For any type of real estate today it is not just a certificate, but the main document confirming the owner of the object. This is especially true for transactions that were concluded since the end of 2016, since it was then that Rosreestr stopped issuing title certificates and their duplicates to owners.

All data related to real estate in the field of cadastral issues, characteristics, and characteristics of ownership are now saved in a single consolidated database. Regardless of how many changes are made to the register, whatever they may be, all information, even if it is no longer relevant, is stored in electronic form and will not be deleted even after the object is liquidated. Thus, if necessary, the information can be used not only for today’s needs, but also in old disputes or other urban planning and legal issues.

Not only property owners, but also other interested parties, regardless of their location and purposes, have the right to receive the above-mentioned extract.

A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights, which you will receive through the widget:

A sample extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to a property, which you will receive through the widget:

Instead of the usual evidence

In accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 122-FZ, which regulates the rules for making changes to the unified current state register (USRN), signed on July 3, 2016, amendments were made to documents confirming ownership rights. If previously such a document was a certificate of completion state registration, then now this is the corresponding extract having the same legal force. However, those citizens who have a previously received certificate in their hands are not required to exchange it for an extract if they do not enter into any transactions with the real estate. However, even if they conclude, such a certificate is not important for the seller, but the new owner will be issued just such a certificate.

The official cancellation of title certificates occurred on July 15, 2016. Starting from the same date, instead of the usual documents, citizens received an extract from the Unified State Register, and from January 1, 2017, an extract from the Unified State Register. All rules regarding this document are contained in Law No. 218-FZ, signed on July 13, 2015. That is, in essence, the same rules that were in effect previously apply.

How to submit a request for an extract:

  • By using the website of public services or Rosreestr and submitting an electronic completed form;
  • By appearing in person at the territorial office of Rosreestr or the Multifunctional Center;
  • By sending an application with copies of documents by mail.

Information content of the help

Previously issued certificates contained rather little information regarding the owner of the property, his rights to it and about the property itself. In addition, if such a document was issued a long time ago, this does not guarantee that the information contained in it is still relevant. Approved by the Ministry economic development The extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate regarding the transfer of proprietary rights has been significantly expanded and is aimed not only at being informative, but also at reducing the risk of encountering fraud.

Such an extract has several key sections, in each of which certain data is grouped:

All listed items are publicly available to all interested parties. The period for receiving the finished document has been reduced and is three working days. Time will be counted from the date on which the corresponding request was registered.

Functional need

You should clearly understand when exactly it is necessary to make a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate regarding the transfer of ownership rights to real estate. Most often, the reasons for this are:

Quite often, such a certificate is ordered by persons who want to file a lawsuit against the current owner in order to refute the legality of the rights received by him. On the other hand, the same document is also used by the owners of the property when protecting their rights in court and confirming the legality of their transfer to another person.

Difference from previous documents

Due to the fact that previously citizens and legal entities only when necessary, in special cases, there will be slight confusion among the population for some time. This is due to the fact that after the cancellation of the issuance of certificates, there were two extracts from the Unified State Register, and since 2017 they were replaced by similar extracts from the Unified State Register. Although both options have the same name, they should be distinguished.

For example, there is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of ownership rights, which is issued by Rosreestr immediately after the state registration of rights to property is completed. Such a document is attached to the general package of papers for the object and is of unlimited duration. But there is another extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the transfer of ownership rights, which can be received at any time by both the owner of the property and any outside interested person. This will be an informative certificate, and it is relevant only on the date of its issue.

In addition, in the latter case, a distinction is made between ordinary and extended statements. An extended certificate can only be obtained by the owner and some government agencies, because it contains confidential information.

Archival references

Despite the fact that an extended extract on the transfer of rights with data from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is available by law only to a limited circle of persons, some private organizations provide paid services to the population to obtain it. Whether to use them or not is entirely up to everyone, but it is also a certain risk. No one can guarantee that the information obtained in this way is relevant to this day.

In addition, there is a more reliable, legal and free way to get acquainted with such confidential information - ask the owner of the real estate to order and present an extended extract. If he agrees, then he has nothing to hide. However, the right to demand such a document is justified only when concluding real estate transactions, when a potential buyer or tenant wants to protect himself completely by checking the legal purity as carefully as possible.

From the extended extract, you can find out not only the current owner, but also all previous ones, when ownership rights were transferred, from whom and to whom, on what grounds, what encumbrances were, whether they were removed, as well as who was registered in the residential area.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only.
We recommend that you contact our lawyer.

What is a simple extract from the Unified State Register?

The abbreviation Unified State Register of Rights is translated as a unified state register of rights. Simply put, everything real estate V Russian Federation entered into one general register. This register stores information about the owners and encumbrances of real estate.

So what exactly is a transfer of ownership statement?

The transfer of ownership statement indicates all owners, that is, the current owner and all previous ones. The only thing is that the owners are listed starting from 1998. Why exactly since 1998? Everything is very simple, it was from this year that the unified state register of rights began to exist. And all information before this year should be stored in the BTI archive, since that is where all real estate transactions were previously made.

Are there any other differences between a regular extract from the Unified State Register and an extract on the transfer of ownership rights?

Let's say right away, yes there is. In a regular statement there is a column "encumbrances/restrictions" and the extract on the transfer of ownership rights does not have such a clause.

Not everyone understands the meaning of the word " Encumbrance/restriction" An encumbrance on real estate means a complete or partial ban on the participation of this real estate in any transactions. A ban can be imposed by a court, bailiffs, a bank, and so on. The bank imposes an encumbrance in the form of a mortgage, the court and bailiffs may generally prohibit any transactions with the apartment. These encumbrances can only be removed by the party to whom they were imposed.

Where and how to order an extract on the transfer of ownership rights?

An extract on the transfer of ownership rights, however, like a regular extract from the Unified State Register, can be ordered on our website, or on a website personally verified by us, at one time they helped us a lot:

Ordering an extract is very simple, just fill out the form below. If you want to order an extract on the transfer of ownership rights, then this must be indicated immediately. You can do this by filling out the column "Your note." Then you need to press the button "payment" and pay for the order. We have a very diverse list of payment options, everyone can find something convenient for themselves. After payment, your request is sent for processing. The completed statement will be emailed to you within half an hour. Of course, sometimes there are delays, but this depends not on us, but on the work of the Rosreestr service, since we order all the necessary information there using corporate access.

If for some reason your property is not in the database, we will return your money to you.

It often happens that clients are interested in the freshness of data. So, in order to dispel all doubts, we want to say right away that the information in the statement is current at the time of the request, that is, there is nowhere more recent. All information is provided to us exclusively by Rosreetr!

How to obtain an extract on the transfer of ownership rights through Rosreestr or MFC?

The method for obtaining an extract on the transfer of ownership rights via the Internet, that is, online, was described above. This statement is urgent and is usually provided within half an hour.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to a property is a document that provides information regarding the history of ownership of an apartment, plot of land or other type of real estate. Covers the issue of the change of owners of the property, the grounds for the acquisition of real estate by each of them, the real owner, as well as the time of registration of changes

What is an extract?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to real estate contains information about the history of ownership of the apartment, a private house. It is possible to obtain a document only for objects registered since 1997, since the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) began to function from that moment. Data on previously registered real estate should be obtained from the BTI or from the archival departments of the administration.

The extract consists of the following information blocks:

  • 1 section. Contains address and number cadastral registration, and also covers in detail the characteristics of the property, including its area and layout.
  • Section 2 Consists of information about all owners of real estate, shares of owners, date and number of registration of rights, date of termination of registration and a document confirming the right to property.
  • Section 3 Includes information about the recipient of the statement.

This form of document, unlike a regular extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, does not reflect information about claims, encumbrances, arrests, pledges associated with the property, as well as about legal disputes or enforcement proceedings in relation to property.

Paper may be needed in the following cases:

  • when drawing up a contract for the purchase or sale of a plot, apartment, house or other real estate with the transfer of collateral;
  • to check the purity of documents from a legal point of view and the grounds for transferring ownership of property;
  • when formalizing a credit relationship with a bank.

Most often, the document is relevant when checking the history of the apartment. The extract informs about frequent resales of real estate in a relatively short period of time, if any. This often indicates fraud with housing or hidden flaws object. Being informed allows you to evaluate all the available nuances regarding a future transaction.

Who can receive

As for who can order this form of extract, anyone can receive this paper upon request in the event of any manipulations with the property.

Often the document is requested by judicial authorities. This happens when the court establishes the rights of a particular person to property. In addition, the extract may be needed by notary offices in the situation of registering rights to real estate or certifying transactions with property.

How to order an extract

You can start the procedure for issuing an extract using the following methods:

  1. Through the MFC or Rosreestr. This method requires the provision of a passport and a handwritten signature of the application completed by the employee. Additionally, you should indicate the address or cadastral data of the object, in particular, the registration number. If the request is submitted by the property owner, you will need to attach a document confirming the rights to the property. Next, an employee of the organization is obliged to hand over a copy of the application and indicate the day the document is issued. Only the person who submitted the request can collect the extract by presenting a passport and a copy of the application. When preparing a document through the MFC, the paper, one way or another, will have to be received at the Rosreestr branch.
  2. Using the Rosreestr website. Here you also need to indicate the address of the apartment, its conditional or cadastral number. Be sure to include your passport details. You should pay attention to the method of obtaining the document. It is possible to send an extract by email, by post or by hand to the Rosreestr authorities upon presentation of a passport.
  3. Through the online form (the fastest way).

It is mandatory to pay the established fee for issuing an extract. The price for a document on paper is 400 rubles, for an electronic extract - 250 rubles. For legal entities the price will be slightly higher. An electronic statement will cost 700 rubles, and issuing a document on paper will cost 1,100 rubles.

The period for issuing an extract is 3-4 days. If requested through the MFC, the period may increase to 7-9 days. At the same time, on the Rosreestr website it is possible to track the registration procedure using the application number.

As for the validity period of the document, it is not established by law, but according to the unspoken agreement of most organizations, the relevance is no more than 30 days.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to property has no difficulties in registration and the procedure is accessible to absolutely any citizen. All you need to do is choose the most convenient method, provide your passport details and address of the property.

Find your property on cadastral map and get your statement online:

The extract from the Unified State Register of Rights on the transfer of rights shows: who owned and who owns the real estate (full name or name of organizations), how the real estate was acquired, from what date to what date and state registration numbers. This information is stored in the Unified State Register Real estate (USRN)

From this extract you can find out the history of ownership of real estate, which is stored in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. But because Rosreestr began operating in 1998, so the information in the extract is shown since 1998. Information up to 1998 is stored in the BTI and only the owner can find it out. An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights can be ordered by anyone for any real estate in the Russian Federation. There are links to instructions for ordering an extract.

Rosreestr issues extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate in electronic and paper form. For clarity, we ordered both extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to an apartment in Moscow and to a land plot in the village of Lovat, Kaluga Region.

Samples of statements for an apartment

(click on the picture to enlarge it)

Paper statement

Electronic statement

For a plot of land

Paper statement

Electronic statement

The order of information about real estate contained in the extract:

  • Address of the apartment and its cadastral number;
  • Full name of copyright holders (owners). If the owner of the apartment is an organization, then its name is shown;
  • Shares of the apartment owned by the owners, if there are several of them;
  • Date of registration of ownership of the apartment of one or another owner
  • State registration number of the right;
  • The date of termination of the right, if any;
  • On the basis of what document the apartment was purchased. This could be a purchase and sale agreement, a gift agreement, etc.

Difference between electronic and paper statements in their very form. The paper one can be held in your hands, but the electronic one has the .html format and is opened using a browser on a computer, tablet or smartphone. The electronic one can be loaded onto a flash drive/disk or other media. The paper one contains the blue seal of the Rosreestr registrar and his hand signature. Together with the electronic extract, they send the registrar’s electronic digital signature (EDS), this is a file with the extension .sig. This file confirms the authenticity of the electronic statement, that the blue seal and the hand signature of the registrar in the paper one.

Where to order, terms and cost

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights can be ordered by any person (even not a citizen of the Russian Federation) and for any real estate in the Russian Federation (both his own and someone else’s). The deadline for receiving an extract by law is up to 3 business days after payment. In practice, you can receive an electronic statement faster than a paper one.

A paper statement costs 400 rubles for individuals and 1100 rubles for legal entities. Electronic — 250 rubles for individuals and 700 rubles for legal entities. There are 2 options for ordering an extract:

  • Order at Companies House or at the MFC ( Multifunctional Center) of your city or region - instructions at this link.
  • Order online - instructions. In our work, we order statements via the Internet - it’s more convenient.

Statement validity period

The validity period for extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is not established by law. But each organization that requires an extract can set its own validity period. Courts, notaries or banks usually accept statements for a period of no more than 30 days. The more recent the statement, the more trustworthy it is.

In the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) about registered rights to real estate, the grounds for their occurrence, and rights holders. How to order an extract, how much it costs and in what time frame the document is produced, why it is needed, in detail in the material.

What it is

An extract from the Unified State Register of Rights on the transfer of rights allows you to find out the history of the apartment: changes of owners, including the last one, grounds for registering the right, time of registration of changes.

Unlike usually an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, it does not contain information about encumbrances, including legal disputes, enforcement proceedings, such as arrest, as well as credit obligations, such as mortgages and pledges.

Not only the history of the apartment is reflected in the statement of transfer of rights, but also land plot. The register may not contain historical information if the registration of rights to the object occurred before 1997.

Before the law came into force, documents were placed in the archives of the BTI and notary services. Also, an archive of documents can be stored in the district or district administration.

An extract on the transfer of rights from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is also called “extended”. It is issued only to the owner of the property upon presentation of a document of ownership, identification and a power of attorney when representing interests.

The document consists of three parts, which reflect the following information. In the first part:

  • type of real estate;
  • location address;
  • cadastral number.

In the second part:

  • the real copyright holder - full name without indicating passport data;
  • date and number of registration of the right;
  • a document of title on the basis of which the transfer of ownership is registered - a purchase and sale agreement, a gift, a certificate of inheritance, etc.;
  • type of registered right and share in ownership of real estate.

Such information is provided for each transfer of rights and owners from the moment the property was founded and Law No. 218 came into force.

The third part contains the details of the applicant - the recipient of the extract.

If there was a restoration of the right by a court decision, then the corresponding column will reflect: “The right is restored by a court decision, date of registration” - the moment of transfer of the right is recorded on the basis of the initial information about the registration of real estate to the full owner.

What is it for?

It is important to receive an extract in the following cases:

  1. Signing a preliminary contract for the purchase and sale of a real estate property (land, apartment, private house, cottage) with the provision of collateral.
  2. Checking the “legal purity” of documents, the grounds for transfer of ownership in order to avoid legal disputes and claims from relatives and other persons.
  3. For getting full history around the apartment. If there has been a frequent transfer of ownership, then lawyers do not recommend purchasing such an object, but rather switching to some other offer. Particularly risky are cases when the basis for the transfer of rights is inheritance or the conclusion of a gift agreement. Claims and disputes most often arise in these categories of transactions.
  4. If the apartment is in shared ownership, then it is important to track the history of the transfer of rights to each part of ownership throughout the entire history of the object’s existence. Those buyers of real estate who buy housing under an agreement of shared participation in construction or directly from the developer are spared from most problems. The possibility of claims from the company's counterparties and other persons is very small.
  5. An extract must be ordered when registering a credit relationship with a bank: when concluding a mortgage agreement or transferring property as collateral against financial obligations. It is important that no previous encumbrances have been imposed on the object in the form of seizure of obligations or security against the contractual claims of another financial institution. Re-foreclosure in this case will be impossible.
  6. At the request of bailiffs, when the composition of the property and its origin is clarified from a certain citizen or organization in respect of whom a judicial act has been adopted that has entered into force, on the collection of a certain amount of debt, the return of real estate and the restoration of rights to it, in other categories of cases.
  7. A notary can also request an extract on the transfer of rights if he is registering rights to real estate or certifying a transaction with it. As an example, we can cite the certification of an agreement on the allocation of shares in jointly acquired property or the drawing up of a marriage contract in relation to certain real estate objects, and the conduct of an inheritance case. The extract also eliminates the need to request complete information about the object in order to determine cadastral value real estate, which is reflected in the extract. Based on its value, the inheritance tax is calculated to be paid to the appropriate budget by the recipients of the property.
  8. During the consideration of a court case, an extract may be requested in order to establish the rights of a certain person to an object. For this purpose, illegal disposal of property may be established, for example, in claims to declare a gift transaction void in the absence of notarial consent to the transaction of one of the spouses, or another transaction invalid.

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the transfer of rights to an objectreal estate

To obtain an extract, you need to go to the “Extract on transfer of rights” page on the official website of Rosreestr. You can get the history of a property by specifying the exact address or if only the apartment number is not known.

This is due to the fact that when sending a request, information will be provided about all the apartments that are located in the designated building, from which you will need to select the desired object to obtain a complete history. You can also send an application using the cadastral number.

It is also possible to submit an application with a package of documents through the nearest MFC branch. However, you still need to receive a completed extract from the regional division of Rosreestr.

In some cases, the result of the request may be a message about the absence of information in the real estate register.

This means that data on the transfer of rights to real estate have not yet been entered into the unified Russian database and you need to apply to obtain them from the authorities that previously registered the transactions - the BTI or the notary.

Applications can only be submitted in person at local offices. The forms of statements received electronically and on paper are different.

Terms and price

There are several ways to provide a certificate; the cost and amount of the state fee for the request depends on this. The document issuance form is entered when filling out the application.

When ordering an extract in electronic form and receiving it by email, the cost for citizens will be 500 rubles. for citizens and legal entities 800 rub. The document will have an electronic signature of a Rosreestr employee.

When ordering a document on paper with a blue seal of the organization, the price will be set at 1,100 rubles. for all categories of applicants. It is also possible to order a document in the original through Russian Post without visiting a Rosreestr branch.

The period for preparing a document when applying online through the State Services website or Rosreestr, as well as when submitting an application in person at the transaction registration authority, is up to 5 working days.

You can track the outcome of the application through the Rosreestr portal; to do this, you need to follow the link “Checking the readiness of documents” and enter the application number.

When applying through the MFC, the period increases to 7-8 working days. This is due to the fact that authorized centers act as intermediaries between applicants and government agencies and it takes time to send documents.

Is it possible to apply for free?

The service is provided to individuals and organizations only on a paid basis. It is possible to submit a request free of charge through the authorities: judicial authorities, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, notaries and other structures as part of the consideration of a particular case.

Brief information about the object can be found on the Public Cadastral Map of Russia. This information will be needed to complete a request online at the address or cadastral number of the property.

To do this, you need to open the official website, mark on a satellite or map image the approximate location of a plot of land, a private house, a cottage or an apartment building.

A window will automatically open online with information about the property: its description, area, cadastral number and cost. This information is provided to an unlimited number of people free of charge and without registration.


The statement is valid for 30 days only. After this period, even on paper with a seal official document is not recognized as evidence when considering a case by a court or other state and municipal structures. This is due to the fact that during this period a transfer of ownership of the property could occur.

This validity period is due to the fact that during this time it is possible to register restrictions and establish encumbrances on the object.

Thus, persons who have checked the history of an apartment for “legal purity”, that is, the absence of claims from banks, individuals, counterparties, heirs, relatives who have an obligatory share in the right to inheritance, must be sure that at the time of, for example, the main transactions, information about the owner does not change when submitting documents to Rosreestr.

Video: New “Cadastral Passport” or correctly Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate