What do the tests say? Secrets of medical indicators - for patients Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Grin

1.1.2. Red cells

1.1.2. Red cells

Red cells, also known as red blood cells, are small, round, flat cells with a diameter of approximately 7.5 microns. A special feature of the red blood cell is its unique shape. So, at the edges it is thicker than in the center, and many compare it to the shape of a biconcave lens. It is believed that this form is the most optimal, and it is thanks to it that the red blood cells are maximally saturated with oxygen when they pass through the pulmonary capillaries, and with carbon dioxide as they pass internal organs and fabrics.

How many red blood cells are there normally?

Rice. 1. This is what red blood cells look like

And again, their amount depends on gender and is normally 4-5 x 1012 g/l for men, and 3.7–4.7 x 1012 g/l for women.

Of course, the indicator of the number of red blood cells cannot do without fluctuations. With various diseases, their number can either decrease or drop sharply.

For example, a decrease in the content of red blood cells in the blood, by analogy with hemoglobin, may indicate the development of anemia.

But even here it is not without its peculiarities. The thing is that in various forms of anemia, the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin often decrease disproportionately, and the amount of hemoglobin itself in the red blood cell may vary. This should be taken into account when conducting a clinical blood test, because it is immediately necessary to determine the color indicator, which will be discussed later, and the average hemoglobin content in the red blood cell. Very often this provides invaluable assistance to the doctor in quickly and correct positioning diagnosis of various forms of anemia.

We should not forget about the possibility of a pathological increase in the number of red blood cells, briefly called erythrocytosis in the medical community. In such cases, the indicator can increase to 8-12x1012 g/l or more. Unfortunately for both the doctor and the patient, this growth fact indicates the development of a form of leukemia called erythremia. Of course, there are cases of compensatory increase, when there is an increase in the number of red blood cells in response to a person being in extreme conditions, for example in the mountains or flying at high altitudes, where the atmosphere is depleted of oxygen. However, often a compensatory increase in the number of red blood cells also occurs in sick people who have an increase in the number of red blood cells, for example, with emphysema, pneumosclerosis, chronic bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by respiratory failure, or diseases accompanied by heart failure.

We should also not forget about other possible erythrocytosis, a prominent representative of which is erythrocytosis, known as parneoplastic (Greek para - near, with; neo... + Greek plasis - formations). This phenomenon occurs in various forms of cancer of the kidneys, pancreas and other organs.

You should know that with the development of various pathological processes, the shape and size of red blood cells may change unusually, which is an important diagnostic sign. Thus, in the blood with anemia, red blood cells of various sizes can be observed, which in the medical environment is called anisocytosis. Moreover, red blood cells normal sizes are called normocytes, enlarged cells are called macrocytes and decreased ones, as you might have guessed, are called microcytes. The latter occur when hemolytic anemia, anemia after chronic blood loss, as well as in malignant diseases. Enlarged red blood cells are observed with B 12 -, folate deficiency anemia, with malaria, as well as with diseases of the liver and lungs. Often with B 12 -, folate deficiency anemia and rarely with acute leukemia, very large red blood cells are found, which are called megalocytes. In addition to changes in size, during diseases, red blood cells can take on elongated, worm-shaped, pear-shaped and many other irregular shapes. This phenomenon is called poikilocytosis and is explained as a result of inadequate regeneration of red blood cells occurring in the bone marrow. Poikilocytosis is often a sign of B 12 deficiency anemia.

There are frequent cases of specific changes in the shape of red blood cells in some congenital diseases. For example, when a red blood cell is shaped like a sickle, this indicates the presence of sickle cell anemia. Another type of shape disorder is target-shaped red blood cells, the peculiarity of which is the reduction of the area in the center, which gives it the appearance of a target. This phenomenon occurs in thalassemia or lead poisoning.

Rice. 2. This is what a pathologically altered red blood cell looks like

We should not forget that it is possible to detect young forms of red blood cells in the blood - the so-called reticulocytes, the norm of which ranges from 0.2–1.2% of the total number of red blood cells. Changes in the number of reticulocytes make it possible to judge the ability bone marrow quickly return the number of red blood cells to normal in case of anemia. For example, in the treatment of B 12 deficiency anemia, one of the first signs of recovery is an increase in the content of reticulocytes in the blood and is called reticulocytosis. At the same time, when the level of reticulocytes in the blood increases as much as possible, this phenomenon is called reticulocyte crisis.

However, in the case of a decrease in the level of reticulocytes with prolonged anemia, it indicates that the regenerative ability of the bone marrow is reduced and is a bad sign.

In cases where anemia is absent, but reticulocytosis is present, the full range of diagnostic procedures should be carried out, since this fact may indicate the presence of cancer metastases in the bone marrow and some forms of leukemia.

Another indicator when working with red blood cells is the color index, which is normally 0.86-1.05. A change in this indicator, either downward or upward, may indicate the presence of a disease. In the case when the color index is higher than 1.05, this indicates the presence of hyperchromia (Greek. hyper- above, above, on the other side; chroma– color) and appears in people with B 12 deficiency anemia.

As in the case of an increase, a decrease in the color index by 0.8 or less indicates hyperchromia (Greek. hypo– below, under), which is most often found in iron deficiency anemia. Hypochromic anemia often develops with malignant tumors, very often with stomach cancer.

In cases where the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level are reduced, while the color index is within the normal range, we can speak of normochromic anemia, which includes the so-called hemolytic and aplastic anemia. Moreover, with the first disease, rapid destruction of red blood cells occurs, and with the second, production occurs in the bone marrow insufficient quantity red blood cells

Another indicator characterizing the volumetric excess or deficiency of red blood cells in the blood is the hematocrit number, or hematocrit. Simply put, hematocrit is the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the volume of plasma. This indicator for men is 0.4–0.48, and for women – 0.36–0.42.

By analogy with other indicators, a decrease or increase in hematocrit indicates the presence of a disease. Thus, a decrease in the hematocrit number is observed with anemia and blood dilution and is due to the patient receiving a large amount of medicinal solutions or taking a large amount of liquid orally.

An increase in the indicator occurs with erythremia - a form of severe cancer of the blood and compensatory erythrocytosis.

This text is an introductory fragment.
What do the tests say? Secrets of medical indicators - for patients Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Grin

1.1.4. White bodies

1.1.4. White bodies

White blood cells, in the medical environment more often called leukocytes, are colorless cells, round or irregular shape, ranging in size from 6 to 20 microns. White blood cells are often compared to an amoeba because they are similar to a single-celled organism in that they have a nucleus and are able to move without any help. Another feature of white blood cells is that their number in the blood is much less than the same red blood cells and amounts to 4.0–8.8x10 9 g/l.

What are leukocytes?

Rice. 4. This is what a leukocyte looks like

Leukocytes can rightfully be called the main protective factor in the human body’s resistance to all kinds of diseases. These cells are armed with special enzymes that can “process” microorganisms, and foreign proteins and breakdown products that are formed in the body during the life of the organism can bind and break down. And do not forget about the ability of certain forms of leukocytes to produce special protein particles that attack any foreign microorganisms that enter the blood, or onto the mucous membranes or other human organs and tissues.

White blood cells are divided into two main types. Thus, granulocytes, or granular leukocytes, are those cells in which the cytoplasm has a specific granularity. At the same time, granulocytes are also divided into three groups: neutrophils, divided into band and segmented, as well as basophils and eosinophils.

As you might have guessed, the second type of leukocytes does not contain granules in the cytoplasm and two groups are distinguished among them - lymphocytes and monocytes. The listed types of leukocytes have specific functions and change differently in various diseases.

The phenomenon in which the level of leukocytes is higher than normal is called leukocytosis, while a decrease is called leukopenia.

These phenomena can be physiological, occurring normally in healthy people, or pathological, occurring when certain diseases occur.

In what specific cases can physiological leukocytosis be observed?

The so-called digestive leukocytosis can occur 2-3 hours after eating. Among other reasons, leukocytosis can be noted after intense physical activity, taking hot or cold baths, psycho-emotional stress, as well as before menstruation and in the second half of pregnancy.

Therefore, before conducting a study of leukocyte count indicators, you should avoid stressful situations, intense physical activity, and water procedures. It is also better to take blood samples in the morning on an empty stomach.

The causes of pathological leukocytosis are all kinds of pathological diseases, including otitis, erysipelas, meningitis, pneumonia, as well as suppuration and inflammatory processes of the pleura (empyema, pleurisy), abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, pancreatitis), subcutaneous tissue (felon, phlegmon, abscess). In addition, pathological leukocytosis can cause extensive burns of parts of the body, infarctions of the heart, lungs, spleen and kidneys, conditions after significant blood loss, leukemia, chronic renal failure, or chronic renal failure, as well as diabetic coma.

It should be borne in mind that due to weakened immunity in elderly people, exhausted people, alcoholics and drug addicts in the above conditions, leukocytosis may be absent. It must be remembered that if during infectious and inflammatory diseases If there is no leukocytosis, then this is an unkind sign and does not bode well.

Another type of pathology, but due to a decrease in the number of leukocytes below 4.0x10 9 / l, is leukopenia, the cause of which is the inhibition of the formation of leukocytes in the bone marrow. In addition to the main common mechanisms for the development of leukopenia, rare alternative mechanisms are also observed. Among them are excessive destruction in the vascular bed and redistribution of leukocytes with their retention in depot organs, which is observed in shock or collapse.

What diseases and pathological conditions contribute to the development of leukopenia?

Leukopenia may occur due to exposure to ionizing radiation after taking medicines, among which it is worth highlighting: anti-inflammatory drugs (analgin, amidopyrine); antibiotics (sulfonamides, levomethicin); drugs that inhibit function thyroid gland(mercazolyl, propicyl); drugs used to treat cancer - so-called cytostatics (methotrexane, vincristine). Among the culprits of leukopenia are hypoplastic or aplastic diseases, the causes of which are still poorly understood, as well as diseases that occur with damage to the spleen, among which it is worth noting cirrhosis of the liver, lymphogranulomatosis, syphilis and tuberculosis. In addition, leukopenia occurs in systemic lupus erythematosus, B 12-deficiency anemia, in oncology with metastases to the bone marrow and in the initial stages of development of leukemia, as well as due to certain infectious diseases such as malaria, brucellosis, typhoid fever, measles, rubella, influenza and viral hepatitis.

Rice. 5. This is what leukemia looks like

For ease of diagnosis, the percentage of all forms of leukocytes in the blood is used as an assistant. And this ratio is called the leukocyte formula. For convenience, all values ​​of the leukocyte formula are presented in Table No. 1.

Table 1. Leukocyte blood count and content various types leukocytes in healthy people

Thus, with an increase in the percentage of certain forms of leukocytes, the ending in the names changes accordingly to - ia, - oz or - ez, for example, (neutrophilia, monocytosis, eosinophilia, basophilia, lymphocytosis).

In the case when the percentage decreases, the ending - singing is added to the name of this type of leukocytes, for example, neutropenia, monocytopenia, eosinopenia, basopenia, lymphopenia.

But determining the percentage is not a sufficient solution for making a diagnosis and, if used only, can lead to diagnostic errors. Therefore, in addition to the percentage of forms of leukocytes, their absolute number is also examined. For example, if the leukocyte formula of lymphocytes contains 12%, which is below the established norm, while the total number of leukocytes is 13x10 9 g/l, then the absolute number of lymphocytes in the blood is 1.56x10 9 g/l, that is, “fits” into a normative meaning.

Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between absolute and relative changes in the content of various forms of leukocytes. Thus, absolute neutrophilia or neutropenia and absolute lymphocytosis or lymphopenia denote cases when there is a percentage increase or decrease in certain types of leukocytes with their permissible absolute content in the blood. It happens that both the relative and absolute numbers of different forms of leukocytes are disrupted. This indicates the presence of absolute lymphocytosis or lymphopenia, absolute neutrophilia or neutropenia, and so on.

It should be kept in mind that different types leukocytes, provide various protective reactions, and when analyzing the leukocyte formula indicators, you can learn a lot about the character pathological process and help the attending physician make an accurate final diagnosis.

Now we can take a closer look at what a decrease or increase in various types of leukocytes indicates.

For example, about the development of an acute inflammatory process and especially about purulent diseases Neutrophilia speaks very clearly. Moreover, in medical terminology, inflammation is indicated by adding the ending - it to the Latin or Greek name of the organ, and accordingly, neutrophilia is observed with meningitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, otitis, etc., as well as phlegmon and abscesses of various localizations and erysipelas.

Plus, many other infectious diseases, diabetic coma, myocardial infarction, stroke, severe renal failure and bleeding, are accompanied by an increase in the number of neutrophils.

In addition, taking glucocorticoid hormonal drugs, such as prednisolone, triamcinolone, cortisone, can provoke an increase in the number of neutrophils.

It is worth noting that during purulent processes and acute inflammation, stab leukocytes are most active. Moreover, an increase in the number of leukocytes of this type in the blood is called a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, or a band shift.

In addition to an increase in the number of neutrophils, there are also cases of their decrease. This phenomenon is called neutropenia. It can be observed in some infectious diseases, such as typhoid fever and malaria and viral diseases - influenza, polio and viral hepatitis A. Another decrease in the number of neutrophils occurs during severe inflammatory and purulent processes and is an unfavorable sign, indicating an unfavorable prognosis for the patient.

Also, a decrease in the number of neutrophils can be observed when bone marrow function is suppressed, B 12-deficiency anemia develops, the body receives a dose of ionizing radiation, intoxication when taking many medical supplies, such as analgin, biseptol, chloramphenicol, cefazolin, mercazolil and many others.

If you were careful, you were able to notice that what causes leukopenia also leads to a decrease in neutrophils in the blood.

Now we find out when a pathological decrease or increase in the level of lymphocytes occurs. Thus, lymphocytosis is observed in infections such as brucellosis, typhoid and relapsing epidemic typhus and tuberculosis.

For example, in tuberculosis patients, an increase in the level of lymphocytes is a good sign and indicates that the disease is proceeding favorably and a speedy recovery is possible, while lymphopenia indicates the opposite.

Plus, lymphocytosis often appears with decreased thyroid function: hypothyroidism, subacute thyroiditis, chronic radiation sickness, bronchial asthma, B 12-deficiency anemia, fasting. There are known cases of lymphocytosis when taking drugs.

A decrease in lymphocytes indicates a decrease in immunity and is very often detected in patients with severe and prolonged infectious and inflammatory processes, severe forms of tuberculosis, AIDS, certain forms of leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis, prolonged fasting, which leads to the development of dystrophy, as well as in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, drug addicts and substance abusers.

A decrease in monocytes is most common in infectious mononucleosis, as well as in infectious mumps and rubella. The appearance of monocytosis in the blood indicates the presence of severe diseases - sepsis, tuberculosis, some forms of leukemia, as well as malignant diseases of the lymphatic system, such as lymphogranulomatosis and lymphoma.

While monocytopenia indicates damage to the bone marrow and occurs in aplastic anemia and hairy cell leukemia.

And finally, let’s look at the reasons for changes in the number of eosinophils and basophils.

An increase in the level of eosinophils indicates the presence of the following pathological conditions in the body:

Allergic diseases and conditions ( bronchial asthma, urticaria, Quincke's edema and others).

Some skin diseases (eczema and psoriasis).

Collagenosis (rheumatism, SLE, or systemic lupus erythematosus).

Some severe blood diseases (lymphogranulomatosis).

Infectious diseases (syphilis, tuberculosis).

Taking certain medications (antibiotics).

Hereditary forms of eosinophilia.

Eosinopenia may appear at the height of one or another infectious disease, B 12 deficiency anemia and in cases of bone marrow damage.

An increase in the number of basophils in the blood indicates the presence of chronic myeloid leukemia and decreased thyroid function. However, there are physiological causes of basophilia, for example, in the premenstrual period in women.

A decrease in the number of basophils, on the contrary, indicates an increase in thyroid function, as well as pregnancy and possible stress. Basopenia also occurs in Itsenko-Cusheng disease, a pathological condition when the functioning of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands is disrupted and the level of glucocorticoids in the blood increases.

This text is an introductory fragment.

What are red blood cells? These are special blood enzymes that contain platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Doctors refer to the formation of red blood cells as erythropoiesis, platelets as thrombopoiesis, and leukocytes as leukopoiesis.

Red blood cells are red blood cells, since they have a red tint, which is given to them by hemoglobin (on our website you can find out). Circulatory system human contains more than 20 trillion red blood cells. If you imagine that all the red cells are lined up one after another, you will get a huge chain total length about 200 thousand kilometers. Each red blood cell lives a short life, which is limited to three months. It is then destroyed or preyed upon by cells called phagocytes, which devour it. Phagocytes in the human body have a special mission; it is to destroy unnecessary cells.

The maximum content of red blood cells is observed in the spleen and liver, which is why these organs have a “graveyard of red blood cells.” Phagocytes regularly engage in eating obsolete blood cells. Red blood cells may also simply dissolve. First, they acquire a round shape, then the process of dissolution begins due to the general destruction of their own membrane in the blood. There is also the so-called natural selection, as a result of which defective red blood cells die.

Platelets and leukocytes are red blood cells

Small platelet-shaped blood cells are responsible for blood clotting. As a result of heavy blood loss, it is the role of platelets that is considered decisive, since the body itself is not able to live without blood. Platelets are the first aid of the human body.

Red blood cells are platelets, which, when blood vessels are damaged, create a special clot, thanks to which the hole is simply plugged. As a result, after some time the blood stops. The unique ability of platelets to form blood clots is considered the main way that completely maintains the chain of blood supply integrity.

If there are not enough of these components in the blood, then the time to stop bleeding may change. But over time, all wounds heal and the cells are restored. Blood cells called leukocytes have a white tint. They perform protective function. In cooperation with the human immune system, leukocytes prevent the penetration and spread of various infections. If the human body becomes infected for some reason, then leukocytes begin to actively fight the infectious disease.

White blood cells can be very diverse, because much will depend on what specific functions they perform in the body. Along with protecting the human body from infection, leukocytes actively fight all foreign elements that, for one reason or another, have entered the human body.

This process is called phagocytosis in medical practice. Redness, heat bodies and various swellings are the result of the action of phagocytosis, under the strict guidance of leukocytes. If the infection turns out to be stronger, the leukocytes simply die, turning into pus.

All purulent discharge is white blood cells that have been destroyed. Leukocytes are divided into special cells - T and B. These varieties provide protection to the immune system from various diseases. Red blood cells are a reliable support for the entire body, which is maintained in constant balance throughout a person’s life.

Blood diseases can also affect the liquid part of the blood - plasma.

Antonina Kamyshenkova / “Health-Info”

Blood is the mobile medium of a living organism. By washing our organs and tissues, it supplies them with life-giving oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, removes waste products of metabolism, and protects our body from the invasion of aggressive microorganisms. And blood performs all these important functions due to the fact that it contains special elements that actually form it as our physiological substance.

Along with red blood cells (erythrocytes) and blood platelets (platelets), leukocytes belong to the formed elements of blood, which make up at least 45% of the total blood volume. The remaining 65% comes from its liquid part. All these formed elements of blood in the form of tiny bodies different forms and outlines are clearly visible under a microscope, and depending on changes in their level in the blood, doctors receive information that something is wrong in the body.

  • Physiological. It has been proven that after physical activity, the level of white blood cells can increase sharply. In addition, the jump can also be caused by the intake of food, certain liquids and medications (this is more of an autoimmune reaction).
  • Pathological and symptomatic leukocytosis is a characteristic feature of some infectious diseases.
  • Leukocytosis can also be “short-term”, as a consequence of stress. It is episodic in nature, appears suddenly and disappears just as quickly. Sometimes, a similar phenomenon accompanies typhus, scarlet fever, diphtheria and some other diseases. This group can be combined with the previous one, but since leukocytosis is short-term, it was decided to separate it into a separate type.
  • Neutrophilic surge. Accompanies myeloproliferative diseases, chronic inflammation and acute infections. The number of white blood cells increases sharply due to an increase in the level of neutrophils.
  • Increased levels of eosinophils in the blood. Eosinophilia occurs clearly when allergic reactions various etiologies and malaria.
  • Basophilic leukocytosis – accompanies myxedema, ulcerative colitis and pregnancy.
  • An increase in the number of leukocytes occurs in all viral infections (ARVI, influenza, herpetic infection, chickenpox, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, etc.) and some severe bacterial ones - brucellosis, syphilis and tuberculosis.
  • And finally a large number of The presence of monocytes indicates that a person suffers from a cancerous tumor and a narrow number of bacterial infections.

Normal values ​​of leukocyte levels in human blood

Normal white blood cell limits are not a standard and constant indicator. This is due to the fact that there are many individual cases when leukocytes in the blood are elevated. Below is a summary table of the current limit values ​​of all subpopulations of leukocytes:

Number of cells * 10 9

Number of cells * 10 9

White bodies destroy not only bacteria, but also those cells that are destroyed, sometimes they “devour” entire organs. So, for example, the tail of a frog tadpole disappears and has lost its significance for the body.

White cells also collect from various foreign bodies that penetrate the body, for example, accumulations of splinters or thorns. When an abscess breaks, a splinter comes out of the body along with the dung.

Food. Occurs after eating. At the same time, the number of leukocytes

increases slightly (on average by 1-3 thousand per µl) and rarely goes beyond

the limit of the upper physiological norm. With food leukocytosis, a large

the number of leukocytes accumulates in the submucosa of the small intestine. Here

they perform a protective function - they prevent the entry of foreign agents

into the blood and lymph. Nutritional leukocytosis is redistributive in nature and

ensured by the entry of leukocytes into the bloodstream from the blood depot.

Myogenic. Observed after performing heavy muscular

work. The number of leukocytes can increase 3-5 times. Huge

The number of leukocytes accumulates in the muscles during physical activity. Myogenic

leukocytosis is both redistributive and true in nature, since

with it, an increase in bone marrow hematopoiesis is observed.

Determination of the number of leukocytes is carried out during a general blood test (CBC):

  • Elevated white blood cells (leukocytosis), as a rule, indicate the presence in the body of any infectious diseases (pneumonia, otitis media, bronchitis, meningitis, etc.), suppuration or inflammatory processes of various localizations (pleura, abdominal cavity, subcutaneous tissue).
  • If leukocytes are low (leukopenia), then they usually talk about low immunity and it is necessary to look for the reason for the suppression of their formation in the bone marrow.

The most common causes of low white blood cells are:

  • consequences of radiation (radiation sickness),
  • anemia with vitamin B12 deficiency,
  • infectious diseases, cancer with metastases to the bone marrow,
  • initial stages of leukemia,
  • taking certain medications.

White blood cells can be very diverse, because much will depend on what specific functions they perform in the body. Along with protecting the human body from infection, leukocytes actively fight all foreign elements that, for one reason or another, have entered the human body.

Regarding the treatment of these diseases and maintaining your health, it is important to consult your doctor promptly.

Methods for treating and restoring the number of white blood cells

If you or your child have low white blood cell counts, you should not treat them as a separate disease.

Treatment of leukocytosis

Treatment for this phenomenon depends on the disease that caused it. Generally, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent and treat the infection that caused the high white blood cell count. To reduce or relieve inflammation, steroids are used to reduce the number of white cells. Leukapheresis is sometimes performed. Using this process, white blood cells are extracted from the blood, and then the blood is transfused back to the patient or stored for the treatment of other people. If an increased number of leukocytes is detected at an early stage, treatment will be quick and effective, and therefore it is necessary to have your blood tested from time to time.

Remember, treatment depends on the type of disease that caused the increase in leukocytes in the blood. Most often, antibiotics can be prescribed; they help fight and cure the infection that causes leukocytosis. To reduce and relieve inflammation, steroids can be used to help reduce the number of white cells.

Leukopheresis may be prescribed; for this, leukocytes are removed from the blood, then the blood is transfused back to the patient or it is saved for the treatment of other patients. If an increased number of leukocytes is detected in advance, you can effectively and quickly be cured, then you need to constantly take a blood test for prevention.

So, an increased number of leukocytes indicates that a person is developing leukocytosis. You need to be thoroughly examined and know the reason for the increase in leukocytes, because it can be dangerous or, on the contrary, be physiological in nature, without having serious pathological processes.

What urine should be normal?

A general urine test is a comprehensive laboratory test that reveals a number of physical and chemical characteristics of a substance, on the basis of which a number of diagnoses can be made.

The normal color of urine should be straw yellow. But in many ways it depends on drinking habits. It must be remembered that some foods and medications affect the color of urine, for example, beets give a reddish tint. Before you go to the doctor, remember what you ate or drank. If the urine contains blood and the obvious color of “meat slop,” then this is an alarming signal and you should immediately consult a doctor. Because this could be a sign of a tumor, injury, or stone that has caused damage to the bladder as it moves. The main thing is to find the cause, the source of the bleeding. Most often, increased intensity of urine color is observed in women with cystitis, especially recurrent cystitis. The craze for the fashionable diet with sauerkraut also does not go away without a trace. This diet changes the acidity of urine and, accordingly, provokes damage to the wall. Bladder, and the urine itself becomes red.

Girls have increased leukocytes in urine

Leukocytes (Le) are the formed elements of blood. Under a microscope, they appear as white cells with a clearly defined nucleus. Their amount in urine can be counted by a laboratory assistant or a specialized automatic counter.

Normally, a child’s urine contains a small amount of leukocytes. Their number is absolutely independent of age, but varies depending on gender.

Increased basophils and monocytes

*Sooner or later, every parent is faced with the need to take a child’s blood test. This is done routinely, after illnesses, and before admission to hospital. kindergarten or school. A general blood test is taken in the morning, strictly on an empty stomach, an exception may be for infants, but, nevertheless, it is better to feed the child 2 hours before the test. Blood is taken from the ring finger or vein.

Increase and decrease in the number of leukocytes in tests

Leukocytes or white blood cells are cells of the immune system that protect the human body from infections and viruses. An increase in the number of these blood cells in the blood in most cases is a signal that an infection has settled in the human body. A decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood is almost always observed when the body’s immune defense is weakened. An increase in the number of white blood cells in the urine, as well as in a vaginal smear, indicates the development of inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs, kidneys or bladder.

Leukocytes - what are they?

Leukocytes are colorless blood cells that can be of very different sizes and shapes. Their size can vary from six to twenty microns, but their shape can be either irregular or round. In fact, white blood cells are responsible for quite a lot important function. They are the main barrier that prevents certain infections from entering the body. These cells contain special enzymes that tend to digest various microscopic organisms. In addition, these cells help not only bind, but also break down foreign protein components, as well as breakdown products that are formed in the human body as a result of their vital activity. Plus, some types of leukocytes tend to produce antibodies, namely protein particles, which in turn destroy all microorganisms that appear on the mucous membranes, in the blood, or in tissues or organs. White blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow.

The normal level of leukocytes in the blood

If a person is completely healthy, the number of white blood cells in his blood should be 4.0-9.0 x 109/l.

  • On the first day - from 8.5 to 24.5 x 109/l
  • In the first month - from 6.5 to 13.5 x 109/l
  • At six months - from 5.5 to 12.5 x 109/l
  • Per year - from 6.0 to 12.0 x 109/l
  • Up to six years - from 5.0 to 12.0 x 109/l
  • Up to twelve years - from 4.5 to 10.0 x 109/l
  • In children aged thirteen to fifteen years - from 4.3 to 9.5 x 109/l.

The number of leukocytes in the blood of a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, the number of white blood cells in the blood of the expectant mother can increase to 15.0 x 109/l. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, a huge number of these cells of the immune system are concentrated in the submucosa of the uterus. This happens because in this way female body it is possible to protect the fetus from certain infections. In addition, a large accumulation of these cells in this area improves the contractile performance of the uterus.

Some forms of white blood cells take part in various protective reactions of the human body. As a result, thanks to the results of the analysis of the leukocyte formula, it is possible to obtain information regarding the nature of the existing pathology. This information First of all, it will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. An increase in the number of the youngest, as well as band neutrophils, is considered to be a signal of blood rejuvenation. In such cases, experts talk about a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left. This kind of shift is especially often observed in inflammatory and infectious pathologies. Sometimes it is also observed with leukemia, accompanied by excessive production of leukocytes.

Increased number of leukocytes in the blood

A condition in which there is an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood to more than 9.0 x 109/l is called leukocytosis. We immediately draw the readers’ attention to the fact that this condition can be both physiological and pathological. Physiological leukocytosis is a condition in which a person experiences an increase in the level of white blood cells in the blood against the background of normal life situations. Leukocytosis is called pathological when it indicates the presence of a particular disease.

Since all of the above factors can cause a spike in white blood cell levels, general analysis It is recommended to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. It is very important that before taking the test the person does not take a bath, is not nervous, and does not perform heavy physical work.

A variety of infectious pathologies, namely:

  • Otitis media is an inflammatory process of the middle ear, which is especially common in childhood. This inflammatory disease is accompanied by pain and noise in the ear. In addition, the patient may complain of increased body temperature, decreased hearing, and discharge of pus from the ear.
  • meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord or brain, which causes nausea, vomiting, and very severe migraines. In the presence of this pathology, the patient, as a rule, lies with his head thrown back, as well as with his legs bent to his chest.
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, accompanied by pain when breathing, increased body temperature and a wet cough with sputum.
  • Erysipelas makes itself felt with an increase in body temperature, migraine and general malaise, after which inflammation of the skin occurs, in which the patient develops blisters, swelling and redness. In most cases, this pathology is observed in the lower extremities.

Inflammatory processes and suppuration of various locations:

  • pleura ( empyema, pleurisy), there is pain in the chest area when breathing,
  • abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, pancreatitis) - nausea, pain in the abdominal area, increased body temperature,
  • subcutaneous tissue ( abscess, panaritium, phlegmon) development of pain in a particular area of ​​the skin, increase in local temperature, development of redness in a certain area, sharp pain when pressed.
  • Leukemia is a group of tumor pathologies in which the human bone marrow begins to produce an excessive number of abnormal white blood cells. Obvious signs of these diseases are: dizziness, hemorrhages, general weakness, enlarged lymph nodes, liver and spleen, bleeding of the mucous membranes. It is possible to establish these pathologies only through a bone marrow examination;
  • Diabetic coma;
  • Condition after severe blood loss;
  • Extensive burns;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Infarctions of the spleen, heart, kidneys, lungs.

Decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood

A condition in which the decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood is below 4.0 x 109/l is called leukopenia. In most cases, a decrease in the number of white blood cells is considered to be a signal of inhibition of the formation of these cells in the bone marrow. In some cases, this condition develops as a result of excessive destruction of white blood cells. It also happens that these cells of the immune system simply remain in the depot organs for quite a long period of time. As a result, the process of their distribution is disrupted. Most often, this condition is observed during collapse or shock.

  • influence of radiation ( radiation sickness, accompanied by damage to the bone marrow, which results in a decrease in the formation of all blood cells);
  • use of certain pharmaceuticals: anti-inflammatory drugs ( analgin, butadione, reopirin, pyrabutol); medications that suppress the thyroid gland ( potassium perchlorate, mercazolyl, propicyl); antibacterial drugs ( chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, syntomycin); medications used to treat oncological pathologies, namely cytostatics ( vincristine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide and so on);
  • aplastic or hypoplastic pathologies, accompanied by a decrease in the formation of both leukocytes and other blood cells, and for unknown reasons;
  • some forms of pathologies in which there is an increase in the performance of the spleen, which in turn leads to excessive destruction of leukocytes: syphilis, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis, lymphogranulomatosis;
  • certain pathologies of an infectious nature: typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, malaria, measles, influenza, brucellosis, rubella;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • anemia, in which there is a lack of vitamin B12;
  • oncological pathologies accompanied by metastases to the brain;
  • initial stages of leukemia formation.

A critical decrease in the level of white blood cells is called agranulocytosis. In most cases, this condition is observed during the use of certain medications. In fact, agranulocytosis is considered to be an extremely dangerous condition, and all because without white blood cells the human body is unable to fight even the most insignificant infectious pathologies.

Leukocytes in urine

To detect white blood cells in urine, urine samples must be examined under a microscope. The level of these cells in urine is measured by the number of white blood cells that can be detected in one field of view under a microscope. The normal number of white blood cells is considered to be up to five in the field of view in females and up to three in males. In children, as well as expectant mothers, the same indicators are considered normal. When urine analysis according to Nechiporenko in one milliliter there should be four thousand leukocytes.

  • Collect urine exclusively in a sterile container.
  • Before collecting it, it is important to wash the genitals thoroughly with soap.
  • For women: before collecting urine, you should close the vaginal opening with a cotton swab. It is also important to slightly spread the labia so that urine cannot come into contact with them when exiting.
  • The first portion of urine must be poured out
  • In this case, only a medium portion of urine is needed

White blood cells in a vaginal smear

Detection of white blood cells in a smear is carried out using a microscope, namely at high magnification. A little higher, we already said that an increase in the level of white blood cells in the blood indicates the fact that there is an inflammatory or infectious process in the human body. The same goes for the smear. In a normal healthy state, only a few white blood cells can be detected in a woman’s smear.

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1.1.4. White bodies

1.1.4. White bodies

White blood cells, more often called leukocytes in the medical community, are colorless cells, round or irregular in shape, ranging in size from 6 to 20 microns. White blood cells are often compared to an amoeba because they are similar to a single-celled organism in that they have a nucleus and are able to move without any help. Another feature of white blood cells is that their number in the blood is much less than the same red blood cells and amounts to 4.0–8.8x10 9 g/l.

What are leukocytes?

Rice. 4. This is what a leukocyte looks like

Leukocytes can rightfully be called the main protective factor in the human body’s resistance to all kinds of diseases. These cells are armed with special enzymes that can “process” microorganisms, and foreign proteins and breakdown products that are formed in the body during the life of the organism can bind and break down. And do not forget about the ability of certain forms of leukocytes to produce special protein particles that attack any foreign microorganisms that enter the blood, or onto the mucous membranes or other human organs and tissues.

White blood cells are divided into two main types. Thus, granulocytes, or granular leukocytes, are those cells in which the cytoplasm has a specific granularity. At the same time, granulocytes are also divided into three groups: neutrophils, divided into band and segmented, as well as basophils and eosinophils.

As you might have guessed, the second type of leukocytes does not contain granules in the cytoplasm and two groups are distinguished among them - lymphocytes and monocytes. The listed types of leukocytes have specific functions and change differently in various diseases.

The phenomenon in which the level of leukocytes is higher than normal is called leukocytosis, while a decrease is called leukopenia.

These phenomena can be physiological, occurring normally in healthy people, or pathological, occurring when certain diseases occur.

In what specific cases can physiological leukocytosis be observed?

The so-called digestive leukocytosis can occur 2-3 hours after eating. Other causes include leukocytosis after intense physical activity, taking hot or cold baths, psycho-emotional stress, as well as before menstruation and in the second half of pregnancy.

Therefore, before conducting a study of leukocyte count indicators, you should avoid stressful situations, intense physical activity, and water procedures. It is also better to take blood samples in the morning on an empty stomach.

The causes of pathological leukocytosis are all kinds of pathological diseases, including otitis, erysipelas, meningitis, pneumonia, as well as suppuration and inflammatory processes of the pleura (empyema, pleurisy), abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, pancreatitis), subcutaneous tissue (felon, phlegmon, abscess). In addition, pathological leukocytosis can cause extensive burns of parts of the body, infarctions of the heart, lungs, spleen and kidneys, conditions after significant blood loss, leukemia, chronic renal failure, or chronic renal failure, as well as diabetic coma.

It should be borne in mind that due to weakened immunity in elderly people, exhausted people, alcoholics and drug addicts in the above conditions, leukocytosis may be absent. It must be remembered that if there is no leukocytosis in infectious and inflammatory diseases, then this is an unkind sign and does not bode well.

Another type of pathology, but due to a decrease in the number of leukocytes below 4.0x10 9 / l, is leukopenia, the cause of which is the inhibition of the formation of leukocytes in the bone marrow. In addition to the main common mechanisms for the development of leukopenia, rare alternative mechanisms are also observed. Among them are excessive destruction in the vascular bed and redistribution of leukocytes with their retention in depot organs, which is observed in shock or collapse.

What diseases and pathological conditions contribute to the development of leukopenia?

Leukopenia can appear as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation, after taking medications, among which it is worth highlighting: anti-inflammatory drugs (analgin, amidopyrine); antibiotics (sulfonamides, levomethicin); drugs that inhibit thyroid function (mercazolyl, propicil); drugs used to treat cancer - so-called cytostatics (methotrexane, vincristine). Among the culprits of leukopenia are hypoplastic or aplastic diseases, the causes of which are still poorly understood, as well as diseases that occur with damage to the spleen, among which it is worth noting cirrhosis of the liver, lymphogranulomatosis, syphilis and tuberculosis. In addition, leukopenia occurs in systemic lupus erythematosus, B 12-deficiency anemia, in oncology with metastases to the bone marrow and in the initial stages of development of leukemia, as well as due to certain infectious diseases such as malaria, brucellosis, typhoid fever, measles, rubella, influenza and viral hepatitis.

Rice. 5. This is what leukemia looks like

For ease of diagnosis, the percentage of all forms of leukocytes in the blood is used as an assistant. And this ratio is called the leukocyte formula. For convenience, all values ​​of the leukocyte formula are presented in Table No. 1.

Table 1. Leukocyte formula of blood and the content of various types of leukocytes in healthy people

Thus, with an increase in the percentage of certain forms of leukocytes, the ending in the names changes accordingly to - ia, - oz or - ez, for example, (neutrophilia, monocytosis, eosinophilia, basophilia, lymphocytosis).

In the case when the percentage decreases, the ending - singing is added to the name of this type of leukocytes, for example, neutropenia, monocytopenia, eosinopenia, basopenia, lymphopenia.

But determining the percentage is not a sufficient solution for making a diagnosis and, if used only, can lead to diagnostic errors. Therefore, in addition to the percentage of forms of leukocytes, their absolute number is also examined. For example, if the leukocyte formula of lymphocytes contains 12%, which is below the established norm, while the total number of leukocytes is 13x10 9 g/l, then the absolute number of lymphocytes in the blood is 1.56x10 9 g/l, that is, “fits” into a normative meaning.

Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between absolute and relative changes in the content of various forms of leukocytes. Thus, absolute neutrophilia or neutropenia and absolute lymphocytosis or lymphopenia denote cases when there is a percentage increase or decrease in certain types of leukocytes with their permissible absolute content in the blood. It happens that both the relative and absolute numbers of different forms of leukocytes are disrupted. This indicates the presence of absolute lymphocytosis or lymphopenia, absolute neutrophilia or neutropenia, and so on.

It should be borne in mind that different types of leukocytes provide different protective reactions, and by analyzing the leukocyte formula, you can learn a lot about the nature of the pathological process and help the attending physician make an accurate final diagnosis.

Now we can take a closer look at what a decrease or increase in various types of leukocytes indicates.

For example, neutrophilia speaks very clearly about the development of an acute inflammatory process and especially about purulent diseases. Moreover, in medical terminology, inflammation is indicated by adding the ending - it to the Latin or Greek name of the organ, and accordingly, neutrophilia is observed with meningitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, otitis, etc., as well as phlegmon and abscesses of various localizations and erysipelas.

Plus, many other infectious diseases, diabetic coma, myocardial infarction, stroke, severe renal failure and bleeding, are accompanied by an increase in the number of neutrophils.

In addition, taking glucocorticoid hormonal drugs, such as prednisolone, triamcinolone, cortisone, can provoke an increase in the number of neutrophils.

It is worth noting that during purulent processes and acute inflammation, stab leukocytes are most active. Moreover, an increase in the number of leukocytes of this type in the blood is called a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, or a band shift.

In addition to an increase in the number of neutrophils, there are also cases of their decrease. This phenomenon is called neutropenia. It can be observed in some infectious diseases, such as typhoid fever and malaria and viral diseases - influenza, polio and viral hepatitis A. Another decrease in the number of neutrophils occurs during severe inflammatory and purulent processes and is an unfavorable sign, indicating an unfavorable prognosis for the patient.

Also, a decrease in the number of neutrophils can be observed when bone marrow function is suppressed, B 12-deficiency anemia develops, the body receives a dose of ionizing radiation, intoxication when taking many medications, such as analgin, biseptol, chloramphenicol, cefazolin, mercazolil and many others.

If you were careful, you were able to notice that what causes leukopenia also leads to a decrease in neutrophils in the blood.

Now we find out when a pathological decrease or increase in the level of lymphocytes occurs. Thus, lymphocytosis is observed in infections such as brucellosis, typhoid and relapsing epidemic typhus and tuberculosis.

For example, in tuberculosis patients, an increase in the level of lymphocytes is a good sign and indicates that the disease is proceeding favorably and a speedy recovery is possible, while lymphopenia indicates the opposite.

Plus, lymphocytosis often appears with decreased thyroid function: hypothyroidism, subacute thyroiditis, chronic radiation sickness, bronchial asthma, B 12-deficiency anemia, fasting. There are known cases of lymphocytosis when taking drugs.

A decrease in lymphocytes indicates a decrease in immunity and is very often detected in patients with severe and prolonged infectious and inflammatory processes, severe forms of tuberculosis, AIDS, certain forms of leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis, prolonged fasting, which leads to the development of dystrophy, as well as in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, drug addicts and substance abusers.

A decrease in monocytes is most common in infectious mononucleosis, as well as in infectious mumps and rubella. The appearance of monocytosis in the blood indicates the presence of severe diseases - sepsis, tuberculosis, some forms of leukemia, as well as malignant diseases of the lymphatic system, such as lymphogranulomatosis and lymphoma.

While monocytopenia indicates damage to the bone marrow and occurs in aplastic anemia and hairy cell leukemia.

And finally, let’s look at the reasons for changes in the number of eosinophils and basophils.

An increase in the level of eosinophils indicates the presence of the following pathological conditions in the body:

Allergic diseases and conditions (bronchial asthma, urticaria, Quincke's edema and others).

Some skin diseases (eczema and psoriasis).

Collagenosis (rheumatism, SLE, or systemic lupus erythematosus).

Some severe blood diseases (lymphogranulomatosis).

Infectious diseases (syphilis, tuberculosis).

Taking certain medications (antibiotics).

Hereditary forms of eosinophilia.

Eosinopenia can appear in the midst of an infectious disease, B 12 deficiency anemia, and in cases of bone marrow damage.

An increase in the number of basophils in the blood indicates the presence of chronic myeloid leukemia and decreased thyroid function. However, there are physiological causes of basophilia, for example, in the premenstrual period in women.

A decrease in the number of basophils, on the contrary, indicates an increase in thyroid function, as well as pregnancy and possible stress. Basopenia also occurs in Itsenko-Cusheng disease, a pathological condition when the functioning of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands is disrupted and the level of glucocorticoids in the blood increases.

What is the significance of red and white blood cells?

1.1.2. Red cells

1.1.2. Red Cells Red cells, also known as red blood cells, are small, round, flat cells approximately 7.5 microns in diameter. A special feature of the red blood cell is its unique shape. So, at the edges it is thicker than in the center, and many compare it with the shape of a biconcave


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