Пример: shoes / George - George"s shoes

1. tablets / my friends
2. the queen / England
3. house / her parents
4. department / the women
5. cat / Linda and Jason

Задание 2. Переведите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж.

Пример: Ножка стула - The leg of the chair.

1. Халат доктора
2. Мама Джона и Сильвии
3. Велосипед тестя
4. В булочной
5. Собор св. Павла

Задание 3. Переделайте предложения, используя притяжательный падеж.

Пример: The trip tomorrow has been frustrated. - Tomorrow"s trip has been frustrated.

1. I have broken the door handle.
2. This red mobile phone belongs to my aunt.
3. All grocery shops in the town were closed.
4. That pub over there is for men only.
5. These books on the table belong to my siblings.

Задание 4. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа.

1 . ... was amazing! I am happy for them.

a) Paola"s and Frank"s wedding
b) Paola and Frank"s wedding
c) Paola and Frank" wedding

2 . ... is very comfortable and easy-to-operate.

a) Mary"s car
b) Mary" car
c) car of the Mary

3 . Linda is ... now. Do you want me to call her?

a) at Paul"s
b) at Paul"
c) house of Paul

4 . Mike is a ... . He always helps me.

a) my"s classmate
b) mine classmate
c) classmate of mine

5 . ... is very old. It was build in 1078.

a) The tower of the London
b) The tower"s London
c) The tower of London

Задание 5. Из двух вариантов ответа выберите один верный.

1. We were exhausted by three hours" / three hour"s drive.
2. Are you buying the medical products at the chemist"s / the chemists" now?
3. Their party of girls / girls" party was ended by policemen.
4. This is my sister"s-in-law / sister-in-law"s parrot.
5. The price of win / win"s price is always high.


Задание 1.

1. My friends" tablets
2. The queen of England
3. Her parents" house
4. The women"s department
5. Linda and Jason"s cat

Задание 2.

1. The doctor"s overall
2. John and Silvia"s mother
3. Father-in-law"s bicycle
4. At the baker"s
5. St. Paul"s cathedral

Задание 3.

1. I have broken the handle of the door.
2. This is my aunt"s red mobile phone.
3. All grocery shops of the town were closed.
4. That is the men"s pub over there.
5. These are my siblings" books on the table.

Задание 4.

1. b)
2. a)
3. a)
4. c)
5. c)

Задание 5.

1. three hours"
2. the chemist"s
3. girls" party
4. sister-in-law"s
5. price of win

Прочитайте текст и определите родственные связи героев, используя притяжательный падеж.

George and Mary are married. (Джордж и Мэри женаты.) They have 2 children: John and Laura. (У них двое детей: Джон и Лаура.) Mary has a sister, Kelly. (У Мэри есть сестра Кэлли.) George has a brother, Rob. (У Джорджа есть брат Роб.)

George is Mary’s husband. (Джордж – муж Мэри.)

  1. Mary is ______ wife. (жена)
  2. George is __________ father. (отец)
  3. Mary is _________ mother. (мать)
  4. John is __________ son. (сын)
  5. Laura is _______ daughter. (дочь)
  6. John is __________ brother. (брат)
  7. Laura is _________ sister. (сестра)
  8. Kelly is _________ aunt. (тетя)
  9. Rob is __________ uncle. (дядя)
  10. John is __________ nephew. (племянник)
  11. Laura is _________ niece. (племянница)

1. Переведите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж существительных.

Например: отец Кэрол – Carol’s father

1. работа Джессики

2. имя доктора

3. машина Фрэнка

4. телевизор Ани

5. компьютер моих сыновей

6. дочь Марка и Виктории

7. словари Сюзанны

8. ключи моей сестры

9. сумки наших гостей

10. учитель моей дочери


1. Jessica’s job/work

2. the doctor’s name

3. Frank’s car

4. Anna’s television/TV set

5. my sons’ computer

7. Susanna’s dictionaries

8. my sister’s keys

9. our guests’ bags

10. my daughter’s teacher

Притяжательный падеж с упражнениями

1. Когда существительное, которое нужно поставить в притяжательный падеж, выражает человека или животное, мы используем "s : the manager"s office, Mr. Evan"s daughter, the horse"s tail, a policeman"s hat.

В остальных случаях (с вещами) мы обычно используем … of … :

The door of the room, the beginning of the story.

2. "s можно использовать, когда существительное выражает организацию (группу людей):

the government"s decision или the decision of the government

the company"s success или the success of the company

Также можно использовать "s с существительными, обозначающими места и страны:

The city"s new theater, the world"s population, Britain"s system of government, Italy"s largest city

3. После существительного в единственном числе мы используем "s . После существительного во множественном числе, оканчивающимся на -s , мы используем только апостроф (" ):

my sister"s room (когда сестра одна) - my sisters" room (когда сестер больше одной)

Mr. Carter"s house - the Carters" house (дом мистера и миссис Картер)

Если множественное число не оканчивается на -s , мы используем "s :

children"s book


А) Обрати внимание, что "s можно использовать не только после одного слова:

Jack and Jill"s wedding - свадьба Джека и Джил

Mr. And Mrs. Carter"s house - дом мистера и миссис Картер

Но "s не используется после очень длинных выражений, наподобие следующего:

I met the wife of the man who lent us the money ("the man who lent us the money" слишком длинное выражение,чтобы после него использовать "s )

Б) "s можно использовать и без последующего существительного, если смысл без него будет понятен:

Tom"s flat is much bigger than Ann"s (= Ann"s flat).

В) Артикль в сочетаниях существительного в притяжательном падеже и обычного существительного (thecat"s tail) относится к первой части, то есть к существительному в притяжательном падеже. Второй части артикль не нужен, так первая часть является determiner-ом для второй части. Поэтому "the cat"s tail" означает "хвост той самой кошки", а "a cat"s tail" означает "хвост какой-то кошки" или "кошачий хвост вообще". И поэтому же в выражении "Ann"s flat" артикля нет, так как артикль не ставится перед именами собственными.

3. "s также используется после слов, обозначающих время (tomorrow"s newspaper, today"s match, this evening"s show, next week"s election, Monday"s payment и так далее):

Have you still got last Saturday"s newspaper?

Мы также используем "s (или просто (" ) со множественным числом) с периодом времени:

I"ve got a week"s holiday. - У меня недельный отпуск.

I"ve got three weeks" holiday. - У меня отпуск на три недели.

I need eight hours" sleep at night.

My house is very near here - only about five minutes" walk. - Мой дом здесь совсем рядом - всего пять минутходьбы.


1. Соедини существительные при помощи "s, (") или … of …


The door/the room the door of the room

The mother/Ann Ann"s mother

1. the camera/Tom __________

2. the eyes/the cat__________

3. the top/the page_________

4. the daughter/Charles _________

5. the newspaper/today _______

6. the toys/the children

7. the name/your wife________

8. the name/this street________

9. the name/the man I saw yesterday __________

10. the new manager/the company ________

11. the result/the football match ________

12. the car/Mike parents ________

13. the garden/our neighbors

14. the children/Don and Mary

2. Прочитай предложение и напиши новое, используя подчеркнутые слова:

The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled. Tomorrow"s meeting has been cancelled.

1. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.

2. The only cinema in the town has been closed down.

3. Tourism is the main industry in the region.

3. Теперь ты должен использовать данную информацию, чтобы завершить предложения:

If I leave my house at 9 o"clock and drive to London, I arrive at about 12 o"clock. So it"s about three hours" drive to London from my house .

1. I"m going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th. So I"ve got __________________ holiday.

2. I went to sleep at 3 o"clock this morning and woke up an hour later at 4 o"clock. So I only had ________________ sleep.

3. If I leave my house at 8.50 and walk to work, I get to work at 9 o"clock. So it"s only __________ walk from my house to work.


1. Tom’s camera

2. the cat’s eyes

3. the top of the page

4. Charles’s daughter

5. today’s newspaper

6. the children’s toys

7. your wife’s name

8. the name of this street

9. the name of the man I saw yesterday

10. the new manager of the company

11. the result of the football match

12. Mike parents’ car

13. our neighbors’ garden

14. Don and Mary’s children

1. Last week’s storm caused a lot of damage.

2. The town’s only cinema has been closed down.

3. The region’s main industry is tourism.

1. I"m going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th. So I"ve got two week’s holiday/14 day’s holiday.

2. I went to sleep at 3 o"clock this morning and woke up an hour later at 4 o"clock. So I only had an hour’s sleep/one hour’s sleep.

3. If I leave my house at 8.50 and walk to work, I get to work at 9 o"clock. So it"s only ten minutes’walk from my house to work.

Добрый день! Сегодня выполним упражнения на притяжательный падеж существительных в английском языке. Повторить правила по теме Вы можете в статье . На сайте также есть по данной теме.

Вот вам кратенько инфографика для повторения.

Ну что же, приступим.

Possessive Case упражнения

Упражнение 1. Укажите единственно верный вариант употребления притяжательного падежа.

  1. My ... parents have recently decided to move to the country.

1 sister’s-in-law

2 sister-in-law’s

3) sister-in-laws’

4) sister’s-in-laws

  1. Next Tuesday we’ll mark my ... wedding anniversary.

1) sister’s and brother’s-in law

2) sister and brother-in-law’s

3) sister and brother’s-in-law

4) sister’s and brother-in-law’s

  1. It was ... idea to celebrate Christmas together with our classmates.

1) Nick’s and Andy

2) Nick and Andy’s

3) Nick and Andy

4) Nick’s and Andy’s

  1. I send you many thanks and the very best wishes on this ... Day.
  1. The ... shouts of excitement started dying down as the other team scored the winning goal.

1) supporter’s

4) supporters’

  1. My ... jokes always make us cry with laughter.

1) father-in-law

2) father’s-in-law

3) father’s-in-law’s

4) father-in-law’s

  1. Where are ... schoolbags? Have you seen them by any chance?
  1. They say that... milk is very useful.
  1. The painting disappeared from the ... house yesterday evening.
  1. All my ... bicycles are better than mine.
  1. These are ... cameras. They are expensive, aren’t they?

1) Pete and Tim’s

2) Pete’s and Tim

4) Pete’s and Tim’s

  1. The ... department is upstairs, on the third floor.
  1. The ... area is run by experienced stuff.
  1. It is the ... fault, not the children’s.

2) growns-up’s

Упражнение 2. Transform the following sentences using possessive case of nouns where possible.

  1. I’m a great lover of the music of Mozart and Chopin.
  2. The house of my Aunt Mary was surrounded by a beautiful old garden.
  3. Manchester United Club spends millions of pounds on the wages of its players.
  4. The bedroom of Paul and Helen was spacious and comfortably furnished.
  5. The favorite opera of my father was the Marriage of Figaro by Mozart.
  6. We were celebrating the victory of our football team.
  7. I’ll always remember the apple-pies of my mother-in-law.
  8. The essays of Kate and Ann were the best in the class.
  9. Isn’t it strange that he enjoys spending money of other people?
  10. When burglars broke into Simon’s house, they stole all the jewellery of his mother.

Ответы к упражнениям на притяжательный падеж.

Упражнение 1.

1 – 2, 2 – 2, 3 – 2, 4 – 2, 5 – 4, 6 – 4, 7 – 2, 8 – 2, 9 – 3, 10 – 2, 11 – 4, 12- 3, 13 – 2, 14 – 2

Упражнение 2.

  1. I’m a great lover of Mozart’s and Chopin’s music .
  2. My Aunt Mary’s house was surrounded by a beautiful old garden.
  3. Manchester United Club spends millions of pounds on its players’ wages .
  4. What do you think of the recent article on the problems of education?
  5. 5. Paul and Helen’s bedroom was spacious and comfortably furnished.
  6. My father’s favorite opera was Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro .
  7. I asked her for a glass of juice.
  8. We were celebrating the our football team’s victory .
  9. I’ll always remember my mother-in-law’s apple-pies .
  10. According to the recipe you must add a spoonful of honey to the dough.
  11. Kate’s and Ann’s essays were the best in the class.
  12. He gave me a bar of chocolate for a snack.
  13. Isn’t it strange that he enjoys spending other people’s money ?
  14. When burglars broke into Simon’s house, they stole all his mother’s jewellery.
  15. The house you are looking for is at the end of the road.

Спасибо за внимание!

Упражнения на притяжательный падеж

1. Underline the correct words in bold (Подчеркните правильное слово выделенное черным шрифтом).

a. “Who is she?” “She’s Tom’s and Bob’s / Tom and Bob’s sister.

b. “Is this Paul / Paul’s ?” “No, this is mine.”

c. “What’s your father’s / father name?

d. Where are the children’ / the children’s books?

e. This is the leg of / the leg’s the table.

f. Helen’s / Helens ball is green and white.

2. Write ’s in the correct place in the sentences as in the example ( Поставьте ’s в нужное место в предложении , как в примере ).

a. Tom is Liza ’s cousin.

b. Is this Bob car?

c. Where’s Billy bag?

d. It’s Sara birthday on Monday.

e. What’s your wife name?

f. Peter is my brother friend.

g. Diana flat is in the centre of London.

h. My uncle name is Jack.

1) Underline the correct answer ( Подчеркни правильный ответ ).

a. Liza is Ted’s wife / grandmother.

b. Gary is Ken’s brother / cousin.

c. Bob is Monica’s grandfather / grandmother.

d. Ted is Ken and Gary’s father / uncle.

e. Caroline is Gary’s aunt / mother.

f. Harry is Caroline’s father / husband.

Посмотри на семейное древо и заполни пропуски как в примере ).

b. Monica is…………………………….daughter.

c. Lucy is…………………….mother.

d. Ken and Gary are…………….cousins.

e. Bob is ……………………..father.

f. Liza is……………..sister.

Исправьте ошибки , как в примере ).

Tom and Peter’s

b. The black hat is Toms’.

c. The roof’s house is grey.

f. Mices’ tails are grey.

5. Переведите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж существительных.

Например: отец Кэрол – Carol’s father

1. работа Джессики 2. имя доктора 3. машина Фрэнка 4. телевизор Ани 5. компьютер моих сыновей 6. дочь Марка и Виктории 7. словари Сюзанны 8. ключи моей сестры 9. сумки наших гостей 10. учитель моей дочери


1. a . 2; b . 2; c . 1; d . 2; e . 1; f . 1;

2 . b . Bob s car (машина Боба);

c . Billy s bag (сумка Билли);

d . Sara s birthday (день рожденье Сары);

e. wife’s name ( имя жены );

f. my brother’s friend ( друг моего брата );

g . Diana s flat (квартира Дианы);

h. My uncle’s name ( имя дяди ).

3. 1) Underline the correct answer ( Подчеркни правильный ответ ).

a. Liza is Ted’s wife / grandmother.

b. Gary is Ken’s brother / cousin.

c. Bob is Monica’s grandfather / grandmother.

d. Ted is Ken and Gary’s father / uncle.

e. Caroline is Gary’s aunt / mother.

f. Harry is Caroline’s father / husband .

2) Look at the family tree and complete the sentences as in the example ( Посмотрите на семейное древо и заполните предложения как в примере ).

a. Harry is Caroline’s husband.

b. Monica is Harry and Caroline’s daughter.

c. Lucy is Liza and Harry’s mother.

d. Ken and Gary are Monica’s cousins.

e. Bob is Liza and Harry’s father.

f. Liza is Harry’s sister.

4. Correct the mistakes as in the example ( Исправьте ошибки , как в примере ).

a. Is that Tom’s and Peter umbrellas. Tom and Peter’s

b. The black hat is Toms’. Tom’s

c. The roof’s house is grey. The roof of the house

d. When is your mothers birthday? mother’s birthday

e. The bags are those women’. those women’s

f. Mices’ tails are grey. Mice’s tails

g. Carols father lives in the countryside. Carol’s father

5. Переведите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж существительных.

1. Jessica’s job/work
2. the doctor’s name
3. Frank’s car
4. Anna’s television/TV set
5. my sons’ computer
6. Mark and Victoria’s daughter
7. Susanna’s dictionaries
8. my sister’s keys
9. our guests’ bags
10. my daughter’s teacher

Для обозначения принадлежности чего-то кому-то в английском языке (и в американском тоже) используется конструкция с предлогом "of" (This is the office of the attorney ) или притяжательный падеж, на письме обозначающийся как "-"s" (This is the attorney"s office). Притяжательный падеж чаще употребляется в разговорном английском. Например,

Here is the desk of Mr. Young. - Here is Mr. Young"s desk.

I know the family of Mrs. Jones. - I know Mrs. Jones"s family.

Обратите внимание на изменение в порядке слов в предложении, когда используется притяжательный падеж (форма "-"s"). Сначала упоминается владелец предмета, а затем сам предмет.

Упражнение 1. Употребите данные в скобках выражения в притяжательном падеже.

1. I met ____ when I was at the store. (the daughter of Mrs. Brown)

A) Mrs. Browns" daughter

B) Mrs. Brown"s daughter

C) Mrs. Browns"s daughter

2. Welcome to our home. You may sleep in ___ tonight. (the bedroom of my son.)

A) my sons" bedroom

B) my sons"s bedroom

C) my son"s bedroom

3. I met ____ at a party last week. (the sister of Frank)

A) Franks" sister

B) Frank"s sister

C) Franks"s sister

4. Why are you reading ___? (the newspaper from yesterday)

A) yesterday"s newspaper

B) yesterdays" newspaper

C) yesterday"s new"spaper

5. The ___ is damaged. (the bicycle belonging to the child)

A) the bicycle"s child

B) the child"s bicycle

C) the childs" bicycle

6. Sarah is ___. (the name of my wife)

A) my wife"s name

B) my wifes" name

C) my name"s wife

7. I heard ___ ringing earlier. (the bell of the cow)

A) the cows"s bell

B) the cow"s bell

C) the bell"s cow

8. ___ is about to leave. (the friend of Paul)

A) Pauls" friend

B) Pauls"s friend

C) Paul"s friend

9. On Thanksgiving, ____ is short! (the life of a turkey)

A) a turkey"s life

B) a turkeys" life

C) a turkeys"s life

10. Abraham Lincoln was ____ . (the 16th President of America)

A) Americas 16th President

B) Americas"s 16th President

C) America"s 16th President

Упражнение 2. Есть ли ошибки в этих предложениях? Если да, то исправьте их.

1. She is the childrens teacher.

2. I like her sons blue eyes.

3. There are three computer"s over there.

4. I met Helen"s daughter"s boyfriend

5. Don"t give me any excuse"s.

6. What is the name of Clintons wife?

7. What do you think of it"s price? Is it too expensive?

8. It"s no use asking me.

9. Her mother"s not very happy.

10. My mothers mother was born in Scotland.

11. It"s too late to stop now. Tell Van.

12. The team has lost it"s coach.

13. It"s later than you think.

14. The United States are very powerful.

15. Its all very complicated.

Глава 12

12.1 Глагол "TO GET"

В американском английском глагол "get" используется очень часто в значении "становиться" ("become") + прилагательное, например:

I"m getting hungry.

You shouldn"t eat so much. You"ll get fat.

Также "get" используется в сочетании с причастием прошедшего времени ("-ed"). Причастие прошедшего времени употребляется как прилагательное для описания предмета:

We got worried, because they were late.

I got tired from all the work.

Чаще всего после "get" можно встретить "angry," "anxious," "big," "cold," "dark," "fat," "hot," "hungry," "late," "mad," "old," "rich," "sleepy," "tall," "thirsty," "warm," "well," "wet."

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу сочетание GET + причастие II

1. My boyfriend asked me to marry him. We...

A) got engaged B) got divorced C) got done

2. I heard a strange noise last night, and I...

A) got invited B) got scared C) got tired

3. After my shower, I...

A) got crowded B) got lost C) got dressed

4. I wanted to go to the party, but I didn"t...

A) get killed B) get invited C) get worried

5. In the freeway accident some people...

A) got crowded B) got sunburned C) got hurt

6. Unfortunately, two people...

A) got confused B) got dressed C) got killed

7. I thought the book would be dull, but I really...

A) got interested B) got acquainted C) got tired

8. Jack didn"t understand the teacher. He...

A) got crowded B) got married C) got confused

9. Our classroom has too many people. The class...

A) got drunk B) got crowded C) got engaged

10. I can go to the movies after my homework...

A) gets finished B) gets involved C) gets crowded

Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу сочетание GET + прилагательное

1. It"s late and I haven"t eaten dinner yet. I"m...

A) getting hungry B) getting angry C) getting dirty

2. When it"s late at night, most people...

A) get hungry B) get sleepy C) get angry

3. People who drink too much caffeine might...

A) get hot B) get angry C) get nervous

4. On a hot day, people...

A) get full B) get thirsty C) get busy

5. People who win the lottery...

A) get hungry B) get busy C) get rich

6. When you eat a big dinner, you...

A) get hungry B) get old C) get full

7. It"s my birthday today. I"m...

A) getting old B) getting thirsty C) getting serious

8. If you spin around fast, you can...

A) get rich B) get quiet C) get dizzy

9. When students take a test, they usually...

A) get full B) get anxious C) get wet

10. When it snows outside, it...

A) gets cold B) gets warm C) gets late

Упражнение 3. Сопоставьте выражения из солонки В с предложением в колонке А.

Column A Column B
A. When two people first meet, they... B. I don"t feel very well. I think I"m... C. People who stay out in the sun too long... D. Some people drink too much beer at a party and they... E. When a movie isn"t very interesting, people... F. Jack and Jill argued too often, so they... G. Some people who play the lotto... H. If a person has a problem, he or she might... I. People who commit a crime should... J. Two people who love each other very much... K. Look at my niece. She"s growing up so fast. She"s... L. At Christmas time, the stores... M. When it rains, all the flowers... N. My friend"s hair is falling out. He"s... O. After a shower, I use a towel to... P. Don"t touch the trash! You"ll... Q. Wow! Look at the time! It"s... R. My cold is finally gone away. I... S. I"ve been running for half an hour. I"m really... T. Do what I say, or I"ll... 1. get acquainted 2. get angry 3. get arrested 4. getting bald 5. got better 6. getting big 7. get bored 8. get crowded 9. get dirty 10. got divorced 11. get drunk 12. get dry 13. get lucky 14. getting late 15. get married 16. getting sick 17. get sunburned 18. getting sweaty 19. get watered 20. get worried

12.2 Неопределенные местоимения "OTHER"

Формы "other" могут использоваться в качестве прилагательного или наречия:

Ед. число: another book (is) another is

Мн. число: other books (are) others (are)

Ед. число: the other book (is) the other (is)

Мн. число: the other books (are) the others (are)

Обратите внимание, что окончание -s употребляется только для множественного числа местоимения "other" - "others". "Another" обозначает «еще один в добавление к существующему». "Other/others" (без "the") обозначает «еще несколько в добавление к существующему». "The other(s)" имеет совершенно другое значение – другой/другие (ранее не упоминавшиеся):

I have three apartments. Two are mine. The other is yours.

У меня три квартиры. Две – мои. А другая – твоя.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1) Can I have ___ cup of coffee?

2) When Tom saw himself in the mirror, he was very surprised.

One of his eyes is blue. ___ is brown.

3) I have five pets. Two are dogs, and ___ are cats.

4) Michael has three eyes. One is green. ___ is yellow, and...

5) Nick found some ants. One of the ants is eating a dead bug.

Ants are eating a piece of apple. Nick thinks that most ants are vegetarian.

6) Oh my gosh! I wet my pants! I just needed ___ five minutes.

7) Some people eat beef, while ___ eat fish.

8) Fifteen students are here. Two of them are studying, but ___ are sleeping.

9) There is a lot of different kinds of fruit. One kind is an apple, another is an orange. What ___ fruit do you like?

10) I have seen four monsters. One of them was a witch. Another was a vampire. ___ was a werewolf. The other was my mom without makeup!