The properties of light green color are such that it cheers up and gives energy for the whole day, so finishing the kitchen in light green tones is optimal solution for active people who have taken place in life.

The conciseness and expressiveness of light green color requires a special approach to the development of kitchen design. Light green cuisine does not fit well with the interior of a classic or rustic style, but is a great solution when creating modern design, which is visible not only in the decoration of the kitchen, but also in the design of the entire dwelling.

We develop design

You can use light green shades in the design of the kitchen either for finishing the main surfaces, or in the design of furniture facades. Colors should be combined correctly, without overloading the room with bright color accents, since the wrong combination, instead of a charge of vivacity, will only cause irritation.

If lime-colored wallpapers are used for wall decoration, then they are best combined with furniture that is simple in shape and has a natural color. natural wood. A dark kitchen set will favorably set off a bright finish, and light furniture is more suitable for small rooms. Light interior items will create the illusion of lightness and spaciousness. The white kitchen set looks original in combination with pistachio wallpaper of a smooth texture.

Examples of light green wall decoration can be seen in the photo.

Quite often, owners have a question, but in order to correctly shade a light green kitchen set? In this case, the wall decoration should be calm. Preference is given to pastel wallpapers with a smooth texture. The more intense the shade kitchen set, the lighter the wallpaper on the walls should be. Walls look organic in the design of which the following colors predominate:

  • classic white;
  • pale blue;
  • beige;
  • creamy;
  • cream.

Advice: it is best to combine light warm shades with light green, as cold tones will hurt the eyes.

The combination of light green with dark brown, coffee and gray is considered ideal. A stylish interior will turn out if metal and glass surfaces are present in the design.

In combination with blue, light green will cause a feeling of anxiety, so it is better not to use this combination of colors in the interior.

What should be the lighting in the kitchen?

The working area of ​​the kitchen should be well lit. To solve this problem, you can use spotlights that give directional light. Directional lighting should be combined with decentralized lighting, and the central chandelier can be completely abandoned. The abundance of artificial light in the interior can irritate the eyes, so it is necessary to ensure the flow of natural light into the room. A large role in solving this problem is played by the correct decoration of the window opening. should be in harmony with the interior. It is better to give preference to shortened curtains or Roman blinds in light shades.

wallpaper design

You can shade the glossy facades of the kitchen set with the help of light wallpaper with a small pattern. Beige tapestries with a golden print look original. In general, matte plain wallpaper can be used to decorate the walls of a room. The textured finish of the main surfaces is suitable only for spacious rooms and is absolutely not combined with the glossy facades of the kitchen set.

If the kitchen set is made of natural wood, that is, it has a natural color and texture, then pistachio or olive textured wallpaper can be used to decorate the walls.

It is very important that the wall design resonates with textiles, it can be the same ornament or color scheme. A harmonious combination of accessories, interior items and design of the main surfaces will create a spring mood in the kitchen and make it a favorite place for all households.

While doing renovations, we are constantly faced with the problem of choice. Each step involves a balanced decision, which is often quite difficult to make. When creating an interior design for a kitchen, we try to use beautiful and favorite colors. One such popular color is green, a wallpaper of this color is perfect for any room, and the kitchen is no exception.

Green accents in the interior of the kitchen

What are people guided by when choosing green wallpapers for their kitchen, let's figure it out.

Kitchen in green

The benefits of green lie on the surface, they immediately catch the eye. Firstly, the green color scheme calms the nerves and has a relaxing effect on the whole body, and secondly, it warms up the appetite and helps to enjoy the process of eating.

Using wallpaper with a kitchen theme

These two factors already allow you to create a kitchen design around green. It is very correct and thoughtful to make an interior in the kitchen that has a beneficial effect on both the psychological state of a person and the physical one. A person surrounded by green flowers feels confident, protected, stability in sensations can be traced.

It is believed that human vision is very loyal to green, therefore it is able to distinguish a large number of shades of this color.

In addition, returning to our home after a hard day's work in the gray, concrete expanses of the city, we, as ever, want to see bright, rich, vibrant colors. Many people associate green and its shades with summer, nature and good mood. It reminds us of green lawns, vast endless forests and ordinary plants that we, due to our busyness, cannot cultivate at home.

Thus, using green wallpaper, you can move nature itself to your kitchen, or any other room. Here, surrounded by pleasant shades of green, it will be easier for you to gain strength, preparing to go back to the dull and dull world of your city. Residents of large metropolitan areas are very familiar with this feeling of longing when they see the same gray landscape day after day.

Pleasant interior of a large kitchen

People who are prone to depression are advised to use green colors when creating the design of the kitchen and other rooms. In these rooms they will be able to get rid of stress, relieve psychological stress.

For wall decoration in the kitchen, almost the entire palette of green is used, but most often the wallpaper is made in light colors, since this achieves the greatest contrast with the interior of the apartment and the outside world.

We combine colors

Green is a fairly sociable color, so a variety of tones can be used as its companions.

Bamboo kitchen wallpaper

Here are some pairs that are probably used most often:

  • Green can be used in a solo kitchen, while it is acceptable to create clear borders with a black tone. Black is a universal color, so it will easily fit into your design, giving it strict forms and simplicity of lines.
  • If you want to add lightness and airiness to the kitchen interior design, then use a combination of green and white. Kitchen furniture white color will look advantageous on a green background. The reverse use is also acceptable, white wallpaper and green furniture, but in this case, you have a colossal burden of keeping the kitchen clean. After all, it is very difficult to constantly maintain the perfect white color of the wallpaper.
  • Green goes well with another natural color - blue. This pair will allow you to create a real piece of wildlife indoors, where blue or will act as the sky, and green as plants, earth. Therefore, most often in this combination, natural, natural colors of saturated shades are used. Light green wallpaper will fit perfectly into this company, but the turquoise color is not very suitable for decorating the kitchen, it should not be used.
  • If you want to create a contrasting kitchen interior design, then brown color will help you here. Brown is also a classic natural color, it is identified with wood. Therefore, green wallpaper will be in perfect harmony with wooden furniture. Brown color. Light green color palette can complement the overall concept, for example, you can use light green wallpaper to create accents, images.
  • Positive interior design is easy to create using classic colors traffic lights: red, green, blue, because it was not without reason that this contrasting combination was chosen for the traffic sign. All three colors are in perfect harmony with each other, complementing each other. You can use green wallpapers as the main ones, and decorate interior items and furniture with yellow and red. You will get an exclusive, joyful interior in which it will be easy to stay, cook, eat.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for combining green with other colors. Therefore, choosing a green palette as the main color, and one of the above options as an additional color, you are unlikely to make a mistake.

Combination of brown and green colors

Knowing this choice, suppliers produce green wallpapers in large quantities in a variety of colors. Options for the kitchen can be either classic plain, or with a kitchen pattern, or an ornament on an abstract theme.

No one knows which drawings you will like, but there are some subtleties in choosing a color and a pair.

  • If you like a more relaxed environment, then choose light shades of green and a soft, unobtrusive companion for this color.
  • If you have an explosive character and you always need a drive, then in addition to juicy green, you will need other bright, bold colors.

Striped wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

You can choose any quality of wallpaper, but it is best to prefer vinyl, as it is the highest quality and most advanced wallpaper material today.

It is quite simple to make a kitchen design in green tones, since this color is quite universal. You can turn to a specialist, a designer, but this work is within your power. Create a pleasant living space in your apartment and enjoy it for a long time.

The kitchen requires special coziness and comfort. The overall interior consists of kitchen furniture, wall cladding, floors and various details. Wallpaper remains the most inexpensive and common way of wall cladding. They do not require special skills when, but with the right choice, they will last for a long time. With the help of wallpaper, you can create a unique interior and visually change the space of the room. The range of wallpapers is huge, you can easily pick up even the most unusual options for every taste.

Varieties of wallpaper

The variety of wallpapers is very large. We used to think that wallpaper is thin, short-lived paper, but in recent times new types have also appeared that are not only easier to stick, but also serve for quite a long time due to their high quality characteristics.

You can choose wallpaper for any room and for every taste. We are accustomed to paying attention to the appearance of the coating. For example, the question of what wallpaper to choose for a blue kitchen, how to combine colors and patterns, we care more than how long this wallpaper will last, whether it can be washed, painted, whether it fades, etc.

When choosing a material, it is important to consider not only how to choose the color of the wallpaper for the kitchen, but also the properties of this material.

  • Paper. The cheapest and most economical option. There are thin single-layer paper wallpapers and more durable two-layer ones. However, in any case, they are made of paper, which makes them very easy to stick, natural, breathable, but extremely fragile. They often tear when glued, and then quickly fade in the sun. In addition, paper simply does not tolerate moisture and does not allow washing.

  • non-woven. Interlining is more durable due to the addition of fabric fibers to the paper. They are easy to glue (but only the wall needs to be glued, not the wallpaper itself, they stretch when wet), they hide small wall imperfections, they are environmentally friendly, they do not wear out for a long time. Most often they are used in the repair of the hall and bedrooms. If you do not know which wallpaper to choose for, interlining is perfect.

  • Vinyl. Vinyl wallpapers contain foamed vinyl, which allows them to be used for painting. These wallpapers can be washed, they are not affected by moisture, so they are perfect for walls in the kitchen. Their disadvantages include a relatively high price relative to paper wallpaper.

  • Acrylic. These wallpapers are almost indistinguishable from vinyl ones. They are breathable, but somewhat less strong and durable than vinyl.

  • fabric. Natural fabrics (silk, linen, velor) are used as the front material for such wallpapers. For a kitchen where there is constant steam and fat, this is not the most practical option.

  • natural. An elite type of wallpaper, not the most recommended for kitchens. Algae can be used in natural wallpaper, natural wood, tourniquet, cork and other materials. It is beautiful and environmentally friendly, but such wallpapers do not tolerate moisture, are quite expensive and are difficult to glue.

Since the wallpaper is selected at the stage of repair work, there are usually no problems with choosing a color. The most suitable seems to be just a favorite color that does not irritate the eye. But after a while, when all the materials have already been purchased, there are problems of combining all the details: the kitchen itself (set), the colors of the walls, floor and ceiling. In order not to have to change the purchased materials, think in advance how to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, washable or paper, with what pattern and in what quantity.

  • How to choose wallpaper for a red kitchen? The red color of the kitchen is recommended to be diluted with more neutral shades. Pure bright red will irritate the eyes and cause fatigue. Milky wallpapers go well with a red headset, as well as cold whites, browns, grays and blacks for those who like it brighter.

  • Green kitchen: what wallpaper to choose? Green color, even in a bright version, is quite calm and non-irritating. However, it is not always recommended to dilute the green headset with bright wallpaper. Under the grassy green, soft yellow or cream wallpapers are well suited, under the olive green - the color of the wallpaper with a coffee tint, under the emerald set it is better to choose a cold white color.

  • What wallpaper to choose for a beige kitchen? Beige is considered a neutral color, so the choice of wallpaper color is practically unlimited: brown, white, blue, gray, yellow, green, etc.

  • Brown kitchen: what wallpaper to choose? The brown color of the headset is the most common. It goes well with both bright and light wallpapers. You can safely choose pale green, cream, red, yellow, coffee shades.

  • Orange kitchen: what wallpaper to choose? Bright orange kitchen looks very original. In order not to turn a juicy orange color into an annoying one, combine it with beige, white, gray, sand shades. Adding more brightness is not worth it.

  • Purple kitchen and wallpaper color. Not the most frequent color of the headset, it is not always easy to combine it. If you don’t know what the purple kitchen is in harmony with, what wallpaper to choose, photos on the Internet will tell you the answer. When choosing wallpaper, it is better to have a piece of material of this color with you. Recommended wallpaper colors: white, beige, yellow, green (if the color of the kitchen is closer to lavender).

Wallpaper for a small kitchen

Of particular note is the question of which wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen. I want to visually expand a cramped room, push the walls apart, and not make it even more compressed and small. From right choice wallpaper depends on the perception of a small kitchen. It can be cute and cozy, stylish and bright, but the walls should not crush.

To visually expand the room, you need to choose the right not only wallpaper, but also kitchen furniture, accessories, curtains.

  • Bright hues. Of course, for small rooms, lighter shades of the walls are always recommended. White, cream, beige, milky shades, ivory, ivory are considered universal. They will not only make the kitchen brighter, wider, but also fit perfectly with everything. For example, if you don’t know what light green cuisine is combined with, what wallpaper to choose, you can safely choose the color of ivory.

  • Dark pattern on a light background. It looks interesting bright or dark pattern on a white background. If there is not too much dark color, then visually the kitchen will not become even smaller. But pay attention to whether the drawing is very colorful and whether it irritates the eyes. You can make only one such bright wall in the kitchen.

  • fine drawing. Try not to choose wallpaper with a bright large and clear geometric pattern. A light, small, unobtrusive pattern, especially a flower, is best suited for a cramped room. It will add romance, lightness, and light walls will not look so boring. Stripes, both horizontal and vertical, will not work in this case.

  • Wall mural with a large pattern. One of the walls can be pasted over with photo wallpaper depicting nature or the city. However, this technique should be used with caution, as it is not always recommended for a small kitchen and has many nuances.

  • "Kitchen" drawing. If you want brightness, then buy light wallpaper with plates, cups and other kitchen utensils. They look cute, interesting, and due to the lack of a large amount of dark color, they will make the kitchen lighter and more spacious.

  • "Natural" wallpaper. As mentioned above, natural wallpaper materials are not a kitchen option, but you can buy wallpaper that imitates brickwork, wood, leather or fabric. It looks interesting and original. A small kitchen will be transformed and sparkle with new colors. But do not take too dark, brown or dark gray wallpaper.

Unusual options and patterns for kitchen wallpaper

Plain wallpaper and classic patterns are not to everyone's liking. However, there is one difficulty in original ideas: they are difficult to harmonize with a sense of comfort and kitchen furniture. Unusual wallpapers are not so easy to fit into the chosen style. For example, the classic does not allow any three-dimensional drawings and similar innovations.

If modern or simply lack of style, then the choice of unusual wallpaper options is greatly expanded. However, remember that the price of such wallpapers will be much higher. In order to save money, only one wall can be distinguished with unusual wallpaper, which is located further from the working area and is less exposed to steam.

  • Wallpaper with the effect of deformation of the walls. An interesting option for people with a strong psyche. This is the most modern version wallpapers that create the feeling of moving, blurring walls. The constant presence in such a room can make you dizzy, so choose a deforming wallpaper only if you do not spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

  • Wallpaper with recipes. If you don’t know what a bright kitchen is combined with, what wallpaper to choose, stop at this interesting option. Recipe wallpapers will leave the scenes white, while small text will create the effect of a small picture and freshen up the scenes. In addition, on such wallpapers you can find something interesting for yourself. As an option - wallpaper-stickers. You can write your favorite recipes on them, which will always be at hand.

  • Volumetric wallpaper. There are wallpapers with the effect of a three-dimensional pattern, and there are literally three-dimensional wallpapers. They are usually sold as thin paper panels and are easy to glue. For the kitchen, this is an impractical option, but you can accent only one wall with such wallpaper. Re-gluing such wallpapers is easy, but expensive.

  • Wallpaper with pockets. Incredibly comfortable and original version fabric wallpaper. Choose a wall away from the stove and stick wallpaper with small pockets where you can put notebooks with recipes, various little things, accessories.
  • Magnetic wallpaper. A good option if you love fridge magnets but you've run out of space on your fridge. Such wallpapers are produced simply in the form of a white canvas or with patterns. It is easy to attach any magnets to them, with which you can fix reminders, schedules, recipes on the wall.

Bicolor kitchen

Using a combination of colors, you can create an interesting interior and at the same time save a lot, because simple plain wallpapers are cheaper than wallpapers with bright three-dimensional patterns and unusual effects.

However, you need to combine wallpapers according to certain rules. It is especially difficult to combine several colors in furniture and walls. For example, if you are in doubt about how black and white kitchen, which wallpaper to choose, choosing a two-color wallpaper for the walls will be even more difficult.

You can also use the second type of wallpaper if there is any damage on the wall or if the first gluing option was not very successful.

  • Vertical zoning. Dividing the walls with stripes with different patterns and patterns allows you to visually raise the ceiling, but narrow kitchen will become narrower. This is a great solution if the kitchen has asymmetrical walls. With the help of vertical zoning, you can level the room.

  • Horizontal zoning. Horizontal zoning in the interior of kitchens is used more often. Usually use wallpaper of similar shades. Zoning can take place in the middle of the wall or move in any direction.

  • Contrasting color combinations. Best combined bright and dark colors with classic white. This will interesting solution If you don't know which wallpaper to choose for a white kitchen, photos on the Internet will help you decide on the choice of wallpaper. A white set in a small kitchen will look great with two-tone wallpaper where there is white.
  • Combination of colors of different intensity. If you don’t know which wallpaper to choose for the kitchen in two colors, choose 2 wallpaper options of the same color, but of different intensities or shades. Lighter wallpapers are usually glued to the top of the wall, but options are also possible.
  • Combination of different patterns. It looks interesting combination of wallpaper with a small and large pattern, wide and narrow stripes. You can also combine a check and a floral print, but the check is best placed at the bottom of the wall.

  • accentuation. Using wallpaper of a different color or pattern, you can highlight only one wall or even one zone. This will refresh the kitchen, give it brightness and originality.
  • Combination of different textures. Textures can be combined, but wallpapers from different price categories are not. It is advisable to select wallpapers of the same company, which differ in texture, but look harmonious with each other.

Wallpaper color for light and dark kitchens

It is easier to choose wallpaper if the lighting in the kitchen is good, and the kitchen itself is of a normal medium size or spacious. For a dark or small kitchen, the choice of wallpaper should be especially careful and thoughtful.

If the kitchen is sunny, which wallpaper to choose is a matter of taste. In a bright kitchen, it is easy to beat any shades and tones. You can use both dark and light wallpapers of warm and cold shades, bright rich colors and unusual patterns.

For dark kitchen wallpaper is a little more difficult to pick up. Sometimes the chosen color looks different in low light, so there are a few nuances to consider.

  • To add color to a dark kitchen, choose a glossy wallpaper or one with a mother-of-pearl pattern. They will create glare even with insufficient or artificial lighting which will make the room brighter and more spacious.
  • If you have a gray kitchen and you don’t know what wallpaper to choose, choose white and gray tones for wallpaper. Firstly, white and gray are a stylish combination, and secondly, light gray shades make the kitchen a little lighter and look beautiful under artificial lighting.

  • Brown and "woody" color for a dark kitchen is also suitable, but it should not be too dark, otherwise the room will become gloomy.
  • To give a dark kitchen a little brightness and light, make the walls light, almost white, but dilute them with a few bright details, such as red shelves or colored paintings.
  • If the kitchen is well lit, but the kitchen set itself is rather dark, choose wallpaper in light or delicate colors (blue, lilac, yellow, green), plain or with a light unobtrusive print.
  • The pattern on the wallpaper should be small and unobtrusive. For a dark kitchen, lurid wallpaper is undesirable. If you like large drawings, they should not be too bright.
  • Absolutely any dark headset, dark or light kitchen will suit the green shades of the walls. In this case, green can be olive, grass or emerald. Several shades of green work well in a dark kitchen.

  • Light kitchen set can be combined with any wallpaper. If the walls are also very light, the set will merge with them, but this is good for a very small kitchen when you need to create the feeling of invisible furniture. The bright walls contrast beautifully with the bright kitchen.

The main mistakes when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen

Sometimes, even if all the rules of choice are followed, you can buy expensive and high-quality wallpapers that will spoil the interior of the kitchen. To prevent this, remember the main mistakes that can be made when choosing wallpaper.

  • Wrong color. Stores are usually well lit and very bright. The color of the wallpaper plays, the pattern shines, everything seems beautiful. But after you paste the wallpaper on the wall, it can be unexpectedly pale and not as pretty. Always consider the degree of light intensity in your kitchen. Go into the shade with this roll and look at the color.
  • The texture has changed. This phenomenon can be observed when buying cheap paper wallpapers. At the time of purchase, there was a three-dimensional drawing, and then it soaks under the influence of liquid glue and smoothes out on the wall.
  • Short-lived wallpaper. Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen is necessary, taking into account the characteristics of this room. In the kitchen, there is always high humidity, steam, temperature changes, splashes sometimes fly on the walls. It is logical to assume that paper and fabric wallpapers will "live" in the kitchen for a very short time.
  • Busting with color. If you have a favorite and even adored color, you do not need to try to make the entire kitchen one-color, especially if the color is bright. Even a favorite shade with an overabundance begins to annoy. In the store it seems that you take the wallpaper to match the color of the headset exactly the same and it will be appropriate, but after the repair it turns out that the kitchen just hurts the eye.

  • "Difficult" Wallpaper. If you choose trendy fabric, voluminous wallpaper, glass wallpaper and other novelties, be prepared for the fact that it is very difficult to glue them. Wallpaper can look different if the wrong glue or technique is used. It is better to entrust expensive and unusual wallpapers to a professional, otherwise you risk just spending money, but not getting the desired result.

If you still doubt the correctness of the choice, ask the seller for a piece of the selected wallpaper, come home and attach it to the wall in the kitchen. You can also smear it with glue to determine if the texture changes under its influence.

Today, wall decoration manufacturers offer a huge selection of wallpapers that are made from different materials, have different cost, design, advantages and disadvantages. There are various factors to consider when choosing wallpaper, and we will dedicate our review to choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen, which is extremely important for creating a cozy and beautiful environment.

You can create the most harmonious interior in the kitchen by providing a successful combination of individuality with a style decision. This also applies to the choice of wallpaper color, which should be based on the size of the kitchen, its degree of illumination, the general style of the interior, but at the same time take into account the preferences of the owners.

Designers advise choosing light-colored wallpapers for decorating small kitchens, and using darker wallpapers when decorating large rooms. If the kitchen faces north, then it is better to choose warm colors: yellow, orange, cream, beige, etc. When designing a south-facing kitchen, it is better to give preference to calm shades: apricot, sandy, amber, coral.

It would not be superfluous to take into account the opinion of psychologists, because it has already been proven that color can affect the spiritual comfort and even the well-being of a person. For example, red excites the nervous system and increases appetite; blue - soothes; green also has a calming effect and improves digestion.

When decorating the walls of the kitchen, it is not customary to use black and dark shades of brown. It is believed that such a finish has a depressing effect and makes the room visually cramped.

Useful advice: when choosing the color of the wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to remember that, first of all, it should suit the owners of the house. If the wall decoration is done taking into account all the rules and recommendations, but such a design will conflict with their personal color perception, then this kitchen will never become a place for cozy home gatherings.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper to match the color of the kitchen

Designers believe that the wallpaper should not be the same color as the kitchen, as all the elements of the interior will merge, and the room will look very banal. If you want to create a calm and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, then the best option there will be a choice of wallpaper to match the furniture, but a little brighter or lighter. On the Internet you can find numerous photos that demonstrate this.

To make the kitchen more expressive and bright, you can follow the path of playing on contrasts, that is, choose very bright wallpapers for a calm color headset, and vice versa. By the way, the kitchen is the only place where you can use such a contrasting design with wallpaper, since in this room, as a rule, the area covered by them is small. This eliminates the visual load characteristic of contrasting interior design.

Wallpaper color for red kitchen

When choosing a red kitchen, it should be understood that it will not really relax, therefore, it will good choice only for dynamic and active natures. Although, even a cheap version of the red kitchen looks very interesting.

Creating a harmonious atmosphere in the kitchen is possible only with the dosed use of red in the interior, therefore, red furniture should be correctly balanced with wallpaper in cool shades and neutral colors. This is especially true for kitchens with south-facing windows and small rooms.

The most advantageous red color looks in the interior of the kitchen in combination with wall decoration in light shades - white, milk, cream, light gray, beige, milk chocolate. Such wallpapers deprive red of aggressiveness, while emphasizing its beauty.

Green kitchen wallpaper

Designers consider green to be friendly and able to blend harmoniously with various colors and shades. However, they advise choosing colors that are in harmony in tone. For example, for a warm green kitchen, a warm wallpaper color is suitable: yellow, orange, rich beige.

A kitchen in a cooler shade of green will look great against a cold-colored wallpaper, such as blues or grays.

The best option for lovers of contrasts in the interior would be a combination of green kitchen with white wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the kitchen in white

The white kitchen gives the room a very neat and even elegant look, for which it is very loved by the hostesses. At the same time, a white kitchen can be chosen for any style of interior, both traditional and creative. As for color combinations, the white color of the kitchen set can be successfully combined with almost any color of the room decoration, it all depends on what kind of atmosphere in the kitchen the owners of the house want to get in the end. If the goal of the repair is to obtain a calm, relaxing space, then it is better to choose pastel colors - beige, cream, brown. The interior can be supplemented with bright local accents in the form of kitchen apron, curtains, lampshade, etc.

On the contrary, it is better for lovers of juicy interiors to choose wallpapers of bright colors (yellow, orange, pink, turquoise, etc.) for a white kitchen, of course, given the size of the kitchen, its illumination, and geometric parameters.

Wallpaper color for orange kitchen

Orange color symbolizes optimism and energy, it makes the kitchen very colorful. However, you need to choose wallpaper for it very carefully. In this case, designers are advised to refuse dark shades. In general, the selection of wallpaper for an orange kitchen largely depends on its illumination. If the kitchen is oriented to the south and there is a lot of sunlight in it, then choosing a uniquely bright wallpaper will be a mistake, they must be combined with cooler tones.

As the main wallpaper color for orange cuisine you can safely take beige, ivory and gray. You can also experiment with sand, metallic, milky, creamy colors. You should remember the main rule - the wallpaper for the kitchen in orange must be chosen among light colors.

Yellow kitchen wallpaper

Yellow color in the concept of people means the sun, light and warmth, good mood and optimism. Those who want to get a calm and relaxing kitchen interior should choose light blue, light green, sand, cream or light brown wallpapers for the yellow kitchen.

In addition, the yellow color, active in its energy, can be very successfully combined with the same vibrant colors: red, orange, purple, blue. This will allow you to get a bright and extraordinary interior, however, then you will have to be very careful about choosing other design elements, since busting is the main enemy of intense shades.

Wallpaper color for bright kitchen

The concept of "bright kitchens" includes a wide range of colors, represented by both white flowers and more saturated shades: vanilla, pearls, ivory.

Light furniture is very well suited for the interior of the kitchen, especially a small one.

The interior of the kitchen in light colors is a neutral and calm option, a win-win for those who seek to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere.

Light furniture goes well with both warm and cold shades.

By muting flashy shades, it makes them softer and more organic. Choice bright kitchen will be especially successful when creating contrasts with green, purple, yellow, pink, turquoise wallpapers.

Wallpaper color for a gray kitchen

There are many shades of gray: warm and cold, neutral and defiant, they can look completely different with other colors, acting as participants in the most unexpected combinations. Somebody think grey colour too ordinary, however, by correctly choosing a combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen, you can create a very comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

A gray kitchen will look most advantageous against a background of white, pink or blue walls. Moreover, against a background of pure white, a gray kitchen will look somewhat defiant, it is better to give preference to warm shades of white, milky or vanilla, they will help create a nice and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen.

Beige kitchen wallpaper

Designers appreciate the beige color for its harmonious combination with different colors and shades, and the ability to combine it with both bright and calm tones. For a beige kitchen, blue, green, red (burgundy) wallpapers are perfect, they will make the interior bright and elegant. To get an extraordinary interior, you can choose wall decoration in purple and lilac shades. Yellow wallpaper will perfectly complement the beige furniture, making the atmosphere in the kitchen cozy and joyful.

Also beige kitchen it will look very nice with white wallpaper, but only if it is not snow-white white, but one of its warm shades.

Black kitchen wallpaper

Some mistakenly associate black color in the environment exclusively with pessimism and gloominess. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Black in the interior is usually chosen by bright, self-sufficient and self-confident people. To kitchen furniture of this strict, and even noble color, looked harmonious, for her you just need to choose a decent environment.

Designers believe that the most win-win option in this case will be white, beige, milky, cream or light gray wallpapers.

Wallpaper in orange shades will make the kitchen warm and sunny, and if you add orange dishes and textiles to the interior, then such a room will always look elegant and very comfortable.

An excellent background for a black kitchen will be a calm green wallpaper. It should be remembered that the green color has a large number of shades, and with each of them the kitchen will look different.

Combination pink wallpaper with a black kitchen is a great option for romantic natures. But active and impetuous people will feel quite comfortable even in an interior that combines black and red (the reviews of those who share their impressions of the repair confirm this).

Useful tip: when designing a kitchen with black furniture, do not overdo it with dark shades of accessories!

Violet kitchen wallpaper

Violet color has the richest range of shades, it is very beautiful and expressive, however, it should be handled very delicately when decorating the interior of the kitchen. An excess of purple will make the room unfriendly, it will take strength and annoy, and then the most expensive repairs will not be a joy. That is why designers also do not recommend using several shades of purple in the interior.

The most favorable and harmonious atmosphere in the kitchen can be obtained by pasting the walls in the kitchen with a purple set with wallpaper in soothing light colors, for example, light gray or white. This combination will be ideal for a minimalist or high-tech kitchen.

To create a cozy homely atmosphere, you can use cream or green (sage) wallpapers. Also, the lilac kitchen will go well with brown, pale gray and pink walls.

How to choose the color of the kitchen wallpaper color

Furniture in any room is the most significant element of the interior, and the kitchen is no exception. Therefore, it is necessary to correlate the shade of the walls with it, and not with other interior details.

If furniture needs to be highlighted, then, regardless of what color it is, the walls should be calm and not flashy, without flashy drawings. In general, if the furniture is original, then the wallpaper should be chosen as discreet as possible.

If the shade of the kitchen set is light and calm, and the kitchen area is large enough, then the walls can be decorated with a brighter and more saturated color.

For a solid color kitchen set, you should choose contrasting walls, bright and decorated with a pattern.

Furniture in modern style, which is characterized by a metallic sheen and muted tones, it is better to complement it with a plain and conservative wall decoration.

Useful advice: if you cannot decide which color of the walls in the kitchen will be most comfortable for you, hang sheets of paper painted in certain colors on the walls. In a few days, it will become clear to you which of them annoy you, which ones calm you down, and which ones increase or, on the contrary, spoil your mood. Then the repair will definitely be successful, and the wallpaper, the price of which today can be quite high, will not have to be re-pasted.

Kitchen color under green wallpaper

Green color is loved for its calm brightness, cheerfulness, proximity to nature. Choosing the color of the kitchen under the green wallpaper is based on its shades. For wall decoration in rich green shades, it is better to choose a white or black kitchen (the gloom of black will be balanced by the mischief of green); if the walls are calm green, then the kitchen can be brown, gray or blue. A turquoise, yellow, orange or red kitchen will suit the cheerful light green color of the walls.

But the kitchens of purple, purple and Pink colour designers in this case do not recommend using it, since it will not work to create a harmonious interior with such combinations.

Kitchen color under beige wallpaper

Beige wallpaper is one of the surest ways to create a calm and comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen. However, so that the interior does not turn out boring and uninteresting, you should carefully consider what color the furniture should be in such a room.

For example, a dark chocolate kitchen is suitable for wallpaper made in sandy and sunny shades of beige. This combination will make the interior warm and comfortable.

Wallpaper in grayish-beige shades is the perfect backdrop for sets of bright colors: turquoise, red, pink, yellow,

Helpful Hint: In a kitchen decorated with beige wallpaper, you should not use cold lighting, as it will make the walls off-white. It is better to give preference to lamps with warm light, and remember that excess lighting can deprive a kitchen in beige shades of warmth and comfort.

Green wallpaper, due to the versatility of its color, can be used for various rooms. In particular, they are well suited for the kitchen. But, to create with their help cozy interior a number of important points must be taken into account. You can read about them below.

green properties

This coloring has a positive effect on a person, improving his condition. nervous system. In general, green wallpaper in the kitchen creates a calm and peaceful environment.

Psychotherapists claim that the use of this color scheme allows you to compensate for the lack of warmth and spiritual harmony. In addition, it helps to get rid of negative emotions and get a positive boost of energy. This palette is very close to the natural atmosphere and therefore gives a feeling of spaciousness and freedom.

The right combination of colors in the kitchen

One of the first questions that pops into the minds of homeowners is what color the kitchen should be to match the green wallpaper.

In this regard, it is worth explaining the following:

  • the first and most logical option is to purchase a headset completely executed in green tones. The specific shade should be selected based on personal preferences. The main thing at the same time is that you like the chosen set and be comfortable for your eyes;
  • in the event that you cannot afford to purchase a whole headset, you can do it differently - buy only new ones in the right way. They must be installed on existing kitchen modules. This is done with your own hands, using a screwdriver and small screws;
  • another interesting option is to replace only individual facades. We draw your attention to the fact that the replaced samples must be of a suitable color. So, for a kitchen located with north side light, soft shades are more suitable; darker tones are allowed for the south side;

  • In addition to the previous paragraph, we note that some of the replaced facades may have a different, brighter color. But in order for the resulting headset to look harmonious, the colors should be chosen correctly. The figure below will help you with this.

Advice! Adding white or black modules to the headset will help you create an attractive design effect. They will give the kitchen a more rigorous and academic look.

As for the use of bright colors, the kitchen with green wallpaper allows the use of those that are widely represented in nature:

  • yellow - it is quite organic, because it corresponds to sunlight;
  • orange is the color of sunset;
  • cream - has a woody tint;
  • brown - close to the color of the earth.

A very effective design technique is the use of color accents. It is implemented in the form working wall, chairs, chandeliers or curtains of the appropriate tone. This also includes the placement of various accessories in light green colors.

Green kitchen wallpaper

Criterias of choice

To answer the question of which wallpaper is suitable for a green kitchen, it is necessary to indicate the criteria that they must meet.

These include:

  • the ability to operate in conditions of high humidity;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • lack of ability to absorb odors;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning.

Based on these points, we can immediately conclude that paper. They do not withstand moisture and grease. Also, they cannot be washed.

Suitable types of wallpaper for the kitchen

Speaking about which wallpapers for a green kitchen may or may not be used, it should be noted that vinyl-based canvases are a very suitable option. But they have one drawback - the inability to pass air. Because of this, there is a danger of fungus or mold on the walls.

Advice! To reduce the likelihood of the development of harmful microorganisms, it is necessary to use a kitchen hood and regularly ventilate the room.

Currently, non-woven and fiberglass wallpapers are often used in kitchens.

This is due to the fact that they have the following advantages:

  • simplified gluing process - in this case, the adhesive composition is applied only to the wall;
  • the possibility of subsequent staining - it is produced by applying a layer of water-based paint.

If your interior is monochrome, then the wallpaper for the green kitchen should have a pattern or some kind of pattern. This will make the room more attractive and individual.

In the case of fiberglass wallpaper, the image can be applied independently, by hand. If you do not have artistic abilities, then you should use a stencil.

Let's note one more important point. When designing a kitchen in a single color scheme you should take into account the fact that the same tone on different objects does not look the same. Therefore, in order to create a single color ensemble, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of selecting shades, since the price of a mistake here is a violation of the harmony of the interior.


In the kitchen, it can be presented not only on wallpaper, but also on furniture and various accessories. In order for all this to look organic and beautiful in the end, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of combining all these elements. Instructions for their selection were given above ().

And in order for all this to be not only beautiful, but also practical, you need to choose the most suitable type of wallpaper for the kitchen. These include vinyl, non-woven and fiberglass canvases. You can learn more about this topic from the video in this article.