buildings that produce raw materials and materials, as well as special buildings that will increase the influence of our settlement.

We start by choosing the faction we want to play for, there are only three of them: Romans, Gauls and Teutons. Each faction has slightly different personality traits - the Gauls are masters of defense, the Teutons specialize in attack, and the Romans are something in between. Each faction has 10 unique units, divided into foot soldiers, cavalry and siege weapons. They all have their own statistics - attack, defense and speed. All units, with the help of special heroes, can develop and have a strong influence on our army. As the heroes progress in the game, they receive new equipment that increases their strength and leadership level by completing various tasks.

The construction of the village proceeds relatively quickly, and after completing all tasks, management is limited to the construction of subsequent buildings and the recruitment of units - this requires an average of half an hour a day. In management, the interface is very detailed and gives a lot of information about our faction. We can monitor how many different resources we have, what the state of our settlements looks like, and use it to communicate with other players within our server. Reports received after completing various tasks allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of our command and control.

Unique charm...

One can say about Travian that it is a very polished game in every sense, which is confirmed by the years of existence of this game on the market. Descriptions of tasks, details of graphics and interface, or a handy encyclopedia with almost everything related to gameplay - all of this is done of very high quality, and this should be appreciated. The game may offer simple graphics, but it has its own charm and that's what matters most.

After 100 or 300 days, depending on the type of server, the so-called end game begins, which consists of all players being attacked by computer-controlled Natar tribes. During the invasion and our defense attempts, each player tries to build a Wonder of the World - the first player to succeed in this task wins the season. And after the end of the season, everything starts from the beginning...

Like other free online strategy games, Travian has a premium store that speeds up various gameplay elements.


  • - Despite the passing years, it is still in demand;
  • - Modified;
  • - Large community of players;
  • - Graphics reminiscent of the cartoon about Asterix.


  • - Not suitable for everyone;
  • - Slow game.


Travian is already a classic, and one of the most famous browser-based free strategy games ever created. The large player base, the gradual development of the game and the excellent balancing of the factions that are available in the game are the decisive advantages of this excellent game. The graphics, as I wrote earlier, are cartoonish and inspired by comics about the adventures of Asterix. Despite the passing of the years, Travian is still very popular.

"Travian" is an amazing game that proves that without fancy graphics and adrenaline, it is possible to keep hundreds of thousands of people in your networks, hold games that last for months and give out great prizes.

Reason for the popularity of the game- almost perfect combination An RPG, an economic strategy and a political simulator, where any, even the most innocent action, can cause the redistribution of the global map and the destruction of entire alliances.

Video: trailer for the game Travian

People are not interested in playing predictable things and reading scripts, they want to live and experience emotions - Travian is suitable for this as the last piece of a puzzle in the whole picture.

Game world Travian

1 Roman period.
2 Barbarians trying to stop the empire's war machine.
3 Intrigues and secret alliances.

How to become a better leader?

1. Know the strengths and weaknesses of each side

Gauls, Teutons and Romans enjoy racial bonuses, receive increased resources and special troops. The task is to develop your strengths and neutralize such from the enemy.

2. Alliances - the alpha and omega of a successful match

Recently, the following specialization has become popular:

  • Someone spends all resources on development, providing for the entire alliance,
  • Another pumps exclusively cavalry, using clouds of horsemen.

An infantry, archer or economist commander can develop heroes and technologies to the maximum and much faster than uniform growth.

3. Good layout

When closer to the middle of the match you have a dozen and a half cities, you cannot hesitate, you must know what you want.

  • Artillery or resource exchange,
  • Defensive development or spin up the production flywheel.

4. Frequent online and attention to detail

It’s not rocket science, but a fraction of a percent at the end of the match can last several months of play. Attacking oases or amassing an army is sometimes the key.

In the latest versions, heroes are critical

Leveling up the hero strengthens attacking units, increases defense points, and a well-trained main guy himself takes out small armies, the resources are less useful, but are popular with donors.

Adventures will give the hero the necessary growth, and for the village this is additional protection - a quest with animal cages that will strengthen the defense and some goods.

Tactics here are not very developed, more economics and social interaction - if you learn to play in an alliance and be useful to your neighbors, you will understand the very essence of Travian.

Greetings, dear readers. The Gamebizclub team is with you and today we present to your attention a review of Travian - an online game that will work for you. For a comfortable game you only need 1-2 hours a day, do you think this is a lot or a little?

Let us immediately note that the game is completely free and has many fans both in Russia and in Europe, and this makes the gameplay more interesting and varied. And its undoubted advantage is that it can be played both from a computer and from a tablet or phone.

Gameplay and design

Travian is a browser game that combines elements of economics and strategy. Without having cool 3-D graphics, the game attracts with an interesting process in which you can build your village and conquer neighboring settlements. The game design is quite cartoonish, and at the same time pleasant. After spending a couple of hours in Travian, you will be able to distinguish it from all similar games, first of all, due to its interesting gameplay, and secondly, due to its economic component. By the way, we note that Travian was the first game to implement the “game works for you” principle, which was subsequently copied by other developers of similar online games.

Let's talk separately about the game interface. The developers paid a lot of attention to it, as a result of which the gameplay is easy and enjoyable. All buttons are intuitive: the main panel is at the top, here are the main functions of the game - switching between the village and the surrounding area, receiving messages, viewing statistics and much more.

You can view your production capacity on the right side of the screen: the exact number of resources extracted per hour is displayed here.

Where to begin?

So, we tell you how to start playing Travian. After entering the game you need to choose a nation - Romans or Germans. After choosing a nation, each newcomer must begin by building up resource bases; this is the basis for successful development. As the resources around the village develop and improve and the mining speed increases, it is necessary to focus on the development of the village itself. Basic Resources: Clay is mined at the Clay Pit, Iron at the Iron Mine, Wood at the Sawmill, and Grain is grown at the Farm. The important thing is that all resources are obtained automatically - you do not need to waste time collecting and clicking on cells.

In the village itself, various buildings are available to build as needed. The order of construction is not very important - the higher the level of each building, the better. Note that there are various development options in Travian, which depend only on you: if you want to be an aggressor and attack neighboring villages, accumulate troops and attack; If you want to defend yourself and develop calmly, join an alliance and defend yourself together with other players. There are a lot of options, and only you can decide which direction to go.

The main goal of the game is to build a Wonder of the World. It is very expensive and is the crown of civilization. You can build a Wonder of the World only by being in the top (strongest) alliance. The alliance will also help with resources in repelling attacks from other alliances and tribes who will try their best to destroy the village with this building.


We are periodically asked questions regarding who rules Travian - the Romans, the Gauls or the Germans. But unfortunately, opinions in the team differed: some only like hardcore and playing in attack for the Germans, while others, on the contrary, prefer to sit behind the walls for the Gauls. Therefore, here is a list of nations, and we fully rely on your choice:

  • The Romans are inherently the coolest nation. It is possible to build two buildings at the same time, unlike the Gauls and Germans, all the troops are strong, but wildly expensive and take a long time to build. An option only for those who like to invest money.
  • The Gauls are a defensive nation. Let us remember the cheerful Asterix and Obelix, who loved to eat deliciously and drink well, and could fight only after taking a pint of the Druid's potion. Here the picture is similar - the Gauls sit well in defense, but are weak in attack.
  • The Germans are the most hardcore nation. All troops are focused only on attack, so it will not be possible to sit on defense. The advantage is that troops are cheap and quickly built, so this option is suitable for those who like to play aggressively.

Opinions and advice

If we give our review of Travian as a whole, we liked the game. The main advantage was that you can mind your own business while construction is taking place or troops are being sent to war. As a secondary advantage, there is an easy start, which is facilitated by protection from attacks for 144 hours for each new participant in the project.

As a bonus, the development of strategic and tactical thinking for each project participant.

Our tips on how to become the best:

1. Choose the right race and play depending on your choice. Chose the Gauls - sit on the defensive and accumulate resources for the alliance; They chose the Germans - attack everyone!

2. The choice of union/alliance plays a decisive role. By choosing to join a weak alliance with a small number of participants, you will definitely not achieve anything. Success is achieved only in team play, and loners, as a rule, are captured.

3. Keeping your finger on the pulse and planning are the key points of the game. At high levels, you need to clearly know your development plan, your specialization, and also be able to calculate the probability of winning/losing in battle. These skills only come during gameplay, and if you devote enough time to the game, you will definitely succeed.

Do you think it would be worth playing such a game and trying to win? By the way, registration is very simple and will not take more than 3 minutes, so if you are interested, register.

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