Vitamin H (biotin, B7) was discovered as a result of experiments carried out on rats. The rodents were given fresh egg whites. This made it possible to provide the animals with protein. However, over time, the rats began to lose a lot of hair, and skin and muscle lesions appeared. After this, the animals were given boiled egg yolk. All symptoms gradually disappeared.

It took specialists several decades to isolate vitamin H from boiled yolk. It was this substance that made it possible to restore not only the skin of rodents, but also their fur. It is worth noting that biotin is destroyed differently when sufficiently high temperatures, and also dissolves in water with a high pH level.

What kind of vitamin is this?

The beauty of human nails, skin and hair begins in the intestines. Vitamin H is synthesized by viable and healthy flora in the body. No cosmetic institute will be able to make a person more attractive if his body does not have even a minimal supply of B7.

Beauty also depends on the health of the liver. It is this organ that should have a small supply of biotin - approximately 0.001 g. This figure should be constant. Thanks to this, a person does not have to spend a lot of money to make his appearance attractive and restore his natural beauty.

What foods contain vitamin H?

Biotin is present in many foods. Most of this substance is found in egg yolks. It is also found in products of animal origin: cheese, cow's milk, ham, chicken, beef, pork, bovine heart, beef and pork liver, and kidneys. Vitamin H is also found in canned sardines, flounder and herring.

As for plant foods, biotin can be found in whole rye grains, fresh onions, potatoes, melon, bananas, oranges, apples, cauliflower, carrots, green peas, champignons, peanuts, wheat flour, rice bran, brown rice, soybeans beans and tomatoes.

It is worth noting that it is usually contained in a free state. But in meat products- in combination with proteins. These foods can be a good source of biotin. However, the substance that a person needs is produced only by the intestinal microflora. This can only be achieved by eating right and following the rules healthy image life.

The human body is capable of independently producing the required amount of vitamin H. However, this can only be achieved if the intestinal flora is in normal condition and receives all the necessary beneficial components.

Microflora and biotin

You can create a mess and upset the balance in your intestines in a matter of minutes. To do this, it is enough to take an antibiotic, eat a fatty and sweet treat, and drink 100 grams of alcohol. This is how you can reduce the production of vitamin H. Therefore, those people who often drink alcohol and eat incorrectly age faster than others. The skin of such a person becomes flabby and sagging, and the hair begins to fall out significantly.

Vitamin H is found in foods that are accessible to everyone. However, the main source of this substance is our body. It is home to a colossal number of all kinds of microorganisms. Their total weight is 1 - 1.5 kilograms. They are the ones who work around the clock, creating impenetrable barriers to various ailments. In other words, all microorganisms that live in our body are a real health factory that can be easily destroyed. However, it is much more difficult to restore in the future, and in some cases almost impossible.

Disturbance in the functioning of microflora often leads to such unpleasant phenomena as excess weight, from the mouth, hair loss and skin aging. To cope with problems, many people go on a diet. As a result, the stomach microflora suffers even more. A protein diet is very dangerous in this case. In this case, almost all biotin in the body is destroyed. This substance is destroyed by avidin.

Carbohydrate metabolism and vitamin H

Carbohydrate metabolism also depends on biotin, since this substance actively interacts with insulin and also takes part in the synthesis of other useful components that are responsible specifically for glucose metabolism. And this, as you know, is the most important. Vitamin H is often prescribed to patients. diabetes mellitus. This is another way to improve glucose metabolism.

Normal carbohydrate metabolism is important for every person, since its violation causes negative consequences. The person begins to get very tired, nervous, and weak. Often, a diabetic patient loses the ability to independently solve even simple problems.

Appearance and biotin

For every person who wants to make a positive impression on the people around him, an attractive and healthy breath odor is important. In this case, you should not take biotin lightly. Vitamin H contains sulfur. This component always reaches the cells of hair, skin and nails. Biotin allows you to control fat metabolism and prevent excessive sebum secretion. In addition, vitamin H helps prevent the development of seborrhea.

Drugs to increase vitamin H levels

As already mentioned, biotin from food is practically not absorbed. Therefore, a special drug “Blagomin” was created. Vitamin H is included in this product. However, it can only be consumed from 14 years of age.

In addition, the drug has contraindications, including lactation, pregnancy and individual intolerance.

You can buy vitamin H at the pharmacy without much difficulty.

Daily value of biotin

For a normal healthy person, the daily intake of this substance is 10 - 30 micrograms. But nursing and pregnant women require 50 to 120 micrograms of vitamin H.

Lack of biotin and its excess

With a deficiency of vitamin H, a person’s hair begins to fall out significantly, and inflammatory processes can begin not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. In addition, you may experience anemia, depression, poor appetite, muscle pain, impaired sugar levels, insomnia, and nausea. With a lack of biotin, irritability and a feeling of fatigue occur. A state of drowsiness and apathy may occur.

As for an excess of vitamin H, there have never been such cases even when prescribed large doses. Very rarely occur and side effects. Usually this is chest pain, shortness of breath, hives, skin rash.

Vitamin H helps the body form glucokinase. Without it, glucose metabolism would not occur. Biotin accumulates in the liver, where glucokinase is also produced. In this way, complete carbohydrate metabolism is carried out, and the person does not experience health problems.

A little history of the discovery

In 1901, scientists conducted a series of studies that subsequently made it possible to identify biotin in various products. It has been observed that yeast growth occurs under the influence of a certain substance. Its components turned out to be pantothenic acid, inositol and an unknown substance, which was called biotin. The name comes from the Greek "bios", which means "life".

In 1931, 1.1 mg of pure biotin was obtained from egg whites. You can imagine the scale of the study, which required processing 250 kg of egg powder!

Special experiments were also carried out on rats. Scientists observed changes in their fur in conditions where the subjects were deprived of vitamin H or received as much of it as required.

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General characteristics of the vitamin

This substance white, consisting of tiny crystals, which dissolves in an alkaline environment and is destroyed only at the highest temperatures.

The liver and muscles store glycogen - carbohydrates that help maintain normal blood sugar levels. Without biotin, glycogens would not be fully absorbed by the body.

Biotin also helps in the absorption of protein, pantothenic and folic acid, vitamin B 12. Fatty acid decompose into useful components. Vitamin H helps burn unnecessary fat.

Since biotin contains some amount of sulfur, it is able to maintain a person’s nails, hair and skin in excellent condition. To look good, you need to consume foods containing biotin, which acts as a vehicle for the delivery of sulfur.

Vitamin H is not a hair growth stimulator, but, nevertheless, it can stop the process of hair loss. If the body contains a sufficient amount of it, the hair will be manageable, soft and shiny.

Purines and carbon dioxide, which contain the basic hereditary information of the human body, could not bind together if biotin did not help them. It is also indispensable in the formation of hemoglobin.

The vitamin has a therapeutic effect in the development of seborrheic dermatitis in newborn babies. For similar diseases in adults, biotin is not as effective.

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What does vitamin deficiency lead to?

The intestinal microflora produces vitamins H in sufficient quantities, but this fact has not yet been definitively proven by scientists. Newborns are often admitted to hospitals with suspected biotin deficiency. A child's imperfect intestinal tract is not yet able to produce the required amount of beneficial bacteria. Adults who are due to various diseases

forced to live on intravenous nutrition, they also lack biotin. The same thing happens when a person takes antibiotics for a long time. Medications They destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but some useful and necessary bacteria also die along with them. In the body of a person suffering bad habits

, this vitamin is also lacking. Athletes who regularly drink raw eggs and consume large quantities of protein foods should not forget about biotin.

The human brain requires a constant supply of glucose into its cells to function properly. 80-100 mg of glucose should be supplied per 100 ml of blood. Biotin maintains stable blood sugar levels. With insufficient glucose production, people become irritable and nervous. They experience chronic fatigue, weakness and lethargy. If the glucose deficiency is too significant, then the person has great difficulty in performing normal, everyday activities and feels very bad. Limit of accumulated glucose volume in female body

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equal to 300 g of glucose, and in men - 400 mg. Therefore, its supply is used up faster among representatives of the fairer sex. They are more likely than men to become depressed and experience fatigue and nervous tension. The skin turns pale, nails and hair become brittle.

What does excess lead to? With an excess of biotin side effects are observed very rarely. They appear only in cases of individual intolerance. Allergic reaction

manifests itself through shortness of breath or skin rashes. Hives also signal that the body does not accept a certain type of product. If a rejection reaction occurs, you need to reconsider your diet. Such situations arise extremely rarely.

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Returning to rats, it is worth noting that an overdose of the vitamin causes frequent miscarriages in them. But these fears are unnecessary in relation to a person. Women during pregnancy with an excess of biotin feel good and only note that their nails and hair began to grow faster, and their appearance improved.

During the day, the human body should produce 0.15-0.3 mg of biotin. It is required:

  • during active sports;
  • under difficult working conditions, when the body experiences daily physical overload;
  • in cold climates;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with neuropsychic stress;
  • when working during which there is contact with harmful chemicals;
  • with the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with long-term treatment with antibiotics.

If the body does not receive enough magnesium, it can signal unpleasant symptoms of biotin deficiency.

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What products does it contain?

The daily menu should contain a selection of different products. Only a varied diet can deliver a sufficient amount of biotin to the body. Preference should be given the following products power supply:

  • eggs (preferably soft-boiled);
  • lactic acid products and milk;
  • legumes and nuts (sources of plant proteins);
  • kidneys and liver (thanks to them, the body receives animal protein);
  • fruits;
  • White mushrooms;
  • vegetables (preferably raw or steamed), etc.

If a person is not worried about his intestines, he is cheerful, cheerful and energetic, then you should not worry about the lack of biotin in the body.

Biotin (vitamin H or coenzyme R, also called B7) is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for the normal metabolism of fats and protein, needed for the synthesis ascorbic acid. Produced in beneficial intestinal microflora.

Biotin helps with carbohydrate metabolism and regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. It is also called the beauty vitamin, as it helps hair, nails, and skin look healthy and well-groomed, giving them shine. Improves hair color and structure, prevents early gray hair and baldness.

Daily requirement of biotin

The daily requirement of biotin ranges from 10 mcg for children and from 50 mcg for adults (see table below). This volume is provided due to the synthesis of biotin by the intestinal microbial flora, as well as food entering the body.

In Russia, the level of biotin consumption is officially fixed by the Standards physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various population groups Russian Federation, approvedRospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation (MP

Maximum permissible level consumption is not established.

For athletes actively involved in a particular sport, the need for this vitamin can be up to 550 mcg per day, depending on the type of sport. For skating and gymnastics, this figure is considered to be 300-450 mcg. For those who play football, running, basketball, swimming, the figure increases to 450-550 mcg per day. Even more energy-intensive sports - walking over long distances, cycling, rowing - increase the need for biotin to 650 mcg per day.

As stated in the book "Vitamins and minerals: Complete Encyclopedia" edited by Emelyanova T.P., under normal conditions, biotin deficiency rarely occurs. The level of 100-200 mcg is provided by the food consumed. In excess, there have been no reports of toxic effects with daily intake of up to 10 mg.

What is biotin for?

Biotin triggers carbohydrate and glucose metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels (this is especially necessary for patients with diabetes). He is participating in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Helps burn fat and absorb vitamins such as folic acid and pantothenic acid. Helps in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in newborns. In adults, treatment of this disease should be accompanied by taking medications containing zinc, various minerals and other B vitamins. It must be remembered that biotin is absorbed only together with magnesium, so you also need to make sure there is enough of it in the body.

So, biotin helps:

  • protect hair from graying;
  • in the prevention of baldness;
  • prevent the manifestations of eczema and dermatitis.

Biotin Sources

Biotin is found in almost all foods. Biotin is found in egg yolk, kidney and liver, milk, brewer's yeast, molasses, etc. In the table below we look at the products with the highest content of this substance.

Attention. Raw proteins contain a substance called avidin (anti-vitamin biotin), which binds biotin and prevents it from being absorbed into the blood. Therefore, with regular use raw eggs(or on an egg diet), it is recommended to increase the intake of foods containing biotin to a level of 500 mcg.

Additional intake of biotin is also necessary if treatment with antibiotics occurs, since they disrupt the beneficial intestinal microflora.

For diabetics who consume saccharin, it is important to remember that it reduces the absorption of biotin in the body and destroys the intestinal microflora. Preservatives E221, E226 and E228 also interfere with the absorption of biotin.

Biotin deficiency

If there is a lack of vitamin H (B7), a person may experience the following diseases (symptoms):

  • focal hair loss;
  • eczema;
  • anemia;
  • weakness;
  • cholesterol levels increase;
  • blood sugar increases;
  • muscle soreness and weakness.

May also begin nervous disorders, exhaustion, insomnia, hallucinations. At later stages, a disease such as polyneuritis may occur, characterized by exhaustion, weight loss, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart and respiratory system.

With a lack of this vitamin, conjunctivitis and psoriasis can develop. Biotin deficiency indicates disease gastrointestinal tract, or suppression of intestinal microflora with various antibiotics.

How to determine biotin deficiency

Biotin deficiency can be detected through a laboratory blood test. Vitamin B7 deficiency increases blood sugar and cholesterol.

Clear signs of biotin deficiency:

  1. brittle hair and nails;
  2. oily or excessively dry skin;
  3. dandruff and hair loss.

With a lack of this vitamin, peeling of the skin occurs, especially on the face. Then dermatitis, muscle pain, anemia, and swelling of the tongue may appear.

Biotin deficiency occurs due to genetic metabolic disorders. Those who regularly take anticonvulsants or regularly drink strong alcoholic beverages are also at risk.

Deficiency can occur in newborns whose gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed and contains a small amount of beneficial bacteria.

As a rule, if you eat a healthy diet, you will not be deficient in biotin.

How to Increase Biotin Levels

Tip 1. If there is a lack of biotin, treatment usually involves eating foods rich in this substance. It has been established that biotin is found in varying quantities in all known foods, but it is especially abundant in legumes, cabbage, spinach, nuts, chicken eggs, liver, dairy products, fruits, mushrooms, and oatmeal.

Tip 2. When taking alcohol and antibiotics, biotin synthesis decreases. Biotin synthesis also decreases with an unhealthy lifestyle and indiscriminate snacking harmful products, consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks. At the same time, the intestinal microflora deteriorates, biotin is produced to a lesser extent, and the condition of hair and nails worsens. Skin problems, wrinkles appear, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, constipation, diarrhea, and increased gas formation may occur.

To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor your lifestyle, eat only fresh, healthy foods, do not abuse alcohol and sweets, do not smoke.

What are the dangers of an overdose of biotin?

An overdose, even long-term, does not entail any violations. It does not affect the human body in any way, since the excess is excreted from the body along with urine. In some cases, increased biotin leads to increased sweating and increased urination frequency. But with an overdose, the condition of the hair, scalp, and nails only improves: the nails do not peel, become less brittle, and the hair becomes more shiny.

Prepared by "Person"

Vitamin H is a useful water-soluble substance that takes part in many biological processes and the synthesis of vital necessary elements. This substance is also known as biotin, vitamin B 7 and coenzyme P.

A little history

The prerequisites for the discovery and study of biotin appeared back in 1916. Bateman then discovered that laboratory rats fed raw egg whites suffered from neuromuscular disorders, alopecia and dermatitis. And in animals whose diet included boiled protein, such symptoms were not observed.

In 1936, scientists Kegl and Tennis isolated a factor from chicken eggs that stimulates the growth of yeast cells. The crystalline substance was called biotin. Subsequent studies revealed that it is this substance that protects the body of laboratory animals from the harmful effects of raw egg white.

In 1942, Du Vigneault derived the formula for biotin, and after some time it was synthesized in the laboratory. At the same time, research began on the antagonist substance biotin, which is contained in egg whites.

In 1940, the antagonist was isolated by scientist Akin. The substance was named "avidin". As it turned out, it binds biotin and makes it difficult for the body to absorb it.

Functions of Vitamin H

Each beneficial substance plays its own unique role in the body. For example, biotin performs the following functions:

  • takes part in the process of cell division, growth and regeneration;
  • promotes normal absorption of B vitamins;
  • ensures normal metabolism of proteins and fats;
  • eliminates muscle pain and fatigue;
  • fights dermatological problems;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • promotes the formation of healthy intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves condition nervous system;
  • takes part in the production of collagen;
  • slows down the aging process of the body;
  • normalizes the process of glucose processing.

How does biotin deficiency manifest?

Vitamin H is vital for the normal functioning of the body. If there is not enough substance, you will immediately feel it. Symptoms of biotin deficiency are:

  • dryness, peeling, irritation and other skin problems of the extremities;
  • unhealthy complexion (pale, sallow);
  • pale, smooth surface of the tongue;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • emotional depression and depression;
  • pain and feeling of weakness in the muscles;
  • increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • anemia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • deformation and brittleness nail plate;
  • irritability;
  • attacks of headache;
  • frequent attacks of nausea;
  • irregularities in work sebaceous glands;
  • a sharp deterioration in the functional state of hair and a slowdown in its growth.

Biotin deficiency factors

Vitamin H deficiency in the body can develop for several reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • genetic diseases associated with impaired absorption of biotin (occurs in approximately 5 cases per 100,000 people);
  • taking antibiotics and sulfonamides, which destroy the intestinal microflora (where biotin is usually synthesized);
  • long-term dietary restrictions (for example, strict diets);
  • digestive disorders associated with asthenia of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • consumption of saccharin, which adversely affects the metabolism of the vitamin;
  • regular use raw eggs (their white contains avidin, which interacts with biotin);
  • consumption of products that contain preservatives E221-228 (sulfur compounds that, when heated or in contact with air, destroy biotin);
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages (alcohol interferes with the absorption of biotin).

Main indications

Taking biotin in the form of a dietary supplement or medical product must be agreed with a doctor. As a rule, specialists prescribe such remedies in the following cases:

  • biotin deficiency in newborns (manifests in the form of intestinal microflora disorders, hair loss or deterioration of skin condition);
  • low blood sugar;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • brittleness and splitting of nails;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • muscle weakness;
  • apathy and decreased performance;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and anti-seizure medications;
  • inadequate diet.

Excess biotin

If there is too much vitamin H (biotin) in the body, this is also not very good. This situation can arise due to an incorrect diet or uncontrolled use of drugs. Excess biotin in the body can be identified by the following signs:

  • excessive sweating;
  • skin rashes;
  • exacerbation of infectious and chronic diseases;
  • problems with insulin production;
  • increased glucose levels;
  • frequent urination.

Possible negative consequences

Most domestic experts agree that biotin is safe and non-toxic in doses up to 300 mg per day (up to 20 mg per day when administered intravenously). Given the fact that the vitamin is water-soluble, its excess is excreted from the body naturally along with urine.

However, American experts have a different opinion. The danger of biotin is that its excess can cause distortion in laboratory tests. For example, when testing blood for hormones thyroid gland, a picture similar to Graves' disease may develop. The result of a biomarker for heart attacks may also be underestimated. Thus, the wrong treatment may be prescribed.

You need to be especially careful with dietary supplements intended to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin. They can contain up to 600% of the daily intake of vitamin H. Such huge doses can only be prescribed by a doctor in exceptional cases. If you nevertheless take biotin, be sure to warn the laboratory technician about this when taking blood for analysis (especially if we are talking about heart problems).

Hair elixir

Vitamin H is the basis of healthy and beautiful hair. It has the following beneficial effects on hair:

  • biotin normalizes the concentration of red blood cells, which, in turn, provide oxygen transport, vital for the normal functioning of hair follicles;
  • biotin stimulates insulin metabolism, which, in turn, ensures the supply of glucose to the surface of the scalp;
  • biotin regulates the process of keratin production, which is one of the main " building materials" for hair.

To maintain normal hair condition and prevent hair loss, it is recommended to use vitamin H in ampoules (add the contents to a portion of shampoo before each wash). To treat alopecia, you need to take the vitamin orally.

Daily requirement for vitamin H

Taking any vitamins should not be uncontrolled. For each useful substance there is a concept of a daily requirement, which ensures saturation of the body, but does not lead to an overdose. For vitamin H (biotin), the following indicators are valid:

  • For preventive purposes (to prevent muscle weakness and hair loss), you need to consume 5 mg of biotin per day.
  • In order to dull pain during intense physical activity, as well as for building muscle mass It is recommended to take 1 mg of biotin per day.
  • To compensate for the lack of vitamin H (identified by the results of a medical examination), as well as to treat baldness, 10-15 mg of the substance per day is usually prescribed.

Interaction with other drugs

When taking biotin, there are some restrictions on combining it with other drugs. The first thing to note is that vitamin H interacts well with all B vitamins. But the best results are observed when biotin is taken simultaneously with vitamins B5, B9 and B12.

It makes no sense to take biotin at the same time as antibiotics, since due to the destroyed intestinal microflora, the vitamin will not be able to be absorbed into the body. For the same reason, you should not use it simultaneously with sulfur-containing medications and sugar substitutes. Also, almost all cold remedies have a negative effect on the absorption of beneficial substances.

Where to “look” for biotin

Ideally, a person should receive all vital substances with food. To do this, it is extremely important to create a proper balanced diet. Here are the foods that contain vitamin H:

  • nuts;
  • cod;
  • egg yolk (boiled);
  • legumes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • oats;
  • hard cheeses;
  • wheat;
  • rice bran;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • spinach;
  • cauliflower;
  • offal;
  • yeast;
  • milk;
  • White cabbage;
  • beet;
  • White mushrooms;
  • Champignon;
  • blueberry and strawberry leaves;
  • salmon;
  • pork;
  • raspberries;
  • avocado;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • bananas.

How to “save” biotin

There are many food sources of vitamin H. The fact is that during heat treatment, canning and soaking in water, marinades and other solutions, biotin in products begins to disintegrate. If you want to get the most out of your food, consider these recommendations:

  • try to eat foods fresh (if possible) or minimize processing;
  • Boil vegetables with their skins on and covered;
  • the optimal cooking method is baking in foil or a sleeve;
  • Before storing food in the refrigerator, do not wash or chop it;
  • Do not store food for long periods of time (even on the top shelf of the refrigerator) for more than three days;
  • The best way to prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter is freezing.

Vitamin H (biotin, vitamin B7)– a water-soluble vitamin, it is quite resistant to heat treatment and is not subject to oxidation processes, but is destroyed during prolonged boiling and due to exposure to light. Biotin was isolated by scientist P. Györdem from egg yolk in 1931. During experiments, it was observed that eating boiled egg yolk restored the skin and fur of animals. Therefore, the name was given to it “H” - from the German haut, which means “skin”.

The body requires a tiny amount of biotin, which is why it is also called a microvitamin.

Action of biotin

The effect of vitamin H extends to the metabolism in the body and the process of transferring carbon dioxide into the blood. It also affects enzymes and promotes insulin in the process of glucogenesis - the synthesis of amino acids into glucose, leveling blood sugar levels.

Fact: Women need to take more biotin than men because their body's glucose reserves are smaller and are used up quickly. And this in turn can cause irritability and depression.

Biotin is an accomplice for the work of B vitamins: it promotes a chemical reaction with purines, which are carriers of hereditary information and is important for the formation of hemoglobin.

Biotin is an important microelement for hair, because... By controlling the metabolism of fats, it influences their content in the skin, improving the structure and giving beauty to the hair. Helps to avoid early gray hair and can to some extent restore hair loss. Unfortunately for men, biotin cannot stop hair loss caused by hormonal changes.

Vitamin H may have a positive effect on the healing process of seborrheic dermatitis in young children. For adults, the treatment approach should be comprehensive with all B vitamins and zinc.

Daily norm

  • adults, depending on gender, require 150-300 mcg;
  • Pregnant women should increase their vitamin intake by approximately 20-40%
  • children, depending on gender and age, need 50-150 mcg.

Taking alcohol and antibiotics has a rather negative effect on the absorption of biotin.

It is also worth considering that vitamin B12 becomes active only when interacting with magnesium, so you should take care of taking them together.

Vitamin H deficiency

Vitamin H deficiency directly depends on the consumption of fatty foods, heat-treated foods, alcohol and antibiotics.

The scope of activity of biotin is largely physiological processes, so the deficiency is obvious. First of all, fatigue, depression, drowsiness and apathy, muscle pain, and insomnia are observed. Hair loss and dandruff become more active, the skin becomes pale and inflamed, and there is a constant feeling of nausea. Subsequently, problems with blood sugar levels may arise, and accordingly, “glucose” starvation of brain cells will occur, which in turn initiates an unstable state of the nervous system, irritability and hysterics.

Although biotin is required by the body in microdoses and is also synthesized by the beneficial microflora of our intestines, its deficiency can still occur. We can thank modern, disordered lifestyles for this. Besides, who can boast of a good state of intestinal microflora?

So, it turns out that all our indulgences in the form of extra cake, fried potatoes at night (and during the day too), chips and carbonated sweet drinks will definitely affect appearance and pretty soon. A month of such a lifestyle will be enough for our intestinal microflora to “die” and then problems with the skin will arise, its premature aging, and hair will begin to fall out. And adding to this alcohol, nicotine, such careless handling of antibiotics (they prefer to treat everything and everyone), then the intestines will be populated by pathogenic organisms. Biotin will stop entering the blood, sending those same toxins and breakdown products there, causing increasingly serious complications.

Pathogenic processes begin at the biochemical level - digestion suffers, diarrhea, constant bad breath, weight increases due to metabolic disorders and fat accumulation. Naturally, to solve the problem (especially women), the simplest method is chosen - diet, thereby depriving the body of receiving vitamin H from food of animal origin.

So a small microelement can play a bad joke on our body if we take it so frivolously.

By the way, fruits practically do not contain biotin, and a substance contained in egg whites deactivates the effect of biotin. Therefore, athletes who adhere to a protein diet (drinking raw eggs in the morning) should carefully consider the recommendation to increase their intake of vitamin H. When heated, this avidin breaks down and cannot cause harm.

Biotin overdose has not been observed even with a 100-fold increase in dose, even for newborns and pregnant women.

Side effects can only occur if you are hypersensitive: skin rash, urticaria, shortness of breath.

Sources of vitamin H (biotin)

Sources of biotin include many plant and animal products. In fruits and vegetables it is found in free form, and in animal products it is associated with proteins. But the main role of these products and proper diet is to create beneficial microflora in the intestines, which can themselves synthesize the much-needed vitamin H.

Plant sources of vitamin H: tomatoes, soybeans, nuts, peas, cabbage, mushrooms, yeast, onions, apples, bananas, melon, oranges, etc.

Animal foods rich in biotin: liver, heart, meat products, dairy products, eggs, fish, especially sea fish.

Indications for use

Indications for use of biotin: