
Dill as a spicy vegetable is used in food and for medicinal purposes. Dill is rich in vitamins, as well as mineral salts of iron, potassium, and calcium. Its leaves, fresh, dried, or canned, are used as a seasoning for various dishes. In the technical ripeness phase, dill is used for salting and pickling. In folk medicine, the fruits and greens of dill are used as a remedy for insomnia, diseases of the digestive organs, and asthma.

Dill is a cold-resistant plant. Its seeds begin to germinate at a soil temperature of about 3°. The duration of the period from sowing with dry seeds to germination depends on the temperature and humidity of the soil and ranges from 17 to 27 days. When sowing with germinated seeds, seedlings appear at 8-12 days of age.

Dill is sown in early spring, as soon as the soil is ready for sowing. To provide yourself with green dill until late autumn, the last sowing is done at the end of June. You can also carry out winter sowings, which give the earliest production from open ground.

The method of sowing seeds is multi-line (2-10 lines). The sowing rate for first class seeds is 3-4 g per 1 square meter. m. In areas free of weeds, continuous sowing of seeds can be carried out. In this case, as with winter sowing, the seeding rate must be doubled. The seeding depth is 1-1.5 cm. After sowing, it is necessary to roll the soil (with a specially made roller) or lightly tap the sowing with a wooden shovel. This promotes the flow of moisture and the friendly emergence of seedlings.

Subsequent care of crops consists of loosening the rows: timely weeding, fertilizing and watering during dry periods. The first fertilizing with nitrogen (20 g/sq. m) and potassium fertilizers (10 g/sq. m) is carried out in the phase of formation of 1-2 true leaves, the second - as needed, 3-4 weeks after the first. For cultivation in open ground in the Murmansk region, the most productive varieties are: Superducat, Uzbek 243, Armenian 269, Kibray, Gribovsky. These varieties, subject to proper cultivation techniques, can produce a yield of 2-2 kg/m2 on the 40-60th day of the growing season.


This crop is a favorite spicy vegetable. in all countries of the world. It is characterized by a high content of vitamin C, B1, B2, provitamin A (carotene), mineral salts and essential oils.

Three varieties of parsley are known in cultivation: common leaf, curly leaf and root with ordinary leaves. All three varieties can be successfully grown in the Murmansk region, but the root varieties do not form a developed root crop. Parsley is not picky about heat. Its seeds begin to germinate at a soil temperature of 2°. Shoots when sown with dry seeds appear on the 22-28th day after sowing. Depending on the temperature and soil moisture, they can tolerate frosts up to 8-9°. Grows intensively at air temperatures of 14-18°.

The seed sowing rate is 0.5-1 g/sq.m. m, planting depth 0.5-1 cm. Preparation of seeds for sowing, sowing scheme, further care of crops are the same as for dill.

Many imported varieties, characterized by high yields and vitamin content, are suitable for cultivation in the Murmansk region. Of the domestic varieties in the conditions of the Murmansk region, the most productive are: Common leaf; Curly leaf from the Krasnodar region; Local from the Transcarpathian region and Sugar from Azerbaijan. The yield of these varieties on the 70-90th day of the growing season averages 1.5-2.5 kg/sq. m.


Celery is eaten using roots, leaves and petioles. They contain vitamins (C, B1, B2 PP, carotene), mineral salts (potassium, calcium, phosphorus), sugars, amino acids (asparagine and tyrazine). The characteristic smell and taste of celery are due to the presence of essential oils that promote digestion. It is believed that this vegetable is of great importance in the treatment of obesity, has a beneficial effect on sleep and the nervous system, and stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands. It is recommended to eat it for arthritis, rheumatism, gallstone disease. Celery is widely used in the canning industry and is part of vegetable mixtures.

There are three known varieties of celery: root, leaf and petiole. In the conditions of the Murmansk region, all varieties can be grown, but root varieties, like parsley, do not form a well-developed root crop, and they are used only for greens. It is better to grow celery through seedlings. The method of growing celery seedlings is the same as cabbage seedlings. To obtain 1000 seedlings you need 0.7-1 g of first class seeds.

The best temperature for growing seedlings is 18-20°. Plant care during this period consists of timely watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing with ammonium nitrate (at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water) two weeks before planting. 5-7 days before planting the seedlings, boxes with plants for hardening are placed outside. Planting on the site is carried out in mid-June, when the plants have 3-5 true leaves. It is better to plant it in rainy weather or with watering. Plant the plants to the base of the leaves, carefully squeezing the roots with soil, but without covering the central bud. Celery is planted in 2-6-line ribbons with a distance between the lines and plants of 20 cm, between ribbons 40-50 cm. Caring for the plantings consists of weeding, loosening, watering and fertilizing. The first feeding is done 15-20 days after planting - with ammonium nitrate (15-20 g/sq. m). 2nd time - 3-4 weeks after the first, with ammonium nitrate and potassium salt (15 g/sq. m each).

When growing celery, you can use multiple cuttings. When the rosette reaches 25-30 cm, up to half the leaves are cut from each plant. At the last cutting, the leaves are cut off completely, and the root crops are used to force greenery on the window.

Celery greens can also be obtained in late autumn. To do this, the plants are dug up before the onset of sub-zero temperatures, cleaned of yellowed leaves and buried in wet sand in storage. They can remain in this state without fading for more than a month.

Many imported varieties are suitable for cultivation in the Murmansk region. Of the varieties of root celery, the most productive varieties are Apple and Delicatessen. On the 120-130th day of the growing season, their yield is 3-4 kg/sq. m. These varieties can be used for suspending plants and forcing them to the window in winter.

Promising varieties of leaf celery are local varieties from Georgia. They form a reticule 40-65 cm high, consisting of 30-52 leaves. The leaves grow back quickly after cutting. The roots of these plants, planted on the window in the fall, produce good leaf mass.


Salad plants include: lettuce (leaf and head), endive (witloof and endive), cabbage, watercress, etc. These crops are of great value for the nutrition of northerners. The leaves of these plants contain vitamins C, B1, B2, E, PP, P, K, and carotene, which, when consumed raw, have a positive effect on digestion and metabolism in the body.

Leaf and head lettuce (lettuce). This salad is grown by seedlings. Seeds are sown in boxes a month before planting the seedlings in a permanent place. To obtain 1000 seedlings, 1.5-2 g are required. Preparation of the soil mixture, sowing, and care are the same as for celery.

For friendly and rapid emergence of seedlings, maintain an air temperature of about 20°. When seedlings appear, the air temperature must be reduced to 10-12°, as the seedlings can become very elongated. After 4-6 days, the seedlings are planted (planted) in peat pots or a box with a distance of 5 cm between plants. Plants should have 3-5 true leaves by the time they are planted in open ground. Before planting, seedlings are watered.

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out after June 10, when the probability of frost is reduced to a minimum. Subsequent care for plants is the same as for celery.

Leaf varieties of lettuce are considered ready for harvesting when the plants have formed a good rosette, and in individual plants the beginning of the appearance of a stem is observed. Harvesting of cabbage varieties is carried out selectively, as heads of cabbage form. However, in private gardening, lettuce can be cut as needed 2-3 weeks after planting.

Watercress. Widely distributed as a spicy salad plant in a number of countries in Western Europe and the Middle East. It is a good antiscorbutic remedy. Its leaves contain vitamin C, carotene, rutin, as well as B vitamins. It is also rich in mineral salts necessary for human nutrition.

This is a very early ripening and cold-resistant crop. Even at relatively low air temperatures (10-12°) it grows quickly and produces high yields.

Watercress is a long-day plant, and therefore, in the conditions of the Murmansk region, with a long day, it quickly starts bolting.

For continuous production of greenery, watercress seeds are sown in plots from May 10-20 every 7-10 days until July 15-20. It works especially well when sowing in early (May 10-20) and late (July 15-20) periods. The seed sowing rate is 1.0-1.5 g/sq.m. The depth of their planting is 1 -1.5 cm. Watercress requires constant watering, since with a lack of moisture in the soil and dry air, the plants, bypassing the rosette phase, proceed to the formation of stems, and the yield decreases.

In the conditions of the Murmansk region, they can be successfully grown as early ripening varieties (Uzkolistny from VNIISSOK); and late-ripening varieties of broad-leaved varieties (Tsitsmat, Broad-leaved from Georgia).

Find out more

Choosing a salad: early maturity or usefulness. Salad without bitterness // Homestead farming. – 2011. - No. 1. – P. 30–31.

Comparative characteristics of lettuce varieties.

Gladkov, F. Roman salad for Caesar // Homestead farming. – 2009. - No. 5. – P. 28-30. - No. 8. – P. 32-33.

Growing romaine lettuce.


Has high nutritional value. The leaves and bulbs contain vitamins B1, C, and valuable mineral salts. This culture is widespread in European countries.

Leeks can be used at any stage of development. Young leaves are eaten, and in older plants also “legs” (false bulbs).

Leeks are a cold-resistant crop. Its seeds germinate at a soil temperature of 2-4°. Growth is observed at air temperatures above 5°, and the most intense at 16-18°. Onions can tolerate short-term temperature drops to -17°, after which they continue to grow and develop. In our conditions, it must be grown through seedlings. Plants planted in open ground in mid-June at moderate air temperatures (10-16°) in the second half of August form tall (20-40 cm), medium thick (2-4 cm) legs, as well as long (40-60 cm) and wide (3-6 cm) leaves. Cultivation methods, agrotechnical care, planting dates are the same as for celery. The seeding depth is 1.5-2.0 cm. To obtain 1000 seedlings, 1-5 g of seeds are required.

Of the zoned varieties, the most suitable for growing in the conditions of the Murmansk region is the Karantansky variety, which gives a yield of 2-2.5 kg/sq. m.

Perennial green vegetable crops


Sorrel leaves are rich in protein, iron, potassium, organic acids and vitamins.

Sorrel is characterized by high winter hardiness and cold resistance. Its seeds germinate at an air temperature of 2-3°, the buds awaken at 0°, and the most intense plant growth is observed at 15-16°.

Sorrel can tolerate short-term frosts down to minus 3-5°. Sorrel plants are demanding of light only at a young age, and later they can grow with slight darkness. Sorrel grows in both neutral and acidic soils.

For growing in the Murmansk region as a perennial crop, the best variety is Khibinsky. It is distinguished by winter hardiness (even in the 5th year of life it retains up to 50% of plants), productivity (the average yield over three years of use is 4 kg/sq. m). Varieties with lower winter hardiness: Broadleaf, Belleville and others can be used in annual crops.

Sow sorrel in early spring. The sowing method is tape 2-6 lines. The distance between lines is 20 cm, between tapes 40-50 cm. The seed sowing rate is 1-1.5 g/sq.m. m, planting depth - 1-2 cm. After sowing, rolling is carried out. In the first year, care consists of loosening, weeding and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (10 g/sq. m of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt a month after germination).

When growing sorrel in a perennial crop, cutting leaves in the year of sowing is carried out only if they have grown before August 1. If the development of sorrel is slow, then the leaves are not cut so that the plants do not go away weakened before winter. In the second year in the spring, after the snow melts, plant residues are removed from the site, and sorrel seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers at the rate; per 1 sq. m - 50-60 g of nitroammophoska or 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 25 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride. After each cutting of leaves (it is advisable to do the last cutting before August 20), the plants are fed with ammonium and potassium fertilizers (15 g/sq. m) , and 30-40 days before stable frosts - double superphosphate (15 g/sq. m) and potassium salt (20 g/sq. m). In the fall, before the sorrel leaves for winter, weeds must be pulled out.

During the dry period, watering is necessary, especially after cutting. When flower stems appear, they are removed.

In the autumn, after 3-4 years of using the plantation, the sorrel leaves are cut off, the rhizomes are dug up and stored in storage at a temperature of 0 to 2°, and then used for forcing on windows in winter.


In terms of nutritional value, rhubarb is on par with most vegetables. It contains vitamins A, B2, C, malic and citric acid, as well as mineral salts.

Rhubarb is a winter-hardy crop. With a snow depth of 40-60 cm, it tolerates low winter temperatures well. It is also resistant to spring frosts (2-7°).

Rhubarb has exceptional longevity (up to 30 years), but produces the highest yields within 7-10 years. The most promising varieties in the Murmansk region are Victoria, Moskovsky 42, Ogrsky 13. The seeds of these varieties are produced by the Polar Experimental Station. These varieties are productive, early ripening, and have good taste.

Rhubarb is grown by seedlings or propagated by vegetative organs. With the seedling method, seeds are sown in open ground in the early stages (in the second half of May). Rhubarb seeds germinate very slowly. Shoots appear on the 20-25th day, so before sowing they are soaked in water for two days. The seed sowing rate is 0.5-1.0 g/sq.m. m, embedment depth 1.5-2.0 cm.

10-15 days after emergence, the rhubarb is thinned out at a distance of 20 cm. The plants are planted in a permanent place the following year in a square manner (nutrition area 50x50 cm). Seedlings are planted in holes with local application of humus or peat compost. The depth of the holes is 30-33 cm. When planting, the buds are placed at the level of the soil surface. Deeper or very shallow planting causes plant death. In dry weather, planted plants are watered. You can grow seedlings on a window or in a film greenhouse. Such seedlings are planted in open ground after June 10, in this case, already in the second year after planting, you can get a harvest.

For vegetative propagation, rhubarb mother plants are used at the age of 4-5 years, selecting those that shoot less. In the second half of May, the mother plants are dug up and cut so that each part has one or two large buds and one or two thick roots. In the future, plant care is the same as when growing sorrel in a perennial crop. You can start harvesting rhubarb petioles in the second year after dividing the mother plants. The leaves (but more than 2/3 of the total) are broken off with petioles 25-30 cm long. The leaves are used for livestock feed, the petioles are used as food. When liquidating a plantation, rhubarb roots are used for forcing in the room in winter. No additional lighting required.


This is a perennial plant with a spicy taste. Lovage has long been grown in Rus', widely distributed in Ukraine, Moldova, and the Caucasus, where it is known as lovage, dawn, and piper. In some areas, lovage is also called perennial celery.

Lovage is valued for its medicinal nutritional properties. Its greens are rich in carotene, vitamins C, B, P, essential oils, phytoncides, contain malic acid, sugar, mineral salts and other substances. Young leaves, roots, and shoots are used in cooking, both fresh and dried.

Lovage is undemanding in terms of growing conditions; it grows on any soil, but the best results are obtained when cultivating it on fertile soil with a deep (30-35 cm) arable layer. Lovage is propagated by seeds or by dividing rhizomes.

In the conditions of the Murmansk region, when sowing seeds in open ground, seedlings appear on the 20-25th day. You can also grow it in seedlings. To obtain seedlings, sowing is carried out on a window at the end of April. The seedlings are planted in a box after 10-14 days.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-June. Site preparation and plant care in the first and subsequent years of life are the same as when cultivating other perennial vegetable crops (sorrel, rhubarb).

Already in the first year of life, lovage, planted with seedlings, at the end of August forms a bush with 6-7 large leaves and a height of 60-80 cm. After overwintering, plant regrowth begins as soon as the snow melts.

Perennial bows

Perennial onions begin to grow first after the snow melts. The bulbs and leaves of all types of onions are distinguished by a high content of biologically active substances, primarily ascorbic acid (vitamin C), making them a good antiscorbutic agent. The presence of bactericidal substances (phytoncides) in onions helps the human body fight a number of pathogens and increases its resistance to disease. The most common in our country are onions, chives and wild garlic.

Onion is a winter-hardy and frost-resistant plant, easily tolerates spring frosts down to – 100 C. Leaves begin to grow in spring at 10 C, the optimal temperature for their growth is 15-250 C. Seed sowing rate is 2-3 g/sq.m, planting depth is 1 -1.5 cm. With a lack of moisture, the leaves of the batun quickly become coarse, so it should be watered in a timely manner. For onions, medium-moist sandy loam and light or medium loamy soils are suitable. On sandy soils, the leaves of the batun shoot quickly and the leaves become coarser.

Soil preparation begins in the fall. Apply rotted manure or compost in an amount of 5-6 kg per 1 m2. Mineral fertilizers include superphosphate (40-50 g/m2), potassium salt (15-20 g/m2) and ammonium nitrate (10-20 g/m2). Two-thirds of superphosphate and potassium salt are added in the fall, the rest and ammonium nitrate in the spring before sowing. Onion is cultivated in annual and perennial crops. In the first case, the seeds are sown in early spring, the harvest is harvested in August, digging up the plant along with the bulb. For perennial crops, seeds are sown in early spring or before winter. In the second and subsequent years, only the leaves are cut off. For vegetative propagation, bulbs from 3-4 year old bushes are used. They are planted in spring or autumn in rows at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other.

Chives are cold-resistant, undemanding to soil, but prefer fertile, slightly acidic, well-drained soil. Photophilous.

They are grown, like batun, in annual and perennial crops. In the fall, the soil is loosened to a depth of 4-6 cm; if there are weeds, the area should be dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm and 4-6 kg/m2 of manure or 2-3 kg/m2 of humus, 20-30 g/m2 of superphosphate, 15 -20 g/m2 potassium salt. In the spring, before sowing, add 15-20 g/m2 of ammonium nitrate. Chives are grown by seeds and vegetatively. When propagating by seed, sowing is carried out in early spring and before winter. The seed sowing rate is 1.5-2 g/sq.m, planting depth is 1-1.5 cm. The rows are mulched with peat or humus. Vegetatively, chives are propagated by dividing 2-4 year old bushes. Planting is carried out in spring or autumn. The bushes are divided into parts with 2-6 bulbs in each. The bulbs are planted in well-watered holes or furrows at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Ramson is usually called two types of onions - victory onion and bear onion, which outwardly differ little from each other. Both species can be grown in Arctic conditions. This is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant. Prefers well-fertilized, non-acidic soils.

It is grown mainly by dividing the bush. It is difficult to grow wild garlic by sowing seeds in open ground in our conditions, but previously planted wild garlic reproduces well by self-seeding. During vegetative propagation, a nest of bulbs of a 4-year-old plant is divided into parts of 3-5 bulbs each, planted in rows at a distance of 20-25 cm between plants.

In the spring, after the onions have grown, plant debris should be removed and fed (20 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium salt per 1 m2). The plants are fed the second time a month after the first feeding (10 - 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m2). Ramson should also be fed after cutting (30 - 40 g of azofoska or nitroammophoska per 1 m2).

Every 5-7 years, perennial onions should be transplanted to a new location.

After 3 years of using the plantation in the far neck, growing perennial onions is not practical due to massive bolting. The bulbs of such plants are dug up in the fall and transplanted into a pot on the window to force green feathers. This type of feather forcing is much simpler and more profitable than from onions.

These perennial onions have almost no zoned varieties. For the batun onion, the Khibiny form is the most promising. Promising varieties of chives are Siberian and Pink. The seeds of these varieties are produced by the Polar Experimental Station.

In addition to the recommended basic green crops, an amateur vegetable grower can try to grow such valuable crops as spinach, borage, parsnips, mustard greens, coriander, cumin, mint, tarragon, etc. with appropriate agricultural technology and the correct selection of varieties resistant to shooting, these crops produce good yields in our zone.

When growing green vegetable crops, it is necessary to prevent the development of diseases and pests. High agricultural technology and mandatory mowing of weeds around the site are extremely important, as they contribute to the spread of diseases and pests. It is advisable to avoid the use of pesticides on green crops. To combat onion fly, which sometimes seriously affects perennial onions in the first year of sowing, repellents can be used. A row of onions is sprinkled with tobacco dust and pyrethrum. Garlic infusion is used against aphids that may appear on the leaves: take 150-200 g of garlic, grind it in a meat grinder and mix it with 10 liters of water. After 5-6 hours of infusion, the plants are treated with the liquid.

To combat the leaf beetle on sorrel and rhubarb, plants are pollinated with ash or sprayed with ash (1 glass of ash + 9 liters of water), leave for 24 hours, and filter. Spraying with infusion of potato and tomato leaves is also used.

L. Archakova

Senior Researcher

Green crops are vegetable plants that are grown to produce fresh greens, which are used for food, fresh or canned. This group of plants is usually divided into salad (lettuce, watercress, borage, etc.) and spinach (spinach, quinoa, purslane, etc.) plants. Salad vegetables are most often used fresh, and spinach vegetables are most often used for boiled dishes.

Most green crops are characterized by early ripening and cold resistance, allowing harvests to be obtained in the off-season (early spring and late autumn). They are also grown as independent plants, sown in the same area several times, and added to the main crops as a compactor.

Representatives of this group of plants have a number of undeniable advantages: they have high taste and nutritional value, and contain a large amount of vitamins and mineral salts that are valuable for the human body. In addition, they are distinguished by early ripening and cold resistance.

Among the greens there are well-known crops, such as parsley, dill, sorrel, onion; and those rarely found in our gardens, for example, watercress, purslane, and vegetable amaranth.

Green crops are widely used in cooking, both fresh and dried. They not only act as additional ingredients for preparing almost any soup, side dish, meat, fish, poultry, but can also be an independent dish in the form of sauces, dressings and drinks.

Most representatives of this group of vegetables are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Green crops are the pioneers of our vegetable gardens. Spring begins with them. It is these crops that delight us with the first harvest of each gardening season. How nice it is to pick the first green vegetable leaves from the garden in early spring. These will be, first of all, a variety of perennial onions: batun, chives, slime and, of course, parsley, which winters well under the snow when sown in autumn.

Having sowed watercress and salad mustard in early spring, after three weeks you can enjoy the vitamin-rich freshness of their greens.

Young leaves of cucumber will also remind you of the approaching summer season, filling spring salads with the summer aroma of fresh cucumber. Borage leaves are an excellent seasoning for various dishes.

And with the arrival of summer, our table will be enriched and decorated with indau and spinach, dill and asparagus, rhubarb and chard. Having a variety of greens on hand allows you to enrich the taste of any dish, diversify your home diet, and easily prevent the whole family from many diseases.

Green vegetables grown with your own hands will delight you with their taste and bring great benefits to your health. Prepared straight from the garden, they fully retain all their wonderful properties as an amazing natural source of health.

Their unpretentiousness and rapid growth make it possible to grow these wonderful plants not only in garden beds, but also in greenhouses and even just in pots on window sills or loggias.

Try to expand the range of green crops you grow. In addition to the usual and well-known parsley, perennial onions, dill, lettuce, find a place in the beds for less popular in Russia, but no less healthy and tasty crops, such as vegetable valerianella, watercress, purslane, and you will never regret this!

Green crops are classified as leafy vegetables. The leaves and young stems are eaten. Plants have high nutritional value, early ripening and relatively low heat requirements. All of them are cold-resistant plants. Thanks to this, green plants are successfully grown as intercrops and compactors. There are three groups of green vegetable crops: sowing, forcing and growing.

Onions, witloof chicory, root parsley, root celery, sorrel, rhubarb, and table beets are used as forced green crops. Forcing crops are grown mainly in low light periods, when it is impractical or impossible to cultivate cucumber, tomato, and green crops. However, large areas are occupied for forcing onions onto green feathers even during periods of sufficient illumination, when the formation of leaves is largely due to photosynthesis.

Forced green crops are characterized by high early maturity and productivity. The output of marketable products is 3-40 kg/m2 per month.

Forcing is the production of marketable products (leaves, heads of cabbage) from the reserve nutrients of bulbs, roots, and rhizomes.

Storing is an old term meaning the storage by canning of vegetable crops (leeks, celery, romaine lettuce, etc.) grown in the field, tightly buried in protected ground structures, where a low positive temperature is maintained.


A valuable green crop with high nutritional qualities (contains vitamins E, K, PP, B, mineral salts). In protected soil, leaf lettuce, buttery leaf lettuce, crispy leaf lettuce, and romaine lettuce are used.

The earliest ripening varieties of lettuce are those that form a rosette of leaves. Head lettuce varieties are later ripening. Depending on the timing and growing conditions, the duration of the period from germination to harvesting is 30-45 days for leaf lettuce, and 60-90 days for head lettuce. Head lettuce differs from leaf lettuce in higher yield and better commercial qualities. It is suitable for transportation and storage.

Of the three varieties of head lettuce, the leading place is occupied by varieties with oily leaves (Athlet, Danko). Foreign varieties for protected soil with crispy leaves are distinguished by high transportability and a unique taste. Romaine lettuce with a large cigar-shaped head has a relatively coarse leaf, is most cold-resistant, and can tolerate short-term temperature drops of up to 5 °C. It is not grown in protected soil, but is used mainly as a temporary crop.

Lettuce is a light-demanding plant. When there is insufficient lighting, the growing season is extended and loose heads of cabbage are formed. The duration of the period from planting seedlings to harvesting in conditions close to light zone V increases from 35 days when planting in April - August to 90 days when planting in October - December.

Lettuce reacts negatively to elevated temperatures. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 12...15°C. At soil temperatures above 25 °C, germination rate drops sharply. After the emergence of seedlings, the daytime temperature is maintained at 8-12 °C for a week, and the night temperature at 6-10 °C.

After planting the seedlings, during the first 1.5-2 weeks the temperature is maintained at no higher than 12-14 °C. It is effective to reduce the temperature during the formation of heads of cabbage (to 12-14°C), which helps to increase their density. The air temperature during the lettuce growing period depends on the light level.

When feeding C02, which is used only in illumination of at least 3...4 thousand. lux, the air temperature should be 2-3 °C higher than recommended. C02 fertilizing accelerates the harvest by a week.

Lettuce is very demanding on the level of soil fertility and aeration. Light, highly fertile soils are preferred for it. High demands for easily digestible forms of mineral nutrition are combined with very weak resistance to high salt concentrations. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out. Otherwise, the leaves will burn.

Head lettuce is grown by seedlings, the age of which and the duration of the period from planting to harvest depend on the lighting conditions and the purpose of the crop.

Continuous planting of seedlings is used. The planting pattern depends on the timing and variety: in winter - (22.5-25) x 20 cm; spring and summer - 10 x (18-20), 22.5 x 20; in autumn - (20-22.5) x (20-22.5) cm. Seedlings are planted by deepening the pot to no more than 1/2 of its height. It is very important that the leaves do not touch the soil, otherwise they will rot. During the first time after planting, the seedlings are watered moderately to stimulate the root system to grow deeper. Before the head of cabbage begins to form, soil moisture is maintained at 65-70% PV. Water abundantly, but rarely - in the morning on clear days, so that the plants dry out before evening. Moisturizing plants with drip irrigation leads to the spread of fungal diseases. Relative air humidity should be 70%; an increase in it leads to the development of fungal diseases, a decrease leads to the appearance of marginal leaf burn. The latter may be caused by a high concentration of salts in the soil (due to insufficient watering).

During the growing period, plants may be damaged by bacterial rot (dark spots appear along the edges of the leaves, then the entire head of cabbage decomposes), gray rot and downy mildew, which is favored by high relative humidity.

Mosaic disease (viral disease) is transmitted by seeds and aphids, and by weeds. The leaves become spotted, their edges become jagged, the veins become discolored, and heads do not form. The most dangerous pests are aphids and wireworms. Preventative measures should be taken against diseases and pests.

Continuous harvesting occurs with the onset of ripeness of the heads of cabbage. Heads of cabbage are cut with healthy rosette leaves, cleaned of damaged ones and placed in boxes in 2...3 rows with the cut side up. During the harvesting period, the plants must be dry.

If necessary, harvesting can be delayed for 15-20 days by reducing the temperature to 4 °C. Cut heads of cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator at 0 °C and relative air humidity of 90-95% for 2-3 weeks. When using plastic packaging, the shelf life can be extended to 40-50 days.

Salad cabbage(salad Chinese cabbage, often incorrectly called Chinese cabbage). It is represented by three forms of plants: leafy, semi-headed and headed. In greenhouse farms, semi-headed Chinese cabbage (Khibinskaya variety) is common, producing marketable products (2-7 kg/m2), depending on the timing and method of cultivation, 25-60 days after germination. Salad cabbage contains a complex of vitamins, and its yield is 30-50% higher than lettuce.

Lettuce is grown as an independent crop, sown before the main crop, and also as a compactor when cultivating cucumbers and tomatoes.

The most widely spread seed crop. Sowing is carried out manually or using a PRSM-7 seeder; the seeding rate is 1-2.5 g/m2 for continuous cropping and 0.5 g/m2 when used as a compactor. Too dense sowing results in low-quality products that are heavily contaminated during harvesting.

Good results are obtained by picking seedlings into cubes measuring 10 x 10 cm and planting 20-25-day-old seedlings with a feeding area of ​​20 x 20 cm. In this case, other half-headed varieties (not Khibiny) are used, which provide a higher yield of good quality. Picking is also carried out when using lettuce as a sealant. In spring greenhouses, in this case, it is possible to obtain a harvest of up to 2.5 kg/m2 in 30 days.

In the sowing crop in the early stages (January-February) the yield is 2...2.5 kg/m2, in the spring (March-April) - 3.5...4 kg/m2. When planting seedlings and growing for 40...45 days, it is possible to obtain 6-7 kg/m2.

In seedling culture in spring and autumn, it is advisable to use head varieties of Chinese cabbage TSKHA 2, Rodnik. In 67-70 days for early varieties and 75-90 days for late varieties of this crop, it is possible to obtain 8-10 kg of heads of cabbage with 1 m2 or more. Heads of cabbage are suitable for transportation and storage for 2-2.5 months, which is promising for autumn crops.

Seedlings are prepared as for salad, but a relatively high (not lower than 14 ° C) temperature is maintained, which prevents vernalization of plants, leading to flowering. Before emergence, the soil temperature is maintained at 20-25 °C. With the emergence of seedlings, it is reduced for 10 days to 16 °C during the day and to 14 °C at night, and subsequently maintained at 17 °C during the day and 15-16 °C at night.

Seedlings (20-30 days old) are planted according to the scheme 33 x 25 cm (early and mid-early varieties) and 38 x 33 cm (mid-late varieties) in well-moistened soil.

Care comes down to maintaining the temperature regime (with the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage, the temperature is reduced), soil moisture at the level of 80-85% of PV and relative air humidity of 75-80%. Greenhouses are regularly ventilated after watering. Violation of soil moisture regimes (waterlogging) contributes to the development of mucous bacteriosis, which causes great harm to the crop. A decrease in soil moisture is associated with an increase in salt concentration and a violation of the mineral nutrition regime. Fertilizing is carried out 2-3 times according to soil analysis data. Increased air humidity reduces plant transpiration, disrupts the supply of calcium to the leaves, leads to marginal burn (necrosis) of leaves and also contributes to the development of mucous bacteriosis.

Salad cabbage is harvested in one go in the morning, laying the plants of leafy and semi-headed varieties with their roots along the bottom of a box placed on the edge. The heads of cabbage are cut with a knife, cleared of damaged and contaminated leaves, and placed in boxes on their sides.

When harvesting cabbage and other green vegetables, it is very important not to allow soil to contaminate the leaves.

Of the diseases, the most dangerous is wet rot (mucous bacteriosis), which affects plants in long-term (per head) cultivation. Types of protection: thorough prevention and strict maintenance of the microclimate.

Plants are affected by cabbage clubroot. In this regard, when preparing seedlings, soils that are free from infection should be used.

Marginal burn (necrosis) of leaves is a physiological disorder associated with calcium deficiency, observed mainly in early (winter-spring) crops in conditions of low light and high relative humidity. Protective measures - treatment of plants with a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate or calcium chloride 2-3 weeks after planting seedlings 2 times a week.

Of the pests, aphids are the most dangerous. In autumn crops, cabbage and turnip moths and cutworms can be harmful. The main way to protect against them is prevention.

Lettuce, spinach, dill, rhubarb, sorrel, parsley, celery, etc. Rich in vitamins and minerals; improve the taste of food, stimulate appetite.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .

See what "GREEN CROPS" are in other dictionaries:

    Vegetable plants eaten green (fresh or canned). More than 30 types of onions, lettuce, spinach, dill, rhubarb, sorrel, parsley, celery, etc. Rich in vitamins and minerals; improves the taste of food... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Vegetable plants, the harvest of which is eaten in green form (fresh or canned). These include onions (feathers), lettuce, spinach, dill, rhubarb, sorrel and other fast-growing leafy vegetable crops, sometimes radishes. Z.K. contain a large...

    Vegetables eaten green (fresh or canned). More than 30 types of onions, lettuce, spinach, dill, rhubarb, sorrel, parsley, celery, etc. Rich in vitamins and minerals. in you; improve the taste of food, stimulate appetite... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

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Green vegetables have many positive characteristics. They are recommended by nutritionists for weight loss, as well as for the treatment of many diseases. In addition, green color has a beneficial effect on the human psyche and helps fight stress. This is why green vegetables are gaining more and more popularity every day. Let's get acquainted with the ten most useful representatives of the green vegetable world.


According to the botanical description, a cucumber is a berry with juicy pulp inside. The fruits belong to the genus of pumpkin plants, which look like a cylinder. The color of cucumbers can be either light green or dark green, depending on the variety. The vegetable has been grown for more than 6 thousand years all over the world. India is considered the birthplace of the cucumber.

The composition includes the following substances:

  • water (up to 95%);
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • folic acid;
  • cellulose.
Using cucumber as food has a healing effect on the body. Thanks to its aqueous structure, the vegetable helps eliminate waste, salts and harmful toxins. Fiber cleanses the intestines and increases its motility. In addition, if you regularly eat 2-3 cucumbers a day, you can improve the condition of the endocrine system, prevent heart disease, and also prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Important! Cucumber is one of the most suitable foods for weight loss. 100 grams of vegetables contain only 15 kcal, but they also contain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial elements.

The most popular diets are based on the introduction of cucumbers into the diet - they make the body slim in the shortest possible time without harm to health.

A plant from the amaranth family, spinach was first discovered back in the 6th century in Persia. Today it is widely used in cuisines around the world and is grown on farms as a vegetable. It can reach 30 cm in height and up to 15 cm in width. Spinach leaves of all shades of green are oval or triangular in shape.
Spinach contains:

  • vitamin A, C, E;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • antioxidants;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
The plant can be used for food in different forms: raw in salads and vitamin cocktails, boiled in soups and meat seasonings. Spinach is also prepared as a separate dish. This vegetable is a low-calorie product, having only 22 kcal per 100 grams.

Among the beneficial properties are the following:

  • protecting the body from the appearance of cancer cells;
  • stimulation of the cardiovascular system;
  • improving stomach function and eliminating constipation;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • resistance to arthritis, osteoporosis;
  • prevention of vision impairment and cataracts;
  • providing the body with energy.

Asparagus (asparagus) has more than 200 species, of which only a few are edible. This perennial plant looks like a Christmas tree - the long stem is dotted with small leaves in the form of needles on all sides. Mostly shoots up to 20 cm in length and no more than two centimeters in thickness are eaten. The neutral taste characteristics of the fruit provide an excellent opportunity to combine it with more flavorful products.
Based on color, asparagus is classified into green, purple and white. Green is the most common, it contains the most useful elements and tastes superior to the rest.

Ingredients of green asparagus:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose.
Caloric content of 100 g of product is 20 Kcal. Asparagus has a number of beneficial properties for the human body. It normalizes intestinal activity and improves digestion. Aspargine, which is part of the composition, helps to dilate blood vessels, which helps reduce high blood pressure and protect the heart. Being a natural diuretic, asparagus cleanses the kidneys.
The antiviral effect of the plant increases immunity, helps fight fungal infections, and also has a choleretic effect. Asparagus is highly valued by nutritionists and athletes. With its help you can easily lose weight and get rid of cellulite. The product goes well with the strawberry diet in summer.

Green peas belong to the legume genus, grow in oblong pods, have a round shape and a bright green color. Ripe peas taste sweet and juicy. India is considered the birthplace of peas; they have been grown there for more than 5 thousand years.

Did you know? With the help of green peas, a world record was set in 1984: Englishwoman Janet Harris ate 7,175 beans in one hour with chopsticks.

In terms of the presence of nutrients, these fruits can give a head start to any vegetable:

  • beta-carotene;
  • retinol;
  • niacin;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic and ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium.
Like most legumes, green peas are quite high in calories - 100 grams contain 73 kcal.
The benefits of this product for the body are manifested in the following:
  • strengthening bone tissue and joints;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • increasing disease resistance.
Peas are recommended to be used as the main nutritional element for athletes who are trying to build muscle without gaining excess weight.

Brussels sprouts got their name thanks to Belgian gardeners who developed this variety from ordinary kale. A two-year-old vegetable in the first year of life grows in a stem up to 60 cm. The leaves are greenish in length and reach 15-30 cm. Heads of cabbage the size of a walnut are tied in their axils. One stem can produce about 30-35 such fruits. In the second year, the crop blooms and produces seeds.
Today, this cabbage variety is grown in Western European countries, Canada and most US states.

The calorie content of the product is 42 Kcal per 100 grams.

This low-calorie vegetable contains the following beneficial substances:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins B, A and C.

By regularly adding Brussels sprouts to your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
The vegetable is useful for pregnant women. The components included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the development of the unborn child and eliminate the possibility of various defects. At the same time, unlike other types of cabbage, it does not cause constipation and increased gas formation.

Broccoli is a type of garden cabbage. Its stem can grow up to 80-90 cm and form a bud on top with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The color of the fruit is dark green. The inflorescences adhere tightly to one another and are distinguished by an unusual aroma and piquant taste. This variety was bred in the south of Italy back in the 5th century BC. e. Currently, India and China are considered the leaders in harvesting.
Every 100 grams of product contains 28 kcal.

This type of cabbage is a valuable set of vitamin and mineral complex. In the composition you can find:

  • ascorbic acid (up to 900% daily value);
  • vitamin K (700%);
  • folic acid (100%);
  • calcium (30%);
  • iron (25%);
  • phosphorus (40%);
  • potassium (50%).
A large amount of antioxidants helps remove toxic substances from the body.

Broccoli has the following effects on the human body:

  • purgation;
  • removal of excess salts from the body;
  • increasing heart performance;
  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol, increasing their elasticity;
  • cancer prevention.

ideal for dietary nutrition for weight loss. It is included in various diets as a valuable vitamin product. Even if you don’t adhere to strict dietary restrictions, but simply introduce vegetables into your daily diet as a side dish, you can easily get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Lettuce belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant consists of heads formed from light green leaves. In some cases, the stem can grow up to 1 meter. Lettuce is primarily used in salads and appetizers. The vegetable is ideally suited for dietary nutrition: 100 grams of leaves contain only 15 kcal. Of these: proteins - 1.3 g, fats - 0.15 g, carbohydrates - 2.9 g, water - 95 g.

The following components can be found in lettuce:

  • fatty acid;
  • vitamins A, PP, K, group B;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

If your metabolism is disturbed, this type of salad will be the best way to restore it. In addition, lettuce perfectly tones the body, relieves fatigue, stress, and normalizes the activity of the nervous system. By adding this plant to your diet, you can cleanse the body of toxins, get rid of excess weight and improve blood circulation.

The vegetable crop celery belongs to umbrella plants with a massive tuber and succulent shoots. The stems can grow up to 1 meter under favorable conditions with high humidity. The leaves, painted in a rich green color, resemble in shape.
Celery stalks consist of dense pulp with a pungent odor and unusual spicy taste.

Did you know? In Ancient Greece, they believed that celery brought good luck, so it was hung in homes paired with onions or garlic.

The vegetable contains nutrients that can have a beneficial effect on kidney function. An important function of this culture is the ability to destroy intestinal bacteria. The fibers of the product normalize digestive activity, relieving inflammatory processes.

In addition, the vegetable brings the following benefits:

  • energizes, increasing productivity;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • improves well-being in diabetes mellitus.

When consuming celery in large quantities, you should take into account the fact that it is rich in essential oils. They can cause allergies and also aggravate urolithiasis.

Low calorie content - only 12 kcal per 100 grams - prevents the accumulation of fat reserves. Therefore, to lose weight, many choose a diet with this component.